Battle of Shiloh, Tennessee

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Battle of Shiloh, Tennessee - Confederate troops surprise Union forces early in the morning on April 6, driving them to the banks of the Tennessee River at Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee. Fresh Union troops arrive that night to help Union forces regain the territory lost the day before.

  • Also referred to as the Battle of Pittsburg Landing


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Union Order of Battle

Army of the Tennessee

Major General Ulysses S. Grant, Commanding

General Staff & Headquarters

Divisions Brigades Regiments and
Smaller Units
1st Division
(John A. McClernand, Major General)
1st Brigade
(Abraham M. Hare, Colonel / Marcellus M. Crocker, Colonel)
2nd Brigade
(C. Carroll Marsh, Colonel)
3rd Brigade
(Julius Raith, Colonel / Enos P. Wood, Lieutenant Colonel)
Not Brigaded
2nd Division
(W.H.L. Wallace, Brigadier General / James M. Tuttle, Colonel)
1st Brigade
(James M. Tuttle, Colonel / James Baker, Lieutenant Colonel)
2nd Brigade
(John McArthur, Brigadier General / Thomas Morton, Colonel)
3rd Brigade
(Thomas W. Sweeny, Colonel / Silas D. Baldwin, Colonel)
Not Brigaded
3rd Division
(Lew Wallace, Brigadier General)
1st Brigade
(Morgan Lewis Smith, Colonel)
2nd Brigade
(John Milton Thayer, Colonel)
3rd Brigade
(Charles Whittlesey, Colonel)
Not Brigaded
4th Division
(Stephen A. Hurlbut, Brigadier General)
1st Brigade
(Nelson G. Williams, Colonel / Isaac C. Pugh, Colonel)
2nd Brigade
(James C. Veatch, Colonel)
3rd Brigade
(Jacob G. Lauman, Brigadier General)
Not Brigaded
Fifth Division
William Tecumpseh Sherman, Brigadier General)
1st Brigade
(John Adair McDowell, Colonel)
2nd Brigade
(David Stuart, Colonel / Oscar Malmborg, Lieutenant Colonel / Thomas Kilby Smith, Colonel)
3rd Brigade
(Jesse Hildebrand, Colonel)
4th Brigade
(Ralph P. Buckland, Colonel)
Not Brigaded
6th Division
(Benjamin M. Prentiss, Brigadier General)
1st Brigade
(Everett Peabody, Colonel, John L. Doran)[5]
2nd Brigade
(Madison Miller, Colonel)
Not Brigaded
Unassigned Troops
Army of the Ohio

Major General Don Carlos Buell, Commanding

General Staff and Headquarters

Division Brigade Regiments and
Smaller Units
2nd Division
(Alexander M. McCook, Brigadier General)
4th Brigade
(Lovell H. Rousseau, Brigadier General)
5th Brigade
(Edward N. Kirk, Colonel)
6th Brigade
(William H. Gibson, Colonel)
4th Division
(William Nelson, Brigadier General)
10th Brigade
(Jacob Ammen, Colonel)
19th Brigade
(William Babcock Hazen, Colonel)
22nd Brigade
(Sanders D. Bruce, Colonel)
5th Division
(Thomas L. Crittenden, Brigadier General)
11th Brigade
(Jeremiah T. Boyle, Brigadier General)
14th Brigade
(William Sooy Smith, Colonel)
Not Brigaded
6th Division
(Thomas J. Wood, Brigadier General)
20th Brigade
(James A. Garfield, Brigadier General)
21st Brigade
(George D. Wagner, Colonel)

Confederate Order of Battle


  • Union: 1,754 killed, 8,408 wounded, 2,885 captured and missing = Total 13,047


  1. Unit not specified, does not appear on any of the unit homepages
  2. Not originally referenced on Dyer, but listed on unit homepage
  3. Listed as Company C in battle entry, listed as Company B on unit homepage
  4. Listed as 1st Missouri Light Artillery / Battery C
  5. Doran's regiment, the 17th Wisconsin, was stationed at Benton Barracks until April 10 when it moved to Pittsburg Landing. Colonel Doran was detached from his regiment to assume command of the 1st Brigade on the Shiloh battlefield on April 6
  6. Quinn commanded the remnants of the 6th Division following Prentiss' surrender
  7. Not originally listed on Dyer summary, but listed on unit homepage
  8. Temporarily attached to the 4th Brigade, Army of the Ohio
  9. At Savannah during the engagement
  10. Listed on Dyer as the 39th Indiana Infantry
  11. Listed as Battery I in Dyer summary
