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February 16, 1861 - Major Robert Anderson to Adjutant-General Samuel Cooper
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Union Correspondence, etc.
No. 46.] FORT SUMTER, S.C., February 16, 1861.
(Received A.G.O., February 19.)
Colonel S. COOPER,
Adjutant-General U.S. Army:
COLONEL: I have the honor to report that we cannot see that any work is being carried on at either of the works in sight, except that at Fort Moultrie they appear to be making some changes. They may, perhaps, be engaged in removing some of the heaviest of the guns of their battery, either to place them in the floating battery or on Morris Island, where their fire would be more effective against this work than it would be from Fort Moultie. By the by, I should like to be instructed on a question which may present itself in reference to the floating battery, viz: What course would it be proper for me to take if, without a declaration of war, or a notification of hostilities, I should see them approaching my fort with that battery? They may attempt placing it within good distance before a declaration of hostile intention.
I am, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Major, First Artillery, Commanding.
The wind is freshening as though it may be the commencement of storm.
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