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January 5, 1861 - Assistant Adjutant-General Lorenzo Thomas to 1st Lieutenant Charles Woods

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Union Correspondence, etc.

HEADQUARTERS, January 5, 1861.

First Lieutenant CHARLES R. WOODS,
Ninth Infantry, Fort Columbus:

SIR: The steamship Star of the West has been chartered to take two hundred recruits from Fort Columbus to Fort Sumter, South Carolina, to re-enforce the garrison at that post. You are placed in command of the detachment, assisted by Lieuts. W.A. Webb, Fifth Infantry, C.W. Thomas, First Infantry, and Asst. Surg. P.G.S. Ten Broeck, Medical Department. Arms and ammunition for your men will be placed don the steamer and three months' supply of subsistence.

The duty upon which you are now placed by direction of the General-in-Chief will require great care and energy on your part to execute it successfully, for it is important that all your movements be kept as secret as possible. Accordingly on approaching the Charleston bar, you will place below decks your entire force, in order that only the ordinary crew may be seen by persons from the shore or on boarding the vessel. Every precaution must be resorted to prevent being fired upon by batteries erected on either Sullivan's or James Island.



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