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December 1, 1860 - Adj. Gen. Samuel Cooper to Major Robert Anderson
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Union Correspondence, etc.
December 1, 1860.
SIR: Your letter of November 28 has been received. The Secretary of War has directed Brevet Colonel Huger to repair to this city, as soon as he can safely leave his post, to return there in a short time. He desires you to see Colonel Huger, and confer with him prior to his departure on the matters which have been confided to each of you.
It is believe, from information thought to be reliable, that an attack will not be made on your command, and the Secretary has only to revere to his conversation with you, and to caution you that, should his convictions unhappily prove untrue, your actions must be such as to be free from the charge of initiating a collision. If attacked, you are, of course, expected to defend the trust committed to you to the best of your ability.
The increase of the force under your command, however much to be desired, would, the Secretary thinks, judging from the recent excitement produce on account of an anticipated increase,as mention din your letter, but and to that excitement, and might lead to serious results.
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