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Joint reports of Major D.R. Jones, Assistant Adjutant-General, C. S. Army; and Colonel Charles Allston, jr., Commander H.T. Hartstene (C.S. Navy), and Messrs. William Porcher Miles and Roger A. Pryor, aides-de-camp
April 15, 1861.
SIR: We, the undersigned, beg leave to submit the following report of our visit to Fort Sumter, and of our interview with Major Anderson, on Saturday, the 13th instant, in obedience to your orders.
We arrived at the fort about a quarter to 3 o'clock p. m.; were met at the what by Captain Seymour, and were at once conducted to the presence of Major Anderson. We informed his that we came from you to say that, on learning the fort was in flames, and his flag down, you had sent Colonels Miles and Pryor and Captain Lee, members of your staff, to offer any assistance in your power, and that as soon as hid flag of truce was hoisted you sent us to received any propositions he might wish to make. Major Anderson said and exceedingly disagreeable and embarrassing mistake had occurred; that his flagstaff had bee shot down, but that as soon as it could be done his flag was again heisted.
Just at this time it was reported to him that General Wigfall was outside the fort demanding to see the commanding officer. major Anderson said that he went out and met General Wighfall, who told him that he came from General Beauregard to demand the surrender of the fort, and urged Major Anderson to haul down his flag and run up a flag of truce; that General Beauregard would give him the same terms offered before the conflict began. Major Anderson then stated that he wa much surprised to learn from Colonels Miles and Pryor and Captain Lee, who had arrived at the fort soon after he had lowered his flag, that although General Wigfall wa on the staff of General Beauregard, he had been two days away from him, and was acting on the staff of some general on Morris Island; that as soon as he (Major Anderson) learned this, he told Captain Lee that he would immediately run up his flag and recommence his firing.
Major Anderson then read to us a note which he had sent to you by the hand of Captain lee, in which he said that he would surrender the fort on the same terms offered by you in your letter to him on the 11th instant. On learning this we told him that we were authorized to offer him those terms, excepting only the clause relating to the salute to the flag, to which Major Anderson replied it would be exceedingly gratifying to him, as well as to his command, to be permitted os lute their flag, having so gallantly defended the fort under such trying circumstances, and hoped that General Beauregard would not refuse it, as such a privilege was not unusual. We told him we were not authorized to grant that privilege, and asked him what his answer would be if not permitted to salute his flag. he said he would not urge the point, but would prefer to refer the matter again to you, and requested us to see you again and get your reply.
Major Anderson requested us to say to Governor Pickens and yourself that, as an evidence of his desire to save the public property as much as possible, he had three times on Friday and twice on Saturday sent his men up to extinguish the fire under the heavy fire of our batteries, and when the magazines were in imminent danger of being blown up.
We then returned to the city and reported to you substantially as above.
We have the honor to be, general, very respectfully, your obedient servants,
Assistant Adjutant-General.
Colonel and A.D.C.
Brigadier General G.T. BEAUREGARD,
Commanding Provisional Army.
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