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December 26, 1860 - Major Robert Anderson to Adjutant General Samuel Cooper
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Reports of Maj. Robert Anderson, U.S. Army, of the evacuation of Fort Moultrie, S.C.
No. 11.]
December 26, 1860
8 p.m.
(Received A.G.O., December 29.)
COLONEL: I have the honor to report that I have just completed, by the blessing of God, the removal to this fort of all of my garrison, except the surgeon, four non-commissioned officers, and seven men. We have one year's supply of hospital stores and about four months' supply of provisions for my command. I left orders to have all the guns at Fort Moultrie spiked, and the carriages of the 32-pounders, which are old, destroyed. I have sent orders to Captain Foster, who remains at Fort Moultrie, to destroy all the ammunition which he cannot send over. The step which I have taken was, in my opinion, necessary to prevent the effusion of blood.
Respectfully, your obedient servant,
Major, First Artillery, Commanding.
to Colonel S. COOPER,
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