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This template shows the roster for the 6th Wisconsin Infantry / Company I.

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.

6th Wisconsin Infantry / Company I (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain Leonard Johnson Glendale, WI May 15, 1861
Captain John A. Kellogg Mauston, WI December 12, 1861
Captain Alexander Lowrie Jefferson, WI February 25, 1865
1st Lieutenant Frank A. Haskell Madison, WI July 5, 1861
1st Lieutenant Clayton E. Rogers Whitestown, WI December 12, 1861
1st Lieutenant Earl M. Rogers Bad Ax, WI July 16, 1863
1st Lieutenant Francis A. Waller De Soto, WI March 23, 1865
2nd Lieutenant Amos T. Johnson Hillsborough, WI May 15, 1861
2nd Lieutenant John M. Goodwin Plymouth, WI March 23, 1865
1st Sergeant Chester A. Green Glendale, WI ?
1st Sergeant Ichabod B. Hill Hillsborough, WI ?
1st Sergeant Andrew Miller De Soto, WI ?
1st Sergeant Levi N. Tongue Hillsborough, WI ?
Sergeant William Clawater Bad Ax, WI ?
Sergeant William S. Cushing De Soto, WI ?
Sergeant Henry Didiot Hillsborough, WI ?
Sergeant Jacob S. Driggs Glendale, WI ?
Sergeant Edmund T. Fearn Whitestown, WI ?
Sergeant William Fox Hillsborough, WI ?
Sergeant William H. Hauckabout Viroqua, WI ?
Sergeant Charles Jones Mauston, WI ?
Sergeant William Lawrence De Soto, WI ?
Sergeant James E. Newell Viroqua, WI ?
Sergeant Thomas Newton Glendale, WI ?
Sergeant Alfred Thompson Harmony, WI ?
Sergeant Levi L. Tongue Hillsborough, WI ?
Sergeant Samuel G. Waller De Soto, WI ?
Corporal John C. Barry Christiana, WI ?
Corporal John M. Brigham Glendale, WI ?
Corporal Oliver P. Fretwell Viroqua, WI ?
Corporal Chauncey A. Green Whitestown, WI ?
Corporal John Luke Plymouth, WI ?
Corporal Thomas W. McClure Hillsborough, WI ?
Corporal George D. McDill De Soto, WI ?
Corporal James McLane Webster, WI ?
Corporal William Moar Milwaukee, WI ?
Corporal James C. Moody La Crosse ?
Corporal William Nichols Wonewoc, WI ?
Corporal Selah Reeve Rubicon, WI ?
Corporal Gabriel A. Ruby De Soto, WI ?
Corporal Hiram Sanders Hillsborough, WI ?
Corporal Milton Southwick Franklin, WI ?
Corporal George W. Thurber Hillsborough, WI ?
Corporal Richard A. Warham De Soto, WI ?
Corporal Froland Willey Hillsborough, WI ?
Corporal Isaiah Williams Franklin, WI ?
Corporal Loring B.F. Winslow West Point, WI ?
Wagoner James R. Lyon Glendale, WI ?
Fifer Samuel Walker Wellington, WI ?

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.

6th Wisconsin Infantry, Company I (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private Gilbert L. Allen Harmony, WI June 1, 1861
Private Thomas W. Allen Hillsborough, WI May 10, 1861
Private George W. Atwood Whitestown, WI June 1, 1861
Private Walker T. Barcus Harmony, WI June 1, 1861
Private Jacob Bauer Saukville, WI October 14, 1864
Private Leroy S. Benedict La Crosse, WI January 5, 1864
Private William Biermuk Holland, WI October 21, 1864
Private Charles Birnbaum Jefferson, WI June 1, 1861
Private Hollis W. Bishop Christiana, WI January 26, 1864
Private Charles F. Bohn Greenwood, WI May 10, 1861
Private William Bohne Grafton, WI October 13, 1864
Private William L. Bolden Ontario, WI February 1, 1862
Private Lewis M. Boughton Tomah, WI June 1, 1861
Private Edward L. Briggs Franklin, WI June 1, 1861
Private Sylvester Brill Hillsborough, WI December 26, 1863
Private Nathan Burchell Hillsborough, WI May 10, 1861
Private Elias C. Burdick Whitestown, WI June 1, 1861
Private James O. Burrell Viroqua, WI February 22, 1862
Private John Campbell Sterling, WI January 4, 1864
Private Daniel Campfield Wellington, WI June 1, 1861
Private Charles E. Carnes Wonewoc, WI May 10, 1861
Private William R. Carnes Christiana, WI January 21, 1864
Private Marcus D. Carter Rubicon, WI February 16, 1864
Private William H. Church Hillsborough, WI December 26, 1863
Private Emmet Clark Freeman, WI January 16, 1864
Private Herman Cole Christiana, WI January 22, 1864
Private William M. Collins Sterling, WI January 1, 1864
Private Charles A. Conklin Viroqua, WI June 1, 1861
Private George W. Daniels Hillsborough, WI December 26, 1863
Private William H. Darrow Strong's Prairie, WI September 26, 1864
Private Lawson Davis Glendale, WI May 11, 1861
Private Nicolas Demarth Saukville, WI October 14, 1864
Private Charles Dibble Freeman, WI January 16, 1864
Private George W. Douglass Hillsborough, WI May 10, 1861
Private Abraham Doupons Holland, WI October 21, 1864
Private John W. Elliot Sterling, WI December 29, 1863
Private Caleb A. Ellis Harmony, WI September 21, 1864
Private Franklin Ellsworth Whitestown, WI June 1, 1861
Private Albert Emmons Christiana, WI January 2, 1864
Private Bradley Emons Hillsborough, WI December 26, 1863
Private Isaac Ernisse Holland, WI October 21, 1864
Private Charles Everett Viroqua, WI June 1, 1861
Private James Farman Prairie du Chien, WI July 16, 1861
Private James Feight Watertown, WI March 7, 1864
Private Dewitt C. Fenton Hillsborough, WI May 10, 1861
Private Rudolph Fine Hillsborough, WI May 10, 1861
Private Albert E. Fosdick Wheatland, WI August 30, 1862
Private Henry A. Fosdick Wheatland, WI August 30, 1862
Private Abijah Fox Hillsborough, WI May 10, 1861
Private Henry Frey Richfield, WI October 12, 1864
Private Alexander Graham Debello, WI June 1, 1861
Private Larneck Graham Tomah, WI November 18, 1864
Private Allen C. Grant (Jr.) Plymouth, WI October 21, 1864
Private Richard Gray Watertown, WI February 27, 1864
Private John F. Harding Viroqua, WI June 1, 1861
Private John Harland Glendale, WI May 11, 1861
Private Lewi Hart Whitestown, WI June 1, 1861
Private John H. Hendrickson Mauston, WI January 2, 1863
Private Ernst Hiller Scott, WI October 21, 1864
Private Christin Hopp Sterling, WI December 29, 1863
Private Peter Hubert Grafton, WI October 13, 1864
Private Jesse H. Hyatt La Crosse, WI December 26, 1863
Private Abel H. Johnson Harmony, WI June 1, 1861
Private John Peter Johnson Medina, WI January 20, 1864
Private William Johnson Sparta, WI March 1, 1862
Private Joseph Johnston Harmony, WI June 1, 1861
Private Henry Jones Plymouth, WI May 11, 1861
Private Henry Kneibes Scott, WI October 21, 1864
Private August Koenig Saukville, WI October 14, 1864
Private Cornelius Koole Holland, WI October 21, 1864
Private John Krell Saukville, WI October 14, 1864
Private Ferdinand Kurchenmeister Farmington, WI October 18, 1864
Private Abram La Mahien Holland, WI January 31, 1865
Private Oscar D. Lester Utica, WI October 29, 1864
Private Charles Lind Hillsborough, WI May 10, 1861
Private David Lind West Point, WI January 4, 1864
Private Edward Lind De Soto, WI June 1, 1861
Private William Lindsley Sparta, WI March 21, 1862
Private John W. Longmire Viroqua, WI June 1, 1861
Private Sydney B. Lovelin Rochester, NY May 10, 1861
Private Squire Mack Christiana, WI May 10, 1861
Private Peter S. Markle Mormon Cooley, WI June 1, 1861
Private William A. Mattison Hillsborough, WI May 10, 1861
Private Hugh F. McClure Hillsborough, WI May 10, 1861
Private Robert C. McMinn Sterling, WI September 30, 1864
Private William E. Minshall Viroqua, WI June 1, 1861
Private John G. Moody Eau Galle, WI September 27, 1864
Private Daniel W. Nutting Whitestown, WI June 1, 1861
Private John P. Oliver Sterliing, WI December 29, 1863
Private John G. Onk Holland, WI October 21, 1864
Private William Orlebeke Holland, WI October 21, 1864
Private Charles F. Page De Soto, WI July 16, 1861
Private Elias H. Parker Watertown, WI March 7, 1864
Private Levi Pearson Hillsborough, WI May 10, 1861
Private Harvey W. Phillips Sterling, WI December 29, 1863
Private Richard H. Phillips La Crosse, WI January 5, 1864
Private Daniel A. Pierce Hillsborough, WI January 11, 1864
Private William Pietz Bloomfield, WI November 2, 1864
Private Daniel Remington De Soto, WI June 1, 1861
Private H.M. Richardson Viroqua, WI June 1, 1861
Private William L. Riley Viroqua, WI June 1, 1861
Private George Robbins Glendale, WI May 11, 1861
Private Isaac W. Roberts Prairie du Chien, WI December 5, 1863
Private Eli Rockwell Sparta, WI March 16, 1862
Private Aldridge W. Rodgers Greenwood, WI May 10, 1861
Private Avando Salts Waterloo, WI December 26, 1863
Private Tillman Sanders Greenwood, WI February 13, 1864
Private Isaac Schager Plymouth, WI October 21, 1864
Private John J. Schloten Holland, WI October 21, 1864
Private Gottfried Schoeber Hillsborough, WI May 10, 1861
Private Gottlieb Schuster Farmington, WI October 18, 1864
Private Abraham Searles Hillsborough, WI December 28, 1863
Private Edward E. Sears Viroqua, WI July 16, 1861
Private William Sears De Soto, WI July 16, 1861
Private Caleb Shreeve Greenwood, WI May 10, 1861
Private Clark Smith Sterling, WI December 29, 1863
Private Robert N. Smith De Soto, WI July 16, 1861
Private John L. Somerby Viroqua, WI June 1, 1861
Private James A. Stalker Sparta, WI March 11, 1862
Private Levi Stedman Brookville, WI June 1, 1861
Private Michael Steinert Farmington, WI October 18, 1864
Private George W. Sutton Viroqua, WI June 1, 1861
Private Reuben Sweet Wonewoc, WI December 18, 1863
Private William Sweet Wonewoc, WI June 1, 1861
Private Daniel N. Taylor Christiana, WI January 22, 1864
Private Girt John Te Lindert Holland, WI October 21, 1864
Private Dirk Willen Te Ronde Holland, WI October 21, 1864
Private George W. Thompson Hillsborough, WI June 1, 1861
Private Reuben Thompson Hillsborough, WI May 10, 1861
Private Cornelius P. Tower Utica, WI October 29, 1864
Private Silas H. Tracey Wonewoc, WI July 1, 1861
Private John Vanderfagt Holland, WI October 21, 1864
Private Arnt. John Van Vrink Holland, WI October 21, 1864
Private Christian Voskiel Holland, WI October 21, 1864
Private James C. Wallace Viroqua, WI June 1, 1861
Private Thomas D. Waller Merton, WI February 16, 1864
Private Valentine Warner Sparta, WI March 1, 1862
Private Henry Wheeler Hillsborough, WI December 26, 1863
Private John W. White La Crosse, WI January 11, 1864
Private Thomas H. White Sterling, WI December 29, 1863
Private Gerrit John Wiescamp Holland, WI October 21, 1864
Private Edmund G. Willard Christiana, WI January 22, 1864
Private John T. Willey Hillsborough, WI May 10, 1861
Private Arnold Wolfred Holland, WI October 21, 1864
Private Joseph Woods Whitestown, WI June 1, 1861
Private Caleb C. Wright Ironton, WI July 20, 1861
Private Chester A. Wyman Hillsborough, WI May 10, 1861
Private Arnoldus Zwenick Holland, WI October 21, 1864