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This template shows the roster for the 6th Wisconsin Infantry / Company E.

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.

6th Wisconsin Infantry / Company E (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain Edward S. Bragg Fond du Lac, WI May 5, 1861
Captain Edwin A. Brown Fond du Lac, WI September 18, 1861
Captain Joseph H. Marston Appleton, WI September 18, 1862
Captain Charles P. Hyatt Prescott, WI April 19, 1864
Captain Henry T. Garfield Shiocton, WI April 19, 1864
1st Lieutenant Jerome B. Johnson Fond du Lac, WI September 18, 1862
1st Lieutenant Michael Mangen Fond du Lac, WI August 8, 1863
1st Lieutenant George Johnson Shawano, WI January 14, 1865
2nd Lieutenant Andrew G. Deacon Fond du Lac, WI September 18, 1862
2nd Lieutenant George D. Eggleston Appleton, WI January 14, 1865
1st Sergeant John H. Burns Oakfield, WI ?
1st Sergeant James F. Parkhurst Appleton, WI ?
1st Sergeant Worthie H. Patton Appleton, WI ?
1st Sergeant William A. Reader Fond du Lac, WI ?
1st Sergeant Stephen D. Tuttle Auburn, WI ?
Sergeant Stephen S. Cisco Auburn, WI ?
Sergeant William A. Dillon Appleton, WI ?
Sergeant William Frazer Appleton, WI ?
Sergeant Henry Jewett Auburn, WI ?
Sergeant Edwin C. Jones "Cosmopolite" ?
Sergeant William H. Rowe Greenbush, WI ?
Sergeant Benjamin E. Smith Fond du Lac, WI ?
Sergeant Gilford Smith Ashford, WI ?
Sergeant George H. Taylor Shawano, WI ?
Sergeant Lyman L. White Appleton, WI ?
Corporal Frederick Baldwin Eden, WI ?
Corporal Jehial S. Berry Fond du Lac, WI ?
Corporal Francis A. Deleglise Appleton, WI ?
Corporal John W. Edwards Ridgeway, WI ?
Corporal John Eggebrecht Milwaukee, WI ?
Corporal Isaac B. Finch Mishawaukee, IN ?
Corporal Simon P. Green Fond du Lac, WI ?
Corporal George T. Hall Fond du Lac, WI ?
Corporal John P. Hart Fond du Lac, WI ?
Corporal Orlando Hayford Weyauwega, WI ?
Corporal Martin B. Hull Ashford, WI ?
Corporal George W. Kingsbury Beaver Dam, WI ?
Corporal Bernhard Krebs Fond du Lac, WI ?
Corporal Reuben Lindley Fond du Lac, WI ?
Corporal John L. Mason Fond du Lac, WI ?
Corporal Charles Morris Weyauwega, WI ?
Corporal George H. Phelps Appleton, WI ?
Corporal Gideon S. Potter Chilton, WI ?
Corporal Samuel Vincent Rosendale, WI ?
Corporal Sala P. Webb Watertown, WI ?
Corporal Richard Woodland Appleton, WI ?
Corporal Albert V. Young Fond du Lac, WI ?
Drummer John M. Moore Springvale, WI ?
Drummer Smith Spencer Oakfield, WI ?
Wagoner Julius A. Murray Shawano, WI ?

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.

6th Wisconsin Infantry / Company E (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private Joseph L. Allender Shawano, WI June 18, 1861
Private Alexander B. Atwell Holland, WI March 31, 1864
Private Alvah J. Atwell Holland, WI March 31, 1864
Private Daniel W. Baldwin Lanark, WI June 16, 1861
Private Ira B. Bassett Brillion, WI October 3, 1864
Private John Bogue Auburn, WI October 5, 1864
Private William Borkenhagen Abbott, WI October 18, 1864
Private David A. Bowen Kewaskum, WI June 18, 1861
Private John T. Bowles Willow Springs, WI September 29, 1864
Private Ludwig Bresler Milwaukee, WI September 21, 1864
Private Henry A. Brooker Kaukauna, WI June 28, 1861
Private Joseph L. Bulger Fond du Lac, WI June 25, 1861
Private Charles Bummert Milwaukee, WI September 21, 1864
Private Jackson Byers Scott, WI September 30, 1864
Private Robert I. Campbell Fremont, WI June 16, 1861
Private Charles Carroll Clayton, WI September 30, 1864
Private Arthur W. Chamberlain Willow Springs, WI September 29, 1864
Private John H. Cole Omro, WI June 16, 1861
Private Nathaniel Cooper Oakfield, WI June 22, 1861
Private David Culy Clayton, WI September 30, 1864
Private Henry Dalhoff Grafton, WI October 13, 1864
Private William Darling Sherwood, WI June 28, 1861
Private Antone Darmstadt Seneca, WI September 30, 1864
Private Lewis Davenport Clayton, WI September 30, 1861
Private Jacob Deiner Ellington, WI June 28, 1861
Private Joseph Denman ? September 26, 1864
Private Andrew Dennis Omro, WI June 16, 1861
Private Nathaniel Dilamater Auburn, WI June 18, 1861
Private John J. Dillon Appleton, WI June 28, 1861
Private Cornelius Dunham Appleton, WI June 28, 1861
Private Henry G. Dunn Menekaunee, WI June 28, 1861
Private John W. Durant Michigan July 16, 1861
Private Asa A. Durley Auburn, WI June 18, 1861
Private James M. Eastland Wilton, WI September 26, 1864
Private Thomas Edwards Emmett, WI October 11, 1864
Private Lewis W. Eggleston Shiocton, WI June 28, 1861
Private Charles D. Elliot Appleton, WI June 28, 1861
Private Jacob Fay Calumet, WI June 28, 1861
Private Warren K. Fish Appleton, WI June 28, 1861
Private John Flock Polk, WI October 12, 1864
Private John Flood Fond du Lac, WI June 28, 1861
Private John H. Forncrook Concord, WI November 29, 1864
Private Charles Foster Shawano, WI June 18, 1861
Private Nicholas A. Gaffney Waucousta, WI July 1, 1861
Private Ferdinand Gandeck Milwaukee, WI November 16, 1864
Private Major A. Garfield Waucousta, WI July 1, 1861
Private Ralph D. Garfield Waucousta, WI July 1, 1861
Private John Giesbers Appleton, WI June 28, 1861
Private Alonzo Gifford Appleton, WI June 28, 1861
Private Samuel D. Griffiths Dodgeville, WI September 28, 1864
Private William Gruettzmaker Milwaukee, WI September 21, 1864
Private Carleton T. Hall Montpelier, WI October 3, 1864
Private Peter Hamilton Dayton, WI September 26, 1864
Private Eugene S. Hardy Weyauwega, WI June 16, 1864
Private Jeremiah Harrington Shiocton, WI June 28, 1861
Private Romanzo Hasbrouck Oshkosh, WI June 22, 1861
Private Herman Hasschutte Grafton, WI October 13, 1864
Private Edgar Haviland Scott, WI October 21, 1864
Private Peter Herbert Fond du Lac, WI May 10, 1861
Private Albert K. Hewitt Waupun, WI June 20, 1861
Private Thomas Holland Dodgeville, WI October 28, 1864
Private Joshua B. Ingalls Richfield, WI November 14, 1864
Private Elias Gilbert Jackson Appleton, WI June 28, 1861
Private George Jesse Appleton, WI June 28, 1861
Private Evan J. Jones Ridgeway, WI September 28, 1861
Private Martin Judas Mequon, WI November 1, 1864
Private Frank King Fond du Lac, WI June 22, 1861
Private Jacob Knouse Kendall, WI September 29, 1864
Private Christian Koelch Harrison, WI October 3, 1864
Private Simon Kraft Grafton, WI October 13, 1864
Private Albert Kuehn Genoa, WI September 21, 1864
Private Thomas Lalor Prairie du Chien, WI February 15, 1864
Private Frank Lambert Appleton, WI June 28, 1861
Private Ransom Lawe Appleton, WI June 28, 1861
Private James F. Lawrence Fond du Lac, WI May 10, 1861
Private Edward Leeman Taycheedah, WI May 10, 1861
Private Amos Lefler Eden, WI June 18, 1861
Private Peter Leucey Utica, WI September 30, 1864
Private Valentine Lewis Polk, WI October 12, 1864
Private Lathrop Littlefield Scott, WI October 21, 1864
Private Nathaniel K. Maloy Fond du Lac, WI May 10, 1861
Private John L. Martin Auburn, WI June 18, 1861
Private Cornelius McKinnon Corunna, MI June 22, 1861
Private Henry Miller Saukville, WI October 14, 1864
Private Hewlett J. Milliren Naples, WI November 16, 1864
Private Calvin Mills Eden, WI June 18, 1861
Private Seth H. Morey Springvale, WI July 1, 1861
Private John Murray Corunna, MI June 22, 1861
Private Lucius J. Murray Shawano, WI July 16, 1861
Private John Myers Maxville, WI November 16, 1864
Private James M. Nichols Pepin, WI November 16, 1864
Private Lewis Nichols Appleton, WI June 28, 1861
Private Marvin S. Odekirk Oconomowoc, WI May 10, 1861
Private Richard Oliver Dodgeville, WI October 28, 1864
Private Christian Onker Weyauwega, WI November 5, 1864
Private Theodore Pedro Polk, WI October 12, 1864
Private Charles H. Potter Watertown, WI July 16, 1861
Private David M. Powell Dodgeville, WI September 28, 1864
Private Matthias Ragner Polk, WI October 12, 1864
Private David Roach Ridgeway, WI September 28, 1864
Private Alfred Root Dale, WI February 23, 1864
Private Nelson L. Rowe Greenbush, WI July 14, 1861
Private John Rowell Chilton, WI June 22, 1861
Private John B. Sanborn Appleton, WI June 28, 1861
Private Carl Schield Milwaukee, WI September 21, 1864
Private Carl Schrife Milwaukee, WI September 21, 1864
Private John Shay Fond du Lac, WI June 18, 1861
Private Isaac E. Sherwood Appleton, WI June 28, 1861
Private Andrew Shussler Fond du Lac, WI May 10, 1861
Private William Smith Fond du Lac, WI February 9, 1864
Private William Sprout Appleton, WI June 28, 1861
Private James Stanley Scott, WI October 21, 1864
Private John Steenis Grand Chute, WI October 1, 1864
Private Peter Steenis Appleton, WI June 28, 1861
Private Jonathan Stoddard Oakfield, WI June 22, 1861
Private Frederick Stouse Polk, WI
Private Amos N. Strong Omro, WI June 16, 1861
Private Benjamin D. Sweet Fond du Lac, WI May 10, 1861
Private Rufus Tarr Amherst, WI November 15, 1864
Private Frederick Torkey Abbott, WI October 18, 1864
Private Gottlieb Torkey Abbott, WI October 18, 1864
Private William Torkey Abbott, WI October 18, 1864
Private Nathan Torrey Shiocton, WI June 28, 1861
Private Samuel C. Torrey Shiocton, WI June 28, 1861
Private Andrew M. Tuttle Arligton, VA December 14, 1861
Private Hawley Vande Bogart Appleton, WI June 28, 1861
Private Finley Van Dorsten Sheboygan Falls, WI October 25, 1864
Private Albert Van Dusen Appleton, WI July 16, 1861
Private Charles Voss Milwaukee, WI September 25, 1864
Private William E. Wescott Shawano, WI June 18, 1861
Private James West Clayton, WI September 30, 1864
Private John Weymier Fond du Lac, WI May 10, 1861
Private George W. White Appleton, WI June 28, 1861
Private James Whitworth Appleton, WI June 28, 1861
Private John H. Williams Ridgeway, WI September 28, 1864
Private Luther L. Wilson Ontario, IN July 16, 1861
Private Christian Wolfram Ellington, WI October 1, 1864
Private John Yates Kewaskum, WI June 18, 1861
Private Michael Zimmerman Milford, WI September 20, 1864