
From Warriors of the Rebellion
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This template shows the roster for the 6th United States Infantry / Company K.

  • Note: William Dolan, listed at the end of this company, was originally listed as Company M, however there are no other troops listed from this company and it was likely a transcription error from the original source. Further verification needed as to the actual company

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.

6th United States Infantry / Company K (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ? ?
1st Lieutenant and Adjutant George Anderson ? ?
2nd Lieutenant George Anderson ? ?

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.

6th United States Infantry / Company K (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private [[]] ? ?
Private Fredrich Albert ? ?
Private Nathan Austin ? ?
Private Charles Baker ? ?
Henry L Barron
William Beale
Valentine Becker
George Beech
Albert Birchard
Daniel Blake
Thomas Brady
John Breene
James Brennan
David Britt
W Brooks
George Brown
Thomas Brown
John Burns
John Cahill
William Cahill
Francis Cammaron
James Carr
John Carroll
George Carter
Michael Casey
John Chepolar
John Clark
John Clifford
John W Clous
John Walter Clous
James Coakley
Christopher Coffey
Hiram W Cole
Richard Collins
Thomas Collins
William Connor
Robert Cooney
James Crownin
Charles Darling
William Desselberger
Louis Dessonville
James Doddrell
William Doherty
Michael Donohue
Thomas Donohue
Michael Doorly
John Dowd
Michael Drezer
James Dunn
William Dunn
Amazier Earl
John Egan
Francis Elwood
John Evans
Frederick Eyth
Frederick Eyth
Peter Finn
Bluford Fitzgerald
Thomas Fitzsimmons
James Flynn
Charles Freck
Michael Fullihan
John Ganey
Friedrich Gebhard
Henry Graf
Frederick Grase
Willis Green
William Griffin
John C Guilford
John A Haines
Adam Hamilton
Henry Hamilton
Michael P Hanlon
William Hannon
Henry Harper
Garrett S Hill
Charles Hogan
Henry Horsfield
William Housemann
Patrick Howe
Joseph Hyde
James Johnson
William Johnson
Jacob Karch
Daniel Kavanagh
John Keegan
John Kelly
John Kelly
Thomas Kelly
Frederick King
John King
Leonadas Kinsey
Wilhelm Knappe
Jacques Kohner
Robert Koldway
Edward Krome
Cornelius Lamey
William Lammer
William C Lee
Thomas Lillis
Thomas Limerick
James L Lovett
John Malare
John Malone
James Martin
Samuel Martin
James Mason
Thomas McColdridge
George McColley
John McCue
Lawrence McDonagh
James McGlaughlin
Charles McGregor
James McKim
James McKim
Patrick McShea
Augustus Miller
Julius Miller
Edward Mills
William Mininger
Ludwick Muller
John Mulligan
George Munch
Owen Nally
Edward Naughton
Charles W Neibert
Augustus Nottingham
James O'Brien
John O'Brien
John O'Brien
James O'Flaherty
James O'Loughlin
Simon O'Neil
Bernard Phillips
Calvin Pollard
John Quirk
James Randall
Francis Reynolds
John Rinke
John C Rorig
John Ryan
William Salmon
Joseph Schaupp
Kaspar Schlotzhauer
Edward Scott
Henry Severin
James Shannahan
Thomas Shea
Thomas Sheedy
George Smith
George Somers
John Stewart
William Stot
Francis Sullivan
John Sullivan
Joseph Swarz
John E Thompson
John Tierney
James Todley
James Tulley
Edward Vaughton
Edward Veitch
Edwerd Wade
Michael Walker
Patrick Walsh
Lucius E Weaver
William Weber
John Weckesser
William Weibler
Paul Welzel
Patrick Whalen
Michael White
Charles Williams
Manuel Williams
Richard Willis
John Willson
William Dolan