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This template shows the roster for the 6th United States Infantry / Company I.

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.

6th United States Infantry / Company I (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ? ?
1st Sergeant Stephen Baker ? ?

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.

6th United States Infantry / Company I (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private [[]] ? ?
Private Jacob Adler ? ?
Private George Allan ? ?
Private Dickan Allen ? ?
Private Hiram Allen ? ?
Private William Allen ? ?
Private George Bahle ? ?
Private George Baier ? ?
Private Charles Baker ? ?
Private Francis P. Baker ? ?
Private Oliver L. Baldwin ? ?
Benge Ballard
E Bankard
Edgar A Bankard
Charles Barrett
John Begley
George Beyer
George Beyer
George Bidwell
George Bidwell
James Boles
James Boles
Joseph Bott
Terrence Boyle
David Bradley
William Brady
James Briscoe
Charles Brown
Alexander Buckannan
James F Butler
James F Butler
Harrison Cameron
Harry Cameron
Edward Carr
Edward Carr
John Carroll
John Carroll
John Carroll
Patrick Casey
Patrick Casey
William Cassidy
John Chandler
John Cherry
Patrick Clarke
Michael Coady
George Coffin
Edward Connelly
Mathew Conner
William Conrad
John Conway
Joseph Conway
Patrick H Croley
Mark A Daily
William Damery
William Davis
Nicholas Dillon
James Doan
Thomas Donaldson
James Donlay
John Donoghue
John Doran
Patrick Dougherty
Thomas Dougherty
Frank Downing
John W Duvall
George W Farmer
Martin D Farris
William Ferguson
Thomas Finley
Michael Finn
John Fischer
Peter Fitzsimons
Thomas Flynn
Ezra Fogg
James Foran
William Foster
Henry Fox
William Gallagher
Michael Gately
Prosper Goodrich
Leonhart Grimm
Leonhart Grimm
Edward Hammer
John T Harbour
Henry Hener
John Hennings
Charles Henson
Charles Hermon
George Hitt
Dennis Hogan
Edward Houttard
Edward Houttard
James M Howes
Robert Hylands
Martin Hynes
John Ivers
Robert Johnson
Thomas Johnson
John Jordan
William S Keary
William Kelleher
William Kelleher
Frank Kelly
Thomas Kelly
John Kenny
Charles E Kerner
Peter Kiernan
George King
William Knapp
Rollin Knight
Thomas Lamb
Joseph LeGroud
Henry Lewis
Augustus Liebsthahl
Alexander Linderman
Christian Linzermann
William Livingston
John Loftus
Byron D Madison
Guiseppe Maresca
George W Marts
George W Marts
George W Marts
John Mason
William L Matheiu
James Mathews
John McCafferty
George McCarty
John McDonald
Thomas McEntee
James McGary
Patrick McGee
Mathew McGovern
John McGrath
James McGuire
Morgan McInerney
James J McIntyre
Miles McKay
Neil McLaughlin
John McManina
Thomas McNulty
John McTigh
Edward Meek
John Miller
William Milligan
William Milligans
Richard Moffatt
Henry Mortensen
Michael Mulroy
Henry E Munson
John Murphy
A Neumann
John B Nichols
John O'Brien
Thomas Osborn
George Peason
John Phillips
James Potter
Robert Powers
George L Prew
Lars Prydz
Amos Ramsey
Julian Rauss
James R Reed
John Rehe
Herman O Renaldo
Herman Oscar Renaldo
John S Revel
Francis Reynolds
Francis Reynolds
John S Rives
Robert F Rogers
James L Roper
Orlando Rott
John W Ryan
Julius Schrader
Philip Schunck
James Scott
Dwight P Simmons
Joseph Sloan
Arthur Smith
Charles Smith
Edward Smith
Joseph Smith
William Smith
John Spring
John Spring
Charles H Stiles
John Sullivan
John Sullivan
John Sullivan
Gustave Susal
Clement D Taylor
John Tiernay
John Tiernay
William Travis
Peter Trumpler
Andrew Tunget
George Wade
James Walsh
James Walsh
Patrick Walsh
Charles Ward
James Warlow
James Warlow
Patrick Waters
John Wehesser
Daniel H Weilandt
Alexander Weiss
John White
John White
John White
Mathew White
Christopher Whittacker
George W Wilcox
Albert Williams
John Williams
John B Williams
Robert Williams
Christopher Wittiker
James Wood
Thomas J Woodworth
Charles Wright