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This template shows the roster for the 3rd Maryland Infantry (U) / Company B.

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3rd Maryland Infantry (U) / Company B (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, MD ?
Benj. Berkley Captain. Sept. 12, 1861 April 16, 1862
Joseph Kearns Captain. Feb. 16, 1862 July 14, 1862 Entered the service as Captain First Virginia Union Infantry, June 18, 1861; transferred to Third Maryland Infantry, February 16, 1862; resigned July 14, 1862.
Thos. J. Raybold Captain. Dec. 21, 1861 Aug. 16, 1862 Promoted Second Lieutenant, April 3, 1862; Captain, July 16, 1862; resigned, August 16, 1862.
Chas. G. Downs Captain. May 24, 1862 April 12, 1863 Entered the service as Second Lieutenant Dix's Light Infantry, November 8, 1861; transferred to 3rd Maryland Infantry, May 24, 1862; First Lieutenant, June 21, 1862, of Company K; Captain. October 10, 1862; resigned April 12, 1863; wounded in action.
David J. Weaver Captain. June 18, 1861 Oct. 7, 1864 First Lieutenant, February 1, 1863; Captain, November 1, 1863; mustered out, October 7, 1864.
John Byrne Captain. Feb. 27, 1864 July 31, 1865 Entered the service as private, Company A; promoted Second Lieutenant, July 24, 1864; Captain, November 14, 1864; mustered out July 31, 1865.
Washington A. Danskin 1st Lieut. Sept. 12, 1861 May 5, 1862
James D. Fayman 1st Lieut. Feb. 16, 1862 July 16, 1862 Entered the service 1st Virginia Union Infantry, June 18, 1861; transferred to 3rd Maryland Infantry, February 16, 1862; resigned July 16, 1862.
Augustus W. Hoff 1st Lieut. Sept. 12, 1861 Dec. 22, 1864 Veteran volunteer; promoted First Lieutenant from First Sergeant, Company B, January 18, 1864; wounded in action, June 7, 1864.
William M. Smith 1st Lieut. Sept. 12, 1861 Oct. 5, 1862 First Lieutenant, July 16, 1862.
Harrison D. Lowery 1st Lieut. Sept. 12, 1861 Jan. 13, 1863 Second Lieutenant, July 16, 1862; First Lieutenant, October 29, 1862; resigned, January 13, 1863.
Peter J. Huneke 2nd Lieut. Nov. 21, 1861 July 31, 1865 See roster, Company D.
Edward McBride 2nd Lieut. Aug. 12, 1861 June 26, 1863 Entered the service as private, Company C; promoted First Sergeant; Second Lieutenant, October 29, 1862; resigned, June 26, 1863.
Samuel B. Clements 2nd Lieut. Sept. 12, 1861 May 7, 1862
John Loman 2nd Lieut. June 18, 1861 Mar. 28, 1862 Entered the service as Second Lieutenant, First Virginia Union Infantry, June 18, 1861; transferred 3rd Maryland Infantry, February 16, 1862; resigned March 28, 1862.
James L. Clary 2nd Lieut. July 23, 1861 Entered the service as private, in Company B; promoted Sergeant; Second Lieutenant, February 1, 1863; died March 10, 1864.
John Nape 2nd Lieut. Dec. 16, 1861 Entered the service as private, Company D; promoted Sergeant; Sergeant-Major; Veteran Volunteer, January 5, 1864; promoted Second Lieutenant, March 2, 1865; died April 15, 1865, of wounds received in action March 25, 1865.
John H. Walter 2nd Lieut. Sept. 15, 1861 July 31, 1865 Promoted Second Lieutenant from First Sergeant, Company D, May 15, 1865;mustered out, July 31, 1865; veteran volunteer.

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.

3rd Maryland Infantry (U) / Company B (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Anderson, Wm. Private. April 11, 1865 Deserted May 31, 1865.
Andrews, Robt. C. Private. July 21, 1864 Deserted May 31, 1865.
Adams, John Private. Mar. 23, 1865 Deserted May 31, 1865.
Bender, John Corporal. July 21, 1861 July 31, 1865 Veteran; wounded in action.
Bloom, John Corporal. Oct. 1, 1861 Jan. 31, 1865 Veteran.
Bartlett, Geo. H. Private. July 21, 1864 July 31, 1865
Brown, Thomas Private. July 21, 1864 July 31, 1865
Burger, Jacob Private. Feb. 14, 1865 Deserted June 18, 1865.
Brown, William Private. Aug. 2, 1861 July 31, 1865 Veteran; missing in action August 9, 1862.
Baughman, Jacob Private. Dec. 1, 1861 July 31,. 1865 Veteran; wounded in action July 30, 1864.
Beck, John Private. Mar. 25, 1865 July 31, 1865
Beager, Adam Private. Dec. 16, 1861 Dec. 16, 1864
Braucker, John Private. Deserted July 15, 1865.
Blackler, James Private. Jan. 3, 1862 Jan. 3, 1865
Backman, Edw'd Private. July 8, 1861 Transferred to Company E; killed May 3, 1863.
Bridgeman, Jas. Private. Sept. 15, 1862 June 14, 1865
Botch, Jacob Private. Jan. 1, 1862 Borne on War Department rolls as Batch; transferred to Company F; died October 27, 1862.
Blair, Thomas Private. Nov. 16, 1862 Killed in action, December 22, 1864.
Bishop, John Private. Deserted August 1862.
Ball, John Private. Dec. 1, 1861 July 13, 1865 Veteran.
Barnes, James Private. Aug. 27, 1864 Deserted March 13, 1865.
Barren, James Private. Nov. 10, 1861 Deserted July 12, 1864.
Briehl, Henry D. Private. Sept. 3, 1864 Deserted October 28, 1864.
Clevinger, Franklin 1st Sergt. Dec. 1, 1861 July 26, 1865 Veteran; wounded in action, March 25, 1865, Petersburg, Va.
Colbert, Geo. H. Private. Oct. 1, 1861 July 31, 1865 Veteran.
Calvin, George E. Private. Sept. 6, 1864 July 31, 1865
Carver, John W. Private. July 15, 1861 July 15, 1863
Cromer, Isaac Private. July 19, 1864 July 31, 1865
Connolly, John Private. Oct. 1, 1861 Jan. 3, 1863 Disability.
Cline, William Private. Dec. 9, 1862 Dec. 9, 1865
Callahan, Thos. Private. Sept. 12, 1861 Taken prisoner; accidentally killed, September 30, 1863.
Cann, John Private. Jan. 3, 1862 July 31, 1865 Transferred to Company I, January 14, 1864.
Carlu, James Private. Sept. 12, 1861 Died April, 1862.
Carman, William Private. Mar. 27, 1865 Deserted May 26, 1865.
Coyl, James Private. Oct. 1, 1861 Nov. 18, 1862
Cronan, John Private. Aug. 31, 1864 Deserted June 11, 1865.
Cameron, John Private. Oct. 1, 1861 Aug., 1862
Cook, Edward C. Private. April 12, 1865 Deserted May 30, 1865.
Cramblitt, Joseph Private. July 28, 1864 Deserted May 30, 1865.
Doyle, William Private. Jan. 25, 1862 July 31, 1865 Veteran.
Dougherty, Thomas J. Private. Nov. 26, 1861 July 31, 1865 Veteran.
Danks, George Private Sept. 24, 1861 July 31, 1865 Veteran.
Dykes, Thomas Private. Mar. 22, 1865 July 31, 1865
Dinivan, Patrick Private. Aug. 30, 1864 Deserted May 30, 1865.
Dryer, Frederick Private. July 19, 1864 July 31, 1865
Duffle, James Private. Feb. 6, 1862 July 31, 1865 Transferred to Company C.
Daire, Joseph Private. Aug. 1, 1861 Died April, 1862.
Dietlehoof, Isaac Private. Oct. 1, 1861 Died January 3, 1863, of disease contracted in service.
Darry, Arthur Private. Nov. 1, 1861 Feb. 11, 1863 Borne on War Department rolls as Davey.
Deckman, John Private. July 23, 1861 Oct. 29, 1862
Ebaugh, Jas. N. Private. Nov. 13, 1861 Oct. 16, 1864 Veteran; dishonorably discharged.
Espenheim, John G. Private. Dec. 15, 1861 Dec. 15, 1864
Englertch, Jos. Private. Sept. 5, 1861 July 31, 1865 Transferred to V. R C., September, 1864.
Flannigan, John Private. Mar. 27, 1865 July 31, 1865
Frey, William Private. Mar. 27, 1865 July 31, 1865
Fisher, William Private. April 11, 1865 July 31, 1865
Fahey, Thomas Private. Aug. 2, 1861 Aug. 4, 1864
Fitzgerald, Jeremiah Private. April 1, 1865 Deserted July 15, 1865.
Frisby, Adonis Private. July 23, 1861 Died December 22, 1863, while a prisoner of war.
Finnegan, John Private. Aug. 1, 1861 Died March 12, 1863, of disease contracted in service.
Fork, John Private. Aug. 1, 1861 July 15, 1863
Geiser, Christian Private. July 21, 1861 July 31, 1865 Veteran.
Gagle, John H. Private. July 23, 1861 July 31, 1865 Veteran.
Gosnell, Quincy A. Private. Nov. 18, 1861 July 31, 1865 Veteran.
Griner, Jacob Private. Sept. 12, 1861 Sept. 12, 1864
Gordon, Charles Private. June 18, 1861 Transferred to Company I, January 13, 1864.
Goodman, John Private. Deserted June, 1862.
Grace, Edward Private. Oct. 1, 1861 Dec. 30, 1862
Gannon, Thomas Private. Aug. 1, 1861 July 15, 1863 Wounded in action May 3, 1863.
Gable, Charles Private. Dec. 16, 1861 Transferred to Company C.
Harps, Franklin H Sergeant. Nov. 18, 1861 July 31, 1865 Veteran.
Hornig, Martin Private. June 23, 1861 July 31, 1865 Veteran.
Home, Henry Private. Sept. 13, 1861 July 31, 1865 Veteran.
Hall, Walter O. Private. Aug. 7, 1864 July 31, 1865
Harman, Hewitt Private. June 22, 1861 June 22, 1864 Wounded in action, May 3, 1863.
Healey, Henry C. Private. Sept. 24, 1861 Sept. 24, 1864
Hickman, Benj. Private. Sept. 14, 1861 Sept. 14, 1864
Hopkins, George Private. Mar. 30. 1864 May 3, 1865
Hough, Patrick Private. April 14, 1865 Deserted May 31, 1865.
Howe, George Private. Sept. 3, 1864 May 31, 1865
Harding, John G. Private. Aug. 31, 1864 Deserted June 11, 1865.
Hess, John W. Private. July 13, 1864 Deserted.
Herling, Geo. L. Private. Nov. 13, 1861 ———————— Veteran; killed in action June 2, 1864.
Hamer, John C. Private. Sept. 1, 1864 June 14, 1865
Hipper, John Private. Sept. 15, 1861 Died September 21, 1862.
Harker, Charles Private. Oct. 1, 1861 Dec. 1, 1862
Hudson, Joshua Private. Aug. 1, 1861 Died November, 1862, of disease contracted in service.
Israel, Edward Private. Feb. 1, 1862 Oct. 3, 1862
Ingram, John Private. Oct. 1, 1861 — — — — Wounded in action; transferred to V. R. C., August 8, 1863.
Johnson, Rudolph Private. April 6, 1865 July 31, 1865
Johnson, John Private. Oct. 31, 1861 Oct. 31, 1864
Jenkins, Stephen Private. Nov. 12, 1861 Veteran; died July 20, 1864, of disease contracted in service.
Johnson, Samuel Private. July 23, 1861 Oct. 24, 1862
Kavanaugh, Thos. Private. Nov. 10, 1861 Nov. 10, 1864
Kurtz, Henry Private. Nov. 29, 1861 Veteran; died December 21, 1864, of disease.
Klinederst. John Private. April 5, 1865 Deserted May 31, 1865.
Karger, Henry Corporal. Nov. 1, 1861 July 31, 1865 Veteran.
Knight, John T. Corporal. Feb. 1, 1865 July 31, 1865
Kearney, James Private. Mar. 25, 1865 Deserted May 2, 1865.
Kehoe, Michael Private. Mar. 25, 1865 Deserted May 11, 1865.
Krircker, John Private. July 21, 1864 Deserted July 15, 1865.
Keys, John Private. Deserted August, 1862.
Lawrence, Jas. F. Sergeant. Dec. 14, 1861 July 31, 1865 Veteran.
Lineberger, Francis Private. April 3, 1865 July 31, 1865
Logan, John Private. Nov. 16, 1863 Nov. 16, 1864
Lee, Edward G. Private. Sept. 18, 1861 Veteran; killed May 12, 1864, Spottsylvania, Va.
Lutman, Henry D. Private. Sept. 5, 1861 Killed in action, June 17, 1864, Petersburg, Va.
Lyons, Michael Private. Aug. 1, 1861 Feb. 6, 1863
Lane, Andrew Private. Nov. 1, 1861 Deserted February 22, 1863.
Lockner, Charles Private. Aug. 1, 1861 Dec. 27, 1862
Logue, John Private. Dec. 28, 1861 Dec. 28, 1864
Lane, Lloyd Private. Oct. 1, 1861 Died January 11, 1863, of disease contracted in service.
Libby, Fred. W. Private. Sept. 12, 1861 July 13, 1863
Maloney, William Private. July 20, 1864 May 3, 1865
Mullin, Thomas Private. April 12, 1865 May 16, 1865
McClearey, Edwin B. Private. Nov. 8, 1861 Nov. 8, 1864
Murphy, Thomas Private. May 1, 1862 May 3, 1865 Transferred to Company I, January 13, 1864.
McCuskey, Thos. Private. Nov. 1, 1861 Wounded in action May 3, 1863; died February 14, 1864, of disease contracted in service.
Mercer, James B. Private. April 4, 1864 Died July 22, 1864, of disease contracted in service.
Melvin, John T. Private. Jan. 30, 1862 Veteran; died September 4, 1864, of disease contracted in service.
McAvery, John Private. Sept. 5, 1864 Killed in action December 20, 1864, Petersburg, Va.
Mattock, John Private. Mar. 26, 1865 Deserted July 8, 1865.
Miller, Laurence Private. Nov. 16, 1861 Nov. 16, 1864
Myer, Frederick Private. Mar. 24, 1865 Deserted July 6, 1865.
Myer, John Private. Mar. 28, 1865 Deserted July 16, 1865.
Meyer, John Private. Mar. 27, 1865 Deserted July 9, 1865.
Miller, Newton R. Private. April 12, 1865 Deserted July 1, 1865.
Murray, James Private. July 22, 1864 Deserted April 8, 1865
McDonald, John Private. April 13, 1865 July 31, 1865
McWilliams, Francis Private. Jan. 2, 1862 June 28, 1865 Veteran; taken prisoner.
Mason, Robert Sergeant. Nov. 7, 1862 — — — — See roster, Non-Com. Staff.
Matthews, Franklin Private. Aug. 12, 1861 Transferred to V. R. C., August 8, 1863.
Martin, Thomas Private. Aug. 12, 1861 Aug. 8, 1863 Disability.
Munch, Henry Private. Deserted September 18, 1862.
Moore, Patrick Sergeant. June 27, 1861 July 31, 1865 Veteran.
Murphy, James Corporal. Mar. 29, 1864 July 31, 1865 Veteran.
Murray, Laurence Private. Nov. 11, 1861 July 31, 1865 Veteran.
Mooney, Patrick Private. Aug. 1, 1864 July 31, 1865
Meale, John G. Private. June 13, 1864 July 31, 1865
Mundi, Matteo Private. April 3, 1865 July 31, 1865
Miller, John Private. Sept. 12, 1861 July 31, 1865 Veteran.
Muller, Henry(II) Private. Nov. 16, 1861 Nov. 16, 1864
Muller, Henry (I.) Private. Jan. 1, 1862 Jan. 1, 1865
Martin, Benj. F. Private. Sept. 12, 1861 Nov. 26, 1862
Norcross, Wm. B. Sergeant. June 27, 1861 July 31, 1865 Veteran.
Nossack, Thomas Private. Oct. 9, 1861 July 20, 1864
Newman, Julius H. Private. Sept. 16, 1861 Deserted July 8, 1865.
Newman, Adolphus Private. April 12, 1865 June 27, 1865
Naomon, Gustave Private. Deserted August, 1864.
Olliver, Thomas Corporal. April 13, 1865 July SI, 1865
O'Donnell, John Private. Dec. 16, 1861 July 31, 1865 Veteran.
O'Farrell, Theodore Private. April 13, 1865 July 31, 1865
O'Brian, John Private. Oct. 1, 1861 July 13, 1863
Otto, Simon Private. Nov. 7, 1861 July 31, 1865 Veteran.
Oakford, James Private. April 5, 1865 Oct. 30, 1865
Ott, Simon Private. Nov. 7, 1861 July 31, 1865
Parks, Thomas Private. July 26, 1864 July 31, 1865
Pusey, Jephta Private. April 28, 1865 July 31, 1865
Poole, Perry G. Private. Nov. 18, 1861 July 31, 1865
Poole, Joshua E. Private. April 11, 1865 July 31, 1865
Pampell, Jerome E. Sergeant. June 18, 1861 June 1, 1864 Wounded in action, November 9, 1863, loss of left arm and portion of right hand; discharged for disability.
Potter, Noah Private. Oct. 1, 1861 Oct. 1, 1864
Porter, Geo. W. Private. July 24, 1864 Deserted May 31, 1865.
Parks, Charles Private. July 20, 1864 Deserted March 31, 1865.
Prescott, Benj. Private. July 20. 1861 Oct. 17, 1862
Powell, Harvey Private. July 23, 1861 Deserted August 3, 1862.
Quante, William Private. Sept. 7, 1864 July 31, 1865
Rome, John Corporal. Dec. 16, 1861 July 31, 1865 Veteran; transferred to Company E.
Robinson, Wm. Private. Mar. 31, 1865 July 31, 1865
Reese, John M. Private. Nov. 13, 1861 July 31, 1865 Veteran.
Reidenour, Martin F. Private. June 26, 1861 June 26, 1864
Ricketts, Samuel Private. Oct. 21, 1861 Oct. 21, 1864
Reiser, Joseph Private. Nov. 16, 1861 Nov. 16," 1864
Ruegen, Samuel Private. Nov. 16, 1861 Nov. 16, 1864
Raw, Adam Private. Jan. 10, 1862 Jan. 10, 1865
Roberts, John Corporal. Sept. 24, 1861 Veteran ; died.
Ridout, Luke Private. Mar. 21, 1865 Deserted May 31, 1865.
Redmond, Elijah Private. Deserted September 1, 1862.
Rueger, George Private. Nov. 16, 1861 Nov. 12, 1864
Shipley, George Private. Nov. 12, 1861 July 31, 1865
Shirk, Jacob Private. Aug. 2, 1861 Dec. 4, 1864 Veteran; wounded in action, May 3, 1863, and September 30, 1864.
Sutton, Stephen Private. Sept. 15, 1861 May 18, 1864
Snyder, Samuel Private. Sept. 2, 1861 Sept. 2, 1864
Shaw, James Private. Sept. 17, 1861 Sept. 17, 1864
Smith, John(No.l) Private. Dec. 8, 1861 Dec. 8, 1864
Smith, Andrew J. Private. Aug. 30, 1864 Deserted May 30, 1865.
Smith, Taylor Private. April 3, 1865 Deserted May 31, 1865.
Smith, John(No.2) Private. Aug. 30, 1864 Deserted May 11, 1865.
Scheckels, Henry Private. Deserted June, 1862.
Sutman, Henry Private. Deserted June, 1862.
Sadler, John Private. Deserted September 1, 1862.
Scholtz, August Private. Deserted September 1, 1862.
Strasbaugh Harrison Sergeant. Oct. 1, 1861 Jan. 3, 1863 Wounded in action; discharged for disability.
Smith, Charles Private. Dec. 1, 1862 Deserted May 6, 1863.
Smith, George Private. Feb. 26, 1864 Deserted.
Scott, George Private. July 19, 1864 Deserted May 31, 1865.
Servis, Henry Private. Dec. 9, 1862 Oct. 11, 1864
Seism, James Private. Aug. 1, 1861 Taken prisoner; died January 19, 1863, of 'disease contracted in service.
Small, Francis Private. Aug. 17, 1864 July 18, 1865 Disability.
Speedman, Abner Private. Oct. 8, 1861 June, 1862 Borne on War Department rolls as Spellman.
Sebo, George Private. May 5, 1864 Nov. 20, 1865 Transferred to V. R. C.
Thompson, Robert S. Private. Sept. 30, 1861 July 31, 1865 Veteran.
Thrush, Francis D. Private. Nov. 19, 1861 July 31, 1865 Veteran.
Tracey, William Private. Mar. 23, 1865 July 28, 1865
Thompson, Samuel S. 1st Sergt. Feb. 29, 1854 July 31, 1865 See roster, Company D.
Trounce, Frank Private. April 13, 1865 Deserted May 31, 1865.
Unger, Nicholas Private. Dec. 9, 1861 Feb. 5, 1863
Voorhees, Ashford Private. Oct. 1, 1861 Oct. 1, 1864
Vanmeter, Colbert Private. July 22, 1861 Taken prisoner August 9, 1862, Cedar Mountain, Va.; no further record, A. G. O., War Department.
White, Caleb Private. Sept. 11, 1861 Sept. 11, 1864
Warner, John Private. Nov. 16, 1861 Nov. 16, 1864
Warner, John N. Private. Nov. 16, 1861 Nov. 16, 1861
Warner, Ernest Private. Dec. 5, 1861 Dec. 5, 1864
Wantled, Robert Private. April 13, 1865 Deserted May 28, 1865.
Wright, Robert Private. April 3, 1865 Deserted May 31, 1865.
Wright, Frederick Private. Deserted 12, 1862.
Warner, Joseph Private. Nov. 18, 1862 Deserted January 4, 1863.
Williams, John Private. Mar. 31, 1864 July 13, 1865
Wing, William Corporal. Aug. 3, 1861 July 31, 1865 Veteran; taken prisoner.
Woods, Thos. C. Private. Dec. 11, 1861 July 31, 1865 Veteran.
Winters, Joseph Private. Nov. 3, 1861 Dec. 28, 1864
Wooders, John Private. Feb. 7, 1864 July 31, 1865
Walker, Henry Private. July 1, 1864 July 31, 1865
Wayman, George Private. April 3, 1865 July 31, 1865
Whitman, Adolph Private. April 12, 1865 July 31, 1865
Webber, Philip Private. Sept. 24, 1861 May 17, 1865 Veteran; wounded in action, July 30, 1864, Petersburg, Va.
Wilson, Edward Private. Mar. 2, 1864 July 31, 1865
Wilson, John Private. Oct. 14, 1861 Oct. 14, 1864
Zermuhl, John Private. Oct. 4, 1861 Oct. 4, 1864