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This template shows the roster for the 2nd Maryland Eastern Shore Infantry (U) / Company C.

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.

2nd Maryland Eastern Shore Infantry (U) / Company C (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, MD ?
Robert M. Smyth Captain. Oct. 16, 1861 Dec. 24, 1862 Entered the service as 1st Lieutenant, October 16, 1861; promoted Captain, November 18, 1861; resigned.
John K. Evans Captain. Nov. 16, 1861 Oct. 28, 1864 Entered the service as 2nd Lieutenant, November 16, 1861; promoted Captain, February 4, 1864.
Justus B. Sheppard 1st Lieut. Nov. 16, 1861 Oct. 15, 1864 See Roster, Field and Staff.
Stephen M. Crane 1st Lieut. Oct. 9, 1861 Oct. 28, 1864 Entered the service as 1st Sergeant; promoted 1st Lieutenant, February 22, 1864.

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.

2nd Maryland Eastern Shore Infantry (U) / Company C (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Archer, Charles B. Sergeant. Oct. 9, 1861 Oct. 28, 1864
Anderson, James Private. Oct. 28, 1861 Oct. 28, 1864
Armstrong, William P. Private. Jan. 1, 1862 Dec. 29, 1862 Transferred to Company I, 2nd United States Artillery.
Archer, John Private. Oct. 9, 1861 Deserted, May 15, 1862.
Bailey, Geo. M. Corporal. Oct. 9, 1861 Oct. 28, 1864
Burns, John L. Private. Oct. 14, 1861 July 17, 1865 Veteran. Transferred to Company G.
Brown, Perry Private. Jan. 1, 1862 Mar. 24, 1864
Benedick, Thomas Private. Mar. 11, 1862 Borne on War Department Rolls as Bundick; deserted, December 22, 1862.
Brown, George E. Private. Oct. 9, 1861 Deserted, June 29, 1862.
Barns, Hamilton Private. Oct. 9, 1861 See Roster, N. C. Staff.
Collins, Wm. T. Corporal. Oct. 19, 1861 Oct. 28, 1864
Carson, Ferdinand Private. Oct. 9, 1861 July 17, 1865 Veteran. Transferred to Company G.
Chew, Levi S. Private. Oct. 9, 1861 May 10, 1863
Crane, Thomas H. Private. Oct. 9, 1861 July 17, 1865 Veteran. Transferred to Company G.
Cossabone, John M. Private. Oct. 9, 1861 Nov. 19, 1862
Carter, George Private. Oct. 9, 1861 Oct. 28, 1864
Clark, John E. H. Private. Oct. 9, 1861 Oct. 28, 1864
Currington, Jonathan Private. Oct. 18, 1861 Oct. 28, 1864
Cole, William H. Private. Nov. 29, 1861 July 17, 1865 Veteran. Transferred to Company G.
Crumbleford, James L. Private. Oct. 26, 1861 Oct. 28, 1864
Coulson, William Private. Oct. 9, 1861 June 25, 1865 Disability.
Cummings, Westley J. Private. Oct. 9, 1861 June 25, 1865 Disability.
Cassady, Charles Private. Oct. 9, 1861 Deserted, August 21, 1862.
Crouch, Benj. R. Private. Dec. 4, 1861 Deserted, May 15, 1862.
David, Benj. F. Sergeant. Oct. 9, 1861 Dec. 29, 1862 Borne on War Department Rolls as Benjamin; transferred to Company I, 2nd United States Artillery.
Davis, George W. Private. Nov. 2, 1861 May 22, 1865 Veteran. Transferred to Company G.
Davis, James Private. Oct. 19, 1861 June 21, 1862 Disability.
Detherick. Lewis Private. Oct. 31, 1861 June 21, 1862 Disability.
Davis, John E. Corporal. Oct. 9, 1861 Deserted, August 27, 1862.
Elisha, James Private. Nov. 7, 1861 July 17, 1865 Veteran. Transferred to Company G.
English, David A. Private. Oct. 9, 1861 June 21, 1862 Disability.
Emory, Charles Private. Nov. 22, 1861 June 21, 1862 Disability.
Friend, George Private. Oct. 9, 1861 June 21, 1865 Disability.
Foulks, William Private. Oct. 9, 1861 Deserted, August 8, 1862.
Greenwood, Geo. Private. Oct. 9, 1861 Oct. 28, 1864
Getty, Crawford Private. Oct. 23, 1861 Oct. 28, 1864
Glen, Charles Private. Oct. 9, 1861 June 21, 1865 Disability.
Griffin, Greenbury Private. Jan. 7, 1862 Deserted, February 15, 1862.
Haden, Isaac Musician. Oct. 22, 1861 Oct. 28, 1864
Harris, John E. Private. Oct. 9, 1861 Oct. 28, 1864
Holden, Jos. W. Private. Oct. 16, 1861 July 17, 1865 Veteran. Transferred to Company G.
Haden, Porter Private. Oct. 21, 1861 Oct. 28, 1864 Borne on War Department Rolls as Peter.
Hand, Henry T. Private. Nov. 2, 1861 Dec. 29, 1862 Transferred to Company I, 2nd United States Artillery.
Harding, John W. Private. Nov. 8, 1861 Dec. 29, 1862 Transferred to Company I, 2nd United States Artillery.
Huested, Dulane S. Private. Oct. 9, 1861 June 21, 1862 Disability.
Harper, Alex. Corporal. Oct. 9, 1861 Aug. 1, 1862
Jackson, Saml. A. Private. Oct. 14, 1861 Aug. 27, 1862
Keyser, Edw. S. Private. Oct. 9, 1861 July 17, 1865 Veteran. Transferred to Company G.
Kirby, Benj. F. Private. Oct. 9, 1861 May 22, 1865 Veteran. Transferred to Company G.
Knight, James A. Private. Nov. 8, 1861 June 21, 1862 Disability.
Lovett, Henry Private. Jan. 7, 1862 — — — — Veteran. Transferred to Company G.
Maginis, John W. Private. Nov. 8, 1861 Dec. 6, 1864.
Meeks, William B. Private. Oct. 9, 1861 Oct. 28, 1864
Maginis, Daniel Private. Nov. 16, 1861 June 21, 1862 Disability.
Maberry, Jas. A. Private. Oct. 9, 1861 Deserted, June 26, 1862.
Morgan, Andrew J. Private. Oct. 12, 1861 Deserted, June 26, 1862.
McWhorter, John T. Sergeant. Oct. 9, 1861 Oct. 28, 1864
Newcomb, Reuben Private. Oct. 9, 1861 Oct. 28, 1864
Newnam, Geo. H. Private. Oct. 9, 1861 Dec. 29, 1862 Transferred to Company I, 2nd United States Artillery.
Newnam, Jno. W. Private. Nov. 7, 1861 July 17, 1865 Veteran. Transferred to 1st Eastern Shore, Maryland Infantry.
Orem, Wm. A. Private. Oct. 9. 1861 Deserted, August 8, 1862.
Primrose, Thomas Private. Jan. 8, 1862 Dec. 29, 1862
Price, Henry C. Private. Oct. 24, 1861 — — — Transferred to Company B.
Reed, Robert Private. Oct. 9, 1861 Dec. 29, 1862 Transferred to Company I, 2nd United States Artillery.
Rice, Joseph R. Private. Oct. 9, 1861 — — — — Transferred to 1st Eastern Shore, Maryland Infantry.
Redline, Lewis S. Private. Jan. 2, 1862 July 17, 1865 Veteran. Transferred to 1st Eastern Shore, Maryland Infantry.
Ringgold, Jas. H. Private. Oct. 12, 1861 June 21, 1862 Disability.
Rion, William L. Private. Oct. 9, 1861 Died, May 27, 1862.
Rugg, George E. Sergeant. Oct. 9, 1861 June 21, 1862 Disability.
Snow, Silas Sergeant. Oct. 19, 1861 Oct. 28, 1864
Smith, Joseph E. Corporal. Oct. 12, 1861 June 15, 1865 Veteran. Transferred to Company G.
Stewart, Mahlon Private. Oct. 9, 1861 Oct. 19, 1864 Transferred to Company E.
Skeggs, Jno. R. C. Private. Oct. 17, 1861 Deserted, May 17, 1862.
Sheppard, Jos. H. Corporal. Oct. 9, 1861 Oct. 15, 1864 See Roster, N. C. Staff.
Truitt, Walter Private. Oct. 9, 1861 Deserted, December 22, 1862.
Tompkins, Edw. Private. Oct. 18, 1861 Oct. 28, 1864
Winsmore, Alex. Musician. Oct. 9, 1861 July 17, 1865 Veteran. Transferred to Company G.
Wheaton, Josiah C. Private. Oct. 9, 1861 Oct. 28, 1864
Webb, John R. Private. Oct. 9, 1861 Oct. 28, 1864
Whittington, John W. Private. Oct. 9, 1861 Oct. 28, 1864
Webb, William Private. Oct. 9, 1861 July 17, 1865 Veteran. Transferred to 1st Eastern Shore, Maryland Infantry.
Wolverton, John R. Private. Oct. 9, 1861 June 21, 1862 Disability.
Wealea. Thos. H. Private. Oct. 9, 1861 June 21, 1862 Disability.
Wood, James H. Private. Oct. 9, 1861 Jan. 1, 1862
Woodall, Thomas Private. Oct. 21, 1861 Deserted, June 26, 1862.
Wilson, Thomas Private. Oct. 31, 1861 Deserted, May 15, 1862.
Woodall, Samuel Private. Oct. 16, 1861 Deserted, October 25, 1862.
Zates, James A. Private. Oct. 9, 1861 June 21, 1862 Disability.