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This template shows the roster for the 1st Maryland Cavalry (U) / Field and Staff Officers.

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1st Maryland Cavalry (U) / Regimental Field and Staff Officers
Rank Name City/Town Commission From Muster Date
Colonel [[]] ?, MD ? ?
Name Rank Date of Enlistment/Muster In Date of muster out or discharge Remarks
Andrew G. Miller Colonel. Dec. 20, 1861 May 22 1862 Entered the service as Lieutenant Colonel; promoted Colonel, May 4, 1832; resigned.
Eugene Von Keilmansegge Colonel. Oct. 9, 1862 May 14, 1863 Discharged.
Andrew W. Evans Colonel. Dec. 1, 1863 Aug. 8, 1865
Charles Wetschky Lieut.-Col. Aug. 7, 1861 Sept. 21, 1862 Entered the service as Captain, Company B; promoted Lieutenant Colonel, May 1, 1862; resigned.
James M. Deems Lieut.-Col. Aug. 15, 1861 Nov. 10, 1863 Entered the service as Major; promoted Lieutenant Colonel, October 9, 1862; Brevet-Colonel and Brevet- Brigadier-general, March 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious services during the war;" discharged.
Jacob H. Counselman Lieut.-Col. April 20, 1864 Aug. 8, 1865
Chas. H. Russell Major. Aug. 5, 1861 Dec. 31, 1863 Entered the service as Captain, First Virginia Union Cavalry; transferred to Company I, First Maryland Cavalry, January 28, 1862; promoted Major, October 9, 1862; discharged.
Charles H. R. Shriber Major. May 2, 1862 Aug. 4, 1862 Lieutenant Colonel and additional A. D. C., U. S. Volunteers, June 1, 1862.
George Thistleton Major. Aug. 28, 1861 May 17, 1864 Entered the service as Captain, Putnam Rangers, D. C. Cavalry; transferred to First Maryland Cavalry as Captain, Company L; promoted Major, October 9, 1862; out of service.
Vincent E. Von Koerber Major. April 26, 1862 Aug. 8, 1865 Entered the service as Captain, Company — ; promoted Major, June 13, 1864; Brevet. Lieutenant Colonel, March 13, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services during the war."
Burr H. Grover 1st Lieut. and Adjutant. Sept. 5, 1861 Jan. 25, 1862 Discharged.
Fred. Calvert 1st Lieut. and Adjutant. Feb. 1, 1862 June 10, 1862 First Lieutenant and Adjutant, February 1, 1862; resigned.
John A. Gareis lst Lieut. and Adjutant. Sept. 28, 1861 Aug. 8, 1865 Entered the service as Sergeant, Company B; promoted Quartermaster Sergeant; Second Lieutenant, December 2, 1862; First Lieutenant and Adjutant, January 1, 1863.
David C. Steiner lst Lieut. and R. Q. M. Aug. 7, 1861 Dec. 22, 1864 Entered the service, as First Lieutenant, Company A; promoted R. Q. M., February 1, 1862.
Franklin P. Crandin 1st Lieut. and R. Q. M. Dec. 2, 1862 July 10, 1866 First Lieutenant and R. Q. M., December 2, 1862; Captain and A. Q. M., U. S. Volunteers, February 6, 1865; Brevet-Major, December 30, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious services."
Elijah S. Morrison 1st Lieut. and R. C. S. Oct. 15, 1861 Dec. 24, 1864 Entered the service as private, Company C; promoted Hospital Steward; First Lieutenant and R. C. S., December 2, 1862.
John Edward Warner Surgeon. Aug. 7, 1861 May 18, 1862 Discharged.
Thos. J. Dunnott Surgeon. May 26, 1862 Sept. 26, 1863 Discharged.
Robert A. Dodson Surgeon. May 19, 1862 Aug. 8, 1865 Entered the service as Assistant Surgeon; promoted Surgeon, September 26, 1863.
Charles C. Lee Ass't Surg. Oct. 1, 1861 May 24, 1862 Resigned.
J. Fulton Ensor Ass't Surg. Dec. 1, 1863 Oct. 1, 1865 Promoted Surgeon, 79th U. S. Colored Troops, November 1, 1864.
Wm. E. Burleigh Ass't Surg. June 2, 1865 Aug. 8, 1865
Arthur O. Brickman Chaplain. Dec. 29, 1861 Nov. 10, 1863 Discharged.
Michael Dawson Feb. 14, 1863 May 30, 1865 Transferred from Company M.
Wm. R. Robinson Sept. 4, 1861 Aug. 8, 1865 Transferred from Company L.
Harrison Norris Aug. 25, 1861 Aug. 8, 1865 Transferred from Company G.
Charles H. Teipel Sept. 21, 1861 Oct. 15, 1864
John Meyer Mar. 9, 1864 Aug. 8, 1865 Transferred from Company D.
August C. E. Henkel Dec. 21, 1862 Sept. 26, 1864 Transferred from Company D.
Lewis Winters Com. Sergt. Aug. 25, 1861 Nov. 26, 1864 Transferred from Company G; taken prisoner, October 12, 1863, Sulphur Springs, Va.
Henry Campbell Jan. 26, 1863 May 6, 1865 See Roster, Company E.
Isaac H. Smith Oct. 15, 1861 See Roster, Company G.
William Jones Jan. 8, 1863 Aug. 8, 1865 Transferred from Company E.
John A. Garies Q. M. Sergt. Sept. 16, 1861 Aug. 8, 1865 See Roster, Field and Staff.
James U. Hughes Oct. 15, 1861 Aug. 8, 1865 Entered the service as private in Company C.
Elijah J. Morrison Hos. Stew. Sept. 20, 1861 Dec. 24, 1864 See Roster, Field and Staff.
Charles Deibel Hos. Stew. Oct. 15, 1861 Entered the service as private in Company C.
James McDonald Vet. Surg. Feb. 3, 1862 July 17, 1862