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This template shows the roster for the 143rd Pennsylvania Infantry / Field and Staff Officers.

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143rd Pennsylvania Infantry / Regimental Field and Staff Officers
Rank Name City/Town Commission From Muster Date
Colonel [[]] ?, PA ? ?
Edmund L. Dana Colonel November 18, 1862 Died July 2, of wounds received at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863
George E. Hoyt Lt. Colonel September 6, 1862 Promoted from Captain Company D, November 8, 1862; died at Kingston, Pa., June 1, 1863
John D. Musser Lt. Colonel October 1, 1862 Promoted from 1st Lieut. Company K to Major, November 8, 1862; to Lieutenant Colonel, June 2, 1863; killed at Wilderness, Va., May 6, 1864
Geo. N. Reichard Lt. Colonel August 27, 1862 Promoted from Captain Company C, June 8, 1865; mustered out with Regiment, June 12, 1865
C. M. Conyngham Major August 26, 1862 Promoted from Captain Company A, September 1, 1863; discharged July 26, for wounds received at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 12, 1864
Chester K. Hughes Major October 18, 1862 Promoted from Captain Company I, October 27, 1864; Bv. Lt. Colonel and Colonel, March 13, 1865; mustered out with Regiment, June 12, 1865
John Jones, Jr. Adjutant December 18, 1862 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, September 12, 1863
F. M. Shoemalker Adjutant October 31, 1863 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, September 7, 1864
Chas. H. Campbell Adjutant September 8, 1862 Promoted from 2d Lieut. Company F, December 13, 1864; mustered out with Regiment, June 12, 1865
Milton Dana Quarter Master November 18, 1862 Promoted to Captain and Asst. Quarter Master, U. S. Vols., May 17, 1865; mustered out, May 19, 1866
Wm. D. Warfel Quarter Master September 6, 1862 Promoted from priv. Company to Quarter Master Sergeant, October 1, 1863; to Quarter Master, June 5, 1865; mustered out with Regiment, June 12, 1865
Francis C. Reamer Surgeon September 16, 1862 Resigned February 3, 1865
C. E. Humphrey Surgeon May 25, 1863 Promoted from Assistant Surgeon, 142d Regiment Pa. Vols., March 22, 1864; mustered out with Regiment, June 12, 1865
James Fulton Assistant Surgeon August 20, 1862 Transferred from 150th Regiment P. V., November 18, 1862; discharged April 8, 1864
David L. Scott Assistant Surgeon September 18, 1862 Discharged April 8, 1864
I. C. Hogendobler Assistant Surgeon April 27, 1864 Promoted to Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Vols., September 7, 1864; Bv. Major; mustered out, December 8, 1865
Edward Brobst Assistant Surgeon December 27, 1864 Mustered out with Regiment, June 12, 1865
Solomon W. Weiss Chaplain November 28, 1862 Resigned April 30, 1863
Jacob W. Burke Sergeant Major September 6, 1862 Promoted from Sergeant Company D, May 13, 1865; musterecl out with regiment, June 12, 1865
Patrick De Lacy Sergeant Major August 26, 1862 Promoted fiom Sergeant Company A, October 6, 1864; to 2d Lieutenant, Company D, May 24, 1865
John M. Conner Sergeant Major August 27, 1862 Promoted from 1st Sergeant Company C, December 1, 1883; to 1st Lieutenant Company B, September 18, 1864
Wesley M. Cooper Sergeant Major August 15, 1862 Promoted from Sergeant Company K; transferred to Company K, December 1, 1863
Alonzo S. Holden Sergeant Major August 26, 1862 Promoted from Sergeant Company A, January 1, 1863; transferred to Company A, July 1, 1863
Elhannan W. Wert Quarter Master Sergant September 6, 1862 Promoted fr. priv. Company E to Commissary Sergeant, July 17, 1864; to Quarter Master Sergant, June 6, 1865; mustered out with Regiment, June 12, 1865
Augustus Atherton Commissary Sergeant August 25, 1862 Promoted from private Company B, June 7, 1865; mustered out with Regiment, June 12, 1865
Myron S. Town Commissary Sergeant September 6, 1862 Promoted from priv. Company 1. April 20, 1864; to Quarter Master Sergeant 45th Regiment U. S. C. T., July 21, 1864; mustered out, November 4, 1865
Josiah L. Lewis Hospital Steward September 6, 1862 Promoted from private Company E, October 1, 1863; mustered out with Regiment, June 12, 1865
H. C. Yarrington Principal Musician August 26, 1862 Promoted from Musician Company B, March 1, 1865; mustered out with Regiment, June 12, 1865
John C. P. Little Principal Musician September 6, 1862 Promoted from Musician Company D; transferred to Company D, February 28, 1865