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This template shows the roster for the (II) 11th Maryland Infantry (U) / Field and Staff Officers.

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(II) 11th Maryland Infantry (U) / Regimental Field and Staff Officers
Rank Name City/Town Commission From Muster Date
Colonel [[]] ?, MD ? ?
Name Rank Date of Enlistment/Muster In Date of muster out or discharge Remarks
John G. Johannes Colonel. Mar. 3, 1865 June 15, 1865 Promoted from Lieutenant-Colonel, Eighth Maryland Infantry.
Jas. C. Mullikin Lieut.-Col. Jan. 18, 1865 June 15, 1865 Entered the service as Second Lieutenant, Company H, First E. S. Infantry; promoted First Lieutenant, July 24, 1862; Lieutenant- Colonel, January 8, 1865.
Martin Suter Major. Jan. 18, 1865 June 15, 1865 Entered the service as Captain, Company G, Fourth Marylnad Infantry, September 1, 1862; appointed Captain First E. S. Infantry, January 18, 1865; Captain Company E, Eleventh Maryland Infantry; Major, February 18, 1865.
John B. Kemp 1st Lieut. and Adjutant. Feb. 26, 1864 June 15, 1865 Entered the service as private Company D, First E. S. Infantry; promoted Second Lieutenant, January 14, 1865; First Lieutenant and Adjutant, Eleventh Infantry, March 24, 1865; veteran.
Wm. D. Burchinal 1st Lieut. and R. Q. M. Dec. 21, 1861 June 15, 1865 Entered the service as Second Lieutenant, Company D, Second E. S. Infantry; First Lieutenant and Adjutant, September 4, 1862; Captain Company A, December 27, 1862; First Lieutenant and Quartermaster, Eleventh Infantry, February 4, 1865; mustered out, June 15, 1865.
J. McKendree Kemp Surgeon. April 1, 1863 June 15, 1865 Promoted from Assistant Surgeon, First E. S. Maryland Infantry, February 4, 1865.
G. Lane Taneyhill Ass't Surg. May 10, 1865 June 15, 1865
Thomas B. Earickson Sergt. Maj. Sept. 12, 1861 June 26, 1865 Enlisted as private Company D, First E. S. Infantry; promoted Quartermaster- Sergeant, February 28, 1865; Sergeant-Major, April 1, 1865; veteran.
Louis Houle Sergt. Maj. Jan. 2. 1862 June 15, 1865 See Roster, Company K.
Wm. J. Patton Q. M. Sergt. Feb. 16, 1864 June 26, 1865 Enlisted as Sergeant Company E, First E. S. Infantry; promoted Commissary-Sergeant; Quartermaster-Sergeant, April 1, 1865; veteran.
Rudolph Oehl Com. Sergt. Oct. 10, 1861 June 26, 1865 Enlisted as private Company I, Second E. S. Infantry; promoted Commissary-Sergeant; veteran.
James Walker Hos. Stew. Dee. 12, 1861 June 26, 1865 Veteran.