Maryland in the Civil War

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Population and Demographics

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Antebellum Maryland

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This list contains items listed in Dyer that do not have any information listed for them - they may be part of or alternate names for different engagements or operations already documented

  • DY 609 Cranberry Summit, Md. -- Affair Apr. 26, 1863
  • DY 613 Fair Haven, Md. -- Affair Apr. 4, 1865
  • DY 620 Gunpowder Bridge, Md. -- Affair July 10, 1864
  • DY 631 Magnolia, Md. -- Affair July 11, 1864
  • DY 633 Monocacy River, Md. -- Skir Oct. 12, 1862
  • DY 637 Nolan's Ford, Md. -- Skir Oct. 12, 1862

Loyal Maryland

Though Maryland never officially seceded from the Union, its position as a border state tested the allegiance of many of its citizens. Many Marylanders served in units from other states, either as individuals or small units such as companies or batteries. The "Maryland Line" as presented here shows only the units raised in full within the state. A special thank you goes to the Maryland State Archives for digitizing much of the roster information present in this section.

Maryland Soldiers in the United States Armies

  • Over 0 soldiers from Maryland served the Union cause in the War of the Rebellion (Click for full list)
Federal Units

These units were raised either directly by the federal government from Maryland, or raised by the state of Maryland and given a federal designation.

Maryland Officer Corps
  • Temporary list - Union MD Roster Source Volume 1 p.833-834

Adreon, Maj. and Brevet Lieut.-Col. Harrison . . . . .


Graham, Maj. Henry G...........................


Allard, Col. Thomas B..................... < ........


Graham, Col. Samuel A...........................


Anderson, Maj. Wendall A...........................


Hall, Maj. John T...................................


Atkinson, Maj. Edward E............................


Heath, Lieut.-Col. Stephen P.......................


Baer, Maj. Edward R.................................


Herrick, Maj. Seth W.............................


Baer, Maj. Jacob ......................................


Hill, Lieut.-Col. Joseph C...........................


Bamberger, Col. William W.........................


Holland, Lieut.-Col. John C......................


Barrett, Jr. Lieut.-Col. and Brevet Col. Gregory....


Holton, Lieut.-Col. Charles A ........................


Baugher, Maj. Eugene C .............................


Horn, Col. and Brevet Brig.-Gen. U. S. V. John W.


Baugher, Maj. Eugene C.............................


Horner, Maj. Oliver A................................


Beatty, Maj. Joseph E ...............................


Howard, Jr., Lieut.-Col. Henry...................


Bennett, Lieut.-Col. and Brev.-Col. U. S. V. Da-

Howard, Col. George R .................. t...........


vid T. ...............................................


Huntley, Maj. John H................................


Berry, Maj. Adolph...................................


Irving, Maj. William H..............................


Bishop, Lieut.-Col. John L...........................


Jarrett, Maj. James H ................................


Blumenberg, Maj. Leopold ...........................


Johannes, Lieut.-Col. John G............... .307, 393,


Boone, Maj. Jerningham......................432,


Johns, Col. Thomas ...................................


Bowen, Maj. Henry P................................


Johnson, Lieut.-Col. Thomas S. J....................


Bowerman, Col., Brev. Brig.-Gen. U. S. V. Rich-

Keene, Col. John R ...................................


ard N. ..............................................


Kemp, Maj. J. McKendree ...........................


Brooks, Maj. Henry P......"..........................


Kenly, Brig.-Gen. and Brevet Maj. -Gen. U. S. V.,

Brown, Lieut.-Col. Charles J...................432, Bruce, Col. Robert..................................



Kennedy, Maj. William B............................

16 113

Brunner, Maj. Andrew B.............................


Kesley, Maj. William.................................


Cadden, Maj. Charles W........................... Chorpening, Maj. George............................. Church, Maj. Royal W............................... Clark, Maj. Henry E.................................

Cloudsley, Lieut.-Col. Thomas.................... Cole, Col. Henry A.................................... Coloney, Maj. Josiah B.............................. Comegys, Lieut.-Col. Wm. < H....................... Cook, Col. Roger E..............................432, Counselman, Lieut.-Col. Jacob H.................... Crain, Maj. Wm. B................................... Dallam, Maj. Wm. H ................................. Daniel, Maj. J. Townsend......................354, Deems, Lieut.-Col. and Brevet Col. and Brevet Brig.-Gen. U. S. V. Jas. M..........................

156 17 336 758 336 664 17 607 485 704 543 277 664


King, Maj. Robert G.....................'............ Kirby, Lieut.-Col. and Brevet Col. and Brevet Brig.-Gen. U. S. V., Byron......................... Kirby, Maj. William ................................... Kramer, Maj. Samuel................................. Landstreet, Col. William T .......................... LeCompt, Maj. Granville B .......................... Leonard, Col. William J ............................. Lynn, Lieut.-Col. James C ........................... Marsh, Lieut.-Col. Salome ........................... Massey, Lieut.-Col. Elijah E ......................... Maulsby, Sr., Col. William P........................ McConnell, Col. John O............................... McCullough, Maj. James H .......................... McKee, Maj. and Brevet Lieut.-Col. U. S. V. Chas. E. S..................................................


758 607 113 376 607 462 543 181 631 485 113 73


Denison, Col. and Brevet Brig.-Gen. and Brevet

McKellip, Lieut.-Col. William A.....................


Maj. -Gen. U. S. V. Andrew W......................


Miller, Col. Andrew G ................................


Dennis, Lieut.-Col. George R ........................


Mitchell, Maj. Thomas E .............................


DeWitt, Maj. David P...............................


Mobley, Maj. Edward M .............................


DeWitt, Col. David P................................


Mooney, Maj. Robert S ...............................


Dodson, Maj. Robert A............................


Morgan, Maj. Wilbur P ...............................


Downey, Col. Stephen W............................


Morrony, Maj. Edwin P ..............................


Dunott, Maj. Thomas J..............................


Mulliken, Lieut.-Col. James C .......................


Duryee, Lieut.-Col. and Brevet Col. and Brevet

Neely, Maj. Robert...................................


Brig.-Gen. U. S. V. J. Eugene .....................


Nelson, Maj. Charles F. M ...........................


Dushane, Col. Nathan T.............................


Nicodemus, Col. William J. L.....................


Evans, Col. Andrew W ...............................


Norris, Maj. William H ..............................


Faehtz, Lieut.-Col. and Brevet Col. U. S. V. Ernest

O'Donnell, Maj. James S .............................


F. M.................................................


Onderdonk, Maj. D. W...........................354


Fallen, Maj. Michael................................


Owings, Maj. Henry W ..............................


Flory, Maj. Alexander M ............................


Petherbridge, Maj. Edward R .......................


Foreman, Maj. Edwin K .............................


Phelps, Col. and Brevet Brig.-Gen. U. S. V. Clras. E.


Fulton, Maj. William T..............................


Phelps, Jr., Maj. Francis P ..........................


George, Maj. William E ..............................


Porter, Lieut.-Col. G. Ellis ...........................


Gilman, Maj. Judson .................................


Prentiss, Maj. and Brevet Lieut.-Col. and Brevet

Gilpin, Col. Charles ...................................


Col. U. S. V. Clifton K.............................


Grafflin, Maj. Charles L ..............................


Purnell, Col. -William H..............................


Reed, Lieut.-Col. Seth G.............................


Stevenson, Maj. John M......................114,


Revere, Jr., Col. William H..........................


Sudsburg, Col. Joseph M .............................


Rizer, Col. Henry C ..................................


Suter, Maj. Martin ....................................


Robinson, Lieut.-Col. and Brevet Col U. S. V. Giln

Taylor, Lieut.-CoL and Brevet Col. U. S. V. Benja-

bert P................................................


min F..............................................


Robinson, Maj. Robert K .............................


Taylor, Maj. William I...............................


Rodgers, Col. Robert S ...............................


Tevis, Col. and Brevet Brig.-Gen. U. S. V. C. Car-

Ross, Lieut.-Col. and Brevet Brig.-Gen. U. S. V.

roll ..................................................


William E. W......................................


Thistleton, Maj. George ..............................


Russell, Maj. Charles H ..............................


TJhler, Maj. John R...................................


Santmyer, Maj. John M ..............................


Vernon, Lieut.-Col. George W. F..................


Schley, Maj. Benjamin H ............................


Volk, Maj. William W........................156,


Schley, Col. William Louis...........................


Von Koerber, Maj. and Brevet Lieut.-Col. U. S. V.

Sewell, Jr., Lieut.-Col. Thomas....................


Vincent E ...........................................


Shaw, Maj. Alexander...............................

543 ,

Von Keilmansegge, Col. Eugene .....................


Shearer, Lieut.-Col. Crawford W....................


Wallace, Col. James.... ^...........................


Shriber, Maj. and Lieut.-Col. Charles H. R.........


Warner, Maj. John E.................................


Simpers, Maj. Charles E .............................


Way, Maj. Walter R..................................


Simpson., Col. Benjamin L ...........................


Webster, Col. Edwin H...............................


Simpson, Lieut.-Col. Benjamin ......................


Wetschky. Lieut.-Col. Charles.....................


Smith, Maj. Samuel T ................................


White, Maj. A. A..............................114,


Sommer, Col. John.................................


Wilkins, Col. Edward................................


Stanton, Col. and Brevet Brig.-Gen. U. S. V.

Wilson, Col. John W..................................


David L .............................................


Wilson, Maj. James H ................................


Steiner, Lieut.-Col. and Brevet Col. and Brevet

Yellott, Maj. John I ...................................


Brig.-Gen. U. S. V. John A.....................


Zimmerman, Maj. Benjamin F .......................


Maryland Sailors and Marines in the United States Navy

  • Over 0 sailors served in the Union Navies from the State of Maryland in the War of the Rebellion (Click for full list)

THE History of the U.S. Navy during the Civil War demonstrated the wonderful genius of our people in energy and inventive skill in improvising and building war vessels. In courage, intelligence and vigilance in handling them and a bravery and dash by both officers and seamen that has never been excelled.

At the commencement of the Civil War in the early spring of 1861, the U. S. Government had at its disposal sixty-nine (69) vessels of war, of which twenty-seven (27) were laid up for repairs. Of the forty two (42) vessels in commission twenty-six (26) were absent on duty in foreign lands, long months elapsed before they could be rendered available, many of them were sailing vessels, old-fashioned frigates, beautiful to behold, but almost useless on the day when steam had become known as the propelling power of war vessels, and coal a "contraband of war."

The service had been rusty from long idleness, in both officers and vessels. "Presto change," four years later the navy of the United States consisted of six hundred and seventy-one vessels. It exceeded that of any other naval power, not excepting England.

America revolutionized the natives of the world, when on the afternoon of the 9th day of March, 1862, at Hampton Roads, the Monitor and the Merrimac fought the first battle of the iron-clads.

The ingenuity of our people both North and South was something marvelous in the productions and improvements in Naval architecture, and the World stood and wondered.

Even the American gun-boats of light draught on our western rivers so eminently adapted for the work committed to them, were marvels in their fashion.

Necessity is indeed the mother of invention, and no one understood this better than the Yankee sailor.

The history of the Maryland sailors and marines in the Civil War for the preservation of the Federal Union 1861-5, is a part of the History of the American Navy during that period, for scarcely a vessel or a squadron in any of their engagements or movements, but what had a Maryland sailor on their shipping lists.

In all of the naval histories of the American Navy the sons of Maryland, bore a conspicuous part and in the War of 1812-5, the Baltimore privateers made a glorious record, and it was an easy matter to particularize and plainly exhibit the distinguished services rendered by the Maryland sailors, but in the Civil War. all were merged in the common cause and it is a difficult matter to do justice to the gallantry of the Maryland sailor, suffice it to say, that they proved themselves worthy of an heroic ancestry, from the beginning to the end of the struggle.

A draft of Baltimore sailors rendered efficient aid with Commodore A. H. Foote's Mississippi River Flotilla in 1861-2, and aided in opening to navigation the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers, and the capture of Forts Henry and Donelson in February 1862; and again in March 1862 at Island No. 10, the Maryland contingent aided in driving home the entering wedge that caused the Mississippi to flow unvexed to the sea.

In the ill-fated engagement of the Cumberland and Congress with the Merrimac at Hampton Roads, March 8, 1862, the Maryland sailor perished at the guns.

In the splendid naval attack and capture of Port Royal, S. C., in November 1861, the Maryland sailor had a good representation throughout the victorious fleet.

In April 1862, the Maryland sailor, was found in the fleets of Admirals Porter and Farragut in their splendid achievements on the lower Mississippi, that resulted in the capture of New Orleans, and the final surrender of the last obstacles at Port Hudson and Vicksburg, when the Mississippi was opened again to commerce.

In the operations in Charleston Harbor and the capture of Fort Fisher, the Maryland sailors were in the van.

At the great naval battle and victory of Mobile Bay where Farragut immortalized himself and the American Navy, the Maryland sailor was found doing his duty nobly.

In the famous naval battle off the coast of France between the U. S. S. "Kearsarge" and the C. S. S. "Alabama," the Maryland sailor was found behind the guns.

The personnel of the Maryland officers in the U. S. Navy during the Civil War, who have helped make the history of the U. S. Navy glorious embraced such names as Rear-Admiral John Rodgers who in the early days of the War was ordered on special duty in the Mississippi Valley to superintend the building of iron-clads on the Western River, thence back to the Atlantic to lead his Squadron in its advance and battle upon the James River, Va., almost within sight of the Confederate Capitol, until sunken vessels in the channel and other obstructions to navigation precluded further movements, and who again in the naval duel at Warsaw Sound, Ga., June 17, 1863, whilst in command of the Monitor "Weihawken," compelled the surrender within fifteen minutes of the C. S. S. Atlanta.

Rear-Admiral Benjamin F. Sands was present in both attacks of the U. S. fleet on Fort Fisher, N. C., most of the time Senior officer, commanding blockade off Wilmington and also off coast of Texas.

Col. Arthur J. Pritchard, fell wounded at his post of duty on the U. S. naval fleet in their desperate battle incident to the capture of New Orleans in 1862.

Rear-Admiral Augustus H. Kelty aided in the organization of the Naval flotilla on the Mississippi River in 1861-2, and at Island No. 10 and Fort Pillow, did splendid service, commanded the expedition to White River, Arkansas, and on June 17, 1862, at the capture of Fort St. Charles whilst over one hundred of his crew perished in the engagement, he came out of the engagement minus an arm.

Rear-Admiral Hugh Y. Purviance took part in the first battle with the iron-clad "Merrimac," a battle that startled the world, again in command of U. S. S. "St. Lawrence" off Charleston, S. C., sank the C. S. Privateer "Petrel" and received a vote of thanks from the State of Maryland through the General Assembly.

Rear-Admiral John H. Russell complimented by the U. S. Navy Department and the thanks of the Legislature of Maryland, commanded the U. S. Gunboat "Kennebec" with Farragut's fleet in the attack upon Forts St. Philip and Jackson in 1862, and thence in the advance up the river as far as Vicksburg, Miss.

Rear-Admiral Winfield S. Schley, a name now known and honored throughout the civilized world, in 1862-3 commanded batteries in the siege and capture of Port Hudson, La., and throughout the Civil War on active duty passed through a school of experience that laid the foundation for his subsequent brilliant career.

So that it is self-evident that the Maryland contingent in the U. S. Navy during the Civil War 1861-5 was a most valuable factor.

Note: This roster information for this section was sourced from L. Allison Wilmer, J. H. Jarrett and Geo. W. F. Vernon, History and Roster of Maryland Volunteers, War of 1861-5, Volume 2. (Baltimore: Guggenheimer, Weil, & Co., 1899). p.4-124

Navy Regular Officers

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this branch.

United States Navy (Regular Officers)
Name Rank or
Date of
or Shipment
Date of
Vessels Served on
and Remarks
Captain [[]] ?, MD ?
Francis B. Allen 2d Asst. Eng. Mar. 1, 1862 Feb. 18, 1868 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, Oct. 15, 1863.
Louis J. Allen Chief Eng. May 3, 1859 Appointed 3d Asst. Engineer, 1859; attached to Dacotah, 1860; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, Jan. 6, 1862; 1st Asst. Engineer, May 20, 1863; steam sloop Dacotah, N. A. Station, 1861; Adirondack, S. A. Squadron, 1862-3; special duty, New York, 1864; special duty, Baltimore, 1865; continued in service, and subsequently promoted to Chief Engineer, with relative rank of Lieut. Commander.
William L. Bailie P. A. Eng. Jan. 16, 1863 Appointed 3d Asst. Engineer, 1863; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, May 28, 1864; attached to Cimarone, S. A. S., 1863-6; continued in service, and subsequently promoted 1st Asst. Engineer, with relative rank of Lieutenant.
James J. Barry P. A. Eng. Dec. 8, 1862 Appointed 3d Asst. Engineer, 1862; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, April 8, 1864; attached to Canandaigua, S. A. Station, 1862-5; continued in service, and subsequently promoted 1st Asst. Engineer, with relative rank of Lieutenant.
William H. Barton Lt.-Comd'r. Sept. 20, 1856 June 17, 1867 Preble, Plymouth, Seminole, Wyoming, Jamestown, Lackawanna, Tuscarora, Dacotah and Powhatan. Entered the service as Midshipman; promoted Master, Sept. 19, 1861; Lieut, July 26, 1862; Lieut.-Commander, July 25, 1866.
Alexander B. Bates Chief Eng. Jan. 16, 1863 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, May 28, 1864; continued in service, and subsequently promoted 1st Asst. Engineer, Past Asst. Engineer and Chief Engineer.
Elisha J. Beacham Gunner. Sept. 7, 1861 Continued in service.
George W. Beard 3d Asst. Eng. Mar. 25, 1862 Feb. 1, 1866 Retired.
William H. Beehler Lt.-Comd'r. July 28, 1864 Entered the service as Midshipman; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Ensign, Master, Lieut., and Lieut.-Commander.
Rudolph T. Bennett P. A. Eng. Mar. 25, 1862 Appointed 3d Asst. Engineer, 1862; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, 1863; serving on the Seneca, S. A. Station, in 1863; Shamokin, Brazil Squadron, 1865; continued in service, and subsequently promoted to 1st Asst. Engineer, with relative rank of Lieutenant.
Charles Boarman Rear Admiral. June 9, 1811 Entered the service as Midshipman; promoted Lieut., March 5, 1817; Commander; Captain; Commodore, April 4, 1867; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Rear-Admiral.
William Bond 3d Asst. Eng. June 23, 1863 May 25, 1867 Resigned.
Thomas H. Bordley 1st Asst. Eng. Aug. 26, 1859 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, Oct. 16, 1861; 1st Asst. Engineer, Oct. 1, 1863; died Dec. 10, 1865.
Junius J. Boyle Commodore. Aug. 27, 1823 Entered the service as Midshipman; promoted Passed Midshipman, Lieutenant and Commodore; continued in service.
Theodore C. Brecht 2d Asst. Eng. May 28, 1861 Jan. 18, 1865 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, Dec. 18, 1862; resigned.
William H. Brice Act. Master. Sept. 15, 1861 Appointed Master's Mate, Sept. 15, 1861; Acting Ensign, Sept. 3, 1862; Acting Master, July 16, 1864; continued in service; transferred to Regular Navy from Volunteer Service.
Gilbert E. Bryson Act. Mid'n. July 25, 1864 Sept. 28, 1866 Resigned.
William T. Buck Act. Master. Mar. 22, 1862 Entered the Volunteer Service as Master's Mate, March 22, 1862; promoted Acting Master, May 26, 1862; continued in service, and transferred to Regular Navy.
McKean Buchanan Purser. Aug. 21, 1826 Continued in service.
Richard H. Buel 2d Asst. Eng. July 8, 1862 July 8, 1867 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, Feb. 15, 1864.
William Burnice Gunner. Dec. 20, 1847 Died Jan. 21, 1867.
George W. Carrick 3d Asst. Eng. June 10, 1862 Nov. 18, 1865 Resigned.
John Caulk Gunner. Sept. 2, 1841 Continued in service.
Peter A. Chason Boatswain. Sept. 27, 1858 Oct. 26, 1866 Retired.
Benj. E. Chassing Chief Eng. May 21, 1857 Feb. 12, 1867 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer; 1st Asst. Engineer, Oct. 21, 1861; Chief Engineer, Nov. 10, 1863; resigned.
James R. Childs Sailmaker. June 8, 1822 Continued in service.
Henry C. Christopher 2d Asst. Eng. Mar. 17, 1863 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; continued in service, and subsequently promoted 2d Asst. Engineer.
Hugh L. Cline P. A. Eng. July 1, 1861 Appointed 3d Asst. Engineer in 1861; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, Dec. 18, 1862; 1st Asst. Engineer, 1866; retained in service as Passed Asst. Engineer, with relative rank of Lieutenant, 1861-3, attached to steam sloop Wyoming, East Indies.
Richardson Clover Commander. July 30, 1863 Entered the service as Midshipman; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Ensign, Master, Lieutenant, Lieut.-Commander and Commander.
David M. Cohen Major. Aug. 19, 1855 Entered the service as 2d Lieutenant, U. S. M. C., Aug. 19, 1855; promoted 1st Lieutenant, 1861; Captain, July 26, 1861; Major, Dec. 5, 1867; continued in service.
George W. Collier Lieut.-Col. Sept. 5, 1860 Commissioned as 2d Lieutenant, U. S. M. C., Sept. 5, 1860; 1st Lieutenant, Sept. 1, 1861; Captain, Nov. 20, 1862; steam frigate Minnesota, A. Blockading Squadron, 1861-2; Marine Barracks, Boston, 1861-4; Marine Barracks, Brooklyn, 1864; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Major and Lieut.-Colonel.
Gilbert C. Cook 2d Asst. Eng. Sept. 16, 1862 July 22, 1865 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, March 1, 1864; resigned.
Theophilus Cook P. A. Eng. May 22, 1863 Appointed 3d Asst. Engineer, 1863; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, 1865; served on the Onondago, N. A. Squadron, 1864-5; Winooski, N. A. Squadron, 1865; continued in service, and subsequently appointed 1st Asst. Engineer, with relative rank of Lieutenant.
Robert A. Copeland 2d Asst. Eng. May 28, 1861 Entered the service as 2d Asst. Engineer; dismissed Sept. 19, 1861.
Thomas Crabbe Rear Admiral. Nov. 15, 1809 Entered the service as Midshipman; promoted Lieutenant; Commander; Captain; Commodore, July 16, 1862; Rear- Admiral, July 25, 1866; continued in service.
S. Wilkins Cragg 1st Asst. Eng. Aug. 25, 1859 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, Oct. 26, 1861; out of service, June 27, 1864; re-appointed 1st Asst. Engineer, July 25, 1866; continued in service.
Joseph D. Daniels Lt.-Comd'r. Oct. 19, 1841 Entered the service as Midshipman; promoted Passed Midshipman; Master; Lieutenant; Acting Master, Sept. 5, 1862; Acting Lieutenant, June 3, 1863; Acting Vol. Lieut.-Commander, May 18, 1864; Lieut.-Commander, July 18, 1864; died March 3, 1865, of wounds.
George M. Darrance Chaplain. Jan. 2, 1860 Continued in service.
James A. Deaver 2d Asst. Eng. Feb. 19, 1863 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, July 25, 1866; continued in service.
Herman A. Delius 2d-Asst. Eng. Aug. 26, 1859 June 22, 1865 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, May 20, 1863; resigned.
Charles E. De Valin Chief Eng. Sept. 20, 1858 Appointed 3d Asst. Engineer, 1858; attached to Home Squadron, 1861; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, July 17, 1861; 1st Asst. Engineer, March 17, 1863; serving on the gunboat Scioto, W. G. Squadron, 1862-3; Wateree, Pacific Squadron, 1864; commissioned as Chief Engineer and continued in service, with relative rank of Lieut.-Commander.
Isaiah Dewling Asst. Surgeon. May 24, 1864 Entered the Volunteer Service as Acting Asst. Surgeon; transferred to Regular Service; promoted Asst. Surgeon; continued in service.
Edward Donaldson Rear Admiral. Oct., 1834 Appointed Cadet Midshipman, Oct., 1834; promoted Passed Midshipman; commissioned Lieutenant; commanding steam gunboat Scioto, W. G. Squadron; bombardment of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, and capture of New Orleans, April, 1862, and other operations in the river; commissioned as Commander, July 16, 1862; commanding receiving ship at Philadelphia in 1862-63; executive officer of steamer Keystone State, N. A. Squadron, 1863-4; commanded the steam sloop Seminole, battle Mobile Bay, Aug. 5, 1864; continued in service, and subsequently commissioned Captain, Commodore and Rear-Admiral.
T. A. Dornin Commodore. May 2, 1815 July 16, 1862 Entered the service as Midshipman; promoted Lieutenant; Commander; Captain; Commodore, July 16, 1862; retired.
Thos. M. Dukehart 1st Asst. Eng. May 3, 1859 Appointed 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, May 13, 1861; 1st Asst. Engineer, May 20, 1863; continued in service.
William W. Dungan Chief Eng. June 26, 1856 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 1st Asst. Engineer; Chief Engineer, Feb. 1, 1862; attached to frigate Minnesota, 1861; Ottawa, S. A. Blockading Squadron, 1861-2; steam sloop Dacotah, N. A. Squadron, 1862-4; special duty, 1865, Philadelphia; steam sloop Pensacola, N. Pacific Squadron, 1865; continued in service, with relative rank of Lieut. -Commander.
Marius Duvall Med. Director. Jan. 25, 1842 Entered the service as Asst. Surgeon; commissioned as Past Asst. Surgeon and Surgeon; Navy Yard, Washington, 1861; ironclad steamer New Ironsides, 1862; special service and S. A. Blockading Squadron, 1862-64; attack on Fort Sumter, April 7, 1863; in all the subsequent bombardments of the enemy's works off Charleston, rendering valuable service; 1865-6, Navy Yard, Washington; continued in service, and subsequently commissioned as Medical Inspector and Medical Director, with relative rank of Captain.
George W. Eckert Mate. Aug. 31, 1863 July 6, 1864 Resigned.
William Edgar Mate. Dec. 22, 1863 May 6, 1865 Resigned.
John B. Elliott P. Asst. Surg. May 20, 1829 Entered the service as Asst. Surgeon; promoted Passed Asst. Surgeon; retired May 8, 1861.
Henry Etting Pay Director. Nov. 7, 1826 Entered the service as Purser; promoted Pay Director on Retired List.
Clarence A. Evans 3d Asst. Eng. Mar. 17, 1863 Sept. 4, 1865 Resigned.
John J. Everhart Mate. April 19, 1862 July 2, 1864 Dismissed.
Charles Eversfield Med. Director. May 29, 1843 Entered the service as Asst. Surgeon; promoted Passed Asst. Surgeon; Surgeon; continued in service, and subsequently appointed Medical Inspector and Medical Director.
Charles W. Flusser Lt.-Comd'r. July 19, 1847 Entered the service as Midshipman; promoted Passed Midshipman; Master; Lieutenant; Lieut.-Commander, July 16, 1862; killed on board Miami, April 19, 1864.
John D. Ford Chief Eng. Aug. 12, 1862 Entered the navy Aug. 12, 1862, as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, Feb. 15, 1864; serving on the Richmond, Feb., 1863; took part in the recapture of Baton Rouge, La., and passage of Port Hudson batteries; siege of Port Hudson; blockade duty entrance to Mobile Bay; June 7, 1864, in charge prize steamer Donegal; Aug. 5, 1864, passed the forts, Mobile Bay; detailed as one of the prize crew ram Tennessee; in charge machinery prize steamer Selma; Arizona, which vessel was destroyed by fire March 9, 1865; flagship Estrella, Sebago, Pensacola and Tennessee; remaining in service, and subsequently promoted 1st Asst. Engineer, Passed Asst. Engineer and Chief Engineer.
Morean Forrest Lt.-Comd'r. Sept. 22, 1858 Entered the service as Acting Midshipman; promoted Lieutenant, Aug. 1, 1862; Lieut.-Commander, July 25, 1866; died Nov. 24, 1866.
James M. Frailey Commodore. May 1, 1828 Entered the service as Midshipman; promoted Passed Midshipman; Lieut.-Commander, April 24, 1861; Captain, Feb. 6, 1866; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Commodore.
John Franklin, Jr. Asst. Eng. June 10, 1862 June 26, 1865 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, Nov. 21, 1863; resigned.
Albert K. Fulton 2d Asst. Eng. Jan. 6, 1862 April 25, 1864 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, Oct. 1, 1863; resigned.
William H. Gardner Commodore. Dec. 6, 1814 Entered the service as Midshipman; promoted Lieut.- Commander; Captain; Commodore on Retired List, July 16, 1862.
Geo. Wm. Geddis 3d Asst. Eng. July 8, 1862 Mar. 9, 1864 Resigned.
F. A. R. George A. 1st A. Eng. April 11, 1859 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted Acting 2d Asst. Engineer, Dec. 11, 1862; Acting 1st Asst. Engineer, Jan. 7, 1863; dismissed June 8, 1864.
William Gibson Commander. Feb. 11, 1841 Entered the service as Midshipman; promoted Passed Midshipman; Master; Lieutenant; Lieut.-Commander, July 16, 1862; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Commander.
Arsene N. Girault Professor. Aug. 14, 1848 Dec. 25, 1863 Retired.
Louis M. Goldsborough Rear Admiral. June 18, 1812 Entered the service as Midshipman; promoted Lieutenant; Commander; Captain; Rear- Admiral, July 16, 1862; continued in service.
Worthington Goldsborough Pay Inspector Sept. 30, 1862 Entered the service as Acting Asst. Paymaster, Sept. 30, 1862; appointed Asst. Paymaster, July 2, 1864; attached to steamer Southfield, N. A. Blockading Squadron, 1862; St. Lawrence, N. A. Squadron, 1863-4; continued in service, and subsequently commissioned as Paymaster and Pay Inspector.
Wallace Graham Lieutenant. Dec. 6, 186 Entered the service as Midshipman; promoted Passed Midshipman, Nov. 22, 1864; Ensign, Dec. 1, 1866; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Master and Lieutenant.
Alexander Greer Chief Eng. Dec. 1, 185 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer; 1st Asst. Engineer; Chief Engineer, May 21, 1863; continued in service.
William Grier Surgeon-Gen. Mar. 7, 183 Entered the service as Asst. Surgeon, March 7, 1838; commissioned Surgeon; Chief of Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (Surgeon-General); serving on numerous naval vessels; Naval Hospital, Memphis, Tenn.; continued in service, and assigned to special duty.
Conrad J.Habighurst Chief Eng. July 1, 186 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, Sept. 2, 1865; continued in service, and subsequently promoted 1st Asst. Engineer, Passed Asst. Engineer and Chief Engineer.
John N. Hambleton Chaplain. Oct. 26, 181 Retired May 21, 1861.
David Harlan Med. Director Feb. 23, 185 Entered the service as Asst. Surgeon; promoted Passed Asst. Surgeon; Surgeon; attached, in 1861, to sloop Cyane; steam sloop Saranac, Pacific Squadron, 1863; Naval Asylum, Philadelphia, 1864-5; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Medical Director, with relative rank of Commodore.
John Haynes Mate. Nov. 22, 1862 Deserted Aug. 15, 1863.
Andrew H. Henderson 3d Asst. Eng. Sept. 8, 1863 April 17, 1866 Dismissed.
Edward M. Hensley Mate. July 8, 1863 June 8, 1865 Resigned.
James Herold Boatswain. Jan. 21, 1862 Continued in service.
Richard T. Herrich Mate. Aug. 3, 1863 Mar. 13, 1865 Resigned.
James M. Hogg Gunner. May 14, 1862 Entered the service as Mate; promoted Gunner, July 10, 1862; continued in service.
Phineas J. Horwitz Med. Director. Nov. 8, 1847 Entered the service as Asst. Surgeon; promoted Surgeon, April 19, 1861; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Medical Inspector and Medical Director.
Edward Hughes Boatswain. Aug. 11, 1864 Continued in service.
George Cookman Ireland 2d Asst. Eng. Sept. 16, 1862 Nov. 10, 1865 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, March 1, 1864; resigned.
Thomas Irving Mate. Nov. 17, 1863 Jan. 6, 1865 Promoted for gallantry at Fort Moultrie.
Washington Irving Purser. June 1, 1861 Continued in service.
Charles W. Jarboe Lieutenant. Sept. 20, 1864 Entered the service as Midshipman; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Passed Midshipman, Ensign, Master and Lieutenant.
John Joins Sailmaker. Sept. 26, 1837 May 26, 1865 Retired.
Truman M. Jones 1st Asst. Eng. Oct. 8, 1861 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, Aug. 3, 1863; continued in service, and subsequently promoted 1st Asst. Engineer.
William T. Kemp Asst. Surgeon. May 8, 1863 Entered the Volunteer Service as Acting Asst. Surgeon; promoted Asst. Surgeon; Regular Service, Sept. 5, 1863; died March 31, 1864.
Stephen D. Kennedy Medical Insp. May 9, 1861 Entered the service as Asst. Surgeon; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Surgeon and Medical Inspector.
Edward Kershner Medical Insp. Jan. 24, 1862 Appointed Asst. Surgeon, Jan. 24, 1862; attached to New Ironsides, S. A. Blockading Squadron, 1862-64; Mississippi Squadron, 1864-65; remained in service, and subsequently commissioned Surgeon and Medical Inspector.
Andrew J. Kiersted Chief Eng. June 26, 1856 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 1st Asst. Engineer; Chief Engineer, Nov. 12, 1861, with relative rank of Commander; attached to the steam sloop Mohican, 1860-1; steam sloop Tuscarora, N. A. Blockading Squadron, 1864-5; continued in service.
Augustus H. Kilty Rear Admiral. July 24, 1821 Appointed July 24, 1821; promoted to Passed Midshipman; commissioned as Lieutenant; commissioned as Commander; ordered to St. Louis, 1861, to aid in organizing naval flotilla; took command of gunboat Mound City, and was engaged at Island No. 10 and Fort Pillow, the vessel being sunk in the latter engagement; she was raised and repaired, rejoining the flotilla; in June, 1862, commanded an expedition to White river, Arkansas; on the 17th attacked Fort St. Charles, and with the aid of the military force took it, but near the close of the action a shot entered the steam drum of the Mound City, and the escape of steam caused the death of more than a hundred officers and men; the commanding officer received a severe scald, causing the loss of his left arm; commissioned as Captain, July 6, 1862; commanded ironclad frigate Roanoke, N. A. Squadron, and receiving ship Vermont; continued in service, and subsequently commissioned as Commodore and Rear-Admiral.
James W. King Eng. -in-Chief Sept. 2, 1844 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, 1st Asst. Engineer, Chief Engineer, continued in service, and subsequently appointed Engineer-in-Chief.
William J. Lamdin Chief Eng. Feb. 6, . 1851 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer and 1st Asst. Engineer; promoted Chief Engineer, Oct. 1, 1861; detached June 28, 1862, for special duty at Baltimore, Md.; March 14, 1865, ordered to Dacotah; continued in service, with relative rank of Commander.
James F. Lamdin Chief Eng. Dec. 24, 1853 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer; 1st Asst. Engineer; Chief Engineer, Dec. 8, 1862; continued in service.
Nicholas H. Lamdin P. A. Eng. April 21, 1863 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; continued in service, and subsequently promoted 2d Asst. Engineer and Passed Asst. Engineer.
Philip Lansdale Med. Director. Mar. 5, 1847 Entered the service as Asst. Surgeon; commissioned Surgeon, Jan. 20, 1861; sloop John Adams, 1861; steam sloop Pensacola, W. G. Blockading Squadron, 1863-64; continued in service, and subsequently commissioned as Medical Inspector and Medical Director, with relative rank of Captain.
William K. Latimer Commodore. Nov. 15, 1809 Entered the service as Midshipman; promoted Lieutenant; Commander; Captain; Commodore on Retired List, July 16, 1862.
George Lawrence Paymaster. Aug. 31, 1861 Oct. 7, 1864 Entered the service as Asst. Paymaster; promoted Paymaster, Feb. 6, 1862; resigned.
Richard P. Leary Captain. Sept. 20, 1860 Entered the service as Midshipman; promoted Ensign, Oct. 1, 1863; Master, May 10, 1866; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Lieutenant, Lieut.- Commander, Commander and Captain.
Thomas N. Lee Lieutenant. Oct. 13, 1863 Entered the service as Midshipman; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Ensign, Master and Lieutenant.
James G. Littig A. 2d A. Eng. Feb. 4, 1863 Entered the Volunteer Service as Acting 3d Asst. Engineer; appointed in Regular Navy, 3d Asst. Engineer, Aug. 3, 1863; Acting 2d Asst. Engineer, July 25, 1866; continued in service.
N. B. Littig 1st Asst. Eng. May 21, 1857 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer; 1st Asst. Engineer, July 1, 1861; continued in service.
Andrew R. Long Captain. Jan. 1, 1818 Entered the service as Midshipman; promoted Lieutenant, Commander and Captain; Retired List, Oct. 1, 1864; died Oct. 6, 1866.
Benjamin E. Long Lieutenant. Sept. 23, 1861 Entered the service as Midshipman; promoted Ensign, Dec. 1, 1866; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Lieutenant.
Francis J. Levering 1st Asst. Eng. May 20, 1857 June 26, 1865 Entered the pervice as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer; 1st Asst. Engineer, July 1, 1861; resigned.
Charles Lowndes Commodore. Mar. 28, 1815 Appointed March 28, 1815; commissioned Lieutenant, Commander and Captain; commissioned as Commodore, July 16, 1862; commanding steam sloop Hartford, East India Squadron, 1860-61; Prize Commissioner at Baltimore, 1864-65; continued in service.
Charles Lowndes Asst. Surgeon. Dec. 5, 1857 May 7, 1861 Dismissed.
Philip W. Lowry Ensign. Sept. 22, 1859 Entered the service as Midshipman; promoted Ensign, Sept. 16, 1862; died Feb. 12, 1866.
Nicholas Lynch Sailmaker. June 3, 1861 Continued in service.
Wm. T. A. Maddox Asst. Q. M. 1836 Appointed in 1836; commissioned as 2d Lieutenant, U.S. M. C. ; Captain and Asst. Quartermaster; stationed at Philadelphia, 1857-78; continued in service, with relative rank of Captain.
W. A. T. Maddox Major. Oct. 14, 1837 Appointed 2d Lieutenant; promoted 1st Lieutenant and Major; continued in service.
Charles H. Manning P. A. Eng. Feb. 19, 1863 Appointed 3d Asst. Engineer, Feb. 19, 1863; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, 1864; special duty, Baltimore, 1863-5; Dacotah, P. Squadron, 1865; continued in service, and subsequently promoted 1st Asst. Engineer and Passed Asst. Engineer, with relative rank of Lieutenant.
James Maughlin 2d Asst. Eng. Oct. 29, 1861 Aug. 11, 1865 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, Aug. 3, 1863; resigned.
C. F. Mayer, Jr. 2d Asst. Eng. Aug. 26, 1859 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, April 21, 1863; continued in service.
Daniel T. McCartney Chief Eng. July 19, 1861 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, Dec. 18, 1862; 1st Asst. Engineer, Jan. 30, 1865; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Passed Asst. Engineer and Chief Engineer.
Fred. McCormick Ensign. Sept. 25, 1860 Entered the service as Midshipman; promoted Ensign, March 12, 1868; died July 25, 1868.
Felix McCurley Commander. Nov. 13, 1861 Appointed as Acting Master, Nov. 13, 1861; ordered to U. S. S. Winona; attached to W. G. Squadron, 1861-62; engaged in the attacks on Forts Jackson and St. Philip, April 24, 1862; in the attack and passage of Vicksburg batteries, June 28, 1862; engagement with ironclad Arkansas, above Vicksburg; attack and passage of Vicksburg batteries, July 15, 1862; skirmishes on Mississippi river; 1863-64, attached to steam sloop Lackawanna; attack and passage of Forts Morgan and Gaines; engagement in Mobile Bay with the ironclad Tennessee and other vessels of the Confederate fleet; promoted Acting Vol. Lieutenant, Nov. 9, 1864; attached to U. S. S. Chocura, W. G. Squadron, 1865; continued in regular service, and subsequently commissioned as Lieutenant, Lieut.-Commander and Commander.
James McDonnell Carpenter. Oct. 21, 1840 Continued in service.
Fred. G. McKean Chief Eng. Feb. 19, 1861 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, April 21, 1863; 1st Asst. Engineer, Dec. 1, 1864; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Chief Engineer.
John McManus A. M. Mate. July 7, 1863 May 12, 1868
F. August Miller Lt.-Comd'r. Sept. 11, 1861 Entered the Volunteer Service as Acting Master's Mate; promoted Acting Ensign, April 24, 1863; Acting Master, Jan. 17, 1865; transferred to Regular Service as Ensign; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Lieut. and Lieut.-Commander.
Philip J. Miller Boatswain. June 4, 1856 Continued in service.
Andrew Milne Boatswain. May 8, 1864 Continued in service.
James H. Morrison 1st Asst. Eng. May 3, 1859 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, Oct. 3, 1861; 1st Asst. Engineer, May 20, 1863; continued in service.
Dennis W. Mullan Commander. Sept. 21, 1860 Entered the service as Acting Midshipman; promoted Ensign, Oct. 1, 1863; Master, May 10, 1866; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Lieutenant, Lieut.-Commander and Commander.
Horace E. Mullan Lt.-Comd'r. Sept. 25, 1857 Entered the service as Acting Midshipman; promoted Midshipman, June 1, 1861; Acting Master, Sept. 23, 1861; Lieutenant, July 16, 1862; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Lieut.-Commander.
Albert S. Murray 2d Asst. Eng. Feb. 19, 1861 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, Jan. 16, 1863; killed on board Chenango, April 15, 1864.
Francis K. Murray Captain. April 29, 1836 Entered the service as Midshipman; promoted Passed Midshipman; Lieutenant; Commander, July 16, 1862; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Captain.
James D. Murray Pay Director. June 3, 1858 Entered the service as Purser; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Pay Inspector and Pay Director.
William S. Muse Captain. Mar. 18, 1864 Entered the service as 2d Lieutenant; continued in service, and subsequently promoted 1st Lieutenant and Captain.
George C. Neilson 2d Asst. Eng. Oct. 13, 1863 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; continued in service, and subsequently promoted 2d Asst. Engineer.
Henry C. Nelson Medical Insp. May 9, 1861 Appointed Asst. Surgeon, May 9, 1861; promoted Past Asst. Surgeon, Oct. 26, 1863; commissioned Surgeon, Oct. 25, 1864; attached to steam sloop Susquehanna, W. G. Blockading Squadron, 1861-3; Naval Hospital, New York, 1864; steam sloop Pawnee, S. A.Squadron, 1865; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Medical Inspector.
Wm. C. Nicholson Commodore. June 18, 1812 Entered the service as Midshipman; promoted Lieutenant; Commander; Captain; Commodore, July 16, 1862; continued in service.
James J. Noble 2d Asst. Eng. Feb. 19, 1861 Mar. 3, 1866 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, May 20, 1863; Retired List, Jan. 5, 1866; resigned.
James C. Palmer Surgeon- Gen. Mar. 26, 1834 Entered the service as Asst. Surgeon, March 26, 1834; commissioned as Surgeon; attached to Naval Academy, 1861-3; Fleet Surgeon, flagship Hartford, W. G. Squadron, 1863-5; battle of Mobile Bay, Aug. 5, 1864; continued in service as Surgeon-General, with relative rank of Commodore.
Lambert G. Palmer Lieutenant. July 20, 1863 Entered the service as Midshipman; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Ensign, Master and Lieutenant.
Roger Perry Captain. July 1, 1828 Appointed July 1, 1828; promoted Passed Midshipman, Lieutenant and Commander; commanded store ship Fredonia, Pacific Squadron, 1863-4; continued in service, and subsequently commissioned as Captain.
Gustavus A. Pfeltz 3d Asst. Eng. Aug. 3, 1861 June 25, 1866 Resigned.
Davidson Phenix Lt.-Comd'r. Sept. 30, 1841 Entered the service as Midshipman; promoted Passed Midshipman; Master; Lieutenant; Lieut.-Commander, July 16, 1862; died Feb. 20, 1864.
Hugh L. Pilkington 2d Asst. Eng. June 27, 1862 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, Nov. 21, 1863; continued in service.
Ninian Pinkney Med. Director. Mar 26, 1834 Entered the service as Asst. Surgeon; commissioned Surgeon; from 1860 to 1862, special duty, Washington, D. C. ; Fleet Surgeon, Mississippi Squadron, 1863-5; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Medical Director, with relative rank of Commodore.
M. H. Plunkett 2d Asst. Eng. July 21, 1358 May 9, 1865 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, Sept. 21, 1861; resigned.
Alexander H. Price 2d Asst. Eng. Oct. 8, 1861 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, Aug. 3, 1863; continued in service.
Arthur J. Pritchard Pay Director. Oct. 11, 1861 Entered the service Oct. 11, 1861, as Asst. Paymaster; Nov. 9, 1864, promoted Paymaster; serving on the Itasca, Wyalusing and Ticonderoga; participating in the attacks upon Forts Jackson and St. Philips, Vicksburg, Grand Gulf, Maushac Bend, etc.; engagement with ram Albemarle and capture of Plymouth, N. C.; severely wounded in the fall of 1862, in the attack upon New Orleans, La. ; serving in the W. G. Squadron, 1861-3; N. A. Squadron, 1863-5; European Squadron, 1865; continued in service, and subsequently commissioned as Pay Inspector and Pay Director.
Hugh Y. Purviance Rear Admiral. Nov. 3, 1818 Appointed Nov. 3, 1818; commissioned Lieutenant, Commander and Captain; commanded frigate St. Lawrence on the blockade off Charleston and Southern coast, 1861; sunk the Confederate privateer Petrel, off Charleston; captured several prizes; participated in the fight of the Merrimac, gunboats and batteries off Sewell's Point, Hampton Roads; commissioned as Commodore, July 16, 1862; Light-house Inspector, 1863-65; received a vote of thanks of Maryland Legislature; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Rear- Admiral.
Peter A. Rearick Chief Eng. Feb. 17, 1860 Appointed 3d Asst. Engineer, Feb. 17, 1860; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, July 22, 1862; 1st Asst. Engineer, March 1, 1864; steamer Crusader, N. A. Squadron, 1861; Housatonic, W. G. Squadron, 1862; S. A. Squadron, 1863; Britannia, N. A. Station, 1864; ironclad Dictator, N. A. Station, 1865; retained in service, and subsequently promoted Chief Engineer, with relative rank of Lieut.-Commander.
James Renshaw 1st Asst. Eng. Feb. 17, 1860 May 14, 1867 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, Dec. 8, 1862; 1st Asst. Engineer, March 1, 1864; resigned.
David F. Ricketts Asst. Surgeon. Jan. 24, 1862 Died Jan. 8, 1866.
George H. Riley 2d Asst. Eng. July 21, 1858 Oct. 17, 1865 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, July 1, 1861; resigned.
Cadwallader Ringgold Rear Admiral. Mar. 4, 1819 Appointed Midshipman, March 4, 1819; Lieutenant, May 17, 1828; Commander, July 16, 1849; Reserved List, Sept. 13, 1855; Captain on Active List, April 2, 1856; Commodore, July 16, 1862; Rear-Admiral, Rtired List, July 25, 1866; died April 29, 1867.
Somerset Robinson Medical Insp. May 9, 1861 Entered the service as Asst. Surgeon; promoted Passed Asst. Surgeon, Oct. 26, 1863; Surgeon, Dec. 18, 1864; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Medical Inspector.
Frederick Rodgers Captain. Sept. 25, 1857 Entered the service as Acting Midshipman; promoted Midshipman, June 1, 1861; Acting Master, June 10, 1861; attached to frigate Santee, 1861-62; commissioned as Lieutenant, July 16, 1862; W. G. Blockading Squadron, 1862-63; engagements at Donaldsonville, La., Oct. 4, 1862; Port Hudson, La., March 14, 1863; steamer Grand Gulf, N. A. Blockading Squadron, 1863-64; Grand Gulf, W. G. Blockading Squadron, 1864-65; continued in service, and subsequently commissioned Lieut.-Commander, Commander and Captain.
John Rodgers Rear Admiral. April 18, 1828 Appointed Midshipman, April 18, 1828; commissioned as Lieutenant, Jan. 22, 1840; Commander, Sept. 14, 1855; in 1861, ordered to special duty in the West, superintending the construction of the Benton class of ironclads; 1862, assigned to the command of the ironclad steamer Galena, N. A. Blockading Squadron; on May 10, 1862, left Hampton Roads in command of expedition of gunboats, with orders to enter the James river, and, if possible, to ascend to Richmond; after two engagements with rebel batteries, which were in each instance silenced, the fleet reached Ft. Darling, erected on the crest of a hill, which, together with sunken vessels, effectually obstructed the channel; May 15, Commander Rodgers anchored the Galena in front of and at a distance of five hundred yards from the rebel fort; the Aroostook and Port Royal, wooden gunboats, were stationed eight hundred yards below the flagship; at 8 A. M., the vessels opened fire on Ft. Darling, and until 12 M. kept up a vigorous bombardment; at 12.10 P. M., having expended every shot and shell in the magazine and shell room of the Galena, withdrew from action, the vessels retiring in good order; the monitor being unable to give sufficient elevation to her guns, and the Naugatuck, better known as the Stevens Battery, having burst her rifle gun at the first fire, were rendered useless, so far as the fort was concerned, although both vessels did good service during the action with their crews as sharpshooters, and picking off the rebel riflemen, who greatly annoyed the crews of the wooden vessels; the Galena was hit one hundred and twenty-nine times, losing in killed and wounded two-thirds of her crew; commissioned as Captain, July 16, 1862; in 1863, was ordered to the command of the monitor Weehawken, and sailed from New York in that vessel for S. A. Blockading Squadron; on June 17, 1863, in Warsaw Sound, Ga., encountered the powerful rebel ironclad Atlanta, a vessel of much greater tonnage than the Weehawken; five shots were fired by the Weehawken; the fight lasted but fifteen minutes, at the end of which time the Atlanta surrendered; commissioned as Commodore, June 17, 1863; commanding ironclad Dictator, special service, 1864-5; continued in service, and subsequently commissioned Rear-Admiral.
John A. Rodgers Lieutenant. July 30, 1863 Entered as Midshipman; graduated June, 1868; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Master and Lieutenant.
Edward A. Roget Professor. May 21, 1864 1864, Retired List.
John Rudenstein Surgeon. Feb. 24, 1846 Entered the service as Asst. Surgeon; promoted Surgeon, Aug. 21, 1859; died Nov. 9, 1869.
Alex. W. Russell Pay Director. Feb. 28, 1861 Entered the service as Purser; attached to steamer Pocahontas, 1861; sloop Savannah, N. and S. A. Blockading Squadron; in Savannah river, at capture of Tybee Island; on Colorado, at capture of forts on Mississippi river and New Orleans; New Ironsides, special service, 1862; S. A. Squadron, 1863-4; receiving special mention for his zeal and ability during the engagements with the forts and batteries in Charleston (S. C.) Harbor; receiving ship, North Carolina, 1864-5; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Pay Inspector and Pay Director, with relative rank of Captain.
John H. Russell Rear Admiral. Sept. 10, 1841 Appointed Sept. 14, 1841; promoted to Passed Midshipman; commissioned as Lieutenant; stationed at Washington Navy Yard, 1860-61; detached with other officers to go to the Norfolk Navy Yard to bring the U. S. naval vessels away, -having charge of the last boat which left the yard; steam frigate Colorado, 1861; led the boarding party in the attack on rebel privateer Judith, at Pensacola, Fla., 1861; wounded in the arm; for the destruction of the Judith, complimented by the Navy Department and received the thanks of the Maryland Legislature; commanding steam gunboat Kennebec, W. G. Blockading Squadron, 1862-63'; bombardment of Forts Jackson and St. Philip; the Kennebec was the first vessel to cross the bar, and the first gun fired from the forts was at that ship; in all the actions up to and including Vicksburg; commissioned Lieut.-Commander, July 16, 1862; commanding the Powhatan, S. A. Squadron, 1863; commanding sloop Cyane, Pacific Squadron, 1864-65; continued in service, and subsequently commissioned as Commander, Captain, Commodore and Rear-Admiral.
Benjamin F. Sands Rear Admiral. April 1, 1828 Appointed Midshipman, April 1, 1828; warranted Passed Midshipman; commissioned Lieutenant; commissioned Commander; Captain, July 16, 1862; commanding steam sloop Dacotah, N. A. Blockading Squadron, in engagement at Fort Coswell, Feb. 23, 1863; commanding steamer Fort Jackson; present at both attacks upon Fort Fisher; most of the time senior officer; commanding blockade off Wilmington and coast of Texas, and taking formal possession of Galveston by hoisting our flag over the last foothold of rebellion; continued in service, and subsequently commissioned as Commodore and Rear-Admiral.
James H. Sands Captain. Nov. 26, 1859 Appointed Nov. 26, 1859; promoted Ensign, May 28, 1863; attached to steam sloop Tuscarora, N. A. Blockading Squadron, 1863-4; steam sloop Shenandoah, N. A. Blockading Squadron, 1864-5; both attacks on Fort Fisher; steam sloop Hartford, flagship E. I. Squadron, 1865; promoted Master, Nov. 10, 1865; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Lieutenant, Lieut.-Commander, Commander and Captain.
John W. Saville 2d Asst. Eng. Oct. 28, 1862 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, March 15, 1864; continued in service.
Wmfield S. Schley Rear Admiral. Sept. 20, 1856 Appointed Acting Midshipman, Sept. 20, 1856; promoted Midshipman, June 15, 1860; Master, Sept. 19, 1861; attached to frigate Potomac; 1862-63, steam gunboat Winona, W. G. Blockading Squadron; Dec. 14, 1862, engaged with a field battery, near Port Hudson, La.; in all the engagements which led to the capture of Port Hudson, from March 16 to July 9, 1863; in one or two small skirmishes in cutting out schooners; commissioned as Lieutenant, July 16, 1862; steam gunboat Wateree, Pacific Squadron, 1864-6; continued in service, and subsequently commissioned Lieut.-Commander, Commander, Captain, Commodore and Rear-Admiral.
Edward R. Seager Professor. May 21, 1864 Continued in service.
Henry D. Sellman 2d Asst. Eng. July 19, 1861 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, Dec. 18, 1862; continued in service.
Alex. A. Semmes Commodore. Oct. 22, 1841 Appointed Oct. 22, 1841; promoted Passed Midshipman; commissioned Lieutenant; Lieut.-Commander, July 16, 1862; steamer Rhode Island, Atlantic Coast, 1861; commanding steamer Wamsutta, S, A. Blockading Squadron, 1862-3; in skirmish with rebels in Newport river, Ga., April, 1862; commanding steam gunboat Tahoma, E. G. Blockading Squadron, 1863-4; attacked the batteries of Tampa, Fla., in April and Oct., 1863; a demonstration on Bayport, Fla., Sept., 1863; destroying English blockade-running steamer and warehouse containing her cargo; commanding ironclad Lehigh, S. A. Blockading Squadron, 1864-5; bombarding of Fort Pringle, July 7-10, 1864; picket duty in the harbor of Charleston, 1864-5; commanding Lehigh and senior officer of six vessels, Feb., 1865; continued in service, and subsequently commissioned Commander, Captain and Commodore.
George W. Sensner Chief Eng. Oct. 22, 1860 Appointed 3d Asst. Engineer, 1860; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, Feb. 19, 1862; 1st Asst. Engineer, Aug. 24, 1864; frigate Minnesota, N. A. Squadron, 1861; gunboat Port Royal, N. A. Squadron, 1862; Minnesota, N. A. Station, 1862-4; special duty, Baltimore, 1865; East India Squadron, 1865; remained in service, and subsequently promoted Chief Engineer, with relative rank of Lieut.-Commander.
George Sewell Chief Eng. Mar. 13, 1847 Appointed Acting 2d Asst. Engineer; promoted 1st Asst. Engineer in Regular Service; promoted Chief Engineer; continued in service.
Solomon Sharp Surgeon. Sept. 15, 1829 Appointed Asst. Surgeon; promoted Surgeon, Feb. 20, 1838; retired Aug. 16, 1865; died Jan. 7, 1870.
Washington O. Sharrar Lieutenant. Sept. 27, 1864 Entered the service as Acting Midshipman; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Master and Lieutenant.
Thomas A. Shock Chief Eng. Feb. 6, 1851 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, May 21, 1853; 1st Asst. Engineer, June 25, 1856; Chief Engineer, Dec. 6, 1860; continued in service.
William H. Shock Eng. -in-Chief Jan. 18, 1845 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, 1st Asst. Engineer and Chief Engineer, U. S. Navy; attached to steam frigate Powhatan, E. I. Squadron; 1860-2, President of Examining Board of Engineers; 1862-3, superintending construction of river monitors; 1863-5, Fleet Engineer, W. G. Squadron, participating in the capture of Forts Gaines and Morgan, Spanish Fort and city of Mobine; continued in service, and subsequently appointed Engineer-in-Chief of U. S. Navy, with relative rank of Commodore.
Augustus W. Smith Professor. Sept. 22, 1860 Died March 21, 1866.
Henry A. Smith 2d Asst. Eng. Sept. 16, 1862 July 28, 1866 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, March 1, 1864; resigned July 28, 1866.
John A. B. Smith Chief Eng. April 21, 1863 Appointed 3d Asst. Engineer, 1863; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, Sept. 28, 1864; attached to Housatonic, S. A. Squadron, 1863-4; Mohongo, 1864; continued in service, and subsequently promoted 1st Asst. Engineer and Chief Engineer.
William S. Smith Chief Eng. Feb. 19, 1861 Appointed 3d Asst. Engineer, 1861; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, July 16, 1863; 1st Asst. Engineer, Dec. 1, 1864; attached to Colorado, N. A. Station, 1861; special duty on New Ironsides, 1862-3; Powhatan, W. I. Squadron, 1864-5; continued in service, and subsequently promoted to Chief Engineer, with relative rank of Lieut.-Commander.
Harrison Spear 2d Asst. Eng. April 21, 1863 Appointed 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, July 25, 1866; continued in service.
James E. Speights 3d Asst. Eng. Aug. 12, 1862 Continued in service.
Tecumseh Steece Lieutenant. Sept. 26, 1857 Acting Midshipman; promoted Midshipman, June 1, 1861; Lieutenant, July 16, 1862; died July 15, 1864.
Roger N. Stemble Rear Admiral. Mar. 27, 1832 Entered the service as Midshipman; promoted Passed Midshipman; Lieutenant; Commander, July 1, 1861; Captain, July 25, 1866; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Commodore and Rear- Admiral.
Yates Sterling Captain. Sept. 27, 1860 Appointed Sept. 27, 1860; promoted to Ensign, May 28, 1863; attached to steam sloop Shenandoah, N. A. Blockading Squadron, 1863-65; both attacks on Fort Fisher; steamer Mohongo, Pacific Squadron; promoted Master, Nov. 10, 1865; continued in service, and subsequently commissioned as Lieutenant, Lieut. Commander, Commander and Captain.
John K. Stevenson 3d Asst. Eng. May 20, 1863 Continued in service.
Mark T. Sunstrom 2d Asst. Eng. Feb. 1, 1862 Nov. 10, 1865 Appointed and commissioned as 3d Asst. Engineer, Feb. 1, 1862; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, Oct. 15, 1863; U. S. ironclad Monitor, in engagement with the Merrimac; on board Monitor, when she foundered at sea, Dec. 30, 1862; U. S. S. Unadillo, Pontoosuc, Ashuelot, N. A. Squadron; resigned Nov. 10, 1865, on account of disability incurred in service.
Thomas L. Swann Commander. Dec. 8, 1856 Appointed Dec. 8, 1856; attached to steam frigate Niagara; blockade duty off Charleston, S. C., thence as flagship of Gulf Squadron, 1861-62; present at the engagements between Forts McCrea, Barancas, Pensacola Navy Yard and Fort Pickens, assisted by Niagara and Richmond, in 1861; with boat expedition, June, 1861, which cut out steamer Ariel from under the guns of Fort Morgan; promoted to Master, Sept. 19, 1861; attached to Naval Academy, Newport, from June 14, 1862, to Nov., 1863; commissioned as Lieutenant, July 16, 1862; attached to steam sloop Brooklyn, W. G. Blockading Squadron, 1864; taking part in the battle of Mobile Bay, Aug. 5, 1864; bombardment of Fort Morgan, Aug. 22, 1864; the Brooklyn was sent north for repairs, returning the following month, and joined the fleet in Hampton Roads; Executive of Brooklyn in both attacks on Fort Fisher; detached from Brooklyn, Feb., 1865; continued in service, and subsequently commissioned Lieut.-Commander and Commander.
Henry T. Tappan 3d Asst. Eng. Aug. 3, 1863 Sept. 13, 1864 Dismissed.
Robert D. Taylor P. A. Eng. April 21, 1863 Appointed 3d Asst. Engineer, 1863; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, July 25, 1866; attached to Minnesota, N. A. Squadron, 1863-5; Winooski, N. A. Squadron, 1865; retained in service, and subsequently promoted 1st Asst. Engineer, with relative rank of Lieutenant.
Charles Thomas Captain. Feb. 2, 1829 Appointed Feb. 2, 1829; promoted to Passed Midshipman; commissioned as Lieutenant; special duty, Philadelphia, Pa., 1863-64; continued in service, and subsequently commissioned Captain.
McLane Tilton Lieut.-Col. Mar. 2, 1861 Commissioned 2d Lieutenant Marine Corps, March 2, 1861; 1st Lieutenant, Sept. 1, 1861; Captain, June 10, 1864; steam frigate Colorado, W. G. Blockading Squadron, 1861; Marine Barracks, Pensacola, Fla., 1862-3; Marine Barracks, Washington, D. C., 1864-5; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Lieutenant-Colonel.
W. F. Torbett Paymaster. May 11, 1864 Entered the Volunteer Service as Acting Asst. Paymaster; promoted Paymaster, Regular Service, July 22, 1866; continued in service.
Joseph Trilley Chief Eng. Aug. 11, 1860 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, July 30, 1862; 1st Asst. Engineer, July 20, 1864; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Chief Engineer.
Nisbit Turnbull Midshipman. Sept. 29, 1864 Mar. 26, 1868 Resigned.
Carleton A. Uber 3d Asst. Eng. Mar. 17, 1863 Continued in service.
Philip R. Voorhees 1st Asst. Eng. Feb. 19, 1861 Appointed 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, Jan. 16, 1863; 1st Asst. Engineer, Dec. 1, 1864; continued in service.
Philip S. Wales Med. Director. Aug. 7, 1856 Entered the service as Asst. Surgeon; attached to steamer Water Witch, 1861; commissioned as Passed Asst. Surgeon, March 25, 1861; Surgeon, Oct. 12, 1861; Naval Hospital, Norfolk, 1863; steamer Fort Jackson, N. A. Blockading Squadron, 1864; steamer Fort Jackson, W. G. Blockading Squadron, 1865; continued in service, and subsequently commissioned as Medical Inspector and Medical Director.
Lewis B. Wakeman Sailmaker. Oct. 31, 1855 June 12, 1865 Resigned.
James Walker Boatswain. Feb. 11, 1851 Continued in service.
John Walker Boatswain. Feb. 6, 1862 Continued in service.
William M. Walker Captain. Nov. 1, 1827 Appointed Midshipman; Passed Midshipman, June 10, 1833; Lieutenant, Dec. 8, 1838; Commander, Sept. 11, 1855; Captain, July 16, 1862; died Nov. 19, 1866.
John P. Wallis Lieutenant. July 26, 1864 Appointed Midshipman, July 26, 1864; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Ensign, Master and Lieutenant.
Jesse F. Walton 3d Asst. Eng. Aug. 25, 1862 Mar. 31, 1865 Resigned.
Robert L. Wamaling 3d Asst. Eng. July 8, 1862 Nov. 17, 1865 Resigned.
William Wallace Captain. June 14, 1862 Commissioned as 2d Lieutenant Marine Corps, June 14, 1862; 1st Lieutenant, June 10, 1864; wounded in action; brevet Captain for gallantry; Marine Barracks, Washington, D. C., 1862-4; Susquehanna, N. A. Blockading Squadron, 1864-5; two attacks on Fort Fisher and land assault on same; steam sloop Susquehanna, Brazil Squadron, 1865-6; remained in service, and subsequently promoted Captain.
George R. Watkins Paymaster. Dec. 31, 1863 Appointed Acting Asst. Paymaster, Dec. 31, 1863; commissioned a Passed Asst. Paymaster in regular service; R. S. Alleghany, 1863-4; retained in service, and subsequently commissioned as Paymaster, U. S. Navy, with relative rank of Lieut. -Commander.
T. Bascom Watkins Gunner. Oct. 5, 1861 Continued in service.
Wm. N. Watmaugh Paymaster. Nov. 7, 1862 Entered the Volunteer Service as Acting Asst. Paymaster; transferred to Regular Service as Asst. Paymaster, June 30, 1864; promoted Paymaster, May 41866; continued in service.
Edward D. Weems 2d Asst. Eng. Mar. 25, 1862 Sept. 6, 1867 Appointed 3d Asst. Engineer, March 25, 1862; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, Nov. 1, 1863; resigned.
B. B. H. Wharton Chief Eng. Nov. 21, 1857 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer; 1st Asst. Engineer, Oct. 16, 1861; Chief Engineer, Nov. 10, 1863; steam gunboat Mahaska, N. A. Blockading Squadron, 1862; ironclad Patapsco, S. A. Blockading Squadron, 1863; steam gunboat Chicopee, N. A. Blockading Squadron, 1863-4; steam sloop Lancaster, flagship Pacific Squadron, 1865; continued in service, with relative rank of Lieut.-Commander.
Madison Wheedon Sailmaker. Aug. 19, 1834 Retired List, Feb. 27, 1862.
Lewis J. Williams Med. Director. Jan. 25, 1842 Entered the service as Asst. Surgeon; commissioned Surgeon; attached to Navy Yard, New York, 1861- 63; steam sloop Richmond, W. G. Squadron, 1863-65; battle Mobile Bay, Aug. 5, 1864; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Medical Inspector and Medical Director, with relative rank of Captain.
John Wilson 2d Asst. Eng. Feb. 21, 1861 May 19, 1866 Appointed 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer; resigned.
William A. Windsor Chief Eng. Sept. 16, 1862 Entered the service as 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, March 1, 1864; continued in service, and subsequently promoted 1st Asst. Engineer, Passed Asst. Engineer and Chief Engineer.
Fred. M. Wise Commander. Sept. 23, 1862 Entered the service as Midshipman; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Ensign, Master, Lieutenant, Lieut.-Commander and Commander.
Wm. Maxwell Wood Surgeon-Gen. May 16, 1829 Entered the service as Asst. Surgeon; commissioned as Surgeon; 1861, attached to steamer Michigan, on the lakes; Fleet Surgeon, N. A. Blockading Squadron; participating in the first battle of ironclads, that of the Monitor with the Merrimac, and other vessels of the Confederate Squadron, in Hampton Roads; also in the capture of Sewell's Point; continued in service as Surg. -General, with relative rank of Commodore.
Wm. Maxwell Wood Lieutenant. July 20, 1865 Entered the service as Midshipman; continued in service, and subsequently promoted Ensign, Master and Lieutenant.
Charles Woodland Boatswain. June 27, 1848 Aug. 12, 1864 Retired List.
Robert A. Wright 2d Asst. Eng. June 10, 1862 Oct. 16, 1865 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst. Engineer, Nov. 21, 1863; resigned.
J. M. T. Young Captain. July 2, 1864 Entered the service as 2d Lieutenant; continued in service, and subsequently promoted 1st Lieutenant and Captain.

Navy Volunteer Officers

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this branch.

United States Navy (Volunteer Officers)
Name Rank or
Date of
or Shipment
Date of
Vessels Served on
and Remarks
Captain [[]] ?, MD ?
Abbott, David M. R. Act. Master and Pilot. May 9, 1864 June 20, 1865 Nansemond, Onondago, Saginaw, Canonicus; appointed Acting Ensign and Pilot, May 9, 1864; promoted Acting Master and Pilot, Nov. 9, 1864.
Allen, E. G. Asst. Engineer Monocacy, Tennessee, Wachusetts and Ajax.
Ames, Hudson M. A. 2d A. Eng. July 8, 1863 June 4, 1864
Anderson, Wm. H. Acting Ensign. Oct. 31, 1863 July 3, 1865
Appold, Samuel A. A. 2d A. Eng. Mar. 12, 1863 Appointed Acting 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted Acting 2d Asst. Engineer, Oct. 14, 1864; continued in service.
Armandt, Paul Acting Ensign. May 7, 1861 Feb. 28, 1865 Resolute, Jacob Bell, Dan Smith, Daylight, Atlanta and De Soto.
Arrants, Richard B. Act. Master. 1861 Aug. 16, 1865 Appointed Master's Mate; promoted Acting Master, Aug. 22, 1862; resigned.
Atwood, Benjamin Mate. Nov. 21, 1862 Appointed Master's Mate; continued in service, and subsequently appointed Mate.
Baer, William H. Asst. P. M. 1863 1865 Mound City and Great Western.
Bandel, Decatur A. A. 3d A. Eng. May 6, 1864 Dec. 11, 1865
Barnes, Leakin Acting Ensign. Oct. 11, 1862 Oct. 27, 1865 Appointed Master's Mate; promoted Acting Ensign, Aug. 23, 1863.
Barrett, Thomas H. A. 3d A. Eng. July 25, 1864 June 19, 1865
Barston, Robert Master. May 22, 1861 Feb. 18, 1867 Montgomery, Kensington, Monongahela, Minnesota, Calypso, State of Georgia, Brooklyn and Wyoming.
Bawlings, James F. Acting Ensign. Jan. 27, 1863 May 12, 1868 Appointed Master's Mate; promoted Acting Ensign, Sept. 5, 1864; St. Lawrence, Yale, Honduras, Metacomet, Chocura and Alleghany.
Bell, Joseph G. A. A. Surgeon. April 5, 1864 Sept. 19, 1865
Belts, Barzella C. Act. Gunner. July 9, 1863 Sept. 1, 1864 Resigned.
Betts, Charles R. M. Mate. June 22, 1863 Deserted July 4, 1863, records U. S. N. Department.
Betts, William Acting Ensign. Sept. 17, 1861 Oct. 11, 1864 Entered as Master's Mate; Mate, Aug. 12, 1862; Acting Ensign, Sept. 24, 1862; resigned.
Billard, J. F. A. A. Surgeon. Oct. 15, 1863 Oct. 9, 1865 Monticello.
Binnix, George Act. Gunner. June 20, 1863 May 10, 1865 Resigned.
Bowie, Argyle M. Mate. July 7, 1863 April 26, 1865 Resigned.
Bowie, Wallace A. A. 3d A. Eng. Mar. 28, 1864 Continued in service.
Boyd, L. James M. 3d Asst. Eng. Mar. 6, 1862 Aug. 26, 1863 Albatross.
Brannon, James A. Acting Ensign. Mar. 17, 1863 Dec. 22, 1868
Brecht, Theodore C. A. 1st A. Eng. Jan. 19, 1865 Oct. 1, 1868
Brenton, Francis J. Acting Ensign. Aug. 30, 1862 June 6, 1865 Resigned.
Bruner, Elias D. Act. Master. July 25, 1861 Promoted Acting Vol. Lieutenant, March 29, 1864; continued in service, and subsequently appointed Acting Master.
Buck, Charles W. Act. Master. July 5, 1862 Feb. 13, 1866
Burgoyne, Leonidas R. Appointed 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted Acting 2d A. 2d A. Eng. Ast. Engineer, July 15, 1865; continued in service.
Butler, Jonathan W. Acting Ensign. Sept. 24, 1862 June 22, 1864 Resigned.
Campbell, James A. 3d A. Eng. June 28, 1862 May 26, 1868
Case, J. Madison A. 2d A. Eng. Dec. 1, 1862 Sept. 27, 1865
Caulk, Philip R. M. Mate. April 12, 1861 Mar. 11, 1862 Entered the service as Seaman; promoted Master's Mate; North Carolina and Yankee.
Chadwick, B. H. Acting Ensign. July 22, 1863 Oct. 7, 1868
Chaney, James M. A. 3d A. Eng. Aug. 7, 1863 Jan. 18, 1865
Chesney, Jesse H. A. 3d A. Eng. Sept., 10, 1864 May 22, 1869 Mackinaw, Tuscarora, Chatham and Iroquois.
Clark, Henry G. M. Mate. July 25, 1864 July 14, 1866 Dismissed.
Clark, Thomas A. 3d A. Eng. Aug. 1, 1864 Continued in service.
Clausen, Charles Acting Ensign July 29, 1863 Aug. 24, 1865
Clements, Arthur M. A. 2d A. Eng. May 15, 1862 April 23, 1868 Appointed Acting 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted Acting 2d Asst. Engineer, Jan. 31, 1863.
Clements, John W. A. 3d A. Eng. Aug. 24, 1864 Jan. 16, 1868
Clifford, Charles July 17, 1864 Jan. 10, 1865 Dismissed.
Cohill, John A. 1st A. Eng. Aug. 21, 1861 May 3, 1864 Resigned.
Cole, Thomas B. June 4, 1862 Oct. 12, 1865
Conway, John O. M. Mate. June 23, 1863 Oct. 26, 1864 Resigned.
Copeland, Robert A. A. 2d A. Eng. Dec. 4, 1862 Dec. 12, 1864
Corner, George W. Acting Ensign April 15, 1862 Sept. 20, 1865 Appointed Master's Mate; promoted Acting Ensign, May 21, 1863.
Cornthwait, Robert M. A. 3d A. Eng. Oct. 17, 1863 Nov. 10, 1867
Cornthwait, Louis N. Acting Ensign. April 18, 1863 May 12, 1868 Appointed Master's Mate; promoted Acting Ensign, Oct. 2, 1864.
Corser, Charles H. Act. Master Dec. 17, 1861 Nov. 23, 1864 Resigned.
Cross, J. Wesley A. 3d A. Eng. Sept. 25, 1863 Oct. 7, 1868 Zouave, Young America, Shenandoah, Malvern, Paul Jones, Estrella, Ascutney, Tallapoosa and Montauk.
Cross, J. W. A. 2d A. Eng. Nov. 18, 1861 Nov. 6, 1862 Resigned.
Culley, George L. A. 3d A. Eng. July 14, 1863 May 5, 1865 Dismissed.
Culver, Charles B. A. 2d A. Eng. Jan. 14, 1863 Sept. 8, 1865 Appointed Acting 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted Acting 2d Asst. Engineer, Sept. 13, 1864.
Danenhawer, Chas. Acting Ensign. Sept. 4, 1862 Jan. 10, 1866 Appointed Master's Mate; promoted Acting Ensign, May 9, 1864.
Dean, George A. A. 3d A. Eng. Jan. 6, 1864 Mar. 26, 1865 Resigned.
Deaver, William A. 2d A. Eng. Sept. 24, 1862 Oct. 12, 1865 Appointed Acting 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted Acting 2d Asst. Engineer, Feb. 1, 1865.
Dinsmore, Robert Acting Ensign. Dec. 17, 1863 Nov. 1, 1868
Dixon, Charles H. 1st. Lt. R. M.S. 1861 1871 Shubrick, Marcia, Delaware, Commodore Perry, Guthrie, Crawford and Jackson.
Donohoe, J. J. A. 3d A. Eng. July 24, 1863 Aug. 7, 1865
Dorton, Henry F. Ensign. Oct. 8, 1861 Sept. 23, 1868 Entered the Naval Service as Seaman; promoted Captain of Forecastle, March 10, 1863; Master's Mate, Nov. 19, 1863; Ensign, Sept. 20, 1865; serving on the Isaac Smith; in command of the Sophronia from Dec. 3 to Dec. 13, 1864; attached to the Morse from Dec. 13, 1864, to July 1, 1865; participating in capture of Port Royal, S. C., Nov. 7, 1861; taken prisoner in Stone River, S. C., in the capture of U. S. S. Isaac Smith, Jan. 30, 1863; honorably discharged.
Dunlap, John A. 3d A. Eng. July 2, 1863 April 12, 1866
Dyson, Logan Acting Ensign. Aug. 11, 1863 Aug. 15, 1865 Appointed Master's Mate; promoted Acting Ensign, Sept. 21, 1864.
Eckert, George W. A. M. Mate. Sept. 3, 1863 July 6, 1864 Resigned.
Elliott, Fred. Acting Ensign. Oct. 25, 1862 Sept. 24, 1868
Everhart, Jno. Jacob A. M. Mate. April 22, 1862 July 2, 1864 Dismissed.
Ewell, Edward A. 3d A. Eng. Jan. 5, 1864 Dec. 6, 1865
Field, William Acting Ensign. Sept. 29, 1861 April 12, 1868 Appointed Acting Master's Mate; promoted Acting-Ensign, June 24, 1863; Unadillo, Ascutney, Western World and Alleghany.
Finleyson, James M. Mate. Oct. 4, 1861 Entered the service as Seaman; promoted to Master's Mate; North Carolina and Ottawa; dismissed Sept. 16, 1862.
Flood, William H. Acting Ensign. Oct. 14, 1863 Jan. 16, 1866 Appointed Acting Master's Mate; promoted Acting Ensign, March 29, 1865.
Foote, John P. Act. Master. Nov. 9, 1864 Dec. 6, 1865
Ford, George T. Act. Master. Sept. 16, 1862 Dec. 15, 1868 Appointed Acting Master's Mate; promoted Acting Ensign, July 25, 1863; Acting Master, May 11, 1865.
Fountain, James Act. Master. Nov. 9, 1864 May 27, 1865
Frank, A. J. Act. Master. Nov. 18, 1861 Jan. 26, 1866
Frank, John A. A. 3d A. Eng. Nov. 24, 1863 July 26, 1865
Fraser, David A. 1st A. Eng. Dec. 19, 1861 Oct. 4, 1868
Gaul, William A. 3d A. Eng. Dec. 30, 1863 Nov. 14, 1864
George, F. A. R. A. 1st A. Eng. Dec. 11, 1862 June 8, 1864 Dismissed; appointed Act. 2d Asst. Engineer, Dec. 11, 1862; promoted Act. 1st Asst. Engineer, July 7, 1863.
Givan, George W. A. M. Mate. Sept. 15, 1863 Mar. 8, 1864 Disability.
Gossick, John D. Acting Ensign. July 5, 1862 Sept. 30, 1865 Entered the service as Acting Master's Mate; promoted Acting Ensign, July 20, 1864.
Grant, John W. A. 3d A. Eng. Aug. 10, 1864 Oct. 30, 1866
Gray, Howard P. A. 3d A. Eng. Sept. 29, 1863 Oct. 16, 1865
Harper, John S. Asst. Engineer 1862 1865 Oneida, Ceres and Kineo.
Hartley, W. W. A. 3d A. Eng. Sept. 9, 1863 Oct. 24, 1864 Disability.
Haynes, John A. M. Mate. Nov. 20, 1862 Deserted Aug. 15, 1863.
Harcourt, William Act. Master. Jan. 22, 1862 Nov. 10, 1865 Re-entered the Navy as Acting Master's Mate; promoted Acting Ensign, Feb. 25, 1863, "for gallant conduct;" appointed Executive Officer, Aug. 26, 1863: assigned to command of the Arizona, Feb. 16, 1864; Promoted Acting Master, April 26, 1864; commanded U. S. S. Narcissus from April 20, 1865, to July 8, 1865; In actions on N. C. Coast; Georgetown, S. C.; Fort Macon, Ga. ; St. Andrew's, Fla. ; battles at Donaldsonville, Grand Gulf, Port Hudson and Vicksburg-Red River, Sabine Pass, Louisiana and Texas coast; detached from Gulf Squadron, Aug. 9, 1865, and assigned to duty in Pensacola and Washington Navy Yards until honorably discharged.
Heede, Peter Acting Ensign. Dec. 19, 1862 Aug. 31, 1864 Dismissed.
Henderson, Jas. B. Acting Ensign. May 17, 1862 Appointed Acting Master's Mate; promoted Acting- Ensign, Aug. 12, 1863; dismissed Nov. 28, 1865.
Hensley, Edward M. Mate. July 13, 1863 June 8, 1865 Resigned.
Holtz, David A. 3d A. Eng. Oct. 21, 1863 Mar. 11, 1865 Resigned.
Horseford, Jas. H. A. 2d A. Eng. Oct. 28, 1861 Appointed Acting 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted Acting 2d Asst. Engineer, July 2, 1863; died Dec. 30, 1864, in Hospital, Beaufort, N. C.
Hugg, Marion Acting Ensign. Oct. 7, 1864 July 29, 1865
Hume, Joseph M. Ensign. 1864 1865 Rachel Seaman, North Carolina and Calypso.
Irelan, George C. Asst. Engineer Sept. 16, 1862 Nov. 10, 1865 Pocahontas and Itasca.
Jackson, James H. Acting Ensign. Mar. 8, 1862 Sept. 30, 1864 Appointed Acting Master's Mate; promoted Acting Ensign, Sept. 8, 1862; Anacosta, Primrose, Commodore Perry; discharged for disability.
Jameson, William Acting Ensign. Oct. 4, 1862 Oct. 28, 1865
Jamison, Thomas W. A. A. Surgeon. Feb. 19, 1863 Aug. 1, 1864 Dismissed.
Jarvis, James M. Mate. Dec. 20, 1862 Entered the service as Seaman; promoted Master's Mate, Jan. 8, 1864; Alleghany, James Adger and Brandy wine; deserted Aug. 20, 1864.
Johnson, Daniel A. 2d A. Eng. Dec. 28, 1861 Nov. 24, 1869 Appointed Acting 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted Acting 2d Asst. Engineer, Oct. 31, 1862.
Jones, Charles R. A. 2d A. Eng. Jan. 24, 1863 Oct. 19, 1865 Appointed Acting 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted Acting 2d Asst. Engineer, May 12, 1864; Zouave, Amaranthus, James Adger and Mingo.
Jones, Charles W. Acting Ensign. Jones, John P. Acting Ensign. Aug. 7, 1861 July 22, 1867 Appointed Acting Master's Mate; promoted Acting Ensign, March 11, 1864.
Keener, Charles H. A. 3d A. Eng. Mar. 2, 1864 Aug. 1, 1865
Kendall, Edward Acting Ensign Oct. 6, 1862 Dec. 20, 1864 Resigned.
Kiersted, George W. A. 2d A. Eng. May 21, 1863 Sept. 8, 1866 Appointed Acting 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted Acting 2d Asst. Engineer, Feb. 13, 1865.
King, John W. Acting Ensign Aug. 2, 1864 Nov. 30, 1865
Koehl, Charles C. A. 2d A. Eng. Oct. 30, 1861 Mar. 27, 1868 North Carolina and De Soto; entered the service as 1st Class Fireman; promoted Acting 3d Asst. Engineer, March 24, 1863; Acting 2d Asst. Engineer, Oct. 27, 1864.
Koehl, Charles E. A. 2d A. Eng. July 30, 1861 Mar. 27, 1868 Appointed Acting 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted Acting 2d Asst. Engineer, Oct. 27, 1864.
Koehl, Edward W. 2d Asst. Eng. July 80, 1861 Appointed 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted 2d Asst.' Engineer, Dec. 18, 1862; died Aug. 27, 1867.
Lakin, Deal W. Acting Ensign Oct. 25, 1862 Sept. 25, 1865 Acting Master's Mate; promoted Acting Ensign, Aug. 10, 1864.
Landon, George W. A. 3d A. Eng. 'Mar. 28, 1864 May 12, 1865 Resigned.
Lannon, William A. 2d A. Eng. Sept. 1, 1862 Sept. 8, 1865
Lear, John Act. Master. Feb. 26, 1861 Feb. 24, 1864 Appointed Acting Master's Mate; promoted Acting Master, Feb. 26, 1862.
Leary, Basil W. Act. Master. Dec. 7, 186 Jan. 31, 1866
Leeds, John A. M. Mat Oct. 21, 186 July 29, 1864
Leffler, Daniel S., Jr A. 2d A. Eng. Sept. 12, 186 Aug. 7, 1865 Appointed Acting 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted Acting 2d Asst. Engineer, Oct. 3, 1864.
Leslie, H. C. Ensign; 186 1866 Brooklyn, Wabash, Niagara, Monticello and Bienville.
Lomax, Samuel Act. Ensign and Pilot. Nov. 14, 186 Nov. 9, 1868
Lowe, Edward S. Act. Master. Nov. 19, 186 July 7, 1865 Appointed Acting Master's Mate; promoted Acting Ensign, Dec. 15, 1863; Acting Master, April 8, 1865.
Lucas, James B. A. 3d A. Eng. Aug. 19, 186 June 19, 1865
Lyddon, William Acting Ensign Oct. 21, 186 June 5, 1865 Appointed Acting Master's Mate; promoted Acting Ensign, Sept. 6, 1862.
Magar, Benj. S. Act. Master. Aug. 20, 1861 Oct. 23, 1865
Magee, James A. 3d A. Eng. Dec. 18, 1863 Oct. 6, 1864 Disability.
Marrow, Henry C. A. 3d A. Eng. Dec. 4, 1863 May 15, 1865
Marshall, Thomas R A. M. Mate. June 20, 1863 May 8, 1865 Resigned.
Mason, David Acting Ensign. Feb. 18, 1862 Appointed Acting Master's Mate; promoted Acting Ensign, Nov. 17, 1862; deserted Sept. 13, 1864; records U. S. N. Department.
McClanahan, Reuben A. 2d A. Eng. May 5, 1862 April 16, 1866
McCreary, William A. M. Mate. May 29, 1862 May 13, 1865 Resigned.
McDonald, Thos. H. Acting Ensign. Dec. 23, 1862 Dec. 9, 1865 Appointed Acting Master's Mate; promoted Acting Ensign, Feb. 2, 1865.
McGough, Thomas A. 3d A. Eng. Mar. 21, 1862 Died Sept. 29, 1864.
McNeil, Lewis W. A. 3d A. Eng. May 31, 1864 Oct. 14, 1865
Merrill, J. Amos M. Mate. Nov. 29, 1862 Deserted Jan. 30, 1865; records U. S. N. Department.
Milk, Lewis A. M. Mate. Jan. 16, 1862 May 8, 1865 Alleghany, Pinola and Hollyhock; shipped as Seaman, appointed Acting Master's Mate, May 13, 1863; with Blockade Squadron on the Mississippi; capture of Forts Jackson and St. Philip and Vicksburg.
Miller, Charles Acting Ensign. Oct. 15, 1864 July 25, 1865
Miller, John T. A. 3d A. Eng. June 21, 1862 Mar. 1, 1865 Resigned.
Mills, William Act. Ch. Eng. Oct. 1, 1862 Dec. 2, 1865 Appointed Acting 2d Asst. Engineer; promoted Acting 1st Asst. Engineer, Feb. 5, 1863; Acting Chief Engineer, Dec. 12, 1863.
Montell, F. M. Act. Master. Dec. 11, 1862 Nov. 14, 1865 Appointed Acting Ensign; promoted Acting Master, upon recommendation of commanding officer, May 3, 1864.
Moody, William Acting Ensign. May 3, 1861 Mar. 12, 1868 Thos. Freeborn, Island Belle, Victoria, Harcourt, Tristram shipped as Seaman; Shanty and Alleghany; appointed Master's Mate; Acting Ensign, July, 1864, for cool and gallant conduct in the attempted destruction of the blockade-runner Georgiana McGaw, wounded in action, Aug. 27, 1861.
Morrison, James H. Asst. Engineer 1860 1871 Oneida, Terror, Itasca, Niagara, Colorado, Brooklyn and Shenandoah.
Moxley, Caleb H. A. 3d A. Eng. Mar. 28, 1864 Oct. 28, 1865
Noble, James A. 1st A. Eng. Feb. 19, 1861 Mar. 18, 1866 Mississippi, New Ironsides, Nahant and Yantic; shipped as 3d Asst. Engineer; appointed 2d Asst. Engineer, May 20, 1863; Acting 1st Asst. Engineer; in engagements at New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Fort Moultrie, Fort Sumter, Fort Pickens, Fort Jackson, Fort St. Philips, Fort Wagner, Fort Fisher, and destruction of ram Manassas.
Norman, James N. Act. Ensign and Pilot. May 3, 1864 June 8, 1865
North, Henry H. Act. Master and Pilot. Sept. 1, 1864 Oct. 8, 1868
O' Conner, Thos. W. A. 1st A. Eng. July 21, 1862 Aug. 12, 1865 Appointed Acting 2d Asst. Engineer; promoted Acting 1st Asst. Engineer, for gallantry, Sept. 25, 1862.
Osborn, James L. M. Mate. Oct. 21, 1861 July 22, 1862 Saranac and Warren.
Owens, Thomas A. A. Surgeon Aug. 16, 1864 Dec. 29, 1869
Padgett, John H. A. 1st A. Eng. May 9, 1861 Mar. 28, 1867 Appointed Acting 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted Acting 2d Asst. Engineer, May 22, 1863; Acting 1st Asst. Engineer, March 8, 1864.
Peacock, John R. Acting Ensign Mar. 3, 1863 Aug. 21, 1866
Pearce, William Acting Ensign June 14, 1862 July 29, 186 Appointed Acting Master's Mate; promoted Acting Ensign, Sept. '24, 1863.
Pennington, C. H. A. 3d A, Eng. Jan. 6, 1865 Sept. 21, 1869
Philips, Wesley J. A. 3d A. Eng. Oct. 7, 1863 Jan. 8, 1866
Pindell, William N. A. A. Surgeon Feb. 19, 1862 Dec. 16, 186f
Power, Thomas A. M. Mate. Sept. 28, 1863 Oct. 7, 1864 Disability.
Power, William T. Act. Master. Oct. 1, 1862 Dec. 8, 1865 Appointed Acting Ensign; promoted Acting Master, Nov. 12, 1863.
Price, John Act. Master and Pilot. Oct. 1, 1864 Oct. 8, 1868
Rafferty, Hugh A. 2d A. Eng. Aug. 27, 1861 Aug. 9, 1865
Rainier, Charles E A. 2d A. Eng. Dec. 11, 1861 Nov. 30, 1865 Appointed Acting 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted Acting 2d Asst. Engineer, Sept. 19, 1864.
Reeves, Samuel T. A. 2d A. Eng. Aug. 31, 1863 Oct. 9, 1865
Renshaw, Alex. D. A. 3d A. Eng. Jan. 14, 1863 Nov. 8, 1866
Ridgate, Thomas H. M. Mate. Jan. 24, 1865 July 23, 1873 Entered the service as 1st Class Boy; made Instructor for the Naval Apprentices; promoted Master's Mate; served on Philadelphia and Sabine.
Robin, John L. A, M. Mate. May 9, 1862 April 27, 1865 Resigned.
Robinson, George M. A. 3d A. Eng. Mar. 4, 1864 Aug. 8, 1865
Robinson, William Acting Ensign. Oct. 28, 1862 July 7, 1865
Rodgers, Henry J. Act. Master. Aug. 1, 1862 Dec. 13, 1865
Rogers, George M. Mate. Feb. 28, 1863 Entered the service as Seaman; promoted Master's Mate, Sept. 23, 1864; Princeton, Arizona, Portsmouth and Stockdale; deserted March 23, 1867.
Rounsavelle, John Acting Ensign. May 5, 1864 Jan. 9, 1866
Rummell, Chas. V. Acting Ensign. Jan. 23, 1862 Jan. 8, 1866 Appointed Acting Master's Mate; promoted Acting Ensign, Oct. 27, 1863.
Rush, Lewis A. 3d A. Eng. Jan. 8, 1864 Jan. 28, 1865 Resigned.
Russell, William A. A. 3d A. Eng. Jan. 6, 1864 May 8, 1869
Rutter, George H. A. 2d A. Eng. Jan. 15, 1862 Aug. 19, 1864 Appointed Acting 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted Acting 2d Asst. Engineer, Oct. 13, 1863.
Sankey, John G. A. A. P. M. June 6, 1862 Nov. 11, 1865 Appointed Acting Master's Mate; appointment revoked June 14, 1862; appointed Acting Asst, Paymaster, Sept. 24, 1863.
Sard, William F. A. M. Mate. Dec. 23, 1863 Oct. 25, 1866
Saville, William O. A. 3d A. Eng. Aug. 19, 1863 July 10, 1865 Clyde, Honduras, Proteus and Marigold.
Scott, John A. M. Mate. May 7, 1863 June 30, 1866
Seager, Thomas M. Mate. Aug. 13, 1862 Aug. 14, 1865 Alleghany, Wyandank and Hornet; shipped as Landsman; appointed Master's Mate.
Selman, J. Henry A. A. P. M. Mar. 5, 1862 Nov. 14, 1864 Resigned.
Seymour, Charles A. M. Mate. Sept. 25, 1861 Jan. 25, 1865 North Carolina, Pembina and New Hampshire; shipped as Seaman; promoted Master's Mate, Aug. 3, 1863, resigned.
Shank, George W. A. 1st A. Eng. Dec. 3, 1861 Oct. 24, 1864 Appointed Acting 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted Acting 2d Asst. Engineer, April 18, 1863; Acting 1st Asst. Engineer, Jan. 8, 1864; dismissed.
Shannon, Francis P. A. 3d A. Eng. Oct. 2, 1863 Aug. 8, 1865
Sherfy, John W. A. P. A. Surg. Aug. 26, 1861 April 30, 1869 Appointed Acting Asst. Surgeon; promoted Acting Passed Asst. Surgeon, Oct. 18, 1865.
Sherwood, John R. A. 3d A. Eng. Jan. 5, 1864 July 23, 1869
Short, Perry A. 1st A. Eng. Sept. 4, 1861 Feb. 23, 1864 Acting 2d Asst. Engineer; promoted Acting 1st Asst Engineer, Oct. 22, 1862.
Simms, Joseph M. Acting Ensign. Aug. 27, 1863 July 31, 1868 Appointed Acting Master's Mate; promoted Acting Ensign, June 13, 1866.
Slover, James T. Master Pilot. 1862 April 2, 1865 Monitor, Commodore Morris, Commodore Barney.
Smith, George A. 3d A. Eng. Sept. 25, 1863 Aug. 7, 1865
Smith, George M. Acting Ensign. Oct. 23, 1859 May 25, 1867 Saranac, Norwich, Uncas, Aries, Nereus, Ft. Morgan, Malvern, Yantic and Lenapee; entered the service as 3d Class Boy; promoted Ord. Seaman; Acting Master's Mate and Acting Ensign; served in Pacific and N. A. Squadron; taken prisoner Jan. 7, 1864.
Smith, Thomas Act. Master. Oct. 21, 1861 Mar. 31, 1864
Spalding, J. A. A. 2d A. Eng. Feb. 27, 1863 April 3, 1868 Appointed Acting 3d Asst. Engineer; promoted Acting 2d Asst. Engineer, Oct. 9, 1864.
Spencer, Thomas W. Acting Ensign. Mar. 2, 1863 Aug. 17, 1865
Stephenson, John F. A. M. Mate. June 14, 1862 Feb. 8, 1866 Resigned.
Stubbins, Victor B. A. 3d A. Eng. Feb. 13, 1864 July 9, 1866
Sturgeon, John A. M. Mate. Jan. 14, 1863 Feb. 27, 1865 Resigned.
Swann, Robert P. A. Vol. Lieut. July 19, 1862 Appointed Acting Ensign; promoted Acting Master, May 25, 1863; Acting Vol. Lieutenant, April 13, 1864; died Jan. 13, 1866.
Thompson, Chas. P. Acting- Ensign. Oct. 28, 1862 Died July 13, 1864.
Thompson, Otis P. A. 3d A. Eng. Nov. 18, 1862 Nov. 5, 1865 Currituck, Fuchsia and Delaware.
Thompson, Wm. H. M. Mate. Jan. 23, 1862 Feb. 24, 1863 Pinola.
Thumbert, James E. A. 3d A. Eng. Oct. 24, 1864 April 20, 1865 Resigned on account of disability.
Tier, James C. A. Carpenter. Dec. 23, 1863 Mar. 1, 1866
Tipton, William A. 1st A. Eng. July 18, 1862 Dec. 25, 1865 Appointed Acting 2d Asst. Engineer; promoted Acting 1st Asst. Engineer, Oct. 20, 1863.
Torbett, W. F. Paymaster. May 11, 1864 Entered the service as Acting Asst. Paymaster; transferred to Regular Service, July 23, 1866, as Paymaster; continued in service.
Touchton, Wm. H. A. 3d A. Eng. Mar. 31, 1864 Jan. 9, 1866
Trott, John D. Acting Ensign. July 20, 1863 Aug. 27, 1865
Tunis, W. W. A. 2d A. Eng. May 29, 1862 Dec. 2, 1864 Resigned.
Vandegrift, Nicholas G. A. 3d A. Eng. Aug. 3, 1864 Aug. 7, 1866
Vaughn, Henry Act. Master Sept. 23, 1861 Feb. 10, 1869
Walker, John Acting Ensign Dec. 11, 1863 Aug. 26, 1867 Appointed Acting Master's Mate; promoted Acting Ensign, Feb. 27, 1865.
Wallace, Mathew J. A. 3d A. Eng. Nov. 29, 1861 Aug. 21, 1865
Walter, Horace Acting Ensign. May 14, 1863 Aug. 18, 1864 Resigned on account of disability.
Walter, J. E. A. M. Mate. 1861 1866 Monticello and Princeton.
Walter, Robert Act. Master. Aug. 20, 1861 Oct. 22, 1864 Dismissed.
Wamaling, C. Thos. A. 3d A. Eng. Dec. 30, 1863 Aug. 30, 1865
Watts, H. R. A. A. Surgeon April 29, 1864 April 2, 1866
Wells, John C. A. 3d A. Eng. Oct. 16, 1863 Nov. 2, 1865
White, Samuel J. Act. Master and Pilot. Oct. 1, 1864 Mar. 27, 1865 Resigned.
White, William H. A. 3d A. Eng. Jan. 12, 1865 Nov. 14, 1865
White, William H. A. 3d A. Eng. July 5, 1862 Nov. 3, 1864 Resigned on account of disability.
Whittington, Geo. A. A. 3d A. Eng. Aug. 26, 1863 Aug. 26, 1865 Stepping Stones; served in N. Atlantic Squadron.
Whitworth, Horace A. 3d A. Eng. Dec. 8, 1863 Nov. 16, 1865
Wmgate, William H. A. 3d A. Eng. Oct. 14, 1864 Oct. 20, 1867
Yoe, George W. A. 3d A. Eng. May 17, 1861 July 26, 1865 Alleghany and Thomas Freeborn; shipped as Landsman; appointed Acting 3d Asst. Engineer, Aug. 8, 1863.
Zimmerman, William Acting Ensign. April 18, 1863 Oct. 24, 1865 Appointed Acting Master's Mate; promoted Acting Ensign, Nov. 2, 1863.

Volunteers - A

Click the "Expand" buttons to the right to view the rosters for the Sailors of this branch.

Last Names Beginning with "A"
Name Rank or
Date of
or Shipment
Date of
Vessels Served on
and Remarks
Abaling, Louis Landsman. Aug. 15, 1862 May 13, 1865 Alleghany, Valley City, Governor Buckingham, Powhatan and Nereus.
Abbott, Dane E. R. Ord. Seaman. May 20, 1864 Nov. 29, 1864 Alleghany and Princeton.
Abbott, William Landsman. Sept. 26, 1862 Alleghany and Mt. Vernon; deserted Oct. 2, 1862.
Ackwood, William Seaman. April 4, 1865 July 19, 1865 Alleghany.
Ackworth, Wm. F. Seaman. Jan. 25, 1862 Oct. 28, 1862 Alleghany, Hospital Philadelphia, Pinola, North Carolina and Princeton.
Adams, Charles 2d Cl. Fireman Aug. 21, 1863 Alleghany and Daylight; deserted Sept. 4, 1863.
Adams, Charles E. Seaman. Sept. 19, 1864 Alleghany, Tuscarora and Ohio; deserted Aug. 12, 1863.
Adams, Charles H. 2d Cl. Fireman June 16, 1864 May 13, 1865 Alleghany, Daylight and Osceola.
Adams, Henry Seaman. May 2, 1863 Alleghany and Mahaska; deserted June 16, 1864.
Adams, Henry Seaman. June 27, 1864 Aug. 28, 1865 Alleghany, Daylight, Calypso and Princeton.
Adams, John A. Landsman. Sept. 13, 1862 Alleghany, Minnesota and Brandy wine to Oct. 7, 1862. no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Adams, John H. Seaman. June 12, 1863 June 11, 1864 Navy Yard Washington, and Jacob Bell.
Adams, Samuel Landsman. April 23, 1864 Dec. 20, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Daylight, Osceola, Release, Wm. Badger and Anemone.
Adams, William W. Landsman. Aug. 12, 1863 Aug. 31, 1864 Alleghany and Morse.
Addison, George Landsman. Aug. 18, 1864 June 35, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Calypso.
Addison, John Landsman. Oct. 21, 1861 Nov. 22, 1861 North Carolina and Bienville.
Addison, William H. Seaman. Jan. 8, 1863 June 14, 1864 North Carolina, Lackawanna and Albatross.
Adley, Thomas Landsman. Feb. 8, 1864 Mar. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Winona and Princeton.
Adley, Thomas A. Landsman. Aug. 8, 1864 Sept. 27, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Dacotah and Vermont.
Airey, James Landsman. July 30, 1863 July 17, 1865 Alleghany, Resolute and Teazer.
Albaugh, George W. 1st Class Boy. Aug. 8, 1864 June 19, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Aries, Tacony, Vermont, Madawaska, Princeton and New Hampshire.
Alberts, Henry Landsman. Aug. 12, 1862 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Wyandank and T. A. Ward.
Aldrich, Edward Landsman. April 19, 1864 Alleghany; failed to appear; records U. S. N. Dept.
Aldridge, Edmund 2d Cl. Fireman Sept. 27, 1864 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany, Morse and Wyoming.
Alexander, George Landsman. June H, 1862 Princeton, Cimarron; deserted July 5, 1862.
Alexander, Lewis Landsman. May 16, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Ino and North Carolina.
Alison, William Landsman. Dec. 16, 1863 Feb. 27, 1865 North Carolina, Metacomet and Fort Morgan.
Allard, Lewis Landsman. May 21, 1861 June 23, 1864 Alleghany and New Ironsides.
Allen, Charles A. Landsman. Aug. 16, 1861 July 20, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Phlox and Vandalia.
Allen, James E. Landsman. Sept. 19, 1864 Aug. 23, 1865 Alleghany, Tuscarora and Ohio.
Allen, John E. Landsman. Aug. 39, 1864 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Atlanta.
Allen, Michael Landsman. Aug. 5, 1863 Alleghany and Dragon; deserted Aug. 5, 1864.
Allen, Samuel Seaman. Mar. 21, 1865 Alleghany and Seneca; drowned while attempting to desert, Sept. 10, 1865, Norfolk, Va.
Allen, William Landsman. Aug. 17, 1864 Aug. 15, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Henry Janes, Augusta, Mackinaw, Pinta and Princeton.
Allen, William Landsman. May 16, 1864 Alleghany, and on Ino, May 20, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Allin, Lewis Landsman. Oct. 8, 1863 Nov. 3, 1863 North Carolina.
Alvather, Conrad Landsman. Mar. 6, 1865 Nov. 11, 1865 Alleghany, Farrallones, Lancaster and Vermont.
Ambrose, James Ord. Seaman. Oct. 29, 1862 April 11, 1864 Alleghany, Dan Smith and Adolph Hugel.
Ames, George F. Landsman. July 13, 1864 July 12, 1867 Alleghany, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Bay Point Station and Vermont.
Amming, George 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 24, 1865 Alleghany, Banshee, Resolute, Wm. Bacon and Navy Yard Washington; deserted July 31, 1865.
Anderson, Abraham Landsman. Jan. 28, 1862 Mar. 31, 1863 Princeton and Miami.
Anderson, Andrew Ord. Seaman. Mar. 27, 1865 Mar. 26, 1868 Alleghany, Mercedita, Sangamon, Santee, Saco, Macedonian and America.
Anderson, Augustus Ord. Seaman. July 1, 1864 Dec. 11, 1867 Alleghany, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Bay Point Station.
Anderson, Benjamin Landsman. April 23, 1864 Sept. 7, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane and St. Mary's.
Anderson, Charles 2d Cl. Fireman Nov. 30, 1864 Alleghany to Dec. 3, 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Anderson, Charles Landsman. April 25, 1864 Alleghany, New Hampshire, Norwich and Princeton; died Sept. 15, 1864.
Anderson, Charles Landsman. April 22, 1864 April 2, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany and New Hampshire.
Anderson, Charles Landsman. April 8, 1862 Princeton and Potomac Flotilla; deserted June 18, 1862.
Anderson, Henry Landsman. April 25, 1864 Feb. 22, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Lancaster and Farrallones.
Anderson, Isaiah Landsman. April 21, 1864 May 22, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane and Independence.
Anderson, James Landsman. Mar. 29, 1862 April 15, 1865 North Carolina and Nita.
Anderson, James Seaman. Jan. 26, 1865 Alleghany and Independence; deserted Mar. 10, 1866.
Anderson, John Landsman. Jan. 2, 1864 Princeton and Wateree; died April 8, 1865.
Anderson, John Ord. Seaman. Dec. 23, 1864 Alleghany, Hospital Norfolk, Mar. 6, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Anderson, John Landsman. Mar. 7, 1865 Alleghany and Independence; deserted May 2, 1866
Anderson, Kinsey Landsman. April 23, 1864 July 19, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, New Hampshire and Valparaiso.
Anderson, Moses D. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 20, 1865 Montgomery.
Anderson, Nicholas Landsman. April 27, 1864 May 29, 1865 Alleghany and Macedonian.
Anderson, Robinson Landsman. Dec. 30, 1862 Dec. 29, 1863 Ohio and Sacramento.
Anderson, Thomas J. Coal Heaver. Jan. 6, 1862 Mar. 12, 1865 Alleghany and Pinola.
Anderson, William Coal Heaver. Dec. 18, 1861 Dec. 31, 1864 Princeton, Brooklyn and Richmond.
Anderson, Wm. H. Landsman. Sept. 2, 1864 Alleghany and Tuscarora, June 30, 1865; no further record, Navy Department.
Andrew, John J. 1st Class Boy. July 20, 1863 North Carolina, Sachem and North Carolina to Aug. 13, 1863; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Andrews, David Landsman. Dec. 2, 1862 June 20, 1865 Alleghany and Mt. Washington.
Andrews, John W. 1st Cl. Fireman Jan. 27, 1865 Jan. 25, 1868 Alleghany, Potomac Flotilla, Navy Yard Washington, and Nina.
Andrews, Michael Seaman. June 3, 1862 Feb. 2, 1863 Alleghany and North Carolina.
Andrews, Thomas Ord. Seaman. April 20, 1861 Sept. 20, 1864 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T. ; Jacob Bell.
Apple, Frederick Landsman. Aug. 14, 1862 April 2, 1863 Alleghany and Valley City.
Appleby, Oscar Landsman. Mar. 21, 1865 Mar. 20, 1867 Alleghany, Seneca, Yantic and Don.
Appler, Thomas H. Landsman. Oct. 17, 1863 July 17, 1865 Alleghany and Commodore Barney.
Appleton, John Landsman. Mar. 16, 1865 Oct. 16, 1867 Alleghany, Mercedita and Brooklyn.
Applin, William Landsman. Mar. 6, 1865 Mar. 25, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Wateree and Vermont.
Appold, James A. Ord. Seaman. July 11, 1861 Aug. 15, 1864 Alleghany and Pawnee.
Ardleman, Andrew Landsman. Aug. 19, 1864 June 8, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Seneca.
Arkima, James Landsman. June 4, 1863 May 12, 1866 Alleghany, Daylight, Minnesota, Maratanza and Tioga
Armstrong, Andrew Landsman. Jan. 6, 1863 Alleghany, State of Georgia, Florida and Vermont to Oct. 22, 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Dept.
Armstrong, Andrew 2d Class Boy. May 12, 1864 June 29, 1868 Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham, Miami, Malvern and Supply.
Armstrong, Francis Landsman. July 14, 1862 July 20, 1863 Alleghany, Underwriter and Hetzel.
Armstrong, George Landsman. Feb. 24, 1865 April 18, 1865 Alleghany.
Armstrong, George Ord. Seaman. April 4, 1865 Alleghany to May 10, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Armstrong, Israel Landsman. Jan. 26, 1864 Aug. 30, 1865 Alleghany, Kineo and Massachusetts.
Armstrong, John Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 25, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St Mary's and Wateree.
Armstrong, Joshua H. Landsman. Aug. 10, 1864 Alleghany, Brandy wine, Aries and Malvern; deserted May 6, 1865.
Armstrong, Richard Landsman. April 20, 1864 July 11, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, New Hampshire, Wabash and St. Lawrence.
Armstrong, Robert Seaman. Nov. 15, 1864 Alleghany and Wyoming; deserted April 16, 1865.
Armstrong, Thomas Landsman. July 14, 1862 July 20, 1863 Alleghany, Underwriter and Hetzel.
Armstrong, Thos. T Landsman. April 22, 1864 Dec. 30, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Bay Point Station and A. Houghton.
Armstrong, William Ord. Seaman. Feb. 28, 1863 Alleghany and Crusader; deserted Sept. 30, 1863.
Armwood, Henry Landsman. April 22, 1864 June 11, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, New Hampshire, Valparaiso and Bay Point Station.
Armwood, Samuel Landsman. April 20, 1864 Mar. 17, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Massachusetts.
Arnold, Alexander Landsman. Aug. 29, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota, losco and Vermont; deserted Aug. 29, 1865.
Arnett, Henry 1st Cl. Fireman June 20, 1863 July 2, 1864 Alleghany and Eutaw.
Arrington, William Seaman. Mar. 23, 1865 Alleghany and Suwanee; deserted Sept. 27, 1865.
Arthur, Wilson Landsman. April 22, 1864 Dec. 15, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham and New Hampshire.
Ascott, John R. Seaman. June 22, 1863 Alleghany and Seymour; deserted July 7, 1863.
Ashbridge, James Seaman. April 18, 1861 May 17, 1864 Alleghany and Benton.
Ashley, August Seaman. Jan. 27, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita and Vermont; deserted Nov. 4, 1865.
Ashley, Benjamin F. Ord. Seaman. Oct. 18, 1861 Oct. 28, 1864 Princeton, State of Georgia and Massachusetts.
Ashton, Francis G. Landsman. Aug. 14, 1862 Alleghany, Valley City, Hetzel and Brandy wine; delivered to army, May 4, 1863; records U. S. N. Dept.
Ashton, James B. Landsman. Mar. 2, 1865 April 5, 186? Alleghany, Farrallones, Suwanee and Vermont.
Ashton, John 2d Cl. Fireman Dec. 12, 1864 Alleghany and R. R. Cuyler; deserted June 3, 1865.
Ashton, Moses A. Landsman. Feb. 11, 1864 Jan. 20, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Chicopee.
Ashton, Robert H. Landsman. Feb. 11, 1864 Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Albemarle.
Askew, John 1st Cl. Fireman Feb. 8, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Wyoming and Alleghany.
Askew, William H. 2d CL Fireman Aug. 19, 1862 Aug. 8, 1863 Alleghany and Octorara.
Askins, George Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Atkins, Francis Seaman. Oct. 14, 1861 Grampus, Great Western and Cincinnati; deserted Nov. 22, 1864.
Atkins, John Seaman. June 7, 1861 Jan. 7, 1862 North Carolina, Princeton and St. Lawrence.
Atkins, John Seaman. Feb. 1, 1862 North Carolina and Monitor; deserted Mar. 3, 1862.
Atkins, John Landsman. June 4, 1864 May 31, 1865 Alleghany and Zouave.
Atklnson, Richard 1st Cl. Fireman Aug. 8, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Maratanza, Agamenticus, Agawam and Shenandoah; deserted Dec. 6, 1866.
Atkinson, Thomas 1st Class Boy. May 4, 1864 July 17, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C, T. ; Wm. Bacon and Navy Yard Washington.
Atwell, John R. T. Landsman. Dec. 23, 1863 Dec. 22, 1864 North Carolina, Coeur de Leon, Ella and Wyandank.
Atwood, Benjamin Seaman. Sept. 24, 1861 Nov. 24, 1862; North Carolina and Florida.
Augustus, James Landsman. Dec. 17, 1862 Ohio, Minnesota and Hospital Norfolk; died July 15, 1863.
Austerlin, Peter Landsman. Sept. 2, 1864 June 20, 1865 Alleghany and Roanoke.
Austin, Charles Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Austin, Edward Landsman. Jan. 20, 1862 Aug. 25, 1862 North Carolina and Kanawha.
Auter, Robert B. Landsman. Oct. 3, 1864 Oct. 2, 1866 Alleghany, Tuscarora and Tacony.
Averson, John 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 20, 1865 Alleghany; deserted April 20, 1865.
Ayers, James Landsman. April 25, 1864 Dec. 15, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Daylight, Osceola, Release, Wm. Badger and Hornet.
Ayres, Isaac Landsman. Feb. 27, 1865 Feb. 28, 1867 Alleghany, Independence and Saginaw.
Ayres, James H. Landsman. Sept. 12, 1861 Sept. 22, 1863 North Carolina and Augusta.

Volunteers - B

Click the "Expand" buttons to the right to view the rosters for the Sailors of this branch.

Last Names Beginning with "B"
Name Rank or
Date of
or Shipment
Date of
Vessels Served on
and Remarks
Bacchus, James A. Landsman. Aug. 22, 1864 June 7, 1865 Alleghany and Crusader.
Bacel, Frank Landsman. Jan. 30, 1863 Alleghany and State of Georgia to Mar. 24, 1863; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Bacon, William H. Landsman. April 25, 1864 May 26. 1866 Transferred from 19th II. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Saz-anac, Narragansett and Tritonia.
Bafter, Jacob Landsman. June 13, 1863 July 20, 1865 Alleghany, Eutaw and Morse.
Bagley, Thomas C. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Monticello; deserted Mar. 15, 1865.
Bailey, Edward Landsman. April 23, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and St. Mary's; deserted Jan. 7, 1865.
Bailey, George Landsman. April 23, 1864 Sept. 7, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and St. Mary's.
Bailey, Henry A. 2d Class Boy. June 1, 1861 June 30, 1862 Ohio and Colorado.
Bailey, Henry A. 1st Class Boy. Aug. 12, 1864 Ohio; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Bailey, Jacob Landsman. April 19, 1864 June 17, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia and Santiago-de-Cuba.
Bailey, Jenkins Landsman. May 10, 1861 Mar. 18, 1862 Ohio, Massachusetts and North Carolina.
Bailey, John Landsman. Feb. 20, 1865 April 5, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Suwanee and Vermont.
Bailey, John Landsman. April 9, 1862 Jan. 17, 1863 North Carolina, Massachusetts and North Carolina.
Bailey, Joseph Landsman. Jan. 4, 1864 July 5, 1865 North Carolina and Magnolia.
Bailey, Richard W. Landsman. Oct. 12, 1861 North Carolina; on rolls Pembina, Oct. 28, 1863; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Bailey, Thomas Landsman. Dec. 16, 1863 Dec. 15, 1864 North Carolina and Hartford.
Baily, Joseph Landsman. Sept. 16, 1864 Aug. 23, 1865 Alleghany, Tuscarora and Ohio.
Baine, K. James Seaman. Nov. 26, 1861 Alleghany and Brooklyn; deserted Dec. 25, 1861.
Baker, John Landsman. Sept. 5, 1864 North Carolina; no further record, U. S. N. Dept.
Ball, Albert Ord. Seaman. Nov. 7, 1861 Princeton, Maria Wood, Potomac, Glasgow, Gosport to Vincennes, Oct. 31, 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Baines, John Landsman. July 17, 1862 June 21, 1865 Alleghany, Underwriter, Hetzel, Hunchback and Whitehead.
Baker, Charles Seaman. Mar. 20, 1865 July 11, 1868 Alleghany, Mercedita, Potomac, Paul Jones, Onward and Lenapee.
Baker, Charles Landsman. Aug. 25, 1862 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Valley City, Brandywine, Minnesota and Atlanta.
Baker, Frederick 2d Class Boy. May 6, 1862 May 5, 1865 Served under the name of Heiner, Frederick; Alleghany, Mt. Vernon, Minnesota and Roanoke; promoted Ord. Seaman; participated in evacuation of Norfolk; engagements at Ft. Fisher; cutting out schooners under Ft. Castle; capturing battery of two guns at Masonborough; guarding mouth of James river, and prisoners at Pt. Lookout.
Baker, George S. Seaman. Oct. 14, 1861 July 27, 1863 North Carolina and Gem of the Sea.
Baker, George S. Seaman. Aug. 25, 1863 Oct. 10, 1864 North Carolina and Sonoma.
Baker, John H. Landsman. April 25, 1864 Sept. 7, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and St. Mary's.
Baker, Joseph Landsman. Feb. 6, 1862 May 2, 1862 Alleghany, Westfield and Hospital New York.
Baker, Joseph Landsman. Aug. 17, 1864 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Atlanta.
Baker, Philip Seaman. Sept. 21, 1864 Alleghany, Tuscarora and Hospital Norfolk; deserted Jan. 31, 1865.
Baldwin, Robert Landsman. Feb. 15, 1865 Feb. 14, 1867 Don and Alleghany.
Ball, Christopher Landsman. Mar. 13, 1865 April 5, 1867 Alleghany, Cyane, St. Mary's and Suwanee.
Ball, William Seaman. Aug. 20, 1861 Sept. 12, 1864 Princeton and Itasca.
Ballard, Levin Landsman. April 22, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Ballensteadt, Bernard Ord. Seaman. Dec. 1, 1864 Alleghany, Keystone State, Cactus, Lady Sterling and Swatara; deserted Dec. 7, 1865.
Balster, George 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 20, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Lancaster, Alleghany and Farrallones.
Bamhart, William Landsman. April 23, 1864 June 11, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Valparaiso and Bay Point Station.
Bambrick, Henry Landsman. Feb. 28, 1865 June 29, 1866 Alleghany, Farrallones, Vanderbilt, St. Mary's and Vermont.
Bangs, John H. Landsman. Aug. 13, 1863 Princeton and Wm. Bacon; deserted Oct. 31, 1863.
Baning, Hazekiah Landsman. June 8, 1864 May 11, 1865 Alleghany, Daylight, Eutaw and North Carolina.
Bankard, John Landsman. Feb. 23, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones and Lancaster.
Banks, Alexander Landsman. April 25, 1864 Aug. 31, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany.
Banks, Arthur Landsman. April 21, 1864 July 11, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash and St. Lawrence.
Banks, Ephraim Landsman. April 19, 1864 July 13, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash, St. Lawrence and Roman.
Banks, John Landsman. Feb. 9, 1864 May 6, 1865 Alleghany and Kineo.
Banks, John Seaman. Dec. 3, 1862 Alleghany and Sophronia; deserted Dec. 26, 1862.
Banks, John Ord. Seaman. July 19, 1864 Alleghany and Don; deserted Sept. 2, 1865.
Banks, Lloyd Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Saranac and Lancaster.
Banthem, Geo. W. Signal Q. M. Nov. 19, 1862 May 31, 1865 Entered the service as private, Co. C, 1st Md. Infantry, July 7, 1861; transferred to navy, Nov. 19, 1862, as Landsman; promoted Ord. Seaman; Seaman, Feb., 1863; Quartermaster; Signal Quartermaster, Mar., 1863; taken prisoner May 23, 1862; Alleghany, Minnesota, Gen. Putnam, N. A. Squadron and Navy Yard Washington.
Bantom, Charles H. Landsman. Nov. 23, 1863 Nov. 29, 1864 North Carolina and Honeysuckle.
Barber, Franklin Landsman. Aug. 31, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Roanoke, Constellation and Pequot.
Barber, Joseph M. Ord. Seaman. May 18, 1863 Feb. 6, 1864 North Carolina and Macedonian.
Barber, William Landsman. April 20, 1864 Mar. 17, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia and Massachusetts.
Bare, Jesse Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Commodore Morris; deserted May 30, 1864.
Bargas, Augustus Landsman. Sept. 2, 1864 June 20, 1865 Alleghany and Roanoke.
Barker, Edmond Landsman. April 25, 1864 Aug. 31, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany.
Barnes, Charles Landsman. Aug. 9, 1864 May 21, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Shenandoah and Princeton.
Barnes, Edward D. Seaman. Oct. 21, 1861 Oct. 20, 1864 Ohio, Henry Andrews and Brandywine.
Barnes, Francis E. Landsman. April 20, 1864 Sept. 26, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Massachusetts, Norfolk Packet, New Hampshire, Catalpa and Vermont.
Barnes, George W. Ord. Seaman. Nov. 23, 1864 Alleghany, Morse and Washington Navy Yard; deserted July 31, 1865.
Barnes, Henry Landsman. Feb. 21, 1863 June 16, 1865 Alleghany, Mahaska and Nipsic.
Barnes, Reuben Landsman. April 21, 1864 Mar. 17, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, Massachusetts and Lillian.
Barnett, Alexander Seaman. Jan. 10, 1863 Jan. 18, 1864 Princeton and Monongahela.
Barnett, John Ord. Seaman. April 21, 1863 June 13, 1864 Ohio, Princeton, Princess Royal and Bermuda.
Barnett, John H. Seaman. Mar. 21, 1862 Feb. 18, 1865 Alleghany and Paul Jones.
Barnett, John S. Ord. Seaman. May 27, 1862 Alleghany, Cambridge and Matthew Vassar; deserted Sept. 30, 1863.
Barnett, Samuel Landsman. April 21, 1864 May 22, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Independence and Vermont.
Barney, George H. Landsman. April 27, 1864 Nov. 14, 1864 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T. ; Matthew Vassar, Sophronia and Navy Yard Washington.
Barns, David L. Ord. Seaman. Jan. 23, 1862 Ohio, Vermont, Crusader and Unadilla; deserted Sept. 26, 1862.
Baron, John 1st Cl. Fireman May 29, 1862 Alleghany, Flag and Vermont; deserted April 20, 1865.
Barr, Duncan Seaman. Nov. 18, 1862 Oct. 21, 1863 Ohio and Alabama.
Barrett, Robert W. Landsman. Dec. 31, 1861 July 2, 1863 North Carolina, Kanawha, R. B. Forbes and Morse.
Barrett, Solomon Seaman. Oct. 27, 1862 Alleghany and Adolph Hugel; deserted April 7, 186?
Barrett, Thomas 2d Cl. Fireman Mar. 3, 1865 Aug. 31, 1865 Alleghany.
Barrett, Wm. W. Landsman. Aug. 18, 1864 June 15, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Calypso.
Barring, John Landsman. Aug. 15, 1862 June 30, 1865 Alleghany and Valley City.
Barrow, James Seaman. June 10, 1862 June 3, 1865 Alleghany and Paul Jones.
Barry, George W. Seaman. Dec. 13, 1862 Dec. 12, 1863 Maria Denning, Clara Dolsen and Juliet.
Barry, John N. Landsman. May 28, 1861 May 30, 1864 Alleghany and Resolute.
Barry, John W. Landsman. July 20, 1864 July 18, 1867 Alleghany and Don.
Barry, Robert I. Seaman. June 23, 1864 Alleghany, Daylight and Shenandoah; died Sept. 13 1864.
Barry, William Landsman. July 21, 1863 Dec. 26, 1863 Alleghany and Freeborn.
Bartlett, George W. Seaman. Dec. 2, 1861 North Carolina and Mercedita; deserted May 3, 1862.
Bartman, Christopher 2d CL Fireman Feb. 1, 1865 Aug. 24, 1865 Alleghany, Potomac Flotilla and Navy Yard Washington.
Bartol, James Ord. Seaman. Jan. 20, 1862 Ohio, Vermont, Augusta and North Carolina; deserted Oct. 1, 1863.
Barton, John 1st Cl. Fireman June 8, 1863 North Carolina and Union; deserted Dec. 31, 1863.
Bashford, James Ord. Seaman. Jan. 31, 1862 April 7, 1865 Alleghany and Pinola.
Bassett, Kazekiah Landsman. June 6, 1864 Alleghany, Massachusetts, Pawnee and Vandalia; deserted Aug. 19, 1865.
Basson, James Landsman. Aug. 5, 1864 Failed to appear; records U. S. N. Department.
Batchelor, Joseph L. Seaman. April 20, 1863 Dec. 19, 1865 Alleghany, Eutaw and Marion.
Batchelor, Wm. H. Landsman. April 12, 1861 Alleghany and Navy Yard Washington, to Mar. 31, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Batchleor, Charles Landsman. Sept. 6, 1862 Alleghany, Minnesota and Valley City; died Sept. 21, 1863.
Bateman, Alfred Landsman. April 23, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Bateman, John B. Seaman. Sept. 27, 1864 Nov. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Nansemond and Receiving Ship at Washington.
Bateman, John B. Seaman. Jan. 10, 1861 Jan. 22, 1864 Ohio and Minnesota.
Bates, Frederick Landsman. April 29, 1862 April 28, 1865 Alleghany and Mt. Vernon.
Bates, Frederick Seaman. June 7, 1865 Alleghany and De Soto; deserted June 25, 1867.
Battenfield, George Seaman. Oct. 16, 1861 Feb. 12, 1868 Sloop Iroquois; discharged Oct. 6, 1862; re-shipped Feb 15, 1865, on Wyoming and Alleghany.
Baurfiend, August Ord. Seaman. Nov. 14, 1864 Alleghany, Matthew Vassar, Tonawanda and Dacotah, deserted May 2, 1866.
Bauville, James 2d Cl. Fireman Dec. 22, 1864 Alleghany and Potomac Flotilla; deserted July 31, 1865.
Baxter, William Ord. Seaman. Dec. 2, 1862 Alleghany and Sophronia; deserted Dec. 26, 1862.
Baxter, Leven 1st Cl. Fireman Sept. 26, 1864 Alleghany and Tuscarora, June 30, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Baye, Edward 1st Cl. Fireman July 11, 1864 Alleghany, Massachusetts, John Adams and Catskill; deserted July 10, 1865.
Bayle, Thomas A. Q. M. 1861 1864 St. Louis and Benton.
Bayley, Frederick Landsman. July 12, 1864 July 12, 1865 Alleghany, Massachusetts and Pawnee.
Bayley, Samuel Landsman. Aug. 8, 1864 Aug. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Osceola, Release, Wm. Badger, Hornet, Mackinaw, Vandalia and Massachusetts.
Bayly, P. Reister Landsman. Aug. 28, 1863 Alleghany, Daylight and Minnesota to Jan. 26, 1865 ; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Bayonet, George W. Landsman. April 19, 1864 July 11, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash and St. Lawrence.
Beach, Thomas E. Landsman. July 29, 1864 June 5, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Cactus and Navy Yard, Washington.
Beachler, John Landsman. Mar. 14, 1865 Mar. 25, 1867 Alleghany, Cyane, St. Mary's and Wateree.
Bean, Joseph A. Landsman. Feb. 27, 1865 Feb. 27, 1867 Alleghany, Independence and Saranac.
Bean, Zachariah Landsman. Feb. 26, 1862 April 24, 1862 Ohio and San Jacinto.
Beard, Lewis H. Landsman. June 12, 1861 May 3, 1862 Princeton and St. Lawrence.
Beard, Robert Landsman. July 12, 1861 Sept. 9, 1864 Ohio, Sabine and Richmond.
Beard, William A. Landsman. Mar. 23, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Bearde, Lewis W. Landsman. Feb. 8, 1864 Nov. 2, 1865 Alleghany, Winona, Vermont, Gladiolus and Princeton.
Beaton, Daniel Seaman. Mar. 21, 1865 Alleghany and Mercedita; deserted July 20, 1865.
Beatty, George Landsman. May 21, 1861 Princeton, Flag, Navy Yard Washington, to Oct. 21, 1861; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Beauregarde, Chas. 1st Class Boy. Oct. 4, 1864 Great Western and Gen. Lyons; deserted Feb. 15, 1865.
Becket, John C. Landsman. May 21, 1861 Aug. 22, 1861 Alleghany.
Beckett, Joshua Ord. Seaman. Aug. 15, 1862 Ohio and Crusader; drowned Nov. 22, 1862.
Beckett, William H. Landsman. Sept. 23, 1861 Sept. 21, 1664 North Carolina and Augusta.
Bedford, David Landsman. Feb. 9, 1864 Failed to appear; records U. S. N. Department.
Beek, Augustus Seaman. Aug. 3, 1863 Sept. 21, 1864 North Carolina, Vandalia, Nipsic and Mahaska.
Beekman, Benjamin Seaman. June 29, 1864 Alleghany, Daylight and Calypso; deserted Nov. 28, 1864.
Begany, John Seaman. May 19, 1862 Alleghany and Mystic; deserted March 10, 1863.
Bell, Garret Landsman. April 25, 1864 Feb. 22, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac, Farrallones and Vermont.
Bell, H. Edward Landsman. June 5, 1862 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, John Adams and New Hampshire.
Bell, Jacob 2d Cl. Fireman May 3, 1861 June 27, 1864 North Carolina, Wabash and Montauk.
Bell, Jacob Landsman. April 25, 1864 Sept. 8, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham, Powhatan and Ohio.
Bell, John Ord. Seaman. Oct. 21, 1862 July 15, 1865
Alleghany and Norfolk Packet. Bell, John Landsman. April 25, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac, Narragansett and Tallapoosa; died March 20, 1866.
Bell, John Landsman. Feb. 10, 1864 Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Albemarle.
Bell, Joseph Landsman. April 23, 1864 Jan. 30, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wamsutta, Agamenticus and Agawam.
Bell, Richard Landsman. July 29, 1862 Princeton and New Ironsides; deserted Aug. 29, 1862.
Bellsower, Henry J. Landsman. Oct. 7, 1861 Dec. 16, 1861 North Carolina.
Bender, George N. Landsman. May 23, 1861 Sept. 13, 1862 Alleghany, Wissahickon and Princeton.
Bener, John Landsman. Nov. 18, 1863 Jan. 6, 1865 North Carolina, Glaucus and Sarah Bruen.
Bennett, George Ord. Seaman. Mar. 24, 1S65 Alleghany and Cyane; deserted June 30, 1865.
Bennett, George W. Landsman. Feb. 27, 1865 Mar. 25, 1867 Alleghany, Cyane, St. Mary's, Wateree and Vermont.
Bennett, Louis Boatsw'in's M. 1860 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany, Richmond and Wyoming.
Bennett, Richard Seaman. May 2, 1861 Ohio, Bambridge, Dai Ching, Ella, Wateree and Don; deserted July 8, 1864.
Bennett, Robert Landsman. Aug. 31, 1864 June 19, 1865 Princeton, Montauk and Wilderness.
Benser, Henry Landsman. Mar. 10, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Independence, Saranac and Lancaster.
Benson, John Landsman. Aug. 10, 1864 Aug. 9, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Aries, Ohio, Augusta, Algonquin and Vermont.
Benson, Uriah Landsman. May 16, 1864 May 20, 1865 Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham and Agawam.
Bentley, James Seaman. Nov. 16, 1861 North Carolina, Arthur and Circassian; deserted Dec. 15, 1862.
Bentley, Walter 2d Cl. Fireman April 13, 1863 Ohio, Vermont and Princeton; deserted Nov. 4, 1863.
Bently, George W. Landsman. April 25, 1864 Sept. 7, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane and St. Mary's.
Berg, Richard Seaman. June 3, 1862 June 3, 1865 Alleghany and Columbia.
Bergan, Julius Seaman. May 19, 1863 Alleghany, Mahaska and Nipsic; deserted June 26, 1865.
Bergendahl, John 2d Cl. Fireman Nov. 27, 1863 Sept. 12, 1864 Alleghany, Shokokon and Lillian.
Berger, Lewis Landsman. Jan. 23, 1862 Alleghany, Daylight and North Carolina; deserted Sept. 30, 1862.
Berger, Philip Landsman. Mar. 10, 1865 Alleghany, Seneca, Glance to Princeton, July 19, 1865; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Bergin, Edward Landsman. Mar. 30, 1863 Aug. 3, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Commo. Jones and Delaware.
Bernard, J. C. 2d Cl. Fireman Mar. 2, 1865 Aug. 18, 1865 Alleghany.
Bernard, Lewis Seaman. Dec. 1, 1864 July 17, 1865 Alleghany, R. R. Cuyler and Estrella.
Bernhardt, Henry Ord. Seaman. July 2, 1863 July 13, 1864 Alleghany, Nansemond, Minnesota and Tacony.
Berrett, David Coal Heaver. May 15, 1862 Alleghany to June 9, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Berry, Edward Seaman. Sept. 15, 1862 Alleghany, Mt. Vernon and Florida; deserted Oct. 4, 1863.
Berry, Elijah J. Landsman. April 25, 1864 Jan. 25, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Daylight, Shenandoah and Conemaugh.
Berry, George Seaman. Dec. 22, 1864 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Berry, George Landsman. Feb. 20, 1865 Feb. 6, 1867 Cornubia, Constellation and Vermont.
Berry, James Seaman. July 15, 1861 July 14, 1863 Ohio and Sabine.
Berry, James Seaman. April 13, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita and Vermont; deserted Oct. 8, 1865.
Berry, James Seaman. Feb. 2, 1864 Mar. 7, 1865 North Carolina, Glaucus and Sarah Bruen.
Berry, Thomas Landsman. Aug. 17, 1864 July 22, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Aries, Dictator, Augusta, Algonquin, Estrella and Vermont.
Berry, William J. Landsman. April 19, 1864 July 11, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash and St. Lawrence.
Berryman, Samuel Landsman. April 21, 1864 Sept. 18, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham and Powhatan.
Beson, John Seaman. Oct. 16, 1862 Alleghany and George Mangham; deserted Dec. 12, 1862.
Betts, Charles R. Landsman. May 26, 1863 June 24, 1863 North Carolina.
Betts, Charles R. Ord. Seaman. June 10, 1864 Ohio; deserted Sept. 3, 1864.
Betts, Royston Ord. Seaman. Mar. 22, 1862 Navy Yard Washington; deserted March 28, 1862.
Betz, William T. Landsman. Mar. 8, 1865 April 5, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Suwanee and Vermont.
Bevan, Isaac Ord. Seaman. Feb. 6, 1862 Feb. 5, 1865 Alleghany and Wachusetts.
Bevenidge, Daniel Coal Heaver. May 17, 1862 Alleghany, Flag and Wabash; deserted July 31, 1862.
Beverly, Francis Ord. Seaman. Jan. 14, 1863 Alleghany and State of Georgia; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Beyers, Charles Landsman. Aug. 18, 1864 June 15, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Calypso.
Bibley, Thomas 1st Cl. Fireman Nov. 25, 1864 June 30, 1865 Alleghany and Morse.
Biddle, Isaac Landsman. April 20, 1864 Aug. 2, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts and Norfolk Packet.
Biichs, Louis 1st Class Boy. Oct. 10, 1863 July 6, 1865 Alleghany, Kineo and South Carolina.
Bilk, William A. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Aug. 15, 1865 Monticello and Shamrock.
Birmingham, John Landsman. Aug. 30, 1864 June 20, 1865 Alleghany and Roanoke.
Bishop, George P. Landsman. April 25, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac and Narragansett; deserted Feb. 1, 1865.
Bitner, Richard Landsman. Aug. 29, 1864 Aug. 16, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Ft. Donnelson.
Bizzick, Levi Landsman. Sept. 18, 1863 Oct. 30, 1864 North Carolina, Princeton, Home and Pawnee.
Black, Alexander 2d Class Boy. Jan. 9, 1863 Aug. 30, 1865 Alleghany, State of Georgia and Massachusetts.
Black, Francis P. Landsman. Jan. 5, 1863 Aug. 30, 1865 Alleghany, State of Georgia and Massachusetts.
Black, John Seaman. Sept. 28, 1863 Sept. 27, 1864 Princeton and Eutaw.
Black, Lewis Landsman. April 21, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash and Roman; deserted Feb. 4, 1865.
Black, William Ord. Seaman. Mar. 15, 1860 Alleghany and Mercedita; deserted Oct. 14, 1865.
Blackman, Nathan Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 July 1, 1865 Valley City and North Carolina.
Blackstone, Emory Landsman. April 20, 1864 June 16, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
Blain, James H. Seaman. Aug. 3, 1864 May 14, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Maratanza and Lenapee.
Blair, Montgomery Seaman. Dec. 31, 1862 Mar. 16, 1863 Alleghany and Sophronia.
Blake, Alexander Landsman. April 20, 1864 May 26, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Massachusetts, Cimarron, A. Houghton and J. C. Kuhn.
Blake, Alexander Landsman. April 25, 1864 May 24, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac, Narragansett, North Carolina, Potomac, J. C. Kuhn and Vermont.
Blake, Benson Landsman. April 21, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Blake, David Landsman. April 20, 1864 July 17, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash, St. Lawrence and Unit.
Blake, James Landsman. Aug. 5, 1864 Aug. 10, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Winnepec, Ascutney and Navy Yard, Washington.
Blake, John Landsman. Nov. 19, 1863 Nov. 18, 1864 Alleghany and Crusader.
Blake, John 1st Cl. Fireman Jan. 5, 1864 Failed to appear; records U. S. N. Department.
Blake, Joshua Landsman. April 27, 1864 July 31, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T. ; Matthew Vassar.
Blake, Mathew Landsman. July 20, 1863 Aug. 4, 1864 Alleghany and Freeborn.
Blake, Robert Landsman. April 22, 1864 Aug. 26, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash, St. Lawrence and Roman.
Blakeny, Francis Landsman. Nov. 20, 1862 Alleghany and Southfield; missing since April 19, 1864, records U. S. N. Department.
Blanchard, James A. Ship's Cook. May 7, 1861 June 20, 1862 Niagara.
Blanke, George 2d Class Boy. Mar. 10, 1863 Aug. 3, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Commo. Jones and Delaware.
Bland, Robert Seaman. June 24, 1861 Alleghany, Navy Yard Washington; transferred Nov. 16, 1861, to Army.
Blassett, David Seaman. Sept. 24, 1861 Oct. 30, 1864 North Carolina, Seneca and Dai Ching.
Blizzard, Thomas 1st Class Boy. Mar. 1, 1865 Alleghany and Wyoming; died Jan. 27, 1868.
Bio, Alexander Seaman. June 10, 1864 June 6, 1865 Alleghany, Daylight, Osceola and Ohio.
Block, John Seaman. Oct. 7, 1864 North Carolina, Wabash and Guard; deserted May 20, 1865.
Blockson, Peter Landsman. April 22, 1864 June 12, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton and New Hampshire.
Blondell, John A. Surg. Steward. Hunchback, Alleghany and Wabash.
Bloomfield, James Ord. Seaman. July 5, 1864 Alleghany, St. Lawrence, Santee and Onondaga; deserted June 7, 1865.
Bloomer, James Landsman. Nov. 7, 1863 Nov. 6, 1866 Alleghany, Aries, luka and Mahaska.
Bloomer, Wm. E. Landsman. May 24, 1861 Sept. 6, 1862 Alleghany, Wissahickon and Princeton.
Blues, Alexander Ord. Seaman. May 17, 1861 Dec. 5, 1861 Ohio and Massachusetts.
Blunt, Robert Seaman. April 19, 1864 June 28, 1865 Grampus, Clara Dolsen, Naiad and Red Rover.
Bobee, William Landsman. June 30, 1863 July 18, 1865 Alleghany, Eutaw, Moose, Daylight and Maratanza.
Bodkin, Morton Landsman. Aug. 14, 1862 Alleghany, Valley City, Alleghany to April 1, 1863; no,, further record, U. S. N. Department.
Bodun, Peter Seaman. Aug. 2, 1864 Sept. 27, 1861 Alleghany, Brandywine, Maratanza, Agamenticus. Princeton, Dacotah and Vermont.
Bohlman, Henry H. Landsman. Feb. 13, 1865 Alleghany, Constellation, Gettysburg and Ohio; deserted July 22, 1865.
Bolden, Alfred Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Saginaw and Lancaster.
Bolden, Spencer Landsman. Aug. 8, 1864 May 18, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Osceola and Ohio.
Boldt, William Landsman. Aug. 2, 1864 July 11, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Aries and Ohio.
Bollman, Harvey Coal Heaver. Jan. 28, 1864 North Carolina to Sept. 30, 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Bolton, John H. Landsman. Oct. 1, 1863 Oct. 3, 1864 Alleghany, Aries, Tristram Shandy and Hospital Norfolk.
Boltz, Frederick Seaman. May 29, 1862 Oct. 31, 1864 Alleghany, Paul Jones and Hospital, Boston.
Bond, Samuel 2d Cl. Fireman Nov. 13, 1863 Aug. 22, 1864 North Carolina, Wyalusing and Hospital, Norfolk.
Bond, Thomas Landsman. June 2, 1864 Alleghany, Daylight and Shenandoah; deserted April 24, 1865.
Bondley, Thomas F. Landsman. April 25, 1864 April 14, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Lancaster and Algonquin.
Bonn, Charles 1st Class Boy. June 7, 1864 July 24, 1865 Alleghany, Potomska and Princeton.
Bonner, Thomas W. Landsman. Dec. 5, 1862 Nov. 9, 1863 North Carolina and Circassian.
Boom, William T. Landsman. April 23, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Boon, Joseph Landsman. April 23, 1864 Dec. 14, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Daylight, Osceola, Release, Wm. Badger, Hornet, Constellation and Vermont.
Boone, Horace Landsman. July 9, 1864 Aug. 26, 1867 North Carolina, Ascutney, Potomac, Fearnot and Tahoma.
Boothe, John A. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 July 1, 1865 Valley City and North Carolina.
Bootman, John W. Ord. Seaman. Dec. 16, 1861 Jan. 25, 1865 Ohio and Constellation.
Booyer, Joseph Y. Landsman. Sept. 16, 1861 North Carolina; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Booz, Edward G. Landsman. Aug. 18, 1862 Aug. 6, 1863 Alleghany and Valley City.
Booze, William H. Landsman. Aug. 3, 1864 July 22, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, 'Winnepec, Naval Academy and Mercury.
Bordley, Charles Landsman. April 19, 1864 Sept. 14, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, John Adams and Home.
Bordley Robert G. Landsman. June 2, 1864 May 14, 1865 Alleghany, Daylight, Shenandoah and Princeton.
Bordley, Samuel J. Landsman. April 25, 1864 Sept. 7, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and St. Mary's.
Bordley, William Landsman. Sept. 8, 1863 Aug. 11, 1865 Alleghany, Dacotah and Connecticut.
Bordley, William H Landsman. Feb. 11, 1864 Jan. 20, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Chicopee.
Bordley, William H Landsman. Mar. 2, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Bordon, John W. Coal Heaver. Jan. 21, 1864 North Carolina and Brooklyn; deserted Oct. 9, 1864.
Born, John Ord. Seaman. Feb. 10, . 1864 Feb. 8, 1865 Alleghany and Commo. Perry.
Bortle, Peter Seaman. July 18, 1864 July 4, 1865 Alleghany, Don and Wm. Bacon.
Bose, William Landsman. Aug. 4, 1863 Aug. 3, 1865 Alleghany, Currituck, Resolute and Fuchsia.
Bosley, Charles Landsman. April 20, 1864 Aug. 18, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Massachusetts and Norfolk Packet.
Boss, Charles Landsman. April 15, 186 Alleghany, Cambridge and Iroquois; deserted Aug. 31, 1863.
Boston, Charles Landsman. April 22, 1864 Feb. 7, 1867 Transfd. from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, Gov. Buckingham, Wyandank and New Hampshire.
Boston, Jacob Ord. Seaman. June 14, 1861 July 20, 1864 Alleghany, St. Lawrence, Restless and Savannah.
Boston, James Landsman. Feb. 16, 1864 Feb. 16, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing, Chicopee and Hunchback.
Boston, John Seaman. Mar. 18, 1863 North Carolina and Ticonderoga; deserted Feb. 15, 1864.
Boston, John F. Landsman. Sept. 24, 1862 Oct. 7, 1863 North Carolina and Memphis.
Boston, Joseph Landsman. June 6, 1864 June 6, 1866 Alleghany, Daylight, Eutaw, North Carolina and Vermont.
Boston, Theodore Landsman. Aug. 3, 1863 Nov. 30, 1863 North Carolina and Quaker City.
Boston, Thomas H. Landsman. Sept. 19, 1862 Oct. 7, 1863 North Carolina and Memphis.
Boston, Thomas H. Landsman. Dec. 12, 1863 Jan. 15, 1864 Princeton,
Boston, Thomas H. Landsman. May 28, 1861 July 14, 1862 North Carolina and Daylight.
Boswell, George H. 2d Cl. Fireman Aug. 28, 1862 Sept. 2, 1863 Navy Yard Washington and Teazer.
Boulding, Peter Landsman. July 23, 1864 Alleghany, Wm. Bacon, Wyandank, Adela and Washington Navy Yard; deserted Aug. 31, 1865.
Bowen, Alexander Landsman. Mar. 20, 1865 Dec. 19, 1866 Alleghany, Seneca, Poppy, Hornet, Tacony and Chicopee.
Bowen, Charles M. Landsman. Feb. 27, 1865 Feb. 27, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones and Independence.
Bowen, Grafton Landsman. Aug. 31, 1864 Oct. 26, 1866 Alleghany, Tuscarora, Tacony and Vermont.
Bowen, James L. N. Landsman. Nov. 14, 1864 Nov. 12, 1866 Alleghany and Macedonian.
Bowen, Nicholas Landsman. Feb. 3, 1864 Feb. 5, 1865 Alleghany and Delaware.
Bowens, Charles Landsman. April 20, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts; transferred to Princeton, Jan. 31, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Bowers, Frederick Coal Heaver. May 23, 1861 North Carolina and Roanoke; deserted June 6, 1861.
Bowers, John 1st Cl. Fireman Jan. 27, 1862 June 12, 1864 Ohio, Kineo and Brandywine.
Bowie, Benjamin W. Landsman. Feb. 25, 1861 Feb. 23, 1863 Alleghany and Commo. Perry.
Bowley, James A. Landsman. July 24, 1863 Sept. 28, 1864 North Carolina, Gennessee and Savannah.
Bowman, John Landsman, April 20, 1864 Transfd. from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts and Princeton; died April 5, 1865.
Bowser, Henry W. Landsman. June 15, 1861 Oct. 8, 1862 Ohio and Preble.
Bowser, Robert 2d Class Boy. Oct. 13, 1863 Aug. 3, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Zouave and Delaware.
Boyer, Charles Landsman. Aug. 10, 1864 Mar. 20, 1866 Alleghany, Brandywine, Osceola, Release, Wm. Badger, Hornet, Mackinaw and Vandalia.
Boyer, James Landsman. April 25, 1864 Sept. 6, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and St. Mary's.
Boyer, John E. Landsman. Aug. 9, 1862 Alleghany, Octorara, National Guard and Aries; deserted Nov. 9, 1863.
Boyle, George W. 2d Cl. Fireman Oct. 8, 1863 Dec. 19, 1864 North Carolina, Princeton and Wachusetts; reshipped March, 1865; discharged 1868.
Boyle, James Landsman. May 21, 1861 Alleghany; deserted June 1, 1862.
Boyle, John Seaman. Jan. 24, 1865 Alleghany and Wyoming; deserted June 30, 1865.
Boyle, Michael 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 14, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Brace, Charles H. Landsman. April 25, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany and Gov. Buckingham; deserted June 27, 1865.
Bradbury, Samuel Landsman. Feb. 21, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Bradley, John Landsman. July 29, 1862 Alleghany and Southfield; missing April 19, 1864, records U. S. N. Department.
Bradley, John 2d Cl. Fireman July 26, 1864 Alleghany; deserted Aug. 15, 1864.
Bradley, William Landsman. April 25, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac, Narragansett and Yucca; deserted March 29, 1866.
Bradshaw, Henry 2d Cl. Fireman Mar. 10, 1865 Feb. 21, 1867 Alleghany, Yantic and Don.
Bradshaw, James Landsman. May 21, 1862 July 20, 1863 Alleghany and Mystic.
Brady, John 2d Cl. Fireman Nov. 2, 1863 Princeton; deserted Jan. 2, 1864.
Brady, Patrick Landsman. July 29, 1864 July 27, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Cactus, Miantonomoh and Princeton.
Brady, Samuel Landsman. Aug. 25, 1864 Aug. 5, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Moccasin.
Brady, Thomas Landsman. Dec. 12, 1861 Dec. 8, 1864 North Carolina, Mercedita, Shenandoah and Roanoke.
Brainard, Saulsbury Landsman. May 26, 1863 July 4, 1864 North Carolina and Unadilla.
Bramble, James Landsman. Aug. 14, 1862 July 12, 1865 Alleghany, Mt. Vernon, Niphon and Wando.
Branagan, Thomas Landsman. Feb. 2, 1863 July 17, 1865 Alleghany, State of Georgia, Harvest Moon and Ella.
Brand, Frederick Seaman. Sept. 27, 1861 Aug. 8, 1864 Ohio, North Carolina and Wyoming.
Brannen, H. Thomas Landsman. Jan. 21, 1862 April 7, 1865 Alleghany and Pinola.
Branson, John F. Landsman. Mar. 16, 1865 Alleghany, Seneca and Glance; deserted Oct. 21, 1865.
Bratcher, Sewell Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Saginaw and Lancaster.
Braven, Boy Vonkert Seaman. Mar. 24, 1865 Alleghany and De Soto; deserted Feb. 27, 1866.
Braxton, Beverly Landsman. April 23, 1864 Jan. 23, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Daylight, Calypso and Hornet.
Braxton,. Joseph Landsman. May 12, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Naval Academy and Macedonian.
Bray, George Seaman. June 17, 1861 Alleghany, St. Lawrence and Shenandoah; deserted Aug. 26, 1863.
Breant, Ernest Ord. Seaman. Aug. 12, 1864 Alleghany and Minnesota; 3d Qr., 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Breen, William J. Ord. Seaman. June 29, 1864 Aug. 23, 1865 Alleghany and St. Lawrence.
Bremer, Alfred Landsman. July 9, 1863 July 11, 1866 Alleghany, Philadelphia, New Hampshire, Lenapee.
Brennen, Edward C. Landsman. July 20, 1861 Ohio and Navy Yard Washington; returned to army, Nov. 16, 1861.
Brian, William I. Seaman. Oct. 28, 1861 Dec. 1, 1864 Alleghany and Wissahickon.
Brice, Thomas W. Landsman. Nov. 14, 1862 Dec. 31, 1863 North Carolina and Montauk.
Brice, William Landsman. July 25, 1861 Feb. 9, 1864 Princeton, Seminole, Vixen, Commo. McDonough and Home.
Bricoe, John T. Landsman. April 21, 1864 July 11, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and Wabash.
Bridewell, John H. Landsman. Aug. 29, 1864 July 26, 1865 Princeton, T. A. Ward and Vandalia.
Bridget, William 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 12, 1865 Feb. 14, 186S Alleghany, Mercedita, Catawba, Klamath and Neosho.
Bridport, Richard Ord. Seaman. Mar. 21, 1865 Alleghany and Wateree; deserted Sept. 30, 1865.
Brien, George Ord. Seaman. Aug. 5, 1864 Dec. 31, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota, Tacony and North Carolina.
Briggs, William Seaman. Dec. 12, 1864 Mar. 21, 1865 Alleghany and R. R. Cuyler.
Bright, Asbury Ord. Seaman. April 20, 1864 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T.; Jacob Bell and Casco; deserted July 1, 1865.
Bright, William Landsman. Aug. 30, 1864 May 18, 1865 Alleghany and Rescue.
Brightman, G. H. Landsman. Feb. 19, 1864 Feb. 25, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing, Chicopee, Mendota and Samuel Rotan.
Brinkley, Thomas H. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 26, 1865 Commo. Morris and Vermont.
Briscoe, David Landsman. Aug. 10, 1864 Alleghany, Brandy wine and Boxer; deserted July 15, 1865.
Bristow, Charles Landsman. Dec. 10, 1863 Dec. 9, 1864 Navy Yard Washington, Wyandank and Thomas Freeborn.
Brittingham, George Seaman. July 23, 1861 Oct. 19, 1864 North Carolina and Louisville.
Brodrick, John Ord. Seaman. Jan. 12, 1865 Alleghany, Don and Savannah; deserted Jan. 1, 1866.
Broil, Ferdinand Landsman. Aug. 12, 1862 Alleghany and Wyandank; deserted Feb. 7, 1863.
Brooks, Albert Landsman. Mar. 13, 1865 Alleghany, Cyane and St. Mary's; deserted May 3], 1866.
Brook, Clement Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Commo. Morris and Hunchback; deserted Oct. 5, 1864.
Brooks, Charles Landsman. June 20, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Bay Point Station and Princeton.
Brooks, David Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac and Lancaster.
Brooks, John Landsman. Aug. 29, 1864 Aug. 26, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Rhode Island, Susquehanna and Tahoma.
Brooks, John H. Landsman. Mar. 31, 1862 April 16, 1862 North Carolina and Massachusetts.
Brooks, John H. Landsman. Dec. 18, 1863 Dec. 20, 1864 North Carolina and Hartford.
Brooks, Levi H. Seaman. July 22, 1861 Ohio and Sabine; deserted Jan. 31, 1862.
Brooks, Noah Seaman. April 24, 1863 April 29, 1864 North Carolina, Bermuda and Hospital Philadelphia.
Brooks, Perry Landsman. April 25, 1864 Feb. 22, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac, Farrallones and Vermont.
Brooks, Rodney R. 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 14, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Brooks, Walter Landsman. April 25, 1864 Sept. 7, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany and St. Mary's.
Brooks, William Ord. Seaman. Sept. 26, 1862 Alleghany, Mt. Vernon and Iroquois; deserted Oct. 31, 1863.
Brooks, William S. Landsman. July 8, 1862 June 9, 1865 Princeton, New Ironsides, Vermont and Winona.
Broome, George W. Landsman. Aug. 22, 1864 July 22, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Poppy.
Brosnahan, Thomas Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Commo. Morris and Hospital, Norfolk; died some time during August, 1864; records U. S. N. Department.
Broughton, Wm. H. Landsman. Mar. 19, 1863 July 12, 1865 Ohio, Somerset and North Carolina.
Brower, Edward 1st Cl. Fireman Aug. 19, 1864 May 31, 1865 North Carolina and Neptune.
Brown, Aaron Landsman. April 23, 1864 Sept. 14, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton and John Adams.
Brown, A. F. Landsman. May 23, 1861 Alleghany and Navy Yard, Washington, to Dec. 24, 1861; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Brown, Alexander Landsman. April 23, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton and Roanoke; died Jan. 6, 1865.
Brown, Alfred Seaman. Nov. 14, 1864 May 31, 1865 Alleghany and Morse.
Brown, Allexander Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota, Atlanta and Kansas; died Aug. 19, 1865.
Brown, Andrew Landsman. Feb. 10, 1864 Alleghany, Commo. Perry and Hospital, Norfolk; died April 17, 1864.
Brown, Benjamin Landsman. Feb. 8, 1864 Feb. 5, 1867 Alleghany, Winona, Vermont, Gladiolus, New Hampshire, Yantic and Vermont.
Brown, Charles Seaman. Feb. 21, 1865 Nov. 11, 1865 Alleghany, Lancaster, Cyane and Vermont.
Brown, Charles Landsman. Feb. 1, 1862 Ohio, Kineo and Fearnot to July 1, 1863; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Brown, Charles Seaman. Jan. 5, 1865 Alleghany, Don, Thomas Freeborn, Navy Yard Washington, and Ohio; deserted Aug. 12, 1865.
Brown, Charles 2d 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 6, 1865 Alleghany, Resolute, Wyandank and Crusader; deserted June 7, 1865.
Brown, Charles Seaman. Sept. 3, 1863 Sept. 6, 1864 Alleghany, Maratanza and Savannah.
Brown, Charles Ord. Seaman. June 21, 1864 June 21, 186? Macedonian, Ohio and Marion.
Brown, Charles Landsman. May 30, 1864 Alleghany, Potomska and Princeton; deserted July 29, 1865.
Brown, Charles D. Seaman. Mar. 3, 1865 Alleghany and Wyoming; deserted April 26, 1866.
Brown, Charles H. Seaman. Jan. 27, 1863 Jan. 11, 186 i North Carolina and Perry.
Brown, Culvert Landsman. April 20, 1864 Sept. 20, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Vandalia and Massachusetts.
Brown, Daniel Landsman. Mar. 16, 1863 April 20, 1863 Ohio.
Brown, David Landsman. Sept. 10, 1863 Sept. 10, 1864 North Carolina, Santiago de Cuba and Pequot.
Brown, Edward Seaman. Nov. 21, 1862 Dec. 26, 1863 North Carolina, Circassian and Dale.
Brown, Edward 1st Cl. Fireman Aug. 19, 1864 May 31, 1865 North Carolina and Neptune.
Brown, Ephraim Landsman. May 29, 1862 April 1, 1865 Alleghany and Flag.
Brown, Frank Ord. Seaman. Sept. 19, 1864 June 16, 1865 Alleghany, Periwinkle and Navy Yard Washington.
Brown, George Landsman. June 11, 1862 Alleghany and Fernandina; deserted Sept., 1863.
Brown, George Seaman. Dec. 15, 1864 Feb. 8, 1868 Ohio, Wando and Massachusetts.
Brown, George Seaman. Oct. 24, 1862 Princeton and Augusta; deserted Nov. 7, 1862.
Brown, George Landsman. Aug. 3, 1864 Sept. 11, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Kansas and Brooklyn.
Brown, George Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 6, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton and New Hampshire.
Brown, George Landsman. April 23, 1864 Sept. 4, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany and New Hampshire.
Brown, George H. Landsman. June 10, 1863 July 30, 1864 Navy Yard Washington, and Mahaska.
Brown, George H. Landsman. Dec. 12, 1862 June 9, 1863 Passaic.
Brown, George W. Landsman. Oct. 3, 1863 North Carolina, Princeton and Saratoga; died Feb. 21, 1864.
Brown, Henry Landsman. Mar. 13, 1865 June 13, 1867 Alleghany, Cyane, St. Mary's and Jamestown.
Brown, Henry Landsman. April 20, 1864 July 17, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Massachusetts, Norfolk Packet and New Hampshire.
Brown, Henry Seaman. Nov. 18, 1864 Alleghany and Spuyten Duyvil; deserted May 20, 1865.
Brown, Henry 1st Class Boy. Dec. 9, 1863 Navy Yard, Washington, and Fuschia; died July 30, 1864.
Brown, Isaac Landsman. Feb. 12, 1862 Ohio and San Jacinto; deserted March 5, 1862.
Brown, Jacob Ord. Seaman. July 2, 1864 May 26, 1865 Alleghany, Massachusetts, Jno. Adams and New Hampshire.
Brown, Jacob Landsman. July 28, 1864 Jan. 29, 1866 Alleghany, Brandywine, De Soto and Hospital Norfolk.
Brown, Jacob B. Landsman. Aug. 12, 1863 Aug. 31, 1864 Alleghany and Morse.
Brown, Jacob C. Landsman. Nov. 18, 1861 Aug. 25, 1864 Princeton, Tahoma and Huntsville.
Brown, James Landsman. July 28, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine and Shenandoah; deserted April 24, 1865.
Brown, James Landsman. July 24, 1863 June 7, 1865 Ohio and St. Lawrence.
Brown, James 1st Class Boy. Sept. 30, 1863 April 29, 1866 Ohio, Niagara, Monadnock and Princeton.
Brown, James Landsman. May 23, 1863 Ohio; died June 5, 1863.
Brown, James 2d Cl. Fireman Nov. 3, 1864 Sept. 13, 1866 Alleghany, Malvern, Memphis, Mercury, Constitution Pensacola and Constellation.
Brown, James Seaman. July 2, 1864 Alleghany, Don and Potomac Flotilla; deserted Sept 30, 1864.
Brown, James Coal Heaver. Aug. 27, 1863 Sept. 12, 1864 Alleghany, Maratanza and Savannah.
Brown, James Landsman. Aug. 2, 1864 Oct. 22, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Aries, Powhatan and Vermont.
Brown, James Seaman. Oct. 28, 1861 Nov. 21, 1864 Ohio, De Soto and Lodona.
Brown, James Landsman. Aug. 24, 1864 April 1, 1867 Roanoke, Jas. Adger and Vermont.
Brown, James Landsman. April 22, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Prjnceton and New Hampshire; died June 24, 1864.
Brown, James A. Seaman. Jan. 17, 1865 Feb. 12, 186S Alleghany and Wyoming.
Brown, Jeremiah Landsman. Feb. 15, 1864 Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Albemarle.
Brown, John Landsman. May 13, 1864 May 31, 1865 Alleghany, Naval Academy, Marion and Macedonian.
Brown, John Landsman. April 19, 1864 June 12, 1866 Transferred from 19th IT. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Massachusetts, Cimarron and New Hampshire.
Brown, John Seaman. June 27, 1864 Alleghany, Massachusetts and Lehigh; deserted Feb. 28, 1865.
Brown, John Seaman. Jan. 18, 1864 North Carolina and Mattabassett; deserted Sept. 30, 1864.
Brown, John 1st Ord. Seaman. Mar. 22, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita, Ino and Vermont; deserted July 25, 1865.
Brown, John Seaman. July 1, 1864 May 2, 1866 North Carolina, Pawtuxet, Phlox and Ascutney.
Brown, John Landsman. Dec. 19, 1862 June 12, 1865 Alleghany, James Adger, Alleghany and Gov. Buckingham.
Brown, John Landsman. Feb. 3, 1863 Alleghany and Wyandank; deserted Dec. 16, 1865.
Brown, John Landsman. Aug. 15, 1864 Aug. 14, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Augusta, Algonquin, Potomac and Tallapoosa.
Brown, John Seaman. June 4, 1863 June 3, 1864 North Carolina and Roanoke.
Brown, John Seaman. Aug. 25, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota and Dawn; deserted Sept. 3, 1864.
Brown, John Seaman. Feb. 17, 1865 Alleghany and Seneca; deserted July 1, 1865.
Brown, John Ord. Seaman. May 7, 1861 Sept. 12, 1862 North Carolina and Santee.
Brown, John Landsman. Sept. 19, 1864 Great Western; deserted Dec. 31, 1864.
Brown, John Ord. Seaman. Nov. 12, 1861 Dec. 8, 1862 Alleghany and Brooklyn.
Brown, John Seaman. April 3, 1865 Aug. 2, 1867 De Soto, Alleghany and Hospital Norfolk.
Brown, John 2d Ord. Seaman. Mar. 22, 1865 May 9, 1868 Alleghany, Mercedita, Brooklyn and Kansas.
Brown, John Ord. Seaman. Sept. 27, 1862 Oct. 10, 1863 North Carolina and Stettin.
Brown, John C. Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 Mar. 22, 1866 Alleghany, Minnesota, Howquah, Honduras, Rhode Island, Algonquin and Vermont.
Brown, John F. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 26,. 1865 Commo. Morris and North Carolina.
Brown, John H. Ord. Seaman. Dec. 5, 1864 Aug. 18, 1866 Alleghany, Keystone State, Cactus, Macedonian, Stonewall and Marblehead.
Brown, John T. Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 25, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Wateree and Vermont.
Brown, John T. Landsman. May 28, 1861 July 14, 1862 North Carolina and Daylight.
Brown, John W. Landsman. Aug. 22, 1864 Ft. Jackson and Rhode Island; deserted Oct. 15, 1865.
Brown, Joseph Landsman. June 6, 1864 June 3, 1865 Alleghany, Potomska, Winona and Vandalia.
Brown, Joseph Coal Heaver. Aug. 19, 1862 Alleghany and Wyandank; deserted Oct. 5, 1862.
Brown, Joseph H. Landsman. April 20, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Massachusetts, Norfolk Packet, New Hampshire, Independence and Lancaster.
Brown, Kenzey Landsman. Feb. 10, 1864 Feb. 8, 1865 Alleghany and Commo. Perry.
Brown, Philip Landsman. April 25, 1864 Sept. 8, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac, Narragansett and Vermont.
Brown, Richard Landsman. Aug. 8, 1864 June 8, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine and Aries.
Brown, Richard Landsman. Jan. 27, 1865 Alleghany and Commo. Read; deserted July 11, 1865.
Brown, Richardson Seaman. July 16, 1863 Nov. 2, 1864 Ohio, St. Lawrence, Minnesota and Shawsheen.
Brown, Robert 1st Class Boy. June 2, 1864 Alleghany, Potomska and Princeton; deserted July 29, 1865.
Brown, Robert Landsman. July 7, 1864 July 8, 186? Alleghany, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Bay Point Station and Vermont.
Brown, Robert Seaman. May 4, 1861 May 3, 1862 North Carolina.
Brown, Robert Landsman. Mar. 15, 1863 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Brown, Samuel F. Landsman. April 22, 1864 Mar. 6, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Philadelphia and Vermont.
Brown, Stephen A. Landsman. Sept. 2, 1864 June 17, 1865 Alleghany and Roanoke.
Brown, Thomas Landsman Dec. 30, 1862 Alleghany and Princeton; deserted Jan. 7, 1864.
Brown, Thomas Ord. Seaman. June 2, 1864 June 30, 1865 Alleghany, Don, Potomac Flotilla and Commo. Read.
Brown, Thomas Landsman. April 25, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane. Saranac, Narragansett and Paul Jones.
Brown, Thomas Landsman. April 23, 1864 May 19, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, Potomska, Memphis, Kanawha, J. C. Kuhn, Potomac and Princess Royal.
Brown, Thomas H. Landsman. Aug. 3, 1863 Aug. 12, 1864 North Carolina, Quaker City, Sagsacuss, Bombshell, Whitehead and Savannah.
Brown, William Coal Heaver May 22, 1862 Alleghany and Flag; deserted Feb., 1864.
Brown, William 2d Class Boy. Aug. 5, 1864 Alleghany, Pontiac and Winooski; deserted Jan. 5, 1866.
Brown, William Seaman. Oct. 27, 1862 June 9, 1865 North Carolina and Vanderbilt.
Brown, William Seaman. Mar. 17, 1865 Alleghany; deserted March 17, 1865.
Brown, William 1st Cl. Fireman Aug. 16, 1864 Aug. 4, 1865 Alleghany, Wyandank and Periwinkle.
Brown, William Seaman. Feb. 11, 1863 North Carolina, Clara Dolsen and Tuscumbia; deserted 3d quarter, 1863.
Brown, William Landsman. June 15, 1863 June 24, 1865 Ohio, Ironage, Release and Chicopee.
Brown, William Ord. Seaman. Nov. 23, 1864 Alleghany, Keystone State and Constellation; deserted July 1, 1865.
Brown, William Landsman. Mar. 25, 1863 May 2, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Young America and Hospital Norfolk.
Brown, William 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 9, 1865 Nov. 2, 1868 Alleghany, Constellation, Boxer, Dacotah and Vermont.
Brown, William Ord. Seaman. Aug. 17, 1864 Aug. 8, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Tacony, New Hampshire, Vermont and Peoria.
Brown, William Landsman. April 22, 1864 Aug. 21, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and Norwich.
Brown, William Seaman. Aug. 19, 1864 Aug. 16, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Tacony, New Hampshire, Vermont and Peoria.
Brown, William A. Landsman. Feb. 11, 1864 Mar. 25, 186? Navy Yard, Washington, Wateree and Vermont.
Brown, William H. Landsman. Aug. 9, 1864 Aug. 8, 1867 Alleghany, Bfandywine, Aries, Tacony, Vermont and Peoria.
Brown, William H. Landsman. April 20, 1864 Mar. 18, 186? Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Massachusetts, Norfolk Packet, New Hampshire, Independence and Lancaster.
Brown, Zeph. R. 1st Class Boy. July 25, 1864 Navy Yard, Washington, Ascutney and R. R. Cuyler, died Dec. 26, 1864.
Browne, Joshua 2d Class Boy. Oct. 20, 1862 July 8, 1865 Alleghany, Norfolk Packet, Brandywine and Aries.
Brownlon, Arthur Ord. Seaman. Feb. 12, 1862 Ohio; failed to appear; records U. S. N. Department.
Bruce, George Landsman. Aug. 1, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Boxer and Princeton; deserted Dec. 9, 1865.
Bruder, Michael Fireman. Feb. 21, 1865 Mar. 25, 1867 Shipped as Landsman; discharged as Fireman; Cyane, St. Mary's, Wateree, Alleghany and Vermont.
Brunington, John Landsman. April 25, 1864 April 28, 1866 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T. ; Matthew Vassar, Sophronia, Western World, Macedonian, Marion and Santee.
Bruns, Heinrich Landsman. Sept. 13, 1862 Alleghany, Minnesota, Mystic, Hospital Norfolk, to April 21, 1863; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Bryan, William Ord. Seaman. Feb. 2, 1865 Alleghany and Wyoming; deserted July 9, 1866.
Bryan, William J. Seaman. Oct. 14, 1862 Dec. 1, 1863 Alleghany, George Mangham, Alliance, Currituck. Yankee, Minnesota and Hospital Norfolk.
Bryan, William J. Seaman. Dec. 21, 1863 Feb. 9, 1864 Alleghany, Shokokon and Hospital Norfolk.
Brydon, George Landsman. Oct. 9, 1861 Jan. 13, 1862 North Carolina and Seneca.
Buchannan, Franklin Landsman. Aug. 12, 1864 May 31, 186? Alleghany, Brandywine, Osceola, Release, Wm. Badger, Hornet, Potomac and Tallapoosa.
Buchley, Thomas F. Seaman. Aug. 3, 1864 Sept. 6, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Mt. Vernon, Nyack and Hospital New York.
Buchum, Whittendon Landsman. April 21, 1864 July 11, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash and St. Lawrence.
Buck, James Landsman. Aug. 30, 1864 June 26, 1865 Princeton and Vandalia.
Buck, John Landsman. Aug. 12, 1862 Alleghany, Octorara and Wyandank; deserted Oct. 16, 1862.
Buck, John D. Ord. Seaman. Oct. 18, 1861 Princeton, State of Georgia and Massachusetts; deserted Oct. 15, 1863.
Buckey, Francis Landsman. Aug. 3, 1864 Feb. 28, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Aries and Hospital Norfolk.
Buckless, Henry Landsman. Feb. 15, 1862 Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Miami and Henry Brinker.
Buckley, George Ord. Seaman. Aug. 19, 1862 Oct. 17, 1863 Alleghany and Octorara.
Buckley, James Ord. Seaman. Nov. 14, 1864 Alleghany, Matthew Vassar and Princeton; fajled to report, July 11, 1865; records U. S. N. Department.
Buckley, John Landsman. Aug. 18, 1864 April 23, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Vicksburg and Vermont.
Buckley, John D. 1st Class Boy. Dec. 18, 1863 Dec. 15, 1864 Navy Yard, Washington, Ella and Yankee.
Buckley, John R. 3d Class Boy. May 4, 1865 July 24, 1868 Alleghany, Sabine, Sacramento and Saratoga.
Bukoffsky, Geo. H. 2d Cl. Fireman Mar. 8, 1865 Mar. 9, 1867 Alleghany and Shamokin.
Bundy, Henry Landsman. Jan. 29. 1864 June 5, 1865 Commo. Morris and Hospital Norfolk.
Bunyan, Jacob Coal Heaver. Nov. 21, 1862 June 29, 1865 Alleghany, James Adger and Monticello.
Burge, Washington B Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 20, 1865 Montgomery.
Burges, Thomas Landsman. May 21, 1861 Alleghany, Navy Yard, Washington, to March 31, 1862, no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Burgess, Charles Landsman. Feb. 23, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Independence, Saranac and Lancaster.
Burgess, Samuel Landsman. Mar. 14, 1865 Alleghany and Mercedita; deserted April 6, 1866.
Burgess, Thomas Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 July 1, 1865 Valley City and North Carolina.
Burke, James 1st Class Boy. Oct. 16, 1862 Alleghany and Geoi-ge Mangham; deserted Oct. 24, 1862.
Burke, James Seaman. June 25, 1863 No further record, U. S. N. Department.
Burke, John W. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 20, 1865 Montgomery.
Burke, Thomas Ord. Seaman. Sept. 26, 1861 Jan. 12, 1865 Alleghany, Keystone State and Wachusetts.
Burke, Thomas Seaman. Sept. 30, 1862 Oct. 20, 1863 North Carolina, Princeton and Young Rover.
Burnett, William Landsman. Oct. 4, 1862 Alleghany and Dan Smith; deserted June 5, 1863.
Burnes, Daniel Seaman. June 18, 1862 Alleghany, Baltimore, luka, Hospital Key West, on Ino to April 14, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Dept.
Burns, Daniel Seaman. June 14, 1861 June 7, 1862 Alleghany and St. Lawrence.
Burns, George 2d Cl. Fireman Aug. 19, 1863 Aug. 21, 1864 Alleghany and Stepping Stones.
Burns, Henry Seaman. July 2, 1864 Alleghany and Don; deserted Aug. 13, 1864.
Burns, John Seaman. July 29, 1863 Aug. 8, 1864 Alleghany and Nansemond.
Burns, John Seaman. Sept. 19, 1864 Sept. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Nansemond, Conemaugh, Winooski, Pinta and New Hampshire.
Burns, John Landsman. May 23, 1861 Sept. 6, 1862 Alleghany, Wissahickon and Princeton.
Burns, John Seaman. Dec. 4, 1862 June 11, 1865 Alleghany, State of Georgia, Minnesota, Florida and Quaker City.
Burns, Louis Landsman. April 27, 1864 July 31, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T. ; Matthew Vassar and Sophronia.
Burns, Michael Landsman. July 17, 1863 Oct. 14, 1864 Alleghany, Freeborne, Robert Leslie and Hospital Norfolk.
Burns, Robert Landsman. Feb. 13, 1865 Alleghany, Wyoming to July 5, 1867; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Burns, Samuel Ord. Seaman. May 24, 1862 Alleghany, Flag to June 8, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Burns, William Landsman. Aug. 18, 1862 June 16, 1865 Alleghany, Valley City and Lilac.
Burns, William Landsman. May 11, 1861 Ohio; failed to appear; records U. S. N. Department.
Burns, William Landsman. Oct. 25, 1864 Alleghany, Seymour and Potomac Flotilla; deserted June 10, 1865.
Burnsides, James Landsman. April 30, 1861 Oct. 24, 1865 Princeton and Jamestown.
Burrias, John W. Landsman. April 22, 1864 June 18, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton and New Hampshire.
Burroughs, John Landsman. Feb. 2, 1864 Feb. 1, 1865 Alleghany "Ship's Crew."
Burton, Joseph Coal Heaver. Jan. 30, 1864 Mar. 11, 1865 North Carolina, Hydrangea and Princeton.
Burxall, John Qrd. Seaman. July 23, 1864 Alleghany, Potomac Flotilla, Navy Yard, Washington; died Oct. 3, 1865.
Bush, Lewis Landsman. Aug. 30, 1864 Alleghany, Roanoke, North Carolina, Constitution and Miantonomoh; deserted Nov. 1, 1865.
Bush, Samuel Landsman. Sept. 8, 1863 Aug. 5, 1865 Alleghany, Dacotah and Connecticut.
Bushman, Frederick Landsman. Aug. 29, 1864 May 25, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Vandalia.
Bussman, Henry Landsman. May 24, 1864 May 24, 1867 Alleghany, Tritonia, Malvern, Anemone, Memphis, Potomac, Estrella and Paul Jones.
Butler, Charles Landsman. Feb. 24, 1864 May 4, 1865 Princeton, Pocohontas and Bienville.
Butler, Francis Landsman. April 20, 1864 July 10, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash and St. Lawrence.
Butler, George H. 1st Class Boy. Aug. 26, 1863 May 30, 1865 Alleghany and Daylight.
Butler, Henry Seaman. Dec. 13, 1862 Alleghany and Sophronia; deserted Dec. 15, 1862.
Butler, James Landsman. July 20, 186S Alleghany and Nansemond; deserted Dec. 10, 1863.
Butler, James Landsman. April 20, 1864 June 18, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Massachusetts, Chatham, New Hampshire and Bay Point Station.
Butler, James Seaman. June 13, 1864 Alleghany, Potomska, Midnight, Honduras, North Carolina; deserted Aug. 31, 1865.
Butler, John Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 26, 1865 Commo. Morris and North Carolina.
Butler, John F. Landsman. Feb. 6, 1865 Failed to appear; records U. S. N. Department.
Butler, John F. Landsman. May 23, 1861 July 2,, 1864 Alleghany and Wissahickon.
Butler, John H. Seaman. April 28, 1864 May 1, 1865 Minnesota, Eutaw and Norfolk Hospital.
Butler, John T. Landsman. Feb. 8, 1864 Mar. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Winona, Vermont, Gladiolus, New Hampshire and Princeton.
Butler, Joseph Landsman. Aug. 10, 1864 Aug. 9, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Osceola, Release and Wm. Badger.
Butler, William Landsman. Feb. 16, 1864 Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Albemarle.
Butless, Thomas Ord. Seaman. April 24, 1862 Princeton, Washington Navy Yard, Potomac Flotilla and Anacostia; deserted Sept. 27, 1862.
Butterbough, Wm. H. H. Landsman. Jan. 15, 1863 July 20, 1863 Alleghany, State of Georgia and Hospital at Norfolk.
Button, Jacob Ord. Seaman. Sept. 5, 1862 June 30, 1865 Alleghany and Valley City.
Buttry, Elisha Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 26, 1865 Commo. Morris and North Carolina.
Butts, James Seaman. Feb. 23, 1865 Mar. 19, 1868 Alleghany, Cyane, Suwanee, Independence, Jamestown, Cyane and Vermont.
Byer, Frank Landsman. Mar. 9, 1863 July 10, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Commo. Jones, Pequot, Pontoosuc and Ohio.
Byrne, Joseph Landsman. Sept. 1, 1864 Alleghany, Roanoke; deserted June 20, 1865.
Byrne, Thomas Landsman. Aug. 8, 1862 Alleghany; deserted Oct. 1, 1862.

Volunteers - C

Click the "Expand" buttons to the right to view the rosters for the Sailors of this branch.

Last Names Beginning with "C"
Name Rank or
Date of
or Shipment
Date of
Vessels Served on
and Remarks
Caby, John Landsman. April 23, 1864 Sept. 7, , 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane and St. Mary's.
Cager, George Landsman. April 22, 1864 Oct. 20, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham, St. Lawrence and Ben. Morgan.
Cain, Marcellus Landsman. May 12, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Naval Academy and Macedonian.
Cain, Timothy 1st Cl. Fireman Feb. 15, 1865 Aug. 24, 1865 Alleghany, Delta, Constellation and Vermont.
Cain, William Seaman. Oct. 14, 1861 Sept. 13, 1862 Alleghany, Wissahickon and Princeton.
Cain, William 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 21, 1865 Feb. 25, 1867 Alleghany, Yantic, Vermont and Don.
Cainan, William Ord. Seaman. June 11, 1861 Alleghany and St. Lawrence; deserted April 6, 1862.
Caldwell, William Landsman. Aug. 1, 1863 Alleghany and Dragon; deserted Sept. 30, 1864.
Calhoun, Henry Landsman. May 18, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Ino and North Carolina.
Callahan, Call Ord. Seaman. Dec. 10, 186! Alleghany; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Dept.
Callahan, James 1st Cl. Fireman 1860 Dec. 25, 1864 Princeton, Hartford, Pawnee, St. Louis; at Fts. Jackson and St. Philips; batteries below New Orleans, Donaldsonville, above New Orleans; Baton Rouge, Vicksburg (2), Ft. Morgan and Mobile Bay; serving as Landsman, Ord. Seaman and 1st Class Fireman.
Callahan, James Seaman. Feb. 25, 1863 Alleghany and Mahaska; deserted March 17, 1863.
Callahan, Jeremiah Ord. Seaman. May 17, 1861 North Carolina and Santee; drowned May 30, 1862.
Callahan, William Landsman. Aug. 22, 1864 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Chippewa.
Callahand, Peter Landsman. Aug. 12, 1862 Dec. 9, 1864 Alleghany and Maratanza.
Callen, John H. 3d Class Boy. Oct. 10, 1864 May 13, 1865 Alleghany and Sabine.
Calwell, William E. Landsman. Mar. 22, 1865 Feb. 15, 1867 Alleghany, Mercedita, Sagamore, Santee and Macedonian.
Camel, Thomas Landsman. Feb. 9, 1863 Feb. 17, 1864 Baltimore.
Camomile, William Landsman. April 20, 1864 Aug. 28, 1863 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts and Cimarron.
Campbell, George Landsman. April 25, 1864 Feb. 22, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac and Farrallones.
Campbell, George C. Seaman. Nov. 11, 1864 Alleghany, Matthew Vassar, to Princeton July 11, 1865, failed to report, records U. S. N. Department.
Campbell, John Seaman. July 26, 1864 Alleghany, Commo. Reade, Navy Yard, Washington, deserted Dec. 7, 1865.
Campbell, John Ord. Seaman. Sept. 18, 1862 Alleghany and Mt. Vernon; deserted Oct. 15, 1863.
Campbell, Vista Landsman. April 22, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany; failed to appear, U. S. N. Department.
Campbell, William Seaman. Feb. 3, 1862 Jan. 11, 1863 North Carolina, Victoria and Hospital Norfolk.
Campbell, William Seaman. July 17, 1862 June 3, 1865 Princeton, New Ironsides, Vermont, Harvest Moon and Columbia.
Campbell, Wm. A. Landsman. April 20, 1864 June 18, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, Chatham and New Hampshire.
Camper, William Landsman. April 19, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Cimarron; deserted Jan. 29, 1865.
Campher, James E. Landsman. May 6, 1861 July 28, 1863 North Carolina, Perry and Clara Dolsen.
Campher, William Landsman. July 7, 1864 July 6, 1867 Alleghany, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Bay Point Station, Constellation and Vermont.
Cannon, Elijah Landsman. April 22, 1864 July 25, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and Ethan Allen.
Cannon, James H. Landsman. Aug. 12, 1864 Aug. 5, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Moccasin.
Cans, Edward 1st Cl. Fireman Aug. 2, 1864 North Carolina, New Hampshire and Carnation; deserted April 30, 1863.
Capher, Henry Lanasman. April 25, 1864 Sept. 7, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and St. Mary's.
Carbary, Samuel 1st Class Boy. May 26, 1863 Mar. 29, 1865 Alleghany, Eutaw, Daylight and Hetzel.
Carey, George Landsman. Feb. 8, 1864 Mar. 12, 1865 Alleghany, Winona, Vermont, Gladiolus, New Hampshire and Princeton.
Carey, Thomas Landsman. Feb. 8, 1864 Mar. 12, 1865 Alleghany, Winona, Vermont, Gladiolus, New Hampshire and Princeton.
Garland, Thomas No record.
Carlisle, James 1st Class Boy. Aug. 7, 1862 Alleghany, Valley City and Alleghany to April 7, 1863: no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Carlisle, Joseph 1st Cl. Fireman Dec. 3, 1863 Dec. 2, 1864 Alleghany, Kineo and Gov. Buckingham.
Carmack, Henry Landsman. May 26, 1863 Alleghany, Mahaska and Hospital Norfolk; died Dec. 30, 1863.
Carmack, James S. Landsman. Mar. 5, 1863 North Carolina and Massachusetts; deserted Nov. 22, 1863.
Carmack, John Landsman. Feb. 2, 1864 Feb. 18, 1865 Alleghany and Ceres.
Carmack, Richard B. Landsman. Dec. 3, 1863 Aug. 30, 1865 Alleghany, Kineo and Massachusetts.
Carmen, Thomas J. Landsman. July 29, 1862 Alleghany, Southfield and Hospital Norfolk; deserted Feb. 28, 1863.
Carpenter, John O. Landsman. April 30, 1864 April 29, 1865 North Carolina, New Hampshire, Wabash and Perry.
Carr, Edward 1st Cl. Fireman Jan. 8, 1863 May 24, 1864 North Carolina, Weehawken, Pawnee and Vermont.
Carr, James Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 25, 1867 Transferred from 19th IT. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Wateree and Vermont.
Carr, James Seaman. Sept. 5, 1864 June 8, 1865 Alleghany and Tuscarora.
Carr, John Landsman. Jan. 31, 1862 Feb. 18, 1863 Island Belle, Port Royal, Pittsburgh and Clara Dolsen.
Carr, John Landsman. Feb. 9, 1864 Jan. 20, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Chicopee.
Carr, John H. Seaman. May 15, 1863 May 14, 1864 North Carolina and Macedonian.
Carr, John H. Landsman. Dec. 20, 1861 Mar. 27, 1863 Princeton, Hartford and Hospital Philadelphia.
Carr, Norman Landsman. Aug. 15, 1864 Aug. 14, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Augusta, Potomac, Tallapoosa, Manayunk, and Ironclads at New Orleans.
Carr, Thomas J. Landsman. July 12, 1864 Alleghany, Zouave and Vermont; deserted June 10, 1865.
Carrick, Richard Landsman. Oct. 14, 1864 Dec. 17, 1867 Alleghany, Seymour, Vermont, Potomac, Tioga, Madawaska, Susquehanna, Monongahela and New Hampshire.
Carrigan, Patrick Landsman. Aug. 18, 1862 May 17, 1865 Princeton and Powhatan.
Carrol, George W. Landsman. April 20, 1864 Aug. 4, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts and Norfolk Packet.
Carrol, Jacob Landsman. April 22, 1864 June 3, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Potomska and Memphis.
Carrol, Michael 2d Cl. Fireman Mar. 1, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Carrol, Peter Landsman. Feb. 27," 1865 Alleghany, Farrallones and Lancaster; deserted April 28, 1866.
Carroll, Charles Seaman. Jan. 8, 1863 Alleghany and State of Georgia; deserted Feb. 4, 1863.
Carroll, Charles T. 1st Class Boy. Aug. 11, 1862 Sept. 8, 1863 Navy Yard, Washington, Yankee and Princeton.
Carroll, Jackson Coal Heaver. Nov. 25, 1862 Nov. 24, 1863 Clara Dolsen and Black Hawk.
Carroll, Patrick Landsman. June 17, 1863 Alleghany and Eutaw; deserted Dec. 31, 1863.
Carroll, Pierce 2d Cl. Fireman Sept. 20, 1864 Aug. 3, 1868 Alleghany, Tuscarora and Ohio.
Carroll, Pierce Coal Heaver. April 19, 1861 June 20, 1864 North Carolina, Monticello, Calypso and Savannah.
Carroll, William Landsman. Feb. 12, 1864 Feb. 10, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Victoria and St. Lawrence,
Carroll, William Landsman. May 17, 1864 June 22, 1866 Alleghany, Ino, Mahaska and Vermont.
Carson, R. B. Seaman. Oct. 30, 1861 Nov. 14, 1862 Maria Denning and Cincinnati.
Carter, Charles H. Ord. Seaman. July 22, 1864 Alleghany, Don, Princelon, Massachusetts and Vermont; deserted Dec. 23, 1865.
Carter, David Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Saginaw and Lancaster.
Carter, Edward Landsman. July 25, 1864 Alleghany and Jacob Bell; deserted Nov. 2, 1864.
Carter, George Seaman. Dec. 22, 1864 Alleghany and Wyoming; died July 21, 1866.
Carter, George Seaman. Dec. 5, 1862 Dec, 31, 1864 Alleghany, State of Georgia, Whitehead and Albemarle.
Carter, Henry Landsman. April 23, 1864 Sept. 4, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton and Fernandina.
Carter, Henry Landsman. Aug. 11, 1864 Aug. 10, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Aries, Vicksburg, Emma, Tacony, New Hampshire, Aroostook, Vermont, Ascutney and Navy Yard, Washington.
Carter, John Landsman. Feb. 24, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Independence and Lancaster.
Carter, Samuel Landsman. Aug. 7, 1861 Dec. 5, 1861 North Carolina and Connecticut.
Carter, William Seaman. Feb. 6, 1865 Alleghany, Hetzel, Aries and Ohio; deserted Aug. 26, 1865.
Carter) William J. Landsman. June 12, 1863 July 3, 1863 North Carolina.
Cartledge, William Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 12, 1864 Brandywine and Hospital Norfolk.
Carty, Nathan W. Coal Heaver. Nov. 9, 1861 Jan. 23, 1863 Princeton and State of Georgia.
Case, Charles Landsman. Feb. 9, 1865 Sept. 1, 1865 Alleghany, Constellation, Aries and Ohio.
Casey, W. E. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 July 17, 1865 Monticello and New Hampshire.
Cassell, George N. Landsman. April 15, 1861 Nov. 4, 1862
Alleghany and North Carolina. Cassell, James Landsman. Aug. 11, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota, Aries and Calypso; deserted Aug. 31, 1865.
Cassiday, Thomas Seaman. July 7, 1864 Alleghany and Don; deserted Sept. 19, 1864.
Caster, Noel F. 1st Class Boy. Aug. 17, 1863 Aug. 16, 1864 Alleghany, Nansemend and Alleghany.
Catchell, Platt M. Landsman. Oct. 21, 1863 Mar. 29, 1864 Alleghany, Aries and Hospital Norfolk.
Cathell, George Landsman. April 22, 1864 July 24, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, Philadelphia, New Hampshire and Lenapee.
Caulk, Jacob Seaman. July 1, 1861 July 25, 1864 Princeton, Monticello and Arkansas.
Caulk, Jacob Seaman. Sept. 30, 1864 July 12, 1865 Alleghany, Tuscarora and Princeton.
Caulk, John W. Landsman. May 24, 1864 Alleghany, Potomska and Bermuda; deserted July 23, 1865.
Caulk, Philip R. Seaman. June 22, 1865 Jan. 23, 1868 Princeton, Yantic, Vermont, Peoria, New Berne and Vermont.
Caulk, Philip R. Seaman. Mar. 25, 1862 Mar. 24, 1865 Princeton, Rhode Island and Santiago de Cuba.
Caution, Samuel Landsman. Feb. 17, 1864 Feb. 16, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing, Chicopee and Hunchback.
Cavel, Robert Landsman. April 23, 1864 Dec. 27, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Potomska, Gladiolus and Santee.
Cawood, John B. Seaman. Sept. 14, 1861 Ohio and Brandy wine; deserted June 7, 1863.
Cawood, Stephen 1st Cl. Fireman April 27, 1863 April 26, 1864 North Carolina and Roanoke.
Cawthorn, George Seaman. Feb. 27, 1862 Alleghany and Miami; died Aug. 12, 1863.
Cayl, John Landsman. Mar. 22, 1865 Dec. 19, 1866 Alleghany, Seneca and Chicopee.
Cecill, Elias Ord. Seaman. July 5, 1864 July 4, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Augusta, Swatara and Lenapee.
Cena, Moses Landsman. June 2, 1861 Alleghany and Gov. Buckingham; deserted Nov. 30, 1864.
Ceney, John Landsman. Aug. 21, 1863 Aug. 20, 1864 Alleghany, Daylight and Minnesota.
Cephas, David Landsman. April 22, 1864 June 16, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Princeton.
Cephas, William Landsman. April 21, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton and New Hampshire; died Dec. 27, 1864.
Cephus, Joseph Landsman. May 8, 1863 June 29, 1866 Alleghany, Mahaska, Nipsic and Susquehanna.
Chace, John Landsman. Sept. 6, 1861. July 27, 1865 Owasco and Sachem.
Chalk, Mordica Landsman. Feb. 4, 1864 Feb. 16, 1865 Alleghany and Hunchback.
Chamberlain, R. A. 2d Class Boy. Aug. 4, 1863 July 20, 1865 Alleghany and Maratanza.
Chamberlin, Wm. W. Landsman. Dec. 24, 1862 Aug. 5, 1865 Alleghany, Princeton, Monticello and Release.
Chambers, Charles Landsman. April 22, 1864 Aug. 26, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash, Pawnee, John Adams and Ben. Morgan.
Chambers, Chas. C. Landsman. June 13, 1864 June 21, 1865 Alleghany, Massachusetts, John Adams, Commo. McDonough and Princeton.
Chambers, John F. Landsman. Mar. 3, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones and Lancaster.
Chambers, Joseph L. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 July 4, 1864 Commo. Morris and Hospital Norfolk.
Chambers, William 1st Cl. Fireman Aug. 15, 1864 July 27, 1865 Alleghany and Wyandank.
Chaney, James M. Coal Heaver. April 27, 1861 Aug. 6, 1863 Princeton, Union and Scioto.
Chaney, Lewis Seaman. Jan. 20, 1862 Alleghany and Daylight; deserted July 7, 1862.
Chaney, Louis Seaman. Nov. 25, 1863 Dec. 5, 1864 Ohio, North Carolina and Sebago.
Chaplain, David T. Landsman. April 27, 1864 May 9, 1865 Alleghany and Macedonian.
Chaplain, Jeremiah Landsman. June 21, 1864 June 12, 1865 Alleghany, Don and Adolph Hugel.
Chapman, George Landsman. Feb. 10, 1864 Jan. 30, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Victoria and Maratanza.
Chapman, Jno. B. Ord. Seaman. Feb. 21, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Saranac and Lancaster.
Chapman, Wilson Landsman. April 20, 1864 June 12, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, Norfolk Packet, Oleander and New Hampshire.
Chapman, George Landsman. Jan. 7, 1863 July 24, 1865 Alleghany, State of Georgia, Florida, Quaker City and Princeton.
Charles, David Coal Heaver. Aug. 15, 1862 Aug. 8, 1863 Alleghany and Octorara.
Charms, Jarrett Landsman. May 4, 1864 June 5, 1865 Alleghany, Naval Academy and Macedonian.
Chase, Alexander Landsman. Dec. 30, 1862 April 12, 1865 Princeton and Monongahela.
Chase, Horatio W. Ord. Seaman. Mar. 14, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita and Vanderbilt; deserted Jan. 20, 1866.
Chase, Isaac Landsman. Feb. 15, 1864 Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Albemarle.
Chase, Lorenzo Landsman. April 20, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts and New Hampshire; died April 19, 1865.
Chase, Richard Coal Heaver. Nov. 21, 1862 Oct. 24, 1865 Alleghany, James Adger, Minnesota and Malvern.
Chase, William Landsman. April 20, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Bermuda and Potomac; died Nov. 13, 1864.
Chase, William Landsman. Aug. 31, 1864 Jan. 23, 1868 Alleghany, Tuscarora, Mohican and Vermont.
Chase, W. H. Landsman. June 1, 1864 May 30, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Crusader.
Chatterford, James Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Aug. 15, 1865 Kansas and Calypso.
Chauncey, John Seaman. July 5, 1864 Alleghany and Don; deserted Jan. 19, 1865.
Cherry, Joseph T. 3d Class Boy. Nov. 15, 1864 April 3, 1865 Alleghany and Sabine.
Cherry, Samuel Landsman. April 25, 1864 June 27, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Oyane, Saranac, Farrallones and Vermont.
Cherry, Thomas 1st Class Boy. May 4, 1864 July 15, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T. ; Wm. Bacon and Navy Yard, Washington.
Cheseldine, Robert Landsman. Oct. 7, 1862 Navy Yard, Washington; not on roll of 4th quarter, 1862, U. S. N. Department.
Chesney, J. W. 1st Cl. Fireman Jan. 6, 1864 July 4, 1864 Alleghany, Mackinaw and Hospital Norfolk.
Chester, Thomas Landsman. Feb. 20, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Chew, Charles A. Landsman. Nov. 21, 1863 Dec. 7, 1864 North Carolina, Metacomet, Ft. Morgan and Savannah
Chick, James Seaman. Oct. 3, 1864 Alleghany, Nansemond and receiving ship at Washington; deserted Sept. 7, 1865.
Childs, Henry C. 1st Class Boy. Feb. 10, 1863 Nov. 30, 1865 Alleghany, Ceres, Hetzel and Whitehead.
Chinery, Thomas Seaman. Nov. 21, 1864 Alleghany, Morse and Washington Navy Yard; deserted July 31, 1865.
Chisholm, John Landsman. Mar. 17, 1865 Feb. 19, 1867 Alleghany, Seneca, Malvern, Anemone and Monongahela.
Chisley, Henry Landsman. April 20, 1864 June 16, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, Chatham and New Hampshire.
Chisley, Joseph Landsman. Aug, 17, 1864 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany, Minnesota, Aries, Ashuelot and Wyoming.
Christian, Thomas Landsman. July 1, 1864 May 11, 1865 Alleghany, Don and Anacosta.
Christine, Thomas Landsman, Oct. 22, 1863 Aug. 3, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine and Delaware.
Christmas, Chas. H. Landsman. April 19, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash and Roman; deserted Feb. 5, 1865.
Christopher, Christian Ord. Seaman. Feb. 21, 1865 Alleghany, Hetzel, Eolus and Ohio; deserted July 29, 1865.
Chubbs, William Landsman. Feb. 12, 1862 North Carolina; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Dept.
Church, Charles Ord. Seaman. May 13, 1863 May 22, 1864 Alleghany and Gen. Putnam.
Church, Charles Ord. Seaman. Aug. 2, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota and Taconey; deserted Nov. 15, 1864.
Church, George F. Seaman. Aug. 4, 1862 Princeton and New Ironsides; deserted Sept. 23, 1862.
Church, James Landsman. Aug. 13, 1863 Aug. 12, 1864 Navy Yard, Washington, and Baltimore.
Church, Richard Ord. Seaman. April 3, 1865 Alleghany; deserted July 3, 1865.
Cinnamond, Edward Marine. Jan. 11, 1858 Jan. 11, 1862 Alleghany and Santee.
Clancy, Charles Landsman. Aug. 4, 1862 July 8, 1863 Alleghany, Maratanza and Princeton.
Clancy, Michael Landsman. Sept. 23, 1862 Alleghany, Minnesota and Miami; deserted Feb. 7, 1863.
Clapp, Francis Landsman. June 22, 1864 May 11, 1865 Alleghany, Daylight, Eutaw and Vermont.
Clarence, John Landsman. June 3, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, R. R. Cuyler, John Adams ana Princeton.
Clark, Charles Seaman. July 11, 1864 Jan. 31, 1866 Alleghany, Zouave, Heliotrope, Periwinkle and Phlox.
Clark, Charles Landsman. June 20, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Massachusetts, John Adams, Home and Princeton.
Clark, Francis Seaman. Jan. 13, 1863 Jan. 27, 1866 Alleghany, State of Georgia, Mahaska and Potomac.
Clark, George 2d Cl. Fireman July 9, 1864 May 31, 1867 North Carolina, Susquehanna, Potomac and Tallapoosa.
Clark, George Landsman. April 21, 1864 Mar. 17, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia and Massachusetts.
Clark, James Landsman. April 25, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Daylight, Osceola and Dacotah; died June 17, 1867.
Clark, John Seaman. July 31, 1863 Aug. 8, 1864 Alleghany and Nansemond.
Clark, John Landsman. Aug. 30, 1864 Alleghany, Roanoke, Constellation and Picket Launch, No. 6; deserted July 31, 1865.
Clark, Solomon Landsman. April 25, 1864 Sept. 7, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany and St. Mary's.
Clark, Thomas Landsman. Oct. 19, 1863 July 27, 1865 Alleghany and Commo. Barney.
Clark, William Landsman. Sept. 17, 1863 Nov. 5, 1864 Alleghany and Penguin.
Clark, William Seaman. Feb. 3, 1865 July 24, 1865 Alleghany and Hetzel.
Clarke, Marion B. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Aug. 15, 1865 Monticello and Shamrock.
Clarkson, George R. Seaman. June 17, 1863 North Carolina and San Jacinto; deserted Oct. 26, 1863.
Clarkson, Henry Landsman. April 21, 1864 July 13, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash and Ben. Morgan.
Clarkson, Wm. H. Landsman. July 26, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Cactus and Navy Yard, Washington.
Clausen, Charles Landsman. Sept. 2, 1864 June 30, 1865 Alleghany, Roanoke, Picket Launch No. 6 and Macedonian.
Clayton, James Landsman. Feb. 11, 1864 Jan. 20, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Chicopee.
Clayton, Mathew Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane. Saranac and Lancaster.
Clemments, Daniel Landsman. Mar. 14, 1863 Mar. 12, 1864 Navy Yard, Washington, Penobscot and Commo. Read
Clemsen, Richard Landsman. Feb. 20, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Independence, Saranac and Lancaster.
Cliffe, John F. Ord. Seaman. Dec. 9, 1861 North Carolina and Mercedita; deserted Aug. 31, 1862.
Clifford, Charles Seaman. Jan. 20, 186 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Clifford, Richard Seaman. April 13, 186 Alleghany and De Soto; deserted Dec. 28, 1865.
Clifford, Rich'd H. H Landsman. Aug. 28, 186 Alleghany, Minnesota, Brandywine, Penobscot and Zouave; deserted June 20, 1863.
Clift, John W. Ord. Seaman. Aug. 19, 186 Aug. 8, 1863 Alleghany and Octorara.
Clifton, Henry Landsman. July 7, 186 Alleghany and Daylight; deserted Aug. 25, 1864.
Clinton, Albert M. Landsman. Feb. 24, 186 Alleghany and Cyane; deserted June 30, 1865.
Clowes, Joseph Ord. Seaman. Aug. 13, 186 Mar. 1, 1864 Ohio and Gemsbok.
Cluff, Aberdeen Landsman. April 25, 186 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Coats, Elijah Landsman. April 22, 186 July 11, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash and St. Lawrence.
Coats, Thomas Landsman. Dec. 29, 186 Dec. 28, 1864 Navy Yard, Washington, Robert Leslie and Sophronia.
Coats, Thomas Landsman. June 17, 1863 June 18, 1864 Robert Leslie.
Coats, William H. Landsman, April 20, 1864 June 18, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Chatham and Bay Point Station.
Cochran, Joseph H. Landsman. Mar. 9, 1865 Oct. 24, 1865 Alleghany, Seneca and Malvern.
Coe, William A. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 27, 1865 Commo. Morris and North Carolina.
Cogin, William Landsman. Aug. 23, 1862 Alleghany and Mt. Vernon; deserted April 17, 1863.
Cohan, James 2d Cl. Fireman Dec. 9, 1864 Mar. 8, 1866 Alleghany, Keystone State, Constellation and De Soto.
Cohen, John Seaman. Dec. 28, 1861 North Carolina and Onward; deserted Nov. 2, 1862.
Colbert, Henry Landsman. Dec. 15, 1863 Jan. 25, 1865 Alleghany and Winona.
Colbert, James A. Seaman. April 25, 1862 Sept. 30, 1862 North Carolina and Port Royal.
Cole, Charles Landsman. Jan.. 8, 1862 North Carolina, Norfolk Packet, Feb. 8, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Cole, John Landsman. July 11, 1864 Alleghany, Massachusetts, Pawnee, Augusta and Mackinaw; deserted March 29, 1867.
Cole, Richard H. Landsman. Aug. 9, 1864 July 26, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Conemaugh and New Hampshire.
Cole, Thomas J. Landsman. April 25, 1864 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T. ; Matthew Vassar and Wyandank; deserted Dec. 22, 1864.
Colein, William H. 2d Cl. Fireman 1860 1863 Dacotah and James Murray.
Coleman, Benj. F. Landsman. Mar. 3, 1863 Navy Yard, Washington; deserted March 9, 1863.
Coleman, John 1st Cl. Fireman Feb. 21, 1865 Oct. 14, 1865 Alleghany and Mercedita.
Coleman, Richard Seaman. Feb. 9, 1865 June 21, 1865 Alleghany and Constellation.
Coleman, Thomas Ord. Seaman. Dec. 29, 1862 Alleghany and James Adger; deserted April 9, 1863.
Coller, John 1st Cl. Fireman Aug. 20, 1863 Sept. 13, 1864 North Carolina, Fahkee and Ascutney.
Collins, Charles Landsman. Feb. 9, 1863 Feb. 17, 1864 Baltimore.
Collins, Daniel Landsman. Sept. 11, 1862 Oct. 16, 1862 North Carolina and Memphis.
Collins, James Landsman. June 21, 1864 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Don, Adolph Hugel and Wyandank.
Collins, James Landsman. April 22, 1864 June 11, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Valparaiso and Bay Point Station.
Collins, John Ord. Seaman. Jan. 20, 1865 Alleghany; deserted June 30, 1865.
Collins, John Seaman. Jan. 12, 1862 Jan. 12, 1864 Grampus and Eastport.
Collins, John Landsman. April 22, 1864 Aug. 21, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and Norwich.
Collins, John Seaman. Oct. 19, 1864 Nov. 4, 1867 Alleghany, Morse, Fuchsia, Princeton, Bienville and Franklin.
Collins, Jordon W. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Oct. 20, 1864 Commo. Jones and Hospital Norfolk.
Collins, Levin Landsman. April 22, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Gladiolus, Potomska and Princeton; deserted July 29, 1865.
Collins, Nicholas Landsman. Sept. 24, 1863 Sept. 26, 1864 North Carolina and Supply.
Collins, Patrick Landsman. June 2, 1862 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Wabash and T. A. Ward.
Collins, Peter B. Seaman. Aug. 20. 1861 Princeton and Susquehanna; died March 22, 1862.
Collins, Richard Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota and Atlanta; died March 2, 1865.
Collins, Samuel Landsman. Mar. 4, 1863 July 10, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Commo. Jones, Pequot and Pontoosac.
Collins, Thomas Landsman. Dec. 3, 1862 Feb. 9, 1864 Alleghany, Mt. Washington and Brandywine.
Collins, William Landsman. April 22, 1864 June 18, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, Bay Point Station and New Hampshire.
Collins, William W. 1st Class Boy. Feb. 8, 1864 North Carolina, Tioga and Vandalia; deserted July 26, 1864.
Commeford, Francis 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 27, 1865 Oct. 14, 1865 Alleghany and Mercedita.
Commodore, Geo. W Landsman. July 5, 1864 July 5, 1867 Alleghany, Don and Navy Yard, Washington.
Conby, James E. Ord. Seaman. Nov. 12, 1864 Vermont, Union, Memphis, Idaho and Vermont;" deserted June 8, 1866.
Conley, Charles Landsman. Aug. 18, 1863 Navy Yard, Washington, and Eutaw; deserted Sept. 26, 1863.
Conley, Lawrence 2d Cl. Fireman Nov. 15, 1864 Alleghany, Wyandank and Fuchsia; deserted March 31, 1865.
Conley, William Ord. Seaman. Aug. 18, 1863 May 17, 1865 Navy Yard, Washington, Eutaw and North Carolina.
Connelly, Thomas Seaman. Dec. 12, 1864 Dec. 14, 1866 Alleghany, R. R. Cuyler and Chicopee.
Conner, Samuel Landsman. April 20, 1864 Aug. 26, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash, St. Lawrence, Unit, North Carolina and Huntsville.
Conners, John Ord. Seaman. Jan. 5, 1863 April 10, 1864 Alleghany, State of Georgia and Iroquois.
Connor, George Seaman. July 26, 1864 July 11, 1865 Alleghany, Pontiac, Philadelphia and Princeton.
Connor, Thomas Ord. Seaman. Aug. 9, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota, Berberry and Phlox; deserted Aug. 20, 1865.
Connor, William C. Seaman. April 13, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita, Vermont and Monongahela; deserted Dec. 10, 1866.
Conrey, Joseph D. Fireman. Sept. 11, 1863 Alleghany and Dacotah; deserted Jan. 14, 1864.
Conway, Edmond G. Seaman. Feb. 17, 1863 Rejected.
Conway, Edward G. Seaman. Mar. 6, 1863 May 14, 1864 Alleghany, Crusader, Dacotah and Hospital Norfolk.
Conway, Edward J. Seaman. May 9, 1861 Nov. 25, 1862 Princeton and Flag.
Conway, James Landsman. Mar. 3, 1863 Dec. 26, 1863 Alleghany, Brandywine, Commo. Jones and Hospital Norfolk.
Conway, John 1st Cl. Fireman 1860 1863 Dacotah.
Conway, John Landsman. July 16, 1863 Alleghany, Freeborne and Princeton; died Mar. 13, 1864.
Conway, Patrick Landsman. Dec. 5, 1861 North Carolina and Wyandotte; deserted Sept. 20, 1862.
Conway, Robert Landsman. Mar. 14, 1863 June 29, 1866 Alleghany.
Cook, Archibald Seaman. Feb. 21, 1865 Sept. 6, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita and Vermont.
Cook, Clinton Landsman. June 10, 1864 May 14, 1865 Alleghany, Daylight, Shenandoah and Princeton.
Cook, Henry Ord. Seaman. Aug. 5, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Maratanza, Agamenticus and Ohio; deserted Nov. 4, 1865.
Cook, James 3d Class Boy. Sept. 28, 1864 April 15, 1865 Alleghany and Sabine.
Cook, John W. Landsman. May 15, 1861 Jan. 17, 1863 North Carolina and Wabash.
Cook, Wesley Ord. Seaman. April 20, 1864 July 17, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T. ; Jacob Bell and Navy Yard, Washington.
Cook, Wesley D. 3d Class Boy. Mar. 20, 1862 Princeton and Rhode Island; deserted June 10, 1862.
Cook, William Landsman. Sept. 19, 1863 Sept. 20, 1864 North Carolina and Mahaska.
Cooler, Nicholas Landsman. April 23, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Potomska, Memphis, Kanawha and J. C. Kuhn; died June 20, 1865.
Cooley, Samuel Landsman. May 25, 1864 May 24, 1867 Alleghany, Daylight, Shenandoah and Conemaugh.
Coomes, George W. 2d Cl. Fireman Oct. 25, 1864 Alleghany, Seymour to Alleghany, July 5, 1865; failed to appear, records U. S. N, Department.
Cooper, Aaron Landsman. April 19, 1864 June 16, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Massachusetts, Cimarron and New Hampshire.
Cooper, Alexander Landsman. Aug. 24, 1863 Sept. 5, 1864 Alleghany and Daylight.
Cooper, Charles Landsman. April 25, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac, Narragansett and Black Diamond; deserted Dec. 1, 1865.
Cooper, Charles Landsman. Feb. 8, 1864 July 24, 1865 Alleghany, Winona, Home, Potomska and Princeton.
Cooper, George Landsman. Feb. 8, 1864 Feb. 5, 1867 Alleghany, Winona, Vermont, Gladiolus and New Hampshire.
Cooper, George 2d Cl. Fireman Aug. 9, 1864 May 15, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Mt. Vernon and Mackinaw.
Cooper, James Ord. Seaman. Sept. 26, 1861 Dec. 19, 1864 Alleghany, Keystone State, Valley City and Dacotah.
Cooper, James Seaman. June 29, 1861 Alleghany, Navy Yard, Washington, to Mississippi Flotilla, Nov. 16, 1861; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Cooper, James E. Landsman. Jan. 26, 1864 July 17, 1865 Alleghany, Kineo and Princeton.
Cooper, Levin Landsman. April 20, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, Cimarron, A. Houghton to Princeton, June 1, 1865; never reported, U. S. N. Dept.
Cooper, Peter Landsman. April 20, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Cooper, Samuel B. Ord. Seaman. June 16, 1862 Princeton and Bienville; deserted Jan. 9, 1863.
Cooper, Stephen Landsman. Feb. 8, 1864 Mar. 12, 1865 Alleghany, Winona, Vermont, Gladiolus, New Hampshire and Princeton.
Cooper, W. A. Seaman. July 1, 1864 July 31, 1865 Alleghany and Don.
Cooper, William Landsman. April 23, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Cooper, William J. Landsman. Feb. 9, 1864 Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Albemarle.
Cope, Robert Ord. Seaman. Nov. 10, 1864 Alleghany; deserted Dec. 13, 1864.
Coran, Conrad Ord. Seaman. April 28, 1864 Aug. 23, 1865 Alleghany and Potomska.
Cordery, John L. 2d Class Boy. Dec. 31, 1862 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, James Adger and Atlanta.
Cormack, Archibald Landsman. Aug. 17, 1864 Aug. 16, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Aries, Mackinaw and Princeton.
Cormyn, Edward 1st Cl. Fireman Sept. 24, 1862 Alleghany, Wm. Badger, Mt. Vernon, Hospital, Beaufort, N. C., March 6, 1863; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Cornish, David H. Landsman. May 5, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Naval Academy and Macedonian.
Cornish, Henry Landsman. April 20, 1864 Sept. 20, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Vandalia and Bermuda.
Cornish, James Landsman. Sept. 10, 1863 Aug. 28, 1865 Alleghany, Dacotah and Rhode Island.
Cornish, John F. Landsman. Aug. 15, 1864 May 25, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Calypso, Rhode Island, Algonquin, Potomac and Paul Jones.
Cornish, Jones Landsman. Aug. 21, 1863 Feb. 5, 1864 Princeton, Massachusetts and Hospital Philadelphia, Pa.
Cornish, William Landsman. Aug. 5, 1864 Oct. 22, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Aries, Powhatan and Vermont.
Corprew, Andrew Landsman. May 21, 186'l Alleghany; deserted Nov. 10, 1861.
Cosgrove, John W. Landsman. Jan. 27, 1862 April 7, 1865 Alleghany and Pinola.
Cosgrove, Michael Landsman. Mar. 8, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones and Lancaster.
Costello, Charles Seaman. Dec. 29, 1862 Feb. S, 1866 Alleghany and Wateree.
Cottman, Alfred J. Landsman. April 20, 1864 June 11, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, Norfolk Packet, New Hampshire and Oleander.
Cottman, Ennis Landsman. April 25, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Lancaster; died Nov. 11, 1866.
Cotton, Henry T. Landsman. June 3, 1862 Oct. 18, 1864 Alleghany, Cambridge and Matthew Vassar.
Cottrel, George Seaman. Mar. 24, 1862 Alleghany and Amanda; deserted June 1, 1862.
Cottrell, James B. Ord. Seaman. Mar. 2, 1865 Alleghany and Hetzel; deserted Jan. 24, 1866.
Couis, William Landsman. May 21, 1863 April 22, 1865 Clara Dolsen, Black Hawk and Benton.
Coulburn, Wm. H. Ord. Seaman. Sept. 10, 1861 Alleghany and Wissahickon, Princeton to Dec. 31, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Coules, Henry Seaman. Oct. 26, 1863 Nov. 17, 1864 Alleghany, Aries and Savannah.
Coulsen, Charles E. 1st Cl. Fireman Feb. 28, 1865 Aug. 25, 1865 Alleghany, Hetzel, Powhatan and Ohio.
Coulter, John H. 2d Cl. Fireman Aug. 20, 1862 Aug. 8, 1863 Alleghany and Octorara.
Coulter, John I. 1st Class Boy. July 21, 1864 May 23, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Tristram Shandy and Hospital Norfolk.
Coulter, Thomas Landsman. Nov. 24, 1863 Nov. 23, 1864 North Carolina, Peterhoff, Florida and Hunchback.
Countee, John Landsman. April 20, 1864 Aug. 24, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts and Hospital Norfolk.
County, Edmond Ord. Seaman. Sept. 22, 1864 Nov. 2, 1867 Alleghany and Tuscarora.
Coursey, John A. Landsman. April 23, 1864 July 15, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T. ; Wm. Bacon and Navy Yard, Washington.
Cowen, W. A. Landsman. Dec. 16, 1863 Feb. 27, 1865 North Carolina, Metacomet and Ft. Morgan; served under the name of Wm. Alison.
Coyl, John Landsman. Mar. 22, 1865 Dec. 19, 1866 Alleghany, Seneca and Chicopee.
Coyle, John E. Seaman. Dec. 6, 1862 Mar. 10, 1864 Clara Dolsen and Rattler.
Cox, Edward Seaman. July 7, 1864 Alleghany, Don and Potomac Flotilla; deserted Dec. 31, 1864.
Cox, John Landsman. May 16, 1864 May 5, 1865 Alleghany, Ino, Circassian and Ohio.
Cox, John W. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Brandywine and Cherokee; deserted July 29, 1865.
Cox, Thomas Landsman. May 16, 1864 May 15, 1865 Alleghany, Buckingham and Potomac Flotilla.
Crager, Francis H. 1st Class Boy. June 6, 1862 Alleghany and Paul Jones; deserted Sept. 30, 1863.
Craig, Warren Landsman. April 21, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham and St. Lawrence; deserted Feb. 15, 1865.
Craig, Samuel 2d Cl. Fireman April 6, 1865 July 13, 1868 Alleghany, Waxsaw and Shamrock.
Crambith, William Coal Heaver. May 15, 1862 Alleghany to June 9, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Cramptown, Benj. Landsman. April 23, 1864 Dec. 15, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Daylight, Osceola, Release, Wm. Badger and Hornet.
Cranston, John Seaman. May 29, 1861 July 20, 1864 Alleghany, St. Lawrence, San Jacinto and Savannah,
Craridge, William Landsman. Aug. 8, 1864 Feb. 25, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Tacony and Hospital Norfolk.
Craven, James Coal Heaver. Nov. 16, 1863 Nov. 15, 1864 Alleghany and Mackinaw.
Craven, James 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 19, 1865 Aug. 24, 1865 Alleghany and Glance.
Craver, William Landsman. April 16, 1861 Jan. 15, 1862 Alleghany and Navy Yard, Washington.
Craver, William H. Landsman. June 5, 1862 May 29, 1865 Alleghany, San Jacinto and Dale.
Crawford, James Seaman. Jan. 31, 1863 No record of service, U. S. N. Department.
Crawford, James Seaman. Jan. 25, 1862 Jan. 26, 1863 Clara Dolsen.
Crawford, Joseph Seaman. Aug. 1, 1864 July 29, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Tacony and Ohio.
Crawford, Joseph Seaman. July 10, 1861 July 10, 1864 Alleghany, Coeur de Leon and Primrose.
Crawford, Lewis 1st Cl. Fireman Jan. 9, 1865 Alleghany; deserted Feb. 25, 1865.
Crawford, Patrick Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 20, 1865 Montgomery.
Crawford, William Landsman. Nov. 1, 1864 Nov. 2, 1866 Alleghany, Banshee and Don.
Creamer, John Landsman. Mar. 3, 1865 Mar. '25, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Wateree and Vermont.
Creed, Robert Seaman. June 30, 1864 Alleghany and Daylight; deserted July 18, 1864.
Creighton, David Seaman. Mar. 27, 1865 Jan. 15, 1868 Alleghany and De Soto.
Crew, Joseph Landsman. Feb. 8, 1864 Mar. 12, 1865 Alleghany, Winona and Princeton.
Crissell, Robert Landsman. July 1, 1861 July 8, 1861 Ohio and Dale.
Crocker, Zeb. Z. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 26, 1865 Commo. Morris and North Carolina.
Crockett, F. T. Fireman. July 6, 1861 Aug., 1862 Resolute; served under the name of Wm. Jones.
Crois, Henry Gunner's Mate Aug. 17, 1858 Dec. 30, 1881 Shipped as Ord. Seaman; promoted Gunner's Mate; John Adams, Niagara, Dan. Smith, Coeur de Leon, Primrose, Wyoming, Relief, Congress, Pawnee, Trenton, Alliance and Portsmouth.
Crois, Henry Seaman. Feb. 21, 1865 Feb. 15, 1867 Alleghany, Wyoming, Relief and Vermont.
Crolly, William Seaman. July 5, 1864 Alleghany, Massachusetts, Pawnee and Vandalia; deserted Aug. 19, 1865.
Cromwell, Alexander Landsman. Feb. 8, 1865 Aug. 24, 1865 Alleghany, Constellation, Powhatan and Ohio.
Cromwell, Seth O. Ord. Seaman. Mar. 27, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita and Brooklyn; deserted July 27, 1866.
Croney, John W. Landsman. Jan. 14, 1863 Alleghany, State of Georgia, Princeton and Scioto; deserted Dec. 21, 1863.
Cronhardt, John Landsman. Aug. 18, 1864 June 9, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Seneca.
Crooks, John Ord. Seaman. Feb. 9, 1863 July 27, 1863 Ohio and Release.
Crop, William T. Landsman. Sept. 1, 1864 June 20, 1865 Alleghany and Roanoke.
Cropley, Edward Landsman. Mar. 15, 1862 Sept. 26, 1863 Alleghany, Brandywine and Hospital Norfolk.
Crosby, Samuel Landsman. Sept. 18, 1862 June 6, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Mt. Vernon and Tacony.
Cross, John E. Landsman. Feb. 10, 1865 April 15, 1867 Alleghany, Constellation, R. R. Cuyler and Florida.
Cross, Robert 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 7, 1865 Sept. 6, 1865 Alleghany, Constellation and Boxer.
Cross, William Seaman. Feb. 23, 1865 April 5, 1867 Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac and Vermont.
Crowley, James Landsman. Dec. 27, 1862 Alleghany, State of Georgia and Iz-oquois; deserted Oct. 31, 1863.
Crozier, George S. Seaman. June 3, 1862 June 3, 1865 Alleghany, John Adams, New Hampshire and Tusc-a-rora.
Crozier, John C. 3d Class Boy. Jan. 4, 1865 Alleghany, Sabine, Augusta and Monongahela; died March 4, 1868.
Crum, James 1st Cl. Fireman Mar. 13, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Cruse, William T. Ord. Seaman. Mar. 27, 1861 Alleghany and Pawnee; deserted Oct. 8, 1861.
Crusoe, John Coal Heaver. Sept. 4, 1863 Sept. 3, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Minnesota and Roanoke.
Cuddy, Alonzo A. Landsman. Feb. 7, 1862 Dec. 9, 1862 Princeton, North Carolina, Ohio and Clara Dolsen.
Culleson, John Landsman. Sept. 23, 1863 Mar. 19, 1865 Ohio, Cherokee and Princeton.
Culley, William Seaman. Nov. 30, 1861 May 19, 1862 North Carolina and Winona.
Culley, James J. Landsman. Aug. 31, 1864 Nov. 21, 1866 Alleghany, Tuscarora and Tacony.
Cummiges, Henry Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Cummings, James 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 3, 1865 Alleghany, Anacostia and Navy Yard, Washington; deserted July 31, 1865.
Cummings, Jas. H. Landsman. Aug. 8, 1864 Aug. 7, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Waxsaw, South Carolina, Memphis and Don.
Cummings, John Seaman. Feb. 2, 1864 June 10, 1865 Alleghany and Commo. Perry.
Cummings, John Seaman. Mar. 6, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita and Sagamore; deserted Feb. 9, 1866.
Cummings, John W. Landsman. Nov. 17, 1862 Dec. 30, 1863 North Carolina and Stettin.
Cummings, Thomas Ord. Seaman. Mar. 24, 1865 Alleghany and Mercedita; deserted Aug. 18, 1865.
Cummings, William Landsman. April 12, 1861 April 10, 1864 Alleghany and Petrel.
Cunningham, John 1st Class Boy. Dec. 5, 1861 Dec. 5, 1864 Princeton and Mystic.
Cunningham, .Peter Landsman. May 24, 1861 July 26, 1862 Alleghany and Wissahickon.
Cunningham, Thos. Coal Heaver. Aug. 11, 1863 Feb. 16, 1864 Alleghany, William Badger and Hospital Norfolk.
Curran, John F. Ord. Seaman. Oct. 8, 1861 Alleghany, Wissahickon, to Princeton, Dec. 31, 1862; no further record.
Curray, William Ord, Seaman. Mar. 27, 1865 Nov. 24, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita and Vermont.
Curry, Landy Landsman. April 23, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Curtis, Adam Landsman. April 20, 1864 June 26, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, Chatham, Daffodil and New Hampshire.
Curtis, Henry 1st Cl. Fireman Dec. 13, 1864 Alleghany and Potomac Flotilla; deserted July 31, 1865
Curtis, Horace Landsman. April 23, 1864 June 16, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, Gladiolus and New Hampshire.
Curtis, Joseph Landsman. Sept. 21, 1863 July 19, 1865 Alleghany, Morse and Navy Yard, Washington.
Curtiss, Robert Landsman. Feb. 9, 1863 Mar. 18, 1864 Baltimore and King Philip.
Curtiss, Willard Seaman. June 28, 1861 Alleghany and Navy Yard, Washington; returned Nov. 16, 1861, to army.
Cushing, Wm. H. Seaman. Nov. 29, 1864 Alleghany and K. R. Cuyler; deserted June 3, 1865.
Custis, John Landsman. July 11, 1863 Aug. 15, 1864 North Carolina, Housatonic and Montauk.
Cuyler, Nelson Landsman. April 21, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Independence and Lancaster.

Volunteers - D

Click the "Expand" buttons to the right to view the rosters for the Sailors of this branch.

Last Names Beginning with "D"
Name Rank or
Date of
or Shipment
Date of
Vessels Served on
and Remarks
Dailey, John Landsman. Feb. 10, 1865 Alleghany, Constellation, R. R. Cuyler and Vermont; deserted July 31, 1865.
Daily, B. F. Landsman. Dec. 28, 1863 Sept. 4, 1865 Navy Yard, Washington, Eutaw, Dictator and North Carolina.
Daily, John 3d Class Boy. Mar. 17, 1865 Sept. 5, 1868 Alleghany and Sabine.
Daily, John H, Coal Heaver. May 19, 1862 Mar. 9, 1864 Alleghany, Port Royal and Vermont.
Dalan, Jacob Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac and Lancaster.
Dalby, Augustus Landsman. Aug. 17, 1864 Oct. 14, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Atlanta, Kansas and Nipsic.
Dalton, Thomas Seaman. July 5, 1861 June 23, 1863 Ohio, Vincennes and Circassian.
Damuth, John Landsman. Sept. 1, 1864 June 20, 1865 Alleghany and Roanoke.
Dannen, John Ord. Seaman. Feb. 17, 1862 Ohio and Sebago; deserted June 8, 1862.
Dannettel, John H. 3d Class Boy. Mar. 16, 1865 Alleghany, Sabine, Sacramento and Saratoga; deserted March 19, 1868.
Danson, Peter Seaman. May 21, 1861 May 31, 1864 Alleghany and Essex.
Darby, Isaiah Landsman. Feb. 12, 1864 Feb. 11, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing, Chicopee and Hunchback.
Darling, John Landsman. Mar. 20, 1865 Alleghany, Seneca and St. Lawrence; deserted Aug. 10, 1865.
Darney, Henry Landsman. May 12, 1863 June 30, 1866 Alleghany, Mahaska, Nipsic and Susquehanna.
Darraugh, Samuel Landsman. Oct. 13, 1862 Alleghany, George Mangham, Washington Navy Yard; deserted Sept. 30, 1864.
Dasher, Nathan Ord. Seaman. June 30, 1864 Alleghany, Don and Washington Navy Yard; deserted July 31, 1865.
Dashields, John T. Ord. Seaman. July 23, 1861 May 16, 1862 Alleghany, Washington Navy Yard, Pawnee, Vandalia, North Carolina and Princeton.
Dassonville, Charles Seaman. Oct. 7, 1862 July 20, 1863 Alleghany, Dan Smith and Hospital Norfolk.
Datson, John Ord. Seaman. July 26, 1864 July 25, 1867 Alleghany, Charles Phelps and Ascutney.
Davenport, Alex. Ord. Seaman. Mar. 7, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Independence, Saranac and Lancaster.
Davidson, John Ord. Seaman. Jan. 16, 1864 Jan. 20, 1865 North Carolina, Galatea and Powhatan.
Davies, William Ord. Seaman. Aug. 3, 1863 Alleghany, Nansemond and Minnesota; drowned Jan. 27, 1864.
Davis, Alonises Landsman. Mar. 13, 1865 May 7, 1865 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Davis, Charles Landsman. June 16, 1863 Aug. 6, 1864 Ohio, Ethan Allen and Savannah.
Davis, Charles H. Landsman. June 18, 1862 June 2, 1865 Princeton and Cimarron.
Davis, George Landsman. Oct. 15, 1862 Alleghany and George Mangham; deserted July 30, 1863.
Davis, George W. Ord. Seaman. Aug. 26, 1861 May 29, 1863 Princeton and Harriet Lane.
Davis, Henry Landsman. May 19, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Ino and North Carolina.
Davis, Hugh 1st Cl. Fireman Aug. 26, 1862 Oct. 7, 1863 Alleghany, Princeton and Philadelphia.
Davis, James A. Landsman. Sept. 19, 1862 Sept. 18, 1863 North Carolina and Crusader.
Davis, John Seaman. Sept. 10, 1861 Alleghany and Wissahickon; died Aug. 1, 1862.
Davis, John Landsman. Aug. 12, 1862 Princeton and Powhatan; deserted Oct. 31, 1863.
Davis, John Landsman. June ], 1864 April 10, 1867 Alleghany, R. R. Cuyler and Nyack.
Davis, John Seaman. Jan. 27, 1864 Oct. 3, 1865 Alleghany and Iroquois.
Davis, John H. Landsman. April 22, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C . T. ; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Davis, J. H. J. Landsman. Feb. 5, 1864 Mar. 7, 1865 Alleghany, Winona, Galena and Princeton.
Davis, John W. Landsman. Feb. 5, 1864 Mar. 7, 1865 Alleghany, Winona and Princeton.
Davis, Joseph Ord. Seaman. Feb. 16, 1865 Aug. 23, 1865 Alleghany, Hetzel, Aries and Ohio.
Davis, Joseph Landsman. Aug. 17, 1864 Aug. 15, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Atlanta, Augusta, Algonqum, Potomac, Yucca and Princeton.
Davis, Richard Landsman. Nov. 13, 1863 Dec. 19, 1864 Princeton, Massachusetts and Wachusetts.
Davis, Richard Landsman. Aug. 8, 1864 Alleghany, Brandy wine and South Carolina; deserted Jan. 31, 1866.
Davis, Robert Landsman. July 14, 1862 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Underwriter and Commo. Hull.
Davis, Thomas Coal Heaver. Dec. 4, 1862 Feb. 10, 1864 North Carolina, Lackawanna and Colorado.
Davis, Thomas Landsman. Aug. 29, 1863 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Davis, Thomas Seaman. Aug. 10, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Maratanza, Agamenticus and Vandalia; deserted July 2, 1865.
Davis, William 2d Class Boy. Feb. 8, 1864 Oct. 6, 1865 Alleghany and Iroquois.
Davis, William E. Landsman. Sept. 4, 1862 Nov. 30, 1863 Ohio, Lancaster and Cyane.
Davy, Hugh Coal Heaver. May 15, 1862 Alleghany and Mt. Vernon; deserted Oct. 1, 1862.
Dawson, Charles Landsman. April 21, 1862 Aug. 24, 1864 Alleghany, Fort Henry and Tioga.
Dawson, George Seaman. June 30, 1865 June 29, 1868 Alleghany and De Soto.
Dawson, George Landsman. Sept. 16, 1864 Aug. 23, 1865 Alleghany, Tuscarora and Ohio.
Dawson, George L. 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 20, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones and Lancaster.
Dawson, George L. Seaman. July 6, 1861 July 5, 1863 Ohio, Supply and Minnesota.
Dawson, William Seaman. Oct. 26, 1864 Alleghany, Matthew Vassar, to Princeton, July 11, 1865; failed to report, U. S. N. Department.
Dawson, William Landsman. April 4, 1864 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T.; Jacob Bell, Yankee and Ella; deserted May 15, 1865.
Day, Andrew Ord. Seaman. Jan. 31, 1865 Aug. 9, 1866 Alleghany and Wyoming; dishonorably discharged.
Day, Freeman F. Seaman. Sept. 24, 1861 Sept. 6, 1862 Alleghany, Wissahickon and Princeton.
Day, Freeman F. Seaman. April 30, 1864 Minnesota, Quaker City and Potomac; died June 3, 1865.
Day, Freeman F. Seaman. Sept. 13, 1862 Rejected.
Day, James D. Ord. Seaman. April 22, 1864 May 31, 1865 Alleghany, Connecticut, Bat and Mahopac.
Day, Samuel Ord. Seaman. Mar. 9, 1865 Mar. 8, 1868 Alleghany, Independence and Saranac.
Day, Wesley Landsman. Feb. 17, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Dayman, Wm. R. Seaman. Oct. 5, 186J Oct. 4, 1864 North Carolina, Seneca and Mendota.
Daywalt, John Landsman. Aug. 8, 1864 June 8, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine and Aries.
Deal, Franklin Landsman. April 22, 1864 July 11, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash and St. Lawrence.
Deane, Joseph Seaman. Aug. 10, 1864 June 8, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine and Aries.
Dearing, George Landsman. Aug. 23, 1864 Sept. 4, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Sassacus and Princeton.
Deaver, John B. Landsman. May 23, 1861 Ohio and Minnesota; died July 31, 1861
Deemes, Fred. E. Ord'. Seaman. Oct. 3, 1863 Oct. 30, 1864 Grampus, Clara Dolsen, Juliet and Choctaw.
Deer, Leonard Marine. 1864 1868 Macedonian and New Hampshire.
Deford, Eh Landsman. May 10, 1864 June 5, 1865 Alleghany and Naval Academy.
Deford, William Landsman. July 7, 1864 Alleghany, Tritonia, Isonomia and Vermont; deserted July 31, 1865.
Deipch, George Landsman. Mar. 13, 1865 Mar. 25, 1867 Alleghany, Cyane, St. Mary's, Wateree and Vermont.
Delaney, John Coal Heaver. Jan. 15, 1864 Oct. 3, 1865 Alleghany and Iroquois.
Delaney, Mathias B. Landsman. Dec. 22, 1863 North Carolina; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Dept.
Delany, Mathias B. Landsman. Mar. 20, 1862 Oct. 19, 1863 North Carolina and Fort Henry.
Delme, Charles Seaman. July 5, 1862 Princeton and New Ironsides; deserted Sept. 23, 1862.
Delves, John Landsman. Dec. 23, 1862 Nov. 8, 1868 Alleghany, James Adger and Wateree.
De Marbois, Thos. E Landsman. Aug. 6, 1861 Oct. 31, 1861 North Carolina and Connecticut.
Demond, John H. Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Demster, James Landsman. Aug. 29, 1861 July 6, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Howquah and Ft. Henry.
Dempsey, John Landsman. Sept. 2, 1862 June 7, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Young America.
Denmark, Hiram P. Landsman. Nov. 25, 1861 Oct. 12, 1863 Princeton and Itasca.
Denmead, Robert W. Ord. Seaman. Sept. 27, 1861 North Carolina, Pensacola, Niagara to Nov. 15, 1861; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Denny, George Landsman. April 25, 1864 Feb. 28, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac, Narragansett and J. C. Kuhn.
Dennan, Thomas Seaman. Nov. 18, 1864 Alleghany and Morse; deserted March 31, 1865.
Dent, Samuel 1st Class Boy. Jan. 14, 1862 Navy Yard, Washington; removed March 31, 1862; fugitive slave, returned to owner.
Dent, William Landsman. April 19, 1864 June 28, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, Wabash, Paul Jones and Vermont.
Deos, Frank Seaman. Aug. 12, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Maratanza, Agamenticus, Princeton, Bienville and Osceola; deserted April 11, 1867.
Deshield, Charles Landsman. April 21, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, New Hampshire; died March 3, 1865.
Deshields, John Landsman. April 25, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and St. Mary's; died Aug. 2, 1864.
Deshields, John Ord. Seaman. Dec. 12, 1862 Alleghany and Sophronia to Feb. 1, 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Despaux, Benj. I. Seaman. Dec. 11, 1861 Nov. 3, 1863 North Carolina and Winona.
Despaux, John Landsman. Mar. 22, 1862 Alleghany, De Soto; on Dale to April 1, 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
De Vallin, John H. Landsman. Mar. 7, 1865 Oct. 14, 1865 Alleghany and Mercedita.
De Vaughn, Silas 1st Cl. Fireman Oct. 26, 1864 Alleghany, Malvern, Mackinaw and Vandalia; deserted June 20, 1865.
Devenport, Alex. Landsman. Mar. 19, 1863 Feb. 22, 1865 North Carolina, Clara Dolsen, Gen. Lyons and Black Hawk.
Devine, James Seaman. Sept. 23, 1861 Alleghany and James Adger; deserted Dec. 31, 1862.
Devlin, Michael Seaman. Dec. 8, 1862 Alleghany and Racer; deserted Dec. 26, 1863.
Devys, George Seaman. June 5, 1861 Aug. 25, 1862 Ohio, Vincennes and North Carolina.
Dew, Theodore W. 2d Cl. Fireman Oct. 25, 1864 May 29, 1865 Alleghany and Banshee.
Diamond, James A. Ord. Seaman. Mar. 9, 1865 Mar. 9, 1867 Alleghany, Independence and Saginaw.
Diamond, John Seaman. June 27, 1864 Alleghany; deserted Aug. 1, 1864.
Dickens, Robert 1st Class Boy. Oct. 8, 1863 Oct. 18, 1864 Navy Yard, Washington, Matthew Vassar, Resolute and Matthew Vassar.
Dickerson, George Landsman. April 25, 1864 Dec. 28, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham, Unit and Hospital Norfolk.
Dickerson, James Landsman. Jan. 6, 1864 Alleghany, Winona, Delaware, Onondaga and Shawmut; deserted Feb. 10, 1866.
Dickerson, Melby H. Landsman. April 22, 1864 Aug. 23, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash and St. Lawrence.
Dickson, James A. Landsman. April 21, 1864 July 11, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princpton, New Hampshire, Wabash and St. Lawrence.
Dickson, Robert Landsman. Oct. 8, 1862 June 21, 1863 Alleghany and Dan. Smith.
Diehl, Benjamin B. Landsman. Aug. 27, 1863 Oct. 10, 1864 North Carolina and Norwich.
Dietrich, Charles Ord. Seaman. Jan. 23, 1862 Mar. 19, 1864 Ohio, Vermont and Potomska.
Dietz, George W. Sergt. M. C. Nov. 12, 1864 June 20, 1868 St. Lawrence.
Diffendaffer, J. T. Ord. Seaman. June 10, 1862 June 3, 1865 Alleghany, Paul Jones, John Adams, New Hampshire and Tuscarora.
Diffenderffer, Charles K. Ord. Seaman. Sept. 3, 1863 Sept. 2, 1864 Alleghany, Maratanza and Aries.
Diggens, Bartholomew Landsman. Dec. 31, 1862 Dec. 25, 1864 Princeton and Hartford.
Diggs, William Landsman. April 23, 1864 Oct. 14, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wamsutta and Vandaha.
Dimsmore, James 1st Cl. Fireman Aug. 29, 1864 Aug. 1, 1865 Alleghany, Don, Ella and Hospital Washington.
Dinsmore, David Seaman. Sept. 4, 1861 North Carolina; deserted Jan. 29, 1863.
Dinsmore, George W. Ord. Seaman. July 2, 1864 North Carolina, Tahoma and Merrimac; deserted June 5, 1865.
Dinsmore, James Coal Heaver. Feb. 3, 1863 June 14, 1864 Alleghany, State of Georgia, Chocura, Lackawanna and Albatross.
Disney, George 3d Class Boy. Oct. 4, 1864 Aug. 28, 1868 Alleghany, Sabine, Hartford and Vermont.
Dixon, Ebin Landsman. April 19, 1864 Sept. 14, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash, John Adams, Home and John Adams.
Dixon, Joseph Seaman. July 15, 1861 Alleghany, Powhatan, Pawnee, Union, Prmcton, Brooklyn, North Carolina and Richmond, Sept. 11, 1864, tried by court martial and sent to Parish Prison, New Orleans, La., records U. S. N. Department.
Dixon, Josiah 1st Class Boy. May 4, 1864 Nov. 8, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T.; Wm. Bacon and Wyandank.
Dixon, William Landsman. July 5, 1864 April 9, 1867 Alleghany, Don, Fuchsia, Waxsaw, Princton, South Carolina and Memphis.
Dobbin, John F. 3d Class Boy. Dec. 16, 1864 April 24, 1865 Alleghany and Sabine.
Dockins, Robert Landsman. Feb. 12, 1864 Rejected.
Dodson, C. M. Apothecary. Mar. 18, 1864 May 18, 1865 Pocahontas, Arkansas and Hollyhock.
Dodson, Edward Landsman. June 13, 1861 Mar. 8, 1862 Ohio, Prebee and Navy Yard, New York, discharged for disability.
Doffin, James Landsman. April 25, 1864 Feb. 28, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Cyane, Saranac, Narragansett and J. C. Kuhn.
Doherty, Neil Landsman. April 2, 1863 Sept. 20, 1865 Alleghany, Gen. Putnam, Macedonian and Marblehead.
Dolan, John Landsman. July 14, 1863 Alleghany and Freeborn; deserted Jan. 24, 1864.
Dolan, Thomas Landsman. Jan. 15, 1863 Aug. 16, 1865 Alleghany, State of Georgia, Navy Yard, Washington, and Clyde.
Donahue, Thomas Landsman. Dec. 27, 1862 Alleghany, State of Georgia and Princeton; deserted Sept. 1, 1863.
Donaldson, James 1st Cl. Fireman Dec. 9, 1862 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Donaldson, James 1st Cl. Fireman Dec. 27, 1862 April 13, 1865 North Carolina and Monongahela.
Dongan, Gerard Seaman. Sept. 3, 1863 Aug. 24, 1864 Alleghany and Dacotah.
Donkin, William R. 2d Cl. Fireman Nov. 2, 1864 Oct. 24, 1865 Alleghany and Malvern.
Donnell, John E. Landsman. Mar. 2, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones and Lancaster.
Donnelly, Andrew Landsman. July 8, 1863 July 18, 1865 Alleghany, Dan. Smith and Geranium.
Donnelly, James Landsman. Feb. 17. 1865 Alleghany, Hetzel, Powhatan and Mahaska; deserted Feb. 17, 1867.
Donnelly, Thomas Landsman. Aug. 11, 1862 June 21, 1865 Alleghany, Valley City and Stepping Stones.
Donnovan, James 2d Class Boy. Nov. 25, 1862 June 30, 1865 Alleghany, State of Georgia, Mystic and Macedonian
Donohue, Daniel 2d Cl. Fireman Sept. 19, 1864 Sept. 17, 1867 Alleghany, Tuscarora, Tacony, Don and Vermont.
Donovan, Thomas Coal Heaver. Feb. 8, 1862 Nov. 20, 1864 Harriet Lane and Waterwitch.
Donovan, Timothy Ord. Seaman. Jan. 15, 1863 Alleghany; deserted Feb. 10, 1863.
Doran, George Seaman. Feb. 17, 1865 Alleghany and Mercedita; deserted May 19, 1865.
Dorham, Abram Landsman. April 19, 1864 July 8, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, Cimarron and Winona.
Dornan, James Landsman. Feb. 9, 1864 Mar. 12, 1865 Alleghany, Winona and Princeton.
Dorsey, George W. Landsman. April 21, 1864 May 31, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham and Potomac Flotilla.
Dorsey, James Landsman. April 19, 1864 June 12, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton and New Hampshire.
Dorsey, James H. Landsman. Aug. 5, 1862 Aug. 5, 1865 Alleghany and Octorara.
Dorsey, John Landsman. April 20, 1864 April 19, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts and Princeton.
Dorsey, John H. Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Atlanta.
Dorsey, Lewis Landsman. April 25, 1864 Sept. 4, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton and Fernandina.
Dorsey, Mike Landsman. April 21, 1864 May 2, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham and Hospital Norfolk
Dorsey, Noah Landsman. April 23, 1884 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Dorsey, Oliver 1st Cl. Fireman Feb. 16, 1865 Feb. 6, 1867 Alleghany, Yantic and Madawaska.
Dorsey, Robert Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar, 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, John Adams and Lancaster.
Dorsey, Thomas Landsman. Oct. 23, 1861 Nov. 24, 1864 North Carolina, Amanda, Seabird, Hendrick Hudson and Wanderer.
Dorsey, Virgil Landsman. April 21, 1864 June 16, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
Dorsey, William Landsman. Mar. 5, 1863 Mar. 27, 1863 Alleghany.
Dorsey, William Landsman. Feb. 23, 1864 Feb. 22, 1865 Baltimore.
Dorsey, William H. Landsman. April 20, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Dougherty, Edward Seaman. May 6, 1861 Rejected.
Dougherty, Jos. L. Landsman. Sept. 18, 1862 Alleghany, Minnesota and Mystic; deserted Feb. 28, 1863.
Douglas, Solomon Landsman. June 15, 1861 June 2, 1863 Princeton and St. Lawrence.
Douglass, George J. Landsman. April 23, 1864 April 22, 1865 Alleghany and Mackinaw.
Dowd, Isaac J. Landsman. Dec. 7, 1861 Jan. 12, 1865 North Carolina, Chippewa, Winona, Paul Jones, Cimarron and Montauk.
Dowd, James Landsman. Nov. 20, 1862 June 2, 1865 Alleghany and Gen. Putnam.
Dowed, Owen Landsman. April 16, 1861 June 20, 1864 North Carolina, Monticello, Calypso and Savannah.
Dowlin, John H. Seaman. Nov. 22, 1862 Nov. 21, 1863 Clara Dolsen and Black Hawk.
Down, Solomon Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 25, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Wateree and Vermont.
Downey, Bartholomew Seaman. July 25, 1863 Oct. 19, 1864 Clara Dolsen and Forest Rose.
Downey, James Ord. Seaman. Feb. 27, 1865 May 2, 1865 AJleghany and Hetzel.
Downey, John Seaman. Sept. 13, 1862 Alleghany, Mt. Vernon and North Carolina; deserted May 2, 1863.
Downey, Michael Landsman. Aug. 19, 1862 Alleghany, Mt. Vernon, Niphon, to North Carolina, Dec. 28, 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Downing, Thomas Seaman. July 25, 1864 Alleghany and Potomac Flotilla; deserted Dec. 31, 1864.
Downs, Thomas Landsman. April 25, 1864 June 28, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac, Narragansett and Paul Jones.
Doyle, Charles Seaman. June 29, 1864 Alleghany, Massachusetts and Potomska; died June 12, 1865.
Doyle, Lawrence Coal Heaver. 1863 1865 Winooski.
Doyle, Mathew Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Atlanta.
Doyle, Thomas Ord. Seaman. Dec. 5, 1864 Alleghany, Keystone State and Hetzel; deserted June 11, 1865.
Drane, David 1st Class Boy. Dec. 30, 1864 Feb. 12, 1868 AJleghany and Wyoming.
Drew, John Seaman. May 12, 1862 Oct. 27, 1863 North Carolina, Saranac, Lancaster and Narragansett.
Drewery, George Seaman. Feb. 8, 1865 Alleghany and Mercedita; deserted May 19, 1865.
Driscoll, John 1st Cl. Fireman Feb. 14, 1862 June 11, 1863 North Carolina, Monitor and Connecticut.
Druett, Thomas H. Landsman. Feb. 17, 1864 Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany and Commo. Perry.
Dryhurst, William Seaman. Mar. 22, 1865 April 5, 1867 Alleghany, Cyane, Suwanee and Vermont.
Duburow, Sidney Landsman. July 26, 1862 Alleghany, to July 30, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Ducart, Francis Landsman. June 9, 1864 June 8, 1863 Alleghany, Daylight and Aries.
Ducasse, James Seaman. Feb. 3, 1865 Alleghany, to May 10, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Duckert, Judson Landsman. June 21, 1861 July 17, 1862 Princeton and St. Lawrence.
Duckett, Charles Landsman. April 20, 1864 Mar. 9, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Arethusa.
Duckett, Jeremiah Landsman. May 20, 1861 Alleghany and Navy Yard, Washington; returned, Nov. 16, 1861, to army.
Duff, Henry Landsman. July 25, 1861 Alleghany and Commo. Read; deserted June 1, 1865.
Duff, Thomas Landsman. Dec. 3, 1863 Alleghany and Winona; deserted March 31, 1864.
Duffy, Edward Seaman. Sept. 12, 1864 Alleghany and Tuscarora to June 30, 1865; no further record U. S. N. Department.
Duffy, Patrick Coal Heaver. Dec. 11, 1863 Jan. 25, 1865 Alleghany and Winona.
Duke, Thomas Seaman. Jan. 26, 1865 Alleghany and Mercedita; deserted May 19, 1865.
Dumpson, Henry Landsman. April 20, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and Valparaiso; died July 7, 1864.
Dunavan, Timothy 3d Class Boy. Sept. 28, 1864 Feb. 6, 1865 Alleghany and Sabine.
Dunbar, Duncan Landsman. Sept. 23, 1864 Sept. 11, 1867 Alleghany, Tuscarora, Charles Phelps and Brooklyn.
Duncan, Archibald Seaman. Feb. 15, 1865 Oct. 14, 1865 Alleghany and Mercedita.
Duncan, William J. Landsman. Sept. 27, 1862 May 23, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota and Florida.
Duncan, William J. 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Constellation, Mt. Washington to Alleghany, June 1, 1865; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Duncan, Wilson B. 3d Class Boy. Oct. 11, 3864 Alleghany; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Dept.
Dunham, David H. Seaman. June 20, 1864 June 12, 1865 Alleghany and Potomska.
Dunigan, Michael Landsman. Sept. 16, 1863 Sept. 30, 1864 North Carolina and Wissahickon.
Dunlap, Samuel Landsman. Aug. 12, 1863 Alleghany and Morse; deserted Aug. 20, 1863.
Dunn, Adolphus Seaman. Aug. 22, 1864 Aug. 21, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Tacony, Vermont and Peoria.
Dunn, Christopher 2d Cl. Fireman May 18, 1863 July 24, 1865 Alleghany, Eutaw and Dictator.
Dunn, James Ord. Seaman. Mar. 8, 1865 Alleghany to May 10, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Dunn, John Ord. Seaman. Sept. 5, 1862 June 30, 1865 Alleghany and Valley City.
Dunn, William Landsman. April 22, 1864 Aug. 21, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and Norwich.
Dunn, William H. Landsman. April 22, 1864 Feb. 15, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash, Ben. Morgan, St. Lawrence and Vermont.
Dunne, James Landsman. Aug. 18, 1862 June 29, 1865 Alleghany, Valley City, Brandywine, Minnesota and Henry Brinckner.
Dunlop, John Ord. Seaman. June 22, 1861 May 13, 1862 Alleghany, Navy Yard, Washington, and Princeton.
Dunsworth, Mathias Landsman. Jan. 8, 1862 Jan. 20, 1865 Princeton, San Jacinto and Powhatan.
Dupree, Frank Seaman. Oct. 10, 1864 July 31, 1865 Alleghany and Nansemond.
Dupree, Kreim Seaman. Mar. 14, 1865 Alleghany, Seneca and Chicopee; deserted Jan. 20, 1866.
Durfee, Thos. W. D. Ord. Seaman. Sept. 6, 1862 Alleghany and Mt. Vernon; deserted April 17, 1863.
Durkin, Patrick Landsman. Aug. 30, 1864 Alleghany; deserted Aug. 30, 1864.
Durmock, John Seaman. Aug. 18, 1863 Sept. 6, 1865 Alleghany, Daylight and Powhatan.
Durr, Charles L. Gunner's Mate June 20, 1862 June 3, 1865 Alleghany and John Adams; entered the service as Ord. Seaman; appointed Ship's Painter and Gunner's Mate.
Durvois, William 1st Cl. Fireman July 2, 1862 July 10, 1864 Princeton, Cimarron and De Soto.
Dusch, Henry Landsman, Feb. 13, 1865 Feb. 13, 1867 Alleghany, Constellation, Hetzel and Conemaugh.
Dutton, Robert H. Landsman. Oct. 15, 1863 Nov. 21, 1864 North Carolina, Princeton and Saratoga.
Duvall, James Landsman. June 30, 1862 Aug. 3, 1865 North Carolina, Connecticut, Supply and Daffodil.
Duvall, James Landsman. May 6, 1861 June 23, 1862 North Carolina and Huntsville.
Dyatt, George B. Landsman. May 24, 1864 Alleghany, Ino and Mahaska; deserted Jan. 4, 1866.
Dyer, William Landsman. Aug. 9, 1864 June 28, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine and Britania.
Dyett, Isaac M. Landsman. Sept. 23, 1861 June 6, 1863 North Carolina and Alabama.
Dyett, Jacob Landsman. Sept. 16, 1861 Aug. 25, 1862 North Carolina and Alabama.
Djrson, Chapman Landsman. April 20, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, Norfolk Packet, New Hampshire and Bay Point Station; died May 18, 1866.
Dyson, Joseph Landsman. Sept. 24, 1863 Oct. 30, 1864 North Carolina, Perry and Princeton.

Volunteers - E

Click the "Expand" buttons to the right to view the rosters for the Sailors of this branch.

Last Names Beginning with "E"
Name Rank or
Date of
or Shipment
Date of
Vessels Served on
and Remarks
Eagan, John Seaman. Sept. 16, 1864 Alleghany, Tuscarora, Hospital Norfolk, and North Carolina to April 30, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Earl, William H. Ord. Seaman. July 23, 1861 Ohio and Sabine; deserted Feb. 28, 1862.
Eavans, William Landsman. April 23, 1864 Aug. 9, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wamsutta and Vandalia.
Ebb, William Landsman. Jan. 4, 1864 July 7, 1865 Alleghany and Shokokon.
Echard, John H. Landsman. Feb. 24, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Echron, George 1st Cl. Fireman Sept. 27, 1864 Oct. 14, 1867 Alleghany, Tuscarora, Boxer, Dacotah and Vermont.
Eck, Philip Landsman. Mar. 18, 1865 Sept. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Mercedita and Brooklyn.
Eckert, George W. Ord. Seaman. July 5, 1861 Alleghany, Navy Yard, Washington, and Princeton; deserted Dec. 31, 1861.
Edgerton, Thomas Ord. Seaman. May 17, 1861 June 30, 1862 Ohio, South Carolina and Niagara.
Edgerton, Thomas Seaman. Aug. 14, 1862 Alleghany and Octorara; deserted Dec. 2, 1862.
Edlin, James Seaman. Jan. 30, 1862 North Carolina, Sabine and Hartford; deserted Dec. 15. 1863.
Edmondson, Wm. E Landsman. Mar. 6, 1865 July 14, 1866 Alleghany, Farrallones, Suwanee, Nyack and Vermont.
Edmonson, Arthur Coal Heaver. Sept. 16, 1863 Sept. 2, 1864 Alleghany, Shokokon and Lillian.
Edmundson, Jos. W Seaman. Aug. 29, 1861 Princeton, Navy Yard, Washington, to Mar. 31, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
East, John F. Ord. Seaman. June 7, 1861 Alleghany and St. Lawrence; died July 1, 1861.
Edwards, Benjamin Landsman. Aug. 11, 1862 Alleghany and Wyandank; deserted July 31, 1864.
Edwards, John Landsman. June 10, 1862 Mar. 5, 1864 Alleghany and Paul Jones.
Edwards, Thomas J. Landsman. May 17, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Ino and North Carolina.
Egan, Edward 1st Cl. Fireman Dec. 30, 1864 Alleghany, Potomac Flotilla and Banshee; deserted June 5, 1865.
Egan, John Coal Heaver. Dec. 18, 1863 Aug. 10. 1864 Alleghany, Kineo and Savannah.
Eggleson, Henry Landsman. Nov. 9, 1863 Aug. 15, 1865 Princeton and Powhatan.
Egling, Charles Landsman. April 22, 1864 July 24, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, Colorado, Fort Jackson, Eolus and Lenapee.
Egling, Joseph Landsman. April 21, 1864 July 13, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash, St. Lawrence and Ben Morgan.
Eichhorn, Henry Landsman. Mar. 9, 1865 Alleghany, Seneca and Vermont; deserted Aug. 30, 1865.
Eifert, Henry Landsman. Aug. 7, 1862 Alleghany and Maratanza; deserted Aug. 31, 1863.
Elbert, Isaac Landsman. April 20, 1864 Mar. 17, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia and Massachusetts.
Elder, George JR. 2d Class Boy. Oct. 27, 1863 April 12, 1867 Princeton, Wachusetts, Supply and Independence.
Elder, Henry Ord. Seaman. Feb. 24, 1865 Mar. 21, 1866 Alleghany, Hetzel, Aries and Ohio.
Elder, Henry Landsman. Feb. 2, 1863 Feb. 11, 1865 Alleghany, State of Georgia and Niphon.
Elgee, Peter 2d Class Boy. Sept. 16, 1863 Clara Dolsen and Gen. Lyon; died June 3, 1864.
Ellexson, John S. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 July 1, 1865 Valley City and North Carolina.
Ellingsworth, Wm. H. Ord. Seaman. Nov. 12, 1862 June 12, 1863 Alleghany and J. N. Seymour.
Elliott, James Seaman. July 31, 1861 July 26, 1864 North Carolina, Florida, St. Mary's and Savannah.
Elliott, James Landsman. Oct. 11, 1862 Alleghany and Para; deserted April 22, 1864.
Elliott, James W. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 20, 1865 Commo. Morris and Montgomery.
Ellis, Edward Seaman. Feb. 24, 1863 North Carolina; died Mar. 17, 1863, in Hospital, N. Y.
Ellis, Fontaine Landsman. Sept. 12, 1862 Sept. 11, 1863 Sabine, North Carolina, Eugene, Tioga, Sonoma and Sabine.
Ellis, John Landsman. April 23, 1864 June 28, 1864 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T.; Commo. Read and Navy Yard, Washington.
Ellis, William Landsman. April 22, 1864 June 16, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and Valparaiso.
Ellsroad, John W. 1st Cl. Fireman Oct. 25, 1864 Alleghany, Malvern, Mackinaw and Vandalia; deserted June 20, 1865.
Elsberry, William S. Landsman. July 29, 1864 June 10, 1865 Alleghany and Wyalusing.
Elsery, Charles W. Landsman. May 28, 1864 May 4, 1867 Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham, Powhatan, Princeton, South Carolina and Meniphis.
Emhof, John Landsman. Feb. 12, 1863 Aug. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Ceres, Hetzel, Granite, Commo. Hull, Tacony and Shamrock.
Emory, John W. Seaman. Mar. 17, 1865 Alleghany, Seneca and Constellation; deserted Nov. 2, 1865.
Emory, William H. Landsman. April 4, 1862 North Carolina and Somerset; died Aug. 28, 1863.
Emory, William H. Landsman. April 23, 1864 June 18, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and Camelia.
England, John Landsman. Feb. 16, 1865 Aug. 24, 1865 Alleghany, Hetzel, Powhatan and Ohio.
Engle, James W. Coal Heaver. May 10, 1862 Alleghany and Paul Jones; deserted Sept. 30, 1863.
Ennels, Charles Landsman. July 5, 1864 July 4, 1867 Alleghany, Don and De Soto.
Ennip, Thomas Landsman. July 20, 1864 Alleghany, Don, Potomac Flotilla and Washington Navy Yard ; deserted July 31, 1865.
Epplee, Andrew P. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 20, 1865 Montgomery.
Ernst, Frederick Landsman. Feb. 21, 1865 Alleghany, Farrallones and Lancaster; deserted June 21, 1866.
Evans, Charles H. 1st Class Boy. Sept. 19, 1863 Sept. 20, 1865 Penguin and West Gulf Squadron; entered the service as 2d Class Boy; promoted 1st Class Boy.
Evans, Geo. W. R. Landsman. July 20, 1863 North Carolina and Newbern; deserted Aug. 27, 1863.
Evans, John J. Landsman. April 29, 1863 April 26, 1866 Alleghany, Mahaska, Nipsic and Chicopee.
Evans, John S. Landsman. May 28, 1864 May 27, 1867 Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham, St. Lawrence and Roman.
Evans, Mathew Landsman. May 17, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Ino and North Carolina.
Evans, Thomas Seaman. June 22, 1861 Alleghany, Navy Yard, Washington, to Mar. 31, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Evans, William Seaman. Dec. 11, 1861 Dec. 1, 1862 North Carolina, Sophronia and St. Louis.
Evans, William E. 1st Class Boy. Nov. 7, 1863 Aug. 19, 1865 Alleghany and Aries.
Evatt, George Coal Heaver. May 19, 1862 April 10, 1865 Alleghany, New Hampshire and Philadelphia.
Everett, Samuel Seaman. Feb. 27, 1862 Rejected.
Everett, William Landsman. July 21, 1863 July 31, 1865 Alleghany, Nansemond and Commo. Perry.
Ewart, John E. Landsman. May 21, 1861 May 9, 1862 Alleghany and Jacob Bell.
Ewing, James Landsman. April 20, 1864 Mar. 17, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Vaudalia and Massachusetts.
Eyer, John 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 21, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones and Lancaster.
Eyle, Charles 1st Class Boy. April 26, 1861 North Carolina and Wabash; deserted Aug. 20, 1862.

Volunteers - F

Click the "Expand" buttons to the right to view the rosters for the Sailors of this branch.

Last Names Beginning with "F"
Name Rank or
Date of
or Shipment
Date of
Vessels Served on
and Remarks
Fagan, John Landsman. June 2, 1864 June 5, 1866 Alleghany, Daylight, Shenandoah and Conemaugh.
Falck, Michael Landsman. Dec. 2, 1862 June 6, 1865 Alleghany and Racer.
Fales, William Landsman. Aug. 2, 1864 June 8, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine and Aries.
Faley, John Landsman. July 1, 1862 Alleghany and Underwriter; died Feb. 2, 1864.
Faley, Patrick Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 20, 1865 Montgomery.
Fallen, Thomas Seaman. Dec. 27, 1862 April 13, 1865 Princeton and Monongahela.
Fallen, Thomas Seaman. June 30, 1865 June 29, 1868 Alleghany and De Soto.
Farley, George Landsman. Aug. 11, 1864 Aug. 30, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine and State of Georgia.
Farmer, Charles Landsman. Jan. 4, 1865 Alleghany and St. Lawrence; deserted Feb. 13, 1865.
Farr, Charles Landsman. Aug. 25, 1864 May 28, 1865 Alleghany, Rescue and Wyandank.
Farrall, John Seaman. July 31, 1862 June 17, 1865 Alleghany and Maratanza.
Farranstrum, Augus Seaman. Aug. 31, 1864 Alleghany, Matthew Vassar and Princeton; deserted Aug. 26, 1865.
Farrel, Michael 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 24, 1865 April 25, 1867 Alleghany and De Soto.
Farrell, Patrick Seaman. April 6, 1865 Alleghany and De Soto; deserted Feb. 2, 1866.
Farringer, Benj. F. Landsman. May 23, 1861 May 31, 1864 Alleghany and Pinola.
Farwell, Zachariah T 3d Class Boy. Mar. 15, 1865 June 8, 1865 Alleghany and Sabine.
Faulkes, James H. Landsman. Dec. 19, 1861 Princeton, Brooklyn and North Carolina to Sept. 23, 1863; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Faunteroy, Joseph Landsman. April 23, 1864 April 22, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Lancaster and Saginaw.
Fay, Lawrence 1st Class Boy. May 23, 1861 Nov. 17, 1862 Alleghany and Hartford.
Faymen, Mortimer Landsman. May 17, 1862 Alleghany and Cambridge; deserted July 5, 1862.
Featherstone, Francis Seaman. Mar. 21, 1865 Mar. 20, 1867 Alleghany, Mercedita, Muscoota, Althea, Santee and Macedonian.
Feig, Joseph Landsman. May 22, 1861 Alleghany and Monticello; deserted Sept. 23, 1861.
Fellar, George Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 June 8, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Aries.
Fenrick, Richard Landsman. Aug. 11, 1864 July 8, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine and Tristram-Shandy.
Fenton, Isaac Seaman. May 5, 1863 June 30, 1864 North Carolina, Macedonian, Sassacus and Brandywine.
Fenton, Isaac Seaman. Aug. 10, 1864 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Fentries, Landsman. Sept. 10, 1864 June 6, 1865 Alleghany and Keystone State.
Fergason, Chas. A. Landsman. Jan. 8, 1863 June 5, 1863 Alleghany, State of Georgia and Hospital Norfolk.
Ferguson, John Seaman. Aug. 5, 1864 Alleghany; failed to appear, records, U. S. N. Dept.
Fernandez, Joseph Landsman. Feb. 17, 1864 May 6, 1865 Alleghany and Kineo.
Fernando, Michael Seaman. Dec. 10, 1862 Alleghany and Sophronia; deserted July 18, 1863.
Fick, John F. Landsman. Feb. 8, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Fields, Alben Landsman. Aug. 1, 1864 May 4, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Osceola, Release, Wm. Badger, Hornet and Mackinaw.
Fields, Charles Landsman. Feb. 20, 1865 Oct. 14, 1865 Alleghany and Mercedita.
Fields, John H. Landsman. Aug. 2, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine and Aries; died Jan. 31, 1865.
Fields, Samuel O. Landsman. July 28, 1863 July 28, 1864 North Carolina.
Fields, William Landsman. Jan. 20, 1863 Princeton, Arizona, Princeton and Princess Royal; deserted Sept. 10, 1863.
Fields, William Landsman. May 31, 1864 Feb. 27, 1866 Alleghany, Daylight, Potomac Flotilla and Don.
Figg, Jeremiah Landsman. April 25, 1864 Sept. 14, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and John Adams.
Finger, John Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 20, 1865 Montgomery.
Finleyson, James Seaman. June 10, 1861 North Carolina; no further record, U. S. N. Dept.
Finney, John E. Seaman. Nov. 18, 1861 Princeton and Keystone State; deserted Aug. 31, 1863.
Fisher, Albert Ord. Seaman. Dec. 22, 1864 June 9, 1865 Alleghany, Seymour and Potomac Flotilla.
Fisher, Greeley Ord. Seaman. Nov. 29, 1862 Sept. 4, 1865 Alleghany and Racer.
Fisher, Henry Landsman. Aug. 29, 1864 July 17, 1866 Alleghany, Minnesota, Calypso, St. Lawrence, Pensacola, Constellation and Vermont.
Fitz, John Landsman. Mar. 8, 1865 April 5, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Suwanee and Vermont.
Fitzgerald, Francis Ord. Seaman. Mar. 15, 1865 Alleghany and Wyoming; deserted May 4, 1865.
Fitzgerald, James H. P. M. Steward. 1863 1865 Maratanza.
Fitzgerald, Lawrence Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 20, 1865 Commo. Morris and Montgomery.
Fitzgerald, William Ord. Seaman. Sept. 29, 1862 Alleghany and Dan Smith; deserted.
Fitzsimmons, James Landsman. Feb. 3, 1862 Feb. 10, 1865 Princeton, Wachusetts and Crusader.
Flaharity, James 2d Cl. Fireman Oct. 7, 1864 Alleghany and Seymour; deserted.
Flaherty, John Seaman. April 9, 1862 May 4, 1865 Alleghany, Ft. Henry, Stars and Stripes, Gem of the Sea and Somerset.
Flaherty, Stephen Seaman. Feb. 27, 1863 Alleghany, Mahaska and Nipsic; deserted June 26, 1865
Flaherty, Stephen Ord. Seaman. Sept. 24, 1861 Aug. 25, 1862 Alleghany, Wissahickon, New Ironsides and Princeton
Flanagan, Patrick 2d Cl. Fireman Sept. 9, 1864 Oct. 24, 1867 Alleghany, Nansemond, Navy Yard, Washington, Princeton, Tonawanda and Saco.
Flanery, Patrick 2d Class Boy. Sept. 4, 1863 Nov. 22, 1863 Alleghany, Morse and Hospital Norfolk.
Fleishell, James Landsman. Oct. 9, 1862 Alleghany, Para and Princeton; deserted July 15, 1863.
Flemming, John Seaman. Aug. 5, 1864 Aug. 5, 1867 Alleghany, Tuscarora, Massachusetts and Vermont.
Flemming, Joseph Seaman. Nov. 22, 1862 Dee. 4, 1863 Princeton and Juniata.
Flemming, Joseph P. Seaman. Dec. 22, 1864 Alleghany, Seymour and Potomac Flotilla; deserted June 10, 1865.
Fletcher. Nathaniel Landsman. April 25, 1864 Sept. 7, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and St. Mary's.
Filming, John Landsman. Feb. 12, 1861 Feb. 9, 1864 Princeton and Pawnee.
Florida, John Ord. Seaman. Mar. 22, 1865 Alleghany and Mercedita; deserted May, 15, 1865.
Flowers, George W. Q. M. 1863 Jan. 1, 1865 Antietam.
Flynn, Edward 1st Class Boy. May 31, 1861 July 26, 1864 Alleghany, James Adger and Sangamon.
Flynn, James 2d Cl. Fireman Aug. 14, 1863 Sept. 5, 1864 Alleghany and Daylight.
Foard, Lloyd G. Landsman. April 15, 1861 June 30, 1864 Alleghany, Pawnee, Norwich and Chippewa.
Forbes, Alexander Landsman. Feb. 15, 1865 Oct. 14, 1865 Alleghany and Mercedita.
Folder, John Landsman. April 20, 1864 Jan. 10, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, Cimarron, A. Houghton, Constellation, Roman, St. Lawrence and New Hampshire.
Foley, James Seaman. Sept. 12, 1861 Rejected.
Folger, Daniel W. Ord. Seaman. Aug. 23, 1864 May 23, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Samuel Rotan and Hospital Norfolk.
Foot, Richard Landsman. April 23, 1864 Feb. 9, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, Stettin, Kearsarge and Ohio.
Ford, Charles C. 1st Class Boy. April 27, 1864 Jan. 20, 1865 Alleghany, Naval Academy and Macedonian.
Ford, Frank Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 20, 1865 Montgomery.
Ford, Richard Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 Oct. 14, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Atlanta, Kansas and Nipsic.
Ford, Thomas Landsman. Jan. 21, 1862 Sept. 25, 1862 Alleghany and Pinola.
Ford, William E. Landsman. May 5, 1864 May 25, 1865 Alleghany, Naval Academy and Macedonian.
Ford, William S. Landsman. Sept. 26, 1862 Sept. 29, 1863 North Carolina, Memphis and Massachusetts.
Ford, William G. Landsman. Sept. 2, 1864 Sept. 24, 1864 Alleghany.
Foreman, Andrew Landsman. Aug. 22, 1864 Alleghany and Minnesota; died Jan. 15, 1865.
Foreman, Charles Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac and Lancaster.
Foreman, William Landsman. April 18, 1863 April 18, 1864 Navy Yard, Washington, and King Philip.
Forman, William R. Landsman. June 19, 1863 July 26, 1864 North Carolina and Ladona.
Forest, Richard Seaman. May 2, 1861 North Carolina and Wabash; died Oct. 21, 1861.
Forten, James Seaman. Sept. 14, 1864 July 6, 1867 Alleghany, Tuscarora and Vermont.
Foster, Charles Seaman. Sept. 22, 1864 Sept. 11, 1867 North Carolina, Susquehanna, Shawmut, Nipsic and Brooklyn.
Foster, Frederick Seaman. May 27, 1861 June 1, 1864 Alleghany, St. Lawrence, Hendrick Hudson and Roebuck.
Foster, George Seaman. May 27, 1861 June 1, 1864 Alleghany, St. Lawrence, Hendrick Hudson and Roebuck.
Foster, John Seaman. Oct. 17, 1862 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Foster, John W. E. Landsman. April 25, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and John Adams; deserted Aug. 25, 1865.
Foster, William Seaman. Dec. 9, 1864 Alleghany and R. R. Cuyler; deserted June 5, 1865.
Fouble, A. William 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 13, 1862 April 7, 1865 Alleghany and Pinola.
Fountain, Francis Seaman. Oct. 31, 1864 Alleghany and I. N. Seymour; deserted Dec. 21, 1864.
Fountain, John Landsman. Aug. 30, 1864 Aug. 4, 1865 Alleghany, Roanoke and Vermont.
Fox, Martin Ord. Seaman. June 8, 1861 June 7, 1864 Alleghany, St. Lawrence and Minnesota.
Fox, William Seaman. Jan. 27, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Fowler, James Ord. Seaman. June 1, 1864 Aug. 31, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Maratanza and Vandalia.
Foy, William Ord. Seaman. Aug. 17, 1863 July 27, 1864 Ohio, Release and Tuscarora.
France, Henry Landsman. Feb. 21, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Independence, Saranac and Lancaster.
France, John H. Landsman. Feb. 21, 1865 Mar. 25, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Wateree and Vermont.
Francis, John Landsman. July 25, 1863 July 19, 1865 Alleghany and Freeborn.
Francis, Nicholas Landsman. Feb. 9, 1864 Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Albemarle.
Francis, William H. Landsman. Aug. 15, 1864 Feb. 17, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Vandalia.
Francis, William H. Landsman. Jan. 2, 1863 May 11, 1864 North Carolina, Iroquois, Seminole and Pensacola.
Frank, Charles Ord. Seaman. Aug. 22, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota, A. D. Vance and Malvern; deserted May 6, 1865.
Frank, Francis Seaman. Oct. 29, 1861 Nov. 22, 1864 Alleghany, Keystone State and Savannah.
Frank, Frederick Landsman. April 6, 1865 Aug. 14, 1868 Alleghany, Wyoming and Hartford.
Franklin, Benjamin Landsman. Feb. 24, 1864 Alleghany, Commo. Perry and Wyalusing; died Nov. 25, 1864.
Franklin, John Landsman. Oct. 20, 1862 Alleghany and George Mangham ; deserted Dec. 11, 1862.
Franklin, Joseph H. 3d Class Boy. Oct. 15, 1863 June 7, 1865 Alleghany and Crusader.
Franklin, Lemuel P. Seaman. June 17, 1861 June 7, 1864 Princeton, St. Lawrence, North Carolina, Somerset, St. Lawrence, North Carolina, Newbern and Mary Sanford; service embracing three shipments.
Fraser, Alexander Landsman. Dec. 2, 1862 Alleghany, Jas. Adger, Eugenia, San Jacinto, Hendrick Hudson and Ohio; deserted Oct. 13, 1863.
Frast, William Landsman. July 25, 1864 Alleghany and Eureka; deserted.
Frazer, James Landsman. May 11, 1864 May 25, 1865 Alleghany, Naval Academy and Macedonian.
Frazer, William H. Seaman. June 17, 1863 July 27, 1864 North Carolina and Courier..
Frazier, Benjamin Landsman. July 21, 1864 July 20, 1866 Alleghany, Don, Adolph Hugel and Stepping Stones.
Frazier, Charles Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 July 17, 1865 Monticello.
Frazier, James Landsman. Mar. 9, 1863 Aug. 3, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Commo. Jones and Delaware.
Frazier, James R. Landsman. Aug. 22, 1864 Aug. 16, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Ft. Donnelson.
Frazier, Walter 1st Cl. Fireman Mar. 13, 1865 Alleghany; deserted Oct. 1, 1865.
Freckell, William Landsman. Sept. 2, 1864 June 20, 1865 Alleghany and Roanoke.
Frederick, Charles Ord. Seaman. Dec. 9, 1861 Dec. 31, 1864 Alleghany, Brooklyn and Richmond.
Fredricks, Charles Landsman. Jan. 3, 1861 Aug. 28, 1861 Navy Yard, Washington.
Freeland, Daniel 1st Cl. Fireman Aug. 11, 1863 Mar. 9, 1864 North Carolina, Lehigh and South Carolina.
Freeland, James Landsman. Sept. 1, 1864 June 20, 1865 Alleghany and Roanoke.
Freeland, Thomas E. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 27, 1865 Commo. Morris and North Carolina.
Freeman, Frederick Landsman. Aug. 10, 1864 Aug. 26, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Osceola, Release, Wm. Badger, Hornet, Mackinaw, Vandalia and Massachusetts.
Freeman, James Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany and Lancaster.
Freeman, Samuel Landsman. Nov. 30, 1863 Dec. 22, 1864 Alleghany and Kineo.
Freeman, Solomon Landsman. Aug. 30, 1864 Aug. 29, 1867 Alleghany, Roanoke, Malvern, Constitution, Saco and Marion.
Freer, George 1st Class Boy. July 22, 1863 Navy Yard, Washington, Dan Smith, Princeton to June 6, 1865; records U. S. N. Department.
Freize, John Landsman. Aug. 26, 1864 June 10, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Mystic and Hospital, Norfolk.
French, Harry Seaman. Nov. 12, 1861 Oct. 1, 1864 North Carolina, Mercedita, Macedonian and Sassacus.
French, Michael Landsman. Sept. 1, 1864 June 20, 1865 Alleghany and Roanoke.
French, Samuel W. Landsman. Aug. 14, 1862 Dec. 21, 1863 Alleghany and Philadelphia.
Frentu, Frank Ord. Seaman. Nov. 28, 1864 Alleghany, R. R. Cuyler, Keystone State and Constellation; deserted Nov. 12, 1865.
Fretch, Joseph Ord. Seaman. Aug. 26, 1864 June 10, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Berberry and Vermont.
Fretch, Lawrence Ord. Seaman. Aug. 29, 1864 June 12, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Berberry and North Carolina-.
Freyer, John V. Ord. Seaman. April 3, 1865 Jan. 15, 1868 Alleghany and De Soto.
Frisby, George Landsman. April 22, 1864 Aug. 21, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and Norwich.
Frisby, George H. Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 Aug. 26, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Atlanta, Augusta, Algonquin, Susquehanna and Tahoma.
Frisby, John H. Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 Nov. 13, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota, Aries and Keystone State.
Frisby, Washington Landsman. June 14, 1861 Nov. 9, 1862 North Carolina, Roanoke, Galena and Hospital, Norfolk.
Frisch, George Landsman. Mar. 14, 1865 April 5, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Suwanee and Vermont.
Fritchner, George Landsman. Aug. 17, 1864 June 15, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Calypso.
Frseland, Daniel 1st Cl. Fireman Dec. 29, 1864 April 3, 1865 Alleghany, Potomac Flotilla and Receiving Ship at Washington.
Fryer, John Landsman. April a, 1865 April 29, 1868 Alleghany, Seneca, Chicopee and Marblehead.
Fryer, John A. Seaman. June 16, 1864 Alleghany and Potomska; died June 12, 1865.
Fuller, William Ord. Seaman. June 30, 1864 June 29, 1867 Alleghany, Zouave, Dictator, Augusta, Swatara and Conemaugh.
Furdenshaw, John Seaman. Mar. 1, 1865 Alleghany and Wateree; deserted Sept. 20, 1865.
Furgison, Joseph Seaman. Jan. 24, 1865 Alleghany; deserted Mar. 3, 1865.
Furlong, John Landsman. April 13, 1861 June 30, 1864 Alleghany, Pawnee and Chippewa.
Furlong, John 1st Cl. Fireman Nov. 17, 1864 Alleghany, Morse and Washington Navy Yard; deserted Aug. 31, 1865.

Volunteers - G

Click the "Expand" buttons to the right to view the rosters for the Sailors of this branch.

Last Names Beginning with "G"
Name Rank or
Date of
or Shipment
Date of
Vessels Served on
and Remarks
Gadd, Luther M. 1st Cl. Fireman Mar. 13, 1865 April 25, 1867 Alleghany and De Soto.
Gafney, John Ord. Seaman. June 25, 1863 Alleghany and Eutaw to July 15, 1863; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Gagel, John D. Landsman. Dec. 23, 1863 Dec. 24, 1864 Princeton, Tallahatchie and Undine.
Gail, Arthur Landsman. Feb. 10, 1864 Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Victoria, Wyalusing and Albemarle.
Gaist, Joseph Landsman. Feb. 21, 1865 Mar. 25, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Wateree and Vermont.
Galbraith, William Landsman. June 3, 1861 July 28, 1864 Alleghany and Itasca.
Gale, Joseph K. Landsman. May 5, 1862 May 27, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Britannia and Magnolia.
Gale, Thomas Landsman. April 22, 1864 Aug. 29, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Amaranthus and Vermont.,
Gallagher, James Landsman. Aug. 13, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Winnepec and Stonewall; died Nov. 14, 1865.
Gallagher, Peter Landsman. Feb. 22, 1862 Mar. 7, 1865 Alleghany, Miami and Racer.
Gallion, William Landsman. Feb. 15, 1865 Oct. 8, 1866 Alleghany, Hetzel and Winnepec.
Gamble, Thomas Ord. Seaman. July 2, 1864 Alleghany, Tritonia, Nahant; transferred to Princeton Aug. 11, 1865; never reported, U. S. N. Dept.
Gamble, T. Seaman. July 10, 1861 Oct. 18, 1864 Alleghany, J. L. Davis and Savannah.
Gamble, Thomas Seaman. Nov. 14, 1864 Aug. 12, 1865 Alleghany, Morse and Receiving Ship at Washington.
Gamby, John W. Landsman. April 21, 1864 Aug. 23, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham and Constellation.
Game, James Landsman. April 19, 1864 July 13, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash and Ben Morgan.
Gandy, Charles Ord. Seaman. Mar. 7, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita and Brooklyn; deserted Feb. 2, 1866.
Ganey, John Landsman. June 30, 1863 Alleghany, Eutaw and Morse; turned over to military authorities as a deserter, Aug. 21, 1863.
Gant, Andrew 1st Class Boy. April 23, 1864 April 22, 1865 Clara Dolsen and Gen. Lyon.
Gant, Summerset Landsman. April 21, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Gardner, Charles Landsman. Mar. 19, 1863 June 27, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine and Commo. Morris.
Gardner, David Q. M. Aug., 1863 April, 1865 Wabash and Relief.
Gardner, George Ord. Seaman. Nov. 25, 1864 Nov. 16, 1866 Alleghany, Keystone State, Constellation and New Hampshire.
Gardner, James Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota and Vandalia; deserted Mar. 17, 1865.
Gardner, William 1st Cl. Fireman Feb. 1, 1865 Alleghany, Potomac Flotilla and Navy Yard, Washington; deserted July 31, 1865.
Garey, Cornelious Seaman. Sept. 28, 1864 Sept. 30, 1867 Alleghany and Tuscarora.
Garnett, John Landsman. May 17, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Ino and North Carolina.
Garrathy, Charles Landsman. May 21, 1861 Aug. 22, 1863 Alleghany and Potomac Flotilla.
Garrett, John Landsman. May 24, 1861 Alleghany, Wissahickon to Mar. 31, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Garrett, John H. Landsman. Aug. 23, 1864 Sept. 4, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Sassacus and Princeton.
Garrett, Patrick Landsman. Feb. 28, 1865 Mar. 15, 1867 Alleghany, Cyane, St. Mary's, Jamestown and Vermont.
Garrett, Thomas E. Landsman. June 27, 1863 North Carolina and Roanoke; deserted July 6, 1865.
Garrison, Joseph Landsman. April 25, 1864 Feb. 22, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; .Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac, Farrallones arid Vermont.
Gartland, Daniel 1st Cl. Fireman Jan. 27, 1862 Oct. 1, 1862 Ohio and Kineo.
Garvey, John 1st Cl. Fireman Aug. 16, 1864 Aug. 15, 1867 Alleghany, Tuscarora, Tacony, Vermont and Don.
Garvey, Patrick 1st Cl. Fireman Feb. 'l3, 1865 Alleghany, Constellation, Boxer; deserted June 13, 1865.
Gassaway, Edward Seaman. Aug. 12, 1865 June 17, 1863 Alleghany and Maratanza.
Gatch, Benj. W. Landsman. May 16, 1861 Alleghany, Thomas Freeborn, Satellite, Washington Navy Yard; deserted April 11, 1863.
Gatty, Francis Seaman. July 7, 1864 Alleghany, Don and Anacostia; deserted July 4, 1865.
Gaughan, Anthony 2d Class Boy. June 20, 1862 Dec. 12, 1863 Alleghany, Gemsbok and Alabama.
Gaubatz, Christopher Seaman. Feb. 7, 1865 Feb. 7, .1867 Alleghany, Hetzel and Arago.
Gaul, William Ord. Seaman. May 2, 1861 Aug. 26, 1863 Ohio, Mississippi and Colorado.
Gayle, Daniel Landsman. June 6, 1864 June 12, 1865 Alleghany, Don, A. Hugel and Washington Navy Yard.
Gayle, George H. Landsman. June 29, 1864 Aug. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Don and Adolph Hugel.
Geer, Augustus C. Landsman. Mar. 20, 1865 Alleghany and Seneca; deserted June 8, 1865.
Gehan, William Coal Heaver. April 23, 1862 May 4, 1865 Alleghany, Fort Henry and Glaucus.
Gehegan, Thomas Seaman. Dec. 23, 1861 Alleghany and Pinola; deserted Aug. 4, 1862.
Gentz, August Seaman. May 19, 1863 June 29, 1866 Alleghany, Mahaska, Nipsic, New Hampshire and Susquehanna.
Geoghigan, Albert Landsman. Aug. 22, 1864 June 30, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Macedonian and Marblehead.
Gerard, Jules Seaman. Dec. 20, 1862 April 7, 1866 Alleghany, Wateree and St. Mary's.
Gerbrick, George Seaman. April 10, 186] North Carolina; no further record, U. S. N. Dept.
German, William Landsman. Aug. 25, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota, Osceola and Ohio; deserted June 10, 1865.
Gettinger, Chas. W. Landsman. May 19, 1864 Alleghany and Ino; deserted Sept. 18, 1865.
Gibbon, James Seaman. Feb. 3, 1865 Alleghany and Independence; deserted May 2, 1866.
Gibbons, Joseph N. Seaman. Aug. 29, 1864 Aug. 28, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Macedonian, Marblehead, Massachusetts, Snowdrop and New Hampshire.
Gibbons, Myles Ord. Seaman. June 1, 1861 Princeton and Jamestown; drowned Dec. 30, 1861.
Gibbs, Charles Landsman. July 24, 1863 Alleghany; delivered to Provost Marshal July 24, 1863, records U. S. N. Department.
Gibling, Thomas Ord. Seaman. Feb. 9, 1863 Nov. 7, 1864 Ohio, North Carolina and Water Witch.
Gibson, Daniel Landsman. Feb. 27, 1863 Alleghany, Brandywine and Mahaska; deserted July 29, 1863.
Gibson, Henry 2d Cl. Fireman Nov. 16, 1863 Dec. 7, 1864 North Carolina, Sebago and Savannah.
Gibson, James Ord. Seaman. July 21, 1864 Alleghany and Don; deserted Nov. 5, 1864.
Gibson, James Seaman. Sept. 25, 1862 Alleghany, Minnesota, Brandywine and Mahaska; deserted May 14, 1863.
Gibson, John Seaman. Feb. 10, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Gibson, John Seaman. Oct. 17, 1861 Dec. 7, 1864 Princeton, Rachel Seaman, Penobscot, Fort Morgan and Savannah.
Gibson, Robert Landsman. April 19, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and Wabash; died Aug. 10, 1864.
Gibson, Thomas 3d Class Boy. Sept. 28, 1864 May 13, 1865 Alleghany and Sabine.
Giddlngs, Edward Landsman. Jan. 18, 1864 Alleghany and Ceres; deserted June 11, 1864.
Gifford, James 2d Cl. Fireman Aug. 12, 1862 May 13, 1865 Princeton, Powhatan and Nereus.
Gifford, William Seaman. May 4, 1861 May 3, 1864 Ohio, Bainbridge, Dai Ching and Ella.
Gilbert, Charles Seaman. Dec. 5, 1864 Alleghany and Morse; deserted May 30, 1865.
Gilbert, George E. Landsman. April 22, 1864 Sept. 4, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton and Norwich.
Gilbert, Nicholas Landsman. Mar. 7, 1863 Alleghany, Brandy wine and Commo. Jones; deserted May 24, 1863.
Gilbert, Paca T. Landsman. April 4, 1865 April 3, 1868 Alleghany, Wyoming, Supply and Vermont.
Gilbraith, John Landsman. Sept. 5, 1862 Alleghany; deserted Oct. 1, 1862.
Gildersleeve, George Seaman. April 29, 1863 North Carolina and Bermuda; deserted Nov. 12, 1864.
Giles, Isaac Landsman. Jan. 7, 1862 Feb. 14, 1865 Princeton, Geo. Mangham and Canonicus.
Gill, Carson Geo. Seaman. Jan. 5, 1865 Alleghany and Wyoming; deserted April 3, 1866.
Gill, George 3d Class Boy. Oct. 10, 1864 April 24, 1865 Alleghany and Sabine.
Gill, George Landsman. Sept. 5, 1864 Alleghany, Tuscarora, Supply and Madawaska; deserted Dec. 31, 1866.
Gill, George W. Landsman. Feb. 21, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones and Lancaster.
Gill, George W. 3d Class Boy. April 13, 1861 June 17, 1864 Alleghany, Hartford and Orvetta.
Gill, James 2d Cl. Fireman Aug. 23, 1862 Oct. 7, 1863 Alleghany and Philadelphia.
Gill, James Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 July 28, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and losco.
Gill, Thomas Landsman. Aug. 30, 1864 June 30, 1865 Alleghany, Roanoke and Macedonian.
Gill, William Landsman. Aug. 26, 1862 Oct. 23, 1863 Alleghany and Valley City.
Gill, William R. Landsman. Aug. 26, 1862 Feb. 25, 1863 Alleghany and Valley City.
Gillispie, William, Ord. Seaman. Aug. 9, 1864 Aug. 19, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Tacony, Hetzel, Conemaugh and Vermont.
Gilmore, John Seaman. Jan. 16, 1862 April 7, 1865 Alleghany and Pinola.
Gilson, James S. Landsman. Aug. 9, 1864 Nov. 9, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Vicksburg and Grand Gulf.
Gilson, Richard G. Landsman. Aug. 10, 1864 May 8, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Tuscarora and Princeton.
Girard, James Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Aug. 30, 1865 Kansas and Massachusetts.
Givvins, William L. Landsman. Aug. 15, 1864 June 19, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Wilderness.
Glaser, Charles 2d Cl. Fireman Nov. 11, 1864 Sept. 22, 1866 Alleghany, Wyandank, Anacostia, Marblehead, Swatara, New Hampshire and Savannah.
Glasgow, John S. Landsman. June 29, 1863 Sept. 6, 1865 Alleghany, Eutaw, Daylight and Boxer.
Glass, Peter Landsman. Dec. 1, 1864 Alleghany, R. R. Cuyler and Vermont; deserted July 31, 1865.
Glenn, John H. Seaman. July 9, 1861 July 16, 1864 Alleghany and Lafayette.
Gleves, Charles Landsman. July 11, 1864 Alleghany, Massachusetts, Pawnee and Vandalia; deserted Aug. 13, 1865.
Glover, William Landsman. Jan. 27, 1862 April 7, 1865 Alleghany and Pinola.
Gody, Philip Ord. Seaman. Oct. 28, 1863 Oct. 18, 1864 North Carolina, Pembina and Savannah.
Goeley, Philip Ord. Seaman. Oct. 3, 1862 Oct. 26, 1863 Cairo Station and Stettin.
Goffgan, Caleb Landsman. April 22, 1864 Aug. 4, 1865 Transferred from 36th U. S. C. T.; Matthew Vassar and Princeton.
Going, Andrew Landsman. April 25, 1864 Sept. 7, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and St. Mary's.
Golan, Truxton Landsman. April 20, 1864 Mar. 17, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia and Massachusetts.
Goland, Edward 2d Cl. Fireman Dec. 1, 1864 Alleghany, Keystone State, Constellation, Gettysburg and Vermont; deserted July 31, 1865.
Golder, Charles H. Seaman. Sept. 27, 1864 Alleghany to Tuscarora, June 30, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Goldsboro, James Landsman. April 19, 1864 July 13, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash, St. Lawrence and Roman.
Goldsboro, Thomas Landsman. April 25, 1864 June 18, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton and New Hampshire.
Goldsboro, William Landsman. April 23, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Valparaiso and Bay Point Station, S. C. ; died May 5, 1865.
Goldsborough, John Landsman. July 7, 1864 July 13, 1866 Alleghany, Massachusetts, John Adams, Home, Princeton, Macedonian and Marion.
Goldsborough, Sam'l 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 3, 1865 April 18, 1865 Alleghany, Hospital Norfolk.
Goldsmith, John Landsman. Feb. 27, 1865 Alleghany and Mercedita; deserted Oct. 5, 1865.
Goldsmith, Wm. H. Landsman. July 30, 1862 Aug. 4, 1863 North Carolina and New Ironsides.
Goodacre, Daniel M Landsman. Aug. 20, 1862 Dec. 21, 1863 Alleghany and Mt. Vernon.
Goodins, George Seaman. Aug. 28, 1861 Ohio and Brooklyn; died Dec. 17, 1862.
Goodmanson, Jno. J. Ord. Seaman. Oct. 2, 1861 Oct. 1, 1864 Served under the name of John P.; North Carolina, Ironage, Osceola and Release; in engagements at Hilton Head, Port Royal and James River.
Goodwin, John Landsman. Sept. 25, 1862 Aug. 12, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota and Miami.
Gordan, Benjamin Landsman. July 25, 1863 Delivered to. Provost Marshal July 25, 1863, records U. S. N. Department.
Gordon, Edward Landsman. May 9, 1861 May 13, 1861 North Carolina.
Gordon, George Landsman. May 4, 1863 Alleghany and Mahaska; deserted July 29, 1863.
Gordon, John 1st Class Boy. June 8, 1861 June 8, 1864 North Carolina, Roanoke and Black Hawk.
Gordon, John Seaman. Nov. 11, 1864 Oct. 25, 1865 Alleghany, Morse and Washington Navy Yard.
Gordon, John Ord. Seaman. Aug. 27, 1861 Sept. 18, 1862 Alleghany, Wissahickon, New Ironsides and Princeton.
Gordon, John Ord. Seaman. Jan. 15, 1863 Sept. 26, 1864 Alleghany, State of Georgia, Arkansas and Princeton.
Gordon, Moses Landsman. April 22, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and Vandalia; deserted Mar. 25, 1865.
Gordon, Perry Landsman. April 21, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Saginaw and Lancaster.
Gordon, William H. Coal Heaver. Jan. 30, 1863 Jan. 26, 1864 Alleghany, State of Georgia and Massachusetts.
Gordon, William H. Coal Heaver. Feb. 9, 1864 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Gore, Thomas H. Landsman. Mar. 14, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
German, James Ord. Seaman. April 6, 1861 Feb. 16, 1867 Navy Yard, Washington, Carondelet and Daffodil ; service embracing two shipments.
Gorst, George Seaman. Oct. 14, 1864 July 31, 1865 Alleghany and Nansemond.
Gorsuch, Francis M. Ord. Seaman. April 9, 1861 June 30, 1864 Alleghany, Pawnee, Norwich and Chippewa.
Gorsuch, Nicholas M. Ord. Seaman. April 10, 1861 Alleghany an.d Pawnee; deserted Oct. 6, 1861.
Gorsuch, William S. Landsman. June 21, 1861 June 22, 1864 Princeton, St. Lawrence and Queen.
Gosby, William J. Ord. Seaman. Nov. 20, 1862 Dec. 31, 1863 Ohio and Kingfisher.
Gossin, William Landsman. June 1, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Princeton.
Goudy, David Landsman. Mar. 1, 1865 Mar. 25, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Wateree and Vermont.
Gough, John Landsman. Mar. 30, 1863 May 14, 1864 North Carolina, Housatonic and Massachusetts.
Gould, Samuel Landsman. April 23, 1864 Sept. 4, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Minnesota, Aries, Keystone State, Constellation, Powhatan, Ino, Restless and Princeton.
Goulder, Ches. P. Ord. Seaman. April 20, 1864 Sept. 20, 1864 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T.; Jacob Bell and Hospital Washington.
Gowens, George H. Landsman. Aug. 12, 1864 Alleghany, Brandy wine and Clinton; died Dec. 8, 1864.
Grace, Alexander Landsman. Feb. 8, 1864 Feb. 7, 1867 Alleghany, Winona, Vermont, Gladiolus and New Hampshire.
Grady, John Ord. Seaman. Feb. 20, 1865 May 26, 1869 Alleghany, Hetzel, Canondaigua, Swatara, Frolic and Vermont.
Grady, William Landsman.. Jan. 29, 1864 July 1, 1865 Valley City and North Carolina.
Graeves, Julius A. 2d Class Boy. Oct. 9, 1862 July 14, 1865 Colorado and Katahdin.
Graham, George Landsman. Aug. 12, 1864 May 29, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Berberry and Hospital Norfolk.
Graham, George Landsman. April 12, 1861 Alleghany, Navy Yard, Washington; transferred Nov. 16, 1861, to Army.
Graham, John Seaman. Nov. 23, 1864 Alleghany; deserted Dec. 13, 1864.
Grammer, John H. Landsman. Sept. 1, 1864 June 20, 1865 Alleghany and Roanoke.
Granruth, Wm. G. Landsman. Aug. 13, 1862 July 12, 1865 Alleghany, Wyandank and Currituck.
Grant, Andrew Seaman. Nov. 11, 1864 July 27, 1866 Alleghany, Morse, Marblehead and Vermont.
Grant, Andrew Seaman. Oct. 20, 1863 Oct. 19, 1864 Alleghany, Commo. Barney and Crusader.
Grant, James Ord. Seaman. May 18, 1864 Aug. 16, 1865 Alleghany, Daylight and Ft. Donnelson.
Grant, John Landsman. Sept. 9, 1863 Sept. 7, 1864 Ohio and Sassacus.
Grant, Lewis Seaman. Aug. 21, 1863 Alleghany, Daylight, Minnesota and Vandalia; deserted April 5, 1865.
Graves, George Landsman. April 25, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Brandywine, Cactus and Washington Navy Yard; deserted July 15, 1865.
Graves, John J. Seaman. Mar. 30, 1865 Mar. 18, 1868 Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac and Vermont.
Graves, Joseph Landsman. April 22, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and Ethan Allen; died Nov. 20, 1864.
Graves, William R. Landsman. Aug. 10, 1864 May 27, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Agamenticus, Pensacola, Potomac and Paul Jones.
Gray, Adolphus 1st Class Boy. Aug. 17, 1863 Alleghany and Dacotah; deserted Dec. 12, 1863.
Gray, Albert Landsman. April 23, 1864 Sept. 7, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and St. Mary's.
Gray, Charles W. Landsman. Jan. 30, 1864 Navy Yard, Washington, and Wateree; deserted Aug. 9, 1864.
Gray, Elisha Landsman. May 17, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Ino and North Carolina.
Gray, James 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 17, 1865 Alleghany and Primrose; deserted July 4, 1865.
Gray, James E. Landsman. April 20, 1864 Sept. 20, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Princeton and Bermuda.
Gray, James E. 2d CL Fireman Sept. 7, 1864 Feb. 10, 1865 Alleghany, Seymour and Hospital Norfolk.
Gray, John H. Landsman. April 22, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Gray, Nelson Landsman. June 3, 1864 June 5, 1866 Alleghany, Daylight, Shenandoah and Conemaugh.
Gray, Thomas Landsman. Feb. 9, 1864 May 7, 1865 Alleghany, Winona, Vermont, New Hampshire, Bay Point Station and Princeton.
Greckler, John 1st Cl. Fireman Feb. 16, 1865 Jan. 11, 1866 Alleghany, Yantic and Vermont.
Green, Francis E. 2d Class Boy. Oct. 3, 1863 July 17, 1865 Alleghany and Commo. Barney.
Green, Frank 2d Cl. Fireman July 27, 1864 Dec. 2, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Maratanza and Vermont.
Green, Ferdinand Seaman. Sept. 26, 1861 Alleghany, Wissahickon, Princeton to Dec. 31, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Green, George A. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Monticello; died July 20, 1864.
Green, Henry Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Green, Henry D. Landsman. Mar. 30, 1863 Nov. 4, 1863 Alleghany and Brandywine; resigned.
Green, Isaac Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Oct. 26, 1865 Brandywine, Cherokee and Mahaska.
Green, James Seaman. Feb. 23, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Independence, Saranac and Lancaster.
Green, Lewis Landsman. June 24, 1861 Ohio and Dale; deserted Oct. 25, 1862.
Green, Lewis Landsman. Jan. 2, 1863 Princeton and Monongahela; deserted Aug. 13, 1863.
Green, Richard Landsman. April 21, 1864 May 22, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Cyane, Independence and Vermont.
Green, William Ord. Seaman. Jan. 15, 1863 Alleghany, State of Georgia and Arkansas; deserted Oct. 14, 1863.
Green, William Landsman. Jan. 26, 1864 July 31, 1865 Alleghany, Kineo and Princeton.
Green, William O. 3d Class Boy. April 12, 1865 April 15, 1865 Alleghany and Sabine.
Green, Will H. 3d Class Boy. Oct. 13, 1863 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Crusader and Shokokon.
Greenault, Jacob Ord. Seaman. Mar. 9, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Greene, Joseph A. 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 2, 1862 July 31, 1862 Navy Yard, Washington, and King Philip.
Greenway, John Coal Heaver. April 5, 1861 June 20, 1864 North Carolina, Powhatan, Oneida and Savannah.
Greer, William Seaman. Oct. 5, 1861 North Carolina and Isaac Smith; died May 7, 1863.
Gregory, William Landsman. Aug. 17, 1864 June 15, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Calypso.
Greif, John Landsman. Aug. 10, 1864 Aug. 9, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Calypso, Pinta, Pilgrim and Potomac.
Grein, Frank W. Landsman. Aug. 30, 1864 Aug. 16, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Ft. Donnelson.
Grew, Celonous 1st Class Boy. Aug. 16, 1864 Aug. 15, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Maratanza, Augusta, Winooski and Vandalia.
Grew, John S. Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 Aug. 15, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Maratanza, Winooski and Vandalia.
Grey, John Seaman. Sept. 19, 1862 Alleghany, Mt. Vernon and Niphon; deserted Dec. 20, 1863.
Grey, John 1st Class Boy. Aug. 1, 1864 July 31, 1867 Navy Yard, Washington, Hornet, Swatara and Conemaugh.
Grey, Leonard W. Coal Heaver. May 19, 1862 July 20, 1864 Alleghany and Paul Jones.
Greyson, Noble Landsman. April 25, 1864 July 31, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T. ; Matthew Vassar and Wyandank.
Gridley, William H. Landsman. Aug. 10, 1864 Alleghany and Shenandoah; deserted April 24, 1865.
Grier, George Landsman. April 21, 1864 May 22, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Cyane, Independence and Vermont.
Griffin, James Landsman. Feb. 11, 1864 Jan. 30, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Victoria, Maratanza and Vermont.
Griffin, John A. Landsman. April 21, 1864 July 11, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham and St. Lawrence.
Griffin, John W. Landsman. Aug. 2, 1864 July 19, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Howquah and Princeton.
Griffin, Levi T. Landsman. Mar. 7, 1861 North Carolina and Supply; deserted Aug. 23, 1862.
Griffith, John Seaman. Nov. 15, 1861 Ohio, Potomac, Brooklyn and Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa.; died Oct. 11, 1863.
Griffith, William Seaman. May 22, 1861 North Carolina and R. R. Cuyler; promoted to Acting Gunner, Aug. 5, 1863; deserted Nov. 1, 1863.
Griffith, William F. Seaman. June 25, 1862 Ohio and R. R. Cuyler; deserted.
Grigg, Robert Ord. Seaman. Mar. 15, 1862 Mar. 19, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Southfield and Miami.
Griggs, Wm. O. Seaman. Feb. 23, 1865 Alleghany and Wateree; deserted Sept. 30, 1865.
Grimage, Thomas Landsman. Nov. 15, 1863 Sept. 25, 1864 North Carolina, Princeton and Kansas.
Grinell, James Landsman. April 21, 1864 April 20, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham, Clematis, Naval Academy and Tonawanda.
Groff, Golden B. Landsman. Sept. 1, 1864 June 30, 1865 AJleghany, Roanoke, Constellation, Picket Boat No. 6, Mystic and Macedonian.
Grogan, John 1st Cl. Fireman July 15, 1864 Alleghany and Don; deserted Aug. 13, 1864.
Groom, George Landsman. May 21, 1862 Alleghany and Mystic; deserted Mar. 10, 1863.
Grooms, John E. Landsman. Aug. 15, 1864 Aug. 12, 1867 Alleghany Minnesota, Tioga and De Soto.
Grose, Charles Landsman. Aug. 18, 1864 June 15, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Calypso.
Gross, Adam 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 24, 1865 July 8, 1866 Alleghany and De Soto; dishonorably discharged.
Gross, Alexander Landsman. Nov. 18, 1862 Dec. 4, 1863 Ohio, Rhode Island and Juniata.
Gross, Jacob Landsman. April 22, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Gross, James Landsman. April 21, 1864 May 22, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Independence and Vermont.
Gross, Jesse Landsman. April 21, 1864 May 22, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Independence and Vermont.
Gross, Thomas Landsman. April 23, 1864 Sept. 4, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Potomska and South Carolina.
Gross, Thomas Landsman. April 21, 1864 Sept. 4, 1865 Alleghany, Cyane, Potomska, Princeton and South Carolina.
Gross, William Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane and Lancaster.
Gross, William Landsman. May 5, 1864 May 29, 1865 Alleghany, Naval Academy and Macedonian.
Gross, William E. Landsman. Nov. 29, 1861 Dec. 13, 1864 North Carolina and G. W. Blunt.
Groves, John R. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 20, 1865 Montgomery.
Grovier, John 2d Cl. Fireman Nov. 10, 1863 Nov. 20, 1864 North Carolina and Mercedita.
Guillian, Victor Seaman. Oct. 7, 1862 Mar. 31, 1864 Alleghany, Dan Smith and Washington Navy Yard.
Gundlach, George 3d Class Boy. Nov. 22, 1864 May 8, 1869 Alleghany, Sabine, Shenandoah and Ohio.
Gunnett, Robert M. Seaman. July 23, 1863 July 23, 1864 Alleghany and Ben Morgan.
Gunnett, Robert M. Seaman. July 29, 1864 Alleghany, Tuscarora and Norfolk Hospital ; died Jan. 28, 1865.
Gwyn, John W. Landsman. April 25, 1864 Feb. 22, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac, Farrallones and Vermont.
Gwynn, Clarence 1st Class Boy. Feb. 9, 1863 Alleghany and Ceres; deserted June 4, 1863.

Volunteers - H

Click the "Expand" buttons to the right to view the rosters for the Sailors of this branch.

Last Names Beginning with "H"
Name Rank or
Date of
or Shipment
Date of
Vessels Served on
and Remarks
Haas, Charles Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 27, 1865 Commo. Morris and North Carolina.
Haden, Joshua Landsman. May 2, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Naval Academy and Macedonian.
Hagan, William Landsman. Aug. 25, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota and Ft. Donnelson; absent without leave since Mar. 18, 1865, records U. S. N. Dept.
Hailey, Edward 2d Cl. Fireman Oct. 18, 1864 Alleghany, Potomac Flotilla, Wyandank and Anacostia; deserted July 4, 1865.
Haines, James J. 1st Class Boy. June 15, 1861 Princeton, St. Lawrence, Hospital Washington, and Navy Yard, Washington, to Mar. 31, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Haines, Robert Landsman. Jan. 9, 1863 Jan. 17, 1865 Princeton and Wachusetts.
Haldgate, Charles Seaman. Sept. 28, 1864 Alleghany and Tuscarora to June 30, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Hale, John Landsman. Mar. 15, 1865 Sept. 10, 1867 Alleghany, Mercedita and Brooklyn.
Halfpenny, John T. Landsman. Feb. 24, 1863 Aug. 26, 1863 North Carolina and Augusta.
Hall, Alfred Landsman. April 23, 1864 Jan. 2, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Lancaster and Vermont.
Hall, Basil E. Landsman. Nov. 14, 1861 Dec. 15, 1862 North Carolina and De Soto.
Hall, Basel Landsman. April 23, 1864 June 18, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Valparaiso and Bay Point Station.
Hall, Charles E. Landsman. May 3, 1864 May 26, 1866 Alleghany, Daylight, Shenandoah and Conemaugh.
Hall, Columbus Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Saginaw and Lancaster.
Hall, Daniel Landsman. April 20, 1864 June 28, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, Paul Jones and Vermont.
Hall, Howard Landsman. Oct. 21, 1863 North Carolina; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Dept.
Hall, Isaiah Landsman. April 22, 1864 Aug. 21, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and Norwich.
Hall, Isaiah (2) Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Saginaw and Lancaster.
Hall, James Landsman. April 23, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and Princeton; died Sept. 8, 1864.
Hall, James E. Seaman. April 27, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany.
Hall, James N. Seaman. Aug. 20, 1863 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Hall, John W. Landsman. Aug. 31, 1864 June 20, 1865 Alleghany and Roanoke.
Hall, Perry Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac, Farrallones and Independence.
Hall, Nathaniel Landsman. Oct. 3, 1864 Aug. 26, 1865 Alleghany, Tuscarora and Huntsville.
Hall, Samuel Landsman. April 25, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Cyane; deserted Feb. 28, 1865.
Hall, Samuel Seaman. July 11, 1864 Alleghany; deserted July 16, 1864.
Hall, Samuel Landsman. April 21, 1864 Sept. 7, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and St. Mary's.
Hall, Thomas Coal Heaver. Aug. 26, 1862 Oct. 7, 1863 Alleghany, Princeton and Philadelphia.
Hall, William A. 2d Cl. Fireman Aug. 18, 1864 June 23, 1865 Alleghany, Rescue, Stepping Stones and Navy Yard, Washington.
Halliday, John Landsman. Aug. 11, 1864 June 5, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine and North Carolina.
Hallman, Henry Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 20, 1865 Bat and Montgomery.
Hallowell, John Seaman. June 13, 1862 Jan. 26, 1865 Alleghany, Gemsbok and Paul Jones.
Hallowell, John Seaman. Feb. 7, 1865 Feb. 8, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Halpin, James Landsman. April 12, 1861 Alleghany to Mar. 31, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Ham, James Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 April 5, 1865 Monticello and Hospital Norfolk.
Hamilton, Charles Landsman. May 2, 1864 May 31, 1865 Alleghany, Naval Academy and Macedonian.
Hamilton, Charles Landsman. Aug. 8, 1864 Nov. 13, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Clinton, Nyack and Vermont.
Hamilton, Francis Landsman. July 29, 1864 Alleghany and Pontiac; appointed Captain's Clerk, Oct. 1, 1864.
Hamilton, George H. Landsman. Feb. 14, 1862 Aug. 18, 1863 Princeton, Victoria and Hospital Norfolk.
Hamilton, George D. Landsman. Mar. 9, 1865 Dec. 19, 1866 Alleghany, Seneca and Chicopee.
Hamilton, John 2d Cl. Fireman July 11, 1864 Alleghany, Don, Anacostia, Fuchsia and Navy Yard, Washington; deserted Aug. 21, 1865.
Hamilton, Thomas H. Landsman. Mar. 9, 1865 Dec. 19, 1866 Alleghany, Seneca and Chicopee.
Hamlin, Charles Ord. Seaman. June 29, 1864 Alleghany; deserted July 16, 1864.
Hammer, August F. Landsman. Oct. 22, 1861 Feb. 18, 1862 Ohio.
Hammond, Benjamin Landsman. Sept. 17, 1861 Dec. 1, 1861 North Carolina and Alabama.
Hammond, George 2d Cl. Fireman July 9, 1862 Princeton, Massachusetts and North Carolina; deserted.
Hammond, James Landsman. Nov. 11, 1863 Nov. 11, 1864 Navy Yard, Washington.
Hammond, Thomas Landsman. April 22, 1864 July 11, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and Valparaiso.
Hance, Lemuel Landsman. April 20, 1864 Aug. 21, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton and Santiago de Cuba.
Hance, William G. Seaman. Jan. 7, 1862 Jan. 26, 1864 Princeton and Hartford.
Hand, Charles E. Landsman. Oct. 19, 1864 Alleghany and J. N. Seymour; deserted.
Hand, Richard Ord. Seaman. Nov. 2, 1864 Alleghany; deserted Nov. 29, 1864.
Handibode, John 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 25, 1864 Oct. '3, 1865 Alleghany and Iroquois.
Handy, Alexander Landsman. Aug. 18, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota, Astor, Kansas to Princeton, May 4, 1865; failed to report, records U. S. N. Dept.
Handy, Charles Landsman. April 22, 1864 Aug. 21, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and Norwich.
Handy, George Landsman. April 20, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, Massachusetts and New Hampshire; died Jan. 10, 1865.
Handy, Randolph 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 23, 1865 Feb. 23, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Lancaster, St. Mary's and Independence.
Handy, Robert F. Ord. Seaman. June 23, 1862 July 13, 1864 Ohio, Sonoma and Octorara.
Handy, William Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Hanes, Frank Seaman. May 10, 1861 April 3, 1862 North Carolina, Rhode Island and Princeton.
Hanes, Frank Seaman. Nov. 3, 1862 Feb. 10, 1864 North Carolina and Colorado.
Haney, Henry Landsman. Aug. 29, 1864 June 30, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Macedonian.
Hannan, William Ord. Seaman. Sept. 24, 1861 Alleghany, Keystone State, Adirondack and Wachusetts; deserted Jan. 12, 1865.
Hanner, Abner Landsman. Feb. 29, 186<i July 17, 1863 Monticello.
Hansen, William H. Landsman. Feb. 16, 1865 Feb. 15, 1867 Alleghany, Constellation and Jean Sands.
Hanson, Elias 1st Cl. Fireman Oct. 31, 1864 June 5, 1865 Alleghany, Morse, Receiving Ship at Washington.
Hanson, Jacob Landsman. Aug. 18, 1864 June 15, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Calypso.
Hanson, John Landsman. Aug. 9, 1864 June 28, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine and Britannia.
Hanson, John Landsman. Mar. 20, 1865 April 13, 1866 Alleghany, Seneca, Roman, St. Lawrence and Constellation.
Hanson, John H. Landsman. Mar. 20, 1865 Alleghany, Seneca, Roman, St. Lawrence and Susquehanna; deserted Nov. 20, 1865.
Hanson, Peter 2d Cl. Fireman Nov. 3, 1864 Oct. 24, 1865 Alleghany and Malvern.
Hard, Jacob Landsman. Aug. 12, 1863 Aug. 11, 1864 North Carolina and Grand Gulf.
Hardcastle, Henry Landsman. Feb. 14, 1865 Feb. 5, 1867 Alleghany, Constellation, Aries, Supply, Sabine and Vermont.
Hardy, Mathias Landsman. Feb. 10, 1864 an. 20, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Chicopee.
Hardy, Samuel Landsman. June 6, 1864 May 11, 1865 Alleghany, Daylight, Eutaw and Vermont.
Harig, William st Cl. Fireman Oct. 12, 1863 July, 1865 North Carolina, Glaucus, Minnesota, Harcourt, Wyandank and Periwinkle.
Harington, Henry Seaman. Jan. 30, 1862 Alleghany and Pinola; deserted Nov. 8, 1863.
Harker, William G. Landsman. Dec. 10, 1863 Feb. 14, 1865 Alleghany, Winona, Vermont, New Hampshire and Bay Point Station.
Harkness, James Coal Heaver. May 15, 1862 June 8, 1865 Alleghany, New Hampshire, Jonquil, Valparaiso and Patapsco.
Harkness, John Ord. Seaman. June 10, 1862 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Paul Jones, New Hampshire and Valparaiso.
Harley, Robert Seaman. Oct. 1, 1862 Aug. 26, 1863 Alleghany, Norfolk Packet and Quaker City.
Harly, John Landsman. Mar. 2, 1865 Oct. 26, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita and Vermont.
Harman, James Ord. Seaman. Oct. 2, 1863 Aug. 22, 1865 Alleghany and Penguin.
Harman, William Landsman. Aug. 22, 1864 Aug. 16, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Ft. Donnelson.
Harmon, George Seaman. Nov. 29, 1862 July 18, 1865 Alleghany, Racer, Nahant and Camelia.
Harmon, William P. Landsman. Aug. 12, 1863 Aug. 11, 1864 Alleghany and Morse.
Harper, John Seaman. April 23, 1864 April 26, 1866 Grampus, Clara Dolsen, Chickasaw, Fearnot and Chocura.
Harper, John A. 1st Class Boy. Sept. 10, 1863 July 15, 1865 Navy Yard, Washington, Eureka and Heliotrope.
Harper, William Seaman. Aug. 1, 1864 Jan. 17, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Mt. Vernon and Hospital Norfolk.
Harps, William Ord. Seaman. Aug. 27, 1861 Dec. 10, 1862 Ohio and Kingfisher.
Harrig, William 1st Cl. Fireman Jan. 24, 1865 July 31, 1865 Alleghany and Potomac Flotilla.
Harrigan, Patrick Ord. Seaman. April 3, 1865 Alleghany, De Soto, and Dacotah; deserted Mar. 3, 1867.
Harrington, John Seaman. Nov. 28, 1864 Alleghany and Morse; deserted June 3, 1865.
Harris, Alexander Landsman. April 25, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany; died Nov. 18, 1864.
Harris, David Ord. Seaman. April 16, 1863 Alleghany, Gen. Putnam and Potomac Flotilla; deserted May 21, 1865.
Harris, George Landsman. June 20, 1864 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Massachusetts and Pawnee.
Harris, George M. Landsman. Aug. 28, 1863 Aug. 28, 1864 Navy Yard, Washington, and Wm. Bacon.
Harris, James Seaman. Oct. 31, 1864 Alleghany, Matthew Vassar and Mercedita; transferred to Princeton, July 11, 1865; failed to report, records U. S. N. Department.
Harris, James Ord. Seaman. Mar. 16, 1865 Alleghany; on Mercedita to Sept. 8, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Harris, John Landsman. Mar. 26, 1863 North Carolina; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Dept.
Harris, Joseph Landsman. April 23, 1864 June 12, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and Wabash.
Harris, Joseph Landsman. April 22, 1864 Sept. 6, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, Norfolk Packet, New Hampshire, Oleander and Vermont.
Harris, Peter Ord. Seaman. Nov. 10, 1864 Aug. 25, 1865 Ohio, San Jacinto, Proteus, Hendrick Hudson and Princeton.
Harris, Peter Landsman. Oct. 25, 1862 Oct. 24, 1863 Ohio, Ossipee and Jacob Bell.
Harris, Richard Landsman. Aug. 11, 1864 Aug. 7, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine and Ft. Jackson.
Harris, Richard T. Landsman. Sept. 2, 1864 July 20, 1865 Alleghany, Roanoke, Malvern and Vandalia.
Harris, Thomas Seaman. April 4, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita, Hospital Pensacola, and North Carolina; deserted Aug. 1, 1865.
Harris, William Seaman. July 25, 1862 Mar. 20, 1863 North Carolina, Bainbridge, Ella and Potomac Flotilla
Harris, William Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 31, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac, Narragansett and Savannah.
Harris, William Seaman. Aug. 3, 1864 May 9, 1865 Alleghany, Roanoke, Sam. Rotan and Great Western.
Harris, William Seaman. Mar. 23, 1863 May 11, 1864 Ohio, Seminole and Pensacola.
Harrison, Alexander Landsman. May 30, 1864 May 12, 1865 Alleghany, Tritonia and Malvern.
Harrison, Charles Landsman. May 23, 1861 Sept. 6, 1862 Alleghany, Wissahickon and Naval Hospital, Philadelphia.
Harrison, Francis S. Coal Heaver. Feb. 3, 1863 Alleghany and State of Georgia; deserted Sept. 1, 1863.
Harrison, George W. 2d Class Boy. June 22, 1864 July 5, 1866 Alleghany, Daylight, Eutaw, Union, Memphis, Idaho and Vermont.
Harrison, James Seaman. Feb. 14, 1865 Aug. 31, 1865 Alleghany, Hetzel, Aries and Ohio.
Harrison, Samuel Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Harrison, Stephen J. Landsman. April 25, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Harrison, William Seaman. June 1, 1863 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Harrison, William Seaman. July 29, 1863 Alleghany and Nansemond; deserted Dec. 10, 1863.
Harrison, Wm. H. Landsman. July 23, 1864 Alleghany, Don and Adolph Hugel; deserted May 27, 1865.
Harrison, Wm. H. (2) Landsman. July 22, 1864 Alleghany, Potomac Flotilla and Navy Yard, Washington; deserted June 30, 1865.
Hart, James T. 1st Cl. Fireman Feb. 3, 1865 May 9, 1865 Alleghany, Constellation, Boxer, and Hospital Norfolk.
Hart, James T. Coal Heaver. Jan. 12, 1864 Feb. 27, 1865 North Carolina, Arizona and Hollyhock.
Hart, John Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 30, 1865 Commo. Morris and Montgomery.
Hart, John Landsman. Dec. 30, 1863 Navy Yard, Washington, Commo. Read, Matthew Vassar and Wyandank; deserted Dec. 24, 1864.
Hartigan, John 1st Class Boy. May 24, 1861 June 29, 1864 Alleghany and Hartford.
Hartigan, Thomas Seaman. Jan. 5, 1863 May 17, 1864 Ohio and Pensacola.
Hartlon, George Landsman. Mar. 17, 1865 Dec. 19, 1866 Alleghany, Seneca and Chicopee.
Hartlove, John W. 2d Cl. Fireman June 14, 1864 May 8, 1865 Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham, Portsmouth and Vermont.
Hartman, Henry Landsman. Dec. 15, 1862 Alleghany and Mt. Washington; deserted Sept. 2, 1863.
Hartman, John Seaman. Oct. 17, 1864 Alleghany; failed to appear, records, U. S. N. Dept.
Hartshorn, Edward Landsman. July 27, 1863 July 15, 1865 Alleghany, Resolute and Teazer.
Hartsook, John W. Landsman. Aug. 19, 1863 Oct. 24, 1863 Navy Yard, Washington, and Anacostia.
Harvey, James Seaman. June 17, 1863 North Carolina and San Jacinto; deserted Oct. 26, 1863.
Harvey, William Seaman. Jan. 7, 1863 Aug. 28, 1865 Alleghany, State of Georgia, Shenandoah, Huntsville and Roanoke.
Harvey, William H. Ord. Seaman. May 23, 1863 Clara Dolsen and Argosy; deserted July 20, 1863.
Harwood, Samuel R. 2d Class Boy. Aug. 14, 1862 Oct. 24, 1865 Princeton and Jamestown.
Hass, Peter J. Ord. Seaman. Sept. 24, 1861 Alleghany and Wissahickon; died Feb. 21, 1862.
Hasson, William W. Seaman. Jan. 31, 1862 North Carolina, Dacotah, Seminole, and North Carolina; deserted Dec. 6, 1862.
Haswell, Jno. H. C. Landsman. Aug. 29, 1864 Alleghany and Minnesota; killed Jan. 16, 1865.
Hatten, Richard 1st Class Boy. Oct. 30, 1861 Sept. 23, 1864 Princeton and Hatteras.
Hatton, John C. 2d Class Boy. Sept. 8, 1863 May 25, 1865 Alleghany, Dacotah and Cambridge.
Haukins, George Landsman. July 27, 1864 Oct. 14, 1865 Fuchsia, Western World and Navy Yard, Washington.
Hawkins, Edward Landsman. April 20, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Vandalia and Princeton; died July 10, 1864.
Hawkins, Elias Landsman. April 21, 1864 May 22, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Independence and Vermont.
Hawkins, George W. Ord. Seaman. Feb. 17, 1865 Feb. 29, 1868 Alleghany, Independence, Saginaw and Mohican.
Hawkins, Henry Landsman. April 25, 1864 Aug. 21, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, New Hampshire, Norwich and Princeton.
Hawkins, Henry Landsman. April 22, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Hawkins, James H. Landsman. Feb. 26, 1863 Mar. 17, 1864 North Carolina and Seminole.
Hawkins, John Landsman. Aug. 25, 1864 May 25, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Vandalia.
Hawkins, Joseph A. Landsman. Nov. 3, 1862 Mar. 5, 1863 Ohio, Huron and Princeton.
Hayde, Thomas Seaman. Feb. 21, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita and Vermont; deserted Oct. 5, 1865.
Hayden, John 1st Class Boy. July 26, 1864 May 4, 1867 King Philip, Idaho, Madawaska and Memphis.
Hayden, Joseph B. Seaman. Dec. 4, 1862 Mar. 14, 1864 North Carolina and Connecticut.
Hayden, W. J. King Ord. Seaman. April 20, 1864 Jan. 2, 1865 Transferred from 9th U. S. C. T. ; Jacob Bell and Navy Yard, Washington.
Hayes, George Landsman. Feb. 7, 1863 Oct. 24, 1865 Alleghany, Ceres, Miami and Malvern.
Hayes, John Seaman. Feb. 1, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Hayes, John L. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 July 19, 1865 Monticello.
Hayes, Michael Coal Heaver. Aug. 11, 1863 Aug. 24, 1864 Alleghany and Dacotah.
Hayes, Wesley Landsman. Dec. 15, 1863 Jan. 25, 1865 Ohio, Flag and Sangamon.
Hayne, Michael Landsman. May 27, 1862 Oct. 4, 1862 Alleghany and Brandywine.
Haynes, John Seaman. Aug. 1, 1862 Alleghany and Wyandank to April 14, 1863; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Hays, Daniel Ord. Seaman. Aug. 29, 1861 Princeton and Wissahickon; July 26, 1862, sent to hospital at Pilot Town; no further record, U. S. N. Dept.
Hays, William 2d Cl. Fireman Mar. 8, 1865 Dec. 19, 1866 Alleghany, Seneca and Chicopee.
Hayse, John W. Ord. Seaman. July 30, 1864 Jan. 3, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Tacony.
Hayse, Joshua Landsman. Feb. 4, 1864 Mar. 7, 1865 Alleghany, Winona and Princeton.
Hazard, Henry H. Ord. Seaman. Feb. 2], 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Hazel, Patrick Coal Heaver. Feb. 6, 1864 Feb. 5, 1865 North Carolina and Merrimac.
Hazelton, Alexander Landsman. April 20, 1864 July 31, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, Gov. Buckingham and Wyandank.
Hazelton, Robert Landsman. Oct. 23, 1861 May 3, 1862 North Carolina and Sheppard Knapp.
Hazleton, Soloman Landsman. Feb. 12, 1864 Feb. 19, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing, Chicopee and Miami.
Head, Benjamin Landsman. Aug. 12, 1862 Alleghany and Maratanza; killed in action, May 3, 1863.
Headley, Thomas B. Seaman. Dec. 2, 1864 April 24, 1865 Alleghany, R. R. Cuyler and Hospital Norfolk.
Healy, James Ord. Seaman. June 16, 1862 Alleghany, Baltimore and Paul Jones; deserted Sept. 30, 1863.
Heapley, John Ord. Seaman. April 9, 1861 Alleghany and Pawnee; deserted Aug. 20, 1861.
Heath, John Ord. Seaman. May 21, 1861 May 7, 1863 North Carolina and Santee.
Hedgecock, Sol. F. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 20, 1865 Montgomery.
Heenan, Frank Seaman. Feb. 24, 1864 Alleghany and Commo. Perry; deserted May 4, 1864.
Heighker, John Landsman. Aug. 22, 1864 June 30, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Macedonian.
Height, Joseph Landsman. Aug. 20, 1863 June 14, 1865 Alleghany, Maratanza, Brandy wine and Zouave.
Heim, Philip Landsman. Mar. 2, 1865 April 5, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Suwanee and Vermont.
Heins, William Landsman. Mar. 3, 1863 Alleghany, Brandy wine and Commo. Jones; vessel lost Mar. 31, 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Heiner, Jacob 2d Class Boy. May 7, 1862 May 6, 1865 Alleghany, Mt. Vernon and Roanoke.
Heisner, Charles Landsman. Aug. 14, 1862 Jan. 23, 1863 Alleghany and Wyandank.
Heith, Virgil Landsman. May 28, 1864 May 27, 1867 Alleghany, Daylight, Shenandoah, New Hampshire and Conemaugh.
Helmling, Thomas C. 2d Class Boy. July 8, 1863 May 27, 1865 Alleghany, Dacotah and Cambridge.
Hely, Hampden 2d Cl. Fireman Mar. 13, 1865 Sept. 19, 1865 Alleghany.
Hemmingway, James Ord. Seaman. June 26, 1862 June 29, 1864 Ohio, R. R. Cuyler, Metacomet and Donegal.
Hemsley, Levi Landsman. Aug. 11, 1864 Sept. 28, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota and Hospital Norfolk.
Hemsley, William Landsman. July 19, 1864 July 10, 1867 Alleghany, Don, Teazer and De Soto.
Hemsley, William Landsman. April 23, 1864 July 10, 1867 Commo. Read, Washington Navy Yard, Alleghany and De Soto.
Hemss, George Coal Heaver. May 14, 1862 Feb. 19, 1867 Alleghany, Constellation, Powhatan, Ino, Tallapoosa and Ironclads at New Orleans.
Henderson, Charles Landsman. July 27, 1863 North Carolina and Katahdin to Oct. 2, 1863; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Henderson, Cruso Ord. Seaman. Oct. 25, 1864 Aug. 23, 1865 Alleghany, Roanoke and Vermont.
Henderson, Geo. A. Landsman. Aug. 29, 1864 May 29, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Vicksburg and North Carolina.
Henderson, James Coal Heaver. June 4, 1863 May 11, 1865 Alleghany and Eutaw.
Henderson, John Coal Heaver. Aug. 14, 1862 Alleghany and Valley City; deserted.
Henderson, Robert 2d Class Boy. Dec. 18, 1863 Alleghany and Winona; deserted July 2, 1865.
Henderson, Thomas 1st Cl. Fireman May 10, 1862 May 27, 1865 Alleghany, Paul Jones and Mahaska.
Hendren, James B. Landsman. Aug. 19, 1863 Sept. 13, 1864 North Carolina, Paul Jones, Vermont and New Hampshire.
Henn, George Landsman. Feb. 20, 1865 Feb. 19, 1867 Alleghany, Hetzel, Powhatan, Ino, Tallapoosa, Oneota and Kickapoo.
Henries, Richard Landsman. April 23, 1864 Sept. 7, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and St. Mary's.
Henry, Alexander Coal Heaver. Mar. 29, 1862 Mar. 30, 1865 Alleghany, Monticello and Bermuda.
Henry, Andrew Landsman. May 16, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Ino and Vermont.
Henry, George P. 1st Class Boy. May 24, 1861 Dec. 24, 1864 Alleghany and Hartford.
Henry, James 2d Cl. Fireman Sept. 29, 1864 Aug. 27, 1866 Alleghany, Banshee, Hornet and Ascutney.
Henry, James 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 4, 1863 Feb. 14, 1865 Ohio and Flag.
Henry, James Landsman. July 28, 1863 July 28, 1864 North Carolina and Union.
Henry, John Landsman. April 23, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Cyane; drowned June 11, 1864.
Henry, John Coal Heaver. Feb. 11, 1864 North Carolina and Mendota; deserted May 11, 1864.
Henry, John Landsman. Feb. 19, 1864 Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry and Albemarle.
Henry, John 1st Cl. Fireman Oct. 25, 1864 Oct. 24, 1865 Alleghany and Malvern.
Henry, John Landsman. Dec. 3, 1862 June 24, 1863 Alleghany and Sophronia.
Henry, Louis Ord. Seaman. July 23, 1861 Aug. 2, 1864 Ohio, Sabine, Ticonderoga, Rhode Island and Guard.
Henry, Peter Landsman. April 22, 1864 Aug. 23, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash and St. Lawrence.
Henry, Robert Ord. Seaman. July 7, 1864 Alleghany, Don and Ella; deserted Oct. 10, 1864.
Henry, William Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane and Lancaster.
Hensen, John Landsman. Feb. 16, 1864 Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing, Chickopee and Hunchback.
Henslow, Robert Landsman. July 30, 1862 Alleghany, Maratanza and Morse; deserted Nov. 30, 1864.
Henson, James Landsman. Aug. 12, 1863 Aug. 28, 1864 Alleghany and Morse.
Henson, Joseph Landsman. May 24, 1864 May 23, 1866 Alleghany, Daylight, Shenandoah and Conemaugh.
Henson, Joseph H. Landsman. Oct. 15, 1863 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Henson, William S. Landsman. June 18, 1863 June 8, 1864 Robert Leslie.
Herbert, Charles Seaman. Dec. 30, 1864 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Herbert, Isaac H. 1st Class Boy. June 3, 1864 Alleghany, Potomska and Memphis; on Vermont to April 25, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Dept.
Herding, Peter Landsman. Mar. 7, 1865 Mar. 6, 1867 Alleghany, Independence and Saginaw.
Herford, Samuel H. 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 24, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Herford, Samuel S. 2d Cl. Fireman April 18, 1860 Feb. 12, 1868 Richmond and Wyoming.
Hergesheimer, Christopher 1st Cl. Firemai Feb. 16, 186 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Hernandez, Carlos Seaman. Mar. 31, 1865 Alleghany and Cyane; deserted June 23, 1865.
Herr, Charles 2d Cl. Fireman Sept. 22, 1864 July 24, 1865 Alleghany, Tuscarora and Ohio.
Herzog, Ferd. Seaman. May 21, 1861 May 24, 1864 Alleghany and Lafayette.
Heselton, Thomas 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 13, 1865 Alleghany and Fuchsia; deserted July 31, 1865.
Hettle, George Landsman. Mar. 8, 1865 Mar. 25, 1867 Alleghany, Cyane, St. Mary's, Wateree and Vermont.
Hevener, Harry Landsman. Mar. 12, 1861 Princeton and Water Witch; deserted April 19, 1862.
Hevener, Harry Seaman. June 8, 1865 June 8, 1868 Alleghany and De Soto.
Hevener, Harvey Landsman. July 15, 1862 May 22, 1865 Alleghany, Underwriter, Newbern and Miami.
Hewett, James Coal Heaver, Aug. 21, 1863 Alleghany; deserted Dec. 31, 1863.
Hibler, Wesley Landsman. June 7, 1864 Alleghany, Zouave and Wyandotte; deserted May 14, 1865.
Hickey, John Ord. Seaman. Dec. 11, 1863 Dec. 6, 1864 Ohio and Niphon.
Hicks, Charles Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 27, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Hicks, Charles Landsman. Feb. 9, 1864 Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Albemarle.
Higgins, Albert M. Ord. Seaman. Sept. 16, 1864 Alleghany and Primrose; deserted June 7, 1865.
Higgins, George Coal Heaver. May 11, 1863 May 11, 1865 Alleghany and Eutaw.
Higgins, Henry Seaman. Mar. 21, 1865 Alleghany and De Soto; deserted Feb. 27, 1866.
Higgins, Thomas 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 8, 1865 Alleghany; deserted Mar. 20, 1865.
Higgins, William T. Fireman and Oiler. Sept. 1, 1861 Jan. 1, 1866 Tiger, Hercules and Nemaha; serving as Mess Cook, Ord. Seaman, Coal Passer, Fireman and Oiler.
High, Francis Coal Heaver. Oct. 7, 1862 Princeton and Keystone State; deserted.
High, Oliver Landsman. Aug. 30, 1864 June 12, 1865 Alleghany, Rescue, Stepping Stones, A. Hugel and Receiving Ship at Washington.
High, Samuel 1st Class Boy. Nov. 6, 1863 July 10, 1865 Alleghany, Aries and Ohio.
Hildebrand, Chas. J. Landsman. July 26, 1862 June 16, 1865 Alleghany and Lilac.
Hildebrand, Mathew Landsman. Mar. 4, 1863 July 19, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Commo. Jones, Delaware and Saugus.
Hill, Edward Ord. Seaman. Jan. 15, 1863 Dec. 26, 1863 Ohio, North Carolina, Lehigh and Minnesota.
Hill, Elijah Landsman. Aug. 27, 1863 Oct. 10, 1864 North Carolina and Memphis.
Hill, Frederick Seaman. May 23, 1864 Alleghany and Connecticut; deserted July 30, 1864.
Hill, Frederick Ord. Seaman. Feb. 13, 1862 North Carolina, Ohio and Wachusetts; deserted Mar. 8, 1862.
Hill, George W. Ord. Seaman. April 20, 1864 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T.; Jacob Bell and Casco; deserted July 1, 1865.
Hill, Harry Seaman. Oct. 11, 1864 Alleghany, Nansemond and Washington Navy Yard; deserted Aug. 31, 1865.
Hill, Michael Landsman. July 1, 1862 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Underwriter, Mattabassett and Commo. Hull.
Hill, Thomas Ord. Seaman. Jan. 13, 1865 Alleghany; deserted Mar. 3, 1865.
Hill, Thomas E. Landsman. Feb. 24, 1864 July 21, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Victoria, Maratanza and Vandalia.
Hill, Thomas H. Landsman. April 29, 1862 Oct. 29, 1862 Alleghany and Zouave.
Hill, Samuel Landsman. June 3, 1864 June 3, 1867 Alleghany, Daylight, Shenandoah and Conemaugh.
Hill, Samuel H. Landsman. Feb. 5, 1864 Feb. 27, 1865 Princeton and Pocahontas.
Hillary, Thornton S. Landsman. May 24, 1861 Alleghany; deserted Sept. 4, 1861.
Hillery, George W. Ord. Seaman. June 12, 1864 Alleghany and Don; deserted Aug. 13, 1864.
Hilliard, John Landsman. May 10, 1861 North Carolina, Wabash, to North Carolina, Oct. 1, 1861; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Hillnaird, John H. 3d Class Boy. May 14, 1861 North Carolina to May 16, 1861; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Hillry, George W. Ord. Seaman. April 17, 1861 May 26, 1864 North Carolina and Emma.
Hills, William Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Hilseberg, John C. 2d Cl. Fireman Sept. 2, 1863 Sept. 14, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Zouave, Minnesota, Lilac, Nansemond and Cohasset; in engagement on James river.
Hindle, James Landsman. Aug. 2, 1864 Dec. 19, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Aries, Iuka, Powhatan and Mahaska.
Hindle, James Seaman. Nov. 23, 1864 May 29, 1865 Alleghany, Morse and Hospital Norfolk.
Hinds, George 1st Class Boy. Nov. 18, 1863 Mystic and Morse; deserted July 6, 1865.
Hines, Frederick 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 13, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones and Lancaster.
Hinson, Isaac Landsman. April 19, 1864 Jan. 28, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Yucca and Vermont.
Hinson, Thomas Landsman. April 22, 1864 Aug. 21, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and Norwich.
Hinton, Albert Landsman. Aug. 12, 1864 May 13, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine and Osceola.
Hinton, Richard Landsman. April 20, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; failed to appear, records IT. S. N. Department.
Hipkins, John A. Landsman. Sept. 6, 1861 North Carolina to Sept. 17, 1861; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Hirshberg, Moses N. 3d Class Boy April 3, 1865 July 24, 1868 Alleghany, Sabine, Saratoga and Vermont.
Hirst, Enoch Landsman. Feb. 27, 1864 Feb. 28, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Victoria and Onondago.
Hiser, James Landsman. Aug. 23, 1864 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Chippewa.
Hiskey, Albert Fireman. May 21, 1861 July 29, 1864 Alleghany, Pensacola and Monongahela; at capture of New Orleans and Port Hudson; blockade of Mobile.
Hiskey, Edward F. Landsman. Aug. 11, 1862 June 17, 1865 Alleghany and Maratanza.
Hitchens, William Landsman. Feb. 2, 1864 Mar. 16, 1865 Alleghany, Ceres and Constellation.
Hithe, Charles Landsman. April 20, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia and Bermuda; died Sept. 12, 1864.
Hobbs, John Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Nyack, Mohongo and Lancaster.
Hobson, Abner Landsman. April 22, 1864 July 31, 1865 Transferred from 36th U. S. C. T.; Matthew Vassar and Wyandank.
Hodgers, Thomas Seaman. Mar. 17, 1865 Alleghany; deserted April 8, 1865.
Hodges, John T. Fireman. 1864 1865 Kansas.
Hodginson, John Seaman. Oct. 19, 1864 Aug. 23, 1865 Alleghany, Banshee and Princeton.
Hodgman, William 1st Cl. Fireman Jan. 26, 1865 Jan. 11, 1868 Alleghany, Yantic, Pensacola, Potomac, Tallapoosa and Nina.
Hoffman, John Landsman. Sept. 2, 1864 June 20, 1865 Alleghany and Roanoke.
Hoffman, William Landsman. Mar. 3, 1865 April 5, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Suwanee and Vermont.
Hogan, Edward Seaman. Mar. 4, 1863 Alleghany, Crusader, Britannia and Shokokon; deserted July 1, 1865.
Hogan, John 1st Class Boy. May 25, 1864 Jan. 19, 1867 Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham, Vermont and Rhode Island.
Hogan, Peter Ord. Seaman. Mar. 17, 1862 Alleghany, Amanda and Quaker City; deserted Aug. 23, 1862.
Hogan, Thomas 2d Class Boy. June 1, 1864 Jan. 19, 1867 Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham, Vermont and Rhode Island.
Holden, James Landsman. April 20, 1864 June 16, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, Norfolk Packet, New Hampshire and Oleander.
Holder, John Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 20, 1865 Montgomery.
Holien, Antone Landsman. Mar. 15, 1865 Alleghany and Mercedita; deserted Aug. 14, 1365.
Holien, Francis Landsman. Mar. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita, Sangamon and Princeton; deserted May 19, 1866.
Holland, Lawson 2d Cl. Fireman Dec. 13, 1864 July 31, 1865 Alleghany, Dragon and Constellation.
Holland, Price Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 27, 1865 Commo. Morris and North Carolina.
Holland, Thomas Landsman. Jan. 10, 1863 Feb. 13, 1865 North Carolina, Maria Denning, Eastport and Lafayette.
Holland, William Landsman. Mar. 7, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Cyane, Independence, Saranae and Lancaster.
Holland, William Landsman. Mar. 13, 1865 Alleghany, Farrallones and Lancaster; deserted June 25, 1866.
Holliday, John 1st Cl. Fireman Mar. 2, 1865 Alleghany and Mercedita; deserted Oct. 14, 1865.
Hollideyoke, John Landsman. Mar. 9, 1863 Mar. 8, 1864 Navy Yard, Washington, and Cohasset.
Hollingsworth, Jas. Landsman. Feb. 5, 1864 Mar. 7, 1865 Alleghany, Winona, Vermont, New Hampshire and Princeton.
Hollins, Edward Seaman. Dec. 30, 1861 May 15, 1865 Alleghany, Wyoming and Hospital Norfolk.
Hollins, Richard P. Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, St Mary's, Saginaw and Lancaster.
Hollis, Backarack Landsman. April 22, 1864 July 28, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash and Perry.
Hollis, Franklin Landsman. Feb. 19, 1863 North Carolina and Massachusetts; deserted.
Holly, Daniel Landsman. April 23, 1864 July 11, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Fernandina and Pinta.
Holmes, Frank Seaman. July 14, 1864 Alleghany, Zouave and Vermont; deserted June 10, 1865.
Holmes, John Landsman. Nov. 14, 1864 Alleghany and Quaker City; deserted May 2, 1865.
Holmes, John A. Ord. Seaman. Sept. 23, 1863 Sept. 14, 1864 North Carolina and Grand Gulf.
Holmes, William Seaman. Aug. 8, 1864 Sept. 9, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Agamenticus, Princeton, Bienville and Osceola.
Holmes, William 1st Class Boy. July 16, 1863 July 10, 1865 Alleghany, Daylight, Minnesota and Cohasset.
Holse, Dedrick Ord. Seaman. Jan. 26, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Hones, John J. Ord. Seaman. Dec. 7, 1864 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Hook, Charles L. 3d Class Boy. Sept. 28, 1864 April 3, 1865 Alleghany and Sabine.
Hook, John T. Landsman. Aug. 8, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Boxer and Princeton; deserted Dec. 9, 1865.
Hook, Samuel Landsman. Aug. 8, 1862 Alleghany, Octorara and National Guard; deserted.
Hook, William Landsman. May 23, 1861 Alleghany and Richmond; deserted Aug. 14, 1863.
Hooker, Allen H. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Oct. 15, 1864 Commo. Morris and Hospital Norfolk.
Hooker, Caleb Landsman. April 19, 1864 July 11, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash and St. Lawrence.
Hooper, James Landsman. Jan. 12, 1S64 July 7, 1865 Alleghany and Shokokon.
Hooper, John W. Landsman. Sept. 1, 1864 Alleghany, Tuscarora to June 30, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Hooper, Joseph Landsman. Aug. 17, 1864 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Atlanta.
Hooper, Joseph M. Landsman. May 31, 1861 May 28, 1864 Alleghany, State of Georgia and Massachusetts.
Hooper, Josiah Landsman. April 20, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Hooper, Thomas H. Landsman. Mar. 9, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones and Lancaster.
Hooper, William H. Seaman. Dec. 1, 1862 North Carolina and Connecticut; deserted.
Hooper, William H. Seaman. June 24, 1863 June 24, 1864 Grampus and Victory.
Hope, John Seaman. Oct. 17, 1864 Alleghany and Banshee; deserted.
Hopewell, James T. Ord. Seaman. Oct. 13, 1862 Oct. 12, 1863 North Carolina, Dacotah and Commo. Barney.
Hopkins, John S. Ord. Sergt. M.C. Dec. 4, 1861 Jan. 18, 1865 Pawnee, Brooklyn, Alleghany and Maratanza.
Hopkins, Joseph Ord. Seaman. Sept. 19, 1863 Dec. 19, 1864 Ohio.
Hopkins, Thomas 2d Cl. Fireman Nov. 18, 1864 July 1, 1865 Alleghany, Wyandank, Fuchsia, Anacostia, Receiving Ship at Washington.
Hopkins, Thomas R. Seaman. June 30, 1862 Dec. 21, 1864 Alleghany, Underwriter and Miami.
Horn, A. A. Landsman. May 17, 1861 June 23, 1864 Alleghany, Monticello and New Ironsides.
Horn, Alexander J. Landsman. Feb. 21, 1865 Oct. 14, 1865 Alleghany and Mercedita.
Horn, Robert Landsman. Oct. 13, 1863 June 29, 1864 Ohio, Sassacus and Acacia.
Home, Patrick J. Landsman. Feb. 17, 1865 Aug. 24, 1865 Alleghany, Hetzel, Powhatan and Ohio.
Horner, John F. Landsman. Mar. 20, 1865 Dec. 15, 1866 Alleghany, Mercedita, Brooklyn, Shawmut and Vermont.
Homey, Charles E. Ord. Seaman. June 17, 1861 Nov. 2, 1864 Alleghany, St. Lawrence and Aries.
Horney, Charles E. Ord. Seaman. Jan. 5, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Horney, James Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Saginaw and Lancaster.
Horney, Thomas E. Seaman. 1864 1865 Jamestown and Galena.
Horney, John N. Marine. 1864 1865 Mingo and Cimarron.
Horney, William F. Landsman. April 25, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Horse, Charles Landsman. Dec. 17, 1862 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, State of Georgia, Morse, Young Rover, Minnesota and Atlanta.
Horwagon, John 1st Class Boy. Sept. 5, 1864 June 16, 1865 Great Western, Choctaw and Peri.
Houben, Frederick Landsman. Aug. 30, 1864 Aug. 29, 1867 Alleghany, Roanoke, Shawmut and Peoria.
Houck, Charles Landsman. Mar. 22, 1865 Mar. 21, 1867 Alleghany, Seneca, Roman, St. Lawrence and Agawam.
Houk, John Coal Heaver. Jan. 30, 1864 Aug. 26, 1864 North Carolina, Tritonia and Malvern.
Houlaham, Michael Seaman. May 5, 1862 Dec. 23, 1862 Alleghany and Mt. Vernon.
House, Conrade Landsman. Aug. 16, 1862 May 15, 1865 Alleghany, Valley City and Perry; taken prisoner Dec. 5, 1863.
House, James C. Landsman. June 15, 1861 June 16, 1864 Princeton, St. Lawrence and Tahoma.
Houser, Henry F. Ord. Seaman. Feb. 4, 1S62 June 14, 1865 Alleghany, Wachusetts, Alleghany, Dacotah and Gettysburg.
How, George Landsman. Aug. 24, 1863 Alleghany and Daylight; deserted July 19, 1864.
Howard, Emory Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 25, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Wateree and Vermont.
Howard, Enoch Landsman. April 20, 1864 May 27, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, Cimarron and New Hampshire.
Howard, George Landsman. Aug. 2, 1864 Jan. 7, 1865 Alleghany and St. Lawrence.
Howard, George Seaman. Oct. 11, 1864 July 31, 1865 Alleghany and Nansemond.
Howard, Henry Landsman. April 13, 1863 June 20, 1866 Alleghany, Mahaska, Nipsic and Susquehanna.
Howard, Henry Landsman. Mar. 31, 1865 Jan. 26, 1867 Alleghany, Wyoming, Hartford, Relief and Vermont.
Howard, Isaiah Landsman. May 19, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Ino and Vermont.
Howard, James Landsman. May 6, 1864 May 23, 1865 North Carolina, Cactus and Hospital Norfolk.
Howard, James M. Landsman. April 25, 1864 June 4, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St Mary's, Emma Henry and Wasp.
Howard, James N. Seaman. May 19, 1863 July 23, 1864 North Carolina, Sumpter, Brandywine, Hetzel and Albemarle.
Howard, James N. Seaman. Aug. 1, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Mt. Vernon, Mackinaw and Vandalia; deserted June 20, 1865.
Howard, John Landsman. Mar. 15, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Howard, John H. Landsman. April 25, 1864 July 31, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T.; Matthew Vassar, Sophronia and Wyandank.
Howard, John W. Coal Heaver. Feb. 3, 1863 Alleghany, State of Georgia and Princeton; deserted Aug. 10, 1863.
Howard, Wesley Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 June 15, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Calypso.
Howard, William Landsman. April 22, 1864 Feb. 7, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Stettin, Squando, Naval Academy, Santee, Saco, Savannah. Nina, New Hampshire and Vermont.
Howard, William Landsman. Feb. 10, 1864 Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Albemarle.
Howard, William Landsman. Feb. 27, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones and Lancaster.
Howard, William Seaman. May 15, 1861 July 26, 1864 North Carolina, Santee and Sonoma.
Howe, John P. 1st Cl. Fireman Jan. 23, 1862 Nov. 18, 1862 North Carolina and Oneida.
Howe, Malachi Landsman. Feb. 10, 1864 Jan. 20, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Chicopee.
Hoy, William T. Seaman. July 31, 1862 Mar. 23, 1864 Alleghany and Maratanza.
Hubbard, Alonzo F. Landsman. June 26, 1864 June 25, 1865 Alleghany, Rescue and Navy Yard, Washington.
Hubbard, George D. 1st Class Boy. May 17, 1861 June 6, 1864 Alleghany, Underwriter and Hetzel.
Hubbard, John Landsman. Aug. 15, 1864 Sept. 5, 1864 Alleghany.
Hubbard, Perry Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Hubbard, Thomas Coal Heaver. May 12, 1862. Alleghany to June 9, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Hubbard, William Landsman. June 8, 1863 Aug. 29, 1865 Alleghany, Eutaw, Morse, Daylight and Emma.
Hubbell, Joseph Ord. Seaman. Aug. 12, 1862 June 17, 1865 Alleghany and Maratanza.
Hubble, Joseph Ord. Seaman. May 23, 1861 Nov. 21, 1861 Alleghany and Navy Yard, Washington.
Huddy, John Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Kansas; deserted Sept. 22, 1864.
Hudson, George E. Landsman. May 15, 1863 June 20, 1864 North Carolina, San Jacinto and Savannah.
Huff, John Coal Heaver. Dec. 2, 1862 Princeton and Juniata; deserted.
Hughes, Benjamin H. Landsman. Sept. 16, 1864 Aug. 26, 1865 Alleghany, Tuscarora and Huntsville.
Hughes, Edward Landsman. July 16, 1863 July 22, 1863 North Carolina.
Hughes, Edward Act. Boatsw'n. Nov. 18, 1862 Mar. 12, 1866 North Carolina, Circassian, Commo. McDonough, Unadilla and New Hampshire.
Hughes, George F. Ord. Seaman. May 14, 1864 Ohio and Sabine; deserted.
Hughes, George T. Ord. Seaman. Jan. 21, 1863 May 14, 18b4 North Carolina, Wamsutta, Princeton and Ohio.
Hughes, Henry 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 16, 1865 Aug. 24, 1865 Alleghany, Wyandank and Anacostia.
Hughes, Jacob H. 1st Cl. Fireman 1862 1865 Paul Jones and Pawnee.
Hughes, John Landsman. June 6, 1864 May 30, 1865 Alleghany and Don.
Hughes, Joseph Ord. Seaman. Sept. 22, 1862 Alleghany and Mt. Vernon; deserted April 17, 1863.
Hughes, William Seaman. Aug. 24, 1863 Aug. 23, 1864 Alleghany, Daylight and Violet.
Hughes, William 1st Cl. Fireman Jan. 23, 1865 Jan. 23, 1868 Alleghany, Banshee, Don, Hornet and Shamrock.
Hughlett, William Seaman. Aug. 30, 1864 July 31, 1865 Alleghany and Rescue.
Hughson, Edward Landsman. April 23, 1864 Aug. 21, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wissahickon and A. Houghton
Hull, George Ord. Seaman. Nov. 29, 1864 Alleghany and Keystone State; deserted Mar. 25, 1865.
Hull, Joseph Seaman. April 12, 1865 Alleghany, Seneca and Chicopee to Aug. 31, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Hummell, Edward Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 27, 1865 Commo. Morris and North Carolina.
Humphris, William Landsman. May 11, 1861 North Carolina; no further record, U. S. N. Dept.
Humphrys, Elias Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 25, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Wateree and Vermont.
Hunt, James Landsman. April 23, 1864 Sept. 4, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton and Fernandina.
Hunt, Robert Landsman. Jan. 21, 1863 Jan. 20, 1864 North Carolina, Sheppard Knapp and Fort Jackson.
Hunter, William Seaman. Oct. 16, 1862 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Hunter, William R. Landsman. Aug. 14, 1862 July 26, 1865 Alleghany, Philadelphia and Pawnee.
Hurburt, Robert J. Seaman. Sept. 23, 1862 Nov. 6, 1865 Ohio, Sabine, Sumter, Ceres, Hetzel and Miami.
Hurst, John 1st Cl. Fireman Feb. 13, 1865 April 25, 1867 Alleghany and De Soto.
Hutchins, Alexander Landsman. Sept. 29, 1862 June 17, 1865 Alleghany and Mt. Vernon.
Hutchins, James Landsman. Oct. 17, 1861 North Carolina and Onward; deserted Nov. 2, 1862.
Hutchins, Theodore 2d Cl. Fireman Oct. 23, 1863 Jan. 6, 1865 Princeton, Powhatan, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Lehigh.
Hutchinson, Lewis Ord. Seaman. June 23, 1864 June 21, 1865 Princeton and Juniata.
Huth, Michael Landsman. Nov. 29, 1864 Alleghany, R. R. Cuyler and Florida; Deserted Dec. 19, 1865.
Hutson, George O. Coal Heaver. June 3, 1863 Jan. 23, 1861 Alleghany and Eutaw.
Hutson, William H. Coal Heaver. May 26, 1863 May 11, 1863 Alleghany and Eutaw.
Hutt, Sandy Landsman. Sept. 10, 1862 Sabine, Colorado, Pembina and North Carolina; deserted Oct. 1, 1863.
Hyman, Henry C. Landsman. Jan. 28, 1862 April 7, 1865 Alleghany and Pinola.
Hyson, Albert S. Landsman. July 30, 1862 June 17, 1865 Alleghany and Maratanza.

Volunteers - I

Click the "Expand" buttons to the right to view the rosters for the Sailors of this branch.

Last Names Beginning with "I"
Name Rank or
Date of
or Shipment
Date of
Vessels Served on
and Remarks
Idlett, Isaac Landsman. April 19, 1864 July 11, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton and St. Lawrence.
Imes, Philip Landsman. April 22, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Imes, Reizin Landsman. April 22, 1861 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, NorthCarolina and Lancaster.
Inlay, Charles Ord. Seaman. Nov. 23, 1864 Alleghany, R. R. Cuyler and Vermont; deserted July 30, 1865.
Inloes, Joseph 1st Cl. Fireman June 14, 1861 July 8, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Commo. Jones, Onondago, North Carolina and Memphis; in engagements at Fts. Jackson and St. Philips; capture of New Orleans; wounded May 6, 1864, and at Ft. Fisher.
Inright, Francis Landsman. Feb. 23, 1865 Mar. 6, 1867 Alleghany, Cyane, St. Mary's, Jamestown and Vermont.
Invin, James Seaman. Aug. 30, 1861 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Irens, Isaac R. Landsman. Jan. 2, 1863 July 26, 1865 Princeton and Pawnee; served under the name of Isaac R. Evans.
Irwin, James 2d Cl. Fireman Sept. 22, 1863 Sept. 21, 1864 Princeton, Keystone State, Loper and Hospital Norfolk.
Irwin, James Ord. Seaman. Oct. 10, 1861 Sept. 3, 1862 Alleghany, Wissahickon and Princeton.
Irwin, William H. Landsman. Dec. 14, . 1863 Dec. 13, 1864 North Carolina, Ne'ptune and Savannah.
Isaacs, Charles G. Landsman. Jan. 2, 1864 Mar. 25, 1865 Princeton and Wateree.
Issitt, John T. Landsman. May 21, 1861 May 21, 1864 Alleghany, Thomas Freeborn and Matthew Vassar.

Volunteers - J

Click the "Expand" buttons to the right to view the rosters for the Sailors of this branch.

Last Names Beginning with "J"
Name Rank or
Date of
or Shipment
Date of
Vessels Served on
and Remarks
Jackson, Adolphus Landsman. Aug. 8, 1864 July 8, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine and Boxer.
Jackson, Andrew Landsman. April 19, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash and Jno. Adams; died March 31, 1865.
Jackson, Authony Landsman. April 22, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, New Hampshire, Wabash, St. Lawrence and Roman; deserted Feb. 5, 1865.
Jackson, Augustus Landsman. May 29, 1863 July 21, 1866 A.lleghany, Mahaaka and Monadnock.
Jackson, Benjamin Landsman. May 22, 1862 Alleghany and Flag; deserted Jan. 22, 1864.
Jackson, Benjamin Landsman. July 5, 1864 July 4, 1867 Alleghany, Don and De Soto.
Jackson, Benj. D. Landsman. Oct. 10, 1862 Feb. 10, 1864 Ohio and Colorado.
Jackson, Benj. D. Landsman. Aug. 27, 1864 June 6, 1865 Vandalia.
Jackson, Charles Landsman. May 7, 1861 June 30, 1864 Ohio, Bainbridge, Miami, Sassacus and Brandywine.
Jackson, Charles Ord. Seaman. Sept. 26, 1864 Aug. 23, 1865 Alleghany, Tuscarora and Ohio.
Jackson, Charles A. Landsman. Jan. 27, 1863 No record of service, U. S. N. Department.
Jackson, Francis Landsman. April 20, 1864 Sept. 20, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Bermuda.
Jackson, George W. Landsman. April 25. 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Cyane. Saranac and Lancaster.
Jackson, Henry Landsman. Jan. 2, 1864 Mar. 30, 1866 Princeton and Wateree.
Jackson, John Ord. Seaman. Oct. 25, 1862 June 11, 1865 Alleghany, C. P. Williams and E. B. Hale.
Jackson, John 1st Class Boy. Oct. 6, 1863 Clara Dolsen, New National and Lexington; died Mar. 31, 1864.
Jackson, John Landsman. April 25, 1864 May 22, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac, Narragansett, Potomac and Vermont.
Jackson, John Landsman. June 3, 1864 May 8, 1865 Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham, Vicksburg and Vermont.
Jackson, Levin E. Landsman. April 25, 1864 Aug. 1, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T. ; Matthew Vassar and Wyandank.
Jackson, Robert A. Landsman. Oct. 7, 1861 North Carolina and Florida; deserted Nov. 22, 1862.
Jackson, Stephen Landsman. June 7, 1862 May 12, 1865 Alleghany, Flag and Savannah.
Jackson, Thomas Landsman. April 27, 1864 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T.; Matthew Vassar and Wyandank; deserted May 5, 1865.
Jackson, Walter Landsman. Aug. 7, 1862 Princeton and Powhatan; died April 25, 1863.
Jackson, William Landsman. Aug. 15, 1864 July 2, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Agamenticus, Pensacola, Idaho and Susquehanna.
Jacobs, Joseph M. Seaman. July 3, 1862 Ohio and R. R.. Cuyler; deserted.
James, Alfred Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Lancaster.
James, Andrew Landsman. June 3, 1864 Alleghany; died July 21, 1864.
James, David Landsman. Oct. 6, 1862 Alleghany, Dan Smith, Eureka and Dragon; deserted March 31, 1864.
James, John F. Landsman. July 7, 1864 June 8, 1867 Alleghany, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Bay Point Station.
James, Joshua Landsman. April 22, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham and St. Lawrence; deserted Feb. 10, 1865.
Jannasch, William Seaman. April 22, 1862 May 8, 1865 Alleghany and John Adams.
Jarmon, Sewell Landsman. April 20, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Jay, John W. Landsman. Mar. 16, 1865 Mar. 29, 1867 Alleghany, Mercedita, Brooklyn, Potomac and Tallapoosa.
Jay, Joshua Landsman. Oct. 14, 1862 Jan. 25, 1865 Ohio, Colorado, Genesee, Albatross and Fearnot.
Jefferson, George B. Landsman. May 22, 1861 Jan. 9, 1862 Alleghany, Navy Yard Washington and Thomas Freeborn.
Jefferson, John Landsman. Dec. 3, 1861 Dec. 2, 1864 North Carolina, Quaker City, Minnesota and Roanoke.
Jeffries, John H. Landsman. Aug. 22, 1864 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Atlanta.
Jenifer, Reizin Landsman. April 20, 1864 June 11, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
Jenifer, Wesley Landsman. April 21, 1864 Aug. 2, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, Flag and Kennebec.
Jenkins, Albert Ord. Seaman. Nov. 30, 1864 Alleghany and Keystone State; deserted Mar. 25, 1865.
Jenkins, Cyprian Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Atlanta.
Jenkins, James Coal Heaver. Aug. 16, 1862 Nov. 9, 1862 Alleghany, Valley City and Hospital Norfolk.
Jenkins, James Landsman. April 22, 1864 April 21, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, New Hampshire, Wabash, St. Lawrence, Roman, Pensacola and Constellation.
Jenkins, John Coal Heaver. Aug. 15, 1862 Aug. 15, 1863 Alleghany and Octorara.
Jenkins, John Landsman. April 20, 1864 Oct. 6, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Massachusetts and Midnight.
Jenkins, M. A. Landsman. Nov. 25, 1861 Dec. 22, 1864 Ohio, Huron and Bermuda.
Jenkins, William Coal Heaver. Aug. 15, 1862 Aug. 4, 1863 Alleghany and Octorara.
Jenkins, William Landsman. Aug. 11, 1864 May 13, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine and Osceola.
Jenkins, William Landsman. April 22, 1864 Sept. 1, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton and Agamenticus.
Jenkins, William T. 1st Class Boy. May 5, 1862 May 8, 1865 Alleghany, John Adams, New Hampshire and St. Louis.
Jennings, Daniel 1st Class Boy. Feb. 10, 1864 Aug. 3, 1865 Alleghany and Delaware.
Jennings, James Landsman. Feb. 10, 1864 Feb. 8, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Victoria and St. Lawrence.
Jensen, Frederick Seaman. April 3, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita, and Vermont; deserted Nov. 4, 1865.
Jenson, James Landsman. April 25, 1864 Sept. 7, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany andSt. Mary's.
Jervis, Thomas Ord. Seaman. June 6, 1864 Alleghany and Potomska; died June 12, 1865.
Jett, Daniel 1st Cl. Fireman June 14, 1864 Dec. 16, 1864 Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham and Vermont.
Jett, Daniel 1st Cl. Fireman Aug. 18, 1862 Aug. 17, 1863 Mleghany and Wyandank.
Jiles, Theopholus Landsman. April 21, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Massachusetts, Princeton and Hospital Norfolk; died Oct. 25, 1864.
John, David 2d Cl. Fireman Aug. 15, 1862 Aug. 4, 1863 Alleghany and Octorara.
Johns, Oliver 1st Cl. Fireman Sept. 19, 1864 Alleghany, Tuscarora and St. Lawrence; deserted.
Johns, Solomon Landsman. April 19, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Massachusetts, Cimarron, Winona and Potomska; deserted Aug. 5, 1865.
Johns, Will H. Coal Heaver. Nov. 19, 1863 Alleghany; deserted.
Johnson, Abraham Landsman. Sept. 1, 1864 June 20, 1865 Alleghany and Roanoke.
Johnson, Alfred B. Landsman. April 21, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Cyane; deserted Feb. 27, 1865.
Johnson, Andrew Landsman. Aug. 12, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota, Wilderness and Ohio; deserted July 29, 1865.
Johnson, Andrew 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 23, 1865 Feb. 3, 1868 Alleghany, De Soto, Miantonomah, Chocura, Vandalia and Ohio.
Johnson, Arthur Landsman. Dec. 12, 1862 June 20, 1865 Alleghany and Mt. Washington.
Johnson, Augustus Landsman. June 5, 1863 July 26, 1864 North Carolina, Nantucket and Princeton.
Johnson, Augustus Landsman. June 20, 1864 June 7, 1865 Alleghany and Zouave.
Johnson, Benjamin Landsman. Aug. 25, 1863 Sept. 11, 1864 Navy Yard Washington and Wm. Bacon.
Johnson, Charles Landsman. Feb. 23, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Independence, Saranac and Lancaster.
Johnson, Charles Landsman. Mar. 1, 1865 Feb. 28, 1867 Santee, Marion and Macedonian.
Johnson, Charles Seaman. Jan. 19, 1863 Ohio, Pensacola and Ossipee; deserted Dec. 15, 1864.
Johnson, Charles Seaman. Mar. 20, 1865 Alleghany and Mercedita; deserted Nov. 4, 1865.
Johnson, Charles Landsman. Nov. 18, 1863 May 4, 1865 North Carolina and Somerset.
Johnson, Charles Landsman. April 22, 1864 Sept. 16, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Lancaster and Vermont.
Johnson, Charles Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac and Lancaster.
Johnson, Charles E. Landsman. April 19, 1864 July 13, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S, C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash, St. Lawrence and Roman.
Johnson, Columbus 1st Class Boy. May 28, 1863 July 7, 1865 Alleghany and Mahaska.
Johnson, Edward Landsman. Mar. 14, 1865 Alleghany, Hetzel, Powhatan and Mahaska; deserted Aug. 21, 1865.
Johnson, Edward Ord. Seaman. Dec. 29, 1864 Alleghany and Wyoming; deserted June 9, 1865.
Johnson, Edward Seaman. Mar. 1, 1865 Oct. 21, 1865 Alleghany.
Johnson, Elijah Landsman. May 18, 1863 North Carolina, San Jacinto and Beauregard to Sept. 27, 1863; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Johnson, Elijah Seaman. June 29, 1864 Alleghany; deserted Aug. 1, 1864.
Johnson, Elijah Landsman. April 21, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Saginaw and Lancaster.
Johnson, Francis Seaman. Nov. 16, 1864 Enlistment not perfected, U. S. N. Department.
Johnson, George Landsman. Sept. 16, 1864 Alleghany, Tuscarora, Roanoke and Constitution; deserted Sept. 15, 1865.
Johnson, George Landsman. Sept. 1, 1864 Alleghany, Roanoke, North Carolina and Constitution; deserted Sept. 5, 1865.
Johnson, Hans Seaman. May 21, 1861 Dec. 20, 1862 Alleghany, Navy Yard Washington and Clara Dolsen.
Johnson, Henry 2d Cl. Fireman May 2, 1864 North Carolina and Flambeau; deserted June 17, 1864.
Johnson, Henry Landsman. Jan. 19, 1863 North Carolina, Bienville and North Carolina; deserted Nov. 24, 1863.
Johnson, Henry Landsman. Aug. 8, 1864 Alleghany, Brandy wine and Shenandoah; deserted April 24, 1865.
Johnson, Irvin Coal Heaver. Aug. 28, 1862 June 11, 1865 Alleghany, Princeton, Florida and Quaker City.
Johnson, Isaac Landsman. April 22, 1864 July 11, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, New Hampshire, Wabash and St. Lawrence.
Johnson, James Landsman. May 2, 1865 May 1, 1868 Princeton, Conemaugh, Lenapee and Vandalia.
Johnson, James Ord. Seaman. Aug. 13, 1862 Alleghany and Octorara; deserted Mar. 6, 1863.
Johnson, James Landsman. Aug. 17, 1864 June 30, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Aster, Lillian and Macedonian.
Johnson, James Landsman. Sept. 22, 1864 Sept. 20, 1866 Alleghany, Mattabassett and Newberne.
Johnson, James Landsman. Jan. 12, 1863 April 12, 1865 Princeton and Monongahela.
Johnson, James H. Landsman. April 22, 1864 Aug. 21, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Potomska and Princeton.
Johnson, James H. Landsman. April 23, 1864 June 27, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Saginaw and Vermont.
Johnson, John Landsman. Sept. 7, 1861 North Carolina and Stars and Stripes; died Dec. 5, 1862.
Johnson, John 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 31, 1865 Alleghany, Potomac Flotilla, Banshee, Vermont, Miantonomah; deserted Mar. 13, 1866.
Johnson, John Landsman. Feb. 2, 1864 Feb. 1, 1865 Alleghany (ship's crew).
Johnson, John Ord. Seaman. Mar. 14, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita, Sagamore, Santee and Macedonian; deserted April 1, 1867.
Johnson, John H. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 27, 1865 Commo. Morris and North Carolina.
Johnson, Joseph Landsman. April 23, 1864 Aug. 21, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Potomska and Princeton.
Johnson, Joseph A. Seaman. Jan. 11, 1864 Sept. 22, 1864 Ohio and Sacramento.
Johnson, Joseph H. Landsman. Feb. 17, 1864 Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Victoria and St. Lawrence.
Johnson, Joseph L. Ord. Seaman. July 23, 1861 July 27, 1861 Ohio, Sabine, Niagara and Onondago.
Johnson, Joshua Landsman. Aug. 10, 1864 Aug. 9, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Winnepec, Naval Academy and Constitution.
Johnson, Mack Landsman. April 25, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Johnson, Nick Landsman. Aug. 18, 1863 Clara Dolsen and Rattler; deserted Feb. 10, 1864.
Johnson, Philip P. Landsman. Aug. 11, 1864 Aug. 10, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine and William Badger.
Johnson, Reuben Landsman. April 23, 1864 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T. ; Commo. Read and Navy Yard Washington; deserted July 31, 1865.
Johnson, Reverdy Landsman. April 20, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Bermuda, Marblehead, Savannah and Bermuda to Jan. 10, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Johnson, Richard Landsman. Feb. 27, 1862 July 27, 1863 Alleghany and Pinola.
Johnson, Richard Landsman. May 2, 1864 Sept. 29, 1866 North Carolina, Wm. Badger and Niagara.
Johnson, Richard Landsman. May 17, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Ino and Vermont.
Johnson, Richard Landsman. Aug. 9, 1864 July 8, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine and Tristram Shandy.
Johnson, Robert Landsman. Oct. 22, 1863 Oct. 2, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Zouave, Delaware, Memphis and Vermont.
Johnson, Robert Landsman. Aug. 25, 1863 Feb. 19, 1864 North Carolina, Ft. Jackson, Newberne and Hospital New York.
Johnson, Robert H. Landsman. Jan. 21, 1862 Alleghany and Pinola; died April 24, 1862.
Johnson, Ross Seaman. Sept. 14, 1864 Alleghany and Tuscarora to June 3, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Johnson, Ross Seaman. April 8, 1861 June 30, 1864 Alleghany, Pawnee, Massachusetts and Chippewa.
Johnson, Samuel Landsman. April 25, 1864 May 24, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac, Narragansett, Potomac and Vermont.
Johnson, Samuel Landsman. Aug. 27, 1864 Alleghany and Receiving Ship at Washington; deserted.
Johnson, Samuel Ord. Seaman. April 20, 1864 July 18, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T.; Jacob Bell and Casco.
Johnson, Samuel Landsman. Aug. 17, 1864 Aug. 15, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Calypso, Rhode Island, Mackinaw and Princeton.
Johnson, Theodore Landsman. Mar. 30, 1863 Alleghany, Brandy wine and Commo. Jones; killed Oct. 10, 1863.
Johnson, Thomas Landsman. April 27, 1864 July 31, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T.; Matthew Vassar and Wyandank.
Johnson, Thomas Landsman. July 28, 1864 Alleghany, Tacony and Don; deserted May 29, 1866.
Johnson, Thomas Landsman. April 28, 1863 Feb. 20, 1866 Princeton, Saratoga and Winooski.
Johnson, Thomas Landsman. Aug. 30, 1864 Aug. 29, 1867 Alleghany, Tuscarora, Tacony, New Hampshire and Vermont.
Johnson, Thomas Landsman. Sept. 2, 1864 June 27, 1865 Alleghany, Roanoke and Massasoit.
Johnson, Thomas Ord. Seaman. June 14, 1861 June 20, 1864 Alleghany and Brooklyn.
Johnson, Weston Landsman. Jan. 4, 1864 Jan. 14, 1865 Princeton and Wachusetts.
Johnson, Will B. Landsman. Oct. 27, 1863 July 7, 1865 Alleghany, Aries, Release and Ohio.
Johnson, William Seaman. Nov. 13, 1861 North Carolina and Powhatan; deserted Oct. 6, 1863.
Johnson, William Coal Heaver. May 28, 1863 North Carolina; transferred to Union, June 17, 1863; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Johnson, William Seaman. Jan. 13, 1863 Feb. 16, 1864 Grampus, Cricket and Gen. Lyons.
Johnson, William Landsman. Aug. 11, 1864 May 25, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Vandalia.
Johnson, William Landsman. July 8, 1863 Aug. 15, 1864 North Carolina, Housatonic, Montauk and Vermont.
Johnson, William Seaman. May 1, 1862 Ohio; transferred to West Gulf Squadron, June 16, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Johnson, William Landsman. April 20, 1864 April 8, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Navy Yard, Washington.
Johnson, William Landsman. Dec. 12, 1862 June 20, 1865 Alleghany and Mt. Washington.
Johnson, William 2d Cl. Fireman Nov. 18, 1864 Dec. 6, 1865 Alleghany, Wyandank, Fuchsia, Periwinkle and Receiving Ship at Washington; dishonorably discharged.
Johnson, William Coal Heaver. Jan. 8, 1862 Jan. 28, 1865 Princeton and Pocahontas.
Johnson, William Ord. Seaman. Feb. 3, 1863 North Carolina and Clara Dolsen; deserted.
Johnson, William Seaman. June 27, 1864 Alleghany, Massachusetts, Camelia and New Hampshire; deserted Aug. 23, 1865.
Johnson, William Landsman. Jan. 7, 1863 Alleghany, State of Georgia and Princeton; deserted Sept. 1, 1863.
Johnson, William E. Landsman. May 21, 1861 July 5, 1864 Ohio, South Carolina, Commo. Barney, I. N. Seymour and Brandywine.
Johnson, William H. Landsman. Sept. 27, 1861 Nov. 20, 1863 North Carolina, Florida and Princeton.
Johnson, William H. Landsman. Sept. 25, 1862 April 27, 1865 North Carolina, J. P. Smith and Anacostia.
Johnston.Washington Coal Heaver. Jan. 8, 1862 April 7, 1865 Alleghany and Pinola.
Joitz, John Ord. Seaman. April 6, 1865 May 8, 1868 Alleghany, Independence, Saginaw and Jamestown.
Jolly, John T. Landsman. July 22, 1864 Alleghany, Potomac Flotilla, Navy Yard Washington and Alleghany to July 4, 1865; no further record, U.S. N. Department.
Jones, Aaron Landsman. April 23, 1864 Aug. 8, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wamsutta, Ethan Allen and Vandalia.
Jones, Alfred Landsman. April 2, 1863 North Carolina and Sabine; died April 25, 1863.
Jones, Asbury Landsman. Aug. 5, 1864 Sept. 6, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Hydrangea and Vermont.
Jones, Charles. Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Jones, Charles H. Landsman. April 23, 1864 July 31, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T.; Commo. Read and Navy Yard Washington.
Jones, Charles H. Landsman. April 23, 1864 July 31, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T.; Commo. Read and Navy Yard Washington.
Jones, Daniel Landsman. April 22, 1864 June 11, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, NewHampshire, Valparaiso and Bay Point Station.
Jones, Dennis Landsman. April 27, 186 May 29, 1865 Alleghany and Macedonian.
Jones, Edward W. Landsman. April 27, 186 May 29, 1865 Alleghany and Macedonian.
Jones, Eliphlet Landsman. April 22, 186 July 24, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Ethan Allen and Vandalia.
Jones, Francis Landsman. July 22, 1861 North Carolina and Supply; deserted June 30, 1862.
Jones, Frederick Landsman. Aug. 12, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine and Hospital Norfolk; deserted Jan. 1, 1865.
Jones, George Landsman. Sept. 2, 1861 Oct. 2'2, 1867 Alleghany, Tuscarora, Powhatan and Vermont.
Jones, George Landsman. April 25, 1864 Aug. 31, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany.
Jones, George T. Fireman. Aug. 1, 1862 Oct. 1, 1863 Philadelphia and Princeton.
Jones, Henry Ord. Seaman. Sept. 10, 1861 Oct. 20, 1863 Alleghany, Wissahickon and Young Rover.
Jones, Henry Seaman. Nov. 15, 1864 Mar. 28, 1865 Alleghany, Morse, and Hospital Norfolk.
Jones, Henry Landsman. Feb. 8, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Jones, Henry Seaman. June 24, 1861 June 20, 1864 Princeton, St. Lawrence, Shenandoah and Roanoke.
Jones, Henry Landsman. June 25, 1861 July 14, 1863 Ohio and Rhode Island.
Jones, Henry H. Landsman. April 25, 1864 June 16, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, John Adams and Philadelphia.
Jones, Isaac 1st Cl. Fireman Jan. 27, 1862 Nov. 26, 1863 Ohio and Kineo.
Jones, Isaac D. Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Jones, James Landsman. Feb. 17, 1864 Feb. 16, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing, Chicopee and Mendota.
Jones, James Ord. Seaman. April 2, 1862 North Carolina, Mound City and Clara Dolsen to Sept 30, 1863; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Jones, James Seaman. Aug. 1, 1862 July 7, 1865 Ohio, Housatonic and Montauk.
Jones, Jesse Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac and Lancaster.
Jones, John Seaman. May 29, 1861 July 21, 1864 Alleghany, St. Lawrence and Howquah.
Jones, John Seaman. July 29, 1864 July 10, 1867 Alleghany, Don, Commo. Read and De Soto.
Jones, John Landsman. Nov. 4, 1863 June 29, 1865 Princeton, Powhatan and Stars and Stripes.
Jones, John A. Landsman. Aug. 8, 1864 Aug. 7, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Powhatan, Conemaugh and Vermont.
Jones, John M. Landsman. Oct. 7, 1861 North Carolina and Augusta; deserted Oct. 1, 1863.
Jones, John T. Landsman. Aug. 12, 1864 April 27, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Aries, Cactus, Potomac Flotilla, Washington Navy Yard and De Soto.
Jones, John W. Landsman. April 20, 1864 Nov. 11, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
Jones, John W. Landsman. April 21, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany; deserted Aug. 10, 1865.
Jones, John W. Landsman. April 23, 1864 Feb. 8, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, Stettin, Squando, Santee, Marblehead and New Hampshire.
Jones, Levi Landsman. April 21, 1864 May 11, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and St. Mary's.
Jones, Levi T. Landsman. April 20, 1864 Sept. 20, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Bermuda.
Jones, Lewis 2d Cl. Fireman July 23, 1864 Dec. 28, 1866 Alleghany and Don.
Jones, Nicholas S. 1st Class Boy. Nov. 1, 1863 Princeton and Hatteras; died June 19, 1862.
Jones, Richard T. Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Jones, Samuel Landsman. Feb. 14, 1865 Oct. 14, 1865 Alleghany and Mercedita.
Jones, Samuel Geo. Landsman. Sept. 5, 1863 Aug. 4, 1865 Alleghany, Maratanza, Mercedita, Resolute, Wyandank and Periwinkle.
Jones, Samuel J. Landsman. April 25, 1864 Sept. 14, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and John Adams.
Jones, Thomas Seaman. Aug. 5, 1861 Sept. 28, 1864 North Carolina and Potomac.
Jones, Thomas Ord. Seaman. Nov. 25, 1864 Alleghany, Morse and Washington Navy Yard; deserted July 31, 1865.
Jones, Thomas Seaman. June 5, 1862 April 11, 1865 Alleghany, Powhatan and Ticonderoga.
Jones, Thomas 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 13, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones and Lancaster.
Jones, Thomas Landsman Jan. 27, 1862 Nov. 4, 1862 Alleghany and Pinola.
Jones, Thomas A. Ord. Seaman. 1861 1863 Wyandotte.
Jones, Thomas H. Landsman. Jan. 26, 1864 July 7, 1865 Alleghany and Hunchback.
Jones, Thomas H. Landsman. July 27, 1863 July 31, 1865 Alleghany, Resolute, Thomas Freeborne and Wyandank.
Jones, William Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 20, 1865 Commo. Morris and Montgomery.
Jones, William Landsman. Nov. 16, 1863 May 31, 1865 Morse.
Jones, William Landsman. June 28, 1862 Alleghany and Underwriter; died May 28, 1864, in Andersonville Prison.
Jones, William Landsman. April 25, 1864 Sept. 7, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany andSt. Mary's.
Jones, William Landsman. Dec. 4, 1861 June 7, 1862 North Carolina and Nightingale.
Jones, William Seaman. Jan. 25, 1864 No further record, U. S. N. Department.
Jones, William Landsman. May 17, 1861 June 24, 1864 Alleghany and New Ironsides.
Jones, William H. Ord. Seaman. Nov. 12, 1864 Receiving Ship at Washington; deserted Nov. 23, 1864.
Jordan, Charles Landsman. Jan. 4, 1864 Mar. 25, 1867 Princeton and Wateree.
Jordan, Charles W. Seaman. Oct. 4, 1864 Nov. 24, 1867 Alleghany, Nansemond and Shamokin.
Jordan, James Landsman. April 23, 1864 April 11, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, New Hampshire, O. M. Pettit and Vermont.
Jordan, William I. 2d Class Boy. Sept. 2, 1863 May 12, 1864 Alleghany and Maratanza.
Jordan, William J. Landsman. Aug. 30, 1864 Oct. 22, 1867 Alleghany, Tuscarora, Powhatan and Vermont.
Jordon, Joshua G. Landsman. Aug. 12, 1863 Aug. 11, 1864 Alleghany and Morse.
Jory, Joseph H. 2d Cl. Fireman 1863 1864 Kineo and Princeton.
Joseph, John Landsman. Sept. 14, 1862 Sept. 17, 1863 Sonoma.
Jubb, John Landsman. Aug. 8, 1864 Oct. 21, 1865 Alleghany, Brandy-wine, Vicksburg, Gov. Buckingham, Moccasin and Navy Yard Washington,
Julius, Robert Landsman. June 19, 1862 June 21, 1865 Alleghany, Paul Jones, John Adams and Commo. McDonough.
Juniper, William H. Landsman. June 27, 1862 Ohio, Genesee, Potomac, Buckthorn and Chocura; de serted May 15, 1866.
Jury, Joseph H. 2d Cl. Fireman Dec. 3, 1863 Dec. 22, 1864 Alleghany and Kineo.

Volunteers - K

Click the "Expand" buttons to the right to view the rosters for the Sailors of this branch.

Last Names Beginning with "K"
Name Rank or
Date of
or Shipment
Date of
Vessels Served on
and Remarks
Kaley, Edward Coal Heaver. June 27, 1862 Princeton and New Ironsides; deserted Aug\ 21, 1862.
Kalvalage, Henry Landsman. Mar. 17, 1865 Mar. 16, 1867 Alleghany, Seneca, Ben Morgan, St. Lawrence and Agawam.
Kane, Adam Landsman. April 19, 1864 June 16, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton and New Hampshire.
Kane, Ross Landsman. April 21, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Kaster, Harmon Seaman. June 6, 1864 Alleghany, Potomska and Princeton; deserted July 29, 1865.
Keelan, Peter 2d Cl. Fireman Dec. 29, 1864 Dec. 28, 1866 Alleghany, Yantic, New Hampshire and Vermont.
Keenan, Solomon Landsman. May 22, 1863 July 26, 1864 Navy Yard Washington and Mahaska.
Keene, George W. Landsman. Feb. 6, 1863 Alleghany and Ceres; drowned June 19, 1863.
Keene, George W. Landsman. Mar. 25, 1862 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Keene, William A. Landsman. June 12, 1863 North Carolina and Tulip; deserted.
Keenwright, Geo. W. Ord. Seaman. Aug. 20, 1861 Nov. 9, 1862 Princeton, Navy Yard Washington, Potomac Flotilla. Satellite and Hospital Norfolk.
Keenwright, Geo. W. Ord. Seaman. Nov. 21, 1862 Nov. 22, 1863 Alleghany, Gen. Putnam and Hospital Norfolk.
Kehoe, Edward Coal Heaver. May 31, 1861 July 26, 1864 Alleghany, James Adger, and Sangamon ; served unde the name of Edw. Flynn.
Keiley, William 1st Cl. Fireman Nov. 3, 1864 April 5, 1865 Alleghany and Hospital Norfolk.
Keily, William Coal Heaver. Dec. 22, 1863 Dec. 30, 1864 Alleghany and Shokokon.
Keirle, Robert Seaman. May 23, 1861 Alleghany, Navy Yard Washington to Mar. 31, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Keirle, William T. Landsman. Aug. 29", 1864 June 3, 1865 Alleghany and Tuscarora; shipped as William.
Keller, Patrick Landsman. Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Constellation, Aries and Ohio; deserted July 29, 1865.
Keller, William 1st Cl. Fireman July 18, 1863 June, 1865 Massachusetts.
Keiley, George Ord. Seaman. July 12, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota, Pawtucket, Sangamon to Princeton, Aug. 12, 1865; failed to report, records U. S. N. Department.
Keiley, John Landsman. Aug. 8, 1864 Aug. 27, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Chippewa, Huntsville and Princeton.
Kellner, Charles Landsman. Mar. 10, 1865 May 10, 1867 Alleghany, Seneca, Glance, Tonawanda, Miantonomah, Guard and Vermont.
Kelly, Asbury Landsman. April 25, 1864 May 25, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Cyane. Saranac, Narragansett, J. C. Kuhn and Potomac.
Kelly, David Landsman. April 21, 1864 June 11, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
Kelly, Francis 3d Class Boy. Mar. 9, 1865 June 16, 1865 Alleghany and Sabine.
Kelly, George Ord. Seaman. May 31, 1861 Alleghany, Navy Yard Washington, Penguin, Dale to April 1, 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Kelly, George Coal Heaver. Aug. 18, 1863 Oct. 10, 1864 North Carolina, Norwich and Princeton.
Kelly, John Ord. Seaman. Nov. 21, 1864 Alleghany, Morse and Navy Yard Washington; deserted July 31, 1865.
Kelly, John Seaman. July 23, 1864 Alleghany, Potomac Flotilla, Chippewa and Huntsville; deserted May 31, 1865.
Kelly, John Ord. Seaman. Mar. 9, 1865 July 31, 1865 Alleghany.
Kelly, John Seaman. Jan. 11, 1865 Alleghany and Wyoming; deserted April 23, 1866.
Kelly, Joseph Landsman. Jan. 18, 1865 Alleghany and Commo. Read; deserted May 25, 1865.
Kelly, Robert Seaman. April 11, 1861 Jan. 14, 1863 Alleghany and Pawnee.
Kelly, Robert Seaman. July 2, 1863 July 12, 1864 Alleghany and Nansemond.
Kelly, Thomas Ord. Seaman. Mar. 24, 1865 Alleghany and Cyane; deserted June 30, 1865.
Kelly, Thomas 3d Class Boy. Feb. 20, 1865 Aug. 12, 1868 Alleghany, Sabine, Chattanooga, Susquehanna, Saratoga and Albany.
Kelly, Thomas Ord. Seaman. Feb. 20, 1865 Aug. 12, 1868 Alleghany, Sabine, Chattanooga, Susquehanna, Saratoga and Contoocook.
Kelly, William 2d Cl. Fireman July 1, 1864 July 6, 1867 Alleghany, Don, Commo. Read, Pilgrim, Pinta and Princeton.
Kelly, William 1st Cl. Fireman June, 1862 June, 1865 Maratanza.
Kelsen, Henry Landsman. Aug. 11, 1864 Alleghany, Brandy wine and A. Hugel; deserted July 4, 1865.
Kelson, James H. Ord. Seaman. April 20, 1864 July 19, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T.; Jacob Bell and Casco.
Kelsor, Augustus Landsman. Sept. 2, 1864 June 30, 1865 Alleghany and Tuscarora.
Kemp, Conrad 2d Cl. Fireman Oct. 5, 1864 Alleghany and Nansemond; deserted July 16, 1865.
Kemp, George Landsman. Aug. 18, 1862 Aug. 8, 1863 Alleghany and Octorara.
Kemp, Joseph H. Landsman. Aug. 16, 1862 July 27, 1863 Alleghany, Octorara and Sabine.
Kendrick, John Landsman. Oct. 10, 1862 July 15, 1865 Alleghany and Norfolk Packet.
Kenery, Christian Landsman. July 22, 1864 July 3, 1867 Alleghany, Swatara and Conemaugh.
Kenler, Charles Seaman. Dec. 12, 1861 Dec. 31, 1864 Alleghany, Brooklyn and Richmond.
Kennard, Thomas J. Landsman. April 20, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Prince ton, New Hampshire and Wabash; died July 28, 1864.
Kennard, Samuel Landsman. Feb. 20, 1865 Sept. 7, 1865 Alleghany, Hetzel, Powhatan and Ohio.
Kennedey, Henry C. Coal Heaver. Jan. 6, 1862 Nov. 14, 1862 Alleghany and Pinola.
Kennedy, Edward Ord. Seaman. Nov. 14, 1864 North Carolina; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Kennedy, James Ord. Seaman. Nov. 21, 1862 Alleghany, Gen. Putnam and Crusader; deserted.
Kennedy, John C. W 1st Class Boy. Sept. 11, 1863 Aug. 12, 1865 North Carolina, Sonoma and Sangamon.
Kennedy, Michael Ord. Seaman. Dec. 13, 1864 Alleghany to Dec. 16, 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Kennedy, William Landsman. July 14, 1864 Alleghany and Don; deserted Nov. 5, 1864.
Kenney, John Landsman. June 10, 1862 Alleghany, Flag and Paul Jones; deserted June 25, 1862.
Kenny, John Ord. Seaman. Nov. 21, 1864 Alleghany and Morse; deserted June 3, 1865.
Kenny, Patrick Landsman. Aug. 14, 1862 Alleghany and Wyandank; deserted.
Kent, Etheridge Landsman. Mar. 21, 1864 Aug. 31, 1865 Alleghany, Seneca, Constellation and Ben Morgan; in action at Ft. Fisher and on blockade duty, coast of Texas.
Kent, Robert P. Ord. Seaman. May 11, 1861 North Carolina and Wabash; deserted Aug. 20, 1862.
Kents, John Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 July 4, 1864 Montgomery and Hospital Norfolk.
Kepler, Henry Landsman. Aug. 11, 1864 June 15, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Calypso.
Kerley, John Landsman. Mar. 16, 1865 Mar. 19, 1867 Alleghany, Mercedita, Sagamore, Santee and Macedonian.
Kern, August 3d Class Boy. April 5, 1865 Alleghany, Sabine, Chattanooga, Sacramento and Saratoga; deserted Feb. 11, 1868.
Kerr, William Ord. Seaman. Nov. 1, 1864 Alleghany, Matthew Vassar and Princeton; deserted Aug. 26, 1865.
Kesling, August Landsman. Oct. 7, 1864 Aug. 5, 1863 Alleghany and Nansemond.
Kettel, Joseph Landsman. Sept. 2, 1864 June 20, 1865 Alleghany and Roanoke.
Key, Hiram Landsman. May 13, 1864 May 31, 1865 Alleghany, Naval Academy and Macedonian.
Key, John 1st Cl. Fireman June 10, 1863 June 1, 1864 North Carolina and Roanoke.
Key, John N. 3d Class Boy. Feb. 17, 1865 Alleghany and Sabine; deserted June 24, 1865.
Key, Romulus Landsman. April 22, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Keyes, James Coal Heaver. July 24, 1862 Alleghany and Underwriter; deserted Jan. 30, 1863.
Keyger, George Seaman. Mar. 17, 1865 Alleghany and De Soto; deserted Dec. 28, 1865.
Keys, Charles Seaman. May 7, 186.3 May 6, 1864 North Carolina and Macedonian.
Keyser, John Landsman. Feb. 16, 1865 Nov. 7, 1865 Alleghany, Constellation and Poppy.
Keyser, Joseph 1st Cl. Fireman Oct. 25, 1864 June 22, 1866 Alleghany, Malvern, Tioga and Vermont.
Keyser, Phillip C. Landsman. Aug. 3, 1864 Nov. 4, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine and Hospital Norfolk.
Kile, George Landsman. May 23, 1861 Alleghany, Navy Yard Washington, Thomas Freeborn; deserted Aug. 22, 1861.
Kimball, John W. Seaman. Nov. 14, 1861 Alleghany, Wyandank, Wm. Bacon, Navy Yard Washington, to Constellation, June 30, 1865; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Kimbell, Daniel K. Landsman. Aug. 7, 1862 June 17, 1863 Alleghany and Maratanza.
Kinderfelder, Fred'd Landsman. Mar. 6, 1865 Alleghany and Wyoming; deserted May 4, 1865.
Kines, Francis H. 3d Class Boy. Sept. 21, 1863 June 29, 1864 Alleghany, Penguin and Princeton.
King, August Landsman. June 23, 1863 Alleghany, Eutaw and Morse; deserted Aug. 20, 1863.
King, Charles Marine. 1864 1868 Alleghany.
King, Frederick C. Seaman. June 4, 1861 June 4, 1864 Alleghany, St. Lawrence, Ohio, Shenandoah and Minnesota; took part in the sinking of the privateer "Petrel," July 28, 1861; capture of brig "Herald" and schooner "Fanny Lee;" in action with the Merrimac.
King, George W. Landsman. Dec. 2, 1862 June 20, 1865 Alleghany and Mt. Washington.
King, James A. Landsman. May 21, 1861 Alleghany, Wissahickon and Princeton to Dec. 31, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
King, John 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 24, 1865 Alleghany, Banshee and Navy Yard Washington; deserted July 31, 1865.
King, John Landsman. Sept. 15, 1863 Aug. 22, 1864 North Carolina and Midnight.
King, John B. Landsman. May 27, 1864 June 3, 1865 Alleghany, Potomska, Winona and Vandalia.
King, Oliver J. Seaman. Mar. 23, 1865 Alleghany and De Soto; deserted Dec. 28, 1865.
King, Richard Landsman. Nov. 20, 1862 Dec. 4, 1863 Ohio, Rhode Island and Juniata.
King, Robert A. Seaman. July 9, 1861 North Carolina, Potomac and Hartford; died Mar. 21, 1863.
King, Sanford Seaman. Aug. 1, 1864 Feb. 8, 1868 Alleghany, Brandywme, Mt. Vernon, Hartford and Wachusetts.
King', William Landsman. Aug. 13, 1862 Alleghany, Wyandank and Currituck; died Sept. 16, 1864.
King, William A. 1st Class Boy. Feb. 9, 1864 Oct. 15, 1864 North Carolina, Augusta and Hospital Norfolk.
King, William H. Ord. Seaman. Feb. 17, 1862 July 17, 1862 Princeton.
Kinslow, John W. Landsman. Aug. 25, 186.3 Aug. 24, 1864 North Carolina and Currituck.
Kinster, Charles Seaman. July 7, 1863 June 2, 186S Alleghany and Dan Smith.
Kipp, William Landsman. Aug. 18, 1862 June 30, 1865 Alleghany Valley City and Brandywine.
Kirby, Charles Seaman. July 7, 1863 Alleghany; delivered to Provost Marshal, records IT. S. N. Department.
Kirby, James Landsman. Aug. 29, 1864 July 6, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Howquah and Ft. Henry.
Kirby, Michael Landsman. Feb. 20, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Vlleghany, Farrallones and Lancaster.
Kirk, John Landsman. May 31, 1864 Alleghany and Zouave; deserted Oct. 31, 1864.
Kirkland, Alexander Landsman. Sept. 2, 1864 June 20, 1865 Alleghany and Roanoke.
Kirwan, James 2d Cl. Fireman Sept. 1, 1864 Aug. 2, 1865 Alleghany and Wyandank.
Klain, John Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 June 10, 1865 Alleghany and Minnesota.
Klehm, John Landsman. Aug. 9, 1862 July 27, 1863 Alleghany Octorara and Sabine.
Klehm, John Coal Heaver. Aug. 26, 1863 Sept. 7, 1864 Alleghany, Maratanza and Savannah.
Kleip, Robert Seaman. Feb. 16, 1863 Alleghany and Mercedita; deserted Oct. 5, 1865.
Klenk, Edward T. 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 13, 1864 Feb. 11, 1865 North Carolina, Augusta and R. R. Cuyler.
Kline, John Landsman. Mar., 1863 Alleghany, Brandywine and Commo. Jones; deserted May 25, 1863.
Kline, Thomas T. Landsman. May 17, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Ino and Vermont.
Kliner, Francis Seaman. April 13, 1865 Oct. 21, 1865 Alleghany, De Soto and Hospital Norfolk.
Klissel, Charles Landsman. Aug. 29, 1864 June 3, 186C Alleghany, Minnesota and Rhode Island.
Klugh, Henry Landsman. Aug. 25, 1864 Aug. 16, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Ft. Donnelson.
Knight, James Ord. Seaman. June 3, 1864 Aug. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Potomska and Massachusetts.
Knight, Joseph 1st Cl. Fireman Feb. 13, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 A.lleghany and Wyoming.
Knipe, Charles Seaman. May 22, 1863 May 21, 1864 Ohio and Montgomery.
Knott, John Landsman. Sept. 1, 1864 Alleghany to Tuscarora, June 30, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Knotts, Elijah Landsman. April 25, 1864 Feb. 22, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Cyane,Saranac, Farrallones and Vermont.
Knox, John ^d Cl. Fireman Jan. 10, 1865 Aug. 7, 1865 Alleghany, Banshee and Don.
Konig, Charles L. Landsman. July 25, 1864 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Don, A. Hugel and Stepping Stones.
Konig, William H. Ord. Seaman. July 25, 1864 Alleghany and Don; deserted Sept. 15, 1864.
Koontz, William 1st Cl. Fireman Jan. 10, 1863 July 13, 1863 Alleghany, Ceres and North Carolina.
Koster, Carlos 1st Class Boy. July 23, 1863 Oct. 17, 1866 Alleghany, Nansemond, Wm. Badger, Release, Little Ada, Wyandank, Hornet, Constellation, Vermont, Algonquin, Potomac and Tallapoosa.
Kratz, John Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 Aug. 15, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Macedonian, Winnepec, Tonawanda and Phlox.
Krebner, George Fireman. Aug. 5, 1864 Aug. 5, 1867 Tiger and Nemaha.
Kreitzer, George Landsman. Aug. 29, 1864 Aug. 16, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Ft. Donnelson.
Krieg, William Landsman. Feb. 8, 1865 Dec. 9, 1866 Constellation, Mt. Washington, Yantic, Alleghany and Vermont.
Kuhan, Cornelius P. 1st Cl. Fireman April, 1864 May, 1865 North Carolina and Glance.
Kuhen, Cornelius Landsman. April 16, 1861 Alleghany and Navy Yard Washington to Mar. 31, 1862 : no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Kuheo, Cornelius Coal Heaver. May 26, 1862 Alleghany and Paul Jones; deserted June 22, 1862.
Kuhn, George Landsman. Feb. 13, 1865 Alleghany, Constellation, R. R. Cuyler and Nyack; deserted Feb. 28, 1866.
Kuhn, Joseph Landsman. Aug. 30, 1864 June 20, 1865 Mleghany and Roanoke.
Kuhon, Cornelius 2d Cl. Fireman June 24, 1864 June 25, 1865 North Carolina and Glance.
Kunig, William Landsman. Dec. 10, 1862 Alleghany and Sophronia; deserted.
Kurvill, William Landsman. Mar. 13, 1865 Sept. 11, 1867 Alleghany, Mercedita and Brooklyn.
Kyme, George Landsman. Nov. 24, 1862 Navy Yard Washington and Potomac Flotilla; deserted.

Volunteers - L

Click the "Expand" buttons to the right to view the rosters for the Sailors of this branch.

Last Names Beginning with "L"
Name Rank or
Date of
or Shipment
Date of
Vessels Served on
and Remarks
Lacy, James Seaman. Feb. 5, 1863 Princeton and Arizona; deserted Mar. 12, 1863.
Lafayette, Jeremiah Ord. Seaman. July 18, 1864 June 3, 1867 Alleghany, Adolph Hugel and Conemaugh.
La Fountain, John Landsman. Mar. 10, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Lafevre, Frank Ord. Seaman. July 9, 1861 Sept. 9, 1864 Alleghany and Richmond.
Laib, Jacob, Jr. Landsman. April 11, 1861 Jan. 31, 1862 Alleghany and Navy Yard Washington.
Lain, William Fireman. Jan. 28, 1862 Alleghany, Pinola, Potomac and Princeton; died April 22, 1864.
Lainhart, George W. Landsman. Mar. 16, 1863 Nov. 22, 1863 Alleghany, Brandywine, Commo. Jones and Hospital Norfolk.
Lainheart, Chas. F. Landsman. Jan. 27, 1862 April 7, 1865 Alleghany and Pinola.
Lakin, Daniel Seaman. Oct. 15, 1861 June 8, 1865 North Carolina, Whitehall, Commo. Perry, Montioello, Potomac Flotilla and Washington Navy Yard.
Lambin, Daniel Seaman. Feb. 2, 1865 Alleghany and Commo. Read; deserted July 11, 1865.
Lambdin, James Landsman. Aug. 12, 1862 June 3, 1865 Alleghany, Wyandank and T. A. Ward.
Lambdin, John Gunner's Mate Aug., 1862 June, 1865 Wyandank, Satellite and T. A. Ward.
Lamira, Robert Ord. Seaman. May, 1861 Aug., 1862 Monticello.
Lampus, Gustave Landsman. Feb. 20, 1865 Oct. 11, 1865 Alleghany, Hetzel, Powhatan and Ohio.
Lanahan, Daniel Landsman. Feb. 10, 1865 Aug. 14, 1868 Alleghany, Wyoming and Hartford.
Lanahan, Dennis Landsman. Feb. 20, 1865 Aug. 14, 186S Alleghany, Wyoming and Hartford.
Lane, Elijah Landsman. April 25, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Lane, Henry C. Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 May 18, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Osceola and Ohio.
Lane, James Ord. Seaman. Sept. 21, 1863 June 16, 1864 Alleghany, Penguin, Nightingale and Ohio.
Lane, Lloyd Landsman. April 25, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Lang, John Landsman. Nov. 21, 1862 Alleghany and Gen. Putnam; died Jan. 6, 1865.
Lang, John Seaman. Jan. 22, 1863 April 4, 1864 Alleghany, State of Georgia, Princeton, North Carolina and State of Georgia.
Lang, John Seaman. April 10, 1861 Oct. 30, 1862 Princeton, Water Witch, Paul Jones and North Carolina.
Lang, John Seaman. April 27, 1864 July 19, 1865 Alleghany and Restless.
Lange, Frederick Landsman. Sept. 26, 1862 Alleghany, Minnesota and Miami; deserted Dec. 16, 1863.
Langster, Peter Landsman. April 22, 1864 Sept. 7, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany and St. Mary's.
La Pier, Charles Seaman. Jan. 17, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Larecy, William Landsman. Mar. 6, 1863 Alleghany and Commo. Jones; vessel lost Mar. 31, 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Larkin, David Landsman. April 25, 1864 May 17, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Potomska and Massachusetts.
Larkin, William Seaman. June 13, 1861 June 16, 1864 Alleghany, St. Lawrence and Tahoma.
Larsen, James Ord. Seaman. May 24, 1861 Dec. 2, 1862 Alleghany, Benton, Maria Dening and Clara Dolsen.
La Rue, Charles H. 1st Cl. Fireman Dec. 8, 1862 April 11, 1864 North Carolina, Columbine and Princeton.
Lattin, Augustus Landsman. Mar. 9, 1863 Oct. 3, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Commo. Jones and Gen. Putnam.
Lauderman, Robert Ord. Seaman. July 22, 1863 Aug. 5, 1864 North Carolina and Connecticut.
Laughlin, Daniel Coal Heaver. Jan. 15, 1864 Oct. 3, 1865 Alleghany and Iroquois.
Laundy, Richard Seaman. Sept. 26, 1864 Alleghany and Tuscarora; deserted.
Lauphere, Geo. H. Fireman. May, 1863 May 4, 1864 Juliet No. 3.
Laurant, Louis 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 20, 1865 Alleghany, Farrallones and Lancaster; deserted June 25, 1866.
Lavaney, Edward Coal Heaver. May 23, 1862 April 13, 1863 Alleghany and Mystic.
Lawler, Edward Seaman. Oct. 28, 1864 Alleghany and I. N. Seymour; deserted.
Lawler, Simon Ord. Seaman. June 30, 1864 Aug. 9, 1865 Alleghany, Massachusetts and Nahant.
Lawles, J. E. Seaman. May 17, 1864 Minnesota and Mercedita; deserted Sept. 5, 1864.
Lawrence, John Ord. Seaman. April 30, 1862 Sept. 8, 1862 Alleghany and Mystic; discharged for disability.
Lawrence, John Ord. Seaman. July 25, 1864 Alleghany, Potomac Flotilla and Jacob Bell; deserted May 3, 1865.
Lawrence, Joshua Ord. Seaman. Mar. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita and Sagamon; deserted Feb. 9, 1866.
Lawrence, Thomas Landsman. Aug. 22, 1864 May 31, 1865 Alleghany and Mattabassett.
Laws, James Ord. Seaman. Sept. 16, 1864 June 18, 1866 Alleghany, Primrose and Ascutney.
Lawson, Edward Seaman. July 21, 1862 Aug. 4, 1863 Ohio and Housatonic.
Lawson, Edward Seaman. Aug. 18, 1863 Aug. 3, 1864 Princeton and Arkansas.
Lawson, Joseph Landsman. June 8, 1864 June 12, 1865 Alleghany, Daylight, Eutaw and Vermont.
Lawson, William Ord. Seaman. Nov. 30, 1864 Alleghany and Keystone State; deserted Mar. 25, 1865.
Layden, George Ord. Seaman. Nov. 29, 1864 Oct. 2, 1867 Alleghany, R. R. Cuyler, Estrella, Potomac and Princeton.
Layman, Jacob 1st Cl. Fireman Mar. 9, 1865 June 30, 1866 Alleghany, Seneca, Picket Launch No. 5, Potomac, Tippecanoe and Neosho.
Lear, Henry Ord. Seaman. Mar. 2, 1865 Alleghany and Mercedita; deserted May 15, 1865.
Lear, John Seaman. April 18, 1861 Dec. 30, 1861 Princeton, Union and Princeton.
Leary, Cornelius Landsman. May 28, 1861 July 27, 1863 Alleghany, State of Georgia and Hendrick Hudson.
Leary, Edward Landsman. July 30, 1862 Alleghany and Maratanza; deserted Aug. 31, 1863.
Leatherberry, Winder Landsman. Feb. 9, 1864 Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Albemarle.
Lee, Edward 2d Class Boy. Sept. 10, 1861 Oct. 12, 1864 Pensacola, Seminole, Brooklyn and Macedonian.
Lee, Frank 1st Class Boy. April 27, 1864 May 29, 1865 Alleghany and Macedonian.
Lee, Jacob Landsman. April 20, 1864 June 16, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, Chatham and New Hampshire.
Lee, James A. Landsman. Nov. 1, 1861 June 28, 1864 North Carolina, Roebuck and Fernandina.
Lee, James B. Seaman. May 1, 1863 May 4, 1864 North Carolina, Tuscarora and NewBerne.
Lee, John A. C. Landsman. Oct. 8, 1862 Aug. 9, 1865 Alleghany and Para.
Lee, John Thomas 2d Class Boy. Jan. 27, 1864 Alleghany and Winona; deserted July 2, 1865.
Lee, Nathaniel Landsman. Nov. 28, 1863 Sept. 15, 1864 North Carolina, Kansas and Proteus.
Lee, Plato S. Landsman. Dec. 28, 1863 Feb. 13, 1865 Navy Yard Washington and Commo. Read.
Lee, William Landsman. Dec. 3, 1863 Aug. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Kineo and Calypso.
Lego, Benjamin Landsman. Feb. 8, 1864 Jan. 29, 1866 Alleghany, Winona, New Hampshire, Bay Point Station and Memphis.
Lehdman, Francis Fireman. April 23, 1862 May 4, 1865 Alleghany, Ft. Henry, Huntsville and Glaucus.
Leimbach, Gebhard Landsman. Aug. 29, 1864 June 30, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Macedonian.
Leith, James Ord. Seaman. Oct. 25, 1864 Jan. 20, 1865 Alleghany, I. N. Seymour and North Carolina.
Leitz, Charles Coal Heaver. May 26, 1863 May 11, 1865 Alleghany and Eutaw.
Lemuel, Thomas Landsman. April 21, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts and Princeton; died Aug. 23, 1864, Philadelphia Hospital.
Lentz, George E. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 20, 1865 Commo. Morris and Montgomery.
Leonard, Perry Landsman. April 23, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Leopard, Adam Landsman. Aug. 7, 1863 Alleghany, Currituck and Potomac Flotilla; deserted Dec. 31, 1863.
Lepetit, Eugene Seaman. June 9, 1864 Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham, St. Lawrence and Susquehanna; deserted Dec. 10, 1865.
Lepetit, Eugene Seaman. Mar. 27, 1863 Mar. 26, 1864 AJleghany, Brandywine and Commo. Jones.
Leprade, Frederick Landsman. Aug. 17, 1864 July 22, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Poppy.
Leray, Edward 2d Cl. Firemar Aug. 22, 1864 Alleghany, Commo. Read and Ohio; deserted Aug. 12. 1865.
Leslie, Frank Ord. Seaman. Sept. 13, 1864 Alleghany and Don; deserted Nov. 5, 1864.
Leslie, William Seaman. Jan. 17, 1863 Alleghany, State of Georgia to April 2, 1863; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Lete, Henry Landsman. Feb. 9, 1865 Feb. 9, 1867 Alleghany, Constellation, Mt. Washington, Yantic and Don.
Levant, Edward Landsman. Aug. 23, 1864 June 3, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Atlanta and Tuscarora.
Leverne, Chas. H. Landsman. Feb. 10, 1864 Feb. 8, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and St. Lawrence.
Levery, James Ord. Seaman. June 28, 1861 Alleghany, Navy Yard Washington to Mississippi Flotilla, Nov. 16, 1861; no further record, U. S. N. Dept.
Levin, Leroy Landsman. April 27, 1864 July 15, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T. ; Matthew Vassar, Sophronia and Navy Yard Washington.
Lewis, Augustus Landsman. Jan. 7, 1862 North Carolina; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Lewis, Charles Landsman. Feb. 9, 1864 Mar. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Winona and Princeton.
Lewis, David Seaman. Dec. 20, 1862 Alleghany, James Adger, Ohio, Brandywine, Lockwood, Pontoosuc, to Jan. 22, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Lewis, George Landsman. April 25, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac and Farrallones; deserted July 31, 1865.
Lewis, George Landsman. Sept. 1, 1864 Alleghany to Tuscarora, June 30, 1865; failed to report, records U. S. N. Department.
Lewis, Henry Landsman. June 16, 1862 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Paul Jones, New Hampshire, Philadelphia and Pawnee.
Lewis, Henry Seaman. Nov. 19, 1864 Oct. 28, 1867 North Carolina, Lenapee and Vandalia.
Lewis, James Landsman. Jan. 12, 1863 Jan. 11, 1864 North Carolina, Clara Dolsen, Eastport and Hospital at Memphis.
Lewis, John Landsman. May 16, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Ino and Vermont.
Lewis, John Ord. Seaman. July 5, 1864 Alleghany, Don, Potomac Flotilla, Anacostia, Navy Yard Washington, to Alleghany, July 4, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Lewis, John Coal Heaver. May 17, 186- May 30, 1865 Alleghany, Paul Jones, New Hampshire, Valparaiso and Patapsco.
Lewis, Joseph Landsman. Feb. 23, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Lewis, Thomas Landsman. May 16, 1864 May 17, 1865 Alleghany and Gov. Buckingham.
Lewis, William Landsman. Feb. 15, 1864 May 8, 1865 Alleghany and Kineo.
Lewis, William Landsman. April 25, 1864 June 16, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, John Adams and Philadelphia.
Lewis, William Seaman. Jan. 20, 1865 June 30, 1865 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Lewis, William H. Landsman. June 27, 1861 Jan. 7, 1862 Princeton and St. Lawrence.
Lewis, William Ord. Seaman. April 15, 1861 Alleghany, Navy Yard Washington, to Mar. 31, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Liesegoing, John C. 2d Cl. Fireman Oct. 11, 1864 Oct. 24, 1865 Alleghany and Malvern.
Liles, Jack Seaman. June 30, 1863 June 29, 1864 Ohio, Shenandoah and Roanoke.
Lilley, George Landsman. Sept. 1, 1864 June 20, 1865 Alleghany and Roanoke.
Lillybridge, John A. Landsman. Jan. 14, 1865 Oct. 10, 1866 Vermont and Winnepec.
Lincoln, Robert Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Lindsay, Chas. McF. Landsman. Mar. 9, 1865 Dec. 19, 1866 Alleghany, Seneca and Chicopee.
Linsey, Purnell Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Linthicum, Thomas Seaman. Aug. 7, 1862 Sept. 1, 1863 North Carolina and Powhatan.
Linton, James Landsman. May 21, 1861 July 13, 1864 Alleghany, Ohio and Montgomery.
Litson, Joseph Seaman. Aug. 11, 1862 Alleghany, Maratanza and Sacramento; deserted.
Little, John B. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 24, 1865 Commo. Morris and North Carolina.
Little, Thomas Coal Heaver. Dec. 3, 1863 Dec. 22, 1864 Alleghany and Kineo.
Lives, Royal Landsman. April 22, 1864 Aug. 21, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Potomska and Princeton.
Lloyd, Chaz-les Landsman. Mar. 17, 1865 Dec. 19, 1866 Alleghany, Seneca and Chicopee.
Lloyd, Daniel E. Ord. Seaman. Sept. 21, 1863 Oct. 2, 1864 Alleghany and Morse.
Lloyd, Philip Landsman. Oct. 16, 1862 June 28, 1865 Alleghany, Dan Smith and C. P. Williams.
Lloyd, Robert Landsman. April 21, 1864 Aug. 23, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham and Wyandank.
Lloyd, Thomas Landsman. Aug. 12, 1864 Aug. 11, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Osceola, Release and Wm. Badger.
Lloyd, Thomas Seaman. Sept. 15, 1864 July 23, 1868 Alleghany, Tuscarora, Mohican and Vermont.
Lloyd, Thomas Seaman. Jan. 5, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Locke, Israel Landsman. Dec. 5, 1864 Alleghany; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Dept.
Lockett, William Ord. Seaman. July 12, 1864 Alleghany, Massachusetts, Nantucket and De Soto, deserted Mar. 10, 1866.
Locks, Jeremiah Landsman. Sept. 4, 1863 Sept. 30, 1864 Ohio and Kennebec.
Loems, James Landsman. June 16, 1862 Princeton and Bienville; deserted.
Loentzer, John H. Ord. Seaman. Jan. 26, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Loffley, James Ord. Seaman. June 15, 1864 Jan. 20, 1866 Alleghany, Daylight, Osceola, Augusta, Ohio and Washington Navy Yard.
Lofgren, Peter G. Q. M. May, 1863 May 1, 1866 Cayuga and Miami; served under the name of Wilson, Charles; shipped as Able Seaman; appointed Quartermaster.
Logan, James H. 2d Cl. Fireman Aug. 25, 1864 June 15, 1865 Alleghany, Rescue and Navy Yard Washington.
Logan, Thomas Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Jan. 29, 1866 Keystone State and Hetzel.
Lomax, Thomas H. Landsman. Aug. 31, 1864 June 20, 1865 Alleghany and Roanoke.
Lond, Jacob Seaman. April 14, 1862 April 28, 1865 Alleghany, Uncas, Quaker City, Sassacus and Whitehead.
Long, Alexander M. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Nov. 8, 1864 Brandywine, Minnesota, Monticello and Unadilla.
Long, Charles D. Seaman. Sept. 27, 1864 May 9, 1866 Alleghany, Tuscarora and Tacony; dishonorably discharged.
Long, George Landsman. July 27, 1864 July 26, 1867 Alleghany, Matthew Vassar, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Pinta, Florida and Princeton.
Long, John Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Kansas; deserted Sept. 10, 1864.
Long, Robert M. Seaman. Dec. 5, 1861 Nov. 6, 1862 Princeton and Brooklyn.
Long, Robert M. Landsman. June 30, 1863 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Long, William H. Landsman. Aug. 19, 1862 Feb. 12, 1864 Alleghany, Valley City and Minnesota.
Lorton, George Ii. Landsman. Aug. 31, 1864 June 20, 1865 Alleghany and Roanoke.
Loudin, Isaac Landsman. Mar. 15, 1865 Alleghany and Wyoming; died Aug. 24, 1866.
Louis, Ambrose 2d Cl. Fireman Dec. 1, 1864 Alleghany, Keystone State, Constellation, Gettysburg and Vermont; deserted July 31, 1865.
Love, George Ord. Seaman. June 29. 1861 Alleghany, Navy Yard Washington and Pawnee; deserted Dec. 1, 1862.
Love, George H. Landsman. April 19, 1864 April 27, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, Wabash and De Soto.
Love, George B,. Ord. Seaman. July 20, 1864 Feb. 5, 1866 Alleghany and Don.
Loveday, Charles Landsman. Aug. 19, 1862 Alleghany, Valley City, Brandywine and Perry; deserted.
Lowd, William Landsman. Aug. 22, 1864 June 7, 1865 A.lleghany, Minnesota and Crusader.
Lowden, Levi Landsman. Nov. 28, 1863 Nov. 28, 1864 Alleghany and Shokokon.
Lowry, Alfred Landsman. Aug. 22, 1864 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Atlanta.
Lowry, George H. Landsman. June 3, 1861 June 1, 1864 Alleghany and State of Georgia.
Lowry, James 1st Class Boy. July 28, 1863 Alleghany, Daylight, Minnesota and Rhode Island, deserted April 24, 1865.
Lowry, John E. 3d Class Boy. April 12, 1861 Oct. 10, 1861 Alleghany.
Lowry, Moses Landsman. April 23, 1864 June 11, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton and New Hampshire.
Lucas, George Landsman. May 22, 1862 May 1, 1865 Alleghany and Paul Jones.
Lucken, James Landsman. April 22, 1864 July 24, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and Norwich.
Ludwig, Henry 3d Class Boy. Feb. 24, 1865 Sept. 17, 1868 Alleghany, Sabine, Chattanooga, Sacramento and Saratoga.
Ludy, Lewis 2d Cl. Fireman June 24, 1862 Princeton and Cimarron, to Feb. 23, 1863; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Lumbar, Henry Seaman. July 11, 1864 Alleghany, Massachusetts and Nipsic; deserted.
Lumbley, David Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Aug. 15, 1865 Monticello and Shamrock.
Lumby, Thomas Seaman. Jan. 31, 1865 Alleghany and Wyoming; deserted June 30, 1865.
Lumstrum, William Ord. Seaman. Jan. 9, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Lupas, Joseph Ord. Seaman. Feb. 6, 1865 Feb. 12, 1863 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Lusher, William 1st Class Boy. June 2, 1864 June 3, 1865 Alleghany, Potomska, Winona and Vandalia.
Lutz, John Landsman. Aug. 11, 1862 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Wyandank and T. A. Ward.
Lyles, John Landsman. April 22, 1864 Sept. 4, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, New Hampshire, Oleander and Vermont.
Lynch, Daniel Seaman. Nov. 28, 1864 Feb. 8, 1866 Alleghany, Morse, Receiving Ship at Washington, Mackinaw and Vandalia.
Lynch, Henry Seaman. Nov. 9, 1861 Alleghany and Wissahickon; died Aug. 12, 1862.
Lynch, James Landsman. May 16, 1864 May 16, 1865 Alleghany and Gov. Buckingham.
Lynch, John 2d Cl. Fireman July 25, 1864 Feb. 24, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine and Mt. Vernon.
Lynch, Thomas Landsman. July 14, 1863 Alleghany and Freeborn; died July 21, 1865.
Lyon, Samuel B. Landsman. Aug. 18, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota, losco, Vermont and Miantonomah; deserted Nov. 8, 1865.
Lyons, Henry Seaman. May 8, 1862 Alleghany and Mt. Vernon; deserted.
Lyons, James 2d Cl. Fireman Nov. 15, 1864 May 31, 1865 Alleghany, Wyandank and Morse.

Volunteers - M

Click the "Expand" buttons to the right to view the rosters for the Sailors of this branch.

Last Names Beginning with "M"
Name Rank or
Date of
or Shipment
Date of
Vessels Served on
and Remarks
McAllister, Francis Landsman. Feb. 16, 1865 Aug. 23, 1865 Alleghany, Hetzel, Powhatan and Ohio.
McAllister, Robt. A. Coxswain. 1862 1864 Mohican.
McAllister, William 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 16, 1865 Alleghany; deserted Jan. 25, 1865.
McAllister, Wm. D. Landsman. Sept. 2, 1862 Nov. 30, 1863 Alleghany, C. P. Williams, Vermont and Hospital Norfolk.
McArthur, Chas. E. Seaman. April 27, 1864 Sept. 4, 1866 Cyane, St. Mary's and Minnesota.
McAuliffe, John Coal Heaver. May 17, 1862 April 13, 1865 Alleghany, Flag and Monongahela.
McBride, James Seaman. Sept. 1. 1864 Feb. 13, 1866 Alleghany, Tuscarora, Agawam and Hospital Norfolk.
McCabe, Arthur Seaman. Aug. 20, 1861 Jan. 28, 1862 Princeton and Harriet Lane.
McCabe, James 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 31, 1865 Aug. 26, 1867 Alleghany, Calypso, Navy Yard Washington, Ascutney, Resaca and Tahoma.
McCabe, Patrick 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 2, 1865 Aug. 26, 1865 Alleghany, Monadnock, New Hampshire and Calypso.
McCabe, William Landsman. Mar. 30, 1863 Alleghany, Brandywine and Commo. Jones; vessel lost Mar. 31, 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Dept.
McCaffrey, William Seaman. Dec. 9, 1864 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
McCall, Patrick H. Landsman. Feb. 17, 1865 Alleghany, Hetzel and Powhatan; deserted Aug. 2, 1865.
McCall, P. H. Carpenter. Jan., 1865 July, 1865 Powhatan.
McCann, Owen 1st Cl. Fireman Feb. 7, 1865 Feb. 6, 1868 Alleghany, Constellation and Snowdrop.
McCann, Samuel 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 28, 1864 Alleghany and Iroquois; reclaimed as a deserter from army, Mar. 31, 1864.
McCardell, Charles Coal Heaver. Nov. 29, 1861 North Carolina and Rhode Island; deserted Feb. 2, 1862.
McCarthy, John Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Kansas; deserted Sept. 10, 1864.
McCarthy, Joseph Seaman. Feb. 14, 1863 Feb. 16, 1864 North Carolina, Clara Dolsen, Tuscumbia and Tyler.
McCarthy, William Landsman. May 18, 1861 June 30, 1862 Ohio and Colorado.
McCarthy, William Ord. Seaman. July 23, 1862 Aug. 4, 1863 Ohio and Housatonic.
McCarton, Peter 1st Cl. Fireman Jan. 1, 1864 Feb. 14, 1865 Alleghany, Iroquois, Gladiolus and Home.
McCarty, Edward Landsman. July 14, 1864 Alleghany; deserted July 16, 1864.
McCarty, John Landsman. Aug. 23, 1864 Aug. 22, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Henry Janes, Tioga, Savannah, Saco and Santee.
McCarty, Joseph Seaman. Oct. 21, 1864 Aug. 21, 1865 Great Western, Peosta and Abeona.
McCarty, Patrick Seaman. Sept. 29, 1864 Nov. 2, 1867 Alleghany and Tuscarora.
McCarty, Thomas Ord. Seaman. June 27, 1864 Alleghany, Daylight and Osceola; deserted June 10, 1865.
McCay, John Landsman. July 26, 1864 May 16, 1865 Alleghany and Jacob Bell.
McClean, Chas. H. 1st Cl. Fireman Dec. 1, 1863 Dec. 22, 1864 Alleghany and Kineo.
McClean, Waldron 2d Cl. Fireman July 29, 1864 May 14, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Mt. Vernon, Mackinaw, Agamenticus, Princeton, Shamokin, New Hampshire, Chattanooga, Richmond and Ohio.
McCleary, Wm. J. Landsman. Oct. 13, 1862 Aug. 23, 1865 Alleghany, Para, Gladiolus and Home.
McCleester, William Landsman. Mar. 14, 1865 Sept. 11, 1867 Alleghany, Mercedita and Brooklyn.
McCleister, William Landsman. Mar. 15, 1865 Sept. 11, 1867 Alleghany, Mercedita and Brooklyn.
McClelland, Paul E. Landsman. May 8, 1863 June 30, 1865 Alleghany, Mahaska and Nipsic.
McClennan, William Ord. Seaman. Dec. 23, 1861 Alleghany and Pinola; deserted Feb. 26, 1863.
McClernand, Robert Ord. Seaman. Sept. 14, 1863 Sept. 13, 1864 Alleghany and Morse.
McClintock, John Ord. Seaman. Aug. 13, 1861 Princeton, Navy Yard Washington and Mississippi Flotilla, to Nov. 16, 1861; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
McCloud, James Ord. Seaman. Aug. 23, 1864 July 14, 1866 Alleghany, Minnesota, Nipsic and Susquehanna.
McCloud, John Seaman. Oct. 9, 1861 Oct. 7, 1863 Ohio, Shepherd Knapp, De Soto and Lodona.
McClusky, George Landsman. Aug. 8, , 1864 June 28, 1865 Alleghany and Britannia.
McClusky, John Landsman. 1864 1865 Britannia.
McCluskey, Stephen Landsman. Mar. 20, 1865 Alleghany, Seneca, Ben Morgan and St. Lawrence; deserted Dec. 23, 1865.
McClutchie, Robert Landsman. June 6, 1864 Sept. 4, 1864 Alleghany, Potomska and Princeton.
McComas, Charles Landsman. Aug. 14, 1862 July 26, 1865 Alleghany, Philadelphia and Pawnee.
McCormick, James Ord. Seaman. July 26, 1861 Alleghany and Navy Yard Washington, to Mar. 31, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
McCormick, Jas. H. Ord. Seaman. April 10, 1861 Enlistment not perfected, U. S. N. Department.
McCormick, John Landsman. Mar. 18, 1865 Nov. 24, 1865 Vermont, Naubuc, Glasgow and Potomac.
McCormick, John Landsman. Mar. 25, 1863 Alleghany, Brandywine, to May 11, 1863; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
McConnell, Anthony Seaman. Jan. 5, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
McConnell, Joseph Seaman. Sept. 4, 1861 Nov. 30, 1862 Alleghany, Wissahickon and Princeton.
McCoy, John Seaman. May 9, 1862 May 29, 1865 Ohio, Hendrick Hudson and Stars and Stripes.
McCoy, William Landsman. Feb. 21, 1865 Mar. 25, 1867 Alleghany, Cyane, St. Mary's, Wateree and Vermont.
McCready, William Seaman. May 9, 1861 May 7, 1862 North Carolina, Badger and Minnesota.
McCullough, James Landsman. June 9, 1862 May 29, 1865 Alleghany, Cambridge, Matthew Vassar and Pursuit.
McCurley, William Landsman. Aug. 29, 1864 June 30, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Macedonian.
McCutchens, Geo. H. Landsman. Aug. 23, 1864 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Chippewa.
McDonald, Angus 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 23, 1865 April 25, 1867 Alleghany and De Soto.
McDonald, Augus Landsman. Nov. 10, 1862 Alleghany and Southfield; deserted Feb. 12, 1863.
McDonald, James Ord. Seaman. May 23, 1861 Alleghany, Dandelion and Navy Yard Washington; deserted June 30, 1865.
McDonald, James Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Kansas and Chimo; deserted July 5, 1865.
McDonald, John Seaman. Mar. 22, 1865 Alleghany and Mercedita; deserted July 20, 1865.
McDonald, John Landsman. Aug. 25, 1864 June 7, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Crusader.
McDonald, John 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 16, 1865 Alleghany; died Mar. 24, 1865.
McDonald, John Seaman. Mar. 23, 1865 Alleghany to May 10, 1865; no further record, U. S N. Department.
McDonald, John Ord. Seaman. May 22, 1863 Alleghany and Gen. Putnam; killed Aug. 7, 1865.
McDonald, John Landsman. Aug. 9, 1864 June 8, 1865 Alleghany and Aries.
McDonald, John Seaman. April 1, 1862 Alleghany, Amanda and Tahoma; taken prisoner, Oct. 17, 1863; no further record.
McDonald, Malcolm Seaman. Nov. 10, 1864 Nov. 10, 1867 Alleghany, Matthew Vassar and Wasp.
McDonald, Peter Seaman. Mar. 21, 1865 Alleghany to May 10, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
McDonald, Peter Seaman. Aug. 18, 1864 Alleghany, Tuscarora to June 30, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
McDonald, William Ord. Seaman. Dec. 17, 1862 June 7, 1865 Alleghany, State of Georgia, Minnesota, Sangamon, John Adams, Philadelphia and Columbia.
McDonald, William Landsman. Feb. 18, 1863 Alleghany and Mahaska; deserted Mar. 13, 1864.
McDonald, William Ord. Seaman. Mar. 21, 1863 July 20, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Commo. Jones and Fahkee.
McDonnell, John Landsman. Oct. 22, 1861 May 23, 1864 Princeton, Hatteras and Hospital Norfolk.
McDonough, John Ord. Seaman. May 15, 1860 May 25, 1863 Pawnee.
McDowell.Hambleton Ord. Seaman. 1863 1864 Seminole; awarded M. H.
McDugald, Dan'l A. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Monticello; deserted Aug. 19, 1864.
McElroy, Daniel Landsman. Feb. 17, 1865 June 23, 1865 Alleghany, Hetzel, Powhatan and Vermont.
McElroy, Samuel Landsman. April 12, 1861 June 30, 1864 Alleghany, Pawnee, Norwich and Chippewa.
McElhaney, Charles 1st Cl. Fireman Oct. 3, 1864 Aug. 10, 1865 Alleghany, Banshee and Don.
McEntier, Patrick Landsman. April 11, 1861 June 27, 1864 Alleghany, Pawnee and Carnation.
McFadden, James Landsman. Feb. 11, 1862 Aug. 25, 1862 Princeton and Supply.
McFadden, Robert Landsman. Feb. 21, 1862 Jan. 26, 1863 Ohio, Constellation and Release.
McFall, Peter Landsman. Aug. 15, 1862 Alleghany, Valley City and Alleghany to Mar. 26, 1863; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
McFall, Samuel Seaman. Feb. 21, 1862 Dec. 21, 1864 North Carolina, Sabine, Niagara and Hartford.
McGaw, John C. Landsman. May 2, 1862 May 1, 1865 Alleghany and Vanderbilt.
McGainey, Patrick Seaman. Oct. 11, 1862 Aug. 30, 1865 Alleghany and George Mangham.
McGee, Thomas Landsman. Aug. 14, 1862 June 23, 1865 Alleghany, Valley City, Minnesota and Stepping Stones.
McGeenney, Michael 2d Class Boy Aug. 7, 1862 June 12, 1864 Alleghany, Valley City, Underwriter and Hospital Norfolk.
McGeeny, Francis Landsman. Mar. 8, 1865 Mar. 25, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Wateree and Vermont.
McGinnis, James Coal Heaver. Sept. 7, 1864 June 20, 1865 Princeton and Massachusetts.
McGinnis, Jas. J. Landsman. Sept. 1, 1864 June 20, 1865 Alleghany and Roanoke.
McGinnis, Michael Seaman. Oct. 31, 1864 Alleghany and Matthew Vassar; deserted Feb. 2, 1865.
McGlutton, Charles Landsman. April 20, 1864 June 11, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton and New Hampshire.
McGovern, John Seaman. Oct. 20, 1864 Alleghany -and Banshee; deserted.
McGovern, Richard Seaman. Oct. 17, 1864 Alleghany, Banshee and Don; deserted Oct. 14, 1865.
McGowen, Hugh Coal Heaver. May 17, 1862 April 24, 1865 Alleghany, Flag and Memphis.
McGregor, Robert Landsman. July 20, 1863 Aug. 25, 1865 Alleghany, Freeborn, Matthew Vassar, Coeur de Leon and Mercury.
McGuire, Philip Landsman. Sept. 1, 1864 Alleghany, Mattabassett and North Carolina; deserted June 17, 1865.
McGuire, William Landsman. Mar. 16, 1863 Dec. 28, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Commo. Jones and Hospital Norfolk.
Mclntire, Lewis Landsman. April 25, 1864 May 25, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac, Narragansett, Potomac and Vermont.
Mclntyre, Elijah Landsman. July 11, 1864 April 1, 1867 Alleghany, Massachusetts, Pawnee, Tioga, Madawaska and Vermont.
Mclntyre, John 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 24, 1865 July 1, 1865 Alleghany and Banshee.
Mclver, William Landsman. Aug. 5, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Aries and Ohio; deserted Sept. 30, 1865.
McKay, George Landsman. Aug. 8, 1864 Aug. 7, 1867 Alleghany, Bermuda, Eutaw, North Carolina and Be Soto.
McKay, John Landsman. Mar. 9, 1865 Alleghany, Seneca and Ben Morgan; deserted Aug. & 1865.
McKee, John 2d Cl. Fireman June 25, 1863 May 11, 1865 Alleghany and Eutaw.
McKee, Nicholas Ord. Seaman. Aug. 16, 1864 May 9, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Tacony and Hospital Norfolk.
McKee, William Seaman. Mar. 21, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Independence, Saranac and Lancaster.
McKelly, John Landsman. Feb. 23, 1865 Oct. 14, 1865 Alleghany and Mercedita.
McKelvy, Albert 1st Cl. Fireman Mar. 14, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita and Vermont; deserted Nov. 4. 1865.
McKelvy, John Landsman. Feb. 3, 1863 Alleghany, State of Georgia and Massachusetts; deserted Mar. 26, 1864.
McKenney, Wm. D. 2d Cl. Fireman Sept. 13, 1864 Aug. 23, 1865 Alleghany, Tuscarora and Ohio.
McKennon, Hugh Ord. Seaman. Dec. 12, 1862 Alleghany and Sophronia; deserted.
McKenzie, George Ord. Seaman. July 25, 1864 Alleghany, Don, Hospital Washington and Don; deserted Sept. 30, 1864.
McKenzie, Samuel Landsman. Aug. 15, 1862 June 20, 1865 Alleghany, Valley City, Brandywine and Tacony.
McKey, Alexander Seaman. Feb. 21, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
McKinley, Henry Seaman. May 30, 1862 Alleghany, Paul Jones and Ohio; died Oct. 6, 1864.
McKinley, Henry C. Landsman. Mar. 18, 1863 Alleghany, Brandywine and Commo. Jones; vessel lost Mar. 31, 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Dept.
McKivett, James 1st Cl. Fireman Jan. 25, 1865 Jan. 28, 1868 Alleghany, Yankee, Fuchsia and Ascutney.
McKuen, Jeremiah Seaman. July 17, 1862 Aug. 4, 1863 Ohio, Housatonic and Princeton.
McKonkie, Joseph Landsman. Aug. 10, 1864 Sept. 11, 1867 Alleghany, Nipsic and Brooklyn.
McLaley, Thomas Landsman. Sept. 2, 1862 July 27, 1863 Alleghany, Minnesota, Tahoma and Hospital Philadelphia.
McLane, William 1st Cl. Fireman May 29, 1862 April 24, 1865 Alleghany and Flag.
McLarney, James Coal Heaver. Jan. 11, 1862 April 7, 1865 Alleghany and Pinola.
McLaughlin, David 3d Class Boy. April 18, 1865 April 17, 1869 Alleghany, Sacramento and Saratoga.
McLaughlin, Eugene 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 24, 1865 Alleghany and Waxsaw; deserted Nov. 27, 1865.
McLaughlin, Thomas Ord. Seaman. Sept. 23, 1862 Alleghany, North Carolina and Mt. Vernon, to April 22, 1863; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
McLaughlin, William Landsman. Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Constellation, Cactus, to Alleghany, July 4, 1865; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
McLaughlin, William Ord. Seaman. Aug. 18, 1864 Jan. 22, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Tacony.
McLean, Baldwin M. Coal Heaver. Jan. 30, 1863 Jan. 20, 1864 Alleghany, State of Georgia and Calypso.
McLean, Hector Seaman. July 30, 1861 June 4, 1862 Alleghany.
McLuskie, Edward Ord. Seaman. Nov. 26, 1862 Sept. 4, 1865 Alleghany and Racer.
McMachen, Stephen Landsman. Mar. 3, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
McMahon, Joseph Landsman. June 18, 1862 June 21, 1865 Alleghany, Paul Jones, John Adams and Commo. MacDonough.
McMaines, 'William 2d Cl. Fireman Oct. 7, 1864 Aug. 23, 1865 Alleghany, Banshee and Receiving Ship at Washington.
McManus, Arvin Seaman. Mar. 21, 1862 June 18, 1862 Alleghany and Amanda.
McMeachen, Albert 2d Class Boy. Jan. 23, 1863 Aug. 7, 1865 Alleghany, State of Georgia, Massachusetts and Alpha.
McMechen, Geo. E. Landsman. Feb. 2, 1863 Alleghany, State of Georgia and Arkansas; deserted Dec. 2, 1863.
McMullen, Michael 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 20, 1865 Mar. 26, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones and Lancaster.
McMurray, Archibald Ord. Seaman. Nov. 25, 1862 Jan. 20, 1865 Alleghany, James Adger and Wateree.
McNally, John Landsman. Aug. 14, 1862 Alleghany and Wyandank; deserted.
McNally, Patrick Landsman. April 13, 1861 Alleghany and Pawnee; deserted Oct. 8, 1861.
McNeal, Israel Ord. Seaman. Mar. 29, 1865 Alleghany and Cyane; deserted June 23, 1865.
McNeal, William Ord. Seaman. Aug. 13, 1862 Alleghany and Wyandank; deserted.
McNeice, Benj. C. Coal Heaver. May 11, 1863 May 11, 1865 Alleghany and Eutaw.
McNeil, Beverly Landsman. Sept. 1, 1864 June 20, 1865 Alleghany and Roanoke.
McNelty, James Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota and Calypso; deserted Jan. 1, 1865.
McPeak, John Landsman. Aug. 26, 1864 Aug. 16, 1865 Alleghany Minnesota and Ft. Donnelson.
McPherson, Ely Landsman. April 21, 1864 May 22, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Cyane, Independence and Vermont.
McQuail, Patrick Landsman. Jan. 5, 1863 July 8, 1865 Alleghany, State of Georgia, Niphon, Mahaska, Cherokee and Ohio.
McQuay, Richard Landsman. Aug. 1, 1864 May 4, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, South Carolina and Memphis.
McSweeny, Jeremiah Seaman. Nov. 18. 1864 Alleghany to Dec. 16, 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
McWilliams, J. 2d Class Boy, June 3, 1861 July 28, 1864 Alleghany and Hartford.
McWilliams, James Ord. Seaman. Feb. 16, 1865 Dec. 1, 1866 Alleghany, Mercedita, Muscoota and Vandalia.
McWilliams, James Ord. Seaman. Mar. 9, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita and Muscoota; deserted June 7, 1866.
Maag, Augustus Landsman. May 17, 1861 Alleghany, Navy Yard Washington, to Mar. 31, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Mack, Elias Landsman. April 20, 1864 Sept. 20, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Portsmouth and Bermuda.
Mack, Thomas Landsman. April 20, 1864 June 18, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Bay Point Station.
Machenhamer.Geo.N. Landsman. July 26, 1864 Alleghany, Potomac Flotilla and Navy Yard Washington; deserted Aug. 31, 1865.
Mackey, Albert 2d Cl. Fireman Sept. 8, 1864 Aug. 2, 1865 Princeton and Periwinkle.
Mackey, Caleb Landsman. Sept. 30, 1861 Jan. 8, 1865 North Carolina and Augusta.
Mackey, Isaac Landsman. June 20, 1862 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Mackey, Theodore Landsman. April 22, 1864 Sept. 7, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Ethan Allen and Agamenticus.
Mackie, Alexander 2d Cl. Fireman Oct. 31, 1864 Oct. 29, 1867 Alleghany, Malvern, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Snowdrop.
Mackwell, Isaac Landsman. Jan. 21, 1863 North Carolina and Union; deserted April 7, 1863.
Macom, John Landsman. Nov. 2, 1864 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Maddison, Edward Landsman. Mar. 29, 1862 April 15, 1865 Morth Carolina and Ft. Henry.
Maddox, John Landsman. July 1, 1862 Oct. 30, 1864 Alleghany Underwriter and Miami.
Maddox, William Landsman. June 20, 1864 May 11, 1865 Alleghany, Daylight, Eutaw and Vermont.
Madigan, William Seaman. Aug. 20, 1863 Nov. 9, 1865 North Carolina and Grand Gulf.
Maffett, George R. Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota and Mystic; deserted May 20, 1865.
Magee, Benjamin Ord. Seaman. Sept. 21, 1863 North Carolina and Calypso; deserted Nov. 13, 1863.
Magee, Thomas 1st Cl. Fireman Jan. 18, 1865 Alleghany, Rescue, Wyandank, and Fuchsia; deserted Aug. 25, 1865.
Magruder, Fred. G. Landsman. Feb. 13, 1865 May 13, 1867 Atlanta, Gettysburg, Nyack, Ohio, Alleghany, Constellation and Vermont.
Magruder, George Landsman. Aug. 22, 1864 Sept. 10, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Atlanta, Shamokin, Pawnee and Brooklyn.
Mahler, George Seaman. Mar. 23, 1865 Alleghany and Independence; deserted April 19, 1866.
Mahoney, Frederick Landsman. April 20, 1864 June 18, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Massachusetts, Chatham, New Hampshire and Bay Point Station.
Mahoney, Thomas Landsman. Feb. 10, 1865 Alleghany, Constellation, R. R. Cuyler and Vermont; deserted July 31, 1865.
Maiden, Joseph Seaman. June 24, 1861 June 22, 1864 Alleghany, Navy Yard Washington and Benton.
Maland, Stephen Ord. Seaman. May 8, 1862 Alleghany; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Maley, James Landsman. Nov. 11, 1863 Sept. 10, 1864 Princeton and State of Georgia.
Mallen, John Landsman. June 16, 1862 April 28, 1865 Alleghany, Paul Jones, John Adams and New Hampshire.
Mallon, Patrick F. 1st CI. Fireman May 16, 1863 June 29, 1864 North Carolina, Dai Ching and New Ironsides.
Malloy, James A. 1st Cl. Fireman Nov. 4, 1863 Nov. 3, 1864 Alleghany and Crusader.
Malone, William Coal Heaver. Sept. 4, 1863 Sept. 12, 1864 Alleghany, Maratanza and Savannah.
Malone, William 1st Cl. Fireman Jan. 16, 1865 Alleghany, Potomac Flotilla and Navy Yard Washington; deserted July 31, 1865.
Maloney, John Landsman. July 1, 1862 June 14, 1865 Alleghany, Underwriter, Commo. Hull and Eolus.
Maloney, William 2d Cl. Fireman Nov. 10, 1864 Alleghany, Wyandank and Anacostia; deserted May 31, 1865.
Manche, Valentine Landsman. Mar. 8, 1865 Alleghany and Independence; deserted April 19, 1866.
Manly, James T. Landsman. Mar. 9, 1865 Mar. 25, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Wateree and Vermont.
Mann, Nicholas J. 1st Cl. Fireman Jan. 7, 1864 North Carolina; deserted.
Manning, Benjamin Landsman. June 6, 1864 June 5, 1866 Alleghany, Daylight, Eutaw, Macedonian and Marion.
Mannion, Thomas Seaman. Mar. 16, 1865 Alleghany and Seneca; deserted June 17, 1865.
Manship, William Landsman. April 21, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Manuel, Michael Landsman. Feb. 10. 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Marine, William Landsman. Feb. 8, 1864 Aug. 23, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Wyandank.
Marr, Samuel Seaman. Jan. 4, 1862 Feb. 27, 1865 North Carolina, Philadelphia and Oneida.
Mars, Perry Landsman. April 23, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Lancaster and Vermont; died June 26, 1865.
Marsh, George Landsman. Mar. 6, 1865 Mar. 25, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Wateree and Vermont.
Marsh, James M. 1st Class Boy. Aug. 18, 1862 May 17, 1865 Princeton and Powhatan.
Marsh, Whitfleld Landsman. Mar. 29, 1865 May 22, 1865 Alleghany and Hospital Norfolk.
Marshal, Edward 2d Cl. Fireman Dec. 23, 1864 Jan. 9, 1868 Alleghany, Periwinkle, Swatara, Guard and Vermont.
Marshal, Robert Landsman, Aug. 31, 1864 Jan. 23, 1868 Alleghany, Tuscarora, Mohican and Vermont.
Marshal, Thomas Landsman. April 27, 1864 Jan. 13, 1865 Alleghany, Naval Academy and Macedonian.
Marshal, William L. 1st Cl. Fireman Aug. 12, 1864 June 15, 1865 Alleghany, Rescue and Navy Yard Washington.
Marshall, Daniel Ord. Seaman. Feb. 15, 1862 Princeton and Wamsutta; deserted Mar. 17, 1862.
Marshall, John Seaman. Jan. 16, 1862 April 7, 1865 Alleghany and Pinola.
Marshall, John Ord. Seaman. Aug. 19, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota, Tacony and Malvern; deserted May 6, 1865.
Marshall, John H. 1st Class Boy. Aug. 17, 1863 Sept. 12, 1864 Alleghany and Nansemond.
Marshall, Richard C. Ord. Seaman. July 22, 1864 Alleghany and Don; deserted Nov. 5, 1864.
Martin, Albert Landsman. Mar. 14, 1865 April 5, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Suwanee and Vermont.
Martin, Henry Landsman. April 23, 1864 Aug. 31, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Princeton.
Martin, John Landsman. Nov. 19, 1862 Aug. 3, 1865 Alleghany, Gen. Putnam, Brandywine and Delaware.
Martin, Levi Landsman. July 5, 1864 Alleghany, Tritonia and Malvern; deserted.
Martin, Richard Landsman. April 23, 1864 Oct. 14, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Brandywine, Mt. Vernon, Young America, Santee and Winnepec.
Martin, Thomas Landsman. April 12, 1865 Alleghany and Wyoming to Mar. 1, 1867; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Martin, William Landsman. Mar. 26, 1863 July 18, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Commo. Jones, Delaware and Saugus.
Mason, Alexander G. Landsman. Feb. 18, 1862 North Carolina and Dacotah; deserted Nov. 4, 1862.
Mason, Charles Landsman. Sept. 1, 1864 July 20, 1865 Alleghany, Roanoke, Malvern and Vanclalia.
Mason, Charles Landsman. Aug. 7, 1861 Aug. 20, 1862 North Carolina and Connecticut.
Mason, James 2d Cl. Fireman Nov. 10, 1864 May 31, 1865 Alleghany, Wyandank and Morse.
Mason, James 1st Class Boy. May 28, 1861 April 8, 1863 Alleghany and Hartford.
Mason, James Seaman. June 23, 1863 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Mason, John Seaman. Aug. 2, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Mt. Vernon, Mackinaw and Vandalia; deserted June 20, 1865.
Mason, John Landsman. April 21, 1864 June 18, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
Mason, William Landsman. June 5, 1862 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Paul Jones, John Adams and Camelia.
Mason, William T. Landsman. Aug. 17, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota and Calypso; drowned Jan. 18, 1865.
Mass, Francis Landsman. Nov. 25, 1863 Alleghany and Shokokon; deserted June 30, 1865.
Massay, Joseph Landsman. June 2, 1864 June 1, 1866 Alleghany, Daylight, Osceola, Release, Wm. Badger and Mackinaw.
Massay, William W. Landsman. Mar. 21, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Massey, Edward Landsman. April 19, 1864 Aug. 22, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Vermont, Princeton and North Carolina.
Massey, Robert J. Landsman. April 22, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Mastro, Lawrence Ord. Seaman. Jan. 25, 1865 Sept. 17, 1867 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Mather, James Seaman. Aug. 5, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Maratanza and North Carolina; deserted Nov. 22, 1864.
Mathews, Abraham Landsman. Oct. 23, 1863 Feb. 3, 1864 Ohio and Ticonderoga.
Mathews, Clinton Landsman. Aug. 27, 1863 Sept. 26, 1864 North Carolina and Britannia.
Mathews, David Seaman. July 7, 1864 Feb. 8, 1868 Alleghany, Pontiac, Hartford and Wachusetts.
Mathews, Garrison Landsman. April 22, 1864 Aug. 21, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and Norwich.
Mathews, Isaac Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Lancaster; served under the name of Isaiah Matthews.
Mathews, John Landsman. Oct. 10, 1862 Alleghany and Adolph Hugel; deserted Feb. 13, 1863.
Mathews, John Seaman. May 16, 1862 Alleghany; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Mathews, John H. Landsman. April 25, 1864 July 31, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T. ; Matthew Vassar.
Mathews, Joseph W. Landsman. Sept. 29, 1862 June 17, 1865 Alleghany and Mt. Vernon.
Mathews, Levi Landsman. June 8, 1864 May 11, 1865 Alleghany, Daylight, Eutaw and Vermont.
Mathews, Thomas Landsman. Aug. 11, 1864 Sept. 11, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Kansas and Brooklyn.
Mathews, William Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Aug. 7, 1863 Violet and Ft. Jackson.
Mathews, William Landsman. April 27, 1864 July 31. 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T. ; Wyandank.
Mathewson, John K. Ord. Seaman. Jan. 13, 1865 Alleghany, and Wyoming; deserted April 12, 1867.
Matson, Charles Landsman. April 22, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Matthews, Andrew Ord. Seaman. May 10, 1861 Sept. 16, 1863 Ohio and Mississippi.
Matthews, George Landsman. Nov. 1, 1864 Sept. 23, 1865 Alleghany and Aroostook.
Matthews, Jacob Seaman. Aug. 27, 1861 Aug. 25, 1862 Alleghany, Wissahickon and Princeton.
Matthias, Henry Landsman. May 11, 1864 Dec. 31, 1864 Alleghany, Naval Academy and Macedonian.
Mauley, William Landsman. Aug. 30, 1864 Alleghany; deserted.
Maurice, John Seaman. Oct. 28, 1862 Alleghany, Dan Smith and Adolph Hugel; deserted July 1, 1863.
Max, George Seaman. July 16, 1861 Alleghany, Navy Yard Washington, to Mississippi Flotilla, Nov. 16, 1861; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Maxfield, Murray 2d Cl. Fireman Aug. 17, 1863 Aug. 24, 1864 Grampus, Clara Dolsen, Peosta and Memphis Hospital.
Maxwell, Robert 1st Cl. Fireman Feb. 8, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Wyoming and Alleghany.
Maxwell, William S. 2d Cl. Fireman Oct. 6, 1862 Princeton, Mohican and North Carolina; deserted April 20, 1864.
May, Henry Ord. Seaman. Feb. 27, 1863 Alleghany, Mahaska and Nipsic; deserted June 26, 1865.
May, John V. Landsman. Aug. 2, 1864 Navy Yard Washington; deserted.
May, Urban C. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 20, 1865 Montgomery.
May, William 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 27, 1865 Aug. 21, 1865 Alleghany and Heliotrope.
May, William R. Landsman. Dec. 1, 1862 Sept. 26, 1863 Alleghany, Mt. Washington and Hospital Norfolk.
Mayo, John Seaman. Mar. 31, 1865 Alleghany to May 10, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Meads, Charles R. 3d Class Boy. Dec. 23, 1864 Sept. 11, 1868 Alleghany, Sabine, Resaca and Vermont.
Meads, Zachariah Landsman. Aug. 11, 1864 April 11, 1866 Alleghany, Brandywine, Osceola and Hospital Norfolk.
Mecutchen, Jesse Landsman. April 23, 1861 Princeton, Union and Princeton; deserted Jan. 1, 1862.
Meekins, John H. Landsman. Aug. 23, 1864 June 6, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Tacony.
Meekins, Joseph Seaman. Nov. 6, 1861 Nov. 7, 1864 Princeton, Tuscarora, Marion and Macedonian.
Meekins, Thomas Seaman. April 27, 1861 June 13, 1864 North Carolina, Wabash and Gem of the Sea.
Meeter, James Seaman. Mar. 21, 1862 Alleghany, Amanda and Quaker City; deserted.
Melchoir, August Landsman. May 24, 1861 Sept. 2, 1862 Alleghany, Wissahickon and Princeton.
Mellage, George Seaman. Dec. 30, 1863 Jan. 5, . 1865 North Carolina and Hartford.
Melville, Adorno Landsman. Aug. 3, 1864 Aug. 1, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Calypso, North Carolina, Hornet, Swatara, Conemaugh and Vermont.
Melvin, John Ord. Seaman. Oct. 16, 1863 Aug. 1, 1864 Alleghany, Commo. Barney and Norfolk Hospital.
Mercer, John W. 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 2, 1865 Alleghany, Constellation and Boxer; deserted July 16, 1865.
Mercer, John M. Landsman. May 21, 1861 May 22, 1864 Alleghany and Louisville.
Merchant, Chris. Landsman. Mar. 7, 1865 Mar. 25, 1867 Alleghany, Cyane, St. Mary's, Wateree and Vermont.
Merdz, Louis Ord. Seaman. Aug. 14, 1862 Alleghany, Octorara and Guard; deserted.
Meredith, Benj. J. Yoeman. Sept. 18, 1861 Oct. 31, 1869 Isaac Smith, E. B. Hall, Iroquois and Macedonian.
Meridith, John A. Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Atlanta.
Meriken, James T. Landsman. July 25, 1864 July 24, 1867 Alleghany, Wyandank and Snowdrop.
Merk, Edward Seaman. June 8, 1864 Alleghany, Potomska, Pawnee and Vandalia; deserted Aug. 19, 1865.
Merritt, Benjamin J. Ord. Seaman. Sept. 13, 1861 Sept. 16, 1864 North Carolina, Isaac Smith, Iroquois and Macedonian.
Merritt, Francis 2d Cl. Fireman July 25, 1862 May 13, 1865 Princeton, Powhatan and Nereus.
Merritt, Samuel H. Coal Heaver. July 24, 1862 Alleghany and Underwriter; deserted Jan. 24, 1863.
Merritty, Richard Ord. Seaman. Oct. 24, 1864 June 30, 1865 Great Western and Colossus.
Merryman, John R. Landsman. Dec. 29, 1862 July 29, 1865 Alleghany, State of Georgia and Scioto.
Mettee, Elias Landsman. Feb. 20, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Lancaster, Independence and Saranac.
Mettee, Joseph Landsman. Feb. 20, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany and Lancaster.
Meyer, Henry Ord. Seaman. Mar. 30, 1865 Alleghany and De Soto; deserted Dec. 28, 1865.
Meyer, Robert Seaman. Jan. 13, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Meyers, Charles 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 24, 1865 Alleghany, Resolute and Navy Yard Washington; deserted Sept. 30, 1865.
Meyers, Jacob W. 1st Cl. Fireman Nov., 1863 Dec. 24, 1864 Alleghany, Kineo and Princeton; serving in the West Gulf B. S., as Acting Engineer; in engagements at Velasco and Pt. Isabel; in capture of schooner Laura and steamer Caroline.
Mezger, Ernest 2d Class Boy. Aug. 17, 1863 Sept. 27, 1865 Alleghany, Daylight, Osceola and Ohio.
Michael, Thomas Landsman. Aug. 30, 1864 June 20, 1865 AJleghany and Roanoke.
Mickens, Thomas H. 1st Class Boy. May 4, 1864 July 15, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T.; Wm. Bacon and Navy Yard Washington.
Mickerson, Aaron Landsman. April 21, 1864 July 23, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts and Princeton.
Middleton, Robert S Landsman. Aug. 23, 1862 April 3, 1863 Princeton, Water Witch and North Carolina.
Middleton, William Ord. Seaman. Jan. 16, 1862 Ohio and Ino; deserted July 28, 1862.
Milburn, George Landsman. Aug. 17, 1864 Aug. 16, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Mystic, Macedonian, Winnepec, Saco and Constitution.
Miles, Ambrose Landsman. April 20, 1864 June 16, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Massachusetts, Cimarron and New Hampshire.
Miles, George Seaman. Mar. 31, 1865 Oct. 1, 1868 Alleghany Wateree and Vermont.
Miles, Henry Ord. Seaman. April 20, 1864 July 19, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T.; Jacob Bell and Casco.
Miller, Alexander Ord. Seaman. June iO, 1861 June 28, 1864 Alleghany and De Soto.
Miller, Alexander H. Ord. Seaman. Mar. 3, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Miller, Arthur Seaman. Aug. 23, 1864 June 15, 1865 Alleghany, Rescue and Navy Yard Washington.
Miller, Arthur Seaman. April 6, 1861 Alleghany to Mississippi Flotilla, Nov. 16, 1861; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Miller, Charles W. Landsman. Nov. 23, 1864 June 30, 1865 Alleghany and R. R. Cuyler.
Miller, Ernest Seaman. Dec. 2, 1864 A.lleghany and R. R. Cuyler; deserted Jan. 19, 1865.
Miller, George H. Landsman. Oct. 10, 1863 July 12, 1865 Princeton, Mt. Vernon and North Carolina.
Miller, Harmon H. Landsman. June 23, 1863 Sept. 1, 1864 Alleghany, Eutaw, Morse and Daylight.
Miller, Jacob Landsman. Nov. 19, 1862 Alleghany and Gen. Putnam; deserted.
Miller, James Landsman. Nov. 5, 1861 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Miller, John Ord. Seaman. April 6, 1861 Alleghany, Navy Yard Washington; Nov. 16, 1861, to army.
Miller, John Seaman. Nov. 6, 1861 Sept. 18, 1862 Princeton and Wissahickon.
Miller, John Ord. Seaman. Dec. 13, 1864 Alleghany, Morse, Washington Navy Yard; deserted July 31, 1865.
Miller, John Seaman. Feb. 16, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Miller, Lewis Landsman. Sept. 18, 1862 July 8, 1865 Alleghany, Mt. Vernon and Minnesota.
Miller, Lewis Landsman. Aug. 17, 1864 Oct. 14, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Atlanta, Kansas and Nipsic.
Miller, Louis D. E. Landsman. Mar. 15, 1863 Sept. 11, 1867 Alleghany. Mercedita and Brooklyn.
Miller, Oliver J. Apprentice. Mar. 2, 1865 Navy Yard Washington; deserted Aug. 30, 1865.
Miller, Stephen M. Coal Heaver. Dec., 1863 Dec., 1864 Kineo.
Miller, Thomas Landsman. Sept. 15, 1863 Oct. 10, 1864 North Carolina and Sweet Brier.
Miller, Thomas H. Coal Heaver. Mar. 19, 1862 Mar. 24, 1863 North Carolina and Madgie.
Miller, William H. Landsman. May 21, 1861 Aug. 14, 1862 Alleghany, Wissahickon and Princeton; discharged for disability.
Miller, William H. Landsman. May 10, 1864 June 9, 1865 Alleghany, Naval Academy and Constitution.
Milles, William F. Landsman. Aug. 11, 1862 Aug. 5, 1865 Alleghany, Octorara and Connecticut.
Milliken, John F. Ord. Seaman. Feb. 7, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Mills, Charles W. Seaman. July 17, 1863 Sept. 16, 1864 Ohio, George Mangham and Princeton.
Mills, George H. Landsman. Sept. 19, 1864 Aug. 23, 1865 Alleghany, Tuscarora and Ohio.
Mills, Thomas Landsman. July 5, 1864 July 24, 1867 Alleghany, Don and Augusta.
Mills, William T. Landsman. April 20, 1864 Aug. 17, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia and Prineeton.
Milstead, William Seaman. April 8, 1863 June 27, 1865 Princeton, Lehigh and Pawnee.
Minus, David Ord. Seaman. Jan. 21, 1862 Princeton, Miami, Roanoke and North Carolina; deserted April 26, 1862.
Mitchell, Edward Landsman. April 28, 1864 April 25, 1865 Alleghany and Commo. Perry.
Mitchell, Franklin Landsman. April 25, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Cyane; died June 23, 1864.
Mitchell, George Landsman. Sept. 2, 1864 Sept. 12, 1864 Alleghany.
Mitchell, James Landsman. Aug. 28, 1863 Sept. 25, 1863 North Carolina and Princeton.
Mitchell, James H. Landsman. July 1, 1863 June 7, 1865 Alleghany, Eutaw and Onondago.
Mitchell, James H. Landsman. Sept. 26, 1863 June 15, 1865 Navy Yard Washington and Teazer.
Mitchell, John Landsman. April 28, 1864 April 26, 1865 Alleghany and Commo. Perry.
Mitchell, John Landsman. Jan. 28, 1862 Alleghany and Pinola; deserted Jan. 31, 1862.
Mitchell, John N. 3d Class Boy. Oct. 17, 1864 Nov. 11, 1871 Alleghany, Sabine, Brooklyn, Portsmouth, Saratoga, Powhatan, Onward, Jamestown and Vermont.
Mitchell, John W. Landsman. Feb. 8, 1864 Aug. 9, 1865 Alleghany, Winona and Vandalia.
Mitchell, John F. W. 3d Class Boy. Mar. 22, 1865 Alleghany and Sabine; discharged Sept. 12, 1866, by sentence of C. M.
Mitchell, Lewis Landsman. Sept. 19, 1862 Sept. 18, 1863 Brandywine and Zouave.
Mitchell, Pero Landsman. April 23, 1864 Feb. 5, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Stettin, Kearsarge and Ohio.
Mitchell, William Seaman. April 8, 1861 April 7, 1864 North Carolina, Monticello and Arkansas.
Mitchell, William B. Landsman. April 22, 1864 Feb. 16, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham and New Hampshire.
Mitchell, William S. Seaman. April 12, 1861 April 7, 1864 North Carolina, Monticello, Princeton and Arkansas.
Moan, Frank Landsman. Aug. 9, 1862 Alleghany, Octorara, Guard and Receiving Ship at New York; deserted.
Moan, John Landsman. Feb. 28, 1863 June 16, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Commo. Jones and W. G. Putnam.
Mock, Thomas Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 July 19, 1865 Monticello.
Monmonier, E. W. Landsman. Mar. 2, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Independence, Saranac and Lancaster.
Monroe, Charles Seaman. Jan. 14, 1863 Navy Yard Washington and Primrose; deserted.
Monroe, Charles Seaman. April 27, 1864 April 26, 1865 Navy Yard Washington and Eutaw.
Monroe, John Landsman. May 17, 1864 Aug. 14, 1865 Princeton and Ino.
Montgomery, Alex. Boy. Jan. 28, 1862 Jan. 28, 1863 Maria Denning, Cincinnati and Clara Dolsen.
Montier, Robert Landsman. Jan. 18, 1862 Dec. 19, 1862 North Carolina, Sidney C. Jones and Princeton.
Moody, Charles Landsman. Aug. 8, 1864 April 1, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Winnepec, New Hampshire and Vermont.
Moon, Thomas O. 1st Class Boy. Jan. 14, 1864 Feb. 9, 1865 Nansemond and Savannah.
Mooney, Charles Landsman. Feb. 11, 1864 Jan. 20, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Chicopee.
Mooney, James Seaman. June 29, 1864 Alleghany and Potomac Flotilla; deserted.
Mooney, William W. Landsman. Mar. 7, 1863 May 29, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine and Commo. Jones.
Moore, Aaron I. Landsman. Nov. 29, 1862 Nov. 24, 1863 Ohio and Alabama.
Moore, Benjamin Seaman. Feb. 1, 1865 Alleghany and Wyoming; deserted April 16, 1865.
Moore, Charles H. Seaman. July 2, 1861 North Carolina to Sabine; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Moore, Frisbe Landsman. July 11, 1864 July 10, 1867 Alleghany, Massachusetts, Pawnee, Augusta, Algonquin and Vermont.
Moore, George W. Landsman. April 13, 1861 Alleghany to Mississippi Flotilla, Sept. 24, 1861; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Moore, Henry Landsman. Sept. 18, 1862 North Carolina and Navy Yard Washington; deserted Nov. 5, 1862.
Moore, Henry D. Landsman. Aug. 31, 1864 Sept. 2, 1865 AJlleghany and Tuscarora.
Moore, Henry W. Seaman. April 4, 1863 April 3, 1864 North Carolina and Roanoke.
Moore, James Landsman. Sept. 1, 1884 June 6, 1865 Alleghany and Keystone State.
Moore, Jeremiah E. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 July 17, 1865 Monticello.
Moore, John Seaman. May 19, 1862 Alleghany and Paul Jones; deserted Sept. 30, 1863.
Moore, John Landsman. Aug. 11, 1864 Aug. 10, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Canonicus, Massachusetts and Vermont.
Moore, John Seaman. Nov. 2, 1864 Alleghany and I. N. Seymour; deserted Dec. 21, 1864.
Moore, John F. Landsman. June 16, 1863 June 16, 1866 Alleghany, Eutaw, Morse, Daylight and Lenapee.
Moore, John T. Seaman. Mar. 19, 1861 Princeton and Water Witch; deserted April 19, 1862.
Moore, Richard Landsman. Mar. 9, 1863 May 11, 1864 Ohio, North Carolina, Seminole and Pensacola.
Moore, Thomas Ord. Seaman. Dec. 5, 1862 Sept. 4, 1865 Alleghany and Racer.
Moore, Thomas 2d Cl. Fireman Mar. 9, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Moore, Thomas Seaman. June 27, 1862 May 30, 1863 North Carolina and Relief.
Moore, William Seaman. Aug. 21, 1862 Alleghany and Wyandank; deserted.
Moore, William Landsman. Feb. 8, 1864 Mar. 12, 1865 Alleghany, Winona and Princeton.
Moore, William Landsman. Mar. 20, 1865 Dec. 19, 1866 Alleghany, Seneca and Chicopee.
Moran, Edward 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 24, 1865 April 25, 1867 Alleghany and De Soto.
Moran, John Seaman. Mar. 4, 1863 Alleghany, Crusader and Dacotah; deserted Dec. 12, 1863.
Moran, Timothy Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 Alleghany to Sept. 4, 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Morgan, Charles T. 1st Class Boy. Jan. 26, 1863 Alleghany, State of Georgia, Massachusetts and Wachusetts; deserted Mar. 26, 1864.
Morgan, Edmund Ord. Seaman. Jan. 26, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Morgan, George Landsman. Mar. 21, 1865 Alleghany, Seneca, and Chicopee; deserted April 18, 1866.
Morgan, William Coal Heaver. Jan. 20, 1864 Mar. 12, 1865 North Carolina, Brooklyn and Bienville.
Morgan, William Seaman. Jan. 15, 1864 Alleghany, Kineo, to Mar. 27, 1865; no further record, TJ. S. N. Department.
Morren, James Ord. Seaman. July 7, 1864 Alleghany, Massachusetts and John Adams; deserted June 18, 1865.
Morris, Henry Seaman. July 19, 1864 Alleghany and Don; deserted Aug. 13, 1864.
Morris, Robert Seaman. April 25, 1862 Princeton and Potomac Flotilla; deserted.
Morris, Samuel Landsman. April 21, 1864 Feb. 11, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, St. Mary's, Jamestown and Independence.
Morris, William Seaman. June 17, 1861 Ohio, Dale and San Jacinto, to Jan. 19, 1864; no further record.
Morrison, James Coal Heaver. Jan. 11, 1862 Alleghany; deserted Jan. 12, 1862.
Morrison, Michael 2d Cl. Fireman Mar. 7, 1865 July 26, 1865 Alleghany, Hetzel and Hospital Norfolk.
Morrow, William F. 2d Class Boy. Mar. 7, 1863 June 19, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine and Wyandotte.
Morrow, William H. Landsman. Nov. 12, 1862 Alleghany, Brandywine and Southfield; drowned Dec. 10, 1862.
Morse, William Coal Heaver. Jan. 10, 1863 Alleghany and Ceres; deserted Nov. 30, 1863.
Mortimore, Dennis C. Landsman. Mar. 13, 1865 Mar. 12, 1867 Alleghany, Independence and Saginaw.
Morton, Daniel Seaman. Sept. 18, 1862 Ohio and Sabine; Princeton, June 11, 1863; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Morton, Frederick Seaman. July 7, 1863 May 4, 1865 Alleghany, Dan Smith and Ascutney.
Morton, Glenmore Landsman. April 19, 1864 Aug. 17, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Massachusetts, Cimarron and Princeton.
Morton, Thomas Landsman. April 19, 1864 June 16, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash and Philadelphia.
Moseley, William Landsman. Nov. 26, 1861 Princeton and Wissahickon; died Mar. 20, 1863.
Mosher, Charles Landsman. Mar. 15, 1865 Sept. 11, 1867 AJleghany, Mercedita and Brooklyn.
Moss, John Landsman. July 31, 1862 Navy Yard Washington; not on roll, 3rd quarter, 1862, records U. S. N. Department.
Mowson, Robert Ord. Seaman. June 20, 1864 Alleghany, Potomska, Daffodil and Potomska, to Jan. 24, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Moyle, John P. Ord. Seaman. Jan. 8, 1864 Alleghany and Winona; deserted Mar. 31, 1864.
Muldoon, James Landsman. Sept. 15, 1862 Alleghany; deserted Oct. 15, 1862.
Mulkhay, Thomas Landsman. Sept. 18, 1862 A.lleghany and Minnesota; Brandywine, Oct. 7, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Mullen, John Landsman. June 16, 1862 April 25, 1865 Paul Jones; Naval Battery at Morris Island; participated in bombardment of fortifications, Charleston, S. C., and the capture of Jacksonville.
Muller, Peter Captain of A. Guards. 1863 1868 Virginia.
Mullin, Patrick Landsman. Aug. 13, 1862 July 17, 1865 Alleghany, Wyandank, Ella and Don; awarded M. H.
Mulvenna, Neal Ord. Seaman. Mar. 3, 1865 Alleghany and Cyane; deserted Aug. 29, 1865.
Mundowney, Jeremiah Ord. Seaman. Aug. 29, 1864 Oct. 24, 1867 Alleghany, Tuscarora, Powhatan and Vermont.
Munn, John Landsman. April 23, 1863 June 30, 1866 Alleghany, Mahaska, Nipsic and Susquehanna.
Murch, George A. Seaman. Oct. 4, 1864 Oct. 3, 1866 Alleghany, Tuscarora, Ohio, Ashuelot, Don and Savannah.
Murdock, Charles Landsman. Aug. 31, 1864 June 20, 1865 Alleghany and Roanoke.
Murdock, John Landsman. Feb. 26, 1864 Mar. 17, 1865 Ohio, Sabine, Colorado and Ft. Jackson.
Murphy, Cornelius Landsman. Dec. 31, 1862 Sept. 25, 1863 Alleghany and State of Georgia.
Murphy, Daniel Ord. Seaman. Sept. 26, 1864 Sept. 5, 1867 Alleghany, Tuscarora, Tacony, Vermont and Peoria.
Murphy, Dennis Landsman. Nov. 24, 1862 Aug. 9, 1865 Alleghany, Racer and Nahant.
Murphy, James Landsman. Mar. 13, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Independence, Saranac and Lancaster.
Murphy, John Coal Heaver. Jan. 11, 1862 April 7, 1863 Alleghany and Pinola.
Murphy, John Landsman. Mar. 6, 1863 Alleghany, Brandywine and Commo. Jones; deserted May 25, 1863.
Murphy, Matthew Landsman. Mar. 17, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Murphy, Morris Landsman. Sept. 18, 1863 June 3, 1865 Navy Yard Washington, Teazer, Commo. Read, Periwinkle and Alleghany.
Murphy, Stephen Seaman. May SO, 1861 June 2C-, 1864 Alleghany, St. Lawrence, Huntsville and Beauregard.
Murphy, William Landsman. Sept. 17, 1862 Aug. 17, 1863 Alleghany, Minnesota and Mt. Vernon.
Murray, Adam Landsman. April 21, 1864 Sept. 7, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and St. Mary's.
Murray, Henry Landsman. April 21, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Saginaw and Lancaster.
Murray, James 2d CL Fireman Alleghany, Rescue, Wyandank and Macedonian; deserted May 31, 1865.
Murray, James j Landsman. Aug. 5, 1864 Feb. 20, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Aries and Hospital Norfolk.
Murray, James M. Ord. Seaman. Oct. 1, 1863 Nov. 21, 1864 North Carolina, Sonoma and Princeton.
Murray, John 1st Cl. Fireman Aug. 29, 1864 July 27, 1865 Alleghany and Potomac Flotilla.
Murray, John Seaman. Oct. 6, 1862 May 2, 1865 Ohio, Gem of the Sea and Galena.
Murray, John J. Seaman. Nov. 14, 1864 Alleghany, Matthew Vassar; deserted Dec. 24, 1864.
Murray, Jordon Landsman. Feb. 9, 1864 Mar. 12, 1865 Alleghany, Winona and Princeton.
Murray, Michael Seaman. Oct. 8, 1861 Sept. 24, 1862 Alleghany, Wissahickon and Princeton.
Murray, Michael 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 8, 1865 Alleghany, Constellation and Boxer; deserted July 16, 1865.
Murray, Owen Landsman. April 23, 1864 Dec. 14, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Daylight, Osceola, Release, Wm. Badger and Vermont.
Murray, Samuel Landsman. April 21, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Saginaw and Lancaster.
Murray, Walter E. Landsman. July 13, 1863 North Carolina; deserted.
Murray, William Landsman. Dec. 12, 1863 Dec. 11, 1864 North Carolina, Glaucus, Minnesota and Cambridge.
Murray, William Landsman. Feb. 27, 1865 Alleghany and Cyane; deserted June 30, 1865.
Murray, William Landsman. April 25, 1864 Aug. 31, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany an-3 "Vermont.
Murray, William Landsman. July 7, 1864 June 30, 1865 Alleghany, Don and Adolph Hugel.
Murrey, John Ord. Seaman. Oct. 31, 1864 Alleghany, Matthew Vassar and Princeton, to Sept. 30, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Murry, Samuel R. Landsman. Sept. 3, 1863 June 17, 1865 Alleghany and Maratanza.
Muscke, Richard Ord. Seaman. June 17, 1861 Sept. 11, 1863 Alleghany, St. Lawrence and Shenandoah.
Muth, John Landsman. Feb. 17, 1865 April 3, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Suwanee and Vermont.
Myers, Charles 3d Class Boy. April 15, 1861 June 30, 1864 Alleghany, Pawnee, Norwich and Chippewa.
Myers, Frederick W. 1st Cl. Fireman Feb. 20, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Myers, George Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Commo. Morris; deserted Aug. 20, 1864.
Myers, Harrison Landsman. April 25, 1864 April 21, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Minnesota, Crusader, Pensacola and Constellation.
Myers, Henry Landsman. Sept. 29, 1862 Alleghany and Dan Smith; deserted June 17, 1863.
Myers, Jacob W. 1st Cl. Fireman Dec. 1, 1863 Dec. 22, 1864 Alleghany, Victoria, Kineo and Princeton.
Myers, John H. Ord. Seaman. Mar. 13, 1865 Alleghany, De Soto and Jean Sands; deserted June 22, 1866.
Myers, John J. 1st Cl. Fireman May 15, 1861 May 15, 1864 Howell Cobb, Jacob Bell and Alleghany.
Myers, Joseph T. Landsman. Feb. 8, 1864 Mar. 7, 1865 Alleghany, Winona, Vermont, New Hampshire and Princeton.
Myers, Thomas 2d Cl. Fireman Dec. 23, 1864 A.lleghany; deserted Jan. 20, 1865.
Myers, Washington Ord. Seaman. Feb. 24, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 A.lleghany and Wyoming.
Myers, William Landsman. Feb. 26, 1863 Oct. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Commo. Jones, Pequot and Vanderbilt.
Myers, William Landsman. Mar. 17, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Myers, William Landsman. Nov. 30, 1863 Dec. 5, 1864 North Carolina, Dawn and Sebago.
Mylius, Robert Seaman. July 25, 1863 Aug. 8, 1864 Alleghany and Nansemond.

Volunteers - N

Click the "Expand" buttons to the right to view the rosters for the Sailors of this branch.

Last Names Beginning with "N"
Name Rank or
Date of
or Shipment
Date of
Vessels Served on
and Remarks
Nagle, Charles W. Landsman. June 17, 1863 Alleghany and Eutaw; deserted Oct. 5, 1863.
Nanenger, Ed. G. Coal Heaver. July 1, 1863 May 11, 1865 Alleghany, Eutaw, Daylight and North Carolina.
Naugle, George H. Landsman. Aug. 18, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota and Atlanta to Princeton, June 23, 1865; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Dept.
Neal, Charles Landsman. July 12, 1864 June 13, 1867 Alleghany, Zouave, Njrack, Wateree and Vermont.
Neale, James H. Landsman. Oct. 19, 1861 Aug. 25, 1862 North Carolina, Henry Andrews and Crusader.
Neely, Thomas Landsman. Aug. 27, 1862 April 15, 1863 Alleghany, Minnesota, Brandywine, Penobscot and Hospital Norfolk.
Neigle, Henry Seaman. May 6, 1862 May 4, 1865 Alleghany and Mt. Vernon.
Neild, Robert H. Seaman. July 16, 1862 May 21, 1865 Alleghany, Underwriter, Southfield and Miami.
Neilson, John Seaman. Aug. 10, 1864 Mar. 11, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Maratanza and North Carolina.
Nellins, John Landsman. April 23, 1864 June 28, 1864 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T.; Commo. Read and Navy Yard Washington.
Nelson, Charles Seaman. May 27, 1861 Alleghany, Navy Yard Washington, to Mississippi Flotilla, Nov. 16, 1861; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Nelson, Edward P. Landsman. Feb. 16, 1865 Aug. 23, 1865 Alleghany, Hetzel, Powhatan and Ohio.
Nelson, George Seaman. Oct. 14, 1864 July 31, 1865 Alleghany and Banshee.
Nelson, George Ord. Seaman. May 31, 1861 Sept. 1, 1864 Alleghany, St. Lawrence and Pursuit.
Nelson, John Seaman. April 16, 1862 Alleghany, Mt. Vernon; transferred to Princeton, Jan. 31, 1865; failed to report, records U. S. N. Dept.
Nelson, Perry Landsman. April 19, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton and New Hampshire; died Jan. 29, 1865.
Nelson, Peter Seaman. Oct. 22, 1863 Oct. 22, 1864 Navy Yard Washington, Teazer and Ella.
Nelson, William Landsman. June 22, 1863 June 29, 1864 North Carolina and Passaic.
Nelson, William Landsman. Aug. 13, 1864 Aug. 13, 1867 North Carolina, Sonoma, Passaic and Saginaw.
Nelson, William J. Landsman. Feb. 16, 1865 Aug. 24, 1865 Alleghany, Hetzel, Powhatan and Ohio.
Nelty, Augustus Landsman. Aug. 30, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota, A. D. Vance and Yantic; deserted Oct. 25, 1865.
Nestley, Christopher Landsman. Mar. 10, 1865 Alleghany, Seneca and Glance; transferred to Princeton, July 19, 1865; failed to report, records U. S. N. Department.
Neviles, John 1st Cl. Fireman Aug. 28, 1863 Sept. 17, 1864 Clara Dolsen and Carondelet.
Newhouse, Jacob Landsman. April 3, 1861 Pennsylvania and Pocahontas; died April 14, 1861.
Newlove, Edward Ord. Seaman. July 25, 1862 Alleghany, Underwriter, Hospital Newberne, Underwriter, to Feb. 2, 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Newman, William Landsman. Sept. 2, 1864 June 20, 1865 Alleghany and Roanoke.
Newton, Alfred Landsman. Feb. 27, 1865 Aug. 15, 1865 Alleghany and Hospital Norfolk.
Newton, Isaac N. Landsman. May 18, 1861 June 24, 1864 Alleghany, Monticello and New Ironsides.
Nicholas, Calvin V. Seaman. Jan. 3, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Nicholas, George Seaman. May 18, 1861 May 30, 1864 North Carolina, Roanoke and Grand Gulf.
Nichols, A. Ord. Seaman. Jan. 20, 1864 Ohio and Sacramento; deserted Oct. 10, 1864.
Nichols, Charles L. Landsman. Sept. 26, 1862 Alleghany, Minnesota, Brandy wine, Oct. 7, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Nichols, Gearde M. Landsman. June 2, 1864 May 12, 1865 Alleghany, Tritonia and Malvern.
Nichols, George Landsman. April 22, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Saginaw and Lancaster.
Nichols, William T. Landsman. Nov. 20, 1862 Alleghany and Crusader; deserted May 12, 1863.
Nicholson, Edw'd H. Seaman. Jan. 12, 1863 June 6, 1865 Ohio and Montauk.
Nicholson, Frank Ord. Seaman. Dec. 20, 1862 June 14, 1865 Alleghany and Lockwood.
Nickson, James Ord. Seaman. Jan. 31, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Nicoll, Benjamin C. Landsman. Aug. 26, 1862 Alleghany, Brandy wine, Oct. 7, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Nicoll, Francis M. Landsman. Mar. 15, 1865 Sept. 11, 1867 Alleghany, Mercedita and Brooklyn.
Niemyer, John 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 10, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones and Lancaster.
Nippard, George Landsman. Mar. 20, 1865 Oct. 26, 1865 Alleghany, Seneca, Boxer and Vermont.
Nixon, John Landsman. Aug. 15, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota and Agawam; deserted.
Nixon, Joseph Ord. Seaman. May 30, 1861 Sept. 1, 1864 Alleghany, St. Lawrence and Pursuit.
Nixon, Lewis Landsman. Aug. 27, 1862 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Valley City, Minnesota and Atlanta.
Noel, Joseph A. Landsman. May 30, 1864 June 6, 1867 Alleghany, Daylight, Shenandoah, Conemaugh, Wissahickon, Sabine, Potomac and Chocura.
Noonan, Patrick 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 14, 1863 Feb. 12, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Lancaster and Saranac.
Nore, John Seaman. April 6, 1861 Alleghany, Navy Yard Washington and Louisville; Great Western to Dec. 31, 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Norfalk, G. W. 2d Class Boy. Feb. 25, 1864 Oct. 26, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Victoria, Ft. Jackson and Brooklyn.
Norris, Jacob D. Landsman. Aug. 14, 1882 Alleghany and Wyandank; deserted.
Norton, Albert Landsman. April 11, 1863 North Carolina; deserted.
Norton, Peter Seaman. Mar. 15, 1865 AJleghany, Seneca, Chicopee, Marblehead and Monongahela; died Jan. 28, 1868.
Noyes, David F. 1st Class Boy. April 9, 1863 July 30, 1863 Sabine.
Nugent, James Landsman. Oct. 10, 1861 Oct. 18, 1864 North Carolina, Gem of the Sea and Savannah.
Null, Joseph Landsman. June 13, 1863 June 16, 1864 Navy Yard Washington and Jacob Bell.

Volunteers - O

Click the "Expand" buttons to the right to view the rosters for the Sailors of this branch.

Last Names Beginning with "O"
Name Rank or
Date of
or Shipment
Date of
Vessels Served on
and Remarks
O'Brian, John Ord. Seaman. Mar. 18, 1862 Alleghany and Amanda; deserted Mar. 29, 1862.
O'Brian, Michael Landsman. Mar. 5, 1863 A.lleghany and Commo. Jones; vessel lost Mar. 31, 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Department.'
O'Brian, Thomas Landsman. Feb. 16, 1863 Alleghany and Mahaska; deserted July 29, 1863.
O'Brian, William Seaman. Nov. 16, 1864 Alleghany and Matthew Vassar; ran away Nov. 27, 1864, records U. S. N. Department.
O'Brian, William 2d Cl. Fireman July 22, 1863 Aug. 10, 1864 Princeton and Scioto.
O'Brian, William Landsman. Aug. 20, 1862 June 22, 1863 Alleghany, Valley City, Minnesota and Atlanta.
O'Brien, John Landsman. Aug. 10, 1864 Nov. 9, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Vicksburg and Grand Gulf.
O'Brien, John Ord. Seaman. Feb. 27, 1865 Alleghany and Independence; deserted April 19, 1866.
Ockerme, Thomas 1st Class Boy. July 27, 1863 Aug. 6, 1866 Alleghany, Daylight and Lenapee.
O'Conner, James Landsman. Aug. 19, 1862 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Valley City, Minnesota and Atlanta.
O'Conner, Samuel Seaman. April 8, 1861 April 30, 1861 Alleghany.
O'Connor, Lawrence T Landsman. Aug. 10, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine and Calypso; deserted Mar. 7, 1865.
O'Day, Dominick Ord. Seaman. April 6, 1865 Mar. 28, 1868 Alleghany, Saginaw, Independence and Vermont.
O'Dea, James Landsman. Nov. 5, 1861 Jan. 26, 1864 North Carolina, Shepherd Knapp and Tioga; served under the name of James O. Dea.
O'Donnell, Charles Landsman. July 14, 1862 Oct. 3, 1864 Alleghany, Underwriter and Miami.
O'Donnell, Charles Landsman. Feb. 21, 1865 Feb. 15, 1867 Alleghany, Wyoming, Relief and Vermont.
O'Donnell, John 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 16, 1865 Jan. 15, 1868 Alleghany, Potomac Flotilla, Resaca, Ohio, Nina and Ascutney.
O'Donnell, Wm. B. Ord. Seaman. July 2, 1863 Aug. 28, 1864 Alleghany and Dan Smith.
O'Donough, William 2d Cl. Fireman Oct. 28, 1864 Alleghany, Malvern, Mackinaw and Vandalia; deserted June 20, 1865.
Ogden, Andrew Seaman. April 5, 1865 July 21, 1866 Alleghany, St. Mary's, Wateree and Vermont.
Ogden, George J. Landsman. Feb. 15, 1865 July 10, 1866 Alleghany, Constellation, Hetzel and Snowdrop.
Ogle, Charles Ord. Seaman. May 30, 1863 July 22, 1865 Alleghany, Eutaw and Dictator.
O'Grady, Henry Landsman. Mar. 9, 186f Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
O'Hara, John J. Landsman. May 15, 1861 May 11, 1864 Alleghany and Essex.
Okeson, William M. Seaman. Feb. 21, 1862 Maria Denning; failed to report, records U. S. N. Department.
O'Lary, Edward Landsman. Mar. 16, 1865 Alleghany, Yantic and Norfolk Hospital; deserted Dec. 29, 1865.
Oler, Alexander M. 2d Class Boy. Jan. 20, 1862 Feb. 14, 1865 North Carolina and St. Louis.
Oliver, Charles Landsman. May 15, 1861 Mar. 25, 1862 Princeton and Flag.
Oliver, D. Isadore Ord. Seaman. Oct. 2, 1863 Dec. 7, 1864 Alleghany, Penguin and Savannah; served under the name of Oliver, Israel.
Oliver, Henry Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 Aug. 3, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Henry Janes and Vandalia.
Oliver, John A. Landsman. Feb. 26, 1864 Alleghany, Commo. Perry and Wyalusing; killed in action, May 5, 1864, Albemarle Sound.
Oliver, John A. Landsman. Oct. 1, 1863 Nov. 21, 1863 Alleghany.
Oliver, John F. Ord. Seaman. Nov. 20, 1863 July 24, 1865 Alleghany and Shokokon.
Oliver, Richard Seaman. Dec. 29, 1864 June 5, 1865 Alleghany, Wyoming and Hospital Norfolk.
Olivia, John Seaman. April 13, 1865 Mar. 8, 1866 Alleghany, De Soto and Vermont.
O'Neal, James Landsman. July 25, 3864 Alleghany, Eureka and Heliotrope; deserted July 2, 1865.
O'Neil, Daniel Ord. Seaman. Dec. 12, 1864 Alleghany, Keystone State, Constellation and Huron; deserted June 15, 1865.
O'Neil, Peter Ord. Seaman. Sept. 17, 1861 Dec. 31, 1862 Alleghany and Wissahickon.
O'Neil, Peter Coal Heaver. June 1, 1863 Nov. 9, 1865 Alleghany, Eutaw and Memphis.
Ormthede, Warren Landsman. April 22, 1864 July 15, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T.; Matthew Vassar, Sophronia and Navy Yard Washington.
Orndoff, Aaron Coal Heaver. Aug. 13, 1863 May 12, 1865 Alleghany and Vandalia.
Orrello, Charles B. Landsman. Feb. 24, 1865 Mar. 25, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Wateree and Vermont.
Orsborn, Thomas Landsman. June 20, 1864 June 21, 1865 Alleghany, Massachusetts, John Adams, Commo. McDonough and Princeton.
Orsguy, Joseph Seaman. May 27, 1861 May 27, 1864 Alleghany, St. Lawrence, Hospital Washington, Princeton, J. L. Davis and Dale.
Osborn, Marion Landsman. Jan. 27, 1862 April 7, 1865 Alleghany and Pinola.
Osgood, Harry Ord. Seaman. Mar. 20, 1865 Alleghany, Seneca and Chicopee; deserted July 25, 1865.
O'Shaughnessy, Patrick 2d Cl. Fireman Aug. 3, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Maratanza, Agamenticus and Tippecanoe; deserted Sept. 24, 1866.
Osenburg, Chas. E. Q. M. July 8, 1864 Sept. 11, 1867 Ohio, Saco, Harcourt, Shamokin, Pawnee and Brooklyn; shipped as Seaman; appointed Quartermaster.
Osenburg, Wm. H. C. Bo'tsw'n's Mate. 1861 1863 lackson.
Ossinger, Charles 2d Class Boy. Aug. 17, 1863 Navy Yard Washington; deserted Aug. 21, 1863.
Ottobridge, James Seaman. Nov. 2, 1861 North Carolina and De Soto; deserted Jan. 29, 1863.
Owens, Jacob H. Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Saginaw and Lancaster.
Owens, James E. Landsman. April 20, 1861 Enlistment not perfected, records U. S. N. Dept.
Owens, James E. Landsman. May 20, 1861 Oct. 20, 1863 Alleghany and New Ironsides.
Owens, Joseph Landsman. Oct. 9, 1864 July 14, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Eutaw, Vanderbilt and Vermont.
Owens, Philip Landsman. Sept. 5, 1862 July 12, 1865 Alleghany, Valley City, Gov. Buckingham and Adela.
Owens, Robert Seaman. April 15, 1862 April 12, 1865 North Carolina, Massachusetts and Monongahela.
Owens, William Quar. Gunner. July 1, 1861 June 30, 1864 North Carolina, Savannah, Dacotah, Daylight and Henry Brinker; wounded in action on James river.
Owings, Jesse Landsman. Feb. 12, 1861 Feb. 10, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Victoria and St. Lawrence.
Owings, Richard C. Landsman. Sept. 10, 1863 July 7, 1865 Alleghany and Dacotah.
Oxford, Charles Landsman. June 18, 1862 Alleghany, Baltimore and Paul Jones; deserted.
Oxford, Charles Landsman. April 25, 1864 Nov. 25, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St. Mary's and Wateree.
Ozman, I. W. Ord. Seaman. Sept. 15, 1864 Aug. 4, 1865 Alleghany, Wyandank, Thomas Freeborn, Don and Currituck.

Volunteers - P

Click the "Expand" buttons to the right to view the rosters for the Sailors of this branch.

Last Names Beginning with "P"
Name Rank or
Date of
or Shipment
Date of
Vessels Served on
and Remarks
Pabst, John Seaman. Mar. 14, 1865 Oct. 16, 1866 Alleghany, Mercedita, Sagamore, Santee, Saco and New Hampshire.
Packer, George Landsman. July 5, 1864 Alleghany, Daylight, Eutaw, Rhode Island and Vermont; deserted Jan. 1, 1866.
Paff, John 1st Cl. Fireman Jan. 6, 1863 Jan. 5, 1865 Alleghany, Mackinaw, Ella and Yankee.
Page, Albert Ord. Seaman. Jan. 23, 1862 Jan. 28, 1864 Ohio, Vermont and James Adger.
Paine, Columbus Landsman. April 27, 1864 July 31, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T. ; Matthew Vassar and Wyandank.
Paine, Robert H. Ord. Seaman. Jan. 25, 1862 North Carolina and Sarah Bruen; died Sept. 23, 1862.
Painter, William J. 3d Class Boy. Sept. 27, 1864 May 13, 1865 Alleghany and Sabine.
Palmer, George T. Seaman. May 20, 1863 July 28, 1864 North Carolina and Princess Royal.
Palmer, Henry J. Landsman. Aug. 11, 1864 May 13, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine and Osceola.
Palmer, Isaac C. 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 20, 1865 Alleghany, Potomac Flotilla and Navy Yard Washington; deserted July 31, 1865.
Palmer, John Landsman. April 25, 1864 July 18, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T.; MattheAV Vassar, Western World and Navy Yard Washington.
Palmer, John Landsman. Mar. 1, 1865 Alleghany, Farrallones, Lancaster, Independence to June 30, 1866; no further record, U. S. N. Dept.
Pane, Octavius Landsman. Jan. 9, 1862 April 15, 1865 North Carolina, Sumter, Colorado, Albatross, Kennebec and Circassian.
Pardae, Joseph H. 1st Class Boy. May 28, 1861 June 29, 1864 Alleghany, Hartford and Princeton.
Parish, Charles Landsman. Sept. 9, 1862 June 16, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Penobscot and Lilac.
Parker, Caleb Landsman. April 25, 1864 April 18, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Minnesota, Crusader, Pensacola, Constellation and Vermont.
Parker, Charles Seaman. Oct. 28, 1861 Nov. 8, 1864 Ohio, Tuscarora, Iron Age, Aries, Maratanza and Victoria.
Parker, Charles 2d Cl. Fireman Oct. 10, 1864 Alleghany and Seymour; deserted Dec. 21, 1864.
Parker, Edward Seaman. Dec. 12, 1864 May 5, 1865 Alleghany, R. R. Cuyler and Hospital Pensacola, Fla.
Parker, Henry M. Ord. Seaman. Mar. 28, 1865 Mar. 28, 1868 Alleghany, Seneca, Chicopee and Marblehead.
Parker, James Ord. Seaman. Feb. 13, 1862 May 26, 1864 Ohio, Penobscot, Sonoma and Nantucket.
Parker, James Landsman. July 3, 1862 Sept. 18, 1863 North Carolina, Powhatan and Vermont.
Parker, Robert C. 1st Cl. Fireman Feb. 8, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Parker, Samuel Landsman. April 20, 1864 July 11, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash and St. Lawrence.
Parker, Walter Landsman. April 22, 1864 Aug. 23, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash and St. Lawrence.
Parker, William Ord. Seaman. June 7, 1861 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Parker, William J. Seaman. Oct. 15, 1861 Nov. 28, 1864 Ohio and Roebuck.
Parks, Noah Seaman. July 15, 1861 Alleghany, Navy Yard Washington and Rattler; taken prisoner at Rodney, Miss., Sept. 13, 1863; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Parrett, John H. Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Chippewa.
Parrott, George Seaman. Nov. 2, 1861 Maria Denning; no further record, U. S. N. Dept.
Parrott, John Landsman. July 27, 1864 May 27, 1865 Alleghany and Teazer.
Parsons, John M. Landsman. April 13, 1861 Enlistment not perfected.
Parsons, Robert G. 1st Class Boy. Sept. 26, 1863 July 25, 1865 Alleghany, A. Houghton and Catskill.
Parsons, William Landsman. Aug. 5, 1864 Aug. 5, 1867 Alleghany, Rhode Island and Vermont.
Partington, John Seaman. June 29, 1864 Alleghany, Massachusetts and Nipsic; deserted June 26, 1865.
Pascall, Samuel Landsman. Jan. 25, 1864 Alleghany and Ceres; killed April 17, 1864.
Pasco, John Landsman. April 20, 1864 April 19, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Mystic.
Patchell, James K. Seaman. Oct. 13, 1863 Oct. 12, 1864 Alleghany and Commo. Barney.
Patchell, James K. Seaman. Oct. 31, 1864 Alleghany and I. N. Seymour; deserted Jan. 4, 1865.
Paterson, Isaiah Landsman. April 23, 1864 June 12, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Valparaiso and Bay Point Station.
Patter, Samuel Seaman. April 12, 1865 Alleghany and Mercedita; deserted May 19, 1865.
Patterson, George Ord. Seaman. Aug. 18, 1863 Aug. 10, 1864 North Carolina and Ft. Jackson.
Patterson, John Seaman. Nov. 12, 1862 Alleghany, Gen. Putnam and Violet; deserted Oct. 10, 1863.
Patterson, John B. Landsman. April 12, 1861 Alleghany and Pawnee; killed in action, July 16, 1863.
Patterson, Joseph B. 1st Class Boy. June 6, 1862 Jan. 17, 1865 Alleghany and Maratanza.
Paw, Thomas Seaman. Dec. 30, 1862 Princeton, George Mangham and Adolph Hugel; deserted Feb. 27, 1863.
Payne, James Seaman. April 4, 1865 Alleghany and Cyane; sent to Penitentiary Feb. 28, 1866.
Payne, Washington Landsman. Feb. 9, 1864 Jan. 20, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Chicopee.
Payne, Washington Landsman. Feb. 24, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Payton, Francis Seaman. April 17, 1861 June 30, 1864 Alleghany, Pawnee, Norwich and Chippewa.
Peach, Charles Landsman. Dec. 3, 1863 Princeton and State of Georgia; died Jan. 9, 1864.
Peach, Joseph Landsman. Dec. 8, 1863 Jan. 25, 1865 Princeton, Massachusetts, Wachusetts and Chatham.
Pearl, Peter Seaman. Jan. 2, 1862 Jan. 26, 1864 Princeton and Hartford.
Pecar, George Landsman. April 20, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany and Princeton; deserted Jan. 5, 1865.
Pecar, William H. Landsman. April 23, 1864 May 25, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Brandywine, Mt. Vernon, Vanderbilt and Vermont.
Peck, John Seaman. Oct. 15, 1861 Ohio and North Carolina; died Nov. 17, 1861.
Peck, Nathan Landsman. Aug. 2, 1864 Aug. 26, 1867 Alleghany, Pontiac, Canandaigua, Augusta, Algonquin, Idaho, Susquehanna and Tahoma.
Peer, Charles Landsman. June 23, 1864 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Massachusetts and Pawnee.
Peircy, Jacob Landsman. Aug. 12, 1862 Oct. 18, 1864 Alleghany, Maratanza and Samuel Rotan.
Pembroke, David Landsman. Feb. 15, 1864 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Pendergrass, James Landsman. Mar. 20, 1865 Dec. 19, 1866 Alleghany, Seneca and Chicopee.
Pendle, William J. Landsman. Dec. 24, 1863 Alleghany and Kineo; died April 3, 1864.
Pennington, John S. Seaman. Nov. 21, 1864 Nov. 25, 1867 Alleghany, Morse, Don, Massachusetts and Wampanoag.
Pennington, Wm. Ord. Seaman. April 8, 1861 Oct. 31, 1862 Alleghany, Navy Yard Washington, Penguin and Dale.
Pennington, Wm. C. Q. Gunner. April 8, 1861 Aug. 18, 1864 Penguin, Dale, Alleghany, Daylight and Violet; shipwrecked August, 1864, near Ft. Fisher, N. C. ; entered the service as Seaman; discharged as Quarter Gunner.
Pepet, Thomas 1st Cl. Fireman Mar. 17, 1865 Alleghany; deserted April 9, 1865.
Perker, Zacherias Landsman. Jan. 12, 1863 May 21, 1864 Ohio and Rachel Seaman.
Perkins, Garrison Landsman. April 21, 1864 July 13, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash, St. Lawrence and Ben Morgan.
Per kins, George Landsman. Sept. 9, 1862 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Brandywine, Daylight and Mt. Vernon.
Perkins, William 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 1, 1865 Aug. 24, 1865 Alleghany, Constellation, Powhatan and Ohio.
Perry, James Seaman. Mar. 20, 1865 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Perry, James H. Landsman. July 8, 1864 Oct. 2, 1865 Alleghany, Adolph Hugel, Wyandank and Snowdrop.
Perry, Samuel J. Seaman. Sept. 28, 1864 Aug. 16, 1867 Alleghany, Tuscarora, Boxer, Princeton, Bienville, Alleghany, New Hampshire and Dacotah.
Perry, Trusty Landsman. June 1, 1861 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Pery, T. Samuel Seaman. Dec. 17, 1861 June 29, 1864 Alleghany, Pinola and Hospital Princeton.
Petenia, Joseph Ord. Seaman. Sept. 25, 1861 Sept. 30, 1864 Ohio, Shepherd Knapp, Iroquois and Gov. Buckingham.
Peters, George P. Landsman. May 25, 1864 Feb. 15, 1866 North Carolina, Tallapoosa and Emma Henry.
Peters, James Landsman. Aug. 18, 1864 May 14, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Calypso, Lancaster, Richmond, New Hampshire and Ohio,
Peters, John E. Coal Heaver. Aug. 18, 1862 Alleghany and Wyandank; deserted.
Peters, John H. Seaman. Sept. 6, 1864 North Carolina, Maumee and Kansas; died March 28, 1866.
Peterson, Charles Seaman. April 12, 1865 April 11, 1868 Alleghany, De Soto and Wampanoag.
Peterson, Peter Ord. Seaman. Oct. 30, 1861 Feb. 10, 1864 Sagamore, Penguin and Colorado.
Peterson, William Landsman. Jan. 25, 1862 North Carolina and Dan Smith; deserted Sept. 21, 1862.
Peterson, William Ord. Seaman. Mar. 17, 1865 Mar. 16, 1868 Alleghany, Mercedita, Sagamore, Santee, Marblehead, Squando, Nina and Snowdrop.
Pesh, Frederick Landsman. Jan. 28, 1863 Alleghany, State of Georgia and Arkansas; deserted Oct. 19, 1863.
Petticord, Andrew Landsman. Sept. 19, 1864 Sept. 18, 1866 Alleghany, Tuscarora, James Adger, Pensacola and Sabine.
Pew, Thomas Landsman. Nov. 6, 1863 Jan. 26, 1865 Princeton and Itasca.
Phelps, Joseph Landsman. April 22, 1864 May 17, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and Philadelphia.
Phelps, Joseph W. Landsman. July 13, 1863 Dai Ching; deserted Aug. 18, 1865.
Phelps, Sylvester 2d Cl. Fireman Dec. 18, 1864 Oct., 1867 Dictator and Miantonomah.
Philbin, John Landsman. Aug. 30, 1864 Alleghany; deserted.
Philip, John Seaman. Jan. 26, 1865 Alleghany, Cyane, St. Mary's, Independence; deserted May 31, 1866.
Philips, Hugh Landsman. Mar. 10, 1865 July 12, 1865 Alleghany, Farrallones and Vermont.
Philips, Richard Landsman. June 7, 1864 Dec. 8, 1866 Alleghany, Daylight, Eutaw, Hartford, Florida and Shawmut.
Phillips, Charles Landsman. Feb. 24, 1865 Mar. 25, 1867 Alleghany, St. Mary's, Wateree and Vermont.
Phillips, George Seaman. Nov. 17, 1864 Alleghany to Dec. 16, 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Phillips, George W. 1st Class Boy. Aug. 5, 1863 Aug. 5, 1865 Clara Dolsen, New National and Reindeer.
Phillips, John T. Ord. Seaman. Dec. 21, 1861 Dec. 21, 1863 Ohio, Hartford and Miami.
Phillips, Preston Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Aug. 3, 1865 Commo. Jones and Delaware.
Phillips, Richard S. Landsman. April 16, 1861 May 16, 1864 Princeton, Keystone State and St. Lawrence.
Phillips, Thomas G. Seaman. June 14, 1862 Princeton and Bienville; deserted Jan. 9, 1863.
Phillips, William Seaman. June 19, 1861 Alleghany, Navy Yard Washington to Mississippi Flotilla, Nov. 16, 1861; no further record, U. S. N. Dept.
Phillips, William Ord. Seaman. July 25, 1864 Alleghany and Potomac Flotilla; deserted.
Phillips, Wm. H. Landsman. Sept. 11, 1862 Sept. 16, 1863 North Carolina and Shenandoah.
Pierce, John H. Landsman. Feb. 10, 1864 Jan. 20, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Chicopee.
Pinckney, Charles H. Landsman. Mar. 8, 1862 North Carolina and Octorara; sentenced by G. C. M., May 22, 1864, to two years' confinement in State's Prison, record U. S. N. Department.
Pindle, Nathaniel Landsman. Aug. 12, 1863 June 17, 1865 Alleghany and Maratanza.
Piner, Washington Landsman. April 22, 1864 Aug. 31, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany.
Pines, Charles 1st Class Boy. Sept. 2, 1863 July 8, 1865 Alleghany, Daylight and Aries.
Pink, Thomas Landsman. June 25, 1862 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Underwriter, Hetzel, Mattabassett and Commo. Hull.
Pinkett, Daniel R. Ord. Seaman. Nov. 21, 1862 Feb. 24, 1863 North Carolina and Colorado.
Pinkett, Jacob Landsman. April 22, 1864 Aug. 26, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash, St. Lawrence and Ben Morgan.
Pinkney, Israel Landsman. April 21, 1864 May 22, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Independence and Vermont.
Pinkney, Perry Landsman. April 27, 1864 July 17, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T.; Matthew Vassar, Navy Yard Washington and Alleghany.
Piper, Frederick Landsman. May 22, 1862 Alleghany and Flag; deserted Jan. 22, 1864.
Pitt, William H. Landsman. April 25, 1864 July 31, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T. ; Matthew Vassar and Wyandank.
Pitts, George H. Landsman. Sept. 5, 1861 Oct. 8, 1864 North Carolina, Stars and Stripes and Ohio.
Platter, William Landsman. June 6, 1864 Alleghany, Don, Adolph Hugel and Washington Navy Yard, to Alleghany, July 4, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Pleitt, Charles Landsman. Aug. 25, 1864 July 26, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and losco.
Plummer, David Ord. Seaman. Nov. 14, 1864 Alleghany, Matthew Vassar to Princeton, July 11, 1865: failed to appear.i records U. S. N. Department.
Plummer, James E. Landsman. Sept. 15, 1862 Alleghany, Minnesota and Brandy wine, to Oct. 7, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Polk, John H. Landsman. July 13, 1864 July 13, 1865 Alleghany, Don and Ella.
Poole, Charles Landsman. Nov. 25, 1862 Princeton and Juniata; deserted.
Poole, George R. Landsman. May 15, 1861 May 31, 1864 Alleghany, Monticello and Arkansas.
Pooletta, Charles Ord. Seaman, Nov. 21, 1864 Alleghany, Morse, Navy Yard Washington; deserted July 31, 1865.
Pope, George H. Landsman. Aug. 12, 1862 Alleghany and Wyandank to Sept. 30, 1863; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Porcell, James 1st Cl. Fireman Dec. 23, 1864 A116ghany, Potomac Flotilla and Navy Yard Washington; deserted June 30, 1865.
Portens, Stephen S. Landsman. Feb. 8, 1865 Alleghany and Wyoming; deserted Nov. 23, 1867.
Porter, James Landsman. April 23, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton and Fernandina; deserted April 25, 1865.
Porter, Lemuel H. 2d Cl. Fireman Dec. 23, 1864 Alleghany, Wyandank and Harcourt; deserted Oct. 23, 1865.
Posey, John Landsman. May 15, 1863 Navy Yard Washington and Primrose; deserted.
Posey, Moses Landsman. June 18, 1864 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Potier, Louis Coal Heaver. Aug. 27, 1863 Aug. 25, 1864 Alleghany, Maratanza and Hospital Norfolk.
Potter, John Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Commo. Jones and Osceola; deserted Jan. 3, 1865.
Potter, Thomas Seaman. Sept. 28, 1863 Alleghany, A. Houghton and New Ironsides; deserted Aug. 15, 1864.
Potts, John E. Landsman. Mar. 3, 1865 Sept. 29, 1868 Alleghany, Farrallones, Wateree and Vermont.
Powell, Amos Landsman. Aug. 17, 1864 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany, Minnesota, Henry Janes, Ohio, Ashuelot and Wyoming.
Powell, George Ord. Seaman. July 29, 1862 Alleghany and Wachusetts; deserted.
Powell, Henry Seaman. Jan. 7, 1864 June 6, 1865 Navy Yard Washington.
Powell, Henry Seaman. Dec. 9, 1862 Dec. 12, 1862 Princeton, Patapsco, Lehigh and Teazer.
Powell, James H. Ord. Seaman. Sept. 10, 1861 Oct. 10, 1864 Alleghany, Brooklyn, Richmond and Savannah.
Powell, John P. Landsman. June 12, 1862 Princeton and Cimarron; deserted Feb. 22, 1863.
Power, Thomas Seaman. July 20, 1861 Feb. 3, 1863 North Carolina, Navy Yard Washington and Clara Dolsen.
Power, William Ord. Seaman. Sept. 19, 1864 Alleghany and Commo. Read; deserted Oct. 15, 1864.
Powers, William Landsman. Jan. 13, 1863 Alleghany and State of Georgia, to Mar. 24, 1863; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Powers, Edward Seaman. Sept. 26, 1864 Alleghany, Tuscarora and Sabine; deserted June 25, 1867.
Powers, James Landsman. Sept. 6, 1862 Alleghany, Minnesota, Daylight, Mt. Vernon and Iroquois ; deserted.
Powers, James W. Ord. Seaman. Aug. 6, 1861 Ohio, Fearnot, to Sept. 18, 1861; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Prate, Isaiah Landsman. Feb. 9, 1864 Jan. 20, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Chicopee.
Prather, Jesse Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Commo. Jones; vessel lost Mar. 31, 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Pratt, Abner Seaman. Jan. 5, 1865 Jan. 8, 1868 Alleghany, Muscoota, Yucca, Ohio, Osceola and Vermont.
Pratt, Isaac Landsman. April 22, 1864 Sept. 7, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and St. Mary's.
Pratt, John Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 30, 1865 Brandywine, Calypso, Ft. Jackson and Hospital Norfolk.
Pratt, Thomas Ord. Seaman. July 23, 1864 Alleghany and Potomac Flotilla; deserted.
Pratt, William H. Landsman. Dec. 15, 1863 Feb. 18, 1865 Alleghany, Winona, Vermont, New Hampshire and Bay Point Station.
Pratts, Thomas J. Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 25, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Saginaw, Lancaster and New Hampshire.
Preston, Benjamin Landsman. April 25, 1864 Dec. 20, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Daylight, Osceola, Release, Wm. Badger and Vermont.
Preston, Jesse Landsman. April 25, 1864 Sept. 7, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and St. Mary's.
Preston, John H. Landsman. July 1, 1863 July 19, 1865 Princeton, Seneca and C. P. Williams.
Preston, William Landsman. Aug. 9, 1864 May 19, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Daylight, Onondago and North Carolina.
Preston, William Seaman. Jan. 24, 1863 Grampus, Petrel and Choctaw; died July 22, 1864.
Price, Edward J. Landsman. Oct. 5, 1863 Feb. 27, 1865 North Carolina, Penobscot and Vermont.
Price, George W. Ord. Seaman. July 25, 1862 Princeton, Wabash and Princeton, to Dec. 31, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Price, James H. Landsman. Sept. 2, 1861 Sept. 16, 1864 North Carolina, Alabama, Colorado, Vandalia and Agawam.
Price, John Landsman. Oct. 15, 1863 Alleghany and Commo. Barney; deserted July 5, 1865.
Price, Nathaniel Landsman. Sept. 4, 1862 North Carolina; deserted.
Price, Nathaniel Landsman. June 19, 1861 May 30, 1862 North Carolina and Penguin.
Price, William Seaman. June 18, 1864 North Carolina; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Pridgeon, John Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 July 31, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Nansemond.
Primrose, George F. Landsman. April 19, 1864 Sept. 6, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and Cimarron.
Prince, William Seaman. July 19, 1864 Alleghany and Don; deserted Aug. 13, 1864.
Printz, Thomas 1st Cl. Fireman Feb. 28 1865 Alleghany and Waxsaw; deserted Dec. 7, 1865.
Prutsche, Julius Landsman. Feb. 21, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones and Lancaster.
Pugh, Samuel B. 2d Cl. Fireman Mar. 2, 1865 Alleghany and Waxsaw; deserted Dec. 8, 1865.
Pryel, John Seaman. Nov. 21, 1862 Alleghany, Brandywine, to Nov. 24, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Puirt, Ellhanun Seaman. Nov. 29, 1862 Aug. 15, 1865 Princeton, Juniata and Powhatan.
Purcival, Thos. R. Landsman. Mar. 20, 1865 Dec. 4, 1865 Alleghany, Seneca, Boxer and Hospital Norfolk.
Purden, William H. 2d Cl. Fireman Aug. 15, 1862 Feb. 7, 1865 Princeton and Water Witch.
Purdy, Eldridge Landsman. May 30, 1863 July 17, 1865 Alleghany, I. N. Seymour and Commo. Barney.
Purnell, Charles F, Landsman. Oct. 1, 1863 Alleghany, A. Houghton and Aries; deserted Nov. 9, 1863.
Purnell, Isaac Landsman. Aug. 25, 1863 Sept. 13, 1864 North Carolina and Nantucket.
Purnell, James Landsman. June 8, 1864 Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham and Ft. Donnelson; deserted Oct. 4, 1864.
Purnell, John Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Purnell, Joseph Landsman. April 22, 1864 July 29, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham, Potomska and Princeton.
Purnell, Littleton Landsman. April 20, 1864 Oct. 15, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia and Vermont.
Pursen, Charles 2d Class Boy. Jan. 29, 1864 Aug. 11, 1865 J. L. Lockwood and North Carolina.
Purviance, Peter Landsman. April 23, 1864 June 18, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and Philadelphia.

Volunteers - Q

Click the "Expand" buttons to the right to view the rosters for the Sailors of this branch.

Last Names Beginning with "Q"
Name Rank or
Date of
or Shipment
Date of
Vessels Served on
and Remarks
Quail, William W. Landsman. Dec. 27, 1862 Alleghany, State of Georgia and Arkansas; deserted Oct. 14, 1863.
Quanthmus, John H. Coal Heaver. Aug. 25, 1863 Aug. 24, 1864 Alleghany, Daylight and Violet.
Queen, Lewis Landsman. April 22, 1864 Feb. 24, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Seneca, Wyandank and Macedonian.
Quemener, Frank Seaman. June 8, 1864 June 7, 1867 Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham, Clematis and Marion.
Quinn, John Landsman. Aug. 19, 1862 Feb. 16, 1864 Alleghany, Valley City and Hospital Norfolk.
Quinn, John 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 9, 1865 Alleghany, Ella, Navy Yard Washington; deserted Aug. 21, 1865.
Quinn, Joseph Landsman. Feb. 9, 1865 Feb. 7, 1867 Alleghany, Constellation, R. R. Cuyler, Savannah, Santee, Macedonian and Constitution.
Quinn, Mathew Landsman. May 23, 1861 Alleghany; deserted Sept. 4, 1861.
Quinn, Peter Landsman. June 13, 1862 Aug. 19, 1863 Alleghany and Fernandina.
Quinn, William Landsman. Mar. 6, 1865 Feb. 12, 1863 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Quinton, Levin D. Landsman. April 22, 1864 Sept. 4, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, Flag and Itasca.
Quishen, John 1st Class Boy. Jan. 13, 1864 Jan. 12, 1865 Navy Yard Washington, Matthew Vassar and Commo. Read.

Volunteers - R

Click the "Expand" buttons to the right to view the rosters for the Sailors of this branch.

Last Names Beginning with "R"
Name Rank or
Date of
or Shipment
Date of
Vessels Served on
and Remarks
Rackensperger, Jacob Landsman. April 26, 1864 April 24, 1865 Alleghany and Commo. Perry.
Rackensperger, John Landsman. April 26, 1864 April 25, 1865 Alleghany and Commo. Perry.
Radwich, Peter 1st Class Boy. April 16, 1863 Oct. 2, 1865 Alleghany, Eutaw, Macedonian and Winnepec.
Ragans, Joseph Landsman. Feb. 10, 1864 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Vermont; deserted July 5, 1865.
Raino, Henry Landsman. July 29, 1864 April 6, 1866 Alleghany, Brandywine, De Soto and Vermont.
Raid, Isaac Landsman. April 23, 1864 Sept. 7, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany and St. Mary's.
Ralley, Richard Seaman. July 25, 1864 Nov. 24, 1865 Alleghany, Matthew Vassar, North Carolina and Vermont.
Rand, Henry 2d Cl. Fireman Aug. 8, 1864 Aug. 10, 1867 Alleghany, Ascutney and Navy Yard Washington.
Randall, John Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Keystone State, Release, to Ohio, Dec. 31, 1864; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Randall, Joseph Landsman. June 3, 1864 Alleghany, R. R. Cuyler, to North Carolina, July I, 1865; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Randolph, L. A. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 July 26, 1864 Kansas and Ohio.
Ransom, Kane Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane Saranac and Lancaster.
Ransom, William Landsman. July 17, 1862 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Underwriter and Commo. Hull.
Rarick, John H. Seaman. July 26, 1861 Alleghany and Pensacola; died June 1, 1862.
Rasberry, Abram Landsman. April 22, 1864 July 19, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Valparaiso and Princeton.
Raspberry, John A. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Mar. 6, 1866 Brandywine and Jasmine.
Rawling, James Landsman. Aug. 18, 1864 June 15, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Calypso.
Rawlings, James Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 4, 1865 Brandywine and Commo. Read.
Rawlings, Rich'd H. Ord. Seaman. Mar. 7, 1862 Alleghany, Brandywine, Hospital Norfolk; died Jan. 3, 1865.
Ray, Thomas 2d Cl. Fireman June 16, 1864 Alleghany and Potomska; died June 12, 1865.
Ray, William Seaman. Dec. 12, 1862 Alleghany and Sophronia; deserted.
Raymond, Charles Landsman. Mar. 14, 1865 Alleghany, Constellation and Snowdrop; deserted Sept. 30, 1865.
Read, Garrett L. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 20, 1865 Montgomery.
Read, George A. Coal Heaver. Jan. 11, 1862 April 7, 1865 Alleghany and Pinola.
Reason, Josiah Landsman. Aug. 29, 1864 June 12, 186f Alleghany, Minnesota, Howquah, Berberry and North Carolina.
Reburger, Lewis Landsman. July 21, 1863 Alleghany; delivered to Prov. Marshal.
Redding, John W. Seaman. Sept. 5, 1864 Alleghany and Tuscarora; died Jan. 15, 1865.
Reddish, John F. Landsman. Aug. 30, 1864 June 15, 1865 Alleghany, Rescue and Receiving Ship at Washington.
Reddish, Joseph H. Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 May 18, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Osceola and Ohio.
Reddish, William H Landsman. Aug. 18, 1864 May 18, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Osceola and Ohio.
Redmond, James Seaman. April 4, 1865 Alleghany and Mercedita; deserted July 20, 1865.
Redmond, John B. 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 23, 1865 Aug. 26, 1865 Alleghany.
Reed, Charles Seaman. April 20, 1864 Clara Dolsen, Winnebago and W. G. Anderson; deserted Aug. 31, 1865.
Reed, Edward Landsman. Aug. 16, 1862 Aug. 2, 1865 Alleghany, Valley City and Albemarle.
Reed, Jacob Landsman. April 25, 1864 Sept. 7, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and St. Mary's.
Reed, James H. 1st Class Boy. Aug. 1, 1864 July 6, 1867 Navy Yard Washington, Primrose, Fuchsia, Mercury, Algonquin, J. C. Kuhn and Juniata.
Reed, James K. P. Landsman. April 29, 1864 May 26, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Macedonian.
Reed, John Seaman. Aug. 23, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota, Powhatan and Ohio; deserted Sept. 9, 1865.
Reed, John Landsman. April 21, 1864 May 22, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Independence and Vermont.
Reed, Joseph R. Landsman. June 9, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Bay Point Station.
Reed, Westley Landsman. Nov. 13, 1863 July 20, 1864 North Carolina and De Soto.
Reed, William Seaman. Dec. 29, 1864 Oct. 28, 1867 Alleghany, Hetzel, Conemaugh, Lenapee and Vandalia.
Reed, William Seaman. Sept. 26, 1864 Alleghany and Tuscarora; deserted Sept. 15, 1866.
Reed, William Seaman. Mar. 31, 1865 Oct. 1, 186S Alleghany, Wateree and Vermont.
Reese, Thomas Landsman. Feb. 12, 1864 Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Albemarle.
Reeside, John Landsman. May 20, 1861 July 17, 1865 Alleghany and Huron.
Regan, Bernard Ord. Seaman. Mar. 28, 1862 Aug. 10, 1864 Alleghany, Amanda and Tahoma.
Regan, Patrick Seaman. Sept. 10, 1862 June 18, 1863 Princeton and New Ironsides.
Reid, William Seaman. Sept. 4, 1861 Sept. 16, 1864 North Carolina, Sangamon, Alabama and Kingfisher.
Reidt, Peter Landsman. Aug. 9, 1864 July 24, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Wilderness and Hospital Boston.
Reily, Dan B. Landsman. June 11, 1862 April 27, 1865 Alleghany and Fernandina.
Reisin, George Landsman. April 22, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Valparaiso and New Hampshire; died Feb. 23, 1865.
Reisner, Simon 2d Class Boy. Dec. 31, 1862 June 29, 1865 Alleghany and Monticello.
Remly, Thomas Landsman. Feb. 20, 1865 Nov. 11, 1865 Alleghany, Farrallones, Lancaster and Vermont.
Remmey, Thos. R. Landsman. Aug. 13, 1862 Alleghany, Wyandank, Maratanza and North Carolina; deserted.
Remmingham, Sam'l Seaman. June 23, 1864 Sept. 7, 1867 Alleghany, Daylight, Eutaw, Frolic and Colorado.
Rennert, Conrad 1st Class Boy. June 23, 1865 Jan. 22, 1868 Alleghany, Mercedita, Sagamore, Potomac and Vermont.
Resch, August Landsman. April 15, 1861 June 17, 1864 Alleghany, Hartford and Orvetta.
Resch, Louis Landsman. Mar. 14, 1865 April 5, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Suwanee and Vermont.
Reu, Elias Seaman. July 26, 1864 July 25, 1867 Alleghany and Don.
Revell, James Ord. Seaman. Sept. 12, 1861 Aug. 15, 1864 Alleghany, Wissahickon, Princess Royal and Princeton.
Reynolds, Joseph Landsman. Mar. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita, Brooklyn, Susquehanna and Vermont; deserted July 7, 1866.
Rheinbery, Lewis Seaman. Nov. 10, 1864 July 31, 1865 Receiving Ship at Washington, Don and Wyandank.
Rian, Michael Ord. Seaman. June 8, 1861 June 17, 1864 Alleghany, St. Lawrence and Aries.
Rice, George Seaman. Dec. 23, 1864 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Rice, John Landsman. Nov. 2, 1863 Wyandotte; deserted Jan. 29, 1864.
Rice, Thomas Seaman. April 19, 1861 May 30, 1862 North Carolina and Perry.
Rice, Thomas Landsman. June 17, 1863 Alleghany, Eutaw and Morse; deserted Nov. 30, 1864.
Rice, William H. Ord. Seaman. June 15, 1864 Feb. 6, 1866 Alleghany, Daylight, Calypso and Augusta.
Rich, Ransom L. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 20, 1865 Brandywine and Montgomery.
Richard, Louis Seaman. Dec. 12, 1861 Alleghany and Richmond; died Aug. 5, 1864.
Richards, David Landsman. April 19, 1864 July 11, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash and St. Lawrence.
Richards, John Ord. Seaman. Feb. 27, 1865 Aug. 22, 1865 Alleghany, Hetzel, Aries and Ohio.
Richardson, Isaac Landsman. May 12, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Naval Academy, Macedonian and Marion.
Richardson, James 3d Class Boy. Mar. 22, 1865 Alleghany, Sabine, Rhode Island, and Ossipee; deserted May 2, 1869.
Richardson, John J. Landsman. Sept. 2, 1864 June 30, 1865 Alleghany, Roanoke, Picket Boat No. 6 and Macedonian.
Richardson, Joseph Landsman. Sept. 22, 1863 July 8, 1865 Ohio, Niagara, Wateree, Hartford and Anacostia.
Richardson, Nathan Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 20, 1865 Montgomery.
Richardson, Newton Landsman. April 25, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac, Narragansett, North Carolina and Baltic; deserted Dec. 1, 1865.
Richardson, Wm. R. Landsman. Oct. 13, 1863 June 7, 1865 Navy Yard Washington and Eutaw.
Richings, John 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 31, 1865 Aug. 17, 1865 Alleghany, Potomac Flotilla and Hospital Norfolk.
Ricketts, James B. Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Ricketts, Thomas Ord. Seaman. Sept. 6, 1861 Nov. 18, 1862 Alleghany and Wissahickon.
Ricks, Robert Ord. Seaman. Aug. 1, 1864 July 31, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Maratanza, Vermont and Rhode Island.
Riechel, Mathew Coal Heaver. June 29, 1863 Sept. 1, 1864 North Carolina and Neptune.
Rider, Antone Landsman. Sept. 26, 1863 Sept. 25, 1865 Alleghany (ship's crew).
Ridgaway, Wm. H. 3d Class Boy. Feb. 9, 1865 Alleghany and Sabine; deserted June 14, 1865.
Ridgeway, William Landsman. June 5, 1862 June 24, 1865 Alleghany, Mahaska and Connecticut.
Rigby, William R. Ord. Seaman. Sept. 5, 1862 Alleghany, Valley City, Minnesota and Tacony; died June 5, 1864.
Riggs, George W. Landsman. Mar. 23, 1863 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Riggs, Joseph Landsman. April 25, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany and Lancaster; died Oct. 10, 1866.
Riley, Alexander Landsman. Aug. 11, 1864 May 13, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine and Savannah.
Riley, Emanuel Landsman. Jan. 4, 1864 June 10, 1865 Alleghany and Shokokon.
Riley, Francis Landsman. Sept. 28, 1863 July 25, 1865 Alleghany, A. Houghton and Catskill.
Riley, George 2d Cl. Fireman Nov. 10, 1864 Alleghany and Wyandank; deserted Dec. 31, 1864.
Riley, Isaiah Landsman. Dec. 22, 1863 Jan. 14, 1865 North Carolina, Galatea and Glaucus.
Riley, Hugh Seaman. Jan. 12, 1861 Navy Yard Washington to Mississippi Flotilla, Nov. 16, 1861; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Riley, James W. Ord. Seaman. Feb. 27, 1865 Alleghany and Hetzel ; deserted May 29, 1865.
Riley, John Ord. Seaman. Dec. 10, 1862 Alleghany and Sophronia; deserted June 17, 1863.
Riley, Michael Seaman. Dec. 8, 1862 Alleghany and Sophronia; deserted.
Riley, Michael 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 16, 1865 Aug. 24, 1865 Alleghany.
Riley, Peter Landsman. Aug. 5, 1864 Aug. 28, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Daylight and Navy Yard Washington.
Riley, Terrence Landsman. July 14, 1862 Alleghany, Underwriter and Miami; deserted.
Riley, Thomas Landsman. April 19, 1864 July 13, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash, St. Lawrence and Ben Morgan.
Riley, William H. Landsman. Aug. 30, 1864 Alleghany, Roanoke and Constitution; deserted Sept. 5, 1865.
Rines, George H. Landsman. Oct. 14, 1861 Oct. 18, 1864 North Carolina, Pembina and Savannah.
Ring, George W. Ord. Seaman. June 18, 1862 Feb. 24, 1863 Alleghany and North Carolina.
Ring, George W. Seaman. July 25, 1863 Aug. 15, 1864 Alleghany, Philadelphia and Vermont.
Ringgold, William Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 July 20, 1864 Kansas and Ohio.
Ringgold, Wm. T. Landsman. Mar. 12, 1863 May 19, 1864 North Carolina, Clara Dolsen and Lexington.
Ringold, Edward Seaman. July 19, 1862 North Carolina, Wabash, Philadelphia and Jno. Adams; drowned Oct. 14, 1864.
Ringold, Daniel S. Landsman. May 4, 1861 May 3, 1864 North Carolina and Perry.
Ringold, George Landsman. Aug. 17, 1864 Aug. 26, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Calypso, Mackinaw, Augusta, Portsmouth and Massachusetts.
Ringold, John T. Landsman. April 23, 1864 June 18, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Valparaiso and Bay Point Station.
Ringold, William H. Ord. Seaman. June 22, 1863 June 21, 1866 Alleghany, Eutaw, Macedonian, Winnepec and Constitution.
Rink, Christian Landsman. Feb. 24, 1865 May 25, 1867 Alleghany, Cyane, St. Mary's and Vermont.
Roach, Albert Landsman. April 22, 1864 Sept. 7, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Ethan Allen and Agamenticus.
Roach, Edward Ord. Seaman. Nov. 18, 1864 Alleghany, Morse and Washington Navy Yard; deserted July 31, 1865.
Roach, James Landsman. Aug. 18, 1862 May 31, 1865 Alleghany, Wyandank and Thomas Freeborn.
Roach, John Seaman. Sept. 21, 1864 Alleghany, Tuscarora and Ohio; deserted Sept. 30, 1865.
Rob, John 2d Class Boy. Nov. 14, 1864 Alleghany, Keystone State, Constellation, Chicopee and Marblehead; deserted Jan. 19, 1867.
Robbins, Elsy Landsman. April 22, 1864 Sept. 7, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Ethan Allen and Agamenticus.
Robbins, Thomas Landsman. April 20, 1864 May 31, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, Cimarron, A. Houghton and Princeton.
Robinson, George Landsman. April 22, 1864 July 17, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash and Constellation.
Roberts, Benj. F. Landsman. Aug. 11, 1864 June 3, 1865 Alleghany and Tuscarora.
Roberts, George M. Landsman. Mar. 2, 1865 Dec. 19, 1866 Alleghany, Seneca and Chicopee.
Roberts, James Landsman. April 20, 1864 Aug. 21, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, Cimarron, A. Houghton and Princeton.
Roberts, James Landsman. Feb. 11, 1864 Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Albemarle.
Roberts, James H. Landsman. April 27, 1864 Aug. 16, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T. ; Matthew Vassar and Sophronia.
Roberts, James S. Seaman. Aug. 30, 1862 Aug. 28, 1863 North Carolina and Pembina.
Roberts, John Landsman. Oct. 2, 1862 April 6, 1863 Alleghany, Dan Smith and Washington Navy Yard.
Roberts, Richard E. Seaman. Dec. 17, 1861 North Carolina; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Roberts, Thomas Q. M. Nov. 9, 1863 Nov. 30, 1864 Reliance.
Roberts, William Landsman. Feb. 12, 1864 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Roberts, William Seaman. Feb. 28, 1865 Alleghany and Mercedita; deserted May 18, 1865.
Roberts, William Landsman. Dec. 21, 1863 Jan. 10, 1865 Alleghany and Shokokon.
Roberts, William Seaman. Aug. 31, 1863 North Carolina and Massachusetts; deserted Mar. 26, 1864.
Robertson, Charles Seaman. Dec. 10, 1862 June 8, 1863 Alleghany, State of Georgia and Hospital Norfolk.
Robertson, Jno. W. Landsman. Jan. 1, 1863 Dec. 27, 1864 Princeton and Conemaugh.
Robertson, Robert Landsman. April 23, 1862 Alleghany, Brandy wine and Zouave; deserted.
Robins, Edward Landsman. April 19, 1864 June 18, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, Cimarron and New Hampshire.
Robins, Joseph H. Ord. Seaman. Dec. 23, 1864 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Robins, Robert Ord. Seaman. Aug. 8, 1864 Aug. 4, 1865 Alleghany, Brandy wine and Hospital Norfolk.
Robinson, Adam Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 25, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Wateree and Vermont.
Robinson, Alexander Landsman. April 27, 1864 July 3, 1866 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T.; Matthew Vassar, Sophronia, Wyandank and North Carolina.
Robinson, Dan'l W. Seaman. Aug. 25, 1864 Alleghany; deserted Aug. 30, 1864.
Robinson, Edward Ord. Seaman. April 7, 1862 North Carolina, Maria Denning, Carondelet, to April 20, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Robinson, Frederick Seaman. Nov. 29, 1864 Alleghany, R. R. Cuyler, Keystone State, Nyack, Vermont; deserted July 27, 1865.
Robinson, George Landsman. May 23, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Massachusetts, Pawnee, Montauk, Nantucket and Princeton.
Robinson, George Landsman. April 19, 1864 July 17, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, Mendota, Wabash, Princeton and Constellation.
Robinson, George Coal Heaver. Nov. 17, 1862 Princeton and Juniata; deserted Jan. 30, 1864.
Robinson, Henry Ord. Seaman. July 27, 1863 July 31, 1864 Alleghany and Daylight.
Robinson, John W. 1st Cl. Fireman Aug. 16, 1864 Jan. 28, 1865 Alleghany, Potomac Flotilla and Navy Yard Washington.
Robinson, Joseph H. Landsman. April 27, 1864 July 18, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T.; Matthew Vassar, Wm. Bacon and Navy Yard Washington.
Robinson, Joseph R. Ord. Seaman. Feb. 28, 1865 Nov. 1, 1865 Alleghany and Hetzel.
Robinson, Samuel Landsman. Aug. 8, 1864 Aug. 7, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Osceola, Release and Wm. Badger.
Robinson, Steward Landsman. Sept. 2, 1864 Oct. 14, 1867 Alleghany, Roanoke, Kansas and Nipsic.
Robinson, Thomas Landsman. Aug. 24, 1863 Sept. 5, 1864 Alleghany and Daylight.
Robinson, Thomas J. Landsman. July 28, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Cactus and Navy Yard Washington.
Robinson, William Landsman. Aug. 18, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota, losco and Vermont; deserted Aug. 29, 1865.
Robinson, William Seaman. July 26, 1864 Alleghany and Potomac Flotilla; deserted.
Rochester, Samuel Landsman. April 25, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac and Farrallones; died Oct. 12, 1864.
Rock, Thomas Landsman. April 22, 1864 July 13, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, New Hampshire, Wabash, St. Lawrence and Ben Morgan.
Rodenhi, William Landsman. Aug. 12, 1862 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Maratanza and Chocura.
Roderick, Antonio Ord. Seaman. April 18, 1862 Dec. 31, 1864 Alleghany, Mystic and Gen. Putnam.
Rodgers, George Landsman. Aug. 29, 1862 Alleghany, Valley City and Brandywine; insane April 20, 1863, Hospital Norfolk; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Rodgers, George Seaman. Mar. 20, 1865 Dec. 19, 1866 Alleghany, Seneca and Chicopee.
Rodgers, William Ord. Seaman. Mar. 28, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita and Brooklyn; deserted July 19, 1866.
Roe, Benjamin Ord. Seaman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 21, 1866 Alleghany, Massachusetts, John Adams, Catskill, South Carolina and Vermont.
Roenemele, Wm. H. Seaman. Jan. 7, 1861 Pennsylvania to April 20, 1861; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Rogers, George W. 1st Cl. Fireman Jan. 23, 1862 Alleghany; deserted Jan. 24, 1862.
Rogers, James L. Landsman. May 10, 1861 North Carolina; no further record, U. S. N. Dept.
Rogers, Luther L. 1st Cl. Fireman Oct. 25, 1861 July 26, 1862 North Carolina and New London.
Rogers, Luther L. 1st Cl. Fireman April 25, 1863 June 16, 1864 North Carolina, Seminole and Nightingale.
Rohleder, William Landsman. Aug. 19, 1863 Oct. 26, 1863 Alleghany and Dragon.
Roland, Henry 1st Cl. Fireman Aug. 1, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine and Mt. Vernon; deserted June 9, 1865.
Roland, Thomas H. Coal Heaver. Aug. 5, 1863 Aug. 8, 1864 Alleghany and Nansemond.
Rolfes, Bernard Landsman. Oct. 21, 1864 Sept. 4, 1865 Alleghany, Seymour, North Carolina and Vermont.
Rollins, John Landsman. April 20, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Rollins, Nelson W. Landsman. Feb. 16, 1864 Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Albemarle.
Roney, Thomas Ord. Seaman. Mar. 17, 1865 Sept. 5, 1868 Alleghany, Seneca, Chicopee and Marblehead.
Rooney, Patrick Ord. Seaman. Jan. 6, 1862 Alleghany, State of Georgia, Niphon and Ella; deserted Feb. 22, 1864.
Root, John Landsman. Sept. 17, 1861 Pensacola, North Carolina, to May 8, 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Rose, Franklin Landsman. April 23, 1864 Sept. 14, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and John Adams.
Rose, George 1st Cl. Fireman Jan. 12, 1865 Alleghany; deserted Aug. 6, 1865.
Rose, John Seaman. Sept., 1861 Aug., 1865 Santee, Onward, Mohican and Shamrock.
Rose, Levi Ord. Seaman. Oct. 24, 1862 Aug. 14, 3865 Alleghany, C. P. Williams, North Carolina, Princeton and Cimarron; served under the name of Robert Rose.
Rose, Robert Fireman. April 3, 1864 Oct. 25, 1865 Iroquois.
Rose, Thomas Landsman. April 23, 1864 July 11, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, O. M. Pettit and Lenapee.
Rose, Vice R. Landsman. May 24, 1861 Alleghany, Navy Yard Washington and Mississippi Flotilla, to Nov. 16, 1861; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Ross, Charles Landsman. Aug. 7, 1862 Dec. 20, 1863 Alleghany and Octorara.
Ross, Charles Coal Heaver. Dec. 23, 1863 Jan. 2, 1865 North Carolina, Princeton and Tacony.
Ross, Charles W. Seaman. July 22, 1864 Alleghany and Potomac Flotilla; deserted.
Ross, David Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Commo. Jones; vessel lost Mar. 31, 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Ross, George D. Landsman. Aug. 31, 1861 Oct. 10, 1864 Ohio, Curlew, Potomska, James Adger and Sonoma.
Ross, George H. Marine. 1863 1867 Alleghany.
Ross, George H. Landsman. April 20, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Santiago de Cuba, Princeton, to June 18, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Ross, Isaiah Landsman. April 20, 1863 June 21, 1865 Princeton, Mercedita and Maratanza.
Ross, Jacob Landsman. April 22, 1864 Aug. 23, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash and St. Lawrence.
Ross, James H. Landsman. Mar. 6, 186E Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones and Lancaster.
Ross, John Seaman. Mar. 20, 1865 Mar. 19, 1867 Alleghany, De Soto, Macedonian and Santee.
Ross, John Landsman. April 25, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, North Carolina, Cyane, Saranac, Narragansett, J. C. Kuhn and Narcissus; died Jan. 2, 1866.
Ross, Robert Landsman. Nov. 26, 1862 Alleghany and James Adger; deserted Jan. 30, 1864.
Ross, Thomas Landsman. May 6, 1865 June 26, 1867 Princeton, Calypso and Augusta.
Ross, William Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 29, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Daylight, Shenandoah, Conemaugh and Vermont.
Ross, Wilsin Landsman. April 23, 1861 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Rossiter, Thomas Coal Heaver. June 30, 1863 Aug. 16, 1865 Alleghany, Eutaw and Sassacus.
Rountree, Daniel 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 14, 1865 Aug. 24, 1865 Alleghany.
Rous, James A. Landsman. Sept. 15, 1863 July 17, 1865 Alleghany and Morse.
Rous, John S. Ord. Seaman. Jan. 24, 1865 Feb. 20, 1865 Alleghany.
Rousselot, George Seaman. Nov. 5, 1862 Alleghany and James Adger; deserted May 11, 1863.
Rovere, John Ord. Seaman. Dec. 29, 1862 Feb. 2, 1864 North Carolina, Wamsutta and Keystone State.
Rowe, William 2d Cl. Fireman Aug. 9, 1864 May 15, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Mt. Vernon and Mackinaw.
Rowelson, John A. Landsman. Jan. 12, 1865 Oct. 9, 1866 Alleghany, Potomac Flotilla, Swatara, New Hampshire and Marblehead.
Rowland, Thomas 2d Cl. Fireman Oct. 7, 1864 Alleghany, Malvern and Tioga; deserted June 9, 1865.
Roy, John H. Landsman. April 21, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash and Roman; deserted Jan. 10, 1865.
Roycroft, John A. Ord. Seaman. Sept. 10, 1861 Nov. 2, 1864 Alleghany, Wissahickon, Cairo and Rattler; participated in battles of Island No. 10, Ft. Pillow, Memphis and the siege of Vicksburg; on board the Cairo when blown up by torpedo at Yazoo river; taken prisoner.
Ruark, John Landsman. May 21, 1861 June 24, 1864 Alleghany and New Ironsides.
Rucker, John Landsman. Feb. 14, 1865 July 3, 1865 Alleghany, Constellation, Hetzel and Hospital Norfolk.
Ruiner, Henry Landsman. Jan. 30, 1862 Princeton and Rhode Island; deserted April 4, 1862.
Rulin, Henry Ord. Seaman. Mar. 14, 1865 Jan. 15, 1868 Alleghany and De Soto.
Rummel, John W. Coal Heaver. Sept. 5, 1863 Sept. 9, 1864 Alleghany and Dacotah.
Rush, John H. Landsman. Aug. 19, 1864 May 18, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Vicksburg and Savannah.
Rush, Louis 2d Cl. Fireman Dec. 3, 1863 Jan. 11, 1864 Alleghany.
Rush, William Landsman. May 17, 1861 June 28, 1861 Alleghany and Monticello.
Rushe, Aug. Landsman. 1861 1864 Hartford and Pensacola.
Russell, George Seaman. May 18, 1861 June 30, 1864 North Carolina, Roanoke, Southfield, Hetzel, Sassacus and Brandywine.
Russell, John Landsman. Feb. 13, 1862 Alleghany and Roanoke ; killed in action, May 15, 1862, in attack on Ft. Darling, Va.
Russell, John (2) Landsman. April 23, 1864 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T.; Commo. Read; deserted Jan. 16, 1865.
Russell, Stephen Landsman. May 12, 1863 July 27, 1865 Princton and Bermuda.
Rutter, Philip Landsman. July 16, 1862 Alleghany, Dacotah and Ohio; deserted Dec. 31, 1864.
Rutter, Philip Ord. Seaman. Feb. 10, 1865 Jan. 11, 1866 Alleghany, Mercedita, Monongahela and Vermont.
Ryan, Daniel 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 26, 1865 Alleghany and Yankee; deserted April 28, 1865.
Ryan, James Landsman. July 17, 1882 Alleghany, Underwriter and Naval Depot, Newberne, N. C. ; died Mar. 8, 1864.
Ryan, Joseph 1st Class Boy. June 4, 1862 June 9, 1862 Alleghany and Dacotah.
Ryan, Joseph Landsman. Aug. 19, 1863 Aug. 29, 1865 Alleghany, Daylight and Emma.
Ryan, J. R. Coal Heaver. Nov. 17, 1863 Nov. 29, 1864 Alleghany and Kineo.
Ryan, Richard Ord. Seaman. Aug. 25, 18o2' Alleghany and Philadelphia; deserted.
Ryan, Thomas 1st Class Boy. May 28, 1863 Alleghany, Mahaska, Ohio and Rhode Island; deserted June 4, 1865.
Ryan, Singleton Landsman. April 20, 1864 June 18, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Cimarron, Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
Ryder, Thomas H. 2d Class Boy. June 17, 1864 June 18, 1867 North Carolina, Iroquois, Alleghany, Hornet, New Berne and Massachusetts.

Volunteers - S

Click the "Expand" buttons to the right to view the rosters for the Sailors of this branch.

Last Names Beginning with "S"
Name Rank or
Date of
or Shipment
Date of
Vessels Served on
and Remarks
Sage, George D. Landsman. 1861 1863 Coeur de Leon.
Sailor, George Landsman. April 15, 1863 April 14, 1864 Navy Yard Washington and Jacob Bell.
Saints, George Landsman. July 5, 1864 Alleghany, Tritonia and Malvern; deserted April 10, 1865.
Salzig, John Landsman. Feb. 27, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Samble, Frederick Seaman. Feb. 10, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita and Vermont; deserted Nov. 20, 1865.
Sample, George Seaman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Saginaw and Lancaster.
Sampson, James H. Seaman. May 24, 1864 May 23, 1866 Alleghany, Daylight, Shenandoah and Conemaugh.
Sampson, John Landsman. July 30, 1863 Sept. 13, 1864 North Carolina and Home.
Sampson, William Seaman. Mar. 21, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita and Vermont; deserted Nov. 4, 1865.
Sampson, Wm. T. Landsman. April 21, 1864 July 21, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham and Vermont.
Samson, American Surg. Steward. Oct. 10, 1861 Oct. 8, 1862 North Carolina and Seneca.
Samuel, James Landsman. Aug. 18, 1864 June 3, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Vandalia.
Sanders, Amos Seaman. June 19, 1861 Dec. 19, 1864 North Carolina, Savannah and Wachusetts.
Sanders, William Landsman. Mar. 2, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Sandford, Lewis 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 16, 1865 Alleghany, Navy Yard Washington; deserted Feb. 4, 1865.
Sands, Augustus Landsman. Feb. 21, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones and Lancaster.
Sands, Thomas Landsman. April 23, 1864 Jan. 12, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C.'T.; Alleghany, Princeton, Stettin and Kearsarge.
Saneston, James Seaman. Nov. 30, 1863 Sept. 30, 1864 Princeton and State of Georgia.
Sangston, Wm. J. Landsman. April 12, 1861 Mar. 19, 1862 Alleghany and Navy Yard Washington.
Sanner, George W. Seaman. June 6, 1861 North Carolina; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Sanner, W. George Seaman. Aug. 29, 1863 April 21, 1864 Princeton and Bermuda.
Sanners, Bazel P. Landsman. Oct. 21, 1863 Oct. 20, 1864 Alleghany and Crusader.
Sant, Joseph Landsman. May 27, 1864 April 25, 1865 Alleghany, Daylight and Shenandoah.
Sap, William Landsman. Feb. 16, 1865 Feb. 15, 1867 Alleghany, Constellation and Jean Sands.
Saper, Thomas Landsman. Sept. 2, 1863 Aug. 29, 1865 Alleghany, Daylight and Emma.
Sapp, William O. 1st Class Boy. April 13, 1863 July 22, 1865 Alleghany and Young Rover.
Satchell, Smith Landsman. Sept. 18, 1863 Oct. 31, 1864 Ohio, Sassacus and Hetzel.
Satterfleld, Greenberry Landsman. April 25, 1864 Aug. 31, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany.
Saudert, Frederick Landsman. Aug. 13, 1862 Alleghany and Wyandank; deserted.
Sauer, Charles Landsman. Mar. 2, 1865 April 5, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Suwanee and Vermont.
Saunders, Daniel B. Landsman. Jan. 18, 1864 Jan. 31, 1865 Princeton and Wyalusing.
Saunders, James Landsman. April 19, 1864 June 12, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton and New Hampshire.
Saunders, John H. Landsman. July 15, 1864 Alleghany, Don and Ella; deserted Nov. 11, 1864.
Saunders, John W. Landsman. July 26, 1864 July 10, 1867 Alleghany, Commo. Read and De Soto.
Saunders, Thomas Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 June 15, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Calypso.
Sauerhauf, Geo. H. Landsman. Aug. 12, 1864 June 19, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Wilderness.
Savage, Thomas Seaman. Sept. 24, 1861 Sept. 23, 1864 Ohio and Minnesota.
Savoy, Daniel Landsman. Feb. 9, 1864 Mar. 7, 1865 Alleghany, Winona, Vermont, Bay Point Station and Princeton.
Saw, Martin Landsman. Feb. 7, 1863 North Carolina, Colorado; on Cayuga to Feb. 27, 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Saxton, Samuel E. Landsman. April 29, 1863 June 29, 1864 North Carolina and Ottawa.
Schalloser, Fred. Ord. Seaman. Feb. 13, 1865 Sept. 20, 1865 Alleghany, Constellation, Areus and Huntsville.
Schenler, John Landsman. Aug. 19, 1864 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Atlanta.
Schloszer, Fred'k Ord. Seaman. Feb. 13, 1865 Sept. 26, 1865 Alleghany, Hetzel, Aries and Huntsville.
Schmidt, Albert Seaman. Dec. 12, 1862 June 28, 1865 Alleghany, State of Georgia and Whitehead.
Schmidt, John Seaman. Jan. 7, 1863 Alleghany, State of Georgia, Arkansas, Rodolph; on Kickapoo to July 25, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Schmidtz, Herman 2d Cl. Fireman Mar. 9, 1865 Jan. 10, 1866 Alleghany, Waxsaw and Vermont.
Schofield, Robert 1st Cl. Fireman Feb. 13, 1865 May 5, 1865 Alleghany and Constellation.
Scholz, Henry E. 3d Class Boy. April 12, 1861 Feb. 19, 1864 Alleghany and Hartford.
Schramm, Charles Landsman. Mar. 13, 1865 Sept. 11, 1867 Alleghany, Mercedita and Brooklyn.
Schucks, William Landsman. Jan. 27, 1862 April 7, 1865 Alleghany and Pinola.
Schueler, Lewis Landsman. Aug. 19, 1864 June 15, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Calypso.
Schulte, John L. 2d Class Boy. June 20, 1862 June 17, 1865 Alleghany, Underwriter, Hetzel, Hospital Norfolk and Mt. Vernon.
Schulz, Charles H. Landsman. Aug. 8, 1862 Alleghany and Octorara; deserted.
Schunck, Robert Landsman. May 17, 1861 Jan. 25, 1862 Alleghany, Monticello, Maria Wood and Niagara.
Scofield, Robert 1st Cl. Fireman May 8, 1863 Mar. 5, 1864 Alleghany and Eutaw.
Scott, Alexander Landsman. Oct. 18, 1862 Feb. 10, 1864 Ohio and Colorado.
Scott, Alfred Landsman. April 25, 1864 June 28, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac, Narragansett, Paul Jones and Vermont.
Scott, Charles Landsman. Feb. 9, 1864 Mar. 12, 1865 Alleghany, Winona, Vermont and Princeton.
Scott, Edward Landsman. April 23, 1864 Jan. 19, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, John Adams, Amaranthus and Rhode Island.
Scott, Edward Landsman. Aug, 17, 1864 April 1, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Atlanta, Augusta and Alleghany.
Scott, Edward M. Landsman. Mar. 16, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita and Vermont; deserted Dec. 9, 1865.
Scott, George Landsman. Aug. 29, 1864 Aug. 7, 1865 Alleghany, Tuscarora and Hospital Boston.
Scott, Isaac Landsman. Feb. 11, 1864 Jan. 20, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Chicopee.
Scott, James W. Landsman. Feb. 23, 1864 Feb. 22, 1865 A.lleghany and Hunchback.
Scott, John Seaman. June 24, 1861 Alleghany, Navy Yard Washington to Mississippi Flotilla, Nov. 16, 1861; no further record, U. S. N. Dept.
Scott, John Seaman. Jan. 12, 1863 Aug. 21, 1865 Alleghany, State of Georgia, Arkansas and Itasca.
Scott, John Seaman. Oct. 21, 1864 Alleghany and Morse; deserted May 30, 1865.
Scott, John Landsman. Sept. 5, 1862 June 6, 1865 Alleghany, Valley City, Minnesota and Tacony.
Scott, Moses Landsman. Oct. 8, 1863 Sept. 14, 1864 North Carolina, Princeton, Saratoga and Moccasin.
Scott, Oliver Landsman. Sept. 2, 1864 July 20, 1865 Alleghany, Roanoke, Malvern and Vandalia.
Scott, Peter W. Seaman. Jan. 28, 1862 April 17, 1863 Princeton, Vermont and Tyler.
Scott, Philip Landsman. May 2, 1864 Alleghany, Naval Academy and Macedonian; deserted July 15, 1865.
Scott, Samuel Ord. Seaman. Aug. 4, 1862 May 12, 1865 Alleghany, Maratanza, Vicksburg, Vermont and Savannah.
Scott, Samuel Landsman. May 18, 1864 June 5, 1865 Alleghany and Macedonian.
Scott, Samuel Landsman. May 4, 1864 Sept. 30, 1864 Alleghany, Naval Academy, Macedonian and Winnepec.
Scott, William Landsman. May 21, 1863 Alleghany and Gen. Putnam; deserted Aug. 17, 1863.
Seaman, Henry P. Seaman. Mar. 2, 1865 June 20, 1865 Alleghany and Hospital Norfolk.
Seaman, Henry P. Seaman. Nov. 18, 1862 Feb. 9, 1864 Alleghany, Gen. Putnam, Crusader and Dacotah.
Seaman, John Landsman. Aug. 3, 1864 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Sears, John 2d Cl. Fireman Aug. 1, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Maratanza, Agamenticus and Ohio; deserted Nov. 4, 1865.
Sears, William Landsman. Mar. 16, 1865 Mar. 27, 1866 Alleghany, Seneca, Gamma and Newberne.
Sedgwick, Arthur Landsman. April 22, 1863 Dec. 26, 1863 Ohio, Nipsic and Hospital Norfolk.
Seibobi, Albert Coal Heaver. July 24, 1862 July 30, 1863 Alleghany, Underwriter and Delaware.
Seipp, Frederick Landsman. Aug. 12, 1862 June 17, 1865 Alleghany and Maratanza.
Seitz, Charles Landsman. Sept. 14, 1861 Princeton and Petrel to April 22, 1864, when missing; supposed to have been killed, records U. S. N. Dept.
Selden, Frank 1st Cl. Fireman May 30, 1862 April 15, 1865 North Carolina, Adirondack and Wabash.
Selden, Henry Ord. Seaman. Sept. 30, 1864 Sept. 29, 1866 Alleghany, Banshee, Ascutney and Receiving Ship at Washington
Selfridge, Robert Landsman. May 5, 1864 June 3, 1865 Alleghany, Potomska, Winona and Vandalia.
Selvage, Thomas Landsman. May 30, 1863 Alleghany, Eutaw and Morse, to Dec. 10, 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Semons, William Fireman. Mar. 18, 1862 Mar. 18, 1865 Hercules and Tiger.
Seney, Moses Landsman. Dec. 19, 1862 Dec. 28, 1863 Ohio and Minnesota.
Senter, George Ord. Seaman. May 17, 1864 June 13, 1865 Agawam, Malvern and Princeton.
Serrel, Thomas Landsman. April 22, 1864 May 9, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, Wabash and Massasoit.
Seward, Henry C. Landsman. Aug. 11, 1862 July 17, 1865 Alleghany and Wyandank.
Sewell, Edward P. Coal Heaver. Oct. 12, 1863 Dec. 19, 1864 Princeton and Wachusetts.
Sewell, Franklin Landsman. April 21, 1864 May 22, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Cyane, Independence and Vermont.
Sewell, James Landsman. April 21, 1864 May 22, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Independence and Vermont. „
Seymore, Charles Landsman. April 17, 1862 Ohio and Maratanza; deserted.
Seymore, William Landsman. Mar. 16, 1865 Sept. 11, 1867 Alleghany, Mercedita and Brooklyn.
Shaffer, John A. Landsman. Aug. 26, 1864 Alleghany and I. N. Seymour; deserted.
Shaffer, Joseph Landsman. June 23, 1863 Alleghany, Eutaw and Morse; deserted Aug. 20, 1863.
Shane, John Landsman. Aug. 18, 1862 June 30, 1865 Alleghany and Valley City.
Shane, William Landsman. Sept. 1, 1864 June 20, 1865 Alleghany and Roanoke.
Sharp, Boswell Landsman. April 22, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; failed to appear. records U. S. N. Department.
Sharp, Henry Seaman. Dec. 22, 1864 Alleghany and Seymour; deserted Jan. 3, 1865.
Sharp, William 2d Cl. Fireman Nov. 23, 1864 Alleghany and Don; deserted Oct. 6, 1865.
Sharper, Henry Landsman. Jan. 3, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Shaughnasey, Simon Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 July 20, 1865 Montgomery, Canonicus and Princeton.
Shannon, William Ord. Seaman. Oct. 10, 1862 Dec. 31, 1863 Alleghany and C. P. Williams.
Sharp, Bernhard Seaman. Sept. 22, 1864 Oct. 2, 1867 Alleghany, Tuscarora, Dacotah and Vermont.
Sharp, William Landsman. June 29, 1863 July 17, 1865 Alleghany and Eutaw.
Sharper, George Landsman. Sept. 23, 1861 Sept. 26, 1864 Pensacola, John Griffiths and Henry Janes.
Shaw, George Landsman. Nov. 16, 1861 Ohio, Portsmouth and Ino; deserted Feb. 5, 1862.
Shea, Columbus 1st Class Boy. Nov. 25, 1863 June 11, 1865 Alleghany and Ceres.
Shea, George Ord. Seaman. Sept. 20, 1861 Sept. 3, 1862 Alleghany, Wissahickon and Princeton.
Shea, Michael 1st Cl. Fireman Mar. 21, 1862 May 31, 1864 Alleghany, Paul Jones and Princeton.
Shean, Michael Ord. Seaman. June 12, 1861 Jan. 25, 1862 North Carolina, Roanoke and Princeton.
Shears, Benjamin Landsman. Feb. 15, 1865 Feb. 14, 1867 Alleghany, Mercedita, Sagamore and Santee.
Shearry, John Landsman. July 21, 1862 July 29, 1864 Alleghany, Underwriter and Miami.
Sheckels, John R. Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 June 3, 1865 Alleghany and Tuscarora.
Sheckels, Nelson R. 2d Cl. Fireman Aug. 18, 1864 April 29, 1865 Alleghany, Rescue, Stepping Stones and Navy Yard Washington.
Shedd, John W. Seaman. Oct. 14, 1862 Oct. 13, 1863 Ohio and Sabine.
Sheely, John Landsman. Feb. 23, 1865 July 21, 1866 Alleghany, Cyane, St. Mary's and Vermont.
Sheets, J. J. Landsman. Aug. 4, 1862 Grampus, Clara Dolsen, Tyler, Sovereign, Hospital Pinkney, to Sept. 26, 1863; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Sheif, William H. Landsman. Aug. 12, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota, Aries, Dictator, Augusta, Algonquin and Vermont; deserted June 15, 1866.
Shepard, William H. Landsman. Mar. 17, 1865 Aug. 22, 1865 Alleghany, Seneca, Constellation, Phlox and Navy Yard Washington.
Shepherd, Simon Landsman. Oct. 27, 1862 Feb. 10, 1864 Ohio and Colorado.
Sheppard, Geo. P. Landsman. Aug. 3, 1864 June 15, 1865 Alleghany, Rescue and Navy Yard Washington.
Sheppard, John D. Landsman. July 28, 1863 July 31, 1864 Alleghany and Daylight.
Sheppard, Wm. H. 1st Class Boy. June 29, 1862 Oct. 14, 1865 Maratanza and Mercedita.
Sherdon, George H. Landsman. Feb. 17, 1864 Jan. 30, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Victoria and Maratanza.
Sherdon, James Landsman. Feb. 16, 1864 Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Albemarle.
Sheridon, Isaac Landsman. Feb. 23, 1864 Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Albemarle.
Sheriff, Benjamin Ord. Seaman. April 15, 1861 Alleghany; deserted April 30, 1861.
Sherry, William Ord. Seaman. Nov. 3, ,1864 Alleghany, Seymour and Potomac Flotilla; deserted June 10, 1865.
Sherry, William Landsman. Aug. 12, 1864 Nov. 14, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota, Tacony and Hospital Norfolk.
Shertzer, A. Trego Apothecary. Mar. 3, 1862 Nov., 1868 Entered the service as Asst. Apothecary; promoted Apothecary; assigned to Naval Asylum, Philadelphia, Pa., Mar. 3, 1864; Surgeon's Steward, U. S. S Mary Sanford, U. S. S. Wasp; returning to Naval Asylum; resigned.
Sherwood, Edward Seaman. Nov. 21, 1864 Aug. 24, 1865 Alleghany.
Shields, George Ord. Seaman. June1 1, 1861 North Carolina and Roanoke; deserted Jan. 20, 1862.
Shields, James Seaman. Jan. 19, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Shields, John Coal Heaver. May 6, 1861 Princeton, Union, Princess Royal and Albatross; detached June 7, 1864, records U. S. N. Department.
Shields, William S. Landsman. April 25, 1864 Sept. 7, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and St. Mary's.
Shipley, Edward Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 Alleghany; deserted.
Shirtes, Henry Seaman. Oct. 8, 1861 June 12, 1864 Alleghany and Wissahickon.
Shoeff, Perry Landsman. April 25, 1864 Feb. 22, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane Saranac, Farrallones and Vermont.
Shook, John G. Landsman. Dec. 2, 1864 Aug. 22. 1865 Alleghany, Keystone State, Constellation, Monticello and Vandalia.
Shorter, George Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 Aug. 3, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Henry Janes.
Shorter, John T. Landsman. Nov. 25, 1863 Sept. 25, 1864 North Carolina, Princeton and Kansas.
Shorter, Washington Landsman. April 20, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Massachusetts, Norfolk Packet, New Hampshire, Hydrangea and Lancaster.
Showell, Eben Landsman. April 20, 1864 June 27, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Santiago de Cuba and Princeton.
Shrives, Samuel Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 25, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Wateree and Vermont.
Shuckert, George Landsman. Feb. 17, 1865 April 5, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Suwanee and Vermont.
Shueman, Charles Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 June 30, 1866 Alleghany, Minnesota and Shawmut.
Shuks, Andrew P. Ord. Seaman. May 24, 1862 Feb. 12, 1864 Alleghany, Mystic and Gen. Putnam.
Sigrist, John Landsman. Jan. 16, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Read, Navy Yard Washington; deserted July 31, 1865.
Simmes, Geo. W. id Cl. Fireman Aug. 14, 1863 Navy Yard Washington; deserted Aug. 14, 1863.
Simmons, James Seaman. Feb. 3, 1865 Alleghany, Aries and Ohio; deserted Sept. 2, 1865.
Simmons, James Seaman. Jan. 27, 1865 Alleghany, Constellation, Aries and Ohio; deserted Sept. 2, 1865.
Simmons, Manuel Ord. Seaman. June 22, 1861 Aug. 15, 1864 Alleghany, Navy Yard Washington, Pawnee and Vermont.
Simmons, Stephen A. Ord. Seaman. Feb. 14, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Simms, George W. Seaman. Aug. 25, 1864 Alleghany, deserted.
Simms, George W. Seaman. Mar. 7, 1862 Jan. 6, 1863 Princeton and Wamsutta.
Simms, James B. Seaman. Feb. 3, 1862 Princeton, Ft. Jackson, Tritonia, North Carolina, to Feb. 18, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Dept.
Simon, Charles 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 21, 1865 Feb. 20, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Lancaster and Saranac.
Simpson, Alex. Ord. Seaman. Aug. 31, 1863 Aug. 30, 1864 Alleghany, Daylight and Henry Brinker.
Simpson, Charles Seaman. Oct. 6, 1864 Aug. 1, 1865 Alleghany and Nansemond.
Simpson, Henry Seaman. Oct. 3, 1864 illeghany, Nansemond, Augusta, Swatara and Princeton; died May 6, 1868.
Simpson, Henry Landsman. April 21, 1864 July 13, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash, St. Lawrence and Ben Morgan.
Simpson, James 1st Cl. Fireman Aug. 6, 1862 July 31, 1865 Princeton, Powhatan, Rhode Island and Nansemond,
Simpson, Theodore Seaman. Sept. 2, 1861 Mar. 21, 1865 North Carolina and Granite City.
Simpson, William Landsman. Jan. 28, 1865 Jan. 11, 1868 Vermont, Powhatan, Aries and Vermont.
Sinclair, Charles Ord. Seaman. June 22, 1861 Aug. 22, 1865 Alleghany and Penguin.
Sinclair, George Landsman. Feb. 28, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Sinclair, George S. Seaman. June 13, 1863 May 31, 1864 North Carolina and Union.
Sinclair, Thomas Seaman. Sept. 24, 1861 Sept. 3, 1862 Alleghany, Wissahickon and Princeton.
Sinclair, Thos. W. Seaman. Oct. 28, 1862 Oct. 26, 1863 North Carolina, Union, Florida and Hospital Norfolk.
Sinclair, William Landsman. Mar. 10, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Single, William Landsman. April 25, 1864 Sept. 13, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane Saranac, Narragansett, Metacomet and Vermont.
Singleton, George B. Landsman. Aug. 29, 1864 Aug. 31, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Sassacus and Princeton.
Sinners, Andrew Ord. Seaman. June 3, 1861 Alleghany and St. Lawrence; deserted April 6, 1862.
Slade, Lewis Seaman. April 19, 1861 May 19, 1862 Alleghany.
Slade, Lewis Seaman. May 15, 1861 May 19, 1862 Alleghany, Penguin and North Carolina.
Slader, James H. Landsman. April 25, 1864 Dec. 3, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac, St. Mary's, Jamestown and Vermont.
Slater, Joseph H. Landsman. Feb. 17, 1864 Alleghany, Commo. Perry and Hospital Norfolk; died May 25, 1864.
Slater, Washington Landsman. April 20, 1864 June 7, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, Wyandotte and North Carolina.
Slattery, Michael Landsman. Oct. 18, 1861 North Carolina and Bienville; deserted Jan. 20, 1863.
Slattery, Thomas Landsman. Oct. 20, 1862 Alleghany and Adolph Hugel; deserted July 16, 1863.
Slaughter, Geo. H. 2d Cl. Fireman Aug. 8, 1864 June 17, 1865 Maratanza, Alleghany and Brandywine.
Sliner, Charles H. Landsman. Aug. 18, 1864 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Atlanta.
Sloan, John Coal Heaver. Sept. 9, 1863 Aug. 24, 1864 Alleghany and Dacotah.
Sloan, Mathew Landsman. Aug. 19, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota, Osceola and Ohio; deserted June 24, 1865.
Sly, Elton Landsman. April 22, 1864 Aug. 21, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, New Hampshire, Norwich and Princeton.
Sly, John Landsman. Aug. 28, 1862 Alleghany and Valley City; deserted Jan. 12, 1863.
Smack, John H. Seaman. Jan. 11, 1864 April 16, 1864 North Carolina, Tuscarora, Peterhoff and Hospital Norfolk.
Small, Zachariah Landsman. April 20, 1864 Aug. 18, 1865 Transferred from 19th IT. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, Norfolk Packet and Princeton.
Smaltz, Carl Landsman. Aug. 12, 1864 Alleghany, Brandy wine, Osceola and Ohio; deserted June 10, 1865.
Smith, Albert Landsman. April 25, 1864 Aug. 30, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham, Potomac Flotilla, Roanoke and Constitution.
Smith, Andrew Seaman. July 29, 1862 Aug. 5, 1865 Alleghany and Connecticut.
Smith, Andrew Landsman. July 12, 1864 Alleghany, Potomac Flotilla and Washington Navy Yard; deserted July 31, 1865.
Smith, Antone Landsman. Mar. 15, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Smith, August Landsman. Aug. 22, 1864 Jan. 20, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Norfolk Hospital and North Carolina.
Smith, Augustus Landsman. Jan. 24, 1862 Feb. 27, 1865 North Carolina and Kanawha.
Smith, Caspar Landsman. Mar. 3, 1865 April 5, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Suwanee and Vermont. ,
Smith, Charles Landsman. April 22, 1863 Alleghany and Mahaska; deserted July 30, 1864.
Smith, Charles 2d Cl. Fireman June 18, 1863 June 18, 1864 North Carolina and Fuchsia.
Smith, Charles Seaman. July 1, 1862 June 3, 1865 Princeton. and Cimarron.
Smith, Charles Seaman. Sept. 18, 1863 Aug. 18, 1864 North Carolina and Grand Gulf.
Smith, Charles Ord. Seaman. June 29, 1864 Aug. 22, 1865 Alleghany, Brandy wine, Vandalia and Maratanza.
Smith, Charles Landsman. June 13, 1862 Alleghany, Fernandina, Brandywine, Hospital Norfolk; deserted.
Smith, Charles Seaman. Jan. 11, 1865 Oct. 20, 1865 Alleghany, Wyoming and Vermont.
Smith, Charles Ord. Seaman. June 16, 1865 Nov. 6, 1865 Princeton, Jean Sands and Constellation.
Smith, Charles Ord. Seaman. May 4, 1863 June 30, 1866 Alleghany, Mahaska, Nipsic and Susquehanna.
Smith, Charles H. Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 April 12, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Atlanta.
Smith, Clem Landsman. April 23, 1864 Sept. 6, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Fernandina and Princeton.
Smith, Edward 3d Class Boy. Dec. 12, 1864 April 3, 1865 Alleghany and Sabine.
Smith, Edward Coal Heaver. Sept. 28, 1863 Nov. 5, 1864 Alleghany, Penguin and Princeton.
Smith, Elijah Landsman. Aug. 2, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Boxer and Princeton; deserted Dec. 9, 1865.
Smith, Frederick Seaman. April 6, 1865 Mar. 8, 1866 Alleghany, Waxsaw, Bienville and Princeton.
Smith, George Seaman. Nov. 2, 1861 Nov. 4, 1864 Maria Denning and Mound City.
Smith, George Landsman. Sept. 8, 1862 June 6, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Iroquois, Florida, Sassacus, Otsego and Wyalusing.
Smith, George Seaman. Dec. 29, 1864 Alleghany, Mercedita; deserted May 15, 1865.
Smith, George 2d Cl. Fireman Nov. 21, 1864 Alleghany, Wyandank and Fuchsia; deserted Aug. 25, 1865.
Smith, George Seaman. April 19, 1862 Alleghany and Mystic; deserted.
Smith, George Seaman. Sept. 27, 1864 Alleghany, Tuscarora, to June 30, 1865; no further' record, U. S. N. Department.
Smith, George L. 1st Class Boy. Dec. 7, 1863 Alleghany and Kineo; drowned Jan. 28, 1865.
Smith, Harry Seaman. July 14, 1864 June 6, 1865 Alleghany, Massachusetts, John Adams and Nantucket.
Smith, Henry Landsman. Mar. 14, 1865 Jan. 11, 1867 Alleghany, Mercedita, Brooklyn, Shawmut and Vermont.
Smith, Henry Landsman. Feb. 15, 1865 Sept. 3, 1865 Alleghany, Constellation, Aries and Dictator.
Smith, Henry Landsman. May 16, 1864 Alleghany and Gov. Buckingham; deserted Sept. 25, 1864.
Smith, Henry 2d Cl. Firem'an Mar. 7, 1865 A-lleghany and Waxsaw; deserted Nov. 29, 1865.
Smith, Henry Ord. Seaman. Aug. 8, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Maratanza and Tioga; deserted June 13, 1866.
Smith, Henry W. Landsman. Feb. 20, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Smith, Howard 3d Class Boy. Mar. 14, 1865 Alleghany, and Sabine; deserted May 25, 1864.
Smith, Hugh 2d Cl. Fireman June 6, 1862 Alleghany, Cimarron and Hospital Norfolk; died Dec. 20, 1862.
Smith, Isaac Landsman. April 20, 1864 Mar. 19, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, Norfolk Packet, New Hampshire, Hydrangea and Vermont.
Smith, Isaiah Landsman. Feb. 3, 1863 June 17, 1864 Ohio, Rachel Seaman and J. Griffiths.
Smith, James Landsman. July 22, 1862 June 17, 1865 Alleghany, Underwriter, Hetzel, Constellation and Mt. Vernon.
Smith, James Seaman. Dec. 23, 1864 Alleghany; deserted Jan. 21, 1865.
Smith, James Seaman. Dec. 26, 1861 Princeton and George Mangham; deserted Oct. 27. 1862.
Smith, James Seaman. Aug. 2, 1864 Aug. 1, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Mt. Vernon, Conemaugh and Vermont.
Smith, James Landsman. Sept. 2, 1864 June 9, 1865 Alleghany and Banshee.
Smith, James Ord. Seaman, Jan. 8, 1862 Dec. 25, 1864 Princeton and Hartford.
Smith, James Ord. Seaman. Aug. 22, 1864 Alleghany, Potomac Flotilla and Don; deserted Aug. 31, 1865.
Smith, James Landsman. Sept. 16, 1862 Alleghany and Mt. Vernon; deserted Oct. 10, 1863.
Smith, James Coal Heaver. May 11, 1863 May 11, 1865 Alleghany and Eutaw.
Smith, James H. Landsman. Feb. 17, 1865 Alleghany, Hetzel, Powhatan, Stars and Stripes, to Princeton, June 30, 1865; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Smith, James H. Landsman. July 11, 1864 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Don and Adolph Hugel.
Smith, James H. Landsman. Nov. 20, 1861 Jan. 6, 1865 Princeton, State of Georgia and Saratoga.
Smith, James S. Landsman. Mar. 21, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita and Ticonderoga; deserted Oct. 13, 1866.
Smith, Joathan Seaman. July 14, 1864 Alleghany, Massachusetts, Nahant to Princeton, Aug. 11, 1865; failed to appear, U. S. N. Department.
Smith, John Seaman. Nov. 17, 1864 Alleghany and Morse; deserted May 24, 1865.
Smith, John Seaman. Dec. 20, 1864 Oct. 7, 1867 North Carolina, Lenapee, Wissahickon, New Hampshire, Catalpa, Vermont, Portsmouth, Rhode Island and Susquehanna.
Smith, John Landsman. Mar. 16, 1865 Feb. 14, 1867 Alleghany, Wyoming, Hartford, Relief and Vermont.
Smith, John Landsman. June 25, 1862 July 20, 1863 Alleghany, Underwriter and Hospital Norfolk.
Smith, John Seaman. April 17, 1861 May 8, 1864 Alleghany and Essex.
Smith, John Landsman. Aug. 17, 1864 June 8, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Aries.
Smith, John Landsman. Aug. 15, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota and Atlanta; deserted June 6, 1865.
Smith, John Landsman. Feb. 18, 1863 Feb. 17, 1864 North Carolina, Bienville, Neptune, North Carolina and Union.
Smith, John Ord. Seaman. Jan. 16, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Smith, John Landsman. Feb. 14, 1862 Alleghany and Roanoke; deserted Oct. 5, 1863.
Smith, John Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Smith, John Landsman. May 17, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany and Macedonian.
Smith, John Seaman. June 30, 1864 June 5, 1865 Alleghany, Massachusetts, Pawnee and Princeton.
Smith, John Landsman. Feb. 10, 1864 Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Albemarle.
Smith, John Landsman. July 25, 1864 Alleghany and Don; deserted Jan. 19, 1865.
Smith, John Ord. Seaman. Sept. 7, 1864 April 1, 1867 Alleghany, Don and Vermont.
Smith, John A. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Aug. 7, 1865 Brandywine and Calypso.
Smith, John H. Landsman. July 8, 1864 Alleghany, Potomac Flotilla and Washington Navy Yard; deserted July 31, 1865.
Smith, John H. Landsman. May 21, 1861 Alleghany, Monticello and North Carolina; deserted Nov. 8, 1862.
Smith, John M. Landsman. Sept. 5, 1862 Alleghany, Minnesota, Brandywine, Penobscot and Ceres; died April 4, 1863.
Smith, John T. 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 16, 1865 Alleghany, and Ella; deserted July 31, 1865.
Smith, John W. Landsman. April 21, 1864 Aug. 21, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Potomska and Princeton.
Smith, John W. Landsman. April 23, 1864 Feb. 5, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, Stettin, Kearsarge and Ohio.
Smith, Joseph Landsman. May 13, 1863 June 16, 1864 North Carolina, Seminole and Nightingale.
Smith, Joseph Landsman. June 1, 1864 Alleghany, Daylight, Shenandoah to Princeton, April 25, 1865; failed to report, records U. S. N. Dept.
Smith, Joseph Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Saginaw and Lancaster.
Smith, Leavan Landsman. Feb. 9, 1864 May 6, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry and Kineo.
Smith, Martin Ord. Seaman. Dec. 6, 1864 Alleghany, Keystone. State and Constellation; deserted Jan. 1, 1866.
Smith, Nathaniel Landsman. Feb. 11, 1864 Jan. 20, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Chicopee.
Smith, Nathaniel S. Landsman. Aug. 11, 1864 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine and Wilderness.
Smith, Peter Ord. Seaman. Nov. 16, 1864 Alleghany, Picket Boat No. 6, Alabama; deserted May 20, 1865.
Smith, Philip Landsman. Sept. 19, 1863 Oct. 30, 1864 North Carolina and Geranium.
Smith, Richard Seaman. July 23, 1864 Alleghany and Don; deserted Aug. 16, 1864.
Smith, Richard Seaman. Sept. 5, 1864 Alleghany and Tuscarora, to June 30, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Smith, Richard Landsman. April 25, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Smith, Robert Landsman. Feb. 24, 1864 Feb. 23, 1865 Baltimore.
Smith, Robert Ord. Seaman. Feb. 3, 1865 Oct. 13, 1865 Alleghany, Wyoming, Iroquois and Vermont.
Smith, Robert Ord. Seaman. Nov. 11, 1864 Alleghany, Matthew Vassar and Princeton; deserted Sept. 9, 1865.
Smith, Robert F. Landsman. June 2, 1864 May 9, 1865 Alleghany and Lodona.
Smith, Salathiel Landsman. April 22, 1864 Feb. 19, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Valparaiso and Bay Point Station; dishonorably discharged.
Smith, Samuel Seaman. Jan. 23, 1864 North Carolina and Narcissus; deserted Feb. 1, 1864.
Smith, Samuel Seaman. Mar. 8, 1865 Mar. 25, 1867 Alleghany, Wateree and Vermont.
Smith, Samuel R. Landsman. April 12, 1861 April 20, 1864 Alleghany and Ouachita.
Smith, Thomas Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Kansas and Ohio; deserted July 16, 1864.
Smith, Thomas Landsman. April 23, 1864 April 2, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, Gladiolus, New Hampshire, John Adams and Vermont.
Smith, Thomas Landsman. Aug. 11, 1862 Alleghany, Wyandank and Satellite; deserted.
Smith, Thomas G. Coal Heaver. Jan. 6, 1862 May 29, 1863 Alleghany, Pinola, Pensacola and Kanawha.
Smith, Thomas H. Landsman. Jan. 3, 1863 Jan. 2, 1864 North Carolina, Arkansas and Massachusetts.
Smith, Thomas H. Seaman. Jan. 27, 1862 Ohio; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Dept.
Smith, Thos. Henry Ord. Seaman. Feb. 13, 1862 Jan. 25, 1865 Ohio, Constellation and St. Lawrence.
Smith, Thomas J. Ord. Seaman. Aug. 8, 1864 May 25, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine and A. Houghton.
Smith, Thomas R. 3d Class Boy. Sept. 28, 1864 Alleghany, Sabine and Brooklyn; Oct., 1867, ordered to report to Alleghany; failed to appear, U. S. N. Dept.
Smith, Walter S. Landsman. July 15, 1863 Aug. 5, 1864 North Carolina and Connecticut.
Smith, William Ord. Seaman. Mar. 17, 1865 Alleghany, deserted April 25, 1865.
Smith, William Landsman. Aug. 2, 1864 Aug. 1, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Wm. Badger, Hornet, Tacony, New Hampshire and Vermont.
Smith, William Landsman. Dec. 3, 1861 North Carolina; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Smith, William Seaman. Aug. 10, 1864 Aug. 14, 1868 Alleghany, Brandywine, Maratanza, Agamenticus, Shenandoah and Hartford.
Smith, William Seaman. Sept. 4, 1861 Feb. 24, 1863 North Carolina, Seneca and North Carolina.
Smith, William 1st Class Boy. Feb. 23, 1864 July 24, 1865 North Carolina, Augusta, Cambridge and Princeton.
Smith, William Seaman. Sept. 4, 1862 North Carolina, Crusader and Dacotah; died Oct. 23, 1863.
Smith, William Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, St. Mary's, Saginaw and Lancaster.
Smith, William 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 27, 1864 Oct. 3, 1865 Alleghany and Iroquois.
Smith, William H. Landsman. April 23, 1864 Sept. 7, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and St. Mary's.
Smith, William H. Landsman. April 27, 1864 July 31, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T.; Matthew Vassar and Wyandank.
Smith, William H. Landsman. May 5, 1864 June 14, 1864 Alleghany, Naval Academy and Macedonian.
Smith, William J. Coal Heaver. Feb. 2, 1863 Feb. 2, 1864 Alleghany, State of Georgia and Calypso.
Smith, William J. Landsman. Feb. 12, 1864 Dec. 24, 1864 Navy Yard Washington, Wateree, North Carolina and Navy Yard Washington.
Smoot, James A. Landsman. June 17, 1863 Aug. 21, 1863 Alleghany, Eutaw and Morse.
Smoot, Joseph Landsman. Sept. 6, 1864 June 20, 1865 Alleghany and Roanoke.
Smyler, Aaron Landsman. April 19, 1864 July 11, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash and St. Lawrence.
Snell, James Seaman. June 14, 1861 April 9, 1862 Alleghany and Princeton.
Snow, John I. H. Landsman. June 20, 1862 April 30, 1865 Ohio and Tioga.
Snow, Thomas Landsman. Aug. 18, 1864 June 6, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Tacony.
Snowden, Henry Ord. Seaman. Oct. 14, 1862 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Snowden, Henry Seaman. Feb. 9, 1863 Mar. 5, 1864 North Carolina and Massachusetts.
Snowden, Reisin Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, Stettin, Gettysburg, Ft. Morgan and Lancaster.
Snyder, Robert S. 1st Class Boy. Aug. 3, 1861 July 4, 1864 Princeton, Louisiana, Sebago and Ino.
Snyder, William Landsman. July 25, 1864 Alleghany, Commo. Read and Navy Yard Washington; deserted July 31, 1865.
Soil, Henry 1st Class Boy. May 21, 1862 May 26, 1865 Alleghany and Mystic.
Sellers, Andrew 1st Class Boy. May 23, 1861 Alleghany; deserted Oct. 16, 1861.
Sellers, Benj. L. 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 23, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Somers, Benton Seaman. Aug. 30, 1862 North Carolina, Daylight and Minnesota; died June 12, 1863.
Somers, John Seaman. May 13, 1861 Sept. 12, 1862 North Carolina and Santee.
Somers, John Seaman. Oct. 3, 1862 June 9, 1865 Alleghany, Ceres and Onondaga.
Somerville, James P. Landsman. Feb. 9, 1865 April 15, 1867 Alleghany, Constellation, R. R. Cuyler and Florida.
Sonner, George Landsman. June 28, 1861 June 27, 186E Ohio and Stars and Stripes.
Sorensen, William Ord. Seaman. Feb. 6, 1865 Jan. 11, 1867 Alleghany, Wyoming and Vermont.
Souther, Albert Landsman. Mar. 7, 1865 April 5, 1867 Alleghany, Cyane, St. Mary's, Suwanee and Vermont.
Southron, Edward Landsman. April 23, 1864 July 24, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Philadelphia and Lenapee.
Spag, James Landsman. April 4, 1865 Alleghany, Seneca, Sangamon; transferred to Princeton, Aug. 12, 1865; failed to report, records U. S. N. Department.
Spann, George Coal Heaver. Jan. 28, 1864 Jan. 27, 1865 Alleghany and Mackinaw.
Sparks, James W. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 9, 1865 Commo. Jones, Brandywine and Onondaga.
Sparrow, Charles Landsman. April 23, 1864 June 28, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac, Narragansett, Paul Jones and Vermont.
Sparrow, John Landsman. April 28, 1864 May 29, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Macedonian.
Sparrow, Thomas Landsman. Nov. 27, 1861 Jan. 26, 1865 Princeton and Itasca.
Spears, William H. Seaman. Oct. 25, 1864 Alleghany and Banshee; deserted July 4, 1865.
Speck, Christian Landsman. July 27, 1861 Sept. 30, 1864 North Carolina and Richmond.
Speck, Christian Landsman. Mar. 16, 1865 Sept. 11, 1867 Alleghany, Mercedita and Brooklyn.
Spedden, John E. Landsman. May 26, 1863 Alleghany, I. N. Seymour and Mattabassett; deserted July 1, 1865.
Speights, John T. Seaman. Aug. 3, 1864 June 15, 1865 Alleghany, Rescue and Navy Yard Washington.
Spellinger, Wm. P. 2d Cl. Fireman Sept. 5, 1864 July 7, 1865 Princeton, New Hampshire and Montauk.
Spence, Samuel 2d Cl. Fireman Aug. 25, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Potomac Flotilla, Teazer and Receiving Ship at Washington.
Spencer, Edward S. Seaman. Jan. 25, 1862 April 7, 1865 Alleghany and Pinola.
Spencer, George Landsman. Aug. 19, 1862 Alleghany and Wyandank; deserted.
Spencer, Jacob V. Landsman. April 18, 1862 North Carolina and Galena; deserted.
Spencer, James H. Ord. Seaman. Aug. 22, 1864 June 10, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Tacony and Hospital Norfolk.
Spencer, Joseph Landsman. Aug. 29, 1864 Aug. 24, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Howquah, Dacotah, Bienville, Richmond and Don.
Spencer, Samuel Landsman. June 27, 1864 Jan. 26, 1867 Navy Yard Washington, Ella and New Hampshire.
Spencer, William Seaman. July 8, 1863 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Spicer, Jeremiah Ord. Seaman. April 28, 1862 May 4, 1865 North Carolina, Port Royal and Kineo.
Spicer, Joseph Coal Heaver. June 25, 1863 May 11, 1865 Alleghany and Eutaw.
Spillman, George W. 3d Class Boy. Feb. 17, 1865 Alleghany and Sabine; deserted Dec. 9, 1865.
Sploughs, Henry Landsman. June 6, 1864 June 5, 1865 Alleghany and St. Lawrence.
Sprigg, Solomon Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 27, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Saginaw, Lancaster and New Hampshire.
Sprigg, William Landsman. Sept. 8, 1864 Nov. 21, 1866 Alleghany, Tuscarora and Tacony.
Spry, William Landsman. Sept. 12, 1862 Oct. 7, 1863 North Carolina and Memphis.
Squibbins, George C. Ord. Seaman. Nov. 30, 1864 Alleghany and Keystone State; deserted Mar. 22, 1865.
Stadelmair, Lewis 2d Cl. Fireman June 19, 1863 Alleghany and Eutaw; deserted Aug. 15, 1863.
Stakes, Joseph C. Ord. Seaman. July 15, 1864 Dec. 6, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota, Agamenticus, Augusta, Mackinaw and Vermont.
Stanley, Charles 1st Cl. Fireman July 15, 1864 Alleghany, Don and Potomac Flotilla; deserted.
Stanley, Charles E. Landsman. Sept. 15, 1862 June 29, 1865 Alleghany, Gen. Putnam, Minnesota and Henry Brinker.
Stanley, Daniel Landsman. April 19, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, Cimarron, Winona, Potomska and Princeton; deserted July 29, 1865.
Stanley, Josiah Landsman. April 20, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Vandalia and Bermuda; deserted April 10, 1865.
Stansbury, Henry Seaman. July 25, 1863 Aug. 24, 1864 North Carolina and Tioga.
Stansbury, Henry Seaman. Aug. 22, 1864 Vandalia and Colorado; deserted Dec. 13, 1863.
Stansbury, James Landsman. April 23, 1864 June 18, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, Valparaiso, Bay Point Station and New Hampshire.
Stansbury, William Ord. Seaman. July 25, 1863 Aug. 24, 1864 North Carolina and Tioga.
Stanton, John Landsman. April 11, 1862 April 10, 1865 Princeton, Potomac Flotilla and Freeborne.
Staten, Thomas Landsman. Feb. 10, 1864 Feb. 8, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Victoria and St. Lawrence.
Staylor, Thomas Seaman. April 13, 1865 June 18, 1868 Alleghany and De Soto.
Steadman, George C. 1st Cl. Fireman Aug. 28, 1862 Navy Yard Washington, Teazer, May 27, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
St. Glair, George W. Landsman. Mar. 15, 1865 Feb. 21, 1867 Alleghany, Yantic, Don and Vermont.
Steele, Peter Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Aug. 7, 1865 Brandywine, Calypso and Ft. Jackson.
Steiner, George Landsman. Mar. 14, 1865 Mar. 25, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Wateree and Vei'mont.
Stephenson, Henry S Landsman. Aug. 5, 1864 April 17, 1868 Alleghany, Brandywine, Aries, Lenapee, Wilderness, Powhatan and Vermont.
Stephenson, Isaac Landsman. Aug. 10, 1864 May 21, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Shenandoah and Princeton.
Sterling, James A. Coal Heaver. Jan. 20, 1864 April 7, 1865 North Carolina, Brooklyn and Owasco; wounded in action at Mobile Bay; awarded M. H. by Congress for bravery.
Sterling, John Seaman. Sept. 5, 1864 Sept. 27, 1867 Alleghany, Tuscarora, Boxer, Bienville, Monongahela and Penobscot.
Sterling, Joseph Landsman. Aug. 22, 1864 Aug. 22, 1866 Alleghany, Minnesota, Berberry, Snowdrop, New Hampshire, Squando, Naval Academy, Santee and Saco.
Stevens, Fred'k M. Seaman. June 24, 1861 June 8, 1863 Ohio and Potomac.
Stevens, Fred'k M. Seaman. Jan. 20, 1864 Jan. 30, 1865 Ohio and Pequot.
Stevens, George Landsman. April 22, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Cyane; died June 21, 1864.
Stevens, James Seaman. May 27, 1864 April 23, 1866 Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham, Supply and Ohio.
Stevens, William Landsman. Dec. 3, 1863 Jan. 25, 1865 Princeton, Massachusetts, Wachusetts and Chatham.
Stevens, Wm. H. Coal Heaver. Jan. 6, 1862 April 7, 1865 Alleghany, Potomac and Pinola.
Stevenson, Frederick Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 25, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, St. Mary's, Wateree and Vermont.
Stevenson, William Landsman. April 20, 1864 Aug. 23, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, Chatham, Gov. Buckingham, Wyandank and Navy Yard Washington.
Steverson, John 2d Cl. Fireman Oct. 17, 1864 Alleghany; on R. R. Cuyler to June 30, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Steward, Alfred Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Steward, Charles Landsman. Nov. 23, 1864 Aug. 21, 1865 Alleghany, Morse and Receiving Ship at Washington.
Steward, Charles Seaman. June 5, 1862 June 3, 1865 Alleghany and Sangamon.
Steward, Elijah Landsman. Aug. 17, 1864 April 1, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Atlanta and Augusta.
Steward, Emory Landsman. April 25, 1864 Oct. 28, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac, Narragansett, J. C. Kuhn and Vermont.
Steward, Felix Landsman. April 22, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Saginaw, St. Mary's and Lancaster.
Steward, George H. Landsman. Aug. 22, 1864 June 19, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Wilderness.
Steward, Henry Landsman. April 23, 1864 Sept. 7, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany and St. Mary's.
Steward, Jacob Landsman. April 23, 1864 July 24, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, O. M. Pettit and Lenapee.
Steward, John Seaman. Mar. 14, 1865 Alleghany and Mercedita; drowned Aug. 13, 1865, at St. Domingo, West Indies.
Steward, Thomas Seaman. May 18, 1863 April 22, 1865 Alleghany, Mahaska and Nipsic.
Steward, Thomas Landsman. Aug. 8, 1864 Oct. 22, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Aries and Powhatan.
Steward, William Landsman. April 22, 1864 July 13, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, Wabash, St. Lawrence and Ben Morgan.
Stewart, Alexander Seaman. Oct. 28, 1862 June 15, 1865 Alleghany and Dan Smith.
Stewart, Charles Landsman. Oct. 3, 1862 June 12, 1865 Alleghany and Navy Yard Washington.
Stewart, Charles H. Landsman. May 16, 1861 Jan. 24, 1864 Alleghany and New Ironsides.
Stewart, Charles W. Landsman. Feb. 10, 1865 April 15, 1867 Alleghany, Constellation, R. R. Cuyler and Florida.
Stewart, Daniel Landsman. May 30, 1863 July 17, 1865 Alleghany, I. N. Seymour, Commo. Barney, Washington Navy Yard and Alleghany.
Stewart, Hugh Seaman. Mar. 27, 1865 Jan. 15, 1868 Alleghany and De Soto.
Stewart, Isaac Landsman. May 26, 1863 June 23, 1866 Alleghany, Mahaska, Nipsic and Susquehanna.
Stewart, John T. B. Seaman. Nov. 25, 1863 Nov. 25, 1864 Grampus and Little Rebel.
Stewart, John R. Landsman. Oct. 21, 1861 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Stewart, Joseph Landsman. Jan. 2, 1863 April 12, 1865 Princeton and Monongahela.
Stewart, Joseph J. Landsman. Aug. 12, 1863 Aug. 11, 1864 Alleghany and Morse.
Stewart, Peter Ord. Seaman. April 20, 1864 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T.; Jacob Bell andCasco; deserted July 1, 1865.
Stewart, Samuel 1st Class Boy. May 4, 1864 July 31, 1865 Transferred form 4th U. S. C. T.; Wm. Bacon and Wyandank.
Stewart, Thomas Landsman. Aug. 27, 1863 Aug. 27, 1864 North Carolina, Naval Academy and Macedonian.
Stewart, William Landsman. April 19, 1864 May 27, 1867 Transferred from 19th IT. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash, Yucca and Paul Jones.
Stitz, Mickel Landsman. July 16, 1863 Alleghany and Nansemond; deserted Aug. 16, 1863.
Stivers, George W. 2d Class Boy. Jan. 7, 1863 April 2, 1866 Princeton, Arizona, Port Royal and Vermont.
Stockbridge, John H. Landsman. Dec. 15, 1864 Alleghany; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Stoddard, James 2d Cl. Fireman Oct. 10, 1864 Alleghany, Malvern, Mackinaw and Vandalia; deserted June 20, 1865.
Stokes, Darius Landsman. Aug. 2, 1862 Alleghany and Maratanza; deserted Aug. 31, 1863.
Stokes, Henry Landsman. Aug. 8, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Boxer and Ohio; deserted Mar. 8, 1866.
Stokes, Joseph C. Landsman. July 1, 1861 June 30, 1864 Princeton and Yankee.
Stone, Joseph H. 1st Cl. Fireman Feb. 14, 1865 Sept. 6, 1865 Alleghany, Constellation and Boxer.
Stone, William W. Landsman. Aug. 25, 1864 June 15, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Calypso.
Stoos, John Landsman. Aug. 30, 1864 June 15, 1865 Alleghany, Rescue and Receiving Ship at Washington.
Straugh, William Landsman. May 20, 1861 Alleghany and Princeton; deserted Dec. 31, 1861.
Strube, Fritz Landsman. Aug. 17, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota and Calypso; deserted.
Stuart, Charles Landsman. Sept. 23, 1864 Aug. 14, 1868 Alleghany, Tuscarora, Alleghany, Shenandoah and Hartford.
Stuart, John Landsman. Mar. 19, 1863 May 14, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Commo. Jones and Hospital Norfolk.
Stubbins, Richard Seaman. May 20, 1862 Princeton; enlistment cancelled, records U. S. N. Dept.
Stubbing, Richard Seaman. June 10, 1862 April 18, 1865 Princeton, Bienville and Monongahela.
Stutzel, Peter Landsman. May 17, 1864 Alleghany, Ino and Mahaska; deserted Aug. 21, 1865.
Sulivan, Daniel Seaman. Mar. 19, 1862 Oct. 24, 1865 Alleghany, Amanda, Tahoma and San Jacinto.
Sulivan, James T. Ord. Seaman. Mar. 10, 1862 Nov. 9, 1862 Alleghany, Brandywine and Hospital Norfolk.
Sullens, James A. Landsman. July 29, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine and Cactus.
Sullers, David H. Landsman. Mar. 15, 1865 July 13, 1865 Alleghany, Seneca and Constellation.
Sullivan, George Seaman. Aug. 12, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota, Tacony and Shamrock; deserted.
Sullivan, James S. Ord. Seaman. Nov. 26, 1862 Mar. 24, 1863 Alleghany, James Adger and North Carolina.
Sullivan, John 1st Cl. Fireman Aug. 26, 1863 Sept. 3, 1864 Alleghany and Daylight.
Sullivan, Jos. A. Surg. Steward. June 18, 1861 Aug. 25, 1862 Ohio, Vincennes and North Carolina; shipped as Landsman; promoted Surgeon's Steward.
Sullivan, Lewis 2d Cl. Fireman Mar. 2, 1865 Alleghany and De Soto; deserted June 1, 1866.
Sullivan, Norris Ord. Seaman. Aug. 30, 1864 June 6, 1865 Princeton, Catalpa and Receiving Ship at Washington; prisoner of war.
Sumwalt, William Landsman. Mar. 6, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones and Lancaster.
Sundermeyer, Henry J. Landsman. Mar. 15, 1865 Sept. 11, 1867 Alleghany, Mercedita and Brooklyn.
Sutherland, Benj. Landsman. Mar. 20, 1865 Dec. 9, 1866 Alleghany, Seneca and Chicopee.
Sutherland, John Seaman. Jan. 23, 1862 Jan. 23, 1865 Princeton and Miami.
Sutherland, John Seaman. Mar. 6, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Sutton, Charles 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 20, 1865 Aug. 24, 1865 Alleghany.
Sutton, Daniel 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 18, 1865 Alleghany and Primrose; deserted July 4, 1865.
Sutton, James 2d Cl. Fireman Aug. 1, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Mt. Vernon, Mackinaw and Vandalia; deserted June 20, 1865.
Sutton, Robert Landsman. Aug. 29, 1864 Oct. 14, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Atlanta, Kansas and Nipsic.
Swaine, Mortimer Landsman. Aug. 11, 1862 July 21, 1865 Alleghany and Maratanza.
Swann, Benjamin Ord. Seaman. May 16, 1863 Alleghany and Minnesota; deserted Mar. 19, 1865.
Swann, Edward Landsman. Aug. 30, 1864 Nov. 4, 1865 Alleghany, Tuscarora and Ohio.
Swann, Zachariah 2d Cl. Fireman Dec. 1, 1864 Aug. 23, 1865 Alleghany, Spuyten Duyvil, Saffron, North Carolina and Vermont.
Swartz, Benjamin Landsman. July 5, 1864 Alleghany to July 12, 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Sweeney, John Seaman. July 12, 1864 Alleghany, Massachusetts, Lehigh, Nina and Shamokin; died ApriL 6, 1866.
Sweeney, Mills Coal Heaver. June 11, 1863 May 11, 1865 Alleghany and Eutaw.
Sweeney, Thomas Seaman. Sept. 6, 1861 Sept. 3, 1862 Alleghany, Wissahickon and Princeton.
Sweeny, William H. Landsman. Aug. 11, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine and Hydrangea; deserted July 22, 1865.
Swensen, John Seaman. Sept. 5, 1864 Alleghany and Tuscarora to June 30, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Swift, Edward H. 2d Cl. Fireman Aug. 3, 1864 Alleghany, Commo. Read and De Soto; deserted Mar. 5, 1866.
Switzer, Michael Seaman. Dec. 15, 1862 June 7, 1865 Alleghany, State of Georgia and Lehigh.
Sykes, John Landsman. Oct. 10, 1862 Alleghany and Norfolk Packet; deserted.
Sykes, William Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Aug. 7, 1865 Brandywine, Calypso and Ft. Jackson.

Volunteers - T

Click the "Expand" buttons to the right to view the rosters for the Sailors of this branch.

Last Names Beginning with "T"
Name Rank or
Date of
or Shipment
Date of
Vessels Served on
and Remarks
Tabbs, John H. Landsman. Nov. 29, 1861 June 24, 1863 Princeton and Keystone State.
Tahony, Darley 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 23, 1865 Feb. 22, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Lancaster and Saranac.
Tait, Thomas Landsman. July 29, 1863 Nov. 3, 1863 Alleghany and Nansemond.
Talbot, Christopher Seaman. July 15, 1861 Alleghany, Navy Yard Washington, to Mississippi Flotilla, November 16, 1861; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Talbot, Henry Landsman. April 19, 1864 July 11, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash and St. Lawrence.
Talbot, Henry Landsman. April 22, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash and St. Lawrence; deserted.
Talbot, William Seaman. June 7, 1864 Alleghany, Potomska, to Princeton, June 16, 1865; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Talbott, W. J. Landsman. Sept. 16, 1864 Aug. 23, 1865 Alleghany, Tuscarora and Ohio.
Tall, George Landsman. April 23, 1864 July 31, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Brandywine and Cactus.
Tallon, Alfred Landsman. Aug. 10, 1864 July 8, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine and Tristram Shandy.
Talt, John H. Coal Heaver. Aug. 26, 1863 Oct. 10, 1864 North Carolina, Princeton and Lodona.
Tappin, William G. Ord. Seaman. May 14, 1861 May 17, 1864 North Corolina, Wabash, Massachusetts and Cambridge.
Tarr, Benjamin F. Landsman. July 26, 1862 June 12, 1865 Alleghany and I. N. Seymour.
Tasker, George H. Landsman. April 23, 1864 Sept. 4, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, New Hampshire, Clover and Princeton.
Tasker, Richard Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 July 22, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Poppy.
Tate, William Landsman. June 4, 1864 June 12, 1865 Alleghany, Don and Adolph Hugel.
Taylor, Augustus Landsman. July 21, 1864 June 20, 1866 Alleghany, Don, Swatara, New Hampshire and Marblehead.
Taylor, Benjamin Landsman. Sept. 19, 1863 May 31, 1865 Navy Yard Washington, Wyandank and Thos. Freeborn.
Taylor, C. E. Ord. Seaman. April 28, 1864 June 17, 1865 Minnesota, Florida, Quaker City and Richmond.
Taylor, Charles A. Coal Heaver. Jan. 14, 1862 Princeton and Hartford; deserted Dec. 15, 1863.
Taylor, Charles H. Landsman. Aug. 30, 1864 Sept. 5, 1866 Alleghany, Rescue, Stepping Stones, A. Hugel, St. Lawrence, Pensacola, Potomac, Yucca, Newberne and Vermont.
Taylor, Electrus Landsman. May 29, 1863 Ohio, Saratoga and Bermuda; deserted Jan. 5, 1864.
Taylor, Emanuel L. Landsman. July 12, 1861 North Carolina and Rhode Island; deserted Oct. 12, 1861.
Taylor, George Landsman. July 21, 1862 June 12, 1865 Alleghany, Underwriter and Hospital Norfolk.
Taylor, George W. Ord. Seaman. Oct. 27, 1864 Alleghany and I. N. Seymour; deserted Mar. 31, 1865.
Taylor, George W. 2d Cl. Fireman Sept. 9, 1864 July 7, 1865 Alleghany, Nansemond and Receiving Ship Washington.
Taylor, Henry Landsman. Aug. 18, 1864 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Atlanta.
Taylor, James Landsman. April 23, 1864 Aug. 21, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Potomska and Princeton.
Taylor, James Seaman. Mar. 15, 1862 Jan. 31, 1863 North Carolina, Cairo Station, Mound City and Clara Dolsen.
Taylor, James B. Ord. Seaman. Aug. 18, 1863 June 26, 1865 Alleghany, Daylight and Henry Brinker.
Taylor, John Landsman. Aug. 11, 1864 May 26, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Aries, Malvern and Vermont.
Taylor, John Landsman. Aug. 28, 1862 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Valley City, Minnesota and Atlanta.
Taylor, John Landsman. Aug. 9, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Britannia, to Princeton, June 29, 1865; never reported, records U. S. N. Department.
Taylor, John Wesley Landsman. Dec. 31, 1862 Alleghany and State of Georgia; deserted Sept. 1, 1863.
Taylor, Robert Landsman. April 23, 1864 Sept. 7, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and St. Mary's.
Taylor, Samuel Landsman. Aug. 18, 1864 June 10, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Henry Janes and Hospital Norfolk.
Taylor, Samuel Seaman. Mar. 14, 1865 Jan. 15, 1868 Alleghany and De Soto.
Taylor, Walter Coal Heaver. Oct. 3, 1863 Aug. 19, 1865 Alleghany and Penguin.
Taylor, William Coal Heaver. Sept. 4, 1863 Mar. 11, 1865 Alleghany and Dacotah.
Taylor, William Landsman. Mar. 7, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones and Lancaster.
Taylor, William Landsman. Oct. 28, 1863 Feb. 27, 1865 North Carolina and Penobscot.
Taylor, William H. Landsman. April 28, 1864 May 29, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Macedonian.
Temple, John H. Ord. Seaman. Sept. 5, 1862 June 30, 1865 Alleghany and Valley City.
Temple, Thomas W. Landsman. June 1, 1864 June 5, 1865 Princeton and Pontiac.
Tender, Augustus Landsman. Feb. 9, 1863 Baltimore; deserted June 8, 1863.
Tender, James Landsman. Aug. 28, 1863 Aug. 27, 1864 North Carolina and Union.
Terry, George Seaman. Aug. 4, 1863 Alleghany and Nansemond; lost at sea Oct. 5, 1863.
Thayer, William 1st Class Boy. Feb. 9, 1863 May 6, 1864 North Carolina, Clara Dolsen and Lafayette.
Therigood, William Landsman. Aug. 28, 1863 Alleghany, Daylight and Emma; deserted June 24, 1865.
Thomas, Andrew Ord. Seaman. April 20, 1864 Sept. 20, 1864 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T.; Jacob Bell.
Thomas, Augus'tus Landsman. Dec. 17, 1863 Dec. 19, 1864 Princeton and Wachusetts.
Thomas, Charles Landsman. Dec. 17, 1863 Dec. 20, 1864 Princeton and Wachusetts.
Thomas, Charles Landsman. Aug. 5, 1862 Sabine and Vanderbilt; deserted.
Thomas, Daniel J. Landsman. Dec. 14, 1863 Dec. 20, 1864 Princeton and Wachusetts.
Thomas, Edmond K. 3d Class Boy. Sept. 27, 1864 Alleghany and Sabine; deserted Sept. 30, 1865.
Thomas, Edward Landsman. Oct. 12, 1863 Nov. 10, 1864 North Carolina, Princeton, Saratoga and Shenandoah.
Thomas, Frank Landsman. Feb. 9, 1864 Feb. 10, 1865 Princeton and Atlanta.
Thomas, George Landsman. Aug. 26, 1863 May 13, 1865 Alleghany, Daylight, Minnesota, Hospital Norfolk, Brandywine and Osceola.
Thomas, George Landsman. April 20, 1864 June 12, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
Thomas, George Landsman. Aug. 11, 1862 May 13, 1865 Alleghany, Wyandank, Brandywine and Osceola.
Thomas, Henry Landsman. Nov. 19, 1863 Nov. 18, 1864 Alleghany and Crusader.
Thomas, Henry 1st Cl. Fireman Aug. 9, 1862 Aug. 9, 1863 Navy Yard Washington and Yankee.
Thomas, Henry Seaman. May 29, 1861 April 15, 1862 Alleghany and St. Lawrence.
Thomas, Isaiah Landsman. June 22, 1864 June 12, 1865 Alleghany, Don and Adolph Hugel.
Thomas, Isaiah Landsman. June 27, 1861 June 2, 1863 Ohio, Dale and St. Lawrence.
Thomas, James Landsman. April 21, 1864 June 12, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
Thomas, John Landsman. Nov. 25, 1861 Nov. 29, 1862 Ohio and Huron.
Thomas, John H. Seaman. Aug. 20, 1861 North Carolina, Perry and North Carolina; deserted Nov. 24, 1863.
Thomas, John H. Seaman. Aug. 5, 1863 Aug. 4, 1864 North Carolina, Quaker City, Minnesota and Roanoke.
Thomas, John H. Landsman. Nov. 2, 1863 Nov. 1, 1864 Navy Yard Washington and Jacob Bell.
Thomas, Lewis H. Landsman. Sept. 27, 1861 July 27, 1863 North Carolina and Alabama.
Thomas, Lewis H. Landsman. Feb. 18, 1864 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Thomas, Luther J. Landsman. Mar. 17, 1865 Feb. 6, 1867 Alleghany, Seneca, Sangamon, Tonawanda, Potomac, Muscoota and Vandalia.
Thomas, Perry Landsman. Feb. 9, 1863 Feb. 17, 1864 Baltimore.
Thomas, Perry Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac and Lancaster.
Thomas, Philip Landsman. Feb. 11, 1864 Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Albemarle.
Thomas, Richard Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 Alleghany, Roanoke and Constellation, to May 10, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Thomas, Richard W. Landsman. Sept. 26, 1862 Oct. 24, 1865 Princeton and Jamestown.
Thomas, Robert Landsman. April 22, 1864 June 12, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, Bay Point Station and New Hampshire.
Thomas, Solomon Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Thomas, Thomas Landsman. April 22, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Thomas, Thomas Landsman. April 21, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, Neptune, to Jan. 6, 1863; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Thomas, William Seaman. April 17, 1861 May 31, 1864 North Carolina and Wabash.
Thomas, William Seaman. Sept. 1, 1864 June 3, 1865 Alleghany and Tuscarora.
Thomas, William Seaman. Oct. 17, 1864 Alleghany and Banshee; deserted June 5, 1865.
Thomas, William Ord. Seaman. Mar. 12, 1862 June 27, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Cimarron and Princeton.
Thomas, William 1st Cl. Fireman July 24, 1862 May 12, 1865 Princeton and Wabash.
Thomas, William Seaman. Mar. 30, 1863 Sept. 8, 1865 Princeton and Massachusetts.
Thomas, William D. Landsman. Aug. 8, 1864 Aug. 10, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Crusader and Navy Yard Washington.
Thomas, W. John Coal Heaver. Jan. 14, 1862 Alleghany; deserted Jan. 15, 1862.
Thompson, Charles Landsman. Jan. 30, 1862 April 7, 1865 Alleghany and Pinola.
Thompson, Chas. W. Landsman. Aug. 11, 1864 Sept. 27, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Dacotah and Vermont.
Thompson, George Landsman. Sept. 16, 1862 Alleghany and Mt. Vernon; taken by the enemy, Nov. 4, 1862, records U. S. N. Department.
Thompson, George Landsman. Sept. 17, 1863 Alleghany, Morse, Brandywine, Sam Rotan, to Sept. 30, 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Thompson, George Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Thompson, James Landsman. April 25, 1864 July 31, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T. ; Matthew Vassar and Wyandank.
Thompson, James Seaman. July 11, 1864 July 24, 1865 Alleghany, Tuscarora and Hospital Boston.
Thompson, James B. Landsman. Nov. 24, 1863 Nov. 23, 1864 Navy Yard Washington and Eutaw.
Thompson, John Landsman. Dec. 2, 1862 July 26, 1865 Alleghany, Mt. Washington, Minnesota, Florida and Quaker City.
Thompson, John Ord. Seaman. May 6, 1862 May 3, 1865 Alleghany, Cambridge, Victoria, Winona and Commo. Perry.
Thompson, John Ord. Seaman. Dec. 29, 1862 Alleghany and J. L. Lockwood; sent to Penitentiary Feb. 12, 1865, records U. S. N. Department.
Thompson, John Ord. Seaman. July 22, 1864 Alleghany, Don and Potomac Flotilla; deserted.
Thompson, John W. Landsman. May 6, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany and Macedonian.
Thompson, Joseph Landsman. Dec. 16, 1861 Dec. 1, 1864 Princeton, Brooklyn, Brandywine and Gettysburg.
Thompson, Nich. O. Landsman. Mar. 6, 1865 April 25, 1867 Alleghany and De Soto.
Thompson, Richard 1st Cl. Fireman Dec. 5, 1864 Alleghany, Keystone State, Constellation, Cactus; deserted April 15, 1865.
Thompson, Samuel 1st Cl. Fireman Aug. 8, 1864 Alleghany; deserted.
Thompson, Samuel S. Seaman. July 22, 1864 Alleghany, Tuscarora and Ohio; deserted Oct. 11, 1865.
Thompson, Theodore Landsman. May 15, 1865 May 14, 1868 Alleghany, Mercedita, Rhode Island and Mahaska.
Thompson, William Ord. Seaman. May 2, 1861 June 27, 1864 North Carolina, Wabash, Mary Sanford and New Ironsides.
Thompson, William Seaman. Feb. 16, 1865 Feb. 16, 1868 Alleghany, Mercedita, Muscoota, Osceola and Sabine.
Thompson, William Landsman. Aug. 5, 1864 July 30, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Boxes and Guerriere.
Thompson, William Ord. Seaman. June 26, 1861 July 4, 1864 Princeton, St. Lawrence, Ohio, Shenandoah, Ticonderoga, Wyalusing, I. N. Seymour and Brandywine.
Thompson, William Ord. Seaman. Mar. 13, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita, Muscoota and Vandalia; deserted Oct. 22, 1866.
Thompson, William Landsman. Jan. 27, 1862 April 7, 1865 Alleghany and Pinola.
Thompson, Wm. D. Ord. Seaman. May 28, 1861 Alleghany and St. Lawrence; deserted June 22, 1861.
Thompson, Wm. H. Landsman. July 16, 1863 Mar. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Maratanza and Chicopee.
Thompson, Wm. J. Landsman. May 30, 1861 AJleghany; deserted Aug. 10, 1861.
Thomsen, Charles Seaman. Sept. 29, 1862 Dec. 4, 1863 Juniata, North Carolina and Princeton.
Thomson, Jackson Coal Heaver. Mar. 20, 1863 Mar. 19, 1864 North Carolina and Minnesota.
Thomson, James Landsman. June 19, 1862 Alleghany and Paul Jones; deserted.
Thomson, Nathan J. Ord. Seaman. Aug. 14, 1861 Princeton, Navy Yard Washington, to Mississippi Flotilla, Nov. 16, 1861; no further record, U. S. N. Dept.
Thornton, David Landsman. Nov. 11, 1864 Aug. 23, 1865 Alleghany, Roanoke and Vermont.
Thornton, Thomas 1st Class Boy. Nov. 20, 1863 Mystic; deserted May 22, 1864.
Thurmon, Chris. C. Landsman, Jan. 29, 1864 Keystone State and Monticello; deserted June 30, 1865.
Thurston, George Seaman. July 25, 1864 Alleghany and Potomac Flotilla; deserted.
Tibbetts, Eugene 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 3, 1865 Alleghany; deserted Feb. 25, 1865.
Tibbitt, William Landsman. Mar. 7, 1865 June 22, 1867 Alleghany, St. Mary's, Independence and Jamestown.
Tickener, John N. Ord. Seaman. Sept. 5, 1862 June 30, 1865 Alleghany and Valley City.
Ticklepitcher, Timothy T. Ord. Seaman. Mar. 9, 1863 Aug. 2, 1864 Princeton, Juniata, Rhode Island and National Guard; dishonorably discharged.
Tier, James C. Carpenter. Dec. 23, 1863 Mar. 3, 1866 Ella, Don and Savannah.
Tiernan, Joseph Seaman. April 7, 1865 July 13, 1866 Alleghany, De Soto and Vermont.
Tighe, Patrick Ord. Seaman. June 11, 1864 April 12, 1866 Alleghany, Daylight, Calypso, Massachusetts, Potomac and Vermont.
Tilghman, James R. Landsman. April 23, 1864 Sept. 6, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Fernandino and Princeton.
Tilghman, Joseph H. Landsman. May 5, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany and Macedonian.
Tilghman, Samuel Landsman. May 20, 1861 Alleghany and Jacob Bell; deserted Jan. 16, 1863.
Tilghman, Samuel Landsman. April 22, 1864 Aug. 26, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash, St. Lawrence and Ben Morgan.
Tilghman, William Landsman. Aug. 5, 1864 Aug. 3, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Wm. Badger, Hornet, Mackinaw and Vermont.
Tilman, William H. Landsman. Sept. 4, 1863 Oct. 10, 1864 North Carolina and Cimarron.
Tingstrum, Chas. I. Coal Heaver. Jan. 26, 1863 Alleghany, State of Georgia and Massachusetts; deserted Oct. 31, 186.3.
Tinker, Charles Landsman. July 31, 1862 Alleghany and Maratanza; returned to Provost Marshal, Baltimore, Md., Sept. 6, 1863, as an army deserter.
Tipping, Henry Seaman. April 12, 1865 Nov. 11, 1865 Alleghany, Cyane and Vermont.
Tittle, G. T. Coal Heaver. Dec. 11, 1863 Dec. 23, 1864 Kineo.
Tittle, Thomas 1st Cl. Fireman Mar. 2, 1865 Aug. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Hetzel, Gamma and Vermont.
Titchneor, Isaac Coal Heaver. Aug. 26, 1863 Aug. 26, 1864 North Carolina, Princeton, Mt. Vernon and Brandywine.
Tolon, Michael 2d Cl. Fireman Nov. 16, 1863 Dec. 16, 1864 Alleghany and Kineo.
Tood, Richard 1st Class Boy. May 4, 1864 July 15, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T. ; Wm. Bacon and Navy Yard Washington.
Toogood, Toot Landsman. April 21, 1864 Mar. 17, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Vandalia, Lillian and Massachusetts.
Tool, James Ord. Seaman. April 6, 1865 Nov. 9, 1867 Alleghany, Mercedita, Brooklyn and Princeton.
Toomey, Jacob H. Landsman. Dec. 22, 1863 July 24, 1865 Brandywine and Constellation.
Topp, Henry V. Coal Heaver. Nov. 28, 1863 Dec. 22, 1864 Alleghany and Kineo.
Topp, Henry 1st Cl. Fireman Feb. 14, 1865 Dec. 27, 1865 Alleghany.
Towsen, Thomas Coal Heaver. May 19, 1862 April 18, 1865 Alleghany, Paul Jones, New Hampshire and Stettin.
Townsend, James Ord. Seaman. April 4, 1862 April 15, 1864 North Carolina, Keokuk and Vermont.
Townsend, James Landsman. April 4, 1862 June 20, 1864 North Carolina, San Jacinto and Savannah.
Towson, John W. Ord. Seaman. Feb. 20, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Wyoming and Alleghany.
Towson, William Seaman. Mar. 12, 1862 July 12, 1862 Princeton and Bienville.
Towson, William Ord. Seaman. July 19, 1861 Ohio and Sabine, to Feb. 24, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Towson, William Ord. Seaman. July 29, 1864 May 17, 1865 Alleghany, Rescue and Navy Yard Washington.
Tracey, Hugh Seaman. Sept. 1, 1863 Aug. 30, 1864 Alleghany, Daylight and Minnesota.
Tracey, Hugh Seaman. Oct. 14, 1864 Jan. 30, 1867 Alleghany, Banshee, Swatara and Ino.
Tracey, Thomas A. Landsman. July 25, 1864 June 12, 1865 Alleghany, Don and Primrose.
Treff, Lewis Landsman. Aug. 26, 1864 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Atlanta.
Trimble, Charles Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac and Lancaster.
Trimble, James Landsman. April 25, 1864 Sept. 7, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and St. Mary's.
Tripp, Maurice Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Saginaw and Lancaster.
Tripp, Richard Landsman, Aug. 8, 1864 July 8, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine and Tristram Shandy.
Tripp, Samuel Landsman. Dec. 29, 1863 Dec. 18, 1864 North Carolina, Admiral, Ossipee and Hartford.
Truitt, Alexander H. Seaman. Dec. 13, 1861 Feb. 27, 1865 Princeton, Brooklyn and Richmond.
Truman, Hammond Landsman. April 27, 1864 May 29, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany- and Macedonian.
Trumbo, John H. Landsman. Aug. 30, 1864 July 13, 1865 Princeton, Arethusa and Carnation.
Trumper, William Landsman. Aug. 18, 1862 Alleghany, Valley City, Alleghany, April 1, 1863; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Trusty, John H. 1st Class Boy. May 2, 1864 Nov. 25, 1864 Alleghany and Macedonian.
Trusty, Raymond Landsman. Jan. 5, 1864 Feb. 6, 1865 Princeton and Tacony.
Trusty, William Landsman. April 20, 1864 Aug. 21, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, Cimarron, A. Houghton and Princeton.
Tubman, Thomas Landsman. April 21, 1864 Sept. 5, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, Flag, Ohio and Navy Yard Washington.
Tucker, A. D. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Aug. 7, 1865 Brandywine and Fort Jackson.
Tucker, Elisha Landsman. Aug. 26, 1864 June 3, 1865 Alleghany and Tuscarora.
Tucker, John E. Landsman. Feb. 16, 1865 Alleghany, Constellation and Cactus; deserted Aug. 31, 1865.
Tucker, Joseph 3d Class Boy. Oct. 4, 1864 Alleghany and Sabine; died Feb. 2, 1865.
Tucker, Joseph L. Landsman. April 19, 1862 Princeton and Jacob Bell; deserted Jan. 16, 1863.
Tucker, William E. Landsman. Mar. 2, 1865 Oct. 20, 1865 Alleghany, Wyoming, Iroquois and Vermont.
Tucker, William H. Landsman. Feb. 16, 1864 Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Albemarle.
Tuckey, William E. Coal Heaver. Jan. 26, 1863 Alleghany; on State of Georgia to Mar. 31, 1863; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Tune, Henry C. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 20, 1865 Montgomery.
Tunnell, William J. Ord. Seaman. June 8, 1861 July 9, 1864 Princeton, St. Lawrence, Amanda, J. S. Chambers and Savannah.
Turnbull, Wm. H. Landsman. July 27, 1863 Sept. 16, 1863 Clara Dolsen.
Turner, Charles Landsman. April 23, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Clover and Princeton; died Sept. 5, 1865.
Turner, Charles Landsman. April 22, 1864 July 27, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash, Commo. Perry and Constellation.
Turner, Charles 1st Class Boy. July 23, 1864 Navy Yard Washington, Potomac and Tallapoosa; deserted Dec. 20, 1866.
Turner, David. Landsman. April 23, 1864 July 24, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, O. M. Pettit and Lenapee.
Turner, Edward Landsman. April 23, 1864 Sept. 14, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and John Adams.
Turner, Elijah Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Turner, Henry Landsman. April 28, 1862 May 30, 1865 North Carolina, Port Royal, Augusta, Dinsmore and Penobscot.
Turner, Isaac Seaman. Feb. 24, 1862 Aug. 10, 1865 North Carolina and Oneida.
Turner, James Fireman. Jan. 27, 1862 Feb. 10, 1865 Alleghany, Pinola, Colorado, Lackawanna and Portsmouth.
Turner, James B. Landsman. Mar. 16, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Turner, James H. Landsman. July 28, 1864 July 24, 1867 Alleghany, Tuscarora, Tacony, Vermont and Peoria.
Turner, John Landsman. June 1, 1864 May 1, 1865 Princeton and Pontiac.
Turner, John C. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Jan. 29, 1866 Monticello, Pequot and Agawam.
Turner, Lemuel Landsman. Dec. 30, 1863 Navy Yard Washington and Commo. Bead; drowned April 15, 1864.
Turner, Samuel J. Seaman. July 22, 1861 Aug. 12, 1864 Princeton, Louisiana and Savanna.
Turner, Sidney Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th IT. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Saginaw and Lancaster.
Tydings, William Ord. Seaman. Oct. 11, 1861 Mar. 5, 1863 Alleghany, Norfolk Packet and Princeton.
Tyler, Armenius 1st Cl. Fireman Aug. 16, 1862 June 30, 1865 Shipped under the name of Tylor, Armenious; Alleghany and Brandywine.
Tyler, Samuel Seaman. Oct. 31, 1863 Nov. 7, 1864 Clara Dolsen, Mound City and Ouachita.
Tyson, Joseph A. Landsman. Feb. 24, 1865 Alleghany, to May 10, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.

Volunteers - U

Click the "Expand" buttons to the right to view the rosters for the Sailors of this branch.

Last Names Beginning with "U"
Name Rank or
Date of
or Shipment
Date of
Vessels Served on
and Remarks
Uhler, Philip J. Ord. Seaman. Sept. 26, 1864 Aug. 21, 1865 Alleghany, Morse and Receiving Ship at Washington.
Ulrich, William F. Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota and Estrella; deserted Aug. 16, 1865.
Upshur, Able Landsman. April 20, 1864 Mar. 17, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia and Massachusetts.
Upshur, William Landsman. Dec. 9, 1862 Jan. 6, 1865 Alleghany, Racer and Prince ton (2nd shipment).
Utter, Nicholas W. Ord. Seaman. Jan. 24, 1865 Alleghany and Wyoming; died Dec. 27, 1867.

Volunteers - V

Click the "Expand" buttons to the right to view the rosters for the Sailors of this branch.

Last Names Beginning with "V"
Name Rank or
Date of
or Shipment
Date of
Vessels Served on
and Remarks
Valentine, Henry Landsman. June 11, 1864 Oct. 20, 1864 Princeton and Mingoe.
Vance, Thomas Seaman. April 25, 1863 Alleghany and Mahaska; deserted June 6, 1864.
Vanderford, James Landsman. June 4, 1864 Alleghany, Daylight, Osceola, Ohio and Augusta; deserted July 22, 1865.
Vandyke, C. E. 1st Class Boy. Feb. 23, 1863 Aug. 15, 1865 North Carolina, Massachusetts, Donegal, J. S. Chambers, New Hampshire and Cimarron.
Vaniderstine, Robert 3d Class Boy. Feb. 23, 1865 July 29, 1868 Alleghany, Sabine, Sacramento, Vermont and Saratoga.
Van Soyl, Antonio Seaman. Dec. 5, 1864 Alleghany, R. R. Cuyler and Estrella; deserted Aug. 29, 1865.
Varnish, George B. Landsman. Feb. 17, 1862 Ohio and Constellation; deserted Jan. 11, 1863.
Veal, Benjamin Landsman. April 21, 1864 Nov. 18, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham and North Carolina.
Veal, John M. Seaman. July 27, 1864 Alleghany and Jacob Bell; deserted Oct. 2, 1864.
Venable, Samuel Seaman. Dec. 5, 1863 Dec. 13, 1864 Clara Dolsen and Gen. Lyon.
Venables, William 2d Cl. Fireman Sept. 28, 1864 Alleghany and Tuscarora, to June 30, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Venson, Francis Seaman. Nov. 30, 1864 Alleghany and Keystone State; deserted Mar. 25, 1865.
Vernon, George Seaman. July 26, 1862 North Carolina; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Vesey, Charles Landsman. April 19, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash, St. Lawrence, Ben Morgan and Roman; deserted.
Vesey, James Seaman. Sept. 18, 1861 Mar. 19, 1862 Ohio, North Carolina, Wyoming and Lancaster.
Vickers, Jesse Landsman. June 3, 1861 Sept. 6, 1862 Alleghany, Wissahickon and Princeton.
Vickers, Wm. M. Seaman. Mar. 2, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Vogelsang, Jacob Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 June 17, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Maratanza.
Volandt, William Ord. Seaman. June 1, 1864 May 4, 1867 Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham, Mackinaw, Agamenticus and Vermont.

Volunteers - W

Click the "Expand" buttons to the right to view the rosters for the Sailors of this branch.

Last Names Beginning with "W"
Name Rank or
Date of
or Shipment
Date of
Vessels Served on
and Remarks
Wade, John W. Landsman. Nov. 14, 1862 Mar. 9, 1863 Colorado.
Wade, Robert E. 2d Class Boy. Feb. 13, 1863 July 18, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Commo. Jones, Delaware and Commo. Morris.
Waethrick, John Landsman. July 14, 1862 July 20, 1863 Alleghany, Underwriter and Hetzel.
Wagner, Adam Landsman. Feb. 20, 1865 Feb. 19, 1867 Alleghany, Independence and Saginaw.
Wagner, Charles Landsman. Aug. 27, 1862 Oct. 14, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Iroquois, Florida, Wabash and Mercedita.
Wagner, Henry G. Seaman. 1863 1864 Hercules.
Wagner, John Ord. Seaman. Jan. 10, 1863 Alleghany and Wyoming; deserted Jan. 1, 1866.
Wagner, Lewis Landsman. Aug. 5, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Daylight and Vermont; deserted June 16, 1865.
Waikt, Frederick Ord. Seaman. Nov. 3, 1862 Alleghany and Southfield; missing April 19, 1864, records U. S. N. Department.
Waite, William W. Landsman. June 3, 1864 Oct. 15, 1864 Alleghany, Daylight and Hospital Norfolk.
Walker, Francis Seaman. Jan. 31, 1865 Jan. 31, 1868 Alleghany, Hetzel, Aries, Tuscarora and Independence.
Walker, Henry Landsman. Mar. 17, 1862 North Carolina; no further record, U. S. N. Dept.
Walker, James C. Landsman. Feb. 17, 1864 Feb. 16, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing, Chicopee and Hunchback.
Walker, John Ord. Seaman. May 10, 1861 June 30, 1864 North Carolina, Wabash and Chippewa.
Walker, John Seaman. Aug. 19, 1861 Ohio, Navy Yard Washington, Hospital Philadelphia and Philadelphia Naval Asylum; died Feb. 7, 1869.
Walker, John Seaman. Jan. 24, 1863 Oct. 20, 1863 Ohio, Nantucket and North Carolina.
Walker, John E. 1st Class Boy. Aug. 26, 1862 May 22, 1865 Alleghany, Valley City and Miami.
Walker, John F. Seaman. Feb. 15, 1862 April 18, 1865 North Carolina, Sabine, Tyler, Galatea and Neptune.
Walker, John H. Landsman. Sept. 7, 1861 Oct. 26, 1864 North Carolina and Valley City.
Walker, John M. 3d Class Boy. April 15, 1861 June 17, 1864 Alleghany, Hartford and Orvetta.
Walker, William Landsman. April 23, 1864 June 30, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Minnesota and Crusader.
Walker, William Ord. Seaman. July 29, 1861 Princeton, Mississippi Flotilla, Navy Yard Washington, to Mississippi Flotilla, Nov. 23, 1861; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Walking, Emanuel Ord. Seaman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 21, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac and Lancaster.
Wall, John M. Seaman. Aug. 19, 1864 Alleghany; deserted.
Wall, Michael Landsman. July 26, 1864 Aug. 23, 1865 Alleghany, Potomac Flotilla and Washington Navy Yard.
Wall, Olin M. Landsman. April 6, 1863 June 30, 1865 Alleghany and Gen. Putnam.
Wallace, Charles Landsman. April 19, 1864 July 11, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash and St. Lawrence.
Wallace, David Landsman. April 25, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac and Narragansett; deserted.
Wallace, Greenberry Landsman. April 22, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Wallace, James Landsman. April 25, 1864 July 29, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Potomska and Princeton.
Wallace, John Landsman. Nov. 7, 1863 Wyandotte; deserted Dec. 2, 1863.
Wallace, Robert Landsman. Feb. 12, 1864 Feb. 11, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing, Chicopee and Hunchback.
Wallace, William Landsman. Mar. 25, 1862 April 15, 1865 Alleghany, Amanda and De Soto.
Wallace, William H. Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Atlanta.
Wallen, John Landsman. Oct. 10, 1862 Alleghany and Norfolk Packet; taken by Provost Marshal, Oct. 22, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Dept.
Wallis, William Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 May 18, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Osceola and Ohio.
Walls, John Seaman. May 13, 1863 July 26, 1864 Alleghany and Mahaska.
Walsh, George Seaman. Dec. 9, 1862 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Walsh, George 2d Cl. Fireman Nov. 4, 1864 Alleghany, Wyandank, Anacostia and Navy Yard Washington; deserted July 31, 1865.
Walsh, James Ord. Seaman. Jan. 25, 1865 Alleghany, Wyoming; deserted Aug. 22, 1866.
Walsh, James Seaman. Aug. 29, 1862 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Walsh, John Seaman. April 12, 1862 Alleghany, Uncas, North Carolina, Aug. 3, 1863; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Walsh, John Landsman. June 18, 1863 June 21, 1864 Clara Dolsen, Ft. Hindman and Conestoga.
Walsh, Lawrence Seaman. May 31, 1864 May 13, 1865 Alleghany, Zouave and Queen.
Walsh, Robert W. Seaman. April 12, 1861 North Carolina, Yankee and Princeton; deserted June 25, 1861.
Walsh, Thomas Seaman. Mar. 29, 1865 Mar. 18, 1868 Alleghany, Cyane, Suwanee and Vermont.
Walstrum, John Seaman. Mar. 6, 1865 Alleghany and Independence; deserted April 9, 1866.
Walter, Allen Landsman. July 25, 1864 Alleghany and Don; deserted Aug. 16, 1864.
Walter, Francis M. Landsman. May 8, 1863 Mar. 29, 1865 Alleghany, Mahaska and Nipsic.
Walter, Harman Seaman. July 7, 1863 Aug. 2, 1865 Alleghany and Dan Smith.
Walter, James E. Landsman. May 20, 1861 May 3, 1864 Alleghany and Monticello.
Walters, James E. Landsman. Dec. 2, 1862 Dec. 1, 1863 Princeton, Samuel Rotan and Hospital Norfolk.
Walters, John E. Coal Heaver. Aug. 5, 1863 Aug. 4, 1864 Alleghany and Maratanza.
Walters, Samuel Landsman. Aug. 19, 1864 May 18, 1867 North Carolina. Clematis, Kittatinny and Vermont.
Ward, Albert Landsman. July 21, 1864 Alleghany, Don, Potomac Flotilla and Washington Navy Yard; deserted July 31, 1865.
Ward, Felix Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Ward, Henry J. Ord. Seaman. April 3, 1865 Alleghany and De Soto; deserted Feb. 27, 1865.
Ward, James Seaman. Mar. 19, 1863 North Carolina; deserted.
Ward, John Seaman. May 10, 1861 June 23, 1862 Ohio, Mississippi and North Carolina.
Ward, John Seaman. Jan. 27, 1862 June 4, 1864 Alleghany, Pinola, Potomac and North Carolina.
Ward, Thomas H. Landsman. Oct. 22, 1861 North Carolina and Onward; deserted Mar. 26, 1863.
Ware, Joseph Landsman. Feb. 8, 1864 Mar. 12, 1865 Alleghany, Winona, Vermont and Princeton.
Warfield, Reuben Landsman. Aug. 11, 1864 Aug. 14, 1868 Alleghany, Brandywine, Boxer, Princeton, Shenandoah and Hartford.
Warlton, Joseph F. Landsman. Aug. 12, 1864 Aug. 4, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Moccasin.
Warne, Thomas Ord. Seaman. July 7, 1864 Alleghany and Don; deserted Aug. 13, 1864.
Warner, August Landsman. Aug. 10, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine and Yantic; deserted Nov. 30, 1865.
Warner, George 1st Cl. Fireman Jan. 6, 1862 April 7, 1865 Alleghany and Pinola.
Warner, George Landsman. June 21, 1864 Brandywine and Wilderness; deserted Sept. 27, 1864.
Warner, John Landsman. Feb. 8, 1865 Aug. 24, 1865 Alleghany, Constellation, Powhatan and Ohio.
Warner, Levi Landsman. April 25, 1864 April 27, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham and De Soto.
Warner, Phillip Coal Heaver. Jan. 6, 1862 April 7, 1865 Alleghany and Pinola.
Warner, Samuel Fireman. Aug. 10, 1863 Nov. 14, 1864 Grampus, Nyanza and Curlew.
Warnken, Louis Landsman. Aug. 15, 1862 Alleghany and Valley City; deserted.
Warren, Edward Seaman. July 12, 1864 Alleghany, Massachusetts, John Adams, New Hampshire and Nahant; deserted Sept. 30, 1864.
Warren, Edward T. Seaman. July 12, 1864 Alleghany, Tuscarora and Ohio; deserted Aug. 12, 1865.
Warren, George Landsman. Nov. 7, 1863 Dec. 7, 1864 Princeton, Chocura and Savannah.
Warren, John Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Saginaw and Lancaster.
Warren, William H. Landsman. April 23, 1864 Dec. 20, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, Philadelphia and New Hampshire.
Warren, William S. Seaman. Feb. 25, 1862 Jan. 26, 1863 Maria Denning, Conestoga and Clara Dolsen.
Warrick, Robert Landsman. April 19, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash, St. Lawrence, Ben Morgan and Roman; deserted.
Warshan, Albert E. Seaman. 1861 1864 Forward and Hercules.
Washington, David Landsman. April 22, 1864 Aug. 21, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and Norwich.
Washington, George Landsman. April 19, 1864 Aug. 17, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash, luka and Mahaska.
Washington, George Landsman. Oct. 1, 1862 St. Lawrence and Ohio; deserted July 4, 1863.
Washington, Isaac Landsman. April 23, 1864 Oct. 20, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, Gov. Buckingham and Ben Morgan.
Washington, James Landsman. Aug. 17, 1864 April 1, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Aries, Suncook, Nausett, Augusta and Vermont.
Washington, John Ord. Seaman. Oct. 18, 1862 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Washington, Thos. Landsman. April 20, 1864 Sept. 20, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia and Bermuda.
Washington, Wm.W. Ord. Seaman. Dec. 9, 1862 Dec. 20, 1863 Ohio and Minnesota.
Waterman, Charles Landsman. April 20, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, Philadelphia and New Hampshire; deserted Aug. 28, 1865.
Waterman, Godfrey Landsman. Mar. 16, 1865 Dec. 8, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita and Vermont.
Waters, Charles Landsman. Nov. 17, 1863 Nov. 16, 1864 North Carolina, Neptune and Powhatan.
Waters, Charles Landsman. April 23, 1864 July 13, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton and Ben Morgan.
Waters, Edward Landsman. Feb. 17, 1864 Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Albemarle.
Waters, Frank Seaman. Dec. 23, 1861 North Carolina; no further record, U. S. N. Dept.
Waters, Frank Seaman. May 4, 1864 North Carolina, luka and Ohio; deserted July 29, 1865.
Waters, Henry Landsman. Mar. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita, Monadnock and Vanderbilt; deserted July 21, 1866.
Waters, John Landsman. April 21, 1864 July 13, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Vandalia, St. Lawrence and Ben Morgan.
Waters, John Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 20, 1865 Montgomery.
Waters, Oliver Seaman. Feb. 13, 1865 May 13, 1867 Alleghany, Constellation, Gettysburg, Nyack, Vermont.
Waters, Peter 2d Cl. Fireman Mar. 9, 1865 Alleghany; deserted Oct. 9, 1865.
Waters, William Landsman. Jan. 18, 1862 April 7, 1865 North Carolina, Sidney C. Jones, Potomac, Bloomer and Monongahela.
Waters, William Landsman. April 25, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and St. Mary's; deserted June 1, 1865.
Waters, William H. Landsman. Aug. 8, 1864 May 18, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Clinton, Lancaster, Richmond and Ohio.
Waterworth, Alex. Coal Heaver. May 15, 1862 Alleghany to June 9, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Waterworth, Thos. Landsman. May 21, 1861 Alleghany; deserted Aug. 15, 1861.
Watkins, Richard Landsman. April 27, 1864 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T.; Matthew Vassar, Sophronia and Navy Yard, Washington; deserted.
Watkins, Stephen Seaman. Nov. 2, 1863 June 2, 1865 Ohio and Sebago.
Watkins, Wm. B. Landsman. May 28, 1861 Alleghany; deserted Oct. 10, 1861.
Watson, George W. Seaman. Jan. 3, 1862 Failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Watson, Henry Ord. Seaman. May 3, 1862 June 17, 1864 Ohio, W. G. Anderson and Orvetta.
Watson, Henry Ord. Seaman. Jan. 16, 1865 Oct. 25, 1867 Alleghany, Mercedita, Brooklyn, Princeton.
Watson, James Seaman. Nov. 17, 1864 Alleghany, Spuyten Duyvil, Saffron, Vermont; deserted June 30, 1865.
Watson, James Seaman. May 16, 1861 Sept. 12, 1862 North Carolina and Santee.
Watson, Joseph Seaman. Dec. 2, 1862 Alleghany and Sophronia; deserted.
Watson, Thomas Landsman. Nov. 24, 1863 North Carolina; died Jan. 21, 1864.
Watson, William Ord. Seaman. April 4, 1865 Alleghany to May 10, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Watson, William H. Coal Heaver. Oct. 27, 1863 Jan. 6, 1865 Princeton and Lodona.
Watson, William H. Arm'r's Mate. Mar. 15, 1865 Sept. 11, 1867 Mercedita, Brooklyn and Alleghany.
Watts, Augustus Landsman. Feb. 12, 1864 Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Albemarle.
Watts, Daniel Landsman. April 22, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash and St. Lawrence; deserted.
Watts, James C. 1st Class Boy. May 30, 1861 May 29, 1864 Alleghany and Adolph Hugel.
Watts, John Ord. Seaman. May 9, 1861 North Carolina; failed to appear, records II. S. N. Dept.
Watts, John H. Landsman. Jan. 8, 1864 Jan. 8, 1865 Navy Yard, Washington, King Philip, Ella, Anacostia, Coeur de Lion.
Watts, John H. Landsman. Jan. 8, 1864 Jan. 9, 1865 Navy Yard, Washington, Potomac Flotilla, Anacostia and Potomac Flotilla.
Watts, John H. 1st Class Boy. Jan. 3, 1863 Jan. 2, 1864 King Philip.
Wayson, Alexander Landsman. Feb. 23, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Weaver, Henry Landsman. July 26, 1864 July 4, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Read and Navy Yard Washington.
Weaver, Zenas Landsman. May 11, 1863 June 23, 1864 Ohio, Princeton and New Ironsides.
Webb, Alonzo W. Landsman. Aug. 18, 1864 June 15, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Calypso.
Webb, James T. Landsman. Feb. 6, 1862 April 7, 1865 Alleghany, Ft. Jackson, Potomac and Monongahela.
Webb, John T. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 Aug. 16, .1865 Brandywine and Ft. Donaldson.
Webb, Tony Landsman. June 22, 1864 June 15, 1865 Alleghany, Daylight and Calypso.
Webber, Alden S. Ord. Seaman. Aug. 4, 1862 Sept. 12, 1863 Ohio and Ino.
Webber, James Ord. Seaman. Jan. 3, 1865 Alleghany, Periwinkle; deserted Sept. 11, 1865.
Webster, Daniel Coal Heaver. Aug. 26, 1862 Aug. 25, 1863 Alleghany and Valley City.
Webster, James Seaman. Jan. 6, 1862 Jan. 25, 1865 North Carolina and Flag.
Webster, John Coal Heaver. Aug. 26, 1862 Oct. 7, 1863 Alleghany and Philadelphia.
Webster, Moses Landsman. April 25, 1864 Aug. 2, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T. ; Matthew Vassar and Wyandank.
Webster, William A. Landsman. May 24, 1861 July 26, 1864 Alleghany and Wissahickon.
Weeden, Thomas L. Landsman. July 28, 1864 Navy Yard, Washington, Aug. 2, 1864; surrendered as a minor. ,
Weeks, Augustus Landsman. April 25, 1864 Sept. 6, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, John Adams, Lancaster and Vermont.
Weems, James Landsman. Feb. 15, 1864 May 6, 1865 Alleghany and Kineo.
Weir, Benjamin Seaman. Mar. 20, 1865 Mar. 8, 1866 Alleghany, De Soto.
Weitherstine, Thos. Landsman. Mar. 16, 1865 Sept. 11, 1867 Alleghany, Mercedita and Brooklyn.
Welch, Charles Landsman. April 23, 1864 July 31, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T. ; Commo. Read.
Welch, James Landsman. Sept. 15, 1862 Alleghany, Minnesota, Brandywine, Mystic, to July 25, 1863; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Welch, James 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 4, 1865 Alleghany, Potomac Flotilla; deserted July 31, 1865.
Welch, Richard Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 20, 1865 Montgomery.
Welch, Samuel C. Landsman. May 23, 1861 Sept. 13, 1862 Alleghany and Wissahickon.
Welch, Thomas 1st Cl. Fireman Sept. 12, 1863 Sept. 10, 1864 Ohio and Sassacus.
Welden, Jefferson Landsman. April 25, 1864 Dec. 3, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, St. Mary's and Jamestown.
Welles, Lewis Landsman. July 19, 1864 Alleghany, Daylight and Calypso; deserted Aug. 31, 1865.
Wells, Albert S. Landsman. Aug. 3, 1864 Aug. 11, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Aries, Nipsic and Brooklyn.
Welsh, Coleman 2d Cl. Fireman Sept. 15, 1864 Alleghany, Tuscarora to June 30, 1865; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Welsh, Isaac W. Ord. Seaman. July 30, 1861 Aug. 23, 1864 North Carolina, Louisville and Great Western.
Welsh, James 2d Cl. Fireman July 27, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine to Aug. 17, 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Welsh, John Coal Heaver. Aug. 27, 1863 Aug. 27, 1864 Alleghany, Maratanza and Hospital Norfolk.
Welsh, Michael Landsman. Mar. 16, 1865 Dec. 8, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita and Vermont.
Welsh, Peter Coal Heaver. Aug. 1, 1863 Aug. 24, 1864 Alleghany and Dacotah..
Welsh, Snowden Landsman. Feb. 8, 1865 Alleghany; returned to Army as a deserter April 1, 1865.
Wendt, Frank Landsman. Mar. 22, 1865 April 23, 1867 Alleghany, Seneca, Sangamon, Vanderbilt, Vermont.
Wenter, Thomas Seaman. May 21, 1861 May 21, 1864 Alleghany and Benton.
Wentworth, Jos. B. Landsman. Aug. 5, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Daylight and Vermont; deserted June 15, 1865.
Wentzell, Henry Ord. Seaman. May 21, 1864 Alleghany, Daylight, Calypso and Shamokin; died Feb. 8, 1866.
Werner, William Seaman. Aug. 5, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Maratanza, Release, Arietta and Princeton; deserted Oct. 21, 1865.
Werner, William Ord. Seaman. April 15, 1861 May 14, 1864 Alleghany and Louisville.
Wesley, David 1st Class Boy. June 4, 1864 June 22, 1866 Alleghany, Potomska, Memphis, Potomac and Vermont.
Wesley, James Landsman. June 29, 1864 Alleghany, Massachusetts, Pawnee and Vandalia; deserted Aug. 19, 1865.
Wesley, John Landsman. April 23, 1861 North Carolina, Quaker City to Sept. 30, 1861; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Wesley, Mathew Landsman. Feb. 11, 1864 Failed to appear; records U. S. N. Department.
West, David Landsman. April 23, 1864 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T.; Commo. Read and Navy Yard, Washington; deserted July 31, 1865.
West, Henry Landsman. June 3, 1864 June 2, 1866 Alleghany, Daylight, Eutaw, Macedonian and Marion.
West, James Landsman. June 22, 1864 May 27, 1865 Alleghany, Malvern, Tritonia and Vermont.
West, Thomas Landsman. April 25, 1864 July 31, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T. ; Matthew Vassar and Wyandank.
West, William Coal Heaver. Jan. 23, 1863 Jan. 29, 1864 Alleghany.
Westenberger, Jas. Landsman. May 17, 1861 Alleghany and Monticello; deserted Sept. 23, 1861.
Westerband, Wm. A. Landsman. Dec. 4. 1862 July 11, 1864 Alleghany and Sophronia.
Westfall, George L. 3d Class Boy. Sept. 2, 1863 June 30, 1865 Navy Yard, Washington and Primrose.
Whalen, John Seaman. Jan. 27, 1865 April 17, 1868 Alleghany, Hetzel, Aries, Powhatan, Vermont.
Whalen, Luke 1st Cl. Fireman Aug. 30, 1862 Alleghany and Philadelphia; died Aug. 2, 1863.
Whalen, Thomas Coal Heaver. May 15, 1862 May 28, 1865 Alleghany, Philadelphia, New Hampshire, Harvest Moon and Columbia.
Whaley, James W. Landsman. April 21, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and Valparaiso; died July 7, 1867.
Wharton, John Landsman. June 22, 1864 June 21, 1865 Alleghany, Massachusetts, Commo. McDonough and Princeton.
Wheatley, Billy Ord. Seaman. Mar. 7, 1865 Alleghany and Cyane; deserted July 29, 1865.
Wheatley, Charles Landsman. April 18, 1864 July 31, 1865 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T. ; Matthew Vassar and Wyandank.
Wheatley, John C. Landsman. April 19, 1864 June 18, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton and New Hampshire.
Wheaton, William Landsman. Mar. 13, 1865 Mar. 25, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Wateree and Vermont.
Wheeler, Charles Landsman. Mar. 3, 1865 Oct. 14, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita.
Wheeler, Horace Ord. Seaman. Aug. 22, 1864 Oct. 13, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Tacony, North Carolina and Vermont.
Wheeler, John Landsman. Oct. 6, 1862 Alleghany, Dan Smith and Ella; deserted.
Whitbecker, John Landsman. Mar. 17, 1862 Alleghany; deserted Mar. 24, 1862.
White, Augustus Seaman. Sept. 5, 1864 Jan. 8, 1865 Alleghany and Tuscarora.
White, Charles 2d Cl. Fireman Mar. 8, 1865 Mar. 7, 1868 Alleghany, Farrallones, Lancaster and Saranac.
White, Edmond B. Landsman. Feb. 14, 1865 Alleghany, Wyoming and Hartford; died Feb. 23, 1866.
White, George Seaman. Nov. 21, 1864 Nov. 21, 1866 Alleghany, Morse and Savannah.
White, George A. Landsman. Feb. 23, 1863 Failed to appear; records U. S. N. Department.
White, Harrison Landsman. May 16, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Ino and Vermont.
White, Henry Landsman. April 25, 1864 Aug. 17, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac, Narragansett, Metacomet and North Carolina.
White, James Seaman. Sept. 23, 1861 Jan. 26, 1863 Ohio, North Carolina, Chippewa, Release and Ohio.
White, James Seaman. Feb. 5, 1863 May 11, 1864 North Carolina, Colorado, Portsmouth and Pensacola.
White, James H. Landsman. Aug. 10, 1864 Aug. 27, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine and Wyandank.
White, James H. Landsman. April 22, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton and New Hampshire; died Feb. 21, 1865.
White, John 1st Cl. Fireman Aug. 28, 1862 Sept. 2, 1863 Navy Yard, Washington, Teazer.
White, John 2d Cl. Fireman Jan. 13, 1865 Jan. 13, 1868 Alleghany, Wyandank, Harcourt, Hornet, Chattanooga, Pilgrim, Sorrel, New Hampshire.
White, John 2d Cl. Fireman Sept. 13, 1864 Aug. 23, 1865 Alleghany, Tuscarora and Ohio.
White, Joseph Landsman. July 7, 1864 Alleghany, Don, Potomac Flotilla to Alleghany, July 4, 1865; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
White, Richard Landsman. Aug. 11, 1864 Aug. 7, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine and Ft. Jackson.
White, Thomas Landsman. April 22, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton and New Hampshire; died June 18, 1864.
White, Thomas Landsman. Mar. 21, 1865 Feb. 5, 1867 Alleghany, Seneca, Yantic, Vermont, New Hampshire.
White, Zachariah Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Whitington, John H. Seaman. April 11, 1862 July 27, 1864 Ohio, Mahaska and Norfolk Hospital.
Whitney, Edward Seaman. Aug. 5, 1862 Alleghany and Maratanza; deserted.
Whitney, Stephen Landsman. April 23, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany and Lancaster.
Whitten, Thomas Fireman. Feb. 15, 1865 Feb. 16, 1868 Wyoming.
Whitter, James R. Landsman. Sept. 15, 1863 Alleghany and Morse to Dec. 10, 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Whitter, Wm. E. 1st Cl. Fireman July 16, 1861 North Carolina and Rhode Island; deserted Oct. 12, 1861.
Whittington, Wesley Landsman. Dec. 24, 1863 Princeton, Massachusetts and Wachusetts; (drowned) lost overboard April 12, 1864.
Whittley, Lewis N. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 May 29, 1864 Commo. Morris and Hospital Norfolk.
Whitton, George W. Landsman. Feb. 15. 1865 Feb. 14, 1867 Alleghany, Constellation, Aries, Supply, Sabine.
Whitton, Thomas 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 16, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany, Wyoming.
Whorl, Oliver Landsman. Aug. 9, 1864 Sept. 1, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Hydrangea and Vermont.
Whorten, George D. Landsman. Feb. 10, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany, Wyoming.
Whyte, William T. Seaman. May 28, 1861 Alleghany and St. Lawrence; deserted June 22, 1861.
Wible, George H. Landsman. Sept. 1, 1864 Alleghany, Roanoke, Dictator to Princeton, Sept. 1, 1865; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Wiehe, Henry Ord. Seaman. July 2, 1863 Alleghany, Nansemond and Brandywine, to Jan. 15, 1864, no further record, IT. S. N. Department.
Wightman, Geo. A. 1st Class Boy. Oct. 10, 1863 Aug. 16, 1865 North Carolina, Hartford and Metacomet.
Wilber, James Landsman. Aug. 11, 1864 June 15, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Shenandoah and Princeton.
Wiley, George Landsman. Aug. 23, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota, Ft. Jackson, Ft. Donnelson, Augusta and Swatara; deserted Dec. 9, 1865.
Wiley, James Seaman. Mar. 7, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Wiley, John W. Landsman. July 27, 1864 June 3, 1865 Alleghany and Tuscarora.
Wiley, John W. Seaman. Mar. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Seneca and Chicopee; deserted Sept. 11, 1865.
Wilder, Harry Ord. Seaman. Sept. 19, 1864 Alleghany and Don; deserted Nov. 5, 1864.
Wilhelm, Daniel W. Landsman. Aug. 11, 1864 June 8, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Aries.
Wilhelm, George R. Landsman. May 23, 1861 May 22, 1864 Alleghany, State of Georgia and Arkansas.
Wilkins, John Seaman. July 29, 1862 Jan. 29, 1863 Alleghany and Southfield.
Wilkinson, John T. 1st Cl. Fireman April 1, 1864 April 9, 1865 Hunchback.
Wilkinson, Philip Landsman. July 25, 1862 June 3, 1865 Alleghany, Southfield, I. N. Seymour, Commo. Barney.
Wilkinson, Thomas Ord. Seaman. Jan. 20, 1862 Failed to appear; record, U. S. N. Department.
Will, Luther Landsman. Aug. 27, 1862 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Valley City, Minnesota and Atlanta.
Willey, George Landsman. May 20, 1863 June 24, 1864 North Carolina, Housatonic and Ethan Allen.
Williams, Abraham Landsman. June 20, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Massachusetts, John Adams and Princeton..
Williams, Amzi Landsman. Aug. 11, 1862 July 27, 1863 Alleghany, Octorara and Sabine.
Williams, Andrew J. Seaman. Aug. 2, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine and Mt. Vernon; deserted June 18, 1865.
Williams, Anthony Landsman. June 22, 1863 Ohio, Cambridge and William Badger; died Oct. 15, 1863.
Williams, Benjamin Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 25, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Saginaw and Lancaster.
Williams, Benjamin Landsman. Aug. 5, 1863 June 13, 1865 North Carolina and Sonoma.
Williams, Charles 2d Cl. Fireman Oct. 28, 1864 Feb. 4, 1867 Alleghany, Malvern, Mercedita, Sagamore, Princeton, Santee, Saco, New Hampshire and Vermont.
Williams, Charles Seaman. Mar. 20, 1865 Feb. 5, 1867 Alleghany, Mercedita, Sagamore, Santee, Saco, Savannah, New Hampshire, Vermont.
Williams, Charles Ord. Seaman. May 28, 1862 North Carolina, Saranac and Lancaster; deserted Nov. 24, 1863.
Williams, Charles Ord. Seaman. July 6, 1861 North Carolina; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Dept.
Williams, Charles Ord. Seaman. July 26, 1861 May 5, 1862 Ohio, Cumberland and Braziliera.
Williams, Daniel D. Landsman. Oct. 1, 1862 April 30, 1864 Alleghany, Dan Smith and Ella.
Williams, David C. Ord. Seaman. July 5, 1861 Ohio; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Williams, Edward Landsman. May 24, 1862 Alleghany and Flag; deserted Jan. 22, 1864.
Williams, Edward Landsman. April 22, 1864 Aug. 23, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash, Roman and St. Lawrence.
Williams, Edward Landsman. Dec. 28, 1863 Jan. 3, 1866 Ohio, Circassian and Winnepec.
Williams, Edward Landsman. Aug. 13, 1863 Aug. 12, 1864 Navy Yard Washington and Baltimore.
Williams, Edward A. Seaman. July 10, 1863 Ohio, Wabash and Patapsco; on Patapsco when that vessel was lost, Jan. 15, 1865; record U. S. N. Dept.
Williams, George Coal Heaver. April 22, 1862 Alleghany, Ft. Henry, Sagamore to Dec. 16, 1863; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Williams, George Landsman. April 25, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Williams, George Landsman. Jan. 18, 1862 Nov. 30, 1864 Ohio and Kearsarge.
Williams, George Seaman. June 27, 1864 Alleghany, Daylight, Shenandoah to Princeton, April 25, 1865; failed to report, records U. S. N. Dept.
Williams, George Landsman. Aug. 3, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Clinton and Vermont; deserted July 31, 1865.
Williams, George Landsman. April 23, 1864 June 28, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Prince ton, New Hampshire, Stettin and Paul Jones.
Williams, George Landsman. Aug. 31, 1864 Aug. 31, 1867 Alleghany, Tusearora, Tacony, Vermont and Peoria.
Williams, George Ord. Seaman. Jan. 12, 1865 Alleghany; deserted April 3, 1866.
Williams, Geo. W. Coal Heaver. April 17, 1863 April 16, 1864 Alleghany and Roanoke.
Williams, Henry Seaman. June 30, 1864 Alleghany and Daylight; deserted July 19, 1864.
Williams, Henry Landsman. July 25, 1864 June 12, 1865 Alleghany, Adolph Hugel and Navy Yard Washington.
Williams, Henry Landsman. April 3, 1863 July 28, 1864 Navy Yard Washington and Penobscot.
Williams, Horace Landsman. Sept. 3, 1863 Sept. 2, 1864 Alleghany and Morse.
Williams, Isaac C. Landsman. April 25, 1864 May 26, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac, Narragansett, J. C. Kuhn, Potomac, Estrella, South Carolina and Vermont.
Williams, Isaiah O.B. Landsman. Oct. 31, 1861 Jan. 14, 1864 North Carolina and Santiago de Cuba.
Williams, Isaiah O.B. Landsman. June 4, 1864 June 8, 1865 Ohio and Santiago de Cuba.
Williams, Jacob 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 17, 1865 Feb. 19, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Suwanee and Independence.
Williams, Jacob Landsman. Feb. 16, 1864 Failed to appear; record U. S. N. Department.
Williams, James Seaman. April 8, 1861 April 9, 1864 North Carolina, J. L. Davis, Powhatan and Rhode Island.
Williams, James Seaman. Dec. 19, 1862 North Carolina, Iroquois and North Carolina; deserted.
Williams, James Landsman. June 26, 1863 Alleghany, Eutaw and Morse; deserted Aug. 14, 1863.
Williams, James Landsman. Aug. 28, 1863 July 15, 1865 Alleghany, Daylight, Minnesota and Gen Putnam.
Williams, James O. Landsman. May 4, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Naval Academy and Macedonian.
Williams, James O. Landsman. Oct. 31, 1861 Jan. 14, 1864 North Carolina and Santiago de Cuba.
Williams, John Ord. Seaman. Nov. 28, 1864 May 4, 1867 Alleghany, Keystone State, Constellation, Vermont, Mackinaw.
Williams, John Seaman. April 4, 1865 Alleghany, De Soto; deserted Feb. 27, 1865.
Williams, John Seaman. Oct. 25, 1864 Alleghany and Banshee; deserted.
Williams, John Seaman. May 6, 1861 Dec. 19, 1864 North Carolina and Wachusetts.
Williams, John Seaman. April 7, 1865 Alleghany, De Soto; deserted Feb. 27, 1866.
Williams, John 3d Class Boy. Mar. 4, 1863 Sept. 22, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine, Commo. Jones and Hospital Norfolk.
Williams, John Landsman. May 24, 1862 Alleghany and Paul Jones; deserted Sept. 30, 1863.
Williams, John Seaman. July 15, 1862 Alleghany and Underwriter; appointed mate; Hetzel, April 16, 1866 on leave; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Williams, John Landsman. Mar. 17, 1865 Alleghany; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Dept.
Williams, John Landsman. July 11, 1864 June 8, 1867 Alleghany, Massachusetts and Bay Point Station.
Williams, John Landsman. Dec. 31, 1862 Feb. 10, 1864 North Carolina and Colorado.
Williams, John H. Landsman. May 30, 1864 Alleghany; died July 19, 1864.
Williams, John H. Ord. Seaman. July 26, 1864 Alleghany, Don and Wm. Bacon; deserted July 4, 1864.
Williams, John T. Seaman. May 30, 1861 Sept. 12, 1862 North Carolina and Santee.
Williams, Joseph Landsman. Sept 1, 1864 Aug. 23, 1865 Alleghany, Tuscarora and Ohio.
Williams, Joseph Landsman. April 23, 1864 Aug. 21, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Po tornska and Princeton.
Williams, Joseph Landsman. June 15, 1864 Mar. 29, 1865 Princeton, Pontiac, New Hampshire and Alleghany.
Williams, Robert H. Landsman. Feb. 11, 1864 Jan. 20, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Chicopee.
Williams, Samuel Landsman. Sept. 23, 1862 Nov. 3, 1863 Alleghany, Minnesota and Miama.
Williams, Solomon Landsman. April 22, 1864 Aug. 2, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Daylight, Calypso and Princeton.
Williams, Thomas Coal Heaver. Aug. 15, 1862 Aug. 8, 1863 Alleghany and Octorara.
Williams, Thomas Landsman. July 17, 1863 Alleghany, Philadelphia, Home to April 30, 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Williams, Thomas Landsman. Dec. 30, 1862 Jan. 13, 1863 Alleghany.
Williams, Tobias Ord. Seaman. Oct. 20, 1864 Alleghany, Seymour, Washington Navy Yard; deserted July 31, 1865.
Williams, Walter Seaman. Nov. 4, 1861 North Carolina and Louisville; killed Jan. 10, 1863, at Arkansas Post.
Williams, Wesley Landsman. May 2, 1864 Dec. 31, 1864 Alleghany, Naval Academy and Macedonian.
Williams, William Seaman. Sept. 29, 1862 Oct. 24, 1865 Princeton and Jamestown.
Williams, Wm. H. Landsman. May 2, 1864 Failed to appear; record U. S. N. Department.
Williams, Wm. H. 1st Cl. Fireman Oct. 25, 1864 Aug. 29, 1865 Alleghany, I. N. Seymour, Adela and Receiving Ship at Washington.
Williams, Wm. T. Landsman. Jan. 31, 1863 Alleghany, State of Georgia and Princeton; deserted Sept. 1, 1863.
Williamson, Wm. Seaman. Feb. 4, 1862 Feb. 12, 1865 North Carolina and J. P. Jackson.
Willing, Major Seaman. April 9, 1862 April 13, 1865 North Carolina and Lafayette.
Willis, Alexander Landsman. April 21, 1864 Aug. 18, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham, Powhatan, Ino, Restless and Princeton.
Willis, John Seaman. Jan. 13, 1864 Ohio and Sacramento; deserted June 18, 1865.
Willis, John H. Landsman. Feb. 18, 1863 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Mahaska and Nipsic.
Willis, John T. Landsman. May 12, 1863 May 24, 1864 North Carolina and Fuchsia.
Willis, Martin Landsman. Nov. 12, 1862 Alleghany and Southfield; captured April 19, 1864; died July 28, 1864 in Rebel Prison Pen, Andersonville, Ga. ; Grave No. 4118.
Willis, R. W. Landsman Jan. 29, 1864 July 17, 1865 Keystone State.
Willis, Samuel Landsman. April 22, 1864 Aug. 23, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham and St. Lawrence.
Willis, Thomas Seaman. Jan. 20, 1862 North Carolina, Dan Smith, Sea Foam and Monongahela; deserted April 11, 1863.
Willis, William F. Ord. Seaman. Sept. 20, 1862 Alleghany and Mt. Vernon to Sept. 30, 1863; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Willmore, Alex. Landsman. April 6, 1865 Alleghany, Tacony and Ohio; deserted July 22, 1865.
Wills, James Seaman. April 6, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita; deserted May 15, 1865.
Wills, Joseph C. Seaman. Oct. 19, 1861 Dec. 13, 1864 North Carolina, Chippewa, Cimarron and Princeton.
Wills, William H. 3d Class Boy. April 3, 1865 Sept. 14, 1869 Alleghany, Sabine, Chattanooga, Susquehanna, Saratoga, Contoocock, Albany.
Willson, John Landsman. April 23, 1864 Transferred from 4th U. S. C. T.; Commo. Read and Navy Yard Washington; deserted June 25, 1864.
Wilmer, Henry Ord. Seaman. Oct. 14, 1862 Oct. 24, 1863 North Carolina and Anacostia.
Wilmont, John Landsman. June 11, 1864 North Carolina, Pawtuxet, Malvern and Nansemond to Dec. 31, 1864; no further record, U. S. N. Dept.
Wilmor, William H. 1st Class Boy. Aug. 9, 1864 Aug. 10, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Boxer and Ossipee.
Wilson, Alexander Landsman. Dec: 2, 1861 Dec. 2, 1864 Ohio and Portsmouth.
Wilson, Alfred Landsman. Aug. 8, 1864 June 12, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Clinton and Hospital Norfolk.
Wilson, Charles 3d Cl. Fireman Oct. 14, 1864 Jan. 11, 1865 Alleghany and Malvern.
Wilson, Edward Landsman. June 10, 1864 June 3, 1865 Alleghany, Potomska, Winona and Vandalia.
Wilson, George Seaman. Dec. 6, 1864 Alleghany, Keystone State; deserted Mar. 25, 1865.
Wilson, George Landsman. Jan. 28, 1862 Ohio; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Wilson, George 2d Cl. Fireman Aug. 21, 1862 Failed to appear; records U. S. N. Department.
Wilson, George Landsman. June 19, 1862 July 11, 1865 Alleghany, John Adams, New Hampshire and Geo. W. Rogers.
Wilson, George H. Ord. Seaman. Sept. 22, 1863 North Carolina and Grand Gulf; deserted Sept. 29, 1863.
Wilson, George W. Landsman. May 13, 1864 May 31, 1865 Alleghany, Naval Academy and Macedonian.
Wilson, G. H. Seaman. Jan. 26, 1863 North Carolina, Colorado, transferred to North Carolina June 21, 1863; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Wilson, Henry Landsman. April 19, 1864 Aug. 21, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, New Hampshire, Norwich and Princeton.
Wilson, Henry Landsman. May 22, 1863 May 28, 1864 North Carolina and Virginia.
Wilson, Henry Landsman. April 22, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Norwich and Roman; deserted.
Wilson, Henry Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St. Mary's, Saginaw and Lancaster.
Wilson, Henry Landsman. July 30, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine and Shenandoah; deserted Nov. 6, 1864.
Wilson, Henry W. Seaman. Aug. 16, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota, Tacony and Wyalusing; deserted July 7, 1865.
Wilson, Isaac Landsman. Feb. 19, 1864 Alleghany, Commo. Perry and Wyalusing; deserted July 5, 1865.
Wilson, James Landsman. May 2, 1864 Alleghany, Naval Academy and Macedonian; deserted Oct. 15, 1864.
Wilson, James Ord. Seaman. Feb. 23, 1865 Jan. 11, 1867 AJleghany, Wyoming, Release, Vermont.
Wilson, James Landsman. April 20, 1864 Mar. 19, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, Norfolk Packet, New Hampshire, Hydrangea and Vermont.
Wilson, James Landsman. Aug. 19, 1864 Aug. 3, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Henry Janes.
Wilson, James (2nd) Landsman. Aug. 19, 1864 June 15, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Calypso.
Wilson, James Seaman. Jan. 24, 1862 Feb. 2, 1865 North Carolina, Dacotah and Horace Beals.
Wilson, Jeremiah Landsman. April 23, 1864 Sept. 14, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire and John Adams.
Wilson, John Seaman. Mar. 3, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany, Wyoming.
Wilson, John Seaman. May 19, 1862 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Mystic and Princeton.
Wilson, John Landsman. Dec. 29, 1863 Dec. 22, 1864 Princeton, Galena, Alleghany, Kineo and Princeton.
Wilson, John Seaman. Feb. 27, 1864 North Carolina and Niagara; no further record U. S. N. Department.
Wilson, John Landsman. Aug. 19, 1862 June 22, 1865 Alleghany, Valley City, Minnesota and Atlanta.
Wilson, John Landsman. April 22, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St. Mary's; deserted Dec. 12, 1864.
Wilson, John Ord. Seaman. Sept. 2, 1863 Aug. 18, 1864 North Carolina and Grand Gulf.
Wilson, John Landsman. Sept. 2, 1864 June 27, 1865 Alleghany, Roanoke and Massasoit.
Wilson, John Landsman. Mar. 14, 1863 April 25, 1864 North Carolina and Clara Dolsen.
Wilson, John T. Landsman. May 17, 1864 June 2, 1865 Alleghany, Ino and Vermont.
Wilson, John W. Landsman. Feb. 11, 1864 Jan. 20, 1865 Alleghany, Commo. Perry, Wyalusing and Chicopee.
Wilson, Perry H. Landsman. April 21, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, North Carolina, Cyane, St. Mary's and Lancaster.
Wilson, Peter Seaman. Feb. 5, 1863 Feb. 18, 1865 Alleghany and Ceres.
Wilson, Robert Landsman. May 25, 1864 Aug. 31, 1866 Alleghany and Ino.
Wilson, Thomas Landsman. July 30, 1864 Alleghany, Brandywine and Cactus, Washington Navy Yard; deserted July 15, 1865.
Wilson, Thomas Seaman. May 16, 1863 Alleghany and Gen. Putnam ; deserted.
Wilson, Thomas G. Landsman. April 21, 1864 Sept. 7, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, North Carolina, Cyane and St. Mary's.
Wilson, William Ord. Seaman. July 1, 1861 Aug. 13, 1863 Ohio and Richmond.
Wilson, William Seaman. Aug. 22, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota, Tacony and Ohio; deserted July 29, 1865.
Wilson, William Landsman. April 20, 1864 June 18, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, Cimarron and New Hampshire.
Wilson, William Landsman. May 30, 1862 May 12, 1865 Alleghany, Flag, Memphis and Savannah.
Wilson, William Landsman. Mar. 6, 1863 Mar. 5, 1864 Navy Yard Washington and Cohasset.
Wilson, William Landsman. April 21, 1863 April 29, 1864 Ohio, Shenandoah and Massachusetts.
Wilson, William Landsman. July 22, 1863 Nov. 5, 1864 North Carolina and Gertrude.
Wilson, William H. Landsman. Feb. 5, 1864 Mar. 7, 1865 Alleghany, Winona, Vermont, Bay Point Station and Princeton.
Wilson, William H. 1st Cl. Fireman June 9, 1864 July 1, 1865 Alleghany, Daylight and Osceola.
Wilson, William P. Landsman. Mar. 6, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones and Lancaster.
Wilton, Richard Landsman. Sept. 25, 1862 Alleghany, Minnesota, Brandy wine, Oct. 7, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Winchester, Jas. R. Landsman. April 25, 1864 Sept. 7, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany and St. Mary's.
Windsor, Alexander Seaman. Feb. 4, 1861 Feb. 9, 1864 Pennsylvania and Pawnee.
Winters, Alfred Landsman. Mar. 20, 1865 Alleghany, Seneca, Sangamon, transferred to Princeton, Aug. 12, 1865; failed to report, records U. S. N. Department.
Wird, Marcellus Landsman. April 22, 1864 Aug. 21, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, New Hampshire, Norwich and Princeton.
Wise, Ferdinand Landsman. May 24, 1861 May 16, 1864 Alleghany and Wm. Bacon.
Wise, Henry Landsman. Feb. 20, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Lancaster.
Wise, William H. Seaman. May 18, 1864 Aug. 4, 1865 Clara Dolsen and Vindicator.
Wisher, Jacob Landsman. April 21, 1864 Aug. 24, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham and Constellation.
Witmore, George Seaman. Sept. 22, 1862 Alleghany and Mt. Vernon; deserted Oct. 20, 1863.
Witt, John F. Ord. Seaman. May 6, 1862 May 9, 1865 Alleghany, Mt. Vernon and Mackinaw.
Wode, Charles Landsman. Aug. 17, 1864 June 17, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Maumee.
Wokes, John Seaman. April 28, 1863 June 29, 1866 Alleghany, Mahaska, Nipsic and Susquehanna.
Wolf, George Landsman. Mar. 16, 1865 Alleghany, Seneca, transferred to Princeton, July 19, 1865; failed to report, records U. S. N. Department.
Wollenberg, Herman 1st Cl. Fireman Nov. 28, 1863 Jan. 23, 1865 Alleghany, Kineo and Fearnot.
Wond, William Landsman. May 22, 1862 Alleghany; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Dept.
Wood, Alfred Ord. Seaman. Jan. 18, 1862 Princeton to Feb. 12, 1862; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Wood, Dennis Landsman. April 19, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash and Roman; deserted.
Wood, James Ord. Seaman. Mar. 27, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita, Brooklyn; deserted July 19, 1866.
Wood, James H. 2d Cl. Fireman Sept. 22, 1864 Aug. 23, 1865 Alleghany, Tuscarora and Ohio.
Wood, Thomas Landsman. April 21, 1864 Mar. 17, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia and Massachusetts.
Wood, William S. Landsman. Aug. 16, 1864 Alleghany, Minnesota and Rhode Island; deserted May 24, 1865.
Wood, William T. Landsman. Nov. 15, 1862 June 6, 1865 Alleghany, Gen. Putnam, Brandywine, Minnevsota and Tacony.
Wood, Zepheniah Landsman. Aug. 17, 1864 April 1, 1867 Alleghany, Minnesota, Agamenticus, Augusta and Vermont.
Woode, Lewis 1st Class Boy. Aug. 1, 1864 Aug. 2, 1867 Alleghany, Brandywine, Aries, Tacony, Vermont and Peoria.
Woodhull, J. T. Landsman. Feb. 16, 1865 Oct. 14, 1865 Alleghany, Mercedita.
Woodland, Freeman Landsman. April 21, 1864 Jan. 2, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, Massachusetts and Vermont.
Woodland, Marcellus Landsman. April 21, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts and Neptune; died May 29, 1865.
Woodland, Richard Landsman. April 22, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Wabash and Paul Jones; died Feb. 3, 1866.
Woodland, Samuel Landsman. April 23, 1864 Aug. 21, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, Wissahickon, A. Houghton and Princeton.
Woodland, William Landsman. April 22, 1864 July 28, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Ethan Allen and Vandalia.
Woods, Daniel 2d Class Boy,. July 14, 1864 July 26, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Keystone State, Massasoit and Vermont.
Woods, Horace Landsman. May 17, 1864 July 29, 1866 Alleghany, Ino and Kearsarge.
Woodyear, Andrew Landsman. Nov. 28, 1863 Nov. 22, 1864 Alleghany and Crusader.
Woolford, George Landsman. April 20, 1864 Dec. 19, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Vandalia, Massachusetts, Cimarron, New Hampshire and Chicopee.
Woolford, John F. jandsman. Dec. S, 1863 Oct. 1, 1864 Princeton and State of Georgia.
Woolford, Noah Landsman. April 25, 1864 April 22, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, St. Mary's and Vermont.
Woolford, Samuel Landsman. April 22, 1864 June 18, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Princeton, Philadelphia and New Hampshire.
Wordell, Thomas Landsman. Aug. 7, 1862 July 15, 1865 North Carolina, Jamestown, Monongahela and Richmond.
Worgan, Edward 1st Cl. Fireman Dec. 3, 1862 Princeton to Juniata Dec. 6, 1862; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department.
Wormsley, Joned B. Ord. Seaman. June 13, 1861 Ohio, Pensacola, Washington Navy Yard and Potomac Flotilla; deserted June 2, 1862.
Worrell, George W. Landsman Jan. 29, 1864 June 27, 1865 Commo. Morris.
Worren, George Landsman. Nov. 25, 1862 Sept. 4, 1865 Alleghany and Racer.
Worsham, John C. Landsman. Aug. 18, 1862 June 20, 1865 Alleghany, Valley City, Minnesota and Atlanta.
Wrench, Charles Seaman. Feb. 9, 1865 Feb. 12, 1868 Alleghany, Wyoming.
Wright, Augustus Landsman. April 19, 1864 Sept. 14, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash, Home and John Adams.
Wright, Charles 2d Cl. Fireman Feb. 13, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Alleghany, Farrallones, Lancaster.
Wright, Edward H. Landsman. Feb. 25, 1862 North Carolina and Oneida; deserted April 10, 1863.
Wright, Francis Landsman. June 28, 1862 April 14, 1863 Ohio and Sonoma.
Wright, George Landsman. Aug. 8, 1864 Aug. 12, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota and Aries.
Wright, George Seaman. Sept. 14, 1864 Aug. 12, 1865 Alleghany, Minnesota, Aries and Ohio.
Wright, Jacob Landsman. April 19, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; failed to appear, records U. S. N. Department,
Wright, James Landsman. Nov. 29, 1864 Aug. 23, 1865 Alleghany, Morse, Washington Navy Yard.
Wright, John Landsman. April 25, 1864 Sept. 19, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham, Ben Morgan and St. Lawrence.
Wright, John H. Landsman. April 21, 1864 Sept. 10, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham, Ella, St.Lawrence and New Hampshire.
Wright, John T. Landsman. Feb. 26, 1864 Feb. 27, 1865 Princeton and Alabama.
Wright, Robert Landsman. Aug. 26, 1862 June 8, 1863 Alleghany, Minnesota and Hospital Norfolk.
Wright, Robert Landsman. Aug. 24, 1862 June 8, 1863 Penobscot.
Wright, Thomas Ord. Seaman. June 24, 1863 Ohio and Shenandoah; deserted Aug. 15, 1865.
Wright, William Seaman. Feb. 10, 1862 North Carolina and Sabine; deserted June 30, 1862.
Wright, William Landsman. Mar. 17, 1863 Sept. 10, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Commo. Jones, Monticello and State of Georgia.
Wright, William Landsman. April 20, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Princeton, New Hampshire, Wabash and Roman; deserted.
Wright, William T. 3d Class Boy. Feb. 24, 1865 July 30, 1870 Alleghany, Sabine, Augusta, Portsmouth, Delaware, Idaho, Vermont.
Wye, John Landsman. April 25, 1864 Mar. 18, 1867 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Cyane, Saranac and Lancaster.

Volunteers - X

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Last Names Beginning with "X"
Name Rank or
Date of
or Shipment
Date of
Vessels Served on
and Remarks
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Volunteers - Y

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Last Names Beginning with "Y"
Name Rank or
Date of
or Shipment
Date of
Vessels Served on
and Remarks
Yager, George Landsman. June 1, 1864 May 10, 1866 Alleghany, Daylight, Shenandoah, Sabine and North Carolina.
Yates, Charles Landsman. April 22, 1864 April 21, 1866 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Gov. Buckingham, Wyandank, Pensacola, Constellation and Vermont.
Yearley, Aquilla A. Landsman. May 17, 1861 Aug. 25, 1862 Alleghany, Navy Yard Washington, Potomac Flotilla and Princeton.
Yewell, John Landsman. Aug. 8, 1864 Sept. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine and Malvern.
Yoe, Gustave Landsman. Mar. 31, 1863 July 13, 1865 Alleghany, Brandywine, Commo. Jones, Delaware and Commo. Morris.
Yorgan, John Seaman. July 19, 1861 Oct. 24, 1864 Alleghany, Petrel and Prairie Bird.
York, Joel D. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 26, 186 Commo. Morris and North Carolina.
York, John W. Landsman. Jan. 29, 1864 June 27, 186 Commo. Morris and North Carolina.
Young, Edward H. Landsman. Nov. 21, 1861 Oct. 25, 186 North Carolina, Restless and Union.
Young, George Landsman. Aug. 13, 1862 Feb. 24, 1863 Alleghany and Wyandank.
Young, George Landsman. Feb. 20, 1865 Feb. 12, 186 Alleghany and Wyoming.
Young, George Coal Heaver. Dec. 1, 1863 Jan. 6, 186 Alleghany and Winona.
Young, George Landsman. April 21, 1864 May 22, 186 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Cyane, Independence and Vermont.
Young, Harmon H. Landsman. Aug. 14, 1862 June 27, 186 Alleghany, Valley City, Brandywine and Fahkee.
Young, Henry Landsman. Nov. 4, 1861 Aug. 10, 186 Ohio, Housatonic and Wabash.
Young, Henry Landsman. Aug. 5, 1864 Aug. 19, 186 Alleghany, Brandywine, Clinton, Pinta, Constitution, Phlox, Marblehead, Santee, Young America, Vermont and Purveyor.
Young, Humphrey Landsman. April 23, 1864 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; failed to appear, record U. S. N. Department.
Young, James Landsman. Jan. 11, 1864 July 26, 1865 Alleghany and Winona.
Young, James A. Landsman. Sept. 7, 1861 April 16, 1863 North Carolina and Valley City.
Young, John Ord. Seaman. Sept. 19, 1861 Sept. 26, 1863 North Carolina and Courier.
Young, John 2d Cl. Fireman Aug. 25, 1864 Aug. 25, 1865 Alleghany, Don and Receiving Ship at Washington.
Young, John Landsman. June 3, 1862 July 31, 1863 Alleghany and Paul Jones.
Young, John H. 3d Class Boy. Sept. 27, 1864 Oct. 1, 1868 Sabine, Hartford and Vermont.
Young, John H. Landsman. April 19, 1864 July 11, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Vandalia, New Hampshire, Wabash and St. Lawrence.
Young, John J. Landsman. May 17, 1864 Alleghany; died June 20, 1864.
Young, Joseph Seaman. Oct. 19, 1864 Aug. 22, 1865 North Carolina and Ohio.
Young, Joseph 1st Class Boy. May 21, 1862 May 21, 1865 Alleghany and Mystic.
Young, Robert B. Act. Ship's Printer. Mar. 13, 1865 Sept. 11, 1867 Alleghany, Mercedita and Brooklyn; entered the service as Landsman; promoted Act. Ship's Printer; served in South Atlantic Squadron.
Young, Stephen Landsman. April 22, 1864 Sept. 7, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T.; Alleghany, Vandalia, New Hampshire, Ethan Allen and Agamenticus.
Young, Thomas H. Landsman. Feb. 16, 1864 Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Commo Perry, Wyalusing, Chicopee and Hunchback.
Young, Washington Landsman. April 25, 1864 Dec. 15, 1865 Transferred from 19th U. S. C. T. ; Alleghany, Daylight, Osceola, Release, Wm. Badger, Hornet and Vermont.
Young, William Landsman. Jan. 10, 1863 Feb. 13, 1865 North Carolina, Maria Denning, Eastport and Lafayette.
Young, William Seaman. Oct. 10, 1864 July 31, 1865 Alleghany and Nansemond.

Volunteers - Z

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Last Names Beginning with "Z"
Name Rank or
Date of
or Shipment
Date of
Vessels Served on
and Remarks
Zimmerman, Edward Landsman Feb. 15, 1865 Alleghany, Constellation, Aries, Supply; deserted Mar. 7, 1866.
Zimmerman, Win. Landsman. June 6, 1862 May 15, 1865 Alleghany and Nipsic.
Zinkand, Henry Landsman. Aug. 14, 1862 June 6, 1865 Alleghany, Valley City, Brandywine, Minnesota, Atlanta and Tacony.
Zippling, Julius Landsman. Feb. 3, 1863 Sept. 23, 1865 Alleghany, State of Georgia, Arkansas, Carrabasset, Fearnot and Aroostook.
Zollickoffer, C. E. Ord. Seaman. Dec. 19, 1861 Feb. 5, 1864 Alleghany and Relief

Maryland Marines

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United States Marine Corps - Maryland Volunteers
Name Rank or
Date of
or Shipment
Date of
Vessels Served on
and Remarks
Baker, Charles H. Private. April 3, 1860 Sept. 9, 1863 San Jacinto.
Barrett, Edward G. Private. May 31, 1864 April 25, 1866 New Ironsides.
Baumann, Charles Private. Mar. 31, 1864 Mar. 31, 1868 Marine Barracks, Washington, D. C.
Bears, Joseph Private. Sept. 19, 1865 Constitution; deserted April 12, 1867.
Beggs, Samuel F. Private. Aug. 4, 1859 Aug. 4, 1863 Narragansett and Hartford.
Bell, James D. Private. May 6, 1864 Marine Barracks, Navy Yard, Washington, D. C. ; deserted Aug. 5, 1864.
Blanch, James F. Private. Mar. 29, 1864 June 17, 1864 Marine Barracks, Washington, D. C.
Blum, Charles Private. July 2, 1864 July 2, 1868 New Ironsides.
Bollman, John Private. Oct. 1, 1862 Aug. 17, 1864 Wabash and Marine Battalion, S. A. Blockade Squadron.
Bollman, John Private. Aug. 23, 1864 Winooski; deserted Aug. 1, 1867.
Boren, Charles L. Private. May 27, 1864 May 27, 1868 James Adger, New Hampshire and Tacony.
Bottimore, Fred. I. Private. Oct. 20, 1864 June 25, 1865 Under Act, Aug. 14, 1888; Pontiac.
Boyd, John J. Private. May 14, 1863 Aug. 25, 1864 New Ironsides and Marine Battalion, S. A. Blockade Squadron.
Boyd, John J. Private. Aug. 27, 1864 July 26, 1866 Lancaster.
Brace, Charles K. Private. July 25, 1864 July 26, 1868 A.lleghany.
Brooks, William Private. Sept. 3, 1864 Don; deserted June 12, 1865.
Brown, Basil Private. Oct. 11, 1860 Saranac and Lancaster; died Sept. 11, 1864.
Burnite, William N. Private. Sept. 5, 1864 Nov. 14, 1867 Wabash and Colorado.
Carlisle, George Private. Dee. 5, 1860 Dec. 22, 1864 Alleghany and Maratanza.
Carlisle, Samuel H. Private. April 19, 1864 Galatea; died Aug. 16, 1865,
Cecil, Joseph B. Private. June 21, 1859 June 25, 1863 Sumpter, De Soto and St. Lawrence.
Cecil, Joseph B. Private. Dec. 1, 1863 Dec. 1, 1867 De Soto.
Collins, Charles Private. Aug. 26, 1862 Sept. 24, 1867 Marine Barracks, Mare Island, Cal.
Comber, Dennis Private. Sept. 30, 1864 Sept. 30, 1868 Chicopee, Malvern and Alleghany.
Connolly, Daniel Private. Aug. 26, 1862 Aug. 26, 1866 Alleghany and Marine Barracks, Mare Island, Cal.
Connor, John Private. April I, 1864 Marine Barracks, Washington, D. C. ; deserted May 5, 1864.
Cox, William W. Private. Oct. 10, 1863 Powhatan; died Feb. 13, 1865.
Creamer, Charles Private. Mar. 29, 1864 Mar. 29, 1868 Marine Barracks, Norfolk, Va.
Cripps, John A. Drummer. Dec. 17, 1861 Wachusetts, Powhatan and Lackawanna; deserted June 22, 1866.
Curren, Edward Private. Oct. 5, 1861 Oct. 5, 1868 Potomac.
Curry, Joseph Private. Sept. 16, 1864 Alleghany; deserted Oct. 12, 1865.
Darcey, James Drummer. Nov. 12, 1862 Savannah; deserted March 5, 1870.
Davey, Charles Private. May 8, 1860 Feb. 8, 1865 St. Louis and Constellation.
Davies, Thomas Private. Aug. 24, 1863 Mackinaw; deserted June 27, 1865.
Dawson, Edward Private. June 28, 1865 Aug. 24, 1872 Marion and Constellation.
Dawson, James Private. June 28, 1865 June 29, 1869 Swatara and Ticonderoga.
Deer, Lenhairt Private. April 4, 1864 April 4, 1868 Marblehead, Macedonian, Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
De Marbias, Thos. E Private. Jan. 14, 1865 Marine Barracks, Portsmouth, N. H.; deserted June 12, 1865.
Dietz, George W. Private. Nov. 12, 1864 June 3, 1868 St. Lawrence.
Dill, John Private. May 25, 1863 May 19, 1865 Mackinaw.
Dobson, Charles Private. April 16, 1864 April 14, 1868 Alleghany.
Donovan, William Private. Nov. 12, 1857 Nov. 12, 1861 Colorado and Roanoke.
Donovan, William Private. Nov. 26, 1861 Nov. 26, 1865 Hartford.
Dougherty, Thos. B. Private. Dec. 22, 1858 July 10, 1863 Lancaster, Tuscarora and St. Louis.
Dulaney, Daniel F. Private. Sept. 15, 1860 July 19, 1861 Marine Barracks, Portsmouth, N. H.
Durham, John H. Private. Aug. 14, 1865 Marine Barracks, Philadelphia, Pa. ; deserted Sept. 14, 1865.
Duvall, George W. Drummer. Aug. 15, 1861 July 31, 1869 Adirondack, Macedonian and Pensacola.
Duvall, James M. Fifer. July 10, 1861 July 10, 1865 Potomac and Union.
Duvall, Mearch Private. May 3, 1860 Mar. 25, 1864 St. Mary's and Colorado.
Duvall, William S. Private. April 19, 1864 July 21, 1868 Saratoga, Swatara and Shamrock.
Ebert, Gustavus A. Private. May 13, 1864 Marine Barracks, Washington, D. C. ; deserted July 21, 1864.
Elkins, John Drummer. May 27, 1861 Oct. 7, 1868 Lancaster and Sabine.
Ellis, William Private. June 7, 1864 Marine Barracks, Portsmouth, N. H. ; deserted Feb. 28, 1865.
Evans, Thomas J. Private. Mar. 31, 1864 Dec. 27, 1865 Marine Barracks, Washington, D. C.
Farrell, Eiden Private. Aug. 12, 1861 Aug. 16, 1865 S. A. Blockading Squadron.
Faulkner, William J. Private. Jan. 23, 1865 Massachusetts; deserted April 24, 1866.
Fauntain, Wm. S. Private. Jan. 20, 1865 St. Lawrence; deserted Jan. 13, 1866.
Follgrof, Henry Private. May 13, 1863 May 16, 1867 Alleghany, Mahaska, Lodona, Savannah and Winnipec.
Fornhoff, Augustus Private. Aug. 26, 1863 Sept. 24, 1867 Great Western and Brooklyn.
Fox, Henry Private. Feb. 19, 1863 July 30, 1863 Mahaska.
Foxcroft, John H. Private. Feb. 16, 1865 Princeton; deserted May 26, 1865.
Foxcroft, John H. Private. Feb. 16, 1861 Feb. 16, 1865 Roanoke, Massachusetts, Vermont, Flag, Wabash and Princeton.
Frank, Albert Private. July 23, 1863 Eutaw; deserted Dec. 18, 1863.
Gardner, Geo. C. M. R. Drummer. Mar. 16, 1853 Aug. 5, 1864 Sabine and Bermuda.
Germer, Christopher Private. Nov. 25, 1862 July 29, 1865 Under Act of Aug. 14, 1888; Alleghany, Mahaska, Lodona, New Hampshire and Chenango.
Germer, George Private. June 8, 1863 Sept. 14, 1864 Alleghany.
Germer, George Private. Sept. 23, 1864 June 17, 1865 Alleghany.
Germer, Henry Private. June 9, 1863 Sept. 14, 1864 Alleghany.
Germer, Henry Private. Sept. 21, 1864 Sept. 21, 1868 Alleghany.
Gilligan, Michael Private. April 15, 1864 July 21, 1868 Constitution.
Gilman, Henry Private. Aug. 11, 1862 Colorado; died Sept. 2, 1863.
Griffy, John Private. Dec. 11, 1859 Dec. 11, 1863 Macedonian.
Griffy, John Private. Jan. 12, 1864 Jan. 12, 1868 New Hampshire.
Grove, Jerry P. Private. Mar. 25, 1864 North Carolina; committed suicide Jan. 8, 1865, while on post.
Hagan, James Private. Sept. 27, 1864 Mar. 7, 1866 Alleghany.
Hamilton, John Private. Oct. 6, 1858 Jan. 27, 1862 Congress.
Harrington, Silas W. Private. Mar. 31, 1864 Aug. 22, 1866 Augusta, De Soto and Alleghany.
Hayes, William D. Private. June 17, 1864 June 8, 1868 Vandalia, Mackinaw and Ohio.
Higgins, Joseph Private. Sept. 21, 1864 Santee; deserted April 10, 1867.
Hill, Edward R. Private. Mar. 24, 1864 Shenandoah; deserted Dec. 15, 1866.
Hopkins, George Private. June 27, 1865 Feb. 5, 1869 Constellation.
Hopkins, Joseph Private. Jan. 11, 1865 Feb. 14, 1869 Constellation.
Horney, John Private. April 14, 1864 Oct. 27, 1865 Under Act of Aug. 14, 1888; Mingo.
Husbands, Albert Private. July 7, 1864 July 16, 1868 Vermont and Monongahela.
Husband, Thomas S. Private. April 13, 1864 April 3, 1867 Constellation.
Jackson, Edwin P. Private. May 1, 1862 Wabash and Susquehanna; died July 24, 1866.
Jackson, James Private. June 21, 1858 June 23, 1862 Princeton.
Johnson, Henry S. Private. May 19, 1862 May 19, 1866 Wabash, Sumpter, Bienville, Vermont, Nipsic, Massachusetts, Union and Lackawanna.
Johnson, Richard T. Drummer. April 4, 1855 Mar. 2, 1863 Portsmouth, North Carolina and Niagara.
Johnson, Samuel Private. Aug. 21, 1861 April 16, 1865 Marine Battalion, Port Royal, S. C.; taken prisoner.
Johnston, William J. Private. Jan. 5, 1858 Feb. 1, 1862 Wabash.
Johnston, William J. Private. April 22, 1862 April 22, 1866 Cimarron, Vermont and Connecticut.
Jones, William Private. April 3, 1861 April 3, 1865 Roanoke.
Jones, William Private. June 30, 1865 July 30, 1869 Marine Barracks, Washington, D. C.
Keith, Thomas Private. May 11, 1863 May 11, 1867 Iroquois.
Kelly, Edward Private. Oct. 10, 1864 Oct. 10, 1868 Alleghany.
King, Charles Private. Jan. 22, 1864 Jan. 22, 1868 Alleghany.
King, William E. Private. April 8, 1864 Aug. 25, 1865 Brooklyn.
Kingsley, James Private. April 19, 1864 April 19, 1868 James Adger and Alleghany.
Knause, Konrat Private. Oct. 17, 1864 Oct. 17, 1868 St. Lawrence and Alleghany.
Knight, Thomas Private. June 27, 1865 April 30, 1870 Iroquois.
Lansing, George Private. July 23, 1864 Aug. 5, 1864 Marine Barracks, Washington, D. C.
Leadon, John Private. April 14, 1864 Marine Barracks, Philadelphia, Pa.; deserted May 18, 1864.
Lee, Henry Private. Nov. 21, 1863 Marine Barracks, Mare Island, Cal. ; deserted March 8, 1864.
Lehman, George Private. Mar. 23, 1863 Mahaska, Lodona, New Hampshire, Chenango; died Sept. 25, 1865.
Logan, James Private. Aug. 19, 1864 Aug. 20, 1869 Vandalia.
Logan, James A. Private. May 24, 1860 May 24, 1864 Pawnee, Powhatan and San Jacinto.
Lutton, Joshua Private. Jan. 16, 1860 May 5, 1864 Pawnee, Powhatan and San Jacinto.
Mackin, James B. Private. Nov. 10, 1859 Nov. 10, 1863 Niagara.
Mackin, James B. Private. April 22, 1864 Marine Barracks, Brooklyn, N. Y.; deserted July 19, 1864.
Mallanaphy, Patrick Private. Oct. 30, 1863 Marine Barracks, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; deserted Dec. 18, 1863.
Matthews, James Private. Sept. 24, 1862 Alleghany; deserted Oct. 22, 1862.
Mercer, Eugene Apprentice. April 10, 1864 June 2, 1865 Marine Barracks, Washington, D. C.
McBurney, William Private. July 3, 1863 Alleghany; returned to U. S. Army as a deserter, Sept. 5, 1863.
McCafferty, Arthur Private. June 8, 1861 June 10, 1865 Alleghany.
McCeary, John T. Private. June 8, 1865 Marine Barracks, Washington, D. C. ; deserted Aug. 12, 1865.
McClay, William Private. May 4, 1864 May 4, 1868 Marine Barracks, Washington, D. C.
McClellan, Charles Private. Feb. 13, 1863 Marine Barracks, Philadelphia, Pa.; deserted Sept. 8, 1865.
McFarland, William Drummer. April 4, 1865 April 3, 1869 Marine Barracks, Washington, D. C.
McGarety, John Private. Oct. 14, 1864 Alleghany; deserted Jan. 9, 1865.
McGee, Patrick Private. Sept. 30, 1864 Alleghany; deserted March 14, 1865.
McGuire, Thomas Private. April 7, 1864 April 7, 1868 James Adger and New Hampshire.
McKenna, Francis L. Private. May 10, 1861 May 10, 1865 Roanoke, Mercedita and Vermont.
McKenna, James Apprentice. July 29, 1863 Marine Barracks, Washington, D. C.; deserted Aug. 22, 1863.
McKenna, John H. Private. April 12, 1861 Roanoke and Mercedita; reported "Died" June, 1864, Andersonville Prison; records U. S. N. Department.
Miller, John Private. Oct. 1, 1862 Alleghany; deserted Aug. 24, 1863.
Mitchell, Edward Private. Oct. 4, 1864 Alleghany; deserted Sept. 17, 1866.
Mitchell, James T. Private. April 4, 1864 July 3, 1865 Under Act of Aug. 14, 1888; Marine Barracks, Washington, D. C.
Morris, Albert T. Private. May 26, 1865 Malvern and Agawam; died April 22, 1868.
Murphy, Michael Private. Dec. 9, 1864 Marine Barracks, Washington, D. C.; deserted Jan. 7, 1865.
Nicholas, Vincent Private. April 14, 1864 Marine Barracks, Norfolk, Va. ; deserted May 19, 1866.
Nicholaus, Frederick Fifer. April 27, 1863 May 27, 1870 Mackinaw and New Hampshire.
Nunnamaker, Henry Private. April 11, 1864 May 1, 1865 Minnesota.
Nussear, Edward C. Private. Jan. 24, 1861 Dec. 16, 1861 Dale.
O'Neil, Philip Private. Oct. 20, 1864 Oct. 20, 1868 Rhode Island and Galatea.
Page, Edward E. Private. Sept. 26, 1862 April 2, 1864 Minnesota.
Patterson, Alexander Private. Sept. 20, 1858 Fulton and Supply; died May 1, 1862.
Peasley, Joseph L. Private. Sept. 24, 1862 Sept. 24, 1866 Wabash, Vermont, Nipsic, New Hampshire, St. Louis and Ohio.
Perry, John E. Private. April 19, 1864 James Adger; deserted May 30, 1865.
Pillsbury, Samuel W. Private. Sept. 19, 1864 Great Western and Grampus.
Pistorio, Nicola Private. April 5, 1864 April 6, 1868 Marine Barracks, Washington, D. C.
Porter, David A. Private. Sept. 7, 1861 June 1, 1863 Marine Barracks, Washington, D. C.
Powell, John M. B. Private. Oct. 21, 1862 Aug. 5, 1865 Under Act of Aug. 14, 1888 ; Alleghany and Roanoke.
Preston, John Private. Feb. 16, 1863 Sabine; reported "Died June, 1864, Andersonville Prison," records U. S. N. Department.
Punte, Ignatius Private. Sept. 26, 1862 Jan. 17, 186? Mahaska, Lodona, New Hampshire and Chenango.
Rardan, Andrew Private. Aug. 26, 1862 Aug. 29, 1864 Alleghany.
Reynolds, Samuel F Sergeant. Aug. 30, 1858 Aug. 30, 1862 Sabine and North Carolina.
Richards, William Private. June 21, 1865 Marine Barracks, Philadelphia, Pa.; deserted July 24, 1865.
Rilay, John Fifer. July 15, 1862 San Jacinto and Jamestown; deserted Aug. 11, 1869.
Roach, Nicholas Private. Nov. 27, 1863 Jan. 14, 1868 Shamrock.
Roder, George W. Private. April 18, 1864 Augusta; deserted May 25, 1865.
Ross, George H. Private. July 18, 1863 July 18, 1867 Alleghany.
Rost, John Private. Dec. 1, 1862 Aug. 29, 1864 Marine Barracks, Norfolk, Va.
Roy, Joseph Private. Dec. 17, 1859 Dec. 17, 1863 Susquehanna.
Roy, Joseph Sergeant. 1851 1868 St. Lawrence and Susquehanna; served under the name of Joseph Giles.
Ruppert, Mathew Private. Sept. 6, 1859 Oct. 10, 1863 Water Witch, Richmond, Rhode Island and Ticonderoga.
Satterfleld, Andrew Private. Jan. 18, 1858 Jan. 18, 1862 Pennsylvania.
Satterfield, Andrew Private. Feb. 1, 1864 Feb. 1, 1868 Shenandoah.
Schleitter, John Private. Sept. 30, 1864 Alleghany; returned to U. S. Army as a deserter, Oct. 20, 1864.
Schneidewind, Otto Private. May 29, 1860 May 29, 1864 Marine Barracks, Philadelphia, Pa.
Scott, Clement T. Private. Sept. 26, 1864 Sept. 26, 1868 Minnesota and Portsmouth.
Sears, Richard T. Drummer. Sept. 21, 1858 Oct. 2, 1865 Pawnee, Brandywine and New Ironsides.
Searson, Richard B. Private. Jan. 11, 1864 Jan. 11, 1868 Glaucus and Roanoke.
Sharer, George H. Private. Mar. 30, 1864 Sabine; deserted Aug. 3, 1865.
Sharp, Duncan Private. Sept. 26, 1864 Sept. 26, 1868 Alleghany.
Shriver, Charles Private. July 15, 1863 Mar. 4, 1869 Alleghany.
Simmons, Charles E Private. Oct. 3, 1863 Oct. 3, 1867 State of Georgia.
Sloan, John W. M. Fifer. Aug. 6, 1861 May 1, 1868 Canandaigua and Guard.
Smith, Daniel Private. Sept. 4, 1862 Sept. 18, 1864 Marine Barracks, Mound City, Ill.
Smith, David P. Private. Sept. 3, 1862 Sept. 3, 1866 Cambridge and Ohio.
Smith, James Private. April 1, 1864 Marine Barracks, Navy Yard, Washington, D. C. ; deserted May 5, 1865.
Smith, William P. Sergeant. Dec. 28, 1861 Lancaster, St. Louis and New Hampshire; deserted July 25, 1865.
Soper, Alfred S. Private. Feb. 20, 1858 Feb. 20, 1862 John Adams.
Stansbury, Emanuel Private. April 28, 1861 Marine Battalion, Stone Inlet, Folly Island, S. C.; reported "Died Oct., 1864, Andersonville Prison," reords U. S. N. Department.
Sweeny, Thomas Private. Oct. 4, 1860 Nov. 4, 1864 Cumberland and Saratoga.
Sweeny, Thomas Private. Dec. 2, 1864 Dec. 2, 1868 St. Mary's, Wateree and Powhatan.
Thompson, Adam Private. June 30, 1865 Marine Barracks, Philadelphia, Pa.; deserted Jan. 7, 1866.
Thompson, James Private. Dec. 3, 1862 Dec. 11, 1866 James Adger, Niagara and Alleghany.
Thompson, Thomas Private. June 25, 1861 June 24, 1865 Wabash.
Tolson, Samuel R. Private. Sept. 17, 1862 Sept. 17, 1866 Port Royal, Arizona and Vermont.
Truett, Merrill S. Private. May 26, 1865 May 25, 1869 Pensacola.
Valiant, John F. Private. Oct. 5, 1858 Oct. 18, 1862 Macedonian and Vermont.
Valiant, John F. Private. Oct. 27, 1862 Oct. 27, 1866 Dale.
Verner, William Private. Oct. 1, 1862 Oct. 23, 1862 Alleghany.
Wagner, Charles H. Appren. Boy. Sept. 20, 1859 Dec. 10, 1866 Marine Barracks, Washington, D. C.
Walker, William Private. April 18, 1861 Wabash; deserted Sept. 20, 1862.
Waltemeyer, Wm. H Private. Mar. 30, 1864 Alleghany; no further record, U. S. N. Department.
Walter, William H. Drummer. Sept. 10, 1861 June 27, 1867 Suwanee.
Wann, John A. Private. Dec. 1, 1863 Aug. 24, 1868 Hartford.
Warkman, Alfred H. Private. Dec. 1, 1863 Dec. 2, 1867 Minnesota, St. Lawrence, Bienville and Ohio.
Weber, Louis Musician. Sept. 16, 1858 Sept. 26, 1862 Marine Barracks, Washington, D. C.
Weber, Louis Musician. Oct. 6, 1862 Aug. 18, 1864 Marine Barracks, Washington, D. C.
Weber, Louis Musician. Aug. 25, 1864 July 9, 1867 Marine Barracks, Washington, D. C.
Weddle, James K. P. Private. Mar. 7, 1864 June 14, 1866 Minnesota.
Weeks, George Private. April 11, 1864 Malvern; deserted May 8, 1865.
Welling, George W. Private. May 31, 1864 May 18, 1870 Vermont.
Wells, Frank Private. April 10, 1861 Marine Barracks, Washington, D. C. ; deserted July 9, 1861.
Welsh, James Private. Oct. 14, 1864 Alleghany; deserted July 13, 1865.
Welsh, Leonard Private. July 20, 1861 Michigan; died March 28, 1864.
Wentzel, Franz Private. April 11, 1864 July 26, 1864 Marine Barracks, Navy Yard, D. C.
Williams, Charles Private. Aug. 25, 1860 July 5, 1861 Cumberland.
Williams, John Private. April 4, 1864 Marine Barracks, Washington, D. C. ; deserted Feb. 25, 1865.
Williams, Joseph Private. Oct. 6, 1860 June 9, 1864 Saratoga and Princeton.
Willis, Oliver Private. Aug. 27, 1864 Alleghany; deserted Sept. 5, 1864.
Wilson, Benj. M. V. Private. Jan. 18, 1859 Mar. 21, 1863 Lancaster, Star and Quaker City.
Wilson, Thomas Private. Sept. 22, 1864 Malvern; deserted May 8, 1865.
Wright, Jacob H. C. Private. July 27, 1863 Alleghany; deserted Sept. 5, 1866.
Wood, Charles C. Private. June 5, 1860 Marine Barracks, Navy Yard, D. C. ; died Feb. 7, 1862.
Woodfield, Benjamin Sergeant. Sept. 8, 1859 Mar. 5, 1863 Marine Barracks, Navy Yard, D. C.
Woodfield, Jos. P. R. Fifer. April 30, 1860 Mar., 14, 1862 PaAvnee and Wabash.
Young, Notley Private. June 21, 1860 Cumberland; killed in action, March 8, 1862.
Zimmerman, Joseph Private. Mar. 29, 1864 Bienville; died Oct. 19, 1866.
Zimmerman, Wm. Drummer. July 2, 1863 Mackinaw; deserted July 21, 1868.

Rebel Maryland

Though Maryland never officially seceded from the Union, its position as a border state tested the allegiance of many of its citizens. Many Marylanders served in units from other states, either as individuals or small units such as companies or batteries. The "Maryland Line" as presented here shows only the units raised in full within the state. A special thank you goes to the Maryland State Archives for digitizing much of the roster information present in this section.

Maryland Soldiers in the Confederate States Armies

  • Over 21 soldiers from Maryland served the Confederate cause in the War of the Rebellion (Click for full list)

Casualties from Maryland

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Further (sort)

  • [1] - Volume 367 of the Maryland Archives, Volume 2 of MD Roster Source
  • [2] - Volume 366 of the Maryland Archives, Volume 1 of MD Roster Source
  • MD ROSTER SOURCE: L. Allison Wilmer, J. H. Jarrett and Geo. W. F. Vernon, History and Roster of Maryland Volunteers, War of 1861-5, 2 Volumes. (Baltimore: Guggenheimer, Weil, & Co., 1899). L20937-2.
  • [3] - Volume 371 of the Maryland Archive, Confederate sources
  • "The three-hundred and seventy-first volume of the Archives of Maryland series was compiled by W. W. Goldsborough in 1869 and revised and updated in 1900. The Archives of Maryland edition was published in 2001 by the Maryland State Archives. This volume contains only the names of men who fought with Maryland groups and is therefore only about one-fourth complete since it contains service records for only about 5,000 of the over 20,000 men from Maryland who enlisted in the Confederate Army."
  • Lewis, Mrs. Charles Lee. Index to The Maryland Line in the Confederate Army 1861-1865. (Annapolis: Hall of Records Commission, 1945). L23802. 650.