LeRoy Pope Walker

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LeRoy Pope Walker (February 7, 1817 – August 23, 1884) was the first Confederate States Secretary of War.


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Service Record

December 26, 1860 - April 14, 1861: Operations in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina Dispatches
At the outbreak of the war, LeRoy Walker was the Confederate States Secretary of War

These dispatches were compiled with primary source materials from The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies (Chapter 1)


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(CS BG) G.T. Beauregard
  • At the outbreak of the war, G.T. Beauregard was a Brigadier General commanding the Provisional Confederate States Army
To Walker: From Walker:
March 6, 1861 - Brigadier General G.T. Beauregard to Secretary of War LeRoy Walker

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Reports of Brigadier General G.T. Beauregard, C.S. Army, of operations against Fort Sumter.

Charleston, S.C.,
March 6, 1861.

SIR: In obedience to War Department orders of the 1st instant I arrived at this place on the 3rd instant, and immediately reported to Governor Pickens for military duty. That day we inspected the floating battery now being constructed here. On the 4th instant we inspected the works on the southern portion of the harbor (Morris Island and Fort Johnson), and yesterday those on the north (Fort Moultrie, &c., including Castle Pinckney).

I have now the honor to state that I coincide fully in the opinion and views contained in Major W.H.C. Whiting's letter preceding his full report, and that, as I have not time to write more fully on the subject, I desire that portion of his letter referring to the above works should be annexed to this report, and a copy thereof sent to me for my files.

On Morris Island the flanking defects are being remedied, and will probably soon be completed, as well as the position, &c., of said works will permit. I have ordered that only six mortars, instead of twelve, intended for that point, should be put in position there. I have ordered the construction of a series of small batteries of heavy guns, two in each, and twenty in all, well protected by traverses along the channel shore of that island, said batteries to be about fifty or one hundred yards apart (according to the nature of the ground), to prevent the broadsides of a vessel, from silencing them in a few minutes. When those batteries shall be ready, I will remove into them all the heavy guns I can dispose of. I have ordered to that island the whole of Colonel Gregg's regiment, with two short 12-pounders and one light battery, for the protection of said works, selecting a strong natural position to protect their right flank from a land attack.

I have ordered an additional battery (for two mortars) to be constructed near Fort Johnson, to receive half of those intended for a defectively-placed mortar battery, to the south of said work, the latter not being in itself of much importance, containing only and open battery of four 24-pounders bearing on the inner harbor. At Fort Moultrie, towards the north of Fort Sumter, I have ordered additional traverses to be thrown up, of a better construction than those already there, for the protection of the channel guns against enfilade from Fort Sumter. Between Moultrie and the western extremity of Sullivan's Island I have ordered the construction of a four-gun concealed battery, to enfilade the channel face of Sumter, having nine or ten guns (en barbette) bearing on the Morris Island works. I have ordered two more 32-pounders to be added to the extreme five-gun battery, commanding the Maffitt or northern shore channel into the harbor, and I have selected the site of two more mortar batteries, of two each, to take in reverse the casemate and barbette guns of Fort Sumter bearing on Morris Island.

I have fortunately found that we would soon have mortars enough for all our present wants; but, generally, the carriages and chassis of nearly all the guns, especially those on the Morris Island works, are either defective or not of the proper kind. I am going to remedy this defect as soon as practicable.

I find that the gorge of Fort Sumter is too much inclined to the guns on Morris Island to be breached by them at this distance (thirteen hundred years); and, moreover, they have double the number of guns bearing on them, reversing thereby the advantages of the attack over the defense. If we succeed in constructing my enfilading battery on Sullivan's Island we will then have a preponderating fire against said gorge wall (four feet six inches thick); but, as already stated, at about thirteen hundred yards, and at an angle of about fifty degrees.

I find that the battery of heavy guns (10-inch columbiads), which I proposed putting up in the vicinity of Fort Johnson, would be impracticable (if we had said guns), the grounds being too low and marshy.

I have now given you a general view of the condition of the offensive works of this harbor, and I am of the opinion that, if Sumter was properly garrisoned and armed, it would be a perfect Gibraltar to anything bus constant shelling, night and day, from the four points of the compass. As it is, the weakness of the garrison constitutes our greatest advantage, and we must, for the present, turn our attention to preventing it from being re-enforced. This idea I am gradually and cautiously infusing into the minds of all here; but, should we have to open our batteries upon it, I hope to be able to do so with all the advantages the condition of things here will permit. All that I ask is time for completing my batteries and preparing and organizing properly my command, which is still in a more or less confused state, not having yet my general staff officers around me. So soon as I shall have here a competent engineer officer (Major Whiting arrived here on the 4th, and will probably heave again for Savannah to day, where his presence is required), I will send to the department a plan of this harbor, with the position, &c., of all the works marked thereon. Those Drummond lights, ordered from New York, will be here in about ten days.

I remain, sir, very respectfully,

Brigadier-General, Commanding.

to General L.P. WALKER,
Secretary of War, Montgomery, Ala.


March 6, 1861 - Brigadier General G.T. Beauregard to Major William Whiting

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Reports of Brigadier General G.T. Beauregard, C.S. Army, of operations against Fort Sumter.

March 6, 1861.

GENERAL: I have the honor to report that I proceeded to Morris Island this morning, and commenced establishing battery positions.

I. Directed the Dahlgren battery to be modified. Retired the interior crest of the right gun, so as to obtain a raking fire on the whole approach, and on the beach, and placed a traverse between the two, and directed the rear of the battery to be excavated, to give a relief of at least eight to interior crest. It is absolutely necessary that these guns be placed en barbette; otherwise, unless the epaulement is cut down to two, they cannot be depressed sufficiently for the short ranges on the ship's carriages.

II. Battery A, for two 8-inch columbiads (new position). The relative positions of the different batteries will be indicated on the chart by the engineer and submitted to you to-morrow.

III. Arranged and modified the Star of the West battery, giving greater relief, reducing the platform, locating necessary traverses, and adding one 24-pounder. Directed the two field pieces for line and land defense.

IV. Battery B, for two guns, one 8-inch columbiad, and one 8-inch sea-coast.

V. Battery C, for one 8-inch sea-coast and one 42-pounder.

VI. Battery D, for two 24-pounders.

VII. Battery E, two 24-pounders, at nearly right angles to the brush. To protect the two last from Hunter, the left traverse must cross the epaulement.

VIII. Battery F, partially finished, for two 8-inch sea-coast howitzers and two 24-pounders. The howitzers are on casemate carriages, and must be changed.

The arrangement of these batteries will, in general, be identical, except when the siege carriage is used in the Star of the West battery, and in E, and G, the latter of three 24-pounders, partly done. Therefore the guns can be placed in different order, if thought best. I placed the guns of longest range farthest from Hunter,, as having greater effect upon the distant approach. Examination of the maps, when complete, will show the field of fire. Of these guns there are now on the island three 8-inch columbiads, now mounted on casemate carriages in battery; Numbers 2 as a siege battery on Sumter; two 42-pounders, mounted on casemate carriages, siege battery on Sumter. The two Dahlgrens and the two 8-inch sea-coast, on the casement trenches. All the above require barbette carriages. Of these, the barbette carriages for the columbiads are nearly ready; also, for the sea coast. There are also eight 24-pounders on siege carriages already mounted on the channel; in all, fifteen. There are required for the proposed addition two sea-coast howitzers, now at Pinckney, and five 24-pounders also at Pinckney; making, in all, twenty-two guns to be provided. The arrangement is that indicated in the plan this morning. I am doubtful which battery to commence first. Perhaps in order from the Dahlgren, although it would be best to have them done simultaneously. There is want of labor, and great want of proper quartermaster and commissary arrangements for the labor. All the work on the siege batteries should be suspended, and turned to proper account on the channel.

Please to direct the enlarged chart, made by Lieutenant Gregorie, South Carolina Engineers, for the governor, to be sent down to have the positions of the batteries located upon it, for your information.

Major, Engineers.

to General BEAUREGARD,
Charleston Hotel.

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April 17, 1861 - Brigadier General G.T. Beauregard to Secretary of War LeRoy Walker

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Reports of Brigadier General G.T. Beauregard, C.S. Army, of operations against Fort Sumter.

Charleston, S.C.,
April 17, 1861.

SIR: I have the honor to transmit by Colonel R. A. Pryor, one of my aides (who like the others was quite indefatigable and fearless in conveying my orders, in an open boat, from these headquarters to the batteries during the bombardment), a general report of the attack of the 12th instant on Fort Sumter. This report would have been sent sooner if my other pressing duties had permitted me to devote my time to it, while the presence of the enemy's fleet still led us to expect an attack along the coast at any moment. A more detailed account will be sent forward as soon as the returns of the commanders of batteries shall have reached this office. The great difficulty I will labor under will be to do full justice to all when so much zeal, energy, and gallantry were displayed by officers and soldiers in the execution of my orders. I wish, however, to record two incidents, which will illustrate the feelings that animated all here.

Whilst the barracks in Fort Sumter were in a blaze, and the interior of the work appeared untenable from the heat and from the fire of our batteries (at about which period I sent three of my aides to offer assistance in the name of the Confederate States), whenever the guns of Fort Sumter would fire upon Fort Moultrie the men occupying Cummings Point batteries (Palmetto Guard, Captain Cuthbert) at each shot would cheer Anderson for his gallantry, although themselves still firing upon him, and when on the 15th instant he left the harbor on the steamer Isabel the soldiers of the batteries on Cummings Point lined the beach, silent, and with heads uncovered, while Anderson and his command passed before them, and expressions of scorn at the apparent cowardice of the fleet in not even attempting to rescue so gallant an officer and his command were upon the lips of all. With such material for an army, if properly disciplined, I would consider myself almost invincible against any forces not too greatly superior.

The fire of those barracks was only put out on the 15th instant, p.m., after great exertions by the gallant fire companies of this city, who were an their pumps night and day, although aware that close by them was a magazine filled with thirty thousand pounds of powder, with a shot-hole through the wall of its anteroom.

I am now removing the tottering walls of the buildings within, and clearing away all the rubbish, &c., from the interior of the work, so as to render it still more formidable than it was before it was attacked.

In one or two days I will send forward to you photographs taken at different points of sight, from which you can clearly understand the condition of the fort within when first occupied by us.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Brigadier-General, Commanding.

to Honorable L.P. WALKER,
Secretary of War, Montgomery, Ala.

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April 16, 1861 - Brigadier General G.T. Beauregard to Secretary of War LeRoy Walker

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Reports of Brigadier General G.T. Beauregard, C.S. Army, of operations against Fort Sumter.

Charleston, S.C.,
April 16, 1861.

SIR: I have the honor to submit the following summary statement of the circumstances of the surrender of Fort Sumter:

On the refusal of Major Anderson to engage, in compliance with my demand, to designate the time when he would evacuate Fort Sumter, and to agree meanwhile not to use his guns against us, at 3,20 o'clock in the morning of the 12th instant I gave him formal notice that within one hour my batteries would open on him. In consequence of some circumstance of delay the bombardment was not begun precisely at the appointed moment, but at 4.30 o'clock the signal gun was fired, and within twenty minutes all our batteries were in full play. There was no response from Fort Sumter until about 7 o'clock, when the first shot from the enemy was discharged against our batteries on Cummings Point.

By 8 o'clock the action became general, and throughout the day was maintained with spirit on both sides. Our guns were served with skill and energy. The effect was visible in the impressions made on the walls of Fort Sumter. From our mortar batteries shells were thrown with such precision and rapidity that it soon became impossible for the enemy to employ his guns en barbette, of which several were dismounted. The engagement was continued without any circumstances of special note until nightfall, before which time the fire from Sumter had evidently slackened. Operations on our side were sustained throughout the night, provoking, however, only a feebly response.

On the morning of the 13th the action was prosecuted with renewed vigor, and about 7 1/2 o'clock it was discovered our shells had set fire to the barracks in the fort. Speedily volumes of smoke indicated an extensive conflagration, and apprehending some terrible calamity to the garrison I immediately dispatched an offer of assistance to Major Anderson, which, however, with grateful acknowledgments, he declined. Meanwhile, being informed about 2 o'clock that a white flag was displayed from Sumter, I dispatched two of my aides to Major Anderson with terms of evacuation. In recognition of the gallantry exhibited by the garrison I cheerfully agreed that on surrendering the fort the commanding officer might salute his flag.

By 8 o'clock the terms of evacuation were definitely accepted. Major Anderson having expressed a desire to communicate with the United States vessels lying off the harbor, with a view to arrange for the transportation of his command to some port in the United States, one of his officers, accompanied by Captain Harstene and three of my aides, was permitted to visit the officer in command of the squadron to make provision for that object. Because of an unavoidable delay the formal transfer of the fort to our possession did not take place until 4 o'clock in the afternoon of the 14th instant. At that hour, the place having been evacuated by the United States garrison, our troops occupied it, and the Confederate flag was hoisted on the ramparts of Sumter with a salute from the various batteries.

The steamer Isabel having been placed at the service of Major Anderson, he and his command were transferred to the United States vessels off the harbor.

The urgency of immediate engagements prevents me from giving at present a more circumstantial narrative of the incidents connected with the capture of Fort Sumter. When the reports from the various commanders of batteries are received I will hasten to forward you a more detailed account.

In conclusion, I am happy to state that the troops, both officers and soldiers, of the Regulars, Volunteers, Militia, and Navy, by their energy, zeal, perseverance, labor, and endurance before the attack, and by their courage and gallantry during its continuance, exhibited all the characteristics of the best troops; and to my staff, Regular and Volunteer, I am much indebted for the prompt and complete execution of my orders, which had to be communicated in open boats during the bombardment to the different batteries then engaged.

I remain, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Brigadier-General, Commanding.

to Honorable L. P. WALKER,
Secretary of War, Montgomery, Ala.

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April 27, 1861 - Brigadier General G.T. Beauregard to Secretary of War LeRoy Walker

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Reports of Brigadier General G.T. Beauregard, C.S. Army, of operations against Fort Sumter.

Charleston, S.C.,
April 27, 1861.

SIR: I have the honor to transmit to the Department with this my detailed report of the operations conducted during the bombardment of Fort Sumter, accompanied by copies of the reports sent in to this office by the commandants of batteries, together with a series of photographs (twenty-two in number), showing the condition of Forts Sumter and Moultrie and of the floating battery after the surrender of the former fort.*

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Brigadier-General, Commanding.

to Honorable L.P. WALKER,
Secretary of War, Montgomery, Ala.

* Photographs not found.

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May 1, 1861 - Brigadier General G.T. Beauregard to Secretary of War LeRoy Walker

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Reports of Brigadier General G.T. Beauregard, C.S. Army, of operations against Fort Sumter.

Charleston, S.C.,
May 1, 1861.

SIR: I have the honor to send you by the bearer, Captain S.W. Ferguson, South Carolina Regulars, my regular aide, and Lieutenant Colonel A.R. Chisolm (aide to Governor Pickens), one of my volunteer aides, the flag which waved on Fort Moultrie during the bombardment of Fort Sumter and was thrice cut by the enemy's balls. Being the first Confederate flag thus baptized, I have thought it worth sending to the War Department for preservation. I should have brought it on myself, but my present indisposition will prevent me from leaving here for a day or two.

I remain, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Brigadier-General, Commanding.

to Honorable L.P. WALKER,
Secretary of War.

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(SC Gov) Francis Pickens
  • At the outbreak of the war, Francis Pickens was the Governor of South Carolina
To Walker: From Walker:
(CS POTCS) Jefferson Davis
  • At the outbreak of the war, Jefferson Davis was elected the first and only President of the Confederate States
To Walker: From Walker:
(CS) David Jamison
  • At the outbreak of the war, David Jamison was the President of the South Carolina Convention
To Walker: From Walker:
(CS Col) L.Q. Washington
  • At the outbreak of the war, L.Q. Washington was a Colonel and Chief Clerk of the State Department of the Confederate Government
To Walker: From Walker:
(CS) Louis Wigfall
  • At the outbreak of the war, Louis Wigfall was a recruiting agent with the Confederate States Army
To Walker: From Walker:
(SC Lt) Alfred Rhett
  • At the outbreak of the war, Alfred Rhett was a Lieutenant in the Provisional Confederate States Army
To Walker: From Walker:

Post-War Career

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