At the outbreak of the war, John Foster was a Captain of Engineers in the United States Corps of Engineers
These dispatches were compiled with primary source materials from The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies (Chapter 1)
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(US Capt) Horatio Wright
- At the outbreak of the war, Horatio Wright was a Captain of Engineers in the United States Corps of Engineers
To Foster:
From Foster:
November 20, 1860 - Captain Horatio Wright to Captain John Foster
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Union Correspondence, etc.
November 20, 1860.
Captain J.G. FOSTER,
Corps of Engineers, Charleston, S.C.:
CAPTAIN: Your letter of the 14th, reporting the temporary defensive arrangements you have had carried out since your arrival at Fort Moultrie on the 11th instant, has been received, and your proceedings are approved.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain of Engineers, in charge.
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November 28, 1860 - Captain Horatio Wright to Captain John Foster
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Union Correspondence, etc.
November 28, 1860.
Captain J.G. FOSTER,
Corps of Engineers, Charleston S.C.:
CAPTAIN: Your letter of the 24th instant has ben received, and in reply I have to say that you are authorized to make the repairs which you report as necessary to Castle Pinckney, and that, as recommended in your letter, you are authorized to organize a working force of an officer, four mechanics, and thirty laborers.
To meet the expenditures at that work, specified in your estimate, the sum of $1,800 will be furnished you from the appropriation for "Contingencies of fortifications."
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain of Engineers, in charge.
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December 6, 1860 - Captain Horatio Wright to Captain John Foster
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Union Correspondence, etc.
Washington, December 6, 1860.
Captain J.G. FOSTER,
Corps of Engineers, Charleston, S.C.:
CAPTAIN: Your letter of the 30th ultimo has been received and laid before the Secretary of War for his information.
An additional officer [Lieutenant Meade] as an assistant at Castle Pinckney has been detailed, as you have been already informed by letter of the 5th instant.
Application has been made for a remittance of $1,800 from the "Contingencies of fortifications," to be applied to the purposes of Castle Pinckney; but in the present low state of the Treasury it may be some time before it can be placed to your credit, though the amount is promised by the Treasury Department with the least practicable delay.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain of Engineers, in charge.
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December 24, 1860 - Captain Horatio Wright to Captain John Foster
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Union Correspondence, etc.
Washington, December 24, 1860
Captain J.G. FOSTER,
Corps of Engineers, Charleston, S.C.:
SIR: In reply to your letter of the 20th instant* I have to say that on application at the Treasury it is ascertained that no remittance can be made to your credit until after the 28th instant, and that soon after that date all requisitions upon the Treasury will be promptly met as heretofore.
This office will omit no effort to supply you with funds at the earliest possible moment, and as soon as it is ascertained that funds can be supplied you will be promptly informed.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain of Engineers, in charge.
* Asking for $10,000 on account of Fort Sumter.
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December 27, 1860 - Captain Horatio Wright to Captain John Foster
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Union Correspondence, etc.
Washington, December 27, 1860
Captain J.G. FOSTER,
Corps of Engineers, Charleston, S.C.:
CAPTAIN: I have to acknowledge the receipt of the following letters from you, viz:
1. Letter of December 20, reporting in regard to the receipt of forty muskets, &c., for Fort Sumter and Castle Pinckney, and their return to the arsenal by direction of the Secretary of War.
2. Letter of December 22, reporting that steamers from Charleston had been engaged for the last two nights in reconnoitering and watching Fort Sumter and Castle Pinckney, and also detailing the progress of you operations at Fort Moultrie toward putting that work in a defensible condition.
3. Your letter of the 19th December, not before acknowledged, presenting for the consideration of the Government a proposition for preventing the occupation of Fort Sumter by any force not acting under the authority of the United States.
These several letters have been laid before the Secretary of War, and his instructions in relation to the important matters presented therein earnestly requested. Thus far no such instructions have been received, though the Secretary expressed himself fully satisfied with the efforts you have made and the zeal you have exhibited in the trying position in which you are placed.
This Department is highly gratified with the course you have pursued, and fully approves all the steps you have taken for the security of the public interests at the fortifications in Charleston Harbor. At the same time it cannot fail to express the hope that some definite instructions may be soon given for your guidance.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain Engineers, in charge.
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(US LtC) René De Russy
- At the outbreak of the war, René De Russy was a Colonel in the United States Army
To Foster:
From Foster:
November 14, 1860 - Captain John Foster to Colonel René De Russy
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Union Correspondence, etc.
November 14, 1860.
Colonel R.E. DE RUSSY,
Commanding Corps of Engineers, U.S.A., Washington, D. C.:
COLONEL: I have the honor to inform you that I arrived here on the morning of the 11th instant. I found that the pintle blocks for the howitzer embrasures at Fort Moultrie had not arrived, and that the work was whiting for them. The communications being finished connecting the inferior of the caponieres with the interior of the fort, and not over for the being prepared as yet, I judged it prudent to construct temporary flaking arrangements at once, in consideration of the caponieres with the interior of the fort, and no cover for them being prepared as yet, I judged it prudent to construct temporary flanking arrangements at once, in consideration of the peculiar state of the public feeling here and the wishes of several officers of the garrison, including the commanding officer. These I commenced yesterday morning and completed last night, including the construction of temporary platforms and placing four field pieces in position. these temporary flanking arrangements occupy the positions that the caponieres are to occupy, one of them having its lines four feet within the walls of the caponiere, so as to give room for the masons to work. This temporary construction can therefore stand until I finish the outside caponier, which I shall do as soon as possible without waiting longer for the pintle stones.
I have made these temporary defenses as inexpensive as possible, and they consist simply of a stout board fence, ten feet high, surmounted by strips filled with nail-points, with a dry-brick wall two bricks thick on the inside, raised to the height of a man's head, and pierced with embrasures and a sufficient number of loopholes. Their immediate construction has satisfied and gratified the commanding officer, Colonel Gardner, and they are, I think, adequate to the present wants of the garrison.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain of Engineers.
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November 24, 1860 - Captain John Foster to Colonel René De Russy
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Union Correspondence, etc.
November 24, 1860.
Colonel R.E. DE RUSSY,
Commanding Corps of Engineers, U.S.A., Washington, D.C.:
COLONEL: I have the honor to inform you that, yesterday, at the request of Major anderson, now in command of Fort Moultrie, I accompanied him on a visit to the other forts in the harbor, viz, Fort Sumter and Castle Pinckney, for the purpose of examining their condition and capacities for defense. Fort Sumter, having all the arches of the second tier turned, and a commencement made in laying the flagging; the traverse circle of the first tier reset; the flagging inside of the circles, on one face, laid ready for the guns to be mounted; preparations completed for mounting all the guns of this tier as fast as the flagging is laid; the floors in one barrack laid; officers' quarters completed; the whole of the barbette tier ready for the armament, presented an excellent appearance of preparation and strength equal to seventy per cent. of its efficiency when finished.
In the opinion of Major Anderson it is ready for, and ought to receive, at least one company, and I understand him to be about to ask for that garrison immediately.
We next visited Castle Pinckney, which was found in excellent order, with the exception of some repairs required on the wooden banquette on the gorge, first tier, some new caseate embrasure shutters, and the second cistern to be rebuilt. All other parts of the work were in good order, as it had but recently been thoroughly repaired with the above exceptions.
Major Anderson is about to urge upon the Department the sending of one company, also, to this fort, which commands the city of Charleston. In that case I think the second cistern should be repaired at once, and also the necessary renewal given to the decayed wooden banquette, over the cisterns on the gorge, and to the caseate shutters. I would, therefore, respectfully ask for the sum of six hundred dollars from the "Contingencies of fortifications: for this purpose. Regarding the shutters as necessary to be repaired at once, I am, in anticipation of your approval, having it done at this time.
There is another matter in connection with this work which Major Anderson suggested, and which may become important in view of the unsettled state of the public mind here, the temper of which seems not to be improving, and that is, to garrison Castle Pinckney with Engineer employs in case the Department does not consider it expedient to send troops for the purpose. At his request I have made an estimate of the cost, as follows:
* * * *
Total for the first month......................... $1,600
The second month will be.......................... 1,050
I consider it proper to give you the above information, in order that you may be fully aware of what is transpiring.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain of Engineers.
"Return to Governor Floyd."
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November 28, 1860 - Captain John Foster to Colonel René De Russy
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Union Correspondence, etc.
November 28, 1860.
Colonel R.E. DE RUSSY,
Commanding Corps of Engineers, U.S.A., Washington, D.C.:
COLONEL: I wrote your a few days since in relation to certain contingencies of defense which might occur before long int his harbor. I only wish to add now that if the War Department decides not to send more soldiers here, but to avail itself of the Engineer force to guard Forts Sumter and Pinckney, I shall require the assistance of anther Engineer officer. For several reasons my personal attention is required at Fort Moultrie just now. i require Mr. Snyder to give his personal attention to Fort Sumter, and such other matters as arise from time to time. In all probability it will soon become necessary to confine his duties more closely to Fort Sumter, and if I have to supply men to Castle Pinckney I shall want another Engineer officer to direct their labors and duties.
It is not certain that the emergency requiring the above division of the Engineer duties under my charge will arise, but it is better to be prepared, and I would respectfully urge you to grant my request, and, if so, that I may have the services of the officer detailed as soon as possible.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Corps of Engineers.
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November 30, 1860 - Captain John Foster to Colonel René De Russy
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Union Correspondence, etc.
November 30, 1860.
Colonel R.E. DE RUSSY,
Commanding Corps of Engineers, U.S.A., Washington, D.C.:
COLONEL: I have the honor to acknowledge ether receipt of your letter of the 28th instant, and to request that the amount desired from the "Contingencies of fortifications" for the repairs of Castle Pinckney ($1,800), for one month, may be placed to my credit with the assistant treasurer of the United States at Charleston, S.C.
I have entered upon the preliminary arrangements for commencing work, and on Monday, the 3rd of December, shall place in Castle Pinckney the number of men authorized by the Department, with all the necessary arrangements for subsistence, lodging, &c., so that they may not leave the work until they are withdrawn.
Major Anderson, at my request, has kindly consented to detail an officer to assist me until en Engineer officer can be sent me for this purpose, for I regard it as necessary that an officer can be sent me for this purpose, for I regard it as necessary that an officer shall be constantly present at this work after the repairs are commenced. Lieutenant J. C. Davis is to be detailed, and is to report to me. I trust, however, that this temporary detail will no induce any delay in sending me another officer, as Major Anderson needs the services of all in his command. I shall endeavor to have the repairs promptly made, and to secure a proper protection to the property of the United States. In doing this it will be indispensable that I have the men instructed, to a certain extent, in the service, of the guns, and also in the manual of arm,s if I can arrange with Colonel Huger to have the requisite number of muskets sent from the arsenal. I shall also have Lieutenant G. W. Snyder take up his quarters in Fort Sumter, and give like instructions to about fifty picket men, in whom I can place reliance in case of an emergency.
I beg your to understand, however, that I do not regard all these arrangements as absolutely demanded by anything that now appears, but rather as a safe precaution in view of what may appear any day, if anything more exciting than usual occurs to stimulate the extremely rash persons among a community already sufficiently upon he subject of their State relations.
I think that more troops should have been sent here to guard the forts, and I believe that no serious demonstration on the part o the populace would have met such a course. But, as it is decided not to do this, and to rely instead upon the Engineer employs for protection of the public property, I shall do everything in my power to carry out this purpose. I shall, of curse, exercise the necessary amount of prudence, and avoid any appearance of aiming, as I conceive this to be the wish of the War Department.
Very respectfully and truly, your obedient servant,
Captain Engineers.
Colonel Cooper says this has been shown to the Secretary of War.
DECEMBER 6, 1860.
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December 2, 1860 - Captain John Foster to Colonel René De Russy
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Union Correspondence, etc.
December 2, 1860.
Colonel R.E. DE RUSSY,
Commanding Corps of Engineers, U.S.A., Washington, D.C.:
COLONEL: I have the honor to request that application may be made to the War Department to have Colonel Huger, Ordnance Corps, issue to me four boxes of muskets (smooth-bores), with percussion caps for sixty rounds. Fifty of these muskets are required for Fort Sumter and fifty for Castle Pinckney. The cartridge boxes and belts are not absolutely necessary, but I would like to have an equal number issued if it is Convenient to do so.
Colonel Huger, whom I consulted upon the subject of the muskets, said he could not issue them without authority from Washington, not eve for the short time that I want, and I declined at the time to request him to write for this authority; but after consulting with Major Anderson to-day we are both agreed that it is best to write for the requisite authority at once, and I therefore make the above request.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain of Engineers.
Handed to Adjutant-General, and by him laid before the Secretary of War on the 6th of December.
Returned by the Adjutant-General on the 7th. Action deferred for the present. (See Captain Foster's letter of December 4.)
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December 4, 1860 - Captain John Foster to Colonel René De Russy
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Union Correspondence, etc.
December 4, 1860.
Colonel R.E. DE RUSSY,
Commanding corps of Engineers:
COLONEL: I have been obliged to vary the plan which I indicated in my last letters as the one I intended to follow in order to carry out the wishes of the Department concerning the security of the works under my charge. In consequence of recent developments of the state of feeling among my men, I do not now judge it proper to give them any military instruction, or to place arms in their hands; at least this is the case with reference to the men at Fort Sumter. I do not thank that any of them will go so far in the defense of public property as to fight an armed body of the citizens of this State. I ascertain this for the first time, to-day, of the men in Fort Sumter, where I had been confident that I could rely in any emergency, at least upon the Baltimore mechanics, about fifty in number.
But the overseer ascertained last night that they were disinclined to use force to resists an attempt to seize the fort ont he part of the citizen soldiers of the State, although willing to resist a mob. The men in Castle Pinckney, placed there as I intended, on the 3rd instant, being picked men, may prove more reliable. But the feeling here in regard to secession is become so strong that almost all are entirely influenced by it. I therefore judge it best to suspend all idea of arming them at present. I may mention that I exercise as much care as possible in placing this working party in Castle Pinckney, so as not to give casu exercised, and the best men place there, under charge of a prudent and reliable officer, Lieutenant Davis. Every precaution is also taken at Fort Sumter, where Lieutenant Snyder has taken up his quarters. having done thus much, which is all I can do in this respect, I feel that I have done my duty, and that if any overt act takes place, no blame can properly attach to me. I regret, however, that sufficient soldiers are not in this harbor to garrison these two works. The Government will soon have to decide the question whether to maintain them or to give them up to South Carolina. If it be decided to maintain them, troops must instantly be sent, and in large numbers. If it be decided to give them up, the present arrangement will answer very well, only I should be informed, in order that I may know how to act.
At present I have given orders to Lieutenants Snyder and Davis to resist to the utmost any attempt or any demand on the forts in which they are stationed.
The plan of the leaders in this State appears to be, from all that I can see and hear, first, to demand the forts o the General Government, after secession, and then, if refused,to take them by force of arms. A quite large party is in favor of not waiting to ask the General Government, but to summon the immediate commanders, and, if refused, to attack at once. All of this is not, of course, strictly in the line of my profession; still, I judge it proper to write you fully and plainly, so that you may know exactly how we are placed. Here in Fort Moultrie the two companies of the garrison having dwindled to half their proper size, are so weak that Major Anderson demands all the auxiliary defense that I can give him. I am now digging a wet ditch around the work, which, although necessarily shallow from the quicksand, will more than double the difficulty of scaling the walls. The major also requires a fraise to be placed around the coping, but I cannot commence it until I finish the work in hand.
I shall to-morrow complete the "cut" at the northwest angle, which I have enlarged somewhat in the form of a bastionette, by building straight up from the foundation a wall at the anger, extending ten feet from the angle on each face, and then uniting by oblique returns with the very sloping face of the scarp wall. This gives a very excellent position for our or more muskets, to flank the west face of the work. The marginal sketch gives an imperfect idea of it. It is singular that a small cut, as indicated on the map in the Engineer Office, was originally built at this angle, by subsequently, and apparently not many years since, destroyed by breaking off the upper part of the side walls, throwing the debris into the cut, and covering the parapet over it. i completed to-day the bastionette at the southwest angle, except the embrasures, the stones and some of the irons for which have not yet been received. Before taking down the temporary bastionette at the southeast angle and commencing the permanent one, I shall, for the greater security of the small garrison, run out a wooden machicoulis gallery over the angel of the wall, and also complete the pointing of all large crevices in the scarp.

The posterns on the east and west curtains have been bricked up at Major Anderson's request, as he felt too weak to use them for sorties, and as the doors might be burst in, both the iron and wood work being old and defective.
I have been liberal of assistance in increasing the defensive capacities of the fort, for I felt that the necessity required. It I have abut 125 men at work her now, and shall continue the same number for two or three days, until I complete the ditch. On Fort Sumter I have about 115, and at Castle Pinckney 30, making a total of 260 men employed. The first of the embrasure stones for Fort Sumter having been received, the embrasures of the second tier will be immediately commenced.
Very respectfully, yours,
Captain of Engineers.
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December 12, 1860 - Colonel René de Russy to Captain John Foster
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Union Correspondence, etc.
Washington, December 12, 1860.
Captain J.G. FOSTER,
Corps of Engineers, Charleston, S.C.:
SIR: In compliance with request communicated by your letter of the 8th instant, application has been made for $5,000, to be remitted to the assistant treasurer at Charleston, to be held subject to your check, and that amount will be charged to you on account of Fort Sumter.
The Secretary of the Treasury is, of course, fully inform as to the amount of funds in each of the Government depositories, and the Department cannot, therefore, with proper courtesy to him, urge a remittance to you on the ground that there are funds at Charleston while he, with the fullest knowledge of all the facts, and of other public wants, declines to draw on them.
A special application in your behalf for $1,800 from "Contingencies of fortifications" has already been made at the Treasury, without other result than an assurance that that amount would be sent to you "if practicable," and nothing more can now be done than issue the usual request for the $5,000 last asked for.
Congress, it is hoped, will very soon adopt some means of relief for the present condition of things, and no doubt is entertained that all demands upon he Treasury which are no in suspense will then be met with the least possible delay.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Lieutenant-Colonel, Engineers, Commanding.
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December 13, 1860 - Captain John Foster to Colonel René de Russy
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Union Correspondence, etc.
December 13, 1860.
Colonel R.E. DE RUSSY,
Commanding Corps of Engineers, &c.:
COLONEL: I have the honor to inform you that Lieutenant R. K. Meade, Corps of Engineers, reported to me for duty on the 10th instant, I placed him in charge of Castle Pinckney the next day, and relieved Lieutenant J. C. Davis from his temporary duty at that post. The work at the Castles is progressing satisfactorily at present, although I have up to this time been delayed on account of one firm in town refusing to shell me, as the agent of the United States, some lumber, which I was expecting, and very much needed. I have made arrangements to obtain the requisite quantity of lumber elsewhere, and have transferred the bricks and cement from Fort Sumter. The work on the cistern is already commenced, and that on the wooden banquettes will commence to-morrow. In the mean time, while waiting for materials, the force has been employed in perfecting the messing arrangements, putting the fort in thorough police order, and oiling and working the gun carriages, so that they now move with perfect facility.
The men for this working party wee picked, and the majority of them are reliable against the disorderly attack of any mob to possess itself of the work. My confidence in them has increased within a few days.
A strict night watch is maintained, and during the daytime a man stands at the gate to prevent interested persons entering and inspecting the fort and its arrangements for defense. This latter precaution I have found to be necessary on account of numbers of men connected with the military, who came for the purpose of obtaining knowledge to use against the defenders of the for tin case of a collision with the Government. I have given the same instructions to Lieutenant Snyder, at Fort Sumter, with reference to which the above precaution became necessary first.
At Fort Sumter everything is going on smoothly, although I have purposely delayed the mounting of the guns, for the reason that I did nor consider it safe to proceed with that work until some definite idea was obtained as to whether the work was to be maintained or not. Consequently, only the guns of the left face, which do not bear towards Fort Moultrie directly, are mounted in the first tier, although every preparation is made to mount all the guns in the shortest possible time when it is necessary and safe so to do.
I think the temper and disposition of the men at Fort Sumter, are very good-better than a few days ago. They will defend the fort, as far as possible, without arms, against a mob, but not against the organized forces of South Carolina.
I have endeavored to strengthen the conservative feeling among the men through the overseer, and have succeeded to a certain extent, and I now consider this fort and Castle Pinckney safe until it comes to the solution of the question whether the Government is to surrender them to the State or to refuse her demands. At that time only United States troops, and in good numbers, will be sufficient to overawe an attempt to take them by force.
I hope the Department will not think me too explicit in my terms, for I wish to avoid any unnecessary alarm, but I feel it my duty to state my convictions, in order that it may have full information for its action. I would respectfully, but strongly, urge that more definite instructions be given me for my guidance. If Fort Sumter is to be risked against the chances of an attack, it will be important to vary my programme, and to change the deposit of a large portion of its stores, and to provide for the exigency of its loss. If not, I will cheerfully prepare to defend it to extremity until troops arrive for its garrison. If the garrison in Fort Moultrie is to be transferred, I should know it, in order to stop the heavy expense at Fort Moultrie, which in that case will become unnecessary, and which is now fast consuming my available funds. I can also, in that case, proceed in the armament of Fort Sumter.
At Fort Moultrie I have continued my heavy operations, and have employed one hundred and twenty men. The accessory defenses that I have created and am now perfecting are very important to the defense, and I trust the Department will approve my action. They comprise, besides the works ordered by the Department, the formation of a wet ditch, fifteen feet wide, all around the fort, the depth of which is very small in consequence of the quicksand which is reached, but which is very yielding to pressure, like a quagmire, and, therefore, a good obstacle; the construction of a picket fence all around the fort bordering the ditch, and protected from fire by a small glaces in front of it; the cutting off the projecting brick cordon, which might serve to aid in scaling the oblique face of the wall; the formation of a bastionette at the northwest anger, so as to obtain a more effective flanking fire than could be obtained by a small cut in the parapet, and the formation of a temporary machicoulis gallery at the southeast angel.
All of these auxiliary defenses, except the picket fence, will be completed in four days, and will vastly improve the chances for the defense. With a sufficient war garrison I would consider this fort as secure against any attack that this State can bring against it; but the garrison is a mere handful of sixty men, and can hardly spare five men to two flanking caponieres-a fact that has influenced me in forming the machicoulis gallery at the southeast angel, as this can be defended and the wall flanked by two or three men, who can also be ready to rally any poi with the rest of the garrison.
In fine, I have spared no pains to give every assistance to the defense. I decline dot make a fraise around the coping, for the reason that its effect would be to diminish the width of the wet ditch, since the same length of ladder that would catch on the points and enable the assailants to mount would not otherwise strike the wall more than half the way up. If time spares I shall widen the ditch one or two feet and plant small pickets within it.
I have saved all my cement barrels to be used in forming merlons, if necessary, and some of them are now being sued by the garrison on the east front, facing the sand hills, to form covers for a few sharpshooters upon the parapet.
I hope funds will soon be sent me for the present month. I should think the United States Treasurer could issue his warrant against the deposit in Charleston for what money I require, for the assistant treasurer, Mr. Presley, informed me that he had ample funds in hand.
I exchanged a draft on New York for gold to-day, in order to pay the men on Fort Sumter. The bank made the exchange at par.
Very respectfully and truly,
Captain, Engineers.
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December 18, 1860 - Colonel René De Russy to Captain John Foster
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Union Correspondence, etc.
FORT MOULTRIE, S.C., December 18, 1860.
Colonel R.E. DE RUSSY,
Commanding Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Washington, D.C.:
COLONEL: I have the honor to inclose two letters received to-day from F.C. Humphreys, esq., military storekeeper at the Charleston Arsenal.
The first accompanied an invoice of forty muskets and accouterments, upon a requisition made by me, and in accordance with an order received some time since. The second was made subsequent to intimations of violent demonstrations, made by General Schnierle (and others, perhaps), if the muskets were not returned. General Schnierle assured Mr. Humphreys that Colonel Huger, Ordnance Corps, U.S. Army, had assured the governor of the State that no arms should be removed from the arsenal, and upon this Mr. Humphreys assured General Schnierle that the muskets should be returned to-morrow.
Now, I have no official knowledge (or positive personal evidence, either) that Colonel Huger assured the governor that no arms should be removed from the arsenal, nor that, if he did so, he spoke by authority of the Government; but, on the other hand, I do know that an order was given to issue to me forty muskets; that I actually needed them to ordnance sergeants under them at Fort Sumter and Castle Pinckney, and that I have them in my possession. To give them up on a demand of this kind seems to me as an act not expected of me by the Government, and as almost suicidal under the circumstances. It would place the two forts under my charge at the mercy of a mob. Neither of the ordnance sergeants at Fort Sumter and Castle Pinckney had muskets until I got these, and Lieutenants Snyder and Meade were likewise totally destitute of arms.
I propose to refer the matter to Washington, and am to see several gentlemen who are prominent in this matter to-morrow. I am not disposed to surrender these arms under a threat of this king, especially when I know that I am only doing my duty to the Government. If the violent persons in the city seize upon this opportunity to excite the mob to acts of violence the property of the United States, or those having it in charge, it will only be as that which must soon occur, and which they have actually been looking for.
I must say plainly that I have for some days arrived at the conclusion that unless some arrangement is shortly made by Congress, affairs in this State will arrive at a crisis, and a conflict between the Federal forces and the troops of this State be a not improbable event.
I have endeavored to keep you fully informed of my efforts to prepare for it, and of this I will write more fully to-morrow.
Very respectfully, yours,
Captain of Engineers.
[Inclosure No. 1.]
December 18, 1860 - Captain F.C. Humphreys to Captain John Foster
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Union Correspondence, etc.
December 18, 1860.
Captain J.G. FOSTER,
U.S. Engineer Corps, Sullivan's Island, S.C.:
DEAR CAPTAIN: The shipmen of the forty muskets, &c., has caused intense excitement. General Schnierle called upon me this morning, and assures me that some violent demonstration is certain unless the excitement can be allayed, and says that Colonel Huger assured the governor that no arms should be removed from this arsenal. As the order under which I made the issue to you was dated prior to Colonel Huger's visit here, I am placed in rather a delicate position. I have pledged my word that they (the forty muskets and accouterments) shall be returned by to-morrow night, and I beg that you will return them to me. I informed General Schnierle that you only desired two muskets, but that I could not issue them without the proper order, but that I had an old order covering the issue of the forty. In views of my pledge that the muskets shall be returned, and the position which Colonel Huger is placed by the issue, I feel satisfied that you will comply with my request. In haste.
Very truly, yours,
Military Storekeeper Ordnance, U.S. Army.
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[Inclosure No. 2.]
December 18, 1860 - Captain John Foster to Captain F.C. Humphreys
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FORT MOULTRIE, December 18, 1860.
Military Storekeeper, Charleston Arsenal:
DEAR SIR: I have received your note of this date, begging me to return to the arsenal the forty musket which I obtained yesterday (in accordance with an order from the Ordnance Department, issued some time since), because of a threatened violent demonstration on the part of some persons of Charleston. you state that Colonel Huger, of the Ordnance (as General Schnierle asserts to you), assured the governor that no arms should be removed form the arsenal, and that as the above assurance of Colonel Huger was made subsequent to the receipt of the order for the issue of these muskets to me, you have pledge you word that they shall be returned to the arsenal to-morrow. If Colonel Huger made this pledge to the governor of this State, I presume he must have acted by the authority of the Government; but of this I have no direct knowledge. All I know is that an order was given to issue forty muskets to me, that I actually required them to protect the property of the Government against a mob, and that I have them in my possession. To give them back now, without proper authority, would subject me to blame if any loss should occur which might be prevented by keeping them. I am willing to refer the matter to Washington. I am sorry to be obliged to disappoint you and will call to assure you so to-morrow at 12 o'clock, a which time I shall be happy to meet General Schnierle, if he is disposed to see me.
Very truly, yours,
Captain of Engineers.
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December 20, 1860 - Captain John Foster to Colonel René De Russy
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December 20, 1860.
Colonel R.E. DE RUSSY,
Commanding Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Washington, D.C.:
COLONEL: I have the honor to inform you that, after closing my letter to you last night, I received (at 2 a.m.) a telegraphic dispatch from the Secretary of War, of which the following is a copy:
"Captain JOHN G. FOSTER.
I have just received a telegraphic dispatch informing me that you have removed forty muskets from Charleston Arsenal to Fort Moultrie. If you have removed any arms, return them instantly.
Answer by telegraph.
Secretary of War."
To this I immediately replied as follows:
"Honorable J.B. FLOYD,
Secretary of War, Washington, D.C.
I received forty muskets from the arsenal on the 17th. I shall return them in obedience to your order.
Captain, Engineers."
It may be well here to explain more fully than I have heretofore done the circumstances connected with this issue of muskets to me. The Ordnance Department on the 1st of November directed that forty muskets should be issued to me. I did not receive them at that time, because Colonel Gardner, commanding at Fort Moultrie, objected to the issue on the ground that it appeared like arming my employs. On the 17th instant I went to the arsenal to obtain two guns which were required at Fort Sumter, and which Colonel Huger had directed to be delivered to me. While there I recollected that the ordnance sergeants at Fort Sumter and Castle Pinckney had applied to me for the arms to which they were entitled, and I asked the military storekeeper in charge of he arsenal for two muskets and accouterments for the those two sergeants. He replied that he had no authority for the issue of two muskets for this purpose, but that the old order for forty musket was on file, and the muskets and accouterments ready packed for delivery to me. So I received them, and after issuing the two muskets to the two ordnance sergeants at Fort Sumter and Castle Pinckney place the remainder in the magazines of those two forts. They were nothing of Colonel Huger's assurances to the governor of the State that no arms should be removed from the arsenal; neither did Captain Humphreys, military storekeeper. Consequently, I was surprised to receive his letter of the 18th, which I inclosed to you yesterday, desiring to have the muskets returned. My reply was also inclosed to you. What followed was as is described in the commencement of this letter.
To-day at 3 o'clock I received another letter from Captain Humphreys, a copy of which is inclosed, as is also my reply.
I should have mentioned above that on the 19th, when in town to see General Schnierle and allay any excitement relative to the muskets, I found to my surprise that there was no excitement except with a very few who had been active in the matter, and the majority of the gentlemen whom I met had not even heard of it.
The order of the Secretary of War of last night I must consider as decisive upon the question of any efforts on my part to defend Fort Sumter and Castle Pinckney. The defense now can only extend to keeping the gates closed and shutters fastened, and must cease when these are forced.
I do not think that I am authorized to make the preparations for extreme measures described in my letter of yesterday, but shall wait until I receive your reply.
I would earnestly, but respectfully, urge that definite instructions be given me how to act in the emergency which, from the eagerness with which rumors and other causes are seized upon to maintain and increase the political excitement, will probably arise sooner or latter. Until I am directed to the contrary, I shall continue the work as at present on Fort Sumter and the preparations for the defense of Fort Moultrie.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain of Engineers.
[Inclosure No. 1.]
December 20, 1860 - Captain F.C. Humphreys to Captain John Foster
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Union Correspondence, etc.
CHARLESTON, S.C., December 20, 1860.
Captain J.G. FOSTER,
U.S. Engineer Corps:
DEAR SIR: During an interview with Governor Pickens this morning he asked me whether or not I could state authoritatively that there had not been twenty enlisted men sent from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter. I told him that my conviction was that such was not the case, and that I heard you make the statement yesterday to General Schnierle that you had but one enlisted men at Fort Sumter.
The governor requested as a favor that such assurance should be given him over the signature of an officer of the Army, and knowing that you requested General Schnierle to write you should any rumor obtain concerning you, I make known Governor Pickens' desire to you, and respectfully suggest that you send him immediately (as he said it was important that he had a [denial] of the rumor by night) such communication as you may deem best in the premises.
I regret exceedingly that you deemed it necessary to refer the matter of the issue of the forty muskets, &c., to Washington, for I know that such representations have gone on to the Department as will cause unnecessary excitement, and insure a censure of my course in the matter from the Ordnance Department.
Very respectfully, yours,
Military Storekeeper Ordnance, U.S. Army.
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[Inclosure No. 2.]
December 20, 1860 - Captain John Foster to Captain F.C. Humphreys
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FORT MOULTRIE, S.C., December 20, 1860.
Military Storekeeper, U.S. Ordnance Corps:
DEAR SIR: I have received your letter of this date. I regret that I cannot accede to your request to write to the governor-elect of South Carolina and assure him that twenty enlisted men had not, as he had heard, been sent from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter. As the governor of a State that has by an ordinance to-day decided to secede from the Union, I cannot, I conceive, properly communicate with him in matters of this kind, except through the Government at Washington.
I regret exceedingly that an unfounded rumor of this kind should have obtained the serious attention of the governor of South Carolina. I, as the officer in charge of Fort Sumter, can assure you that no enlisted men have been transferred from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter.
With respect to the issue of the muskets, I consider that you only performed your duty in obedience to existing orders. I certainly think that I did mine. As to my after action in referring the matter to Washington, I am of course, the only one responsible. You cannot, therefore, be censured without cause.
Truly yours, in haste,
Captain, Engineers
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December 24, 1860 - Captain Horatio Wright to Secretary John Floyd
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ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, December 24, 1860.
Respectfully submitted to the honorable Secretary of War for his information, and with the earnest request that the instructions solicited by Captain Foster may be promptly given.
Captain of Engineers, in charge.
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December 21, 1860 - Colonel René De Russy to Captain John Foster
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Washington, December 21, 1860.
Captain J.G. FOSTER,
Corps of Engineers, Charleston, S.C.:
CAPTAIN: Your letters of the 4th and 13th instants, reporting the operations you have undertaken for improving the defensible condition of the forts in Charleston Harbor, have been received, and your action in the matter is fully approved by this Department.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Lieutenant-Colonel, Engineers, Commanding
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December 21, 1860 - Colonel René De Russy to Captain John Foster
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Washington, December 21, 1860.
Captain J.G. FOSTER,
Corps of Engineers, Charleston, S.C.:
CAPTAIN: In reply to your letter of the 17th instant, I have to state that on inquiry at the Medical Bureau it is found that there is no intention of relieving Assistant Surgeon Crawford from duty at Fort Moultrie at present, but that it is presumed he will still be willing to go on attending to your men, as he is understood to be now doing, without any specific instructions. The formal reference of your application to the Adjutant-General is therefore considered unnecessary.
Your letter of the 18th instant, inclosing correspondence with Military Storekeeper Humphreys, in regard to the return of the muskets drawn from the Charleston Arsenal, is also received.
It having been ascertained on inquiry at the War Department that instructions have already been sent you to return the muskets referred to, no further action on your letter seems to be necessary.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Lieutenant-Colonel, Engineers, Commanding.
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December 22, 1860 - Captain John Foster to Colonel René De Russy
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SULLIVAN'S ISLAND, S.C., December 22, 1860.
Colonel R.E. DE RUSSY,
Commanding Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Washington, D.C.:
COLONEL: I feel it my duty to inform you that on the last two nights steamers from town have remained in the close vicinity of Fort Sumter, apparently with the object of maintaining guard over the fort. On the first night, that of the 20th, only one came. She approached from the direction of town, as though running for the wharf, and her movements attracting the attention of the watchman, he awoke Lieutenant Snyder, who, when he went upon the ramparts, found her close under the west flank, apparently sounding. She afterwards moved off to a second position about six hundred yards from the fort, and remained during the night. She showed no lights. On the same night this or another steamer reconnoitered and remained around Castle Pinckney for some time, and when hailed by the night watch on the Castle as to what she wanted, some one replied, "You will know in a week." Last night two steamers kept watch around Fort Sumter.
These steamers are the small harbor or coast steamers, and one of them was named the Nina. Judging it best not to incur any risk of an unpleasant occurrence, I have not taken any steps to ascertain the object of this surveillance, nor of those in command of the steamers. The recent orders emanating from the War Department have given me the assurances that every cause that might irritate these people must be avoided. However mortifying it may be to know that there are no means for defense in Fort Sumter, and that the military men of the city have their eves fixed upon it as the prize to obtain, I feel bound to carry out this idea in my every act.
I do not even feel authorized to vary my present plan of operations, either by a reduction or an increase of force, although my expenses are very heavy, and my present liabilities barely covered by my requisitions just made. Whenever the Department desires that I may make a change of operations, I beg that it may soon be communicated to me.
At Fort Moultrie I am still exerting myself to the utmost to make it so defensible as to discourage any attempts to take it. The wet ditch is now completed. The whole of the east front is now raised by solid melons, two barrels high, and in three positions to a greater height to serve for cavaliers. The guns are provided with good siege-battery embrasures, faced with green hides, and two of them 18-inch howitzers, one in addition furnished with musket-proof shutters working on an axis, elevated over the throat off the embrasure by supports on each side, and maneuvered by double extending back over the gun.
A field howitzer has been put in position on the parapet at the northeast salient by means of a palmetto stockade, so as to sweep the vicinity of that angle better than it was before. Traverses to intercept shot from the sand hills have been placed on the parapet and upon the terrepleins.
The bridge connecting the barracks and guard-house is completed, the doors arranged with fastenings, doors cut through the partition walls of the barracks, trap-doors cut in the floors, and ladders made. The howitzers in the finished caponiere are put in good working order. The second caponiere was commenced yesterday morning, with a full force of masons, and by to-night was over six feet in height, with both embrasures completed. Major Anderson wanted me to adopt some more temporary construction, but I showed him that this would be far more valuable in the defense, and having the materials and masons ready, I could construct it just as quickly, and cheaply. On Monday I shall erect a lookout tower or sharpshooter stand on top of the guard-house, at Major Anderson's request. I have stopped for the present the work upon the glaces in front of the sea front, and put all my force upon the above works. The glaces has, however, assumed fine proportions, and is in fact nearly completed. One-half of the interior slope is well sodded, and half of the glaces slope covered with muck six inches thick.
It will take very little work to complete the whole of it as soon as the present pressing work is finished.
Very truly, yours,
Captain, Engineers.
[Indorsement No. 1.]
December 24, 1860 - Captain Horatio Wright to Secretary John Floyd
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Union Correspondence, etc.
ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, December 24, 1860.
Respectfully submitted to the honorable Secretary of War for his information, and with the earnest request that the instructions solicited by Captain Foster may be promptly given.
Captain of Engineers, in charge.
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[Indorsement No. 2.]
December 26, 1860 - Captain Horatio Wright to Secretary John Floyd
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ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, December 26, 1860.
Respectfully referred to the honorable Secretary of War, and his attention urgently called to the within report as one of great importance.
Captain of Engineers, in charge.
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[Indorsement No. 3.]
December 26, 1860 - Captain Horatio Wright to (Engineering Department?)
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ENGINEER OFFICE, December 26, 1860.
Have just seen the Secretary of War, and read to him the within letter. His only remarks in regard to it were that it was very satisfactory, and that he hoped or thought, I don't distinctly remember which, that we should get over these troubles without bloodshed. He further said he did not wish to retain the letter-this in answer to my question.
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December 27, 1860 - Captain John Foster to Colonel René De Russy
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FORT SUMTER, S.C., December 27, 1860.
Colonel R.E. DE RUSSY,
Commanding Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Washington, D.C.:
COLONEL: I have the honor to report that yesterday evening Major Anderson removed his command from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter, leaving a guard with me, orders to spike the guns, cut down the flagstaff, and burn the carriages of those guns that point towards Fort Sumter. This was done. To-day I went to town to negotiate a draft on New York to pay off the men employed on Fort Moultrie. I saw that an attack was to be made somewhere to-night, and also that it would not be safe for me to go to town again for some time.
Returning, I brought my family to Fort Sumter, as all guard was with-drawn. At about 4 o'clock a steamer landed an armed force at Castle Pinckney, and effecting an entrance by scaling the walls with ladders, took forcible possession of the work. Lieutenant Meade was suffered to withdraw to this fort.
Soon after dark two steamers landed an armed force at Fort Moultrie, and took forcible possession of that work. While in town the Palmetto flag was hoisted on the custom-house and saluted. Two companies were ordered to surround the arsenal. The movement of Major Anderson was made upon a firm conviction that an attack would be made, and that Fort Sumter would be seized first. In haste.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain of Engineers.
December 28, 1860 - Commissioner Robert Barnwell et. al to President James Buchanan
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WASHINGTON, December 28, 1860.
SIR: We have the honor to transmit to you a copy of the full powers from the Convention of the People of South Carolina, under which we are "authorized and empowered to treat with the Government of the United States for the delivery of the forts, magazines, light houses, and other real estate with their appurtenances, within the limits of South Carolina; and also for an apportionment of the public debt and a division of all other property held by the Government of the United States as agent of the confederated States, of which South Carolina was recently a member; and, generally, to negotiate as to all other measures and arrangements proper to be made and adopted in the existing relations of the parties, and for the continuance of peace and amity between this Commonwealth and the Government at Washington."
In the execution of this trust it is our duty to furnish you, as we now do, with an official copy of the ordinance of secession, by which the State of South Carolina has resumed the powers she delegated to the Government of the United States, and has declared her perfect sovereignty and independence.
It would also have been our duty to have informed you that were ready to negotiate with you upon all such questions as are necessarily raised by the adoption of this ordinance, and that we were prepared to enter upon this negotiation with the earnest desire to avoid all unnecessary and hostile collision, and so to inaugurate our new relations as to secure mutual respect, general advantage, and a future of good will and harmony, beneficial to all the parties concerned. But the events of the last twenty-four hours render such an assurance impossible. We came here, the representatives of an authority which could at any time within the past sixty days have taken possession of the forts in Charleston Harbor, but which, upon pledges given in a manner that we cannot doubt, determined to trust to your honor rather than to its own power. Since our arrival an officer of the United States acting, as we are assured, not only without but against your orders, has dismantled one fort and occupied another, thus altering to a most important extent the condition of affairs under which we came.
Until those circumstances are explained in a manner which relieves us of all doubt as to the spirit in which these negotiations shall be conducted, we are forced to suspend all discussion as to any arrangements by which our mutual interests might be amicably adjusted.
And, in conclusion, we would urge upon you the immediate with drawl of the troops, from the harbor of Charleston. Under present circumstances they are a standing menace which renders negotiation impossible, and, as our recent experience shows, threatens speedily to bring to a bloody issue questions which ought to be settled with temperance and judgment.
We have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servants,
December 20, 1860 - South Carolina Declaration of Secession
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Union Correspondence, etc.
At a Convention of the People of the State of South Carolina, begun and holden at Columbia on the seventeenth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty, and thence continued by adjournment to Charleston, and there, by divers adjournments, to the twentieth of December in the same year:
AN ORDINANCE to dissolve the union between the State of South Carolina and other States united with her under the compact entitled "The Constitution of the United States of America":
We, the People of the State of South Carolina in convention assembled, to declare and ordain, and it is hereby declared and ordained, that the ordinance adopted by us in convention on the twenty-third day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, whereby the Constitution of the United States of America was ratified and also all acts and parts of acts of the general assembly of this State ratifying amendments of the said Constitution, are hereby repealed; and that the union now subsisting between South Carolina and other States, under the name of the "United States of America," is hereby dissolved.
Done at Charleston the twentieth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty.
Delegate from Barnwell, and
President of the Convention, and others.
Clerk of the Convention.
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December 20, 1860 - Memorandum to the State of South Carolina
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Charleston, S.C., December 22, 1860.
I do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance is a true and correct copy taken from the original on file in this office.
Witness my hand and the seal of the State.
Secretary of State.
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December 28, 1860 - Authorization of commissioners to treat with the United States Government
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Union Correspondence, etc.
The State of South Carolina, by the Convention of the People of the said State, to Robert W. Barnwell, James H. Adams, and James L. Orr:
Whereas the Convention of the People of the State of South Carolina, begun and holden at Columbia on the seventeenth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty, and thence continued by adjournment to Charleston, did, by resolution, order "That three Commissioners to be elected by ballot of the Convention, be directed forthwith to proceed to Washington, authorized and empowered to treat with the Government of the United States for the delivery of the forts, magazines, light-houses, and other real with their appurtenances, within the limits of South Carolina, and also for an apportionment of the public debt and for a division of all other property held by the Government of the United States as agent of the confederated States, of which South Carolina, was recently a member; and, generally, to negotiate as to all other measures and arrangements proper to be made and adopted in the existing relations of the parties, and for the continuance of peace and amity between this Commonwealth and the Government at Washington":
And whereas the said Convention did, by ballot, elect you to the said office of Commissaries to the Government at Washington:
Now, be it known that the said Convention, by these presents, doth commission you, Robert W. Barnwell, James H. Adams, and James L. Orr, as Commissaries to the Government at Washington, to have, to hold, and to exercise the said office, with all the powers, rights, and privileges conferred upon the same by the terms of the resolution herein cited.
Given under the seal of the State, at Charleston, the twenty-second day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty.
Secretary of State.
Clerk of the Convention.
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December 30, 1860 - Captain John Foster to Colonel René De Russy
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FORT SUMTER, S.C., December 30, 1860.
Colonel R.E. DE RUSSY,
Commanding Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Washington, D.C.:
COLONEL: I am exerting myself to the utmost to make this work impregnable, and am most ably and energetically supported by Lieutenants Snyder and Meade. The whole labor of preparation falls upon us, as the command is too small to be worn down by labor.
The quartermaster has no funds, I therefore consider it my duty to provide everything. I cannot commit to paper the preparations that are completed and in progress to resist an attack here. Be assured, however, that no efforts are spared to make them as complete as they can be made under the circumstances. I beg that any funds that can be obtained for me may be deposited in New York.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain, Engineers.
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(US CoE) Joseph Totten
- At the outbreak of the war, Joseph Totten was a General and Chief of the United States Engineers
To Foster:
From Foster:
January 9, 1861 - Captain John Foster to Colonel Joseph Totten
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FORT SUMTER, S.C., January 9, 1861.
General TOTTEN;
MY DEAR SIR: I have only a moment to write by Lieutenant Meade [?], who comes with dispatches from Major Anderson. I wish to assure you, however, that the officers of your corps are doing everything in their power to make this work impregnable, even with the present small garrison of seventy men. We even mount all the guns, as we can do it much more rapidly than the garrison. We have twenty-nine guns on the first tier and eleven on the barbette tier. Four 8-inch columbiads are ready to mount to-morrow. I shall place the 10-inch on the parade as mortars.
The firing upon the Star of the West this morning by the batteries on Morris Island opened the war, but Major Anderson hopes that the delay of sending to Washington may possibly prevent civil war. The hope, although a small one, may be the thread that prevents the sundering of the Union. We are none the less determined to defend ourselves to the last extremity. I am in want of funds,and would respectfully urge that as soon as possible $15,000 may be placed to my credit in New York. In haste.
Very respectfully,
Captain, Engineers.
P.S. - I beg to refer you to Lieutenant Meade [?] for particulars.
Received January 12 by Lieutenant Talbot, U.S. Army.
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January 12, 1861 - Captain John Foster to Colonel Joseph Totten
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FORT SUMTER, S.C., January 12, 1861
General JOS. G. TOTTEN,
Chief Engineer U.S. Army, Washington, D.C.:
GENERAL: The sudden resolution to send a joint commission to Washington enables me to write only a few lines to tell you that my operations are going steadily on. Seventeen guns are now mounted on the barbette tier, and in good working order. Four of these are columbiads. Owing to the breaking of the truck, we did not accomplish much yesterday beyond hoisting carriages to the terre-plain (upper). My force is gradually growing less and less,owing to the fears of the approaching conflict among the men. By to night I may not have more than a dozen men for work. This is unavoidable, because it will not do to force the fearful or seditious men to remain. I shall, however, get nearly all the guns up before all leave. Yesterday a commission came from Governor Pickens to summon this fort to surrender. It was composed of General Jamison, Secretary of War, and Judge McGrath, Secretary of State of South Carolina. They subsequently (during the conference with us) moderated the matter somewhat, so as to have it understood that their demand was not to alter the present status. The major proposed to send a joint commission to Washington, which is accepted this morning, and Lieutenant Hall leaves for this purpose.
I received a dispatch, from Mrs. Foster, after her arrival in Washington, which I understood to means that I had to my credit there $15,000. This gives me great satisfaction, for I was becoming embarrassed for want of funds. You can rely upon my doing all that I can to secure this work, and to strengthen the defense. I am most efficiently supported, by Lieutenants Snyder and Meade, who are exerting themselves to the utmost, and I hope the Department will give them full credit for their zeal and efficiency.
The temper of the people of this State is becoming every day more bitter, and I do not see how we can avoid a bloody conflict. I wish, therefore, to say to you that nearly all of my papers and vouchers are in my office in town, whence I have not been permitted to remove them. All of my personal effects are in the house that I occupied on Sullivan's Island, with the exception of some few things that I have here. The suddenness of the movement over here did not permit me an opportunity to remove anything, and my active operations in the matter did not incline the authorities in my favor so as to permit me to remove anything afterwards. I shall, however, endeavor to leave everything relating to my responsibilities and accounts in as good order as possible. You must excuse my referring to these matters, which are partly personal, because if we are attacked, it may be by overpowering numbers, and I have made up my mind to defend the work, as far as I am concerned, to the last extremity. The main ship channel was closed yesterday morning by sinking four hulks across, it upon the bar. Last night a good deal of work was done on Fort Moultrie to defile it from the fire of this fort. There is a large steamer outside of the bar, apparently a man-of-war.
The health of the command is good, and their spirits excellent. In haste.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain of Engineers.
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January 14, 1861 - Captain John Foster to General Joseph Totten
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FORT SUMTER, S.C., January 14, 1861
General JOS. G. TOTTEN,
Chief Engineer U.S. Army, Washington, D. C.:
GENERAL: I have the honor to inform you that the facilities for mail communication between this fort and the city of Charleston have been restored by order of Governor Pickens. The arrangement is for one of my boats to receive the mail at Fort Johnson, wither it is to be brought every day at 12 o'clock, and to deliver the mail from the fort at the same time to be taken to the office in the city. The reason assigned for this particular arrangement is that it will avoid all chances for rencounters and bloodshed between our boats' crews and riotous persons on the wharves in the city. All letters from the Department will, in all probability, be received.
Since the hasty letter sent by Lieutenant Hall, nothing of marked importance has transpired. The Carolinians are hard at work on Fort Moultrie raising sand-bag and earth merlous between all the guns that look in this direction, in a similar manner to the merlous that I constructed on the front facing the sand hills. The force on the island is about 700 men, as I saw them drilling this evening in about that number.
I think that they have transferred several of the guns from Fort Moultrie and Castle Pinckney to the batteries on Morris Island, with the object of strengthening them, since they have found by the firing on the Star of the West that they are well placed. There is another battery on the upper end of Sullivan's Island, out of the reach of our guns, to guard the Maffitt Channel. The main ship channel is so much obstructed by the four hulks that they sunk in it on the 11th that vessels find the greatest difficulty in getting out or in, even with the harbor pilots, who can be used with safety by vessels that wish to run the gauntlet with re-enforcements for us. I do not, however, consider it good policy to send re-enforcements here at this time. We can hold our own as long as it is necessary to do so. If any force is sent here it must have the strength and facilities for landing and carrying the batteries on Morris or Sullivan's Island. The former will be the easier operation. But if the whole South is to secede from the Union, a conflict here and a civil war can only be avoided by giving up this fort sooner or later. We are, however, all prepared to go all lengths in its defense if the Government requires it. We have now, besides the twenty-nine guns mounted in the first tier (three 8-inch howitzers, five 42-pounders, and twenty-one 32-pounders), nineteen guns mounted on the third or barbette tier (six 8-inch columbiads, five 8-inch sea-coast howitzers, two 42-pounders, and six 24-pounders). These are all well placed for firing on Fort Moultrie, Morris Island, and Fort Johnson. As fast as the remaining guns are mounted they will the same object. Every precaution has been taken to secure the shutters for the embrasures and loop-holes and the main gates. The latter have been re-enforced by a solid wall three feet thick by five feet high with a narrow doorway of 20-inch width to serve for passage, and also for embrasure of an 8-inch howitzer in case of attack. A discharge of canister from this gun will sweep the wharf. The lanyard of this gun is carried back through a hole in the second gate. The lanyards of the two guns to sweep the landing to the right and left are also brought inside, to insure those guns being fired, even if the retiring guard forgets to do it while upon the outside. A large number of shells have been arranged with friction tubes to be used with long lanyards, so that the shell, being rolled over or suffered to fall from the edge of the parapet, will explode as it gets to the end of the line. The room over the gateway has also been supplied with hand grenades.
The weather since the command has occupied the fort has been very bad, and the whole force including the camp followers, have been suffered to quarter in the officer's quarters. This, together with the firing of the guns at the gateway without raising the windows, by which most of the glass on the gorge and many of the sashes were broken, has caused considerable damage to the quarters. I regard it, however, as of small moment in comparison with the necessity for keeping the command well housed and also as well warmed as the small stock of fuel will allow. The damage to the windows has been repaired temporarily. I have regarded any expense not strictly required for the defense as unnecessary under the present aspect of affairs.
During the continuance of the present arrangements for the mail I will keep you fully informed of everything that transpires.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain, Engineers.
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January 21, 1861 - Captain John Foster to General Joseph Totten
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Union Correspondence, etc.
FORT SUMTER, S.C., January 21, 1861.
General JOS. G. TOTTEN,
Chief Engineer U.S.A., Washington, D.C.;
GENERAL: I have the honor to make the following report of the present condition of the batteries around us occupied or being erected by the troops of the State of South Carolina;
Fort Moultrie.- Until within eight days the work upon this fort, which was executed by several hundred negroes, was confined to the erection of three large traverses on the east half of the sea front, and the enlargement of another that I built upon the same face near the south angle. These traverses were of a size sufficient to contain a temporary bomb-proof shelter, and really served only to screen from our enfilading fire only three guns on the face, and also to cover the south half of the officers' quarters. The three columbiads at the south angle were not covered. But recently the work of preparation to screen themselves from the fire of Fort Sumter has taken a better turn, and the work done is really important. It consists of high and solid merlons, formed of timber, sand bags, and earth, raised between all the guns that can be brought to bear on this fort, from the west side of their fort, and in placing traverses or merlons so as to screen from enfilanding fire all the guns upon the sea front which are arranged to fire upon the channel. The checks of the embrasures are of timber, apparently set on end, like palisades, which I think is objectionable; and I also notice that the exterior slope of the merlous is too great to resist the pressure of the earth, and that the sand bags are pressed out in one or two places. These errors are small, however, compared with the great advantage of these merlons, which from their height (about five feet) completely cover the quarters and barracks as high up as the eaves. The following sketch shows pretty nearly the present arrangement of the fronts that I can see:

From Fort Sumter seventeen guns in barbette and eight guns in casemate are now ready to fire on Fort Moultrie-twenty-five guns in all.
Of these, four are 8-inch columbiads, five are 8-inch sea-coast howitzers, eight are 42-pounders, and eight are 32-pounders. I have overhauled and fixed each carriage so that it works easily, and made maneuvering implements of which there were none here at first. Besides the above, a 10-inch columbiad is now being bedded by Lieutenant Snyder as a mortar, to throw shells into Fort Moultrie and upon Sullivan's Island.
Battery on the upper or east end of the island.- Of this nothing definite is known, as it is out of sight, and also, I fear, shielded from our fire by intervening sand hills. Its object is to secure the east point of the island, and also have a fire upon the Maffitt Channel.
Battery on Sullivan's Island west of Fort Moultrie.- This is situated about 300 yards to the west of the fort, and is built across a cross-street at a.(See sketch.) It is said to contain five guns, but being masked by old buildings and fences in front of it, I cannot tell whether or not it is so. It is intended to fire on Fort Sumter.
Castle Pinckney remains apparently as it was when taken, with the exception of sand bags, which are placed around the parapet apparently for the purpose of protecting the heads of their sharpshooters. It is reported that some of the guns have been taken from the Castle to arm the new earth batteries on Morris Island and other places.
Battery at Fort Johnson. - This is a small earthen battery for three guns in embrasure, intended to fire on the channel. It is situated next to the old barracks, as shown in rough sketch in the margin. I judge of the calibers of the guns by their reports in firing for practice.

Second battery near Fort Johnson. - This is now in the process of construction. It appears to be for mortars, as no embrasures are made. It is of sufficient size for three guns or mortars.
Morris Island Battery. - This is the one that fired on the Star of the West. It is about 2,400 or 2,500 yards from us and concealed from view by intervening sand hills. It is a gun battery,and did contain two guns at first. Now I am confident that it contains at least four guns. The troops or the service of the batteries are quartered in the buildings constituting the small-pox hospital over on of which their flag is flying, a red field with white palmetto tree upon it. The flag on Fort Johnson is similar, as is also to one on Castle Pinckney. That on Fort Moultrie is a white field with a green palmetto tree, and a red star in the corner.
Battery on Cummings Point. - This is apparently for mortars, and is of sufficient extent to contain six or eight. A large force of negroes has been at work upon it during the last work. A large quantity of timber has been hauled into it, apparently for shell-proof shelters as well as platforms; most of the timber was too larger for platforms. This battery seems to be for mortars, as no embrasures are yet made. It is within good range of our heavy guns, of which four 8-inch columbiads, three 42-pounder one 8-inch sea-coast howitzer and six 24-pounders on the barbette tier bear upon it; besides, two 32-pounders in the lower tier can fire upon it. This will give a powerful fire. Still, they are apparently providing for it. I have no positive knowledge of the proposed armament of this battery, but I have heard twice from persons who would be apt to know that three mortars are already in it. These are probably the two trophy mortars from the arsenal and the 10-inch mortar from Fort Moultrie.
I have heard heavy firing several times, as though for practice, in the direction of the Stono River, and I presume a small battery has been erected there to guard that approach to the city.
Of the garrison of Castle Pinckney I cannot judge very well. Of that for Fort Moultrie and the other batteries on Sullivan's Island I should judge the number to be about 800. On Morris Island about 500. At Fort Johnson about 100, which will probably be increased with the completion of the second battery to 200.
The temper of the authorities seems to have changed for the better since Mr. Hayne and Mr. Gourdin have been in Washington. The proposition to supply fresh meat and vegetables was made by Governor Pickens on the 19th, but declined by Major Anderson on the following day. A supply of fresh meat and vegetables that had been sent down yesterday by the South Carolina quartermaster-general was returned. In the letter declining the proffered supply Major Anderson requested Governor Pickens to allow the camp women and children to go to New York in the next steamer, and to allow a lighter to come down to take them and their effects to the steamer as she passes. No answer has yet been received to this request. The temper of the common people is not, however, so easily changed from the high pitch of excitement to which it has been wrought to a suddenly conciliatory course, the reason for which they do not perceive.
Our hopes for a pacific solution of the present difficulties are very much increased since Lieutenant Talbolt's return.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain, Engineers.

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January 28, 1861 - Captain John Foster to General Joseph Totten
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Union Correspondence, etc.
FORT SUMTER, S.C., January 27, 1861.
General JOS. G. TOTTEN,
Chief Engineer U.S. Army:
GENERAL: I have the honor to report that since the date of my last letter very little has been done by the troops of South Carolina around us, in consequence of the continued storm of rain and wind that has prevailed. The little that has been done comprises the completion of the mortar battery, situated to the southeast of Fort Johnson, on James Island, and the enlargement of the battery on Cummings Point by extending it towards the east. It now occupies the position shown in red in the marginal sketch.[1] The position of the other battery on Morris Island is also shown in red. This is called by the Charlestonians "Fort Morris," and I will so designate it in future.
The two or three guard-boats that the authorities have in use are constantly employed in watching the bar, and evidently have signals by which they can communicate intelligence at night as well as in the day. On the morning of the 25th the steamer Columbia, Captain Berry [who was the first to hoist the palmetto flag on board his vessel], in leaving the harbor by the Maffitt Channel, ran on shore between the Moultrie House and Bowman's Jetty, on Sullivan's Island. Despite all efforts to get her off at each high tide [and we have had several very high ones since], she still lies in the same position. The probability is that she will go to pieces if it should happen to blow hard from the south or eastward. The cause of this casualty is undoubtedly found in the fact that the taking up of the outer end of Bowman's Jetty has caused a deposition below it, which has diminished the depth of water, so that a vessel has now to follow a winding course very much like the red [broken] line in the marginal sketch. The difficulty of navigating
the sharp turn opposite where the Columbia now lies is very much increased by the opposite effects of flood and ebb tide, the latter tending to set the vessel on shore.
Going out in the haze of the morning, the Columbia probably failed to observe the turn of tide, and could not turn quickly enough, with a full head of steam, to clear the beach. Another of the steamers of the same line came in through the main ship channel last evening, being piloted in by one of the guard-boats.
In Fort Sumter everything goes on quite smoothly. I have done little during the past week, on account of the storm, besides policing, removing materials, and strengthening the filling of the openings for the embrasures of the second tier. One 10-inch columbiad has also been put in position on the parade to throw shells into Fort Moultrie, and surrounded by a strong traverse to avoid all danger from a possible bursting of the piece. Although all of the cement and bricks are used up, and the extreme scarcity of fuel does not permit the burning of shells for lime, I can manage with dry stone to strengthen all parts that require it. I do not propose to discharge my force of forty-three men at present, but to employ them at such work as from time to time becomes necessary. All of them will be of great service in case we have to sustain a cannonade, and the majority of them will also be of material aid in resisting a sudden attack. Terre is not a particle of truth in the many reports that have crept into the papers about mutinies, &c. The soldiers are in excellent spirits and full of confidence. Those of my men that I have discharged of late have left with great reluctance. In fine, the morale at present is very high.
The trouble that I had with my men soon after the command came over, which resulted in a rapidly thinning out of the force, has long since ceased. Every man, however, that is discharged is beset as soon as he reaches town for information, and in some instances they have played upon the credulity of their questioners. In other instances, the information given has been magnified and distorted. And in one case, that of Lieutenant Davis, who went to town on the 19th in charge of four soldiers summoned a witnesses in a murder trial, an effort was made to convince him that his men, having been tampered with, had uttered threats against him, and that he should arm himself before trusting himself to come down with them alone in a boat. Lieutenant Davis declined their proffer of arms. It appears that there was no circumstance to warrant this attempt to place Lieutenant Davis in a false position towards his men, and to give cause for reports prejudicial to the fidelity of the soldiers. The report in the papers that the men attempted to jump out of the window to escape, is utterly without foundation. So, also, is the report that a boat from Fort Sumter, in attempting to reconnoiter the battery on Morris Island, had been fired into by the sentry, and one man wounded. No boat has ever left Fort Sumter for such a purpose, and I question whether it was a boat that the sentry fired at. In fact, it is not safe to credit any reports coming from this region, except such as are favorable to the Government of the United States. Even the statements that emanated from high authority and were widely circulated, to the effect that this command was supplied with fresh provisions, &c., are not strictly true, for we have not as yet received any.
One lot as sent down on the 20th by the State authorities, which Major Anderson declined to receive. His proposition to get them from the regular contractor, and to pay for them, was accepted; but up to this time [10 a.m. of the 27th] we have not received anything from the contractor in town.
Lieutenant Meade returned on Wednesday, the 23rd, but on account of the storm was not able to get to the fort before the following day. Both he and Lieutenant Snyder having volunteered for the duty, I have entered them upon the regular roster for guard duty, two of the officers of the command being sick, and one absent. It does not interfere with our regular duties.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain, Engineers.
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January 29, 1861 - General Joseph Totten to Captain John Foster
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Union Correspondence, etc.
ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, Washington, January 28, 1861.
Captain J.G. FOSTER,
Corps of Engineers, Charleston, S.C.:
SIR: I have the pleasure to inform you that $5,000 was remitted on Saturday last, the 26th instant, to the assistant treasurer at New York, to be held subject to your check, and that &10,000 in addition will be remitted to him, for the same purpose, to-day, in fulfillment of two other requisitions heretofore issued in your favor for $5,000 each, as already advised.
You will please return to Lieutenant Gillmore, out of these funds, the $1,500 placed by him to your credit with the assistant treasurer at New York, on the 10th instant, and he will be instructed to forward to you a proper receipt for the same.
This communication, and all subsequent letters, will be inclosed in an envelope, sealed with red wax, impressed with the Department seal, and it is desirable that all your future communications may be also sealed with wax, instead of the ordinary way.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Brevet Brigadier-General, and Colonel of Engineers.
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January 31, 1861 - Captain John Foster to General Joseph Totten
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Union Correspondence, etc.
FORT SUMTER, S.C., January 31, 1861.
General Jos. G. TOTTEN,
Chief Engineer U.S. Army, Washington, D.C.:
GENERAL: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 28th instant, informing me that $15,000 was placed to my credit with the assistant treasurer of the United States at New York. This relieves me from my present embarrassment. I shall, however, require $5,000 more for Fort Sumter by the end of the month of February.
The operations of the South Carolinians around us continue to be carried on with activity by means of a large force of negroes. The battery on Cummings Point, mentioned in my last letters, is being enlarged into a field work, the parapet of which is not sufficiently formed to distinguish the trace with accuracy. To the west of this field work they have commenced what appears to be a redoubt. This is quite near the western point of Cummings Point.
Steamers are quite active, especially at night, in delivering materials at this point. A very large quantity of timber has been delivered, in rafts, and used for revetments, platforms, and, apparently, bomb-proof shelters.
On Sullivan's Island I have learned that the battery in the cross street opposite Dr. Ravenel's house, also opposite where the chaplain, Rev. Mr. Harris [now at Fort Washington], lived, is for mortars, apparently, as no embrasures are formed, but that neither guns or mortars are, as yet, placed in it. The batteries on the island above Fort Moultrie are two in number. The first is only a short distance above the Moultrie House, and about 1,460 yards above Fort Moultrie. It is armed with three guns, either 24-pounders or 32-pounders. It is not in sight of this fort, being in range of and beyond the Moultrie House. Its position is opposite that portion of the Maffitt Channel which comes closest to the island.
The second battery is at the upper or east end of the island, and is armed with two guns, 24 or 32 pounders.
The last information from the island gave the number of men there as 1,450. But of these a very large number are raw recruits for the regular regiment that they are forming.
In this fort we are hard at work perfecting the arrangements for defense and offense, and creating new ones. Three 10-inch columbiads and four 8-inch columbiads [for which there are no carriages] are arranged as mortars.
The women and children are to leave for New York to-morrow by steamer.
The authorities have promised to send over my private effects from Sullivan's Island, but have declined to allow me, or any one sent by me, to go over to collect them and pack them. I am, however, pleased to secure what i can in the way that is indicated by the authorities. I will write again in detail as soon as I can determine the trace of the works on Cummings Point.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain, Engineers.
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February 5, 1861 - Captain John Foster to General Joseph Totten
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Union Correspondence, etc.
FORT SUMTER, S.C., February 5, 1861.
General JOS. G. TOTTEN,
Chief Engineer U.S.A., Washington, D.C.:
GENERAL: The sketch upon the margin below gives a pretty cor-

rect idea of the position of the works on Cummings Point, thrown up by the South Carolinians. Of course it is subject to errors, arising from the distance at which I am obliged to obtain the information by means of the spy-glass alone.
The lines of the work are not yet complete, the main efforts having been directed to getting ready those guns that are intended to fire upon this work. All the guns that I have indicated by a + are [or appear to be] in position and covered by bomb-proof roofs.
Those at a a are covered by heavy timbers, laid horizontally upon firm timber supports, similar to the marginal sketch. The revetment of the cheeks of the embrasures appear to be formed of palmetto logs, as also the revetment of the interior slope near the guns. The horizontal timbers are large 14-inch raft sticks, covered apparently by a lighter timber, or planking, running at right angles to the timbers. The guns at a a were being put upon their carriages [which I suspect, from their using a gin in the operation, are some of the barbette carriages from Castle Pinckney or Fort Moultrie] at the time I wrote to you this morning. Subsequently the rough opening of the embrasures was made and the revetment of the cheeks commenced.

The second bomb proof battery is built differently. The timbers on top are sloped at an angle of 45, about as in the sketch. They rest

upon two horizontal supports parallel to the direction of the battery, one higher than the other, and these are supported by stout posts, about 5 feet from each other. Upon the timbers are placed at right angles a stout planking, and upon this again another covering running up and down. This last consists of railroad iron, apparently the T rail. The work has only progressed thus far, although there is no doubt that the whole is to be covered with sand. The guns are mounted and the openings for embrasures formed.
The work is carried on quite rapidly, considering the heavy nature of the work. The idea of covering the bomb-proof with iron and giving it an inclination is no doubt derived from the Sardinian method for forming the sides of a man-of-war, so as to deflect the shot.
A large force of negroes is employed in extending the embankment of the parapet so as to connect this battery with the field work.
The guard-boats are very active at night, and some are always on the watch by day.
Inside this fort the work of preparation goes steadily on. My force is now employed in clearing the parade of the stone flagging. I am also having all the material on hand made into sand bags.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain, Engineers.
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February 6, 1861 - General Joseph Totten to Captain John Foster
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Union Correspondence, etc.
ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, Washington, February 6, 1861.
Captain J.G. FOSTER,
Corps of Engineers, Charleston, S.C.:
SIR: I compliance with request communicated by your letter of the 31st ultimo, application has been made for $5,000, to be placed to your credit with the assistant treasurer at New York, and to be charged to you on account of Fort Sumter. Personal effort will be made to secure this credit without delay, and you will be promptly informed as soon as the remittance is made.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Bvt. Brigadier General, and Colonel Eng.
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February 9, 1861 - Captain Joseph Foster to General Joseph Totten
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Union Correspondence, etc.
FORT SUMTER, S.C., February 9, 1861.
General JOS. G. TOTTEN,
Chief Engineer U.S. Army, Washington, D.C.:
GENERAL: Nothing of marked importance has transpired since the date of my last better. Your letters of the 2nd and 6th are received. The South Carolinians on Cummings Point have been occupied in perfecting the embrasures and merlons for the three guns in the field work that bear most directly upon this fort, in connecting this battery with the bomb-proof iron-covered battery by a curtain, and in completing this latter battery and extending the parapet of its flanks. On Fort Moultrie the merlons between the guns looking in this direction have been still farther raised, made roof-shaped on top, and supported more strongly by horizontal timbers, kept in place by braces extending across the embrasures at the top. I am now mining the wharf, and am also to arrange fougasses at different points on the exterior.
There does not appear to be very great activity among the South Carolinians, although the force is maintained the same.
I hear that five columbiads have arrived in the city from Richmond, and more are expected.
It is reported that the floating battery prepared in the city is a failure, the draught being greater than was expected.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain, Engineers.
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February 14, 1861 - Major Robert Anderson to Adjutant-General Samuel Cooper
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Union Correspondence, etc.
No. 44.]
FORT SUMTER, S.C., February 14, 1861.
(Received A.G.O., February 21.)
Colonel S. COOPER, Adjutant-General:
COLONEL: I have the honor to report everything quiet, as far as we know, around us. Yesterday a few workmen were occupied apparently fitting the blinds in the embrasures of the bomb-proof battery on Cummings Point. A gun was fired yesterday in the direction of the channel from a point just eastward of the battery between the bomb-proof battery and the one which fired on the Star of the West, showing that vessels will be under fire from Morris Island after they pass the first battery.
I inclose another sketch[1] by Captain Seymour, showing the appearance of our area-battery of one 10-inch columbiad and four 8-inch sea-coast howitzers; also, a ground-plan indicating the positions and bearings of the guns in the area. These little memoranda, kindly and cheerfully prepared by the captain, give clearer views of the batteries than I could by my letters.
I am, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Major, First Artillery, Commanding.
- ↑ Here omitted. To appear in Atlas
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February 18, 1861 - Major Robert Anderson to Adjutant General Samuel Cooper
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Union Correspondence, etc.
No. 48.]
FORT SUMTER, S.C., February 18, 1861.
Colonel S. COOPER, Adjutant-General:
COLONEL: I have the honor to report that we did not observe that any work was being carried on within view yesterday except by a small party of negroes, engaged in extending the covered way from the bomb-proof battery in the direction of the steamboat landing near it.
I am, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Major, First Artillery, Commanding.
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January 1, 1861 - Extract from Report of Operations
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Union Correspondence, etc.
JANUARY 1, 1861.
Extract from report of operations at Fort Sumter, S.C., for the month of December, 1860.
* * * * *
The operations of the month were steadily increased from the 1st to the 26th. The casemate arches were completed; the bluestone flagging of the first tier inside of the outer traverse circles was laid on the two faces and a part of the right flank; all of the traverse stones of the first tier were reset; the granite flagging of the second tier on the right face was laid; the construction of the embrasures of the second tier was commenced, and the finishing of the east barrack was also commenced.
On the night of the 26th Major Anderson transferred his command from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter, and assumed command of the fort. The Engineer force broke up on the morning of the 28th, and the majority of the men left the fort. The regular work was then stopped, and all the remaining force was at once put at work mounting guns, under charge of Lieutenant Snyder, and otherwise preparing to meet and repulse any attack that the forces of the State might make upon us.
The few remaining days of the month were thus employed. A considerable quantity of material remaining on hand was of great value in making the preparations, and everything was freely used for this purpose.
Captain, Engineers.
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February 21, 1861 - Major Robert Anderson to Adjutant-General Samuel Cooper
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Union Correspondence, etc.
FORT SUMTER, S.C., February 21, 1861.
General JOS. G. TOTTEN,
Chief Engineer U.S.A., Washington, D.C.:
GENERAL: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of a roll of letter paper from the Engineer Office. The work on the hostile batteries on Cummings Point continues slowly.
This morning a flag was raised up on a flagstaff situated nearly in the middle of the north front of the portion of the entrenchments denominated the "field work" in my letter of the 27th January. The body of the flag is red, with a blue union in the upper staff corner, having upon it the palmetto and crescent in white.

My operations continue. The plating of the outer gate with half-inch iron will be completed at noon to-day. The placing of the cheek irons for the embrasures in the recesses of the windows on the gorge, second tier, has been carried as far as the main gate from the southeast angle. The irons are placed as shown in the margin. Stones are placed in the recesses on the first tier. These, although not as good as they might be, will answer for the present, and if broken by a breaching fire can be more easily replaced than they could be if they were on the second tier.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain, Engineers.
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February 22, 1861 - Captain John Foster to General Joseph Totten
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Union Correspondence, etc.
FORT SUMTER, S.C., February 22, 1861.
General JOS. G. TOTTEN,
Chief Engineer U.S. Army, Washington, D.C.:
GENERAL: The work on the third breaching battery on Cummings Point has progressed so that the embrasures, three in number, are being commenced. Some work was also done on Fort Moultrie yesterday and the day before; at least it was commenced the day before. This consists of a parapet of earth in front of the scarp wall of the front that faces us, apparently intended to serve as a glaces, as it rises to the height of the cordon. It is reverted on the side next the scarp wall with barrels, and has a pretty steep slope upon the side towards us.

The parallelogram a b shows its position very nearly. This sketch in black[1] shows in a rough way the condition of the fort when we left it, being bordered on all sides but one with a shallow wet ditch and picket fence, which fence was again protected by a small glaces in front of it. The large glaces on the sea front was very nearly completed, and the second caponiere would have been completed and the guns mounted in four days.
This morning at sunrise a salute of thirteen guns was fired from Castle Pinckney. I understand that Major Anderson has ordered a salute to be fired at noon to-day.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain of Engineers.
- ↑ In original sketch a b is drawn in red.
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February 23, 1861 - Captain John Foster to General Joseph Totten
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Union Correspondence, etc.
FORT SUMTER, S.C., February 23, 1861.
General JOS. G. TOTTEN,
Chief Engineer U.S. Army, Washington, D.C.:
GENERAL: I have the honor to report that the work upon the batteries on Cummings Point was continued last night until 12 o'clock. This increased activity seemed to have been consequent upon the visit of some official of rank, probably Governor Pickens, to these batteries in the afternoon. Guns were fired from the batteries and from Fort Moultrie in considerable numbers about the same time that the steamers [arrived] bearing the person or persons who were visiting the batteries, and were either salutes of six and seven guns each or were merely practice firing. The principal work consists of that upon the battery that I reported yesterday as being in process of construction, and upon the erection of sheds of this form-

which you perceive can be turned into bomb-proofs, covering them with earth. One of these, situated at the extreme western point of Cummings Point, is already up, and a sufficient number of rafts were towed there last night to construct two or three more.
At Fort Moultrie a force of about fifty laborers is still at work embanking the glaces in front of the face towards us. Yesterday I completed placing the cheek irons for the embrasures in the recesses of the windows on the gorge, and to-day I shall charge the fougasses on the esplanade at the gorge, and then commence clearing the parade of rubbish. I have also to take down another temporary building to obtain fuel. I have a second one yet standing, that will furnish fuel as long as the provisions will last. The weather is very pleasant and warm.
I received from the Department another roll of writing paper to-day, with two bundles of envelopes, one of large and the other of medium letter size.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain, Engineers.
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February 25, 1861 - Captain John Foster to General Joseph Totten
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Union Correspondence, etc.
FORT SUMTER, S.C., February 25, 1861.
General JOS. G. TOTTEN,
Chief Engineer U.S. Army, Washington, D. C.:
* * * * *
The sudden change from the warm temperature of yesterday to the cold and wind of to-day seems to have a chilling effect upon the negro laborers employed on the parapet of the new battery at Cummings Point, and they have been mostly withdrawn and placed at work in the ditch of the curtain connecting the iron bomb-proof battery and the three-gun battery in the field work to the east. The high wind of last night blew down the storehouse and quarters that I mentioned yesterday and the day before.
At the mortar battery south of Fort Johnson a party commenced work soon after dinner yesterday [Sunday] and worked until night, throwing up a mass of muck in front of and against the parapet, apparently to protect it from the wash of the surf, and also to increase its thickness.
On Fort Moultrie they are still at work at the glaces. It appears now that it is not so nearly parallel to the face that fronts us as I drew it in my letter two days since, but rather inclines to be parallel with the beach. It is already extended so as to cross "Fort street." It is evident that this may be used as a shelter for a line of mortars, but I hardly believe it will be so used, as there is already built a battery for mortars lower down the island.
The South Carolinians had only three or four mortars, and I have heard of the arrival of but three since the commencement of hostile preparations.
The health of the command is very good, with no sickness among the officers or men of sufficient importance to take them from a single day's duty. Major Anderson is and has been well, and there was no foundation for the report of his illness.
I received yesterday a note from Captain Wright, containing some interesting private information, and take this means of acknowledging it, so that he may know that it was received.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, &c.,
Captain of Engineers.
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February 26, 1861 - Captain John Foster to General Joseph Totten
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Union Correspondence, etc.
FORT SUMTER, S.C., February 26, 1861.
General JOS. G. TOTTEN,
Chief Engineer U.S. Army, Washington, D.C.:
GENERAL: Very little appears to be done since yesterday, although quite a large force of laborers have been at work upon the third breaching battery and upon the curtain connecting the first and the second [the iron bomb-proof battery]. A second embrasure was formed in the third battery. The work upon the curtain has apparently for object to excavate the ditch deeper, throwing out all the sand that had blown in, and to make the parapet stronger. It will thus serve as an admirable position for a line of mortars. The work on the other batteries around us was hardly worthy of note yesterday.
The troops on Fort Moultrie practiced with ball to obtain the ranges of the channel and especially of that point in the main channel where it turns towards the city. The buoy on this side of the channel at this point is five eighths of a mile from us, in a direction a little south of east. The practice was excellent, all the shot striking the water nearly in the same spot; so it will be seen that the ranges are well understood now, and any vessel coming in must not expect to fare as well as the Star of the West.
The second fougasse on the gorge was charged, means for firing arranged, and the stone loaded upon it during the day yesterday.
I am to submit to-day to Major Anderson a written memorandum of the condition of the work and its capabilities to resist a bombardment, together with any additional preparations that I have to suggest. He also requires the same of Lieutenants Snyder and Meade.
I am now taking down a third temporary building to obtain fuel. there are two other buildings remaining, besides which are twelve gun carriages. I have a small quantity of new lumber reserved for emergencies. Our supplies and mails come from town as usual.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain of Engineers.
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February 28, 1861 - Captain John Foster to General Joseph Totten
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Union Correspondence, etc.
FORT SUMTER, S.C., February 28, 1861.
General JOS. G. TOTTEN,
Chief Engineer U.S. Army, Washington, D.C.:
GENERAL: Yesterday and to-day being pleasant, the work upon the Cummings Point batteries has progressed well. The third battery for breaching is nearly completed, three embrasures being fully constructed and a fourth nearly so. Four 24-pounder guns were landed yesterday, evidently to arm this battery. They were upon siege carriages.
The work that I spoke of in my last letter as being commenced upon the middle of the curtain, connecting the first breaching battery and the second, has not sufficiently developed itself to be positive in its character, but it appears to be a large magazine and a battery for three or more guns. A considerable force is also at work on that portion of the field work looking towards Fort Moultrie and the channel, but I cannot see what is being done. I have no doubt that it is the construction of one or more embrasures, in addition to the one there before, to fire on the channel. The floating raft intended to be used to breath the walls of this fort was launched yesterday in town. I can see it with my glass. The iron does not appear to have been yet put upon the timber. If I am correct in this, it will require several days to prepare it for action.
Yesterday I was principally employed in demolishing the temporary building for fuel, removing materials, &c., of blacksmith shop to the casemates, clearing the parade, &c.
I have strongly recommended the increasing of the present armament of the gorge [six 24-pounders] at once, by means of the casemate carriages, so altered as to answer for barbette carriages, but the recommendation has not yet been acted on.
I did not write to the Department yesterday morning, having been closely employed until it was too late to do so before the mail closed.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain of Engineers.
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March 1, 1861 - Captain John Foster to General Joseph Totten
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Union Correspondence, etc.
FORT SUMTER, S.C., March 1, 1861.
General JOS. G. TOTTEN,
Chief Engineer U.S. Army, Washington, D.C.:
GENERAL: I have the honor to report that nothing of importance connected with the hostile batteries around us has transpired since I wrote yesterday. The work then in progress on the batteries on Cummings Point has continued steadily, but without any marked activity; the fourth embrasure in battery No. 3 [breaching] is reverted and the parapet nearly finished; the work on the curtain of 1 and 2 is either a magazine or a bomb-proof of timber to be used as a battery, like battery No. 2. Little of note is observed at Fort Moultrie. The large bag of cotton or wool still remains in each embrasure precisely as it was placed some time ago, which makes me now believe that the guns on the face have really been dismounted to be used in other batteries.
The guns looking toward the channel are covered by high and solid merlons so that they cannot be taken in flank, and are kept in good working order, as is evidenced by their frequent practice. Last evening the South Carolinians practiced from the batteries on Cummings Point, from Fort Moultrie, and from the channel battery above the Moultrie House, on Sullivan's Island. I cannot obtain with the glass satisfactory observations of what is being done with the floating breach battery or "raft." I am inclined to think, however, from information, that there is a distrust of its success in the minds of many military men in the city. I think it can be destroyed by our fire before it has time to do much damage.
I received yesterday direction from Major Anderson which I gladly proceeded to execute, to the effect to increase the armament of the barbette tier in the way recommended by all the Engineer officers. I have pour Lieutenant Snyder and the whole gang of workmen at this work. We will adapt one casemate carriage to serve for barbette and mount one 42-pounder to-day.
In obedience to requirement all the officers handed in to Major Anderson "confidential" estimates of the force necessary to insure a re-enforcement of this fort, or to relieve it, yesterday morning. These were sent to Washington.[1] My estimate was as follows: To land and carry the batteries on Cummings Point and Morris Island, 3,000 regulars, or 10,000 volunteers; to land and carry the batteries on Sullivan's Island [at the same time], 3,000 regulars, or 10,000 volunteers more; to hold the above positions after taking them, 10,000 regulars, or 30,000 volunteers. The forces to be overcome in the attack are supposed to be those the adjoining States at short notice.
If time be given for concentration of the troops of this section the above estimate will be inadequate.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain of Engineers.
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March 2, 1861 - Captain John Foster to General Joseph Totten
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Union Correspondence, etc.
FORT SUMTER, S.C., March 2, 1861.
[General TOTTEN:]
GENERAL: There is very little activity to be observed in the surrounding batteries this morning, although the weather is remarkably fine. The little that is being done is in the field work on Cummings Point, which is being enlarged to the eastward, evidently with a view of covering the whole of this point with the work, having the parapet as near high-water line as practicable, as it now is in that portion of the work towards us. The batteries will then all be included in a continuous line, extending from the point towards the entrance to "Light-house Creek," around to the seaward. The breaching battery No. 3 is completed, as is also the work on the middle of the curtain of 1 and 2, which is a mortar battery with a magazine.
The cheering news from Washington of the action of the Peace Conference and of the House of Representatives gave us great satisfaction.
One 42-pounder gun was put in position and the carriage put in good order, so that the gun can be used with more effect than the others on the barbette tier. Three 32-pounders are being removed to the gorge, and as soon as this is done a 42-pounder will next be mounted there. After this, we will make an effort, with some new blocks that we have made, to raise a 10-inch columbiad and to mount it at the right gorge angle.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain of Engineers.
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March 5, 1861 - Captain John Foster to General Joseph Totten
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Union Correspondence, etc.
FORT SUMTER, S.C., March 5, 1861.
General JOS. G. TOTTEN,
Chief Engineer U. S. Army, Washington, D. C.:
GENERAL: The work on the Cummings Point batteries continues steadily. This morning the greatest number of laborers seen to be employed in repairing the injuries to the parapets caused by the wind of yesterday and the wind and rain of last night. The work in the third breaching battery yesterday indicated that the platforms for the guns were being laid, and that it was being made ready for its guns; one 24-pounder has stood in front of it for three days. A small working party is still engaged upon the mortar battery on James Island. It is reported from the city that the floating battery does not come up to anticipations, inasmuch as it draws seven feet of water without its armament, and requires a counterpoise on the reverse to counteract the tendency to tip towards the front, owing to the weight of the shield on that side. Yesterday three steamers landed troops and supplies on Cummings Point, and appearances indicated that preparations were making for immediate action in case the news from Washington exhibited a coercive policy on the part of the administration. It is reported that General Beauregard visited the batteries on Cummings Point yesterday.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain, Engineers.
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March 6, 1861 - Captain John Foster to General Joseph Totten
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Union Correspondence, etc.
FORT SUMTER, S.C., March 6, 1861.
General JOS. G. TOTTEN,
Chief Engineer U.S. Army, Washington, D.C.:
GENERAL: I have the honor to report that during the day, and especially towards night, unusual activity was observed among the South Carolinians around us. Several steamer loads of men were landed on Cummings Point. The number was greater than the arrangements for shelter, apparently, for I observe quite a large number grouped about their bivouac fires this morning. their suffering must have been considerable during the night, for the weather suddenly changed from the warm temperature of the preceding days to a high degree of cold for this climate, the wind blowing fresh from the north.
I learn that portable hot-shot furnaces have been furnished to several, and probably all, of the batteries. The mortar battery on James Island, south of Fort Johnson, is armed, but the number of mortars is not ascertained. The magazine in the flank of this battery is also finished. The mortar battery on Sullivan's Island, west of Fort Moultrie, is also armed.
All the batteries on Morris Island are armed. The guns range from 32-pounders down, with the exception of the iron bomb-proof, which is [I think, from all reports and observations] armed with 8 inch columbiads-three of them.
The raft does not meet expectations. It is being covered with railroad strap-iron instead of the T rail. This has a cross-section of about three-fourths or one inch by two inches or two and a half inches. They are now ironing the top portion, the front not being yet commenced. Two 8-inch columbiads are lying on the wharf ready to be put on board. I do not think this floating battery will prove very formidable.
We have not yet received the inaugural address of President Lincoln, although it is reported from town that it is coercive in its character, and that much excitement prevails.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain, Engineers.
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March 7, 1861 - Captain John Foster to General Joseph Totten
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Union Correspondence, etc.
FORT SUMTER, S.C., March 7, 1861.
General JOS. G. TOTTEN,
Chief Engineer U.S. Army, Washington, D.C.:
GENERAL: The increased activity exhibited in the batteries of the South Carolinians yesterday continues this morning. The work on Morris Island is mostly confined to the strengthening of breach battery No. 3. On James Island a considerable force is still engaged in strengthening the mortar battery. Generally speaking, there is more earnestness exhibited now than for several days previous to the 5th instant. The Confederate flag was displayed yesterday from the custom-house. General Beauregard is, it is understood, in command of the forces here under the authority of the Confederation. The reception on Morris Island that we observed on the 4th was that of Governor Pickens and General Beauregard.
I have received the two letters of the 2nd and a copy of Major Mordecai's report.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain, Engineers.
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March 9, 1861 - Captain John Foster to General Joseph Totten
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Union Correspondence, etc.
FORT SUMTER, S.C., March 9, 1861.
General JOS. G. TOTTEN,
Chief Engineer U.S. Army, Washington, D.C.:
GENERAL: Soon after I closed my letter[1] for the mail yesterday, and while two officers were getting ready to bear a letter from Major Anderson demanding an explanation, an officer from Cummings Point, Major Stevens, came with a white flag and a letter from the commanding officer, Colonel Gregg, offering an ample apology. It appears that in practicing at drill the fact of one of the guns being shotted was forgotten, and hence the occurrence.
I commence this morning to close the openings of the loopholes on the first tier solidly with stone. In raising the second 10-inch columbiad from the parade to the terre-plein yesterday afternoon the strap of the upper block broke when the gun was nearly up, and it fell, breaking the cross-pieces of the derrick, striking the end of the casemate arch of the first tier, and burying itself one-half its length in the ground. No one was injured, for the first signs of giving way had been observed and every one made to stand clear. The injury to the derrick will be soon repaired and the columbiad again hoisted.
Last night a severe storm of wind and rain arose, which lasted all night, and bids fair to be renewed to-day.
The men in the batteries on Morris Island are actively at work repairing damages to the parapets and in extending the field work around on the channel side of Cummings Point and forming new batteries there. Three or four 24-pounders on siege carriages were landed yesterday. I have before reported that the evident intention was to form a large field work entirely covering the point. Its present extent will require one thousand men to defend it, and the work still continues.
I have omitted to report previously that a guard ship, or bark, is anchored on the main ship bar, apparently as a signal ship; also, that the two revenue cutters taken from the Government are usually anchored on the side of the main ship channel towards Cummings Point-one of them northeast of the point and the other more to north of it. They are armed with guns or howitzers, probably of small caliber.
The storm of last night swamped one of the boats here. It was the Fort Moultrie barge, brought over with the command.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain, Engineers.
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March 11, 1861 - Captain John Foster to General Joseph Totten
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Union Correspondence, etc.
FORT SUMTER, S.C., March 11, 1861.
General JOS. G. TOTTEN,
Chief Engineer U.S. Army, Washington, D.C.
GENERAL: The sudden change of temperature from the warmth of yesterday to the cold of last night and this morning seems to have checked the ardor of the laborers on the field work on Cummings Point, as but little activity is observed this morning. The work on the extension of the line of parapet on the channel side towards the Star of the West battery still continues. Very little else appears to be doing. We are still steadily at work, and will try the second 10-inch columbiad again to-day.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain, Engineers.
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March 12, 1861 - Captain John Foster to General Joseph Totten
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Union Correspondence, etc.
FORT SUMTER, S.C., March 12, 1861.
General JOS. G. TOTTEN,
Chief Engineer U.S. Army, Washington, D.C.:
GENERAL: The line of entrenchments on the channel side of Cummings Point, or rather of Morris Island, is now extended down to the rear of the Star of the West battery. This line is composed of redoubts, connected by lines of parapet serving for curtains. The rear of the redoubts, or the parts towards us, are raised so high as to secure them from our reverse fire. There is one in rear of the Star of the West battery, situated on the top of the sand hill, which conceals that battery from our view, and two more between this and the works on Cummings Point. Both of these are situated on sand hills, and well protected in their rear, as described above.
The weather being unusually pleasant, their operations are actively carried on this morning. Other work is being done farther down the beach, say six hundred yards below the Star of the West battery. I cannot make it out at present. It is probable that it is to be another small battery to fire on the channel, and to be closed in the rear.
I am inclined to think, from the materials that have been carried in that direction, that the defenses at the mouth of the Stono have been much strengthened. This river was an avenue by which and Wappoo Creek the city could be approached by vessels drawing less than eight feet of water. The defense of this point has, therefore, not been neglected. The idea seems to be to place their batteries all along the beach between Cummings Point and Light-house Inlet [which is also fortified], so that a landing must be attempted under the fire of at least one battery. Some little work is being done on Fort Moultrie, strengthening the merlons of the guns on the sea front.
It now appears that the rear of Fort Johnson is protected by a line of entrenchments which comes out on the beach a little above the mortar battery, and probably runs across to the old Martello Tower, situated about 500 yards southeast of the wharf, near the beach.
No unusual movements are observed, except the firing of one gun in the city at about 11 1/2 o'clock last night. A negro boy, escaping from the city, came down last night about 11 o'clock in a canoe to this fort. He was at once sent back. The guard-ship anchored inside the main ship bar has, I observed, housed her topmasts.
We did not get up the 10-inch columbiad yesterday for want of time. The work of filling the openings on the gorge, first tier, with solid stone is progressing satisfactorily.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain, Engineers.
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March 12, 1861 - Captain John Foster to General Joseph Totten
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Union Correspondence, etc.
FORT SUMTER, S.C., March 13, 1861.
General JOS. G. TOTTEN,
Chief Engineer U.S. Army, Washington, D.C.:
GENERAL: The work upon the redoubts on the channel side of Morris Island still continues quite actively. It is confined to those described in yesterday's letter. The pacific news by telegraph on the 11th seems to have created a pleasant feeling in those around us, if we may judge by the quantity of powder that they burned yesterday. About one hundred and fifty guns in all were fired, but not with regularity; of this number Fort Moultrie fired about one hundred guns. The remainder were fired from the Maffitt Channel battery, above the Moultrie House, and from the batteries on Morris Island.
We got up the 10-inch columbiad yesterday, and transported it to its carriage. To-day it will be mounted at the west gorge angle. One-third of the loophole openings on the first tier of the gorge are solidly closed with stone, with lead run into the joints.
A third temporary building is being demolished to obtain fuel. When the supply from this is exhaust the blacksmith shop will have to be pulled down, and in order to prepare for this I have moved the bellows and apparatus into one of the second tier casemates. The weather is very pleasant. I received the Department letter of the 8th instant.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain, Engineers.
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March 15, 1861 - Captain John Foster to General Joseph Totten
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FORT SUMTER, S.C., March 15, 1861.
General JOS. G. TOTTEN,
Chief Engineer U.S. Army, Washington, D.C.:
GENERAL: I have nothing to report respecting the operations of the South Carolinians around us. Their works seem to be at a standstill, and most of the men, both military and laboring, are withdrawn from them. I noticed last evening that one gun was fired from the iron-clad floating battery in town, thus indicating that its armament has been placed on board. A storm of wind is prevailing.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain of Engineers.
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March 16, 1861 - Major Robert Anderson to Adjutant-General Samuel Cooper
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Union Correspondence, etc.
No. 74.]
FORT SUMTER, S.C., March 16, 1861.
Colonel S. COOPER, Adjutant-General U.S. Army:
COLONEL: I have the honor to report that after an apparent partial suspension of tow or three days of work around us, they have resumed with a go do deal of activity. Quite a large party is now at work near Fort Johnson, at the point designated "Apparently a covered way" on the accompanying sketch by Captain Seymour.[1] Four barbette carriages and guns were landed yesterday afternoon at Cummings Point, and we see this morning that they are removing the armament from the parapet of Castle Pinckney. Thence, probably, came the barbette guns and carriages we have seen landed at different times at Cummings Point. The works on Morris Island will, I presume, be found to be very heavily and well armed.
I am, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Major, First Artillery, Commanding.
- ↑ Here omitted. To appear in Atlas.
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March 18, 1861 - Major Robert Anderson to Adjutant-General Samuel Cooper
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Union Correspondence, etc.
No. 76.]
FORT SUMTER, S.C., March 18, 1861.
(Received A.G.O., March 20.)
Colonel S. COOPER, Adjutant-General U.S. Army:
COLONEL: I have the honor to report that they removed at 11 o'clock last night the middle ship-channel buoy Numbers 3. We do not observe any parties at work this morning, except a very small one near the bomb-proof battery on Cummings Point. On Saturday afternoon several guns were fired on Morris Island. We were thereby enabled to count and mark the positions of twenty-three guns. The mortar batteries did not fire.
Our men are all in good spirits, and although the weather is unfavorable to-day, our sick-list is not increasing.
I am, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Major, First Artillery, Commanding.
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March 19, 1861 - Secretary Simon Cameron to Lieutenant General Winfield Scott
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WAR DEPARTMENT, March 19, 1861.
DEAR SIR: The President requires accurate information in regard to the command of Major Anderson in Fort Sumter, and wishes a competent person sent for that purpose. You will therefore direct some suitable person to proceed there immediately, and report the result of the information obtained by him.
I am, sir, very respectfully,
Secretary of War.
The within may do good and can do no harm. It commits no one.
The order of which this is a copy was presented to the President March 19, 1861.
G.V. Fox, formerly of the Navy, was selected by General Scott as the messenger, and approved by the President.
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(US Capt) Frederick Humphreys
- At the outbreak of the war, Frederick Humphreys was a Captain and Ordinance Storekeeper in Charleston, South Carolina
To Foster:
From Foster:
December 18, 1860 - Captain F.C. Humphreys to Captain John Foster
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Union Correspondence, etc.
December 18, 1860.
Captain J.G. FOSTER,
U.S. Engineer Corps, Sullivan's Island, S.C.:
DEAR CAPTAIN: The shipmen of the forty muskets, &c., has caused intense excitement. General Schnierle called upon me this morning, and assures me that some violent demonstration is certain unless the excitement can be allayed, and says that Colonel Huger assured the governor that no arms should be removed from this arsenal. As the order under which I made the issue to you was dated prior to Colonel Huger's visit here, I am placed in rather a delicate position. I have pledged my word that they (the forty muskets and accouterments) shall be returned by to-morrow night, and I beg that you will return them to me. I informed General Schnierle that you only desired two muskets, but that I could not issue them without the proper order, but that I had an old order covering the issue of the forty. In views of my pledge that the muskets shall be returned, and the position which Colonel Huger is placed by the issue, I feel satisfied that you will comply with my request. In haste.
Very truly, yours,
Military Storekeeper Ordnance, U.S. Army.
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December 18, 1860 - Captain John Foster to Captain F.C. Humphreys
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FORT MOULTRIE, December 18, 1860.
Military Storekeeper, Charleston Arsenal:
DEAR SIR: I have received your note of this date, begging me to return to the arsenal the forty musket which I obtained yesterday (in accordance with an order from the Ordnance Department, issued some time since), because of a threatened violent demonstration on the part of some persons of Charleston. you state that Colonel Huger, of the Ordnance (as General Schnierle asserts to you), assured the governor that no arms should be removed form the arsenal, and that as the above assurance of Colonel Huger was made subsequent to the receipt of the order for the issue of these muskets to me, you have pledge you word that they shall be returned to the arsenal to-morrow. If Colonel Huger made this pledge to the governor of this State, I presume he must have acted by the authority of the Government; but of this I have no direct knowledge. All I know is that an order was given to issue forty muskets to me, that I actually required them to protect the property of the Government against a mob, and that I have them in my possession. To give them back now, without proper authority, would subject me to blame if any loss should occur which might be prevented by keeping them. I am willing to refer the matter to Washington. I am sorry to be obliged to disappoint you and will call to assure you so to-morrow at 12 o'clock, a which time I shall be happy to meet General Schnierle, if he is disposed to see me.
Very truly, yours,
Captain of Engineers.
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December 20, 1860 - Captain F.C. Humphreys to Captain John Foster
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CHARLESTON, S.C., December 20, 1860.
Captain J.G. FOSTER,
U.S. Engineer Corps:
DEAR SIR: During an interview with Governor Pickens this morning he asked me whether or not I could state authoritatively that there had not been twenty enlisted men sent from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter. I told him that my conviction was that such was not the case, and that I heard you make the statement yesterday to General Schnierle that you had but one enlisted men at Fort Sumter.
The governor requested as a favor that such assurance should be given him over the signature of an officer of the Army, and knowing that you requested General Schnierle to write you should any rumor obtain concerning you, I make known Governor Pickens' desire to you, and respectfully suggest that you send him immediately (as he said it was important that he had a [denial] of the rumor by night) such communication as you may deem best in the premises.
I regret exceedingly that you deemed it necessary to refer the matter of the issue of the forty muskets, &c., to Washington, for I know that such representations have gone on to the Department as will cause unnecessary excitement, and insure a censure of my course in the matter from the Ordnance Department.
Very respectfully, yours,
Military Storekeeper Ordnance, U.S. Army.
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December 20, 1860 - Captain John Foster to Captain F.C. Humphreys
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Union Correspondence, etc.
FORT MOULTRIE, S.C., December 20, 1860.
Military Storekeeper, U.S. Ordnance Corps:
DEAR SIR: I have received your letter of this date. I regret that I cannot accede to your request to write to the governor-elect of South Carolina and assure him that twenty enlisted men had not, as he had heard, been sent from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter. As the governor of a State that has by an ordinance to-day decided to secede from the Union, I cannot, I conceive, properly communicate with him in matters of this kind, except through the Government at Washington.
I regret exceedingly that an unfounded rumor of this kind should have obtained the serious attention of the governor of South Carolina. I, as the officer in charge of Fort Sumter, can assure you that no enlisted men have been transferred from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter.
With respect to the issue of the muskets, I consider that you only performed your duty in obedience to existing orders. I certainly think that I did mine. As to my after action in referring the matter to Washington, I am of course, the only one responsible. You cannot, therefore, be censured without cause.
Truly yours, in haste,
Captain, Engineers
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(US Capt) William Maynadier
- At the outbreak of the war, William Maynadier was a Captain and Ordinance Storekeeper in Charleston, South Carolina
To Foster:
From Foster:
December 19, 1860 - Captain John Foster to Captain William Maynadier
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Union Correspondence, etc.
CHARLESTON, December 19, 1860.
Ordnance Department:
I received from the arsenal on the 17th forty old muskets ordered to be issued to me November 1. There is some little talk about it, and I am asked to return them. Shall I return them or keep them?
Captain, Engineers, U.S. Army.
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- Miscellaneous dispatches to or from John Foster
Extracts from annual report of Captain John G. Foster
October 1, 1861 - Captain John Foster
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Extracts from annual report (October 1, 1861) of Captain John G. Foster, U.S. Corps of Engineers
Castle Pinckney, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. - Some necessary repairs were commenced upon this work in December, 1860, but before these were completed the fort was seized by the troops of the State of South Carolina, on the 27th of December.
Lieutenant R. K. Meade, Corps of Engineers, who was in the immediate charge, was suffered to leave with the workmen; but all the public property in the fort was taken possession of, including the mess property and one month's provisions for the Engineer force. The armament of the fort was all mounted, except two or three guns on the barbette tier and one 42-pounder in the casemate tier. The carriages were in good order, and pretty good. The magazine was well furnished with implements, and also contained some powder. The fort was repaired three years ago, and was generally in excellent condition, one of the cisterns only wanting repairs.
Fort Johnson, Charleston, South Carolina. - The barracks and quarters were in such bad order as to be almost uninhabitable, and a large sum would be needed to repair them. The position was taken possession of by the State troops on the 2nd of January, 1861. A small battery of three guns was soon after built, adjoining the barracks.
Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. - Vigorous operations were commenced on this fort in the month of August, 1860, with the view of placing it in a good defensive position as soon as possible. The casemate arches supporting the second tier of guns were all turned; the granite flagging for the second tier was laid on the right face of the work; the floors laid, and the iron stairways put up, in the east barracks; the traverse circles of the first tier of guns reset; the bluestone flagging laid in all the guns' rooms of the right and left faces of the first tier; and the construction of the embrasures of the second tier commenced at the time the fort was occupied by Major Anderson's command, on the 26th of December, 1860. The fears of an immediate attack, and disloyal feelings, induced the greater portion of the Engineer employes to leave at this time. But those that remained, fifty-five in number, reduced towards the end of the investment to thirty-five, were made very effective in preparing for a vigorous defense.
The armament of the fort was mounted and supplied with maneuvering implements; machicoulis galleries, splinter-proof shelters, and traverses were constructed; the openings left for the embrasures of the second tier were filled with brick and stone and earth, and those in the gorge with stone and iron and lead concrete; mines were established in the wharf and along the gorge; the parade was cleared, and communications opened to all parts of the fort and through the quarters.
The fort was bombarded on the 12th and 13th of April by the rebels, and evacuated by Major Anderson's command on the 14th of April. During the bombardment, the officers' quarters were set on fire by hot shot from the rebel batteries, and they, with the roofs of the barracks, were entirely consumed. The magazines were uninjured by the fire. The bombardment dismounted one gun, disabled two others, and ruined the stair towers and the masonry walls projecting above the parapet. No breach was effected in the walls, and the greatest penetration made by successive shots was twenty-two inches. Nearly all the material that had been obtained to construct the embrasures of the second tier, to flag this tier and the remainder of the first tier, and to finish the barracks, was used up in the preparations for defense.
Fort Moultrie, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. - The work of preparing this fort for a vigorous defense commenced in August, 1860, and was diligently prosecuted up the day of its evacuation, December 26, 1860. In this time the large accumulation of sand, which overtopped the scarp wall on the sea front, was removed to the front and formed into a glacis; a wet ditch, fifteen feet wide, dug around the fort; two flanking caponieres of brick built, to flank with their fire the three water fronts; a bastioned for musketry constructed at the northwest angle; a picket fence built around the fort, bordering the ditch, and protected by a small glacis; merlons constructed on the whole of the east front; communication opened through the quarters, a bridge built, connecting them with the guard-house, and the latter looppholed for musketry, so as to serve for a citadel.
Means were also furnished to transport Major Anderson's command, and such public property as could be removed before the occupation of Fort Moultrie by the rebels, to Fort Sumter. Before evacuating the fort, the guns were spiked, the gun carriages on the front looking towards Fort Sumter burned, and the flagstaff cut down. A considerable quantity of Engineer implements and materials were unavoidably left in the fort.
Respectfully submitted.
Captain, Engineers.
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Engineer journal of the bombardment of Fort Sumter
October 1, 1861 - Captain John Foster
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Engineer journal of the bombardment of Fort Sumter. By Captain J. G. Foster, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army
October 1, 1861.
April 9, 1861 - The four-gun battery on the upper end of Sullivan's Island that was unmasked yesterday morning by blowing up the wooden house standing in front of it was situated very nearly upon the prolongation of the capital of this fort, and, therefore, could enfilade the terre-pleins of both flanks of the work, as well as sweep, to a certain extent, the outside of the scarp wall of the left flank, where alone a vessel of any considerable draught of water could lie near to the fort and discharge her cargo. It therefore became a matter of importance to provide traverses to intercept the fire along the barbette tier of the right flank, as this contains the heaviest battery, intended to operate both upon Fort Moultrie and Cummings Point, and also to prepare means for quickly unloading any vessel that may run in alongside the left flank with supplies for the garrison.
For the first purpose I commenced to prepare (for want of sand bags) a large double curb of boards and scantling, to be elevated upon the top of the parapet at the right shoulder angle, and being filled with earth hoisted from the parade, to serve for a traverse to protect this flank.
For the second I prepared ladders and runways to take in re-enforcements and provisions at the embrasures rapidly, one embrasure being enlarged so as to admit barrels, and also cleared the passage around to that main gate. A large stone traverse was also commenced to cover the main gates from the fire from Cummings Point. The masons were put at work cutting openings through the walls of the officers' quarters so as to admit a free communication through them, on the first and second floors, from one flank to the other. The battery in the right should angle, first tier, was also being improved by substituting a 42-pounder for a 32-pounder, cutting into the magazine wall, so as to allow the gun on the george to be used against the batteries, and cutting any one side of the embrasure, so as to allow the first gun on the right flank to be used in the same way.
The quantity of bread became very small, and only half rations of it were allowed to the men. The enemy's steamers were very active carrying supplies to their batteries.
April 10. - Every one, by order of the commanding officer, Major Anderson, changed his quarters, into the gun casemates to-day. The work on the traverse progressed well. Lieutenant R. K. Meade, Engineers, being placed on ordnance duty, found the supply of cartridges on hand to be too small, and took immediate measures to increase the supply by cutting up all the surplus blankets and extra company clothing to make cartridge bags. The curb for the traverse at the right shoulder angle was completed and put together on the terre-plein at nightfall, and after dark raised up on the parapet and filled with earth, which had been hoisted from the parade. The working party, under Lieutenant Snyder, increased by a large detail from the command, completed this work about midnight.
The supply of bread failed to-day, and its absence was supplied by rice obtained by picking over some damaged rice, which, while spread out to dry in one of the quarters, had been filled with pieces of glass from the window-panes shattered by the concussion of guns fired in practice.
A second battery was unmasked to-day on Sullivan's Island, nearer the western point of the island than the one last discovered. It is of one gun, and very heavy-evidently a 9-inch Dahlgren gun, or a 10-inch columbiad.
The enemy's steamers were very active at night, but no alarm occurred.
April 11. - At early dawn I detected the presence of the floating battery on the upper end of Sullivan's Island. It is situated between the end of the jetty and the steamboat wharf, where, evidently distrusting her qualities as a floating battery intended to breach the gorge wall at short range, she has been run on shore at high water, and, being left by the receding tide, has become a fixed battery. Her position gives her the advantage of sweeping with her guns the whole of the left flank of the fort, and thus rendering it impossible for any vessel with supplies to lie anywhere along this flank, while the breakwater in front protects her from our ricochet shots.
The stone traverse at the gorge has been raised to-day high enough to protect the main gate, and the traverse on the top of the parapet has been strengthened by the addition of sand bags on the top and sides, and braced in the rear by extra gun carriages. The communications cut through the walls of the quarters are finished, and all the water pipes and faucets prepared for use in case of fire. The third splinter proof shelter on the right flank, barbette tier, is finished. These shelters are formed of the timbers of extra gun carriages inclined against the interior slope and covered with 2 inch embrasure irons, securely spiked down. Shot and shells have been distributed to the guns, and about 700 cartridges reported ready. The work of making cartridge bags is slow, owing to there being only six needles in the fort.
The enemy's steamers are very active carrying supplies and hospital stores to the batteries on Cummings Point.
At 4 p.m. three aides of General Beauregard (Colonel Chesnut, Colonel Chisolm, and Captain Lee) came as bearers of a demand for the surrender of the fort. The unanimous decision of the officers in council was in the negative, and a written answer, in accordance, was returned by Major Anderson.
April 12. - At 1 a.m. four aides of General Beauregard (Colonel Chesnut, Colonel Chisolm, Captain Lee, and Mr. Pryor, of Virginia) came with a second letter, stating that as Major Anderson had been understood to make the remark to the bearers of the first letter, in taking leave, that he would "await the first shot, and if not battered to pieces, would be starved out in a few days," it was desired to know what importance might be attached to it. The reply of Major Anderson did not satisfy the aides, who were authorized in that case to give notice that the fire would open. Accordingly, leaving at 3 1/2 a.m., they gave notice that their batteries would open in one hour.
At 4 1/2 a.m. a signal shell was thrown from the mortar battery on James Island; after which the fire soon became general from all the hostile batteries. These batteries were, as nearly as could be ascertained, armed as follows, viz:
On Morris Island: Breaching battery Numbers 1, two 42-pounders; one 12-pounder Blakely rifled gun. Mortar battery (next to Numbers 7), four 10-inch mortars. Breaching battery Numbers 2 (iron-clad battery), three 8-inch columbiads. Mortar battery (next to Numbers 2), three 10-inch mortars.
On James Island: Battery at Fort Johnson, three 24-pounders (only one of them bearing on Fort Sumter). Mortar battery south of Fort Johnson, four 10-inch mortars.
On Sullivan's Island: Iron-clad (floating) battery, four 42-pounders. Columbiad battery Numbers 1, one 9-inch Dahlgren gun. Columbiad battery Numbers 2, 8-inch columbiads. Mortar battery west of fort Moultrie, three 10-inch mortars. Mortar battery on parade, in rear of Fort Moultrie, two 10-inch mortars. Fort Moultrie, three 8-inch columbiads; two 8-inch columbiads; two 8-inch sea-coast howitzers; five 32-pounders; four 24-pounders. At Mount Pleasant, one 10-inch mortar.
Total, firing on Fort Sumter, 30 gun, 17 mortars.
At 7 a.m. the guns of Fort Sumter replied, the first shot being fired from the battery at the right gorge angle, in charge of Captain Doubleday. All the officers and soldiers of Major Anderson's command were divided into three reliefs, of two hours each, for the service of the guns, Lieutenants Snyder and Meade, of the Engineers, taking their turns with the other officers in the large of batteries.
Of the forty-three workmen constituting the Engineer force in the fort nearly all volunteered to serve as cannoneers, or to carry shot and cartridge to the guns.
The armament of the fort was as follows, viz:
Barbette tier: Right flank, one 10-inch columbiad, four 8-inch columbiads, four 42-pounders. Right face, none. Left face, three 8-inch sea-coast howitzers, one 32-pounder. Left flank, one 10-inch columbiad, two 8-inch columbiads, two 42-pounders. Gorge, one 8-inch sea-coast howitzer, two 32-pounders, six 24-pounders. Total in barbette, 27 guns.
Casemate tier: Right flank, one 42-pounder, four 32-pounders. Right face, three 42-pounders. Left face, ten 32-pounders. Left flank, five 32-pounders. Gorge, two 32-pounders. Total in casemate, 21 guns.
Total available in both tiers, 48 guns.
Besides the above, there were arranged on the parade, to serve as mortars, one 10-inch columbiad to throw shells into Charleston and four 8-inch columbiads to throw shells into the batteries on Cummings Point. The casemate guns were the only ones used. Of these, those that bore on Cummings Point were the 42-pounder in the pan-coupe of the right gorge angle, the 32-pounder next to it on the gorge, which, by cutting into the brick wall, had been made to traverse sufficiently, and the 32-pounder next the angle on the right flank, which, by cutting away the side of the embrasure, had been made to bear on a portion of the Point, although not on the breaching batteries.
The guns of the first tier, that bore on Fort Johnson, were four 32-pounders on the left flank. (Of these, one embrasure had been, by order, bricked up.)
The guns that bore on the three batteries on the west end of Sullivan's Island were ten 32-pounders, situated on the left face, and one at the pan-coupe of the salient angle (four embrasures being bricked up).
The guns bearing on Fort Moultrie were two 42-pounders, situated on the right face, and one at the pan-coupe of the right shoulder angle.
The supply of cartridges, 700 in number, with which the engagement commenced, became so much reduced by the middle of the day, although the six needles in the fort were kept steadily employed, that the firing was forced to slacken, and to be confined to six guns-two if ring towards Morris Island, two towards Fort Moultrie, and two towards the batteries on the west end of Sullivan's Island.
At 1 o'clock two United States men-of-war were seen off the bar, and soon after a third appeared.
The fire of our batteries continued steadily until dark. The effect of the fire was not very good, owing to the insufficient caliber of the guns for the long range, and not much damage appeared to be done to any of the batteries, except those of Fort Moultrie, where our two 42-pounders appeared to have silenced one gun for a time, to have injured the embrasures considerably, riddled the barracks and quarters, and torn three holes through their flag. The so-called floating battery was struck very frequently by our shot, one of them penetrating at the angle between the front and roof, entirely through the iron covering and woodwork beneath, and wounding one man. The rest of the 32-pounder balls failed to penetrate the front or the roof, but were deflected from their surfaces, which were arranged at a suitable angle for this purpose. We could not strike below the water line on account of the sea wall behind which the battery had been grounded, and which was just high enough to allow their guns to fire over it, and to intercept all of our ricochet shots.
The columbiad battery and Dahlgren battery near the floating battery did not appear to be much injured by the few shot that were fired at them. Only one or two shots were fired at Fort Johnson, and none at Castle Pinckney or the city.
Our fire towards Morris Island was mainly directed at the iron-clad battery, but the small caliber of our shot failed to penetrate to covering, when struck fairly. The aim was, therefore, taken at the embrasures, which were struck at least twice, disabling the guns for a time. One or two shots were thrown at the reverse of batteries 3 and 4, scattering some groups of officers and men on the lookout, and cutting down a small flagstaff on one of the batteries. At one time during the day a revenue schooner which had been seized by the insurgents was observed lying at anchor between Sullivan's Island and Mount Pleasant. Lieutenant Snyder, Corps of Engineers, who had charge at this time of the battery firing in this direction, directed two or three shots at her with such effect as to put one of them through the vessel and cause her to haul down her colors, the flag of the so-called Confederate States, to hoist her anchor and sails, and get out of range as soon as possible.
One or two shots were thrown at the hulks which had been anchored in the channel, on a line between Cummings Point and Fort Moultrie, to be fired at night if our fleet should attempt to come in. As no person appeared on board, the fire was not continued in this direction.
The barracks caught fire three times during the day, from shells, apparently, but each time the flames, being in the first or second stories, were extinguished by a pump and application of the means at hand. Peter Hart, who was formerly a sergeant in Major Anderson's company, and employed by me at the time as a carpenter, was very active and efficient in extinguishing the flames.
The effect of the enemy's fire upon Fort Sumter, during the day was very marked in respect to the vertical fire. This was so well directed and so well sustained, that from the seventeen mortars engaged in firing 10-inch shells, one-half of the shells came within or exploded above the parapet of the fort, and only about ten buried themselves in the soft earth of the parade without exploding. In consequence of this precision of vertical fire, Major Anderson decided not to man the upper tier of guns, as by doing so the loss of men, notwithstanding the traverses and bomb-proof shelters that I had constructed, must have been great. These guns were therefore only fired once or twice by some men who ventured upon the parapet for this purpose. In doing this they managed without much care, producing little or no effect upon the enemy, besides doing injury to the guns. At the third fire of the 10-inch columbiad at the right gorge angle, it was omitted to throw the friction wheels out of bearing, and consequently in the recoil the gun ran entirely off its chassis, overturning itself, and in its fall dismounting the 8-inch sea-coast howitzer next to it.
The direction of the enemy's shells being from the northeast, north, southwest, and southeast, sought every part of the work, and the fuses being well graduated, exploded in most instances just within the line of parapet. To this kind of fire no return was made. The four 8-inch columbiads that I had planted in the parade to be used as mortars on Cummings Point were not used, neither was the 10-inch columbiad, arranged to fire shot and shells towards the city. The hot-shot furnaces were not used nor opened. The effect of the direct fire from the enemy's guns was not so marked as the vertical. For several hours firing from the commencement a large proportion of their shot missed the fort. Subsequently it improved, and did considerable damage to the roof and on the gorge. The aim of the guns during the day, with the exception of batteries Nos. 1 and 2, on Cummings Point, appeared to be directed to dismount the guns of our barbette tier. Those from Fort Moultrie succeeded in dismounting an 8-inch columbiad, and in striking on its side and cracking a second 8-inch columbiad, both situated on the right flank. The roof of the barracks on this flank and the stair towers were much damaged by this fire.
The shots from the guns in the batteries on the west end of Sullivan's Island did not produce any considerable direct effect, but many of them took the gorge in reverse in their fall, completely riddling the officers' quarters, even down to the first story, so great was the angle of fall of many of the balls.
Three of the iron cisterns over the hallways were destroyed by shots during the day, and the quarters below deluged by their contents of water, aiding in preventing the extension of the fire. The shots from these batteries and from Fort Moultrie, aimed at the embrasures, failed to produce any effect. None of the shot came through, although one shell exploded in the mouth of one embrasure.
A part of the guns from Cummings Point essayed to dismount the barbette tier on the gorge, and the remainder to breach the gorge, or rather the pan-coupe at the right gorge angle. At this latter point, two columbiads and a Blakely rifled gun fired almost constantly. The effect of this fire on this day was to breach around the embrasure of the first tier at the pan-coupe to a depth of twenty inches, and to put one shot through the filling, consisting of brick and bluestone combined, with which the embrasure opening of the second tier had been filled. One shot was also put through the top of the loophole window on the second tier, another through the top of the main gate, and a third through the magazine ventilator at the right of the gorge, falling between the pier and the inner wooden ceiling.
Three of the embrasure cheek-irons that I had placed in the second tier loopholes, were knocked out of place. Several of the stones that had been placed in the first tier loopholes were struck, but owing to the lead run in around them to hold them in place none were broken.
The penetration of the 8-inch columbiad balls from Cummings Point was eleven inches at the first shot-and that of the twelve-pound bolt from the Blakely gun was the same, as ascertained by measurement. The latter, however, threw its shot with greater accuracy, and with less time of flight, than the former. The distance was about 1,250 yards.
The shot from Cummings Point that passed a little over the gorge took the left face in reverse, damaging the masonry of the parade wall, coping, &c., and splintering the chassis of one gun in barbette. As an instance of strength of masonry, I may mention that one 10-inch shell from Cummings Point fell upon the second tier casemate arch, which was not covered by concrete or flagging, and so good was the masonry of this 15-inch arch that the shell did not go through, although it bedded itself, and broke off from the soffit below a large fragment of brickwork.
The night was very stormy, with high wind and tide. I found out, however, by personal inspection, that the exterior of the work was not damaged to any considerable extent, and that all the facilities for taking in supplies, in case they arrived, were as complete as circumstances would admit. The enemy threw shells every ten or fifteen minutes during the night. The making of cartridge bags was continued by the men, under Lieutenant Meade's directions, until 12 o'clock, when they were ordered to stop by Major Anderson. To obtain materials for the bags all the extra clothing of the companies was cut up, and all coarse paper and extra hospital sheets used.
April 13. - At daybreak no material alteration was observed in the enemy's batteries. The three U. S. men-of-war were still off the bar. The last of the rice was cooked this morning, and served with the pork-the only other article of food left in the engineer mess-room, where the whole command has messed since the opening of the fire. After this the fire was reopened, and continued very briskly as long as the increased supply of cartridges lasted. The enemy reopened fire at daylight, and continued it with rapidity. The aim of the enemy's gunners was better than yesterday. One shot from the rifled gun in the battery on Cummings Point struck the check of an embrasure in the right gorge angle, and sent a large number of fragments inside, wounding a sergeant and three men. The spent ball also came in with the fragments. An engineer employe, Mr. John Swearer, from Baltimore, Md., was severely wounded by pieces of a shell which burst inside the fort close to the casemates. One or two balls also penetrated the filling of the embrasure openings of the second tier, but fell entirely spent inside-one of them setting a man's bed on fire.
It soon became evident that they were firing hot shot from a large number of their guns, especially from those in Fort Moultrie, and at nine o'clock I saw volumes of smoke issuing from the roof of the officers' quarters, where a shot had just penetrated. From the exposed position it was utterly impossible to extinguish the flames, and I therefore immediately notified the commanding officer of the fact, and obtained his permission to remove as much powder from the magazine as was possible before the flames, which were only one set of quarters distant, should encircle the magazine and make it necessary to close it. All the men and officers not engaged at the guns worked rapidly and zealously at this, but so rapid was the spread of the flames that only fifty barrels of powder could be taken out and distributed around in the casemates before the fire and heat made it necessary to close the magazine doors and pack earth against them. The men when withdrew to the casemates on the faces of the fort. As soon as the flames and smoke burst from the roof of the quarters the enemy's batteries redoubled the rapidity of their fire, firing red-hot shot for most of their guns. The whole range of officers' quarters was soon in flames. The wing being from the southward, communicated fire to the roof of the barks, and this being aided by the hot shot constantly lodging there, spread to the entire roofs of both barracks, so that by twelve o'clock all the woodwork of quarters and of upper storey of barracks was in flames. Although the floors of the barracks were fire-proof, the utmost exertions of the officers and men were often required to prevent the fire communicating down the stairways, and from the exterior, to the doors, window frames, and other woodwork of the east barrack, in which the officers and men had taken their quarters. All the woodwork in the west barrack was burned. The clouds of smoke and cinders which were sent into the casemates by the wind set on fire many boxes, beds, and other articles belonging to the men, and made it dangerous to retain the powder which had been save from the magazine. The commanding officer accordingly gave orders to have all but five barrels thrown out of the embrasures into the water, which was done.
The small stock of cartridges now only allowed a gun to be fired at intervals of ten minutes. The flagstaff was struck by shot seven times during the day, and a fragment of shell cut the lanyard of the flag. The part thus cut was so connected that the flag must have come down by the run had not the flag been, as it was, twisted around both parts of the lanyard. During the night I endeavored to remedy this by lowering the topmast so as to reeve a new halyard, but failed in consequence of the sticking of the mast, which was swollen by the rain. The most that could be done was to reeve the uncut part of the lanyard through a block attached to the topmast, as high up as a man could climb, so that if the flag untwisted and came down it could be immediately rehoisted as high as this block.
As the fire reached the magazines of grenades that were arranged in the stair towers and implement rooms on the gorge, they exploded, completely destroying the stair towers at the west gorge angle, and nearly destroying the other.
At 1 o'clock the flagstaff, having been struck twice before this morning, fell. The flag was immediately secured by Lieutenant Hall, and as soon as it could be attached to a temporary staff, hoisted again upon the parapet at the middle of the right face by Lieutenant Snyder, Corps of Engineers, assisted by Hart, and Daveny, a laborer.
About this time information was brought to the commanding officer than Mr. Wigfall, bearing a white flag, was on the outside, and wished to see him. He accordingly went out to meet Mr. Wigfall, passing through the blazing gateway, accompanied by Lieutenant Snyder. In the mean time, however, Mr. Wigfall had passed to an embrasure on the left flank, where, upon showing the white flag upon his sword, he was permitted to enter, and Lieutenant Snyder entering immediately after, accompanied him down the batteries to where some other officers were posted, to whom Mr. Wigfall commenced to address himself, to the effect that he came from General Beauregard to desire that, inasmuch as the flag of the fort was shot down, a fire raging in the quarters, and the garrison in a great strait, hostilities be suspended, and the while flag raised for this object. He was replied to that our flag was again hoisted on the parapet, that the white flag would not be hoisted except by order of the commanding officer, and that his own batteries should set the example of suspending fire. He then referred to the fact of the batteries on Cummings Point, from which he came, having stopped firing, and asked that his own while flag might be waved to indicate to the batteries on Sullivan's Island to cease also. This was refused; but he was permitted to wave the white flag himself, getting into an embrasure for this purpose. Having done this for a few moments, Lieutenant Davis, First Artillery, permitted a corporal to relieve him. Very soon, however, a shot striking very near to the embrasure, the corporal jumped inside, and declared to Mr. Wigfall that "he would not hold his flag, for it was not respected."
At this moment the commanding officer, having re-entered through an embrasure, campe up. To him Mr. Wigfall addressed nearly the same remarks that he had used on entering, adding some complimentary things about the manner in which the defense had been made and ending by renewing the request to suspend hostilities in order to arrange terms of evacuation. The commanding officer desiring to know what terms he came to offer, Mr. Wigfall replied, "Any terms that you may desire-your own terms-the precise nature of which General Beauregard will arrange with you."
The commanding officer then accepted the conditions, saying that the terms he accepted were those proposed by General Beauregard on the 11th, namely: To evacuate the fort with his command, taking arms and all private and company property, saluting the United States flag as it was lowered, and being conveyed, if he desired it, to any northern port. With this understanding Mr. Wigfall left, and the white flag was raised and the United States flag lowered by order of the commanding officer.
Very soon after a boat arrived from the city, containing three aides of General Beauregard, with a message to the effect that, observing the white flag hoisted, General B. sent to inquire what aid he could lend in extinguishing the flames, &c. Being made acquainted with the condition of affairs and Mr. Wigfall's visit, they stated that the latter, although an aid of General Beauregard, had not seen him for two days.
The commanding officer then stated that the United States flag would be raised again, but yielded to the request of the aides for time to report to their chief and obtain his instructions. They soon returned with the approach of all conditions desired except the saluting of the flag as it was lowered, and this exception was subsequently removed after correspondence, In the morning communication was had with the fleet, and Captain Gillis paid a visit to the fort.
The evacuation was completed after saluting the flag, in doing which one man was instantly killed, one mortally and four severely wounded, by the premature discharge of a gun and explosion of a pile of cartridges. The whole command went on board a steamer which placed them on board the Isabel, where they remainder all night.
April 14. - The Isabel went over the bar and placed the whole command on board the steamer Baltic, which started for New York.
April 17. - Arrived in New York.
The following observations may be made upon the bombardment:
The enemy's fire on the second day, the 13th, was more rapid and more accurate than on the previous day. It seemed to be directed at the embrasures, and to set the quarters on fire. The latter object was fully attained, but not the former, for only two embrasures were struck- one at the right gorge angle by the rifled shot mentioned above, and the other at the left shoulder angle by a shot from the so-called floating battery, which struck the shutter, but without destroying it or entering the throat of the embrasure. The attempt to form a breach at the right gorge angle only succeeded in breaching around one embrasure to the depth of twenty-two inches, and in knocking off a large piece of one cheek, but without disabling the gun or rendering the embrasure inefficient. The barbette tier was not much injured by the second day's firing, none of the guns being dismounted by it, and few of them struck. The fire, however, destroyed all the gun carriages and splinter-proof shelters on the gorge.
After the cessation of fire, about six hundred shot-marks on the face of the scarp wall were counted, but they were so scattered that no breached effect could have been expected from such fire, and probably none was attempted except at the right gorge angle. The only effect of the direct fire during the two days was to disable three barbette guns, knock off large portion of the chimneys and brisk walls projecting above the parapet, and to set the quarters on fire with hot shot. The vertical fire produced more effect, as it prevented the working of the upper tier of guns, which were the only really effective guns in the fort, being columbiads, 8-inch sea-coast howitzers, and 42-pounders principally, and also prevented the use of the columbiads arranged in the parade to be used as mortars against Cummings Point. The shells that struck the stair towers nearly destroyed them, and filled the stairways with so much rubbish as to render them almost impassable. This, with the destruction of the stairs at the gorge by the explosion of the magazine of shells by the fire, made it almost impossible to get to the terre-plein.
The burning of the quarters and barracks produced a great effect on the defense while the fire lasted, inasmuch as the heat and smoke were almost stifling, and as the fire burned all around the magazines, obliging them to be closed, and thus preventing our getting powder to continue the firing. It also destroyed the main gates, and the gun carriages on the parapet of the gorge. But we could have resumed the firing as soon as the walls cooled sufficiently to open the magazines, and then, having blown down t he wall left projecting above the parapet, so as to get rid of flying bricks, and built up the main gates with stones and rubbish, the fort would actually have been in a more defensible condition than when the action commenced. In fact, it would have been better if the chimneys, roofs, and upper walls of the quarters and barracks had been removed before the firing begun, but the short notice and the small force did not permit anything of this kind to be done after the notice and the small force did not permit anything of this kind to be done after the notice of the attack was received.
The weakness of the defense principally lay in the lack of cartridge bags, and of the materials to make them, by which the fire of our batteries was, all the time, rendered slow, and towards the last was nearly suspended. The lack of a sufficient number of men to man the barbette tier of guns at the risk of losing several by the heavy vertical fire of the enemy also prevented us making use of the only guns that had the power to smash his iron-clad batteries, or of throwing shells into his open batteries, so as to destroy his cannoneers.
The want of provisions would soon have caused the surrender of the fort, but with plenty of cartridges the men would have cheerfully fought five or six days, and if necessary much longer, on pork alone, of which we had a sufficient supply.
I do not think that a breach could have been effected in the gorge at the distance of the battery on Cummings Point, within a week or ten days; and even then, with the small garrison to defend it, and means for obstructing it, at our disposal, the operation of assaulting it, with even vastly superior numbers, would have been very doubtful in its results.
Respectfully submitted.
Captain, Engineers.
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Extract from report of operations at Fort Sumter, S.C., for the month of December, 1860.
January 1, 1861 - Extract from Report of Operations
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Union Correspondence, etc.
FORT SUMTER, S.C., January 1, 1861.
Extract from report of operations at preservation of the site of Fort Moultrie, for the month of December, 1860.
* * * * *
The operations of the month were brought to a sudden close by the evacuation of the fort by Major Anderson's command, on the night of the 26th of December, and its occupation by the troops of South Carolina on the following evening. My letters previous to that time gave so full an account of the work being done that it is unnecessary to repeat it here, especially as the report is delayed much beyond the usual time.
Respectfully submitted.
Captain of Engineers.
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Extract from the report of operations at preservation of the site of Fort Moultrie, for the month of December, 1860
January 1, 1861 - Extract from Report of Operations
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Union Correspondence, etc.
FORT SUMTER, January 1, 1861.
Extract from report of operations at Castle Pinckney, Charleston Harbor, S.C., for the month of December, 1860.
* * * * *
The operations of the month comprise the organization of the messing and lodging arrangements for the party, the policing of the work, the putting all the guns and carriages in good working order, the repairing and securing of the embrasure shutters and the main gate, the rebuilding of the cistern in the east circular half bastion, and the commencement to rebuild the wooden banquettes in the half bastions. The work, with all the property that it contained, was forcibly taken possession of on the afternoon of the 27th, by the troops of South Carolina, an entrance being effected by scaling the wall at the circular bastion by means of ladders.
Lieutenant R.K. Meade, Corps of Engineers, in charge, was suffered to withdraw to Fort Sumter, where he reported to me.
Respectfully submitted.
Captain of Engineers.
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Extract from report of operations at Fort Sumter, S.C., for the month of March 1861