James H. Hallonquist was a Captain in the South Carolina Army.
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Service Record
December 26, 1860 - April 14, 1861: Operations in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina |
At the outbreak of the war, James Hallonquist was a Captain in the Provisional Confederate States Army
These dispatches were compiled with primary source materials from The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies (Chapter 1)
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(SC LtC) Roswell Ripley
At the outbreak of the war, Roswell Ripley was a Lieutenant Colonel in the Provisional Confederate States Army.
To Hallonquist:
From Hallonquist:
April 17, 1861 - Captain James Hallonquist to Lieutenant Colonel Roswell Ripley
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Report of Captain J.H. Hallonquist, commanding mortar and enfilading batteries
April 17, 1861.
COLONEL: I have the honor to submit the following report of the mortar and enfilading batteries which I commanded during the recent bombardment of Fort Sumter:
Owing to the fact that during the day I considered my personal attention due more to the enfilading battery than to the mortars, I was chiefly at the guns of the latter [former], but during the night I saw that your orders relative to rate of firing were carried out. For a detailed account, therefore, of the mortar battery I would refer to the report of Captain Bruns to myself. I would call attention to the zeal and energy displayed by Captain Bruns, Lieutenants Fleming and Blanding, who worked at the guns during the whole time exposed to the heavy rains which fell on the morning and night of the 12th. I can say no more than that they performed their duties as became South Carolinians. Lieutenant Flemming commanded. Sergeants O'Grady and Wheat and Private Harlan, of Company B, wee also untiring in the performance of their duty.
On the morning of the 12th the enfilading battery opened fire immediately after mortar battery Numbers 1. Their rate of firing was at first much more rapid than that established, but he fire was slackened first to four, then to sic and eight, minutes' interval between each gun. Mu principal object of the fire from this battery was to dismount the guns on the right and left faces of Fort Sumter exposed to an enfilading fire. The battery during the 12th and the morning of the 13th was the recipient of quite a heavy fire from Sumter, chiefly from his 32-pounders in casemate One shell from his barbette battery burst over the parapet, but injuring no one. There was more danger from the splinters of the wooden houses near by, which at every discharge were scattered over the men at the guns. At 10 1/2 o'clock on the 12th I open da ricochetting fire on the western front of Fort Sumter, as it was supposed that re-enforcements were passing in. From this battery six hundred shots were fired-one hundred and twenty-five to each gun.
I would respectfully call your attention to the excellent conduct of all the officers and men of Company K, Infantry Battalion. Lieutenants Valentine and Burnet were always in the right place at the right moment, and assisted me greatly in the management of the battery. For a report by name of the non-commissioned officers and men I would respectfully refer to Lieutenant Valentine, commanding the camp.
Charles Farelly, a citizen of Charleston, was untiring and active in the performance of his volunteer duty. I neglected above to refer to the good conduct of Corporal Smith at the mortar battery. He is reported by Lieutenant Flemming, commanding, as deserving the greatest praise for his general behavior during the bombardment.
Respectfully submitted.
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Post-War Career
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