At the outbreak of the war, Henry Hartsene was a Commander in the Provisional Confederate States Navy
These dispatches were compiled with primary source materials from The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies (Chapter 1)
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(CS BG) G.T. Beauregard
- At the outbreak of the war, G.T. Beauregard was a Brigadier General commanding the Provisional Confederate States Army
To Hartsene:
From Hartsene:
April 14, 1861 - Major D.R. Jones et al to Brigadier General G.T. Beauregard
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Joint reports of Major D.R. Jones, Assistant Adjutant-General, C. S. Army; and Colonel Charles Allston, jr., Commander H.T. Hartstene (C.S. Navy), and Messrs. William Porcher Miles and Roger A. Pryor, aides-de-camp
April 14, 1861.
GENERAL: In accordance with your order we have the honor to make the following report:
On Saturday, April 13, at about 7 o'clock p. m., we proceeded to Fort Sumter by your order to arrange finally the conditions of the evacuation. We presented your communication to Major Anderson, who, after perusing it, read it aloud to his officers, all of who, we believe, were present. The major expressed himself much gratified with the tenor of the communication and the generous terms agreed to by you. We inquired of Major Anderson when he desired to leave. He said as soon as possible, and suggested 9 o'clock the next morning. It was arranged that the Catawba or some other steamer should convey the major and his command either directly to New York or put them on board the United States fleet then lying outside the bar, according as one or the other plan might be agreed upon after a conference with the commander of the fleet. Major Anderson requested us to take Lieutenant Snyder down to the fleet for the purpose of arranging the matter. This Captain Hartstene undertook to do.
We have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servants,
Assistant Adjutant-General.
Brigadier-General BEAUREGARD,
Commanding Provisional Army, C.S.A.
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(CS AAG) David Jones
At the outbreak of the war, David Jones was a Major and Assistant Adjutant General in the Provisional Confederate States Army.
To Hartsene:
From Hartsene:
April 16, 1861 - Commander Henry J. Hartsene to Brigadier Major David Jones
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Report of Commander H.J. Hartstene, C.S. Navy, concerning the transportation of Major Anderson and his command from Fort Sumter to the U.S. fleet off Charleston Bar
Charleston, S.C.,
April 16, 1861.
MAJOR: On the afternoon of the 13th instant, shortly after the surrender of Fort Sumter, I was placed on board the steamer Catawba to convey to the fort, in connection with Major Jones, Captains Miles and Pryor (aides to Brigadier-General Beauregard), to arrange with Major Anderson the means most acceptable to him for his evacuation the following day.
The major, agreeable to our offer, sent on board of us Lieutenant Snyder to confer with the commander of the fleet off the bar in regard to transportation. I accompanied him out on the morning of the 14th instant, and after a short conference he returned to the fort, where it was arranged that the steamers and all necessary facilities for the removal of the command should be ready at 11 o'clock, and that they should be conveyed to the fleet, and have the option either of taking passage in one of their vessels or of going on the one furnished by the Confederacy.
At 11 o'clock all facilities were at the disposal of Major Anderson, but the work of removal was delayed inc consequence of the accidental explosion which killed and wounded five of his command. They were not embarked until sundown, when it was too late to cross the bar. This, however, was effected early the following morning, and command shortly afterwards was transferred to the steamer Baltic, one of the transportation of the United States.
All of which is respectfully submitted for the information of the brigadier-general commanding.
Respectfully, &c.,
Major D.R. JONES,
Asst. Adjt. General of Provisional Forces, C.S.A., Charleston, S.C.
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