Category:Union Prisoners
From Warriors of the Rebellion
Jump to navigationJump to searchThis category who lists all soldiers the Union cause who were taken prisoner. Note that soldiers on this list may have been captured more than once, or returned to their units.
This category has the following 32 subcategories, out of 32 total.
Pages in category "Union Prisoners"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 525 total.
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- Lewis A. Baldwin
- Melvin R. Baldwin
- Theodore F. Baldwin
- Harvey P. Ball
- John Banderob
- George Banner
- James J. Barnes (1)
- Thomas Barnett (1)
- Henry Barney (1)
- John A. Bartlett
- George Batchelder
- Balthazar Baumgartner
- Andrew Bean
- Henry B. Beardsley
- Francis H. Beauregard
- Thomas Beaver
- George A. Beck
- Robert K. Beecham
- Lewis Beidler
- Frederick A. Belknap
- Alonzo Bell
- John S. Bell
- Archibald D. Bennett
- Henry Bennett
- William F. Benny
- Hiram Bentley
- John H. Beoman
- Eusebius Swift Best
- Edward L. Billings
- Hollis W. Bishop
- William L. Black
- James P. Blaksley
- William Blanchard
- Philip Blissing
- Henry C. Boedecker
- Peter Bohles
- Robert Bolger
- Rice F. Bond
- William Thomas Booth
- William Boulding
- Daniel Bourassa
- Henry Bowen
- William I. Bradshaw
- Fritz O. Brand
- John Brandon
- Charles Brandstetter
- Simon P. Brasier
- Frederick Breme
- Elijah Brewington
- Edward L. Briggs
- Carleton S. Brockway
- Henry Bronkhurst
- Edward P. Brooks
- Roscoe G. Brown
- William Bruske
- William C. Bryant
- Charles F. Buchan
- Charles H. Burbank
- Thomas Burnett
- John A. Burns
- Robert W. Burns
- Jacob Burris
- Charles C. Bushee
- Clark W. Butler
- Er. Cady
- Chauncey Calendar
- Barney F. Campbell
- Barney Cannon
- John Cavanaugh (3)
- Austin Chadeayne
- John Chapman (1)
- John Chapman (2)
- George M. Chase
- Jonathon D. Chase
- Charles H. Cheeney
- Edward R. Chipman
- John P. Chrystie
- Alonzo Clark
- Augustus B. Clark
- Charles H. Clary
- William B. Cockerill
- Harbin Coffin
- Samuel Coker
- Eugene Cole
- Patrick Coleman (2)
- Philip H. Collins
- Patrick Conley
- Robert G. Conley
- Rollin P. Converse
- Hy. Cooley
- William P. Copp
- Volney Washington Corey
- Frederick Corfe
- Thomas F. Cowing
- Daniel F. Crane
- Samuel Creek
- John W. Crisp
- Sheldon E. Crittenden
- Alpheus Currant
- Andrew J. Curtis
- Daniel Custer
- Thomas Daily
- Charles R. Daniels
- Gillett Darragh
- John B. Davids
- John Davis (2)
- Othello M. Davis
- William Day
- Charles K. Dean
- Jacob Deiner
- Stephen Delorme
- Guillaume Delsipee
- Eugene Delwick
- James Dever
- Frank F. Dexter
- George W. Dilkey
- Charles R. Dobbins
- Richard Dobson
- Abraham Dock
- John Donovan (1)
- Peter Dorn
- John Dougherty (2)
- Andrew Douglas
- William Dow
- James Doyle (2)
- John Doyle
- John Drysdale
- Benjamin B. Duke
- Phillip T. Dunroe
- John M. Farland
- William W. Farrow
- Samuel Farry
- Conrad Fensel
- John H. Fenton (1)
- Jacob Figge
- John Finlay
- Ross Finlayson
- George E. Finney
- Lotridge Firman
- Ira W. Fletcher
- Oliver Fletcher
- William A. Flinn
- John Foley (1)
- Francis M. Ford (1)
- Samuel Foster
- Austin M. Foulk
- Francis A. Fowler
- Josiah Fowler
- Joseph Frame
- Levi S. Freeman
- Charles W. Fuller (2)
- Belknap Fuqua