Battle of the Wilderness, Virginia

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Battle of the Wilderness, Virginia - Multiple units engage in the thick forested area called "The Wilderness" in Spotsylvania and Orange Counties in Virginia from May 5-7, 1864. Union Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant attempts to move his troops quickly through the dense forest but is cut off by Confederate General Robert E. Lee. A bloody struggle ensues and the first battle of Grant's Overland Campain ends in a tactically inconclusive stalemate.


Union Troops

9th Corps
Division Brigade Regiments and
Smaller Units
1st Division
Thomas G. Stevenson, Brigadier General
1st Brigade
Sumner Carruth, Colonel
Jacob P. Gould, Colonel
2nd Brigade
Daniel Leasure, Colonel
2nd Division
Robert B. Potter, Brigadier General
1st Brigade
Zenas Bliss, Colonel[3]
John I. Curtin, Colonel
2nd Brigade
Simon Goodell Griffin, Colonel
3rd Division
Orlando B. Wilcox, Brigadier General
1st Brigade
John F. Hartranft, Colonel
2nd Brigade
Benjamin C. Christ, Colonel
4th Division[9]
Edward Ferrero, Brigadier General
1st Brigade
Joshua K. Sigfried, Colonel
2nd Brigade
Henry G. Thomas, Colonel

Reporting directly

Provost Guard
Artillery Reserve
John Edwards (Jr.), Captain
Provisional Brigade
Elisha G. Marshall, Colonel
(AoP) Staff/HQ

General Staff:

Division Brigade Regiments and
Smaller Units
General Headquarters Provost Guard
Marsena R. Patrick, Brigadier General
Engineer Troops
Guards and Orderlies
(AoP) 2nd Corps


Division Brigade Regiments and
Smaller Units
1st Division
Francis C. Barlow, Brigadier General
1st Brigade
Nelson A. Miles, Colonel
2nd Brigade
Thomas Alfred Smyth, Colonel
3rd Brigade
Paul Frank, Colonel
4th Brigade
John R. Brooke, Colonel
2nd Division
John Gibbon, Brigadier General
1st Brigade
Alexander S. Webb, Brigadier General
2nd Brigade
Joshua T. Owen, Brigadier General
3rd Brigade
Samuel S. Carroll, Colonel[11]
Provost Guard
3rd Division
David B. Birney, Brigadier General
1st Brigade
J. H. Hobart Ward, Brigadier General
2nd Brigade
Alexander Hays, Brigadier General
John S. Crocker, Colonel
4th Division
Gershom Mott, Brigadier General
1st Brigade
Robert McAllister, Colonel
2nd Brigade
William R. Brewster, Colonel
Artillery Brigade
John C. Tidball, Colonel
(AoP) 5th Corps
Division Brigade Regiments and
Smaller Units
1st Division
Charles Griffin, Brigadier General
1st Brigade
Romeyn B. Ayres, Brigadier General
2nd Brigade
Jacob B. Sweitzer, Colonel
3rd Brigade
Joseph J. Bartlett, Brigadier General
2nd Division
John C. Robinson, Brigadier General
1st Brigade
Samuel H. Leonard, Colonel
Peter Lyle, Colonel[12]
2nd Brigade
Henry Baxter, Brigadier General
Richard Coulter, Colonel
3rd Brigade
Andrew W. Denison, Colonel
Charles E. Phelps, Colonel
Richard N. Bowerman, Colonel
3rd Division
Samuel W. Crawford, Brigadier General
1st Brigade
William McCandless, Colonel
3rd Brigade
Joseph W. Fisher, Colonel
4th Division
James S. Wadsworth, Brigadier General
Lysander Cutler, Brigadier General
1st Brigade
Lysander Cutler, Brigadier General
William W. Robinson, Colonel
2nd Brigade
James C. Rice, Brigadier General
3rd Brigade
Roy Stone, Colonel
Edward S. Bragg, Colonel
Artillery Brigade
Charles S. Wainwright, Colonel
(AoP) 6th Corps


Division Brigade Regiments and
Smaller Units
1st Division
Horatio G. Wright, Brigadier General
1st Brigade
Henry W. Brown, Colonel
2nd Brigade
Emory Upton, Colonel
3rd Brigade
David Allen Russell, Brigadier General
Henry L. Eustis, Brigadier General
4th Brigade
Alexander Shaler, Brigadier General
Nelson Cross, Colonel
2nd Division[13]
George W. Getty, Brigadier General
Frank Wheaton, Brigadier General
Thomas H. Neill, Brigadier General
1st Brigade
Frank Wheaton, Brigadier General
2nd Brigade
Lewis A. Grant, Colonel
3rd Brigade
Thomas H. Neill, Brigadier General
Daniel D. Bidwell, Colonel
4th Brigade
Henry L. Eustis, Brigadier General
3rd Division
James B. Ricketts, Brigadier General
1st Brigade
William H. Morris, Brigadier General
2nd Brigade
Truman Seymour, Colonel
Benjamin F. Smith, Colonel
Artillery Brigade
Charles H. Tompkins, Colonel
(AoP) Cavalry Corps


Division Brigade Regiments and
Smaller Units
1st Division
Alfred T.A. Torbert, Brigadier General
Wesley Merritt, Brigadier General
1st Brigade
George A. Custer, Brigadier General
2nd Brigade
Thomas Devin, Colonel
Reserve Brigade
Wesley Merritt, Brigadier General
Alfred Gibbs, Colonel
2nd Division
David McM. Gregg, Brigadier General
1st Brigade
Henry E. Davies (Jr.), Brigadier General
2nd Brigade
J. Irvin Gregg, Colonel
3rd Division
James H. Wilson, Colonel
1st Brigade
Timothy M. Bryan, Colonel
John B. McIntosh, Colonel[14]
2nd Brigade
George H. Chapman, Colonel
1st Brigade Horse Artillery
James M. Robertson, Captain
(AoP) Artillery
Division Brigade Regiments and
Smaller Units
Artillery Reserve
Henry S. Burton, Colonel
1st Brigade
J. Howard Kitching, Colonel
2nd Brigade
John A. Tompkins, Major
3rd Brigade
Robert H. Fitzhugh, Major
2nd Brigade Horse Artillery
Dunbar R. Ransom, Captain

Confederate Troops


  • Union loss: 2,246 killed, 12,037 wounded, 3,383 captured and missing = total 17,666


  1. Referenced on Wikipedia, but not Dyer summary
  2. The IX Corps was under the direct orders of Lieutenant General Grant until May 24, 1864, when it was assigned to the Army of the Potomac. (see: Official Records, Series I, Volume XXXVI, Part 3, page 169)
  3. Sun-struck May 6, 1864
  4. 1st and 2nd Companies Michigan Sharpshooters attached (no separate units in Dyer) - Wikipedia
  5. Not originally referenced on Dyer summary but referenced on unit homepage
  6. Detached at Warrenton Junction; rejoined Brigade on May 7, 1864 (see: Cutcheon's report)
  7. Detached at Warrenton Junction; rejoined Brigade on May 7, 1864 (see: Cutcheon's report)
  8. Not originally referenced on Dyer summary but referenced on unit homepage
  9. Not engaged
  10. Originally listed on Wikipedia as 30th Connecticut (Colored) Infantry, not listed in Dyer summary
  11. Wounded, but did not relinquish command (see: Gordon C. Rhea, The Battle of the Wilderness May 5–6, 1864, page 395)
  12. Assigned May 6, 1864
  13. Brigadier General Getty was wounded May 6, 1864, and was succeeded in command of the First, Second, and Fourth Brigades by Brigadier General Wheaton, who was relieved by Brigadier General Neill early on the morning of May 7, 1864, when the Division was reunited
  14. <Assigned May 5, 1864
  15. Chief of Artillery to the whole Army
  16. 1st Brigade Horse Artillery detached with Cavalry Corps; 2nd Brigade Horse Artillery attached to the Artillery Reserve (see: Hunt's report)
  17. Not originally listed on Dyer summary
  18. Listed on unit homepage but not referenced on Dyer summary
