The following data provide a snapshot of the combatants on April 14, 1861.
PREVIOUS DAY (April 13, 1861) | NEXT DAY (April 15, 1861)
Active Army Departments
Union Army Departments
Confederate Army Departments
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- Officers
- Where operating
- Orders issued
Active Armies
Union Armies
Confederate Armies
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- Active Rosters
- Use Tabs
- Cite orders when units transferred
Active Operations and Sub-Operations
Operations in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina (Day 116/116)
Troops from the Provisional South Carolina Army continue operations in Charleston Harbor in Charleston County, South Carolina (December 20, 1860-April 14, 1861)
(II) Expedition for Relief of Fort Sumter, South Carolina (Day 5/5) - Chartered United States steamer Baltic sets sail from New York Harbor with the intention of aiding the besieged U.S. troops at Fort Sumter, along with several other steamers and a fighting force. From April 10-14, 1861 the steamer sails down the coast. Strong winds and a withdrawal of the bulk of the "fighting" force before the expedition even begins sabotage the operation
Confederate Bombardment of Fort Sumter, South Carolina (Day 3/3) - South Carolina Militia fire upon the garrison of United States troops inside Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor from April 12-14, 1861. The bombardment itself is bloodless and Union troops accept the offer of surrender to South Carolina forces
Union troops engaged:
- 1st United States Artillery / Battery E and Battery H
- Steamers Baltic, Harriet Lane, Pawnee
Confederate troops engaged:
Engagements and Casualties
Union Casualties
Confederate Casualties
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- Brief statistics at a glance
- Killed / Mortally Wounded / Wounded / Prisoner / Missing
- By state?
- Use tabs
- SEPARATELY - killed by disease
- SEPARATELY - killed in prison or as prisoner
Elections and Political News
Union Operations
Confederate Operations
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- Election results
- Legislative accomplishments
Miscellaneous Statistics
- Enlisted
- Mustered in
- Commissions
- Discharged (reason if applicable)
- Desertions