6th United States Infantry
The 6th United States Infantry is a unit of United States Regular Infantry troops that existed before the outbreak of the War. The unit saw action in the War of 1812, the Mexican-American War, the Indian Wars, and every subsequent conflict the country has participated in since the War of the Rebellion.
Regimental History and Service Record
These tabs show the designations and regimental history for the 6th United States Infantry. The designations refer to the higher levels of military organization to which the unit was attached throughout its term of service. The commanders of these larger units may have more relevant information regarding movements and actions of this unit. Click on a year tab to read a more in-depth account of this unit's service. Note that as a United States Regular Army unit, the 6th Infantry was already in service at the outbreak of the war and continued to exist afterward. The events shown here are only those experienced by this unit during the War of the Rebellion.
Dates | Full Unit Designation |
Significant Events | Other Brigaded Units |
April 1861 | United States Army / ? | Stationed primarily in California | ? |
October 31, 1861- January 31, 1862 |
United States Army / ? | Regiment concentrated in Washington, D.C. | ? |
January- May 1862 |
Army of the Potomac (?) / Sykes' Regular Infantry (George Sykes, Brigadier General) / Reserve Brigade (?) |
? |
May 1862- June 1863 |
Army of the Potomac (?) / 5th Army Corps (?) / 2nd Division (?) / 2nd Brigade (?) |
? |
June- August 1863 |
5th Army Corps (?) / 2nd Division (?) / 1st Brigade (?) |
? |
August 1863- May 1865 |
Department of the East (?) |
? |
May- October 1865 |
Department of the South (?) / District of Savannah, Georgia (?) |
? |
In January, 1860, the headquarters and Companies A and H were at Benicia Barracks, B at Fort Humboldt, C, E and F, at Fort Yuma, D at Fort Bragg, and G, I and K, at New San Diego.
Company A, Captain Franklin F. Flint commanding, left Benicia Barracks May 14 and arrived at Truckee River, U. T., three hundred miles distant, on the 31st, and on June 2 had an engagement with the Indians in which one private was severely wounded.
On October 17, 1860, the colonel of the regiment, Brevet Brig. Gen. Newman S. Clarke, died at San Francisco while in command of the department of California. He was succeeded by Colonel Washington Seawell, promoted from the 8th Infantry, who joined the regiment at Benicia Barracks on March 8, 1861.
On April 2, a detachment of thirty enlisted men of Company B, 6th Infantry, under the command of 1st Lieut. Joseph B. Collins, 4th Infantry, left Fort Humboldt, on a scout in the Bald Hills, Cal. They were engaged with the "hostiles" on the 14th and 15th near Mad River, about fifty miles from the post.
The Indians lost on the first day between fifteen and twenty killed, and on the second day five killed and three wounded. The only casualty among the troops was one man wounded.
The great War of the Rebellion was now in progress, and the summons had crossed the continent for the Sixth to hurry eastward. Several of its best and bravest officers, honest in a mistaken construction of the Constitution and true to their convictions as to duty under it, had tendered their resignations and given themselves to the fatal cause. But the rank and file with unhesitating fealty stood by the old flag, and remained to a man, on the side of the North.
The movement began October 31, 1861, and by January 31, 1862, the entire regiment was concentrated at Washington under the command of its colonel.
Colonel Seawell retired from active service February 20, 1862, and was succeeded by Colonel Electus Backus, promoted from the 3d Infantry, who died at Detroit, Mich., on June 7, 1862, and was in turn succeeded by Col. Hannibal Day, promoted from the 2d Infantry.
The regiment left Washington City on March 10, 1862, for service in the field, as part of Sykes' Brigade of Regulars, and participated in the siege and the operations which preceded the evacuation of Yorktown by the enemy on May 4.
The regiment was mainly employed on picket duty along the Chickahominy until June 26, when it was sent to reinforce a portion of McCall's Division of Fitz John Porter's Corps which was engaged with the enemy at Mechanicsville. It arrived close to the scene of conflict late in the evening, but took no part in the action, and the next morning was ordered to fall back towards Gaines' Mill and await the attack of the enemy, who was advancing in force. The battle commenced about noon on the 27th.
During the earlier stages the 5th New York and a South Carolina regiment had repeatedly attacked each other to no purpose. Colonel Warren about 3 o'clock in the afternoon asked the division commander for the Sixth Infantry, and formed it in front of and perpendicular to the line of the 5th New York and 17th Infantry, facing the open space over which the former and the South Carolina regiment had been charging and countercharging. The arrangement was that the 5th New York should repeat its charge, and on being countercharged the Sixth was to take the Confederate regiment in flank. The Sixth Infantry had hardly taken position when those in command saw the uselessness of such work, which, according to Warren's graphic words, was "only covering the ground with dead men," and the regiment received orders simply to hold its position in the woods, which it did until about sunset, when the Federal lines, flanked at both extremities, gave way.
As the regiment's position was in advance of the first line and in the woods, the status of affairs was not at once apparent, but a few moments under heavy canister fire sufficed to clear up matters, and, crossing a small bridge, the Sixth in disarray passed to the rear between two of the enemy's skirmish lines, and reformed on the ridge occupied by Generals French and Meagher.
Later in the evening the regiment moved into the valley of the Chickahominy, and early on the morning of the 28th crossed that stream. The bridge was destroyed after the passage of the Sixth Infantry, the last troops to leave the field.
In this action Captain R. W. Foote was killed, and Lieutenants H.A.F. Worth and D.D. Lynn were wounded. Captain Thomas Hendrickson, commanding the regiment, had his horse killed under him. Of the enlisted men five were killed and sixty-one wounded.
During the day 2d Lieutenant Jeremiah P. Schindel, while separated from the regiment with a few men, exhibited personal bravery and coolness under fire to a marked degree.
The regiment arrived at Manasses [i.e., Manassas] via Warrenton junction August 20th, and participated in the second battle of Bull Run on the 30th. It occupied a position about the centre of the line, near the Warrenton Turnpike, from early in the forenoon until near five o'clock, P. M., and falling back with the army bivouacked that night at Centerville.
Six enlisted men of the regiment were killed in this battle; and Lieutenants C.M. Pyne, A.W. Bickley, and J.P. Schindel, and twenty-five enlisted men, were wounded.
During the battle of Antietam, September 17, the Sixth was on picket duty, and on the 19th the regiment proceeded to Nolan's Ford on the Potomac near Sharpsburg, crossed into Virginia, and had a skirmish with the enemy on the 20th, and, finding him in force, re-crossed in obedience to orders and encamped at Sharpsburg, Md.
The regiment took part in several reconnoissances in October, November and December, and on December 11 bivouacked on a ridge on the north bank of the Rappahannock, overlooking the valley and city of Fredericksburg.
Crossing with Hooker's division on the 13th, the regiment was moved forward to within a few hundred yards of the famous stone wall for the purpose of attacking on the morning of the 14th. The plan being changed, the Sixth held its position in the line on the same ground during the whole of the 14th, Sunday, under a most galling fire without having a chance to make an appreciable return. Between 11 and 12 o'clock P. M. the line was withdrawn into the town, and occupied the main street during the 15th exposed to some artillery fire. About 9 o'clock P. M. the division of which the Sixth formed a part was moved nearer the outskirts of the town, where it remained till next morning, when in a fog and rain the regiment recrossed the Rappahannock, following the First Brigade. The ground in front of Company E was so flat that in the course of the day 1st Sergeant Thetard—afterwards mortally wounded at Gettysburg—was struck, and Corporal Kelley and five other men were picked off in succession. Having re-crossed the river the regiment during the day and night reoccupied with its division the bivouac on the ridge north of and overlooking the city, and on the 17th returned to camp near Potomac Creek.
At Fredericksburg five enlisted men were killed, and 2d Lieutenant James McKim and twenty enlisted men were wounded.
The regiment left camp near Potomac Creek April 27, 1863, and proceeded to Harwood Church, on the Fredericksburg-Warrenton road, crossed the Rappahannock at Kelly's Ford on the 29th, and after dark on the same day waded the Rapidan at Ely's Ford and bivouacked on its right bank. On the 30th the Sixth marched with its division to Chancellorsville, and after a short halt moved out on the Fredericksburg road for about three-quarters of a mile and bivouacked for the night.
In the forenoon of May 1 the Second Brigade was formed on the edge of the Wilderness, with the 2d and 6th Infantry on the right of the road. The line, only part of the time covered by skirmishers, rapidly advanced, brushing away the Confederate force in front, which precipitately retreated, but re-formed while the Federals halted, and opened a fire from which the 2d and 6th Infantry particularly suffered. Being finally outflanked, the line was withdrawn, and on reaching the ground where it had formed in the morning, the Sixth was detached to cover the exposed flank until relieved. General Hancock's skirmishers soon coming up, the regiment rejoined the brigade, which had reached the ground of the previous night's bivouac.
The casualties to the regiment in this action were confined to the enlisted men, one being killed and twenty-three wounded.
On the 3d, while on picket in the vicinity of Chancellorsville, the regiment captured four of the enemy, and while engaged in a skirmish two enlisted men were wounded.
On the morning of the 6th the regiment retreated with the army towards the Rappahannock, re-crossed at the U. S. Ford, and arrived after a hard march of sixteen miles at the old camp on Potomac Creek, near Falmouth.
The regiment left camp on Potomac Creek, June 4, for Benson's Mills where it remained until the 13th, when it took up the march for Aldie, Va., arriving at that point on the 22d. It left Aldie on the 27th, crossed the Potomac at Edwards' Ferry on the same day, and marching with but little intermission until the 30th, arrived at Unionville, Md.
At Frederick the Sixth Infantry was transferred from the Second to the First Regular Brigade of Sykes' Division, under its colonel, Hannibal Day, as brigade commander.
Moving into Pennsylvania, the regiment by dawn of July 2 was in position on the extreme right of the Union line, not far from the Baltimore and Gettysburg Turnpike.
About the middle of the forenoon it was placed as reserve near the centre of the line, and during the afternoon was moved in haste to the left and down the rugged slopes with the regular brigades. The Second penetrated the woods and wheat field in front, while the First, to which the Sixth Infantry belonged, held the open ground immediately in its rear. The left being in the air and the troops on the right having given way the division was ordered to fall back.
The regular infantry, which included the Sixth, was then formed in the woods back of Little Round Top and remained there during the 3d, exposed to the fire of artillery and to that of sharpshooters who were hidden among the rocks in and around the "Devil's Den."
On the morning of the 4th the First Regular Brigade was ordered towards the Emmetsburg Turnpike, to " feel " the enemy. It advanced with the 3d, 4th and 6th Infantry in line, the Sixth on the left, to the edge of Durfee's peach orchard, which was entered by the skirmishers. The brigade then moved back to Little Round Top, but was immediately faced about with orders to picket the "Devil's Den " and outer edge of the woods in front of the line. The Confederate outposts were in close proximity, and the picket firing which soon began was continued until dark.
On the morning of the 5th, part of the picket line, including Company I, 6th Infantry, was advanced beyond the Emmetsburg road. In the afternoon the brigade returned to its position in the woods in front of Round Top, and by 5 o'clock was with the division in pursuit of the enemy, bivouacking that night about four miles from Emmetsburg.
The casualties to the regiment at Gettysburg were 1st Sergeant I. Thetard, Company E, and seven privates killed; 2d Lieutenant Thomas Britton, eight non-commissioned officers and thirty privates wounded.
Lieutenant Britton's wound was received under circumstances which especially distinguished him for bravery.
The regiment was lying down exposed to a telling fire from Confederate sharpshooters, when, to steady the growing uneasiness of his men, he deliberately rose in the line of file closers, stretched and yawned as though waking from a nap, and coolly walked back and forth the length of the company.
On the 1st of August 1863 Colonel Day was retired from active service and was succeeded by Col. E. A. King, promoted from the 19th Infantry; but on the 20th of September,—less than two months later,—Colonel King was killed at the battle of Chickamauga while in command of a brigade of Thomas' Corps. He was succeeded by Colonel J. D. Greene, promoted from the 17th Infantry.
On August 16, 1863, the regiment, under the command of Captain Montgomery Bryant, embarked for New York City, where it arrived on the 21st and camped in Washington Park. It had been sent there on account of the draft riots, and remained doing provost duty until the 11th, when it was transferred to Fort Hamilton, N. Y. H.
While at Fort Hamilton the regiment was consolidated into two companies,—H and L—and drilled as heavy artillery, to form part of the defenses of New York City.
On May 17, 1865, the regiment embarked on the steamer Star of the South for Savannah, Ga., where it arrived on the 21st and was assigned to duty as part of the forces of the District of Savannah with headquarters at Hilton Head.
The regiment,—with the exception of Companies B and I on detached service at Lawtonville, S. C., since September,—arrived at Charleston, S. C., from Hilton Head on December 9, 1865, and took quarters in the "Citadel."
During February skeleton Companies A, C, E and F, were recruited from the depot, completing the original organization of the regiment.
While the headquarters remained at Charleston the companies were moved from place to place in South Carolina, being stationed from time to time at Charleston, Georgetown, Aiken, Beaufort, Darlington, Orangeburg, Lawtonville, Columbia, Strawberry Station, and other points.
Regimental Roster
Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.
Rank | Name | City/Town | Commission From |
Captain | [[]] | ? | ? |
Colonel | Electus Backus | ? | ? |
Lieutenant Colonel | George Andrews | ? | ? |
Sergeant Major | George Anderson | ? | ? |
Sergeant Major | Stephen Baker (3) | ? | ? |
Quartermaster Sergeant | Stephen Baker (2) | ? | ? |
? | Patrick Avery | ? | ? |
Henry Boynton Clitz | |||
Hannibal Day | |||
James Durrell Greene | |||
James K Mason | |||
Charles N Ruby | |||
Washington Seawell | |||
George Weed Wallace | |||
Henry Walton Wessells | |||
Daniel Powers Whiting |
Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.
Rank | Name | City/Town | Commission From |
Captain | [[]] | ? | ? |
Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.
Rank | Name | City/Town | Enlistment Date |
Private | [[]] | ? | ? |
Thomas Weldon |
Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.
Rank | Name | City/Town | Commission From |
Captain | [[]] | ? | ? |
Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.
Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.
Rank | Name | City/Town | Commission From |
Captain | [[]] | ? | ? |
Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.
Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.
Rank | Name | City/Town | Commission From |
Captain | [[]] | ? | ? |
Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.
Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.
Rank | Name | City/Town | Commission From |
Captain | [[]] | ? | ? |
1st Sergeant | Stephen Baker | ? | ? |
Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.
Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.
Rank | Name | City/Town | Commission From |
Captain | [[]] | ? | ? |
1st Lieutenant | Stephen Baker (3) | ? | May 3, 1865 |
2nd Lieutenant | Stephen Baker (3) | ? | May 3, 1865 |
1st Sergeant | Stephen Baker (1) | ? | ? |
1st Sergeant | Stephen Baker (3) | ? | ? |
Sergeant | Stephen Baker (1) | ? | ? |
Sergeant | Stephen Baker (3) | ? | ? |
Corporal | Stephen Baker (3) | ? | ? |
Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.
Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.
Rank | Name | City/Town | Commission From |
Captain | [[]] | ? | ? |
1st Sergeant | Stephen Baker | ? | ? |
Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.
Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.
Rank | Name | City/Town | Commission From |
Captain | [[]] | ? | ? |
Sergeant | John Archer | ? | July 1, 1862 |
Sergeant | Nicolas Baldes | ? | July 1, 1862 |
Corporal | Joseph Auerback | ? | ? |
Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.
Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.
Rank | Name | City/Town | Commission From |
Captain | [[]] | ? | ? |
Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.
Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.
Rank | Name | City/Town | Commission From |
Captain | [[]] | ? | ? |
1st Sergeant | Stephen Baker | ? | ? |
Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.
- Note: William Dolan, listed at the end of this company, was originally listed as Company M, however there are no other troops listed from this company and it was likely a transcription error from the original source. Further verification needed as to the actual company
Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.
Rank | Name | City/Town | Commission From |
Captain | [[]] | ? | ? |
1st Lieutenant and Adjutant | George Anderson | ? | ? |
2nd Lieutenant | George Anderson | ? | ? |
Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.
- Note: Eugene Charlot and John McGrath, listed at the end of this company, are the only soldiers originally listed as unassigned. All other names on this list did not specify a company, and may belong to other companies of this regiment. Further verification needed
Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.
Regiment Statistical Information
- Regiment lost during service 2 Officers and 29 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 43 Enlisted men by disease. Total 75.
- ↑ Originally listed on unit homepage but not referenced in Dyer summary
- Dyer, Frederick H. A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion. The Dyer Publishing Company (Des Moine, 1908). (Pages 758, 828, 897, 902, 903, 904, 905, 916, 1711)
- U.S. Army Center of Military History - The Sixth Regiment of Infantry (Excerpts from The Army of the US Historical Sketches of Staff and Line with Portraits of Generals-in-Chief: The Sixth Regiment of Infantry By Lieutenant Charles Byrne, Adj. 6th U. S. Infantry, p.491-495)
- Wikipedia - 6th Infantry Regiment (United States)