5th Pennsylvania Cavalry

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Regimental History and Service Record

  • Also referred to as
    • 65th Pennsylvania Volunteers
    • Cameron Dragoons
In Brief

Organized at Philadelphia July to September, 1861. Moved to Washington, D.C., August 22, 1861. Attached to Smith's Division, Army Potomac, to March, 1862. Unattached, 4th Army Corps, Army Potomac, to December, 1862. West's Advance Brigade, 4th Corps, Dept. Virginia, to June, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 4th Army Corps, Dept. of Virginia, to July, 1863. Wistar's Brigade, Yorktown, Va., Dept. Virginia and North Carolina, to August, 1863. U.S. Forces, Portsmouth, Va., Dept. Virginia and North Carolina, to December, 1863. District Currituck, Dept. Virginia and North Carolina, to January, 1864. Heckman's Division, 18th Army Corps, Dept. Virginia and North Carolina, to April, 1864. 2nd Brigade, Cavalry Division, Dept. of Virginia and North Carolina, Army of the James, to May, 1864. 1st Brigade, Kautz's Cavalry Division, Dept. Virginia and North Carolina, to April, 1865. Cavalry Brigade, Dept. of Virginia, to July, 1865. Richmond, Va., District Henrico, Dept. Virginia, to August. 1865.

SERVICE.--Duty in the Dept. of Washington, D.C., until May 8, 1862. Reconnaissance to Pohick Church,Va., December 18, 1861 (Cos. "C," "F," "H"). Flint Hill and Hunter's Mill February 7, 1862. Fairfax C. H. February 6. Expedition to Vienna and Flint Hill February 22. Duty near Alexandria until May.

Reconnaissance from Yorktown to Gloucester, Matthews and King and Queen Counties July 7-9 (Cos. "B," "E," "L," "M"). Duty at Yorktown and Williamsburg until September 8, 1863. Williamsburg and Fort Magruder September 9, 1862. Reconnaissance from Yorktown to Gloucester, Matthews, King and Queen and Middlesex Counties December 11-15. Reconnaissance to Burnt Ordinary December 17. Expedition to West Point and White House January 7-9, 1863 (Detachment). Burnt Ordinary January 19. Near Olive Creek Church February 5 (Cos. "L," "M"). Williamsburg and Olive Branch Church February 7. Williamsburg March 23 and 29. Whittaker's Mills April 11. Reconnaissance through Gates County and down Chowan River June 5-13. Nine Mile Ordinary June 14. Diascund Bridge June 20. Dix's Peninsula Campaign June 24-July 8. Barnesville June 28. Baltimore Cross Roads June 29. Expedition from White House to Bottom's Bridge July 1-7. Baltimore Cross Roads July 1. Bottom's Bridge July 2. Expedition to Bottom's Bridge August 26-29. New Kent C. H. August 28. Bottom's Bridge August 29. Ordered to Norfolk, Va., September 8, and duty about Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va., until December. Companies "C," "D," "F," "H" and "I" at South Mills, N. C., September 13. Companies "A," "B," "E," "G," "K," "L" and "M" at Great Bridge. Expedition to Indiantown, N. C., September 15-20 (Co. "D"). Near Kempsville September 15. Indiantown September 20. (Cos. "F" and "H" at Drummond Lake September 15.) Companies "C," "F," "H" and "I" advance to Raleigh September 22; Companies "A," "B," "L" and "M" to Currituck C. H. September 23. Affair on Back Bay September 30 (Detachment). Scout from Great Bridge to Indiantown, N. C., October 13 (Detachment). Bingo Landing October 16-17 (Detachment). Camden C. H. October 17. Regiment assembled at Great Bridge October 20. Expedition from Norfolk to South Mills, Camden, etc., N. C., December 5-24. Duty at Yorktown and in District of the Currituck until May, 1864. Wistar's Expedition toward Richmond February 6-8. Bottom's Bridge February 4. Ballahock on Bear Quarter Road and Deep Creek February 29-March 1. Ballahock Station near Dismal Swamp Canal March 1. Deep Creek March 2. Reconnaissance from Portsmouth to the Blackwater April 13-15 (Detachment). Kautz's Raid on Petersburg & Weldon Railroad May 5-11. Birch Island Bridges May 5. Stony Creek Station and Jarrett's Station May 7. White's Bridge, Nottaway Creek, May 8. Nottaway Railroad Bridge May 8. Jarrett's Station May 8-9. Kautz's Raid on Richmond & Danville Railroad May 12-17. Coalfield Station May 13. Powhatan Station May 14. Belcher's Mills May 16. Petersburg June 9. Before Petersburg June 15-18. Siege operations against Petersburg and Richmond June, 1864, to April, 1865. Roanoke Station June 20, 1864. Wilson's Raid on South Side & Danville Railroad June 22-July 2. Staunton River Bridge or Roanoke Station June 25. Sappony Church, Stony Creek, June 28-29. Ream's Station June 29. Demonstration north of the James at Deep Bottom July 27-29. Malvern Hill July 30. Chaffin's Farm, New Market Heights, September 29-30. Darbytown Road October 7-13 and December 10. Charles City Cross Roads October 26. Battle of Fair Oaks October 27-28. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9, 1865. Dinwiddie C. H. March 31. Five Forks April 1. Gravelly Ford on Hatcher's Run April 2. Near Amelia C. H. April 4-5. Burkesville and Sailor's Creek April 6. Prince Edward's C. H. April 7. Appomattox Court House April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. Duty at Richmond, Va., and in District of Henrico, Dept. of Virginia, to August.

  • Mustered out August 7, 1865, and discharged at Philadelphia, Pa., August 16, 1865.

The Fifth Cavalry was recruited under the authority of an order granted by the Secretary of War, dated July 6th, 1861. It was at first known as the Cameron Dragoons. It was among the first of the three years' regiments raised, and being authorized by the National Government, was, for a time, held to be independent of the State of Pennsylvania. The first ten companies were from the city of Philadelphia, the last two from Pittsburg. The following were the field officers:

  • Max Friedman, Colonel
  • Philip Becker, Lieutenant Colonel
  • J. L. Moss, Major
  • Stephen E. Smith, Major
  • E. M. Boteler, Major

As fast as recruited to the maximum number, the companies were sent to camp on Ridge Avenue, near Girard College, where they were subjected to constant drill. On the 22d of August the regiment proceeded to Washington, and encamped at Camp Stoneman, on Seventh street. A few days later companies L and M, which had been recruited at Pittsburg, joined it.

On the 10th of September companies A, B, F and G, under command of Lieutenant Colonel Becker, were ordered to report for scouting duty to General Blenker, across the Potomac. The streams were all much swollen by a recent storm, and unfortunately while fording a small creek, two men of company F were carried away by the impetuous current and drowned.

On the 23d the remaining eight companies were ordered to report to General William F. Smith, in command of a division. These companies were armed just previous to starting. On the morning after their arrival in camp, three companies, D, I and H, were sent to General Hancock, who, upon their reporting to him, ordered them out upon a scout. They fell in with the enemy and had a sharp skirmish, in which several were killed and wounded.

The regiment was now actively employed in scouting in and along the enemy's line, bringing in prisoners almost daily and gathering much useful information. In the general advance of the line of the army, in October, the Fifth was established near Lewinsville, in Camp Griffin. By the terms of an order of the War Department, issued soon after, this regiment, which had previously been regarded as an independent organization, was transferred to the quota of Pennsylvania, and received the number in the line which it bears. Its officers were then commissioned by the State authorities.


During the movement of the army upon Manassas, in March, 1862, Colonel Friedman received notice of the acceptance of his resignation which he had previously tendered, and Lieutenant Colonel Moss assumed command. No enemy having been found the regiment returned to Alexandria, where, shortly afterwards, David Campbell, who had been commissioned Colonel, joined it and took charge. Here it remained in the monotonous routine of camp life until the 8th of May, when it broke camp and moved by transport to Yorktown. Upon its arrival companies A, B, E and L, were ordered to Gloucester Point, where they encamped, and were engaged in scouting in Gloucester, Mathews, King and Queen counties.

On the 12th the remaining companies were ordered to Williamsburg, and Colonel Campbell was appointed military governor of the district. They remained here employed in scouting in rear of the army until its return from the Peninsula campaign, with the exception of two companies, I and K, under command of Captain Brown, which were at the front, and were engaged in the operations before Richmond and the perils of the retreat.

On the 9th of September, while at Fort Magruder, about a mile below Williamsburg, the command was attacked by superior numbers, and driven with the loss of six killed and fifteen wounded. Captains George D. Hart and Leopold Rosenthal were among the latter. Colonel Campbell and thirty-two men were taken prisoners. The regiment was armed with only sabres and pistols, while the enemy had carbines. It afterwards regained its former position, but again fell back before an enemy superior only in numbers and in arms.

The regiment having become greatly reduced by sickness and casualties, two officers were detached and sent to Philadelphia to recruit its ranks to the maximum standard. During the months of October and November, three hundred men were obtained, raising it again to twelve hundred strong. In September company D was ordered to report to General E. D. Keyes for scouting duty on the north side of York River. In February following, under command of Lieutenant Cummings, it made a circuit of Gloucester and Mathews counties, frequently meeting on the route parties of the enemy, and was out fifty-four hours capturing four rebel prisoners and seven horses, with a loss of two killed and three wounded.


On the 7th of January, 1863, companies D and E, in conjunction with a squadron of the Sixth New York, left Yorktown and proceeded on transports to West Point, marching thence towards Indiantown. The object of the movement was to capture a wagon train on its way to White House Landing, bearing valuable contraband goods that were being smuggled through the lines from Baltimore. At daybreak on the following morning the command fell in with the train and a severe struggle ensued lasting half an hour. The guard, which was quite numerous, was at length overpowered and the entire train, laden with medical supplies, Colt's revolvers and other arms, valued at fifty thousand dollars, with thirty prisoners, was captured. The officer in charge stated that he had taken goods through to Richmond, on which his share of the profits amounted to two hundred thousand dollars in gold. Two weeks later the entire regiment was ordered to Burnt Ordinary, where the enemy was reported in force. Upon approaching the place he opened a rapid fire, and a warm skirmish ensued in which he was driven. The loss was two killed and one severely wounded. The enemy's loss was five killed and fifteen wounded, the latter falling into the hands of the victors, who promptly extended to them surgical aid.

Another dash was made upon this post on the 6th of February, by a battalion led by Major Kleinz, which resulted in the dispersion of the enemy's pickets and reserves, and the capture of one prisoner and a considerable amount of valuable property. On the day following, companies L and M, numbering about one hundred men, were sent out on the Williamsburg Stage Road for a scout. Six miles from camp, they fell in with a force of the enemy, estimated at one thousand strong. The two companies charged boldly upon him and though suffering severely, returned again and again to the contest; but the odds against them were too great, and they were at length partially surrounded. Capture seemed inevitable. Seeing a weak point in his lines, a charge was ordered upon it, and they succeeded in breaking through and making their escape, but with the loss of thirty-five killed, wounded, and prisoners. Captain Reinmuller was wounded and fell into the enemy's hands.

An incident occurred in this encounter which is worthy of note. Samuel M. Williamson, of company H, volunteered to accompany the squadron, and leading the advance was the first to be surrounded by the enemy. An imperious demand was made upon him to surrender; but he peremptorily refused, boldly uttering these words of defiance: "I will fight rebels and rebellion as long as breath remains in my body". Scarcely had the sentence passed his lips, when he received a volley, but still refused to surrender. He was then deliberately shot by a rebel Lieutenant. When the body of the brave youth was sent into our lines under flag of truce, the following note, written by the officer who killed him, accompanied it: " I regret the necessity that compelled me to shoot such a brave officer, but found it absolutely necessary to do so in order to save the lives of my own men; he positively refused to surrender, when ordered to do so, and still kept firing his revolver at my men even after he had been twice wounded." Lieutenant Williamson was only nineteen years old, a truly brave man and a devout christian. Upon examining his body, it was found to have been pierced by seventeen balls.

During all the time that the regiment was on the Peninsula, it was engaged in arduous service, some portion of the command being constantly out scouting, and frequently meeting and skirmishing with the enemy, often resulting in severe encounters.

On the 29th of March, a force of the enemy, under command of the rebel General Wise, consisting of two regiments of infantry, one of cavalry and two pieces of artillery, moved upon the post with the design of breaking it up and dispersing the troops, their presence greatly interfering with his operations. Dispositions were made to repel his advance, the regiment occupying the fort and acting upon the defensive. The pickets were soon driven in and the enemy made an impetuous attack, but was repulsed and driven by two companies of the Fifth, the guns of the fort doing excellent execution. Taking advantage of the confusion into which his forces were thrown by this sudden and unexpected check, the remaining companies of the Fifth made a gallant charge which sent him flyng in confusion. The loss was two killed, six wounded, and five taken prisoners, but slight, owing to the shelter of the fort, compared with that of the enemy.

Scarcely two weeks had elapsed, when the command was again attacked, the enemy advancing with infantry and artillery in considerable force, under command of Colonel Tatum. The regiment was at least ten miles from any support. Skillfully deploying, he commenced a vigorous attack, and succeeded after encountering determined resistance in capturing the camp. But only held it for a short time; for, while engaged in fancied security in plundering, the regiment charged upon his disorganized forces, throwing them into confusion and driving them precipitously from the ground. They left a number of horses and equipments and twenty-six prisoners in the hands of our men. During the engagement, Lieutenant Alfred Cromelin, of company C, and four men, while bravely contending with a superior forces were surrounded, and taken prisoners.

On the 7th of May, company D, with a squadron of the Sixth New York, under command of Major Hall, of that regiment, was sent to West Point, where it was joined by a force from General Dix's column, under command of Generals Keyes and Gordon. The combined force was charged with making a diversion in favor of Hooker at Chancellorsville. The cavalry was sent out, and at about two miles from West Point, fell in with a body of the enemy's horse. Skirmishing at once commenced, which was kept up until it reached King and Queen Court House. The enemy was driven with the loss of several wounded and captured. Lieutenant Williams, of the Sixth, was killed near the Court House.

At the stream hard by the town, a guard of cavalry, consisting of one hundred men, holding as prisoners Lieutenant Eustis, of General Kilpatrick's staff, and fifteen men who had been sent with dispatches to General Hooker, were met. By a skillful disposition of his forces, Major Hall succeeded in recapturing these prisoners, together with thirty-eight of the enemy. The whole party was brought safely into General Keyes' headquarters the same night, where Major Hall, with his party, received the compliments of the commanding generals for his gallantry. On the following day, upon the arrival of General Kilpatrick at Yorktown, whither his command had retired, he for the first time learned the fate of his aid, and escort, and expressed much gratification at their rescue from the horrors of a rebel prison.

During the summer months, little of interest transpired. The ranks of the command had become very much reduced by sickness and casualties. At least four-fifths of the men, during this period, were in hospitals, prostrated by fever and ague.

On the 8th of September, the regiment was ordered to report at Norfolk. Upon its arrival, a battalion composed of companies C, D, F, H and I, under Major William G. M'Candless, was sent to South Mills, North Carolina, the terminus of the Dismal Swamp Canal. The march was commenced in the midst of a terrible rain storm, by which the streams were much swollen and bridges washed away. After many hardships it arrived on the 13th, and was immediately assigned to picket duty, the enemy in front.

The remaining companies, under Lieutenant Colonel Lewis, went to Great Bridge, on the Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal, ten miles from Norfolk, where they were assigned to scouting and picket duty; guarding the canal as far down as Curituck Sound.

On the 15th, company D was ordered to Indiantown, to capture or disperse a party of about one hundred citizen-guerrillas, who were engaged in robbing and murdering Union men, of whom there were large numbers in that neighborhood, and in helping smugglers and rebel mail carriers on their way to Richmond. It promptly attacked, on its arrival, surprising and routing the party, and capturing its arms. On the same day, companies F and H, were sent towards Drummond Lake, where, meeting with the enemy, they had a severe skirmish, which resulted in their taking eighteen prisoners, four of them wounded. Soon afterwards company D was detached from the battalion and sent to Coinjoick Bridge, on the Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal.

On the 22d, companies C, F, H and I, under orders from Brigadier General Henry M. Naglee, advanced towards Raleigh. After severe fighting, and sustaining considerable losses in killed and wounded, they succeeded in pushing out about twenty miles, when, meeting with greatly superior numbers, they were obliged to return. About the same time a battalion, consisting of companies A, B, L and M, under Major Kleinz, were ordered to Curituck Court House, and upon their arrival were employed in clearing the surrounding country of bands of the enemy who were engaged in irregular warfare. Much hard marching and severe fighting was done by this command, and it succeeded in ridding the district of these troublesome parties. Companies E, G and K remained with Lieutenant Colonel Lewis, at Great Bridge, engaged in scouting and picketing in the advance of General Getty's command.

On the 20th of October, the detachments were ordered to assemble at Great Bridge, where the regiment went into winter quarters. While here about one-half of the regiment re-enlisted, to the number of two hundred and fifty, and were given a veteran furlough.

On the 11th of November ten companies were ordered to report to General Getty, at Getty's Station, two miles south of Portsmouth, where they were assigned to a brigade of cavalry commanded by Colonel S. P. Spear, of the Eleventh Pennsylvania, companies D and K remaining at Great Bridge. In pursuance of an order issued by General Butler, in command of the Department, received on the 1st of January, 1864, Lieutenant Cummings was appointed to enroll all citizens between the ages of eighteen and forty-five, subject to military duty, in North Carolina, but was obliged to confine his operations to the counties bordering on Virginia.


Companies D and K having re-joined the regiment, it proceeded by transport to Yorktown, where it joined the command of General Wister, consisting of five regiments of infantry, two white and three colored, Colonel Spear's Cavalry, and two batteries of artillery, charged with making a sudden dash upon Richmond with the design of entering it by surprise and releasing the Union prisoners confined there. Marching to Bottom's Bridge, the enemy was discovered in position upon the opposite side of the Chickahominy, prepared to dispute the passage. The Fifth was ordered forward to charge the bridge, but was repulsed, the enemy having artillery planted to command the crossing. The artillery and infantry not having come up, further progress was stopped until they should arrive.

In the meantime the enemy was able, under cover of his artillery, to take up the bridge. A soldier under sentence of death at Fort M'Gruder, having escaped the night previous, had deserted to the enemy and given information of the proposed movement, thus enabling him to prepare to meet it. The enemy soon concentrated a heavy force in front, rendering further efforts futile, and the command returned.

On the 1st of March a force of the enemy appearing at Ballahack, on the Dismal Swamp Canal, a detail of one hundred men under Captain Faith, was ordered out upon a reconnoissance to ascertain the probable number. The night was dark and many difficulties were encountered, but it finally came up with the foe, and a skirmish ensued in which the loss was three killed and four wounded.

During the months of February and March two hundred and thirty-one recruits were sent to the regiment. Upon the expiration of his term, Lieutenant Colonel Lewis was mustered out of service, and Major Christopher Kleinz was promoted to succeed him.

Early in May the spring campaign opened, and General Kautz, who had been assigned to the command of a division of cavalry in the Army of the James, was ordered upon a raid for the destruction of the Petersburg and Weldon Railroad. His column was composed of the Eleventh and Fifth Pennsylvania, the Third New York, and First District of Columbia,. The enemy in considerable force was met at the Blackwater, but was routed and nine of his men taken prisoners. On the evening of the 7th, Kautz struck the railroad at Stony Creek Station, where he captured fifty-five prisoners, including one Major, one captain, and two Lieutenants. The station and warehouses were quickly burned.

On the following morning he resumed the march and proceeded to Jarrett's Station, where the enemy was in readiness for attack. The Eleventh was ordered forward to charge upon him, but failed to dislodge him. The Fifth was then brought up and by the most gallant conduct carried the position, driving him and capturing forty-three prisoners. The command immediately commenced tearing up the track and completely destroyed several miles, committing the station and buildings containing valuable supplies to the flames. The destruction was as effectually, as speedily accomplished.

In returning, the command was ordered to proceed to the Nottoway Bridge and capture and destroy it if possible. The enemy was found entrenched on the opposite side of the river. The Fifth attempted to force a passage but was driven back. The Eleventh was ordered forward, and aided by a combined attack, the enemy yielded. The bridge was destroyed and a number of prisoners taken.

On the 11th the Division was sent to Bermuda Hundred, whence, on the following day, it started on a raid upon the Richmond and Danville railroad, with instructions to effect as great a destruction of the road as possible. It was first struck at Coalfield Station. The track for two miles, with buildings containing immense quantities of supplies, was given to destruction, and the coal-pits fired. While the work was in progress a skirmish occurred which resulted in the loss of five wounded. From Coalfield the command marched to Powhattan Station where the buildings were fired and a portion of the track contiguous destroyed. On the morning of the 14th the enemy was attacked at a point south of Powhattan and driven. Without much annoyance it proceeded to the South Side Railroad, where the work of destruction was re-commenced, and several miles of track were rendered useless.

The command now began to be much troubled by the rebel cavalry hovering upon its flanks, rendering it necessary to keep a large body of skirmishers out at a considerable distance. Near Bellfield a large force of the enemy had concentrated in expectation that Kautz would fall into its embrace. Advised of his situation, and realizing his peril, he at once ordered two companies of the Fifth to make a feint in that direction, while he led the main portion of his column away to Jarrett's Station, where the two companies subsequently re-joined him, beguiling the enemy and saving his force.

After arriving at City Point, the command crossed the Appomattox and joined General Butler's forces. The regiment was dismounted and put into the trenches with the rest of the cavalry. On the 22d, Colonel R. M. West was transferred from the First Pennsylvania Artillery to the command of the Fifth Cavalry, relieving Lieutenant Colonel Kleinz. Remaining on duty in the works, until the morning of the 9th of June, the cavalry division was ordered to move upon, and capture a portion of the enemy's defences in front of Petersburg, to be supported by a division of infantry under General Gilmore. Reaching the works at noon, the regiment under command of Lieutenant Colonel Kleinz was ordered to charge. Dismounting and forming, at the word of command the line dashed forward with wild shouts, scaled the works, and drove out the enemy. Without pausing, the men followed up the fleeing foe, capturing one brass gun and fifty-four prisoners. Over one hundred of the enemy, killed or wounded, were left upon the field. The loss in the Fifth was slight. Pursuit was continued to within half a mile of Petersburg; but upon being met by General Beauregard's force, retired in good order. The infantry failing to come up, the advantage gained was lost.

On the 15th, the cavalry division was ordered to make a second demonstration upon the defences of the city. A fort, which commanded the road leading to the town, was first flanked and captured. Arriving within sight of the defences, the enemy was met and driven into his works, which were found to be of too great strength to be carried by assault. The loss was considerable, Colonel Mix, of the Third New York being killed. Soon after this movement, Colonel West was assigned to the command of a brigade, Lieutenant Colonel Kleinz resuming command of the Fifth, and retaining it until its consolidation in May, 1865.

On the 21st of June, the cavalry divisions under Generals Kantz and Wilson were united, and started upon what is familiarly known as Wilson's raid. On the 23d, the command reached the junction of the South Side and Richmond and Danville roads, where two or three hundred of the enemy's wounded were discovered. The buildings and commissary stores here were destroyed. The track was torn up from the Junction to Roanoke Station, a distance of forty-five miles, and the buildings and bridges by the way were effectually destroyed. During the progress of the work, considerable skirmishing occurred, attended with some loss; but no determined resistance was met until the command reached the Station, where the enemy was found entrenched on the south side of the stream. As soon as the advance, under command of Sergeant Allen of the Fifth, arrived within range, the enemy opened on him with artillery. General Kautz immediately brought forward his division and the ground was sharply contested until night-fall. A little before day-break of the following morning, the 26th, General Wilson ordered the command to withdraw, which was effected in good order. The enemy followed up and pressed the rear with great pertinacity. At five o'clock, P. M. of the 28th, the head of the column reached Stony Creek Station, on the Weldon Railroad, and was at once attacked by the enemy's cavalry. Unable to force the position, General Kautz was ordered to flank it and march on towards camp. This movement was executed, but not without serious opposition.

Upon the arrival of Colonel Spear's Brigade at Ream's Station, on the morning of the 29th, General Longstreet, with a force of ten thousand men with artillery, was found in position ready to dispute its farther progress, and immediately commenced an attack upon the column. At the moment that the battle opened in front, the left flank and rear was assaulted by the enemy's cavalry, under Lee and Hampton. The unequal contest was continued for some time, the brigade losing heavily in killed and wounded, and in horses and material. Finding it impossible to force his way through, Kautz ordered Colonel West to take the advance, and make his way through a swamp with his command. This was successfully accomplished, reaching the lines of the army at dusk of the same day. The regiment lost in this expedition, about three hundred men, and as many horses, half of its effective strength. For seventy-two hours previous to the final struggle, the men had had no sleep nor any thing to eat, and were in no condition for a conflict even with equal numbers; yet they stood manfully up to their duty, even in the face of overwhelming odds, and escaped from an enemy who was sanguine of their utter annihilation.

From about the middle of July, until the close of September, the regiment was kept almost constantly in motion, frequently meeting and skirmishing with the enemy, and performing severe picket duty. This service took it to both sides of the James, and to various points along the lines-on the 17th of July, to Malvern Hill; on the 30th, to the Petersburg and Norfolk Railroad; August 10th, to Fort Powhattan; on the 14th, to Sycamore Church, on the Petersburg and Norfolk Stage Road; on the 19th, to Mount Sinai Church; on the 26th, to Mill's House, on the Norfolk Railroad; and on September 2d, to Yellow Tavern.

On the 29th of September, the regiment crossed to the north of the James and joined General Butler's Army. Soon afterwards an attempt was made to force the works before Richmond. Kautz, with his cavalry, passed round to the Mechanicsville Road, and working his way through the felled timber which obstructed it, approached, under cover of darkness, the enemy's lines. Alarmed by the pickets he at once opened a terrible fire. After remaining in position within range of his guns for an hour, during which he poured out his ammunition without stint, the command was ordered to retire. The loss in the regiment in killed and wounded was about twenty.

In connection with the division of General Terry, the Fifth assaulted the enemy's lines on the Boydton Plank Road on the 1st of October. The engagement was severe and lasted over two hours, but was fruitless. Again on the 3d, the enemy, while out reconnoitering, attacked and was handsomely repelled by the Fifth.

The enemy having concentrated a heavy force in front of Kautz's Division, now reduced to about nine hundred men, on the morning of the 7th opened a furious attack. He was at first repulsed with severe loss, but renewing the contest he came on in redoubled strength, and with the spirit of desperation. Still he was checked by the steady fire of the cavalry. Stung by the obstinate resistance of this comparatively insignificant force, he again pushed on his columns and finally succeeded in driving it back and possessing the lines. The opposing force which was led by Longstreet and Picket, numbered six thousand. The Fifth lost fourteen killed, twenty-seven wounded and seventy-two taken prisoners, nearly half its effective strength. Colonel Kleinz, Captains. Kerr and Galliseth and Lieutenant Clayton were among the wounded.

On the 27th the fragment which remained of the regiment was attached to a force under General Weitzel, which, proceeding out upon the Charles City Road, attacked the enemy. The Fifth suffered only slight casualties. On the 10th of December it was again advanced upon the Charles City Road, where, with two companies of the Twentieth New York Cavalry, it was charged with holding the picket line, connecting with the Eleventh Pennsylvania on the right. Early in the morning a body of cavalry and a brigade of infantry of Longstreet's troops made an attack, and a warm contest ensued. Gaining no advantage by manoeuvring or fighting, he finally concentrated his forces and struck heavily upon that part of the line held by the Fifth. It met the shock without yielding, and gallantly charging in turn, drove him back and compelled him to relinquish the contest. The loss was seven killed and fourteen wounded. Among the latter was Captain Galliseth and Lieutenant Schrader.

For its gallantry on this occasion, General Ord, commanding the Department, directed General Kautz to issue the following order, addressed to Colonel West:

"General Ord, commanding the army, desires me to inform you of his gratification at the conduct of yourself and your command on the 10th instant, in resisting the enemy's advance and delaying his columns on that occasion, and finally compelling him to abandon his contemplated offensive movement, without obtaining any compensating results. I congratulate you on this merited appreciation of the general commanding, and trust that it is but an indication of still greater services and consequent distinction that awaits you and your command."


The regiment remained after this engagement upon the Charles City Road on picket duty, until the 25th of March, 1865, when it moved out in the midst of a terrible storm of snow and hail, to White Oak Swamp, to meet General Sheridan's command. Three days later it crossed the James, and proceeded to Hatcher's Run. Resting here until April 1st, it moved with the cavalry upon its last campaign.

Passing Dinwiddie Court House, it proceeded to the extreme left of the Union lines, where the enemy was found. A part of the Fifth Corps was falling back before him as the cavalry advanced. A charge was immediately ordered, and the Fifth led by Lieutenant Colonel Kleinz, made a gallant and effective dash, capturing three hundred prisoners and a large number of small arms. The rout of his forces upon the left was complete. The regiment joined in the pursuit which was continued to Gravelly Run, where skirmishing ensued, under which the stream was crossed and a line taken up which was held until the 3d, when it was again engaged. During the 4th and 5th, it moved forward, reaching Amelia Court House, harrassing the left flank of the enemy with good effect. On the 6th, the command marched to Burkesville, skirmishing on the way, and on the 7th established a picket near Prince Edward Court House. Marching out on the following day to the Lynchburg and Richmond Railroad, four trains of cars moving towards Richmond were captured. In the evening it arrived in the neighborhood of Appomattox Court House, and at four o'clock on the following morning moved for the general battle field which was reached at six. The enemy fought with his characteristic recklessness and daring, forcing the line back into a dense wood, where it reformed and held him in check, until the infantry were in position in the rear, when the cavalry was ordered to cease firing and retire. This was accomplished in good order.

After reaching the rear of the infantry, a portion of the rebel cavalry which had moved round upon the Union left, made its appearance, and the Fifth was ordered out on the skirmish line. Dismounting, it moved promptly to the work and held the enemy in check, while General Davies was bringing his division into position for a grand charge. The skirmishing was continued with vigor until eleven o'clock, when the order to cease firing was received; the rumor prevailing that Lee was making overtures for a surrender, and that Grant was master of the situation. Every thing at this moment was obscured in doubt, and the excitement incident to a well contested field had not subsided. The doubt did not long continue; for soon it was announced that Lee had surrendered, and the wildest cheers ran along the line.

On the 12th, the division was ordered to Lynchburg, the bands playing " Hail Columbia." as it went. Returning, it passed Appomattox Court House on the 16th, Farmville on the 18th, Burkesville on the 19th, Five Forks on the 22d, through Richmond on the 24th, and encamped on the Mechanicsville Pike, where it rested. On the 19th of May, three hundred and thirty-one officers and men of the Fifth were mustered out of service, and on the 6th of June, the remainder of the regiment was consolidated with the Third Pennsylvania. But little of moment occurred during the remainder of its term, and on the 7th of August, it was finally mustered out of service at Richmond.

Regimental Roster

Field and Staff Officers

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Field and Staff Officers.

5th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Regimental Field and Staff Officers
Rank Name City/Town Commission From Muster Date
Colonel [[]] ?, PA ? ?
Max Friedman Colonel August 7, 1861 Resigned March 9, 1862
David Campbell Colonel March 12, 1862 Resigned October 16, 1862
Robert M. West Colonel July 26, 1861 Transferred from 43d regiment P. V., May 29, 1864; promoted to Bv. Brigadier General, April 1, 1865; mustered out with regiment, August 7, 1865
Philip Becker Lt. Colonel 1861 Resigned November, 1861
Joseph L. Moss Lt. Colonel August 10, 1861 Promoted from Major, November 1861; resigned April 30, 1862
S. E. Smith Lt. Colonel September, 1861 Promoted from Major, February 25, 1862; resigned September 29, 1862
Christopher Kleinz Lt. Colonel July 30, 1861 Promoted from Captain Company E to Major, October 30, 1862; to Lt. Colonel, July 1, 1864; discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865
James W. Walsh Lt. Colonel January 1, 1862 Transferred from 60th regiment P. V., May 8, 1865; mustered out with regiment, August 7, 1862
William Lewis Lt. Colonel July 30, 1861 Transferred from 60th regiment P. V., May 8, 1865; mustered out with regiment, August 7, 1862
Eph'm A. Rowland Major August 10, 1861 Resigned January 29, 1862
Edward M. Boteler Major September, 1861 Discharged October 13, 1862
William C. Heuser Major July 23, 1861 Promoted from Captain company B, March 12, 1862; discharged October 13, 1862
Jacob P. Wilson Major August 5, 1861 Promoted from Captain company F, May 1, 1862; discharged October 13, 1862
Joseph C Hess Major August 10, 1861 Promoted from Captain company H, November 5, 1862; resigned February 7, 1863
W. G. M'Candless Major April 3, 1862 Promoted from 1st Lieut. Company B, November 21, 1862; mustered out, March 17, 1865; expiration of term
Timothy Hennessey Major August 10, 1861 Promoted from Captain Company G, February 11, 1863; discharged October 26, 1863; re-commissioned February 5, 1864; mustered out, March 29, 1865
D. P. Hagameister Major July 17, 1861 Promoted from Captain company L, July 1, 1864; mustered out, June 7, 1865, expiration of term
Justinian Alman Major September 17, 1861 Promoted from Captain company E, April 25, 1865; mustered out, June 7, 1865
Frank W. Hess Major November 4, 1861 Transferred from 60th regiment P. V., May 8, 1865; mustered out with regiment, August 7, 1865
Charles Treichel Major January 24, 1862 Transferred from 60th regiment P. V., May 8, 1865; mustered out with regiment, August 7, 1865
Henry W. Paul Major August 5, 1861 Promoted from Captain company D, June 6, 1865; mustered out with regiment, August 7, 1865
Henry G. Burlow Adjutant 1861 Resigned January 17, 1862
Peter Lane Adjutant 1861 Discharged March 26, 1862
Frank P. Robinson Adjutant March 26, 1862 Promoted to Adjutant, January 23, 1863; resigned March 24, 1864
John C. Brown Adjutant August 14, 1862 Promoted from Sergeant Major-to Adjutant, May 30, 1864; to Captain company L, March 7, 1865
Jacob E. Bayley Adjutant July 24, 1863 Drafted; promoted from 2d Lieutenant Company H March 7, 1865; mustered out, June 1, 1865
Edward M'Mahon Adjutant October 10, 1862 Promoted from private Company H to Quarter Master Sergeant, November 27, 1864; to Sergeant Major, March 6, 1865; to 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant, July 24, 1865; mustered out with regiment, August 7, 1865
James Cromlien Quarter Master August 10, 1861 Promoted from Lieutenant company G, September 15, 1861; missing April, 1862
David Bower Quarter Master April 5, 1862 Promoted from 2d Lieutenant company F, November 1, 1862; resigned May 9, 1865
Samuel M'K. King Quarter Master August 13, 1861 Promoted from 2d Lieut. Company L, July 22, 1865; mustered out with regiment, August 7, 1865; Vet
William H. Ford Commissary S. October 2, 1862 Promoted from 1st Lieut. Company B, October 3, 1862; mustered out with regiment, August 7, 1865
James Bryan Surgeon August 3, 1861 Promoted to Brigade Surgeon; December 20, 1861
F. S. Jaquette Surgeon December 22, 1861 Resigned February 24, 1862
Thos. J. Yarrow Surgeon January 1, 1862 Promoted from Assistant Surgeon, February 19, 1862; discharged March 20, 1862
William C. Todd Surgeon March 8, 1862 Mustered out, August 5, 1864; expiration of term
Patrick Heany Surgeon February 6, 1863 Promoted from Assistant Surgeon, September 15, 1864; mustered out, November 15, 1864
John W. Hughes Surgeon September 15, 1863 Promoted from Assistant Surgeon, December 15, 1864; mustered out, November 15, 1864
Henry C. Yarrow Assistant Surgeon 1861 Resigned February 10, 1862
S. C. King Assistant Surgeon December 31, 1861 Transferred to 64th regiment P. V., April 5, 1862
John S. Wagoner Assistant Surgeon October, 1862 Discharged by General Order, September 16, 1862
Fred'k W. Heckel Assistant Surgeon September 17, 1862 Promoted to Surgeon 165th regiment P. V., December 5, 1862
Peter Wager Assistant Surgeon October 18, 1861 Promoted to Surgeon 177th regiment P. V., February 20, 1863
Clifford J. Parker Assistant Surgeon March 19, 1863 Dismissed September 30, 1863
Ernest Sallman Assistant Surgeon December 21, 1864 Promoted to Surgeon 177th regiment P. V., February 20, 1863
Henry R. Curtis Assistant Surgeon March 11, 1865 Discharged by General Order, May 29, 1865
Henry J. Durant Assistant Surgeon November 26, 1861 Transferred from 60th regiment P. V., May 8, 1865; mustered out with regiment, August 7, 1865
M. J. Harmstead Chaplin December 13, 1861 Died at Camden, N. J., February 1, 1865
Rob't M. Roseberry Veterinary Surgeon September 20, 1862 Promoted from Farrier company H, February 1, 1864; discharged by General Order, June 18, 1865
George S. Gatchell Sergeant Major June 18, 1864 Promoted from private to Quartermaster Sergeant, July 1, 1865; to Sergeant Major, July 26, 1865; mustered out with regiment, August 7, 1865
Edw'd J. Andrews Sergeant Major July 26, 1861 Promoted from private Company C to Sergeant Major; date unknown; to 2d Lieut. Company C, October, 1861
Peter K. Eldridge Sergeant Major July 26, 1861 Promoted from Bugler company C to Sergeant Major; date unknown; transferred to Company C
J. F. Cummings Sergeant Major August 5, 1861 Promoted from Sergeant company F to Sergeant Major, November, 1862; to 2d Lt. Company F, May 16, 1862
Wm. E. A. Bird Sergeant Major July 26, 1861 Promoted from Sergeant Company C to Sergeant Major; date unknown; to 2d Lt. Company B, November 1, 1862
John F. Cameron Sergeant Major August 14, 1862 Promoted from private company D to Sergeant Major, November 1, 1862; to 1st Lt. Company C, November 17, 1863
Edward H. Vail Sergeant Major January 18, 1864 Promoted from private Company D to Sergeant Major, December 1, 1864; to 1st Lieut. 15th regiment N. Y. Engineers, March 2, 1865
John H. Griffith Sergeant Major September 19, 1862 Promoted from private company D, May 29, 1864; captured at Ream's Station, Va., June 29, 1864; died at Andersonville, Ga., October 25, 1864
John W. Watson Quarter Master Sergeant August 25, 1862 Promoted from private company L, March 6, 1865; discharged by General Order, May 18, 1865
Abraham B. Harris Quarter Master Sergeant July 30, 1861 Promoted from Sergeant Company F to Quarter Master Sergeant, February 19, 1863; to 2d Lt. Company F, November 26, 1864; Vet
Samuel Smith Quarter Master Sergeant August, 1861 Promoted to 2d Lieut. Company K; date unknown
Richard Ker Commissary Sergeant June 24, 1862 Promoted from Sergeant Company G, March 10, 1865; discharged by General Order, May 18, 1865
Charles Oat Commissary Sergeant July 26, 1861 Promoted from private company C, October 1, 1861 transferred to company C, July 7, 1863
F. F. Williamson Commissary Sergeant August 14, 1861 Promoted from Commissary Sergeant company I, July 7, 63; transferred to Company I, November 18, 1863
John C. Gauler Commissary Sergeant August 10, 1861 Promoted from Commissary Sergeant company H to Commissary Sergeant, November 18, 1863; to 2d Lieutenant company H, March 7, 1865; Vet
Jacob Tomer Hospital Steward April 1, 1863 Promoted from private company F, February 25, 1865; mustered out with regiment, August 7, 1865; Vet
John C. Merry Hospital Steward July 30, 1861 Mustered out with regiment, August 7, 1865
Joseph I. Allen Hospital Steward July 26, 1861 Promoted from Corporal Company C, date unknown; discharged on Surgeon's certificate, date unknown
Alfred Sharp Hospital Steward July 26, 1861 Promoted to Hospital Steward, October 28, 1863; transferred to company G, May 30, 1864; re-appointed Hospital Steward, June, 1864; discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 3, 1864; Vet
Henry F. Birnbaum Hospital Steward September 23, 1861 Promoted from private company H, April 18, 1863; discharged by General Order, June 24, 1865; Vet
Joseph D. Magee Hospital Steward June 5, 1863 Promoted from private company D, November 1, 1864; died January 25, 1865
Christian Trostel Chief Bugler November 18, 1862 Promoted from private company H, May 1, 1863; mustered out with regiment, August 7, 1865
Jacob Walter Saddler July 30, 1861 Promoted from Saddler Company E, November 1, 1864; mustered out with regiment, August 7, 1865; Vet
William Casey Saddler July 26, 1861 Promoted from Saddler Company C, November 11, 1862; mustered out, July 25, 1864; expiration of term
Jacob Enchelmayer Blacksmith July 23, 1861 Promoted to Blacksmith, October 17, 1862; transferred to company B, May 1, 1863
Frank Hopp Armorer April 1, 1863 Not on muster-out roll

Regimental Band

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Regimental Band of this company.

5th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Regimental Band
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private [[]] ?, PA ?
William Zeigler Leader, Band September 10, 1861 Discharged November 30, 1861
Foster, Frederick Musician September 16, 1861 Discharged November 30, 1861
Heldt, Conrad Musician September 10, 1861 Discharged November 30, 1861
Knox, John Musician September 10, 1861 Discharged November 30, 1861
Lang, Conrad Musician September 16, 1861 Discharged November 30, 1861
Miller, John Musician September 10, 1861 Discharged November 30, 1861
Podir, Martin Musician September 10, 1861 Discharged November 30, 1861
Reichman, George Musician September 10, 1861 Discharged November 30, 1861
Rothengorthen, W. Musician September 10, 1861 Discharged November 30, 1861
Saul, Henry Musician September 10, 1861 Discharged November 30, 1861
Wirth, Valentine Musician September 16, 1861 Discharged November 30, 1861
Winterstein, John Musician September 16, 1861 Discharged November 30, 1861

Company A

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.

5th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company A (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, PA ?
John Hartman Captain July 18, 1861 3 Resigned December 15, 1861
Leopold Rosenthal Captain August 14, 1861 3 Promoted from 2d Lt. Company G, to Captain, January 16, 1862; to Captain and Commissary of Subsistence, April 7, 1864; mustered out, expiration of term
Frederick Phillips Captain July 18, 1861 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lt., February 16, 1862; to Captain, May 18, 1865; prisoner from March, 1864, to April, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865
George J. Ker Captain June 1, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Louis Fisher 1st Lt. 3 Resigned February, 1862
August Bownotzie 1st Lt. April 4, 1862 3 Promoted from 2d Lt. Company I to 1st Lt., April 4, 1862; resigned August 2, 1862.
Seth H. Yocum 1st Lt. July 26, 1861 3 Promoted from Sergeant, Company C to 2d Lt.; to 1st Lt. Company G, November 21, 1862
James Smith 1st Lt. November 21, 1861 3 Promoted from priv., Company H to Sergeant; to 2d Lt. Company A, November 21, 1862; to 1st Lt., April 25, 1865; prisoner from June 29, 1864, to April, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865
Henry A. Cook 1st Lt. August 5, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Frederick Meyer 2d Lt. October, 1861 3 Resigned March 31, 1862
Christian Ioch 2d Lt. August 7, 1861 3 Promoted from priv. to Quarter Master Sergeant; to 1st Sergeant; to 2d Lt., April 25, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865; Vet
John C. Cassell 2d Lt. August 10, 1861 3 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865; Vet
Frederick Pyll 1st Sergeant August 15, 1861 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant; to 1st Sergeant; to 2d Lt., Company E, November 1, 1862
Patrick R. Nale 1st Sergeant October 10, 1862 3 promoted from private Company H to Sergeant, February 1, 1865; to 1st Sergeant, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Jos. M. WallWork Quarter Master Sergeant February 29, 1864 3 Promoted from private Company G, July 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
William H. Neide Commissary Sergeant August 19, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Joseph Holl Sergeant August 10, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, February 18, 1864; to Sergeant, July 18, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Frederick Bender Sergeant August 10, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 14, 1864; to Sergeant, July, 1864; captured at Ream's Station, Va., June 29, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Christian Seigle Sergeant February 8, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865; to Sergeant; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Jacob Wagner Sergeant August 10, 1861 3 Promotedto Corporal, October 6, 1864; to Sergeant, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Flemon M. Smith Sergeant August 19, 1861 3 Promoted from Corporal, July, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Joln Eifert Sergeant July 18, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 18, 1864; expiration of term
Henry Beisser Sergeant July 18, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 18, 1864; expiration of term
Adam Heckler Sergeant July 18, 1861 3 Mustered out, September 15, 1864; expiration of term
John R. Groves Sergeant September 8, 1864 1 Discharged, date unknown
Wallace D. Gray Sergeant August 19, 1861 3 Discharged by General Order, June 29, 1865; Vet
Christian Schursler Sergeant July 18, 1861 3 Captured at Ream's Station, Va., June 29, 1864; died while prisoner, date unknown
Charles Trussels Sergeant July 18, 1861 3 Captured at Ream's Station, Va., June 29, 1864; died March 11, 1865; buried in United States General Hospital Cemetery, Annapolis, Md.
Lorenz Monier Sergeant July 18, 1861 3 Deserted July 1, 1865; Vet
Frederick Koch Corporal February 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, December 31, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Philip Baslor Corporal August 10, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
John Geisberger Corporal August 10, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Edward Savage Corporal August 19, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Samuel M'Neal Corporal August 19, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Charles A. Shaffer Corporal February 22, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Tallman, Konkle Corporal February 27, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 14, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Henry Koenig Corporal August 10, 1861 3 Mustered out, expiration of term
George Grau Corporal July 18, 1861 3 Prisoner from June 29, 1864, to April, 1865; mustered out, expiration of term
Jacob Zoll Corporal December 25, 1861 3 Mustered out, expiration of term
William G. Kane Corporal September 7, 1864 1 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865; discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865
Wesley Hewitt Corporal August 16, 1864 1 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865; discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865
George Schwartz Corporal August 10, 1861 3 Captured at Ream's Station, Va., June 29, 1864; died at Andersonville, Georgia, September 3, 1864, grave, 7,705
John Kunzelman Bugler February 4, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
John J. Rice Bugler August 19, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
George Eisele Bugler July 18, 1861 3 Mustered out, December 29, 1864; expiration of term
Julius Brown Bugler August 17, 1862 3 Returned to Regular Army, January, 1863
Charles Fischer Bugler September 16, 1861 3 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865
John Ginder Black'h January 25, 1864 3 Promoted to blacksmith, July, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Christian Danion Black'h August 10, 1861 3 Mustered out, expiration of term
Martin Brenner Farrier February 11, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, July, 28, 1865
Louis J. Smith Saddler January 28, 1864 3 Promoted to saddler, July 22, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.

5th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company A (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private [[]] ?, PA ?
Abbe, Henry Private July 25, 1861 3 Deserted July 23, 1865; returned July 27, 1865; absent, in confinement, at muster out; Vet
Armhold, Max Private August 30, 1864 1 Prisoner from December 10, 1864, to April, 1865; discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865
Allen, George Private November 18, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Barr, Henry Private January 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Bower, Michael Private January 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Braiser, Thomas Private March 27, 1865 1 Absent, sick, at muster out
Bloom, David H. Private October 26, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Buisher, William Private February 27, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Baker, Henry Private January 21, 1864 3 Captured at Ream's Station, Va., June 29, 1864; transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Brown, William H. Private February 12, 1864 3 Transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Bogart, John Private August 19, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Bay, Christian Private July 10, 1861 3 Mustered out, expiration of term
Baurnfind, Martin Private July 18, 1861 3 Discharged, date unknown; re-enlisted September 4, 1864; discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865
Bisseger, Adam Private July 16, 1861 3 Mustered out, expiration of term
Baker, Michael Private February 26, 1864 3 Prisoner from June 29, to December 16, 1864; transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; disch'd by General Order, June 21, 1865
Brown, Frederick Private February 11, 1864 3 Died August 25, 1864; buried at Hampton, Va.
Brown, John Private February 4, 1864 3 Captured at Ream's Station, Va., June 29, 1864; died while prisoner, date unknown
Bauer, Frederick Private February 4, 1864 3 Captured at Ream's Station, Va., June 29, 1864; died at Andersonville, Georgia, September 25, 1864; grave, 9,745
Bruck, John Private July 18, 1861 3 Deserted July 30, 1861; returned June 15, 1864; absent at muster out
Bisseger, Abraham Private July 18, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Burns, John A. Private March 21, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Brady, Edward Private September 15, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Barrett, Thomas Private April 1, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Bennett, Peter Private September 21, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Brunes, John Private November 18, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Barry, James . Private November 18, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Costello, Michael Private March 23, 1865 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Clark Alfred R. Private August 22, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Campbell, Geo. W. Private February 26, 1864 3 Transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Cavenaugh, John Private September 9, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865
Coussiron, Charles Private January 26, 1864 3 Captured at Ream's Station, Va., June 29, 1864; died while prisoner, date unknown
Cook, Adam Private August 19, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Chadwick, Robert Private April 3, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Childs, David Private April 3, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Clinton, George Private September 21, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Cooper, William Private November 12, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Chase, Henry Private October 12, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Diller, John Private January 25, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Danhamer, Christ'n. Private July 18, 1861 3 Absent, sick, at muster out; Vet
Doerflinger, Conrad Private August 10, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Dorn, John Private August 30, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Detrick, Alfred Private February 24, 1864 3 Transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Detrick, William Private February 24, 1864 3 Prisoner from June 29, to November 29, 1864; transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 20, 1865
Druckenmiller, G. Private July 18, 1861 3 Mustered out, July, 18, 1864; expiration of term
Derry, John Private August 17, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865
Daniels, Edward Private September 14, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865
Daniels, Wm. H. Private September 14, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865
Daniels, Esaias Private September 14, 1864 1 Transferred to Company H, February 1, 1865
Detrick, Jacob W. Private February 24, 1864 3 Captured at Darbytown Road, Va., October 7, 1864; died December 14, 1864; buried at Salisbury, N. C.
Domrer, Lorenz Private January 27, 1864 3 Died July 15, 1864, of wounds received at Jarrett's Station, Va., May 8, 1864
Doll, Rudolph Private August 7, 1861 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Davis, Henry Private October 5, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Eberwine, Jacob Private February 5, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Everett, Joseph L. Private September 21, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865
Ebular, Ludwig Private September 2, 1862 3 Died September 4, 1864, of wounds received on picket
Edward, Gustave. Private February 16, 1864 3 Deserted, date unknown
Evans, Wm. A. Private August 23, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Estler, Jacob Private August 18, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Eagan, Joseph Private November 21, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Frick, John Private February 10, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Flynn, Cornelius Private April 3, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Fox, Hugh Private April 3, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Freudenstine, S. Private August 30, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865
Fricket, Jacob Private August 10, 1861 3 Discharged June, 1865, for wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads, Va., October 27, 1864; Vet
Felder, Joseph Private September 5, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, June 12, 1865
Fuhrman, Jacob Private July 18, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 18, 1864; expiration of term
Fisher, Charles Private September 22, 1861 3 Mustered out, September 22, 1864; expiration of term
Fisher, Lenhard Private September 16, 1861 3 Discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865
Fortesque, Charles Private May 16, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Fennel, John Private February 29, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Falin, Thomas Private August 26, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Franklin, Henry Private September 28, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Feeney, John Private April 1, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Foley, George Private November 16, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Franklin, Joseph Private November 5, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Gross, Matthias Private January 29, 1864 3 Captured at Ream's Station. Va., June 29, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Gilmore, Frederick Private August 19, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Gower, John Private February 16, 1864 3 Captured at Darbytown Road, Va., October 7, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Gartner, Joseph Private August 27, 1862 3 Prisoner from October 7, 1864, to February 5, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 23, 1865
Gosline, Charles Private February 18, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, May 24, 1865
Gussman, Charles Private November 14, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Gleason, Michael Private November 15, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Greenan, John Private August 17, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Hohfield, Edward Private September 29, 1862 3 Captured at Darbytown Road, Va., December 10, 1864; paroled; absent. at muster out
Harrison, John Private August 19, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Hall, John Private August 19, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Harman, Abraham Private August 19, 1861 3 Absent, at Camp Parole, at muster out; Vet
Hawke, George W. K. Private February 26, 1864 3 Transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Houser, William Private February 24, 1864 3 Captured at Ream's Station, Va., June 29, 1864; transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; absent, at Camp Parole, at muster out
Hofines, Ferdinand Private October 15, 1864 1 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, June 21, 1865
Heckenberger, Jos. Private September 14, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865
Hawke, Jacob C. Private February 26, 1864 3 Prisoner from June 27, 1864, to April 1, 1865; transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; discharged by General Order, July 24, 1865
Haub, Franz Private July 18, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 18,1864; expiration of term
Horlacher, George Private August 10, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 10, 1864; expiration of term
Hunt, Joseph Private February 8, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, July 21, 1865
Henkle, John Private January 27, 1864 3 Capt'd at Darbytown Road, Va., December 10, 1864; died at Andersonville, Ga., September 21, 1864; grave, 9,431
Heck, Charles Private January 12, 1864 3 Deserted July 21, 1865
Hamilton, Jonath'n. Private October 17, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Hicker, John Private October 1, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Holden, Joseph C. Private October 1, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Holland, John Private September 14, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Hartley, Robert Private September 13, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Harris, Thomas Private November 12, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Hoffman, Charles Private November 5, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Jones, Thomas Private August 24, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Kane, Hugh Private October 22, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Kissinger, Adam Private August 19, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Keller, Cyrus Private March 3, 1865 1 Transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Klanke, John Private July 18, 1861 3 Wounded, with loss of arm, at Jarrett's Station, Va., May 4, 1864; mustered out, July 18, 1864; expiration of term
Kaiser, Henry Private July 18, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 18, 1864; expiration of term
Kessel, Frederick Private September 18, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865
Kittener, John Private July 18, 1861 1 Mustered out, July 18, 1864; expiration of term
Kunzel, William Private August 15, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 15, 1864; expiration of term
Kyle, John Private September 6, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865
Kyle, Christian Private September 6, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865
Kuhn, Herman Private September 17, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865
Kessler, Louis Private September 29, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Kelley, Thomas Private November 16, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Lucas, George Private August 19, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1864; Vet
Leichthamer, Con'd. Private July 18, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 18, 1864; expiration of term
Lenttneger, Joseph Private July 18, 1861 3 Mustered out, September 30, 1864; expiration of term
Lippoth, Paul Private August 7, 1861 3 Captured at Ream's Station, Va., June 29, 1864; died, date unknown; Vet
Leipold, Adam Private February 11, 1864 3 Captured at Ream's Station, Va., June 29, 1864; died, date unknown
Laubscher, Jacob Private July 18, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Lulings, Albert Private February 2, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Meyer, Frederick Private January 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Meyer, Herman Private January 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Moulding, Thomas Private October 6, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Mahoney, Jeremiah Private March 22, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Morre, Henry Private February 10, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Miller, Henry Private July 18, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 18, 1864; expiration of term
Metzinger, Louis Private August 7, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 7, 1864; expiration of term
Mandler, Charles Private July 18, 1861 3 Prisoner from June 29, 1864, to March 3, 1865; mustered out, April 15, 1865; expiration of term
Mahone, Samuel Private October 4, 1864 1 Transferred to Company H, June 9, 1865
Miller, Joseph Private August 20, 1861 3 Captured at Ream's Station, Va., June 29, 1864; died, date unknown; Vet
Mancher, Charles Private February 5, 1864 3 Died at Hampton, Va., May 18, 1865, of wounds received in action
Miller, Ludwig Private March 29, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Molbrecht, Christ. Private August 17, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Mayer, Jacob Private August 17, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Murray, John Private November 16, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Monkin, John Private November 4, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
M'Laughlin, Wm. Private August 19, 1861 3 Capt'd-absent, at Camp Parole, at muster out; Vet
M'Cormick, John Private September 11, 64 1 Discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865
M'Cormick, Corry Private August 20, 64 1 Not on muster-out roll
M'Bride, James Private October 7, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
M'Kewen, John Private November 4, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Norcross, Job Private February 10, 1864 3 Deserted April, 1865
Noething, John Private August 7, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Ochs, Paul F. Private April 5, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Ontoine, Kemer Private July 10, 1861 3 Deserted April, 1862; returned November, 1864; deserted again, June 21, 1865
Pyll, Frederick Private November 1, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Pryor, Thomas Private March 23, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Patton, David Private August 21, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Peltz, Philip Private November 22, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Powell, George Private October 5, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Ruhl, Michael Private January 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Reader, John Private February 12, 1864 3 Capt'd at Ream's Station, Va., June 29, 1864; paroled; transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; absent at muster out
Reily, Hugh Private August 18, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865
Remley, John H. Private August 19, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865
Rumbf, Julius Private August 29, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order May 20, 1865
Rolfing, Charles Private July 18, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 18, 1864; expiration of term
Rouss, Lenhard Private July 18, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 18, 1864; expiration of term
Ruther, Jacob Private April 4, 1865 1 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, July 28, 1865
Reiner, Louis Private August 7, 1861 3 Captured March 1, 1864; died at Andersonville, Ga., July 23, 1864; grave, 3,827
Rouser, John Private February 1, 1864 3 Died October 10, 1864, of wounds received on picket; burial record, October 23, 1864, National Cemetery, at City Point, Va., section A, division 4, grave, 42
Sullivan, Edward Private August 10, 1861 3 Deserted September, 1862; returned November, 1863; deserted again January, 1864
Stevenson, Samuel Private June 13, 1863 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Schuer, Frederick Private February 5, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Slembach, George Private February 8, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Smith, John Private August 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Smith, Stephen Private February 8, 1864 3 Captured at Ream's Station, Va., June 29, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Snyder, Joseph Private May 2, 1863 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Souder, John Private October 26, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Shenberg, Ferdin'd. Private August 30, 1864 1 Captured at Darbytown Road, Va., December 10, 1864; paroled; absent at muster out
Spahr, Christian Private February 9, 1864 3 Captured at Darbytown Road, Va., October 7, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Schufele, William Private July 18, 1861 3 Absent, sick, at muster out; Vet
Saybolt, George R. Private February 24, 1864 3 Captured at Ream's Station, Va., June 29, 1864; transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Sanders, Ciba Private February 12, 1864 3 Transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Shimelia, John Private February 18, 1864 3 Captured at Ream's Station, Va., June 29, 1864; transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Stultz, Christian Private February 19, 1864 3 Transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; absent, sick, at muster out
Snyder, Samuel Private August 19, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Schlemkoffer, A. Private July 18, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 18, 1864; expiration of term
Stiger, Charles Private July 18, 1861 3 Prisoner from June 29, 1864, to April, 1865; mustered out, expiration of term
Sammiller, John Private July 18, 1861 3 Discharged, date unknown
Smith, Howard L. Private September 26, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865
Schrounger. Henry Private September 10, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865
Schufile, John Private August 17, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865
Stroup, John W. Private February 26, 1864 3 Prisoner from July 29, 1864, to December 17, 1864; discharged by General Order, June 21, 1865
Smith, John Private September 6, 1864 3 Mustered out December 11, 1865
Schnauber, Christ. Private February 12, 1864 3 Transferred to 2d Regiment U. S. Inf., date unknown
Smith, Francis Private July 10, 1861 3 Captured March 1, 1864; died while prisoner, date unknown
Snyder, G. Private July 30, 1861 3 Captured June 29, 1864; died January 27, 1865; buried at Salisbury, N. C., (Florence, S. C.)
Sutter, George Private September 18, 1862 3 Captured June 29, 1864; died November 26, 1864; buried at Florence, S. C.
Shouther, Francis Private September 10, 1864 3 Captured December 10, 1864; died March 3, 1865; buried in U. S. General Hospital Cemetery, Annapolis, Md.
Sperling, Joseph Private May 2, 1863 3 Captured October 16, 1864; died while prisoner, date unknown
Smith, William Private September 5, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Strack, Henry Private February 22, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Stall, Henry B. Private September 21, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Sweeney, Patrick Private November 18, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Sayers, George Private October 12, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Schwarche, August Private October 12, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Sulivan, John Private November 5, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Trockenmiller, G. Private July 18, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 15, 1864; expiration of term
Tasch, Gustavus. Private August 10, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 18, 1864; expiration of term
Trimble, John Private August 17, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865
Traver, James John Private November 10, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Turner, Thomas Private November 5, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Tripple, Adolph Private October 12, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Weidenlerner, Jno. Private October 17, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7 1865
Wemer, Charles Private February 23, 1864 3 Wounded at Darbytown Road, Va., December 10, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Wagner, John Private July 18, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Weick, Gustavus Private January 20, 1863 3 Captured at Darbytown Road, Va., October 13, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Wedenbach, George Private September 5, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865
Williams, Charles H. Private August 18, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865
Walson, Isaac Private August 18, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865
Williams, James Private September 26, 1864 1 Prisoner from December 10, 1864, to February 22, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 27, 1865
Weick, George Private July 10, 1861 3 Mustered out, expiration of term
Whitman, Jacob Private November 21, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Wiest, Samuel Private May 16, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Whalan, James Private September 29, 1864 1 Transferred to 2d Regiment U. S. V., December 18, 1864
Welsh, Christopher Private September 12, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
White, Thomas W. Private April 4, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Wand, George Private November 18, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Welsh, William Private October 5, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Walsh, John Private September 24, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Walsh, Richard Private September 24, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Woodward, Frank Private August 18, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Wade, William Private 16, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Wilson, Charles Private November 5, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Wanner, John Private April 3, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Zerrett, Edward Private July 18, 3 Captured at Ream's Station, Va., June 29, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Zahn, Peter Private August 10, 1861 3 Deserted September 1864; Vet

Company B

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.

5th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company B (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, PA ?
Wm. C. Heuser Captain July 23, 1861 3 Promoted to Major, March 12, 1862
Charles Lompe Captain July 30, 1861 3 Promoted from 1st Lt. Company E, February 16, 1862; mustered out, October 10, 1864, expiration of term
Wm. E. A. Bird Captain July 26, 1861 3 Promoted from Sergeant Major to 2d Lt., November 1, 1862; to 1st Lt., October 10, 1864; to Captain, December 3, 1864; discharged January 8, 1865
Jacob Wolf Captain July 23, 1861 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant to 1st Lt., December 14, 1864; to Captain, March 7, 1865; resigned May 16, 1865; Vet
Walter H. Fitten Captain August 10, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
August Diemer 1st Lt. 1861 3 Discharged November 26, 1861
Wm. G. M'Candless 1st Lt. April 3, 1862 3 Promoted to Major, November 21, 1862
William H. Ford. 1st Lt. October 2, 1862 3 Promoted to Commissary Sergeant, October 3, 1862
H. E. Whittlesey 1st Lt. March 20, 1862 3 Promoted from 2d Lt., March 20,1863; commissioned Captain, October 10, 1864, not mustered; discharged December 6, 1864
Harry P. Robinson 1st Lt. July 26, 1861 3 Promoted from Sergeant Company C to 2d Lt., December 18, 1864; to 1st Lt., March 7, 1865; transferred to Company G, June 5, 1865; Vet
Patrick B. Stokes 1st Lt. August 14, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
John E. Reinmiller 2d Lt. July 23, 1861 3 Promoted to 1st Lt. Company L, May 9, 1862
Frank Kleinz 2d Lt. September 20, 1864 3 Promoted from Corporal Company E to 1st Sergeant, February 23, 1865; to 2d Lt., March 7, 1865; transferred to Company G, June 5, 1865
T. Fitzpatrick 2d Lt. August 19, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Hugh 0. Farrell 1st Sergeant August 14, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Lewis Schmitt 1st Sergeant July 23, 1861 3 Promoted from Sergeant; killed in action, June 29, 1864
Deitrick Bruno 1st Sergeant July 23, 1861 3 Promoted to 2d Lt. Company F, February 13, 1863
Gottfried Miller Quarter Master Sergeant July 23, 1861 3 Promoted to Quartermaster Sergeant, January 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, August, 1865; Vet
Henry Gerke Quarter Master Sergeant October 1, 1861 3 Mustered out, expiration of term
Jacob Haas Quarter Master Sergeant July 23, 1861 3 Promoted from Commissary Sergeant; discharged, date unknown
George Becker Commissary Sergeant July 23, 1861 3 Promoted from Corporal, February 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
William Haas Sergeant July 23, 1861 3 Promoted from Corporal; captured; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Magnus Netzer Sergeant July 23, 1861 3 Promoted from Corporal; captured; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Andrew Steb Sergeant July 23, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 1, 1865; to Serg't, May 4, 1865; muster out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Charles Meyer Sergeant October 25, 1864 1 Promoted to Corporal, January 1, 1865; to Sergeant, May 4, 1865; muster out with Company, August 7, 1865
George W. Clouden Sergeant August 21, 1861 3 Promoted from Corporal to Serg't, July 2, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Jacob Sharr Sergeant January 28, 1862 3 Promoted to Corporal; to Sergeant; mustered out, expiration of term
Ernest Weiss Sergeant July 23, 1861 3 Mustered out, expiration of term
Lewis Ammon Sergeant September 10, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 8, 1865
Charles Bleckle Sergeant July 23, 1861 3 Died at Wilmington, N. C., March 13, 1865; Vet
Charles Wossman Sergeant July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Louis Roder July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
William Steubing Corporal August 27, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
William Dupree Corporal February 1, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 16, 1865; mustered out with Company. August 7, 1865
Herman Gafkin Corporal July 23, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, February 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Joseph Durell Corporal February 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
John Bussinger Corporal August 14, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 20, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
William Gunn Corporal August 19, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 20, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
John P. Stewart Corporal February 1, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
John Beardsley Corporal January 5, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Charles E. Rapp Corporal September 11, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, May 17, 1865
Joseph Brewton Corporal September 26, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 8, 1865
John E. Buck Corporal September 13, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, date unknown
Frederick Shireline Corporal August 31, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, date unknown
Andrew Rose Corporal September 3, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, date unknown
Lewis Blasius Corporal September 2, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, date unknown
Michael Bossert Corporal July 23, 1861 3 Died January 6, 1865; buried in U. S. General Hospital Cemetery, No. 2, Annapolis, Md.
John Eidebentz Corporal August 22, 1862 3 Captured; died at Andersonville, Georgia, October 11, 1864
George Reinshagen Corporal July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Herman Neumaister Corporal July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Adam B. George Corporal July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Daniel Eisenberg Bugler February 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
George Lailement Bugler August 14, 1861 3 Discharged by Special Order, June 24, 1865; Vet
John Otto Bugler January 23, 1864 3 Died at Andersonville, Ga., October 11, 1864; burial record: August 28, 1864; grave, 7,105
John Weidle Bugler July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Gottlieb Bassler Black'h July 23, 1861 3 Promoted to Blacksmith, January 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Gottlieb Buhner Black'h July 30, 1861 3 Discharged by General Order, date unknown; Vet
Joseph Schmitt Farrier January 12, 1863 3 Promoted to Farrier, January 1, 1865; captured; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Michael Seigel Farrier September 16, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 8, 1865
Gottfried Wirth Farrier July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Herman Fuchs Saddler November 1, 1864 1 Promoted to Saddler, January 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
John Spring Saddler July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.

5th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company B (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private [[]] ?, PA ?
Askey, Miles H. Private February 1, 1864 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Abbott, Michael Private November 1, 1862 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Anck, John M. Private February 19, 1864 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, April 17, 1865; discharged by General Order, August 16, 1865
Anderson, Robert Private April 3, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7. 1865
Ashoff, Reinhart Private September 5, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, date unknown
Appel, Henry Private July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Baker, Charles W. Private February 24, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Berger, Jacob Private February 25, 1864 3 Absent, in confinement, at muster out
Brooks, Frank Private February 26, 1864 3 Captured; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Barnes, Reuben Private April 3, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Buhler, Adolph Private February 3, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Boyle. Bernard Private August 14, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Bishoh, Jacob Private September 17, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, date unknown
Bender, William Private August 18, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, date unknown
Buhler, Gottlieb Private December 1, 1863 3 Prisoner from June 29, 1864, to March 1, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 27, 1865
Bowman, George Private August 20, 1862 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, date unknown
Blind, John Private September 5, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 8, 1865
Barth, Theodore Private July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Burke, Edmund Private March 21, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Curry, John E. Private February 16, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Cosgrove, Michael Private April 3, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Cartledge, Rob't L. Private September 16, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, date unknown
Creekniani, Bartlett Private September 27, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, date unknown
Camerer, Solomon Private September 1, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, date unknown
Claudius, Herman Private July 23, 1861 3 Prisoner from June 5, 1864, to March 20, 1865; mustered out May 15, 1865, expiration of term
Cox. Henry Private November 12, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Davis, James Private .January 22, 1864 3 Transferred from Company I, June 5, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Digritan. Matthew Private August 19, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Dilks, Charles Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Drake, Charles. Private February 25, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Dunn, Patrick Private October 6, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Duffy, John Private October 6, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Dare, Alonzo Private September 9, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, August 14. 1865
Duncan, Joseph F. Private August 3, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Dorn. Peter Private September 2, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order; date unknown
Darnoty, John Private September 10, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, date unknown
Douglas, David W. Private July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Daly, John Private March 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Dooly. Andrew Private April 5, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Ester, John Private April 3, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Essig, Jacob Private August 30, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, August 14, 1865
Ellis, Thomas Private January 26, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, June 22, 1865
Einseline, Christian Private July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Eckert, Henry Private July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Enchelmayer, J. Private July 21, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 27, 1864, expiration of term
Fessenden, Wm. Private February 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Fisher, Joseph Private October 26, 1864 1 Absent, sick, at muster out
Finch, Joseph Private September 17, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 8, 1865
Fallenberg: Karl Private July 23, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Funck, William Private July 23, 1862 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Frederick, John Private September 15, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Gantzler, George Private January 28, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Gerbach, Albert Private July 23, 1861 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, May 16, 1865; Vet
Gashen, John Private July 23, 1861 3 Mustered out, expiration of term
Galmier, Charles Private September 10, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Gaiger. Frederick Private September 3, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Gamerdinger, John Private September 10, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Grew, James Private February 1, 1864 3 Captured; died at Andersonville, Ga., October 10, 1864
Grunner, Jacob Private July 23, 1861 3 Prisoner from June 29, to December 14, 1864; mustered out, March 9, 1865, expiration of term
Guiger, Frederick Private September 20, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Goetz, John Private July 23, 1861 3 Absent, sick. at muster out
Giasser, Peter Private July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Hughes, Edwin A. Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Hassen, James Private January 23, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Haas, Joseph Private January 27, 1862 3 Mustered out, expiration of term
Hall, John Private September 10, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Hall, Francis Private . September 30, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Hartman, Charles Private September 15, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Homan, John Private September 7, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Houser, Franklin Private September 7, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Hapgood, Cephas Private August 30, 1864 1 Deserted December 24, 1864
Harpoth, John Private July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Hoydt, August Private July 23, 1861 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Harper. William H. Private January 26, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Hill, Michael Private August 30, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Haag, John Private October 10, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Haas, John Private February 8, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Horn, J. Private February 8, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Irvin, George W. Private February 16, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Jones, Charles Private August 14, 1861 3 Absent, sick, at muster out; Vet
Kestner, Adam Private February 23, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Krauss, Frank Private February 23, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Kerr, Kennedy Private April 4, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Kirn, Christian Private July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Klinger, William Private July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Lutz, Joseph Private October 1, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Lyons, Michael Private November 3, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, June 8, 1865
Lindtenfels, John Private September 15, 1864 1 Died at Point of Rocks, Va., December 16, 1864
Lambert, Charles Private September 18, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Maier, Felician Private February 9, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Myers, Charles F. Private February 29, 1864 3 Captured; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Mattis, Christian F. Private September 28, 1864 1 Absent, sick, at muster out
Maurer, Matthias Private July 23, 1861 3 Deserted April, 1862; returned January 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Mack. John Private September 24, 1864 1 Absent, sick, at muster out
Murphy, John Private April 3, 1865 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Mellor, George Private February 2, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Moesta, Lewis Private October 20, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, July 8, 1865
Marx, John Private September 1, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Manship, John Private September 17, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Metzinger, Philip Private July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Miller, George Private July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Mingus, Benedict Private July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Mahler, Jacob Private July 23, 1861 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Morgan, Chas. H. Private February 29, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Maxix, Martin Private August 30, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Maier, George Private September 1, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Moller, Charles Private October 7, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
M'Cale, Richard Private April 3, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Neiman, Henry Private July 23, 1861 3 Transferred from Company I, June 5, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
O'Donnell, John Private August 19, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Oesterle, Jacob Private August 18, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Owens, Thomas Private August 17, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Pickering. Thomas Private August 21, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Post, William Private February 14, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Paxton, Henry Private September 17, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Parsons, George Private April 5, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Reath, James M. Private February 18, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Ryan, John Private October 5, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Rebstock, Gottlieb Private February 16, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Reinhardt, John Private Died August 31, 1865; buried at Harrisburg, Pa.
Rauscher, Peter Private January 9, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Reuter, John Private February 9, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Ruffing, Lambert Private April 3, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Reala, Germon Private July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Remele, John Private July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Reed, William Private February 27, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Randolph, George Private September 21, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Richey, George Private April 5, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Shoemaker, Geo. Private February 16, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Slater, Charles Private August 21, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Shoemaker, David Private February 16, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Sweeney, Dennis Private August 14, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Sellman, Charles Private February 5, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Shaffer, Philip Private October 31, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Steadman, Herbert Private April 4, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Shadwick, Richard Private April 3, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Seibert, John Private July 23, 1861 3 Discharged, date unknown; Vet
Stamp, James Private September 24, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Stumb, Charles Private August 29, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Sumner, Philip Private September 10, 1862 3 Deserted June 16, 1864
Stahle, Charles Private July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Stroebel, Frederick Private July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Seibert, Augustus Private July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Sees, William Private July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Schauriman, Henry Private July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Schick, Henry Private July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Schaar, John Private July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Schmidt, Elias Private July 23, 1861 3 Transferred to 14th Company, 2d batt., Veteran Reserve Corps, date unknown; mustered out, February 17, 1865, expiration of term
Schumacher, Jacob Private July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Scheufel, John Private July 23, 1861 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Smith, Samuel B. Private November 16, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Schmidt, Jacob Private February 8, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Thearauch, George Private July 23, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Treabolt, August Private February 13, 1864 3 Died at Philadelphia, September 4, 1865; Vet
Trager, John V. Private October 15, 1862 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Vallet, Gottlieb Private July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Vinning, Baldwin Private August 24, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, June 2, 1865
Wickline, Christo'r. Private August 14, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Williamson, Fred. F. Private August 14, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Walk, Frederick Private September 13, 1862 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Walker, Edward Private February 16, 1864 3 Captured; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Williams, Thos. J. Private April 3, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
White, Malvern H. Private April 5, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Wright, Frederick Private September 3, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Walter, Jacob Private August 17, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Wickliffe, August Private August 22, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Wehren, Charles Private January 26, 1864 3 Died of wounds received in action, June 25, 1864
Winter, Frederick Private February 26, 1864 3 Deserted June 8, 1865
Wahl, Christian Private July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Westerfield, Henry Private July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Winter, Ludwig Private July 23, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Williams, George Private February 29, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
White, George Private March 7, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Young, Job Private August 14, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet

Company C

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.

5th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company C (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, PA ?
James W. Davis Captain July 26, 1861 3 Resigned September 21, 1861
Eph'm A. Rowland Captain August 10, 1861 3 Promoted to Major, January 26, 1862
Abisha Stetson Captain July 30, 1861 3 Promoted from 1st Lt., Company D, January 26, 1862; mustered out, October 10, 1864, expiration of term
John F. Cameron Captain August 14, 1862 3 Promoted from Sergeant Major to 1st Lt., November 17, 1863; to Captain, April 23, 1865; prisoner from June 29, 1864, to April 24, 1865; resigned May 13, 1865
John P. Wenzel Captain October 15, 1861 3 Promoted from Sergeant Company H, to 2d Lt., May 7, 1862; to 1st Lt., Company M, March 1, 1863; wounded at Williamsburg, Va., May 29, 1863; transferred from Company M, June 8, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Harry P. Thorp 1st Lt. July 26, 1861 3 Resigned January 17, 1862
Alfred Cromelin 1st Lt. August 27, 1862 3 Captured near Williamsburg, Va., September 9, 1862, and April 11, 1863; resigned September 26, 1863
Gustav's Reinecker 1st Lt. July 30, 1861 3 Promoted from Sergeant Company E, to 2d Lt., February 13, 1863; to 1st Lt., May 4, 1865; captured June 29, 1864; transferred to Company D, June 7, 1865
Aaron W. Snyder 1st Lt. July 26, 1861 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant to 2d Lt., May 4, 1865; to 1st Lt., June 8, 1865; wounded at Petersburg, Va., June 9, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
John W. Pierce 2d Lt. July 26, 1864 3 Promoted to Captain Company F, May 1, 1862
Edw'd J. Andrews 2d Lt. July 26, 1861 3 Resigned March 24, 1862
Alfred Cromelin 2d Lt. March 1, 1862 3 Discharged April 30, 1862
John W. Blake 2d Lt. July 26, 1861 3 Promoted to Farrier, February 1, 1862; to Corporal, July 26, 1864; to Sergeant, December 1, 1864; to 1st Sergeant, May 4, 1865; to 2d Lt., June 16, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1885; Vet
Albert G. Yarnall 1st Sergeant July 26, 1861 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant, September 10, 1862; to Quarter Master Sergeant, November 16, 1862; to 1st Sergeant, June 16, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
William Hall Quarter Master Sergeant July 26, 1861 3 Promoted from private to Sergeant, July 26, 1864; to Quarter Master Sergeant, June 16, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Wm. F. Fetrow Commissary Sergeant July 26, 1861 3 Promoted from Sergeant, July 26, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Peter Graydon Sergeant July 26, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, February 22, 1863; to Sergeant, December 16, 1864; instered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Pat'k Dougherty Sergeant July 26, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, October 9, 1862; to Sergeant, May 4, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Thos. A. Wollerton Sergeant July 26, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 26, 1864; to Sergeant, May 4, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
William Allison Sergeant July 26, 1861 3 Promoted from private, June 16, 1865; prisoner from June 29, 1864, to February 26, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Janes C. Adams Sergeant July 26, 1861 3 Mustered out, expiration of term
William Baitzel Sergeant July 2, 1861 3 Mustered out, expiration of term
John Harley Sergeant July 26, 1861 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, December 26, 1862
Henry M. Clayton Sergeant July 26, 1861 3 Promoted to 2d Lt. Company H, November 10, 1862
Harry P. Robinson Sergeant July 26, 1861 3 Promoted to 2d Lt. Company B, December 18, 1864; Vet
Jos. A. Steelman Sergeant July 26, 1861 3 Captured June 29, 1864; paroled; died December 13, 1864
Elias L. Hyneman Sergeant July 26, 1861 3 Captured June 29, 1864; died at Andersonville, Ga., February 7, 1865; grave, 12,610; Vet
Thomas Sharp Corporal July 26, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, October 9, 186; prisoner from June 29, 1864, to March 2, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
George N. Brown Corporal July 26, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal. July 26, 1864; wounded at Darbytown Road, Va., October 7, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Peter Rogan Corporal August 13, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 4, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
William Titus Corporal July 26, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 5, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
John O'Neill Corporal October 6, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
David W. Parker Corporal October 6, 1861 3 Absent, sick, at muster out; Vet
John Fisher Corporal October 6, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Herm'n Hagemiller Corporal February 23, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Joseph I. Allen Corporal July 26, 1861 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, date unknown
Andrew Arnold Corporal September 15, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
William P. Bowen Corporal August 26, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
A. C. N. Halbach Corporal July 26, 1861 3 Mustered out, expiration of term
Frederick Lander Corporal August 13, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 12, 1864, expiration of term
Edward H. Taylor Corporal September 8, 1862 3 Wounded March 29, 1863; discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Albertus Ward Corporal September 11, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Oliver R. Lewis Corporal July 26, 1861 3 Prisoner from June 29, to December 13. 1864; mustered out, March 3, 1865, expiration of term
Joseph P. Hunter Corporal July 26, 1861 3 Captured June 29, 1864; died while prisoner, December 26, 1864
Thomas P. Cloud Corporal July 26, 1861 3 Deserted November 30, 1862
John Gangwisch Bugler March 22, 1864 3 Prisoner from June 29, to December 13, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Aaron Plummer Bugler February 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Peter K. Eldridge Bugler July 26, 1861 3 Mustered out, expiration of term
George S. Hughes Bugler July 26, 1861 3 Mustered out, expiration of term
Patrick Campbell Black'h July 26, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Patrick Ganley Farrier August 19, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Adam Halkyard August 19, 1861 September 22, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
William J. Carey Saddler August 14, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
William Casey Saddler July 26, 1861 3 Promoted to Regimental Saddler, November 11, 1862
George F. Herman Saddler August 26, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.

5th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company C (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private [[]] ?, PA ?
Adams, Leonard C. Private October 6, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Abbott, Josiah Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Albright, Stephen C. Private October 6, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Afflick, George Private August 19, 1861 3 Mustered out, expiration of term
Alleback, Henry Private September 4, 1862 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, September 30, 1864; discharged by General Order, July 10, 1865
Abel Wilson Private 3 Captured June 29, 1864; died while prisoner, December 22, 1864
Ayers, George W. Private November 10, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Busby, Andrew Private July 26, 1861 3 Captured at Darbytown Road, Va., October 7, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Blair, Levi C. Private February 24, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Berger, John Private August 13, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Blakeslee, Edw. M. Private March 23, 1865 1 Absent, sick, at muster out
Bickle, Jacob Private February 9, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Benz, Zeph Private February 27, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Benz, Ferdinand Private February 27, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Brewer, Henry Private July 26, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Baley, Henry Private July 26, 1861 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, April 27, 1862
Bensinger, F. E. Private August 15, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Barnd, Henry Private September 15, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order,-May 19, 1865
Britton, Daniel R. Private August 17, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 26, 1865
Bentley, James Private July 26, 1861 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, June 17, 1865; Vet
Boyer, Charles Private August 24, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Bright, Joseph E.. Private August 1, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Barr, Isaac Private August 17, 1861 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, March 26, 1864
Bennett, Archibald Private July 26, 1861 3 Killed at Baltimore Cross Roads, Va., July 1, 1863
Burke, Thomas Private April 3, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Brady, John Private August 30, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Coffman, George Private March 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Conner, Christop'r. Private February 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Cuker, William Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Clift, George Private November 3, 1862 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Caldwell Samuel Private October 6, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Conner, Joseph Private September 8, 1864 1 Captured; discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Craumer, William Private February 2, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, June 26, 1865
Crouthamell, Milt'n. Private August 15, 1864 1 Wounded near Five Forks, Va., April 3, 1865; discharged by General Order, July 8, 1865
Collins, Walter Private January 21, 1864 3 Captured June 29, 1864; died while prisoner, December 24, 1864
Chopard, Henry Private July 26, 1861 3 Died September 30, 1863
Curlett, Wm. H. Private August 16, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Carson, Granville Private November 10, 1864 1 Not on Muster-out roll
Curry, Christopher Private October 27, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Dayton, John C. Private July 26, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Derrer, William Private July 26, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Davis, Joshua, Jr. Private February 5, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Dryden, Wetherill Private September 2, 1862 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, February 5, 1863
Donahoe, James Private August 17, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Dillman, William Private August 31, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Ely, Winfield S. Private February 24, 1864 3 Wounded at Petersburg, Va., June 9, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Evans, Charles H. Private August 22, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Evans, James Private March 28, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Evans, Thomas B. Private August 22, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Ettingham, John Private August 31, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Frear, David J. Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Fooder, Jacob Private July 26, 1861 3 Mustered out, expiration of term
Faust, Edward Private September 1, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Feist, Joseph Private September 2, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Fetrolf, Joseph Private August 22, 1864 1 Prisoner from October 7, 1864, to March 9, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 27, 1865
Frey, William H. Private August 16, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Foley, James Private September 12, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Fillman, James Private August 29, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Fox, David J. Private August 22, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Gillespie, Cornelius Private July 26, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Guest, Holland L. Private March 1, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August, 7, 1865
Gallagher, John Private February 19, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, July 20, 1865
Gillillan, James Private July 26, 1861 3 Mustered out, expiration of term
Gagler, Anthony Private September 20, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Grosch, George P. Private September 8, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Gamble, Frank P. Private August 19, 1861 3 Prisoner from June 29, 1864, to February 28, 1865; mustered out, May 16, 1865
Green, William Private February 3, 1864 3 Prisoner from June 29, 1864, to March 2, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 22, 1865
Golden, Patrick Private July 26, 1861 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, March 26, 1864
Good, Samuel R. Private March 24, 1865 1 Deserted June 14, 1865
Gordon, John H. Private November 10, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Hulings, Albert Private February 2, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Hepperlein, John Private February 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Huffart, Ezra Private February 4, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Hummel, George Private February 9, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Hughes, Thomas Private July 26, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Hablitt, William Private March 28, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Hammer, Freder'k. Private April 5, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Hetsler, John D. Private February 5, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Hahn, Frank P. Private July 26, 1861 3 Mustered out, expiration of term
Hartz, Israel Private August 22, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Hoover, Henry Private September 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Hill, John Private August 13, 1861 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, June 3, 1865; Vet
Hunt, John A. Private February 26, 1864 3 Captured June 29, 1864; died, while prisoner, December 28, 1864
Hamerstein, August Private September 19, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Herman, Thos. F. Private April 2, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Henderson, Mat'w. J. Private August 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 13, 1865
Hall, George Private November 16, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Jones, Enoch Private March 29, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Jones, Richard H. Private August 22, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Knapper, Andrew Private July 26, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Knight, Alexander Private February 24, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Kafer, Gottlieb Private October 6, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 165; Vet
Klaber, Frank Private February 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Kilkard, Owen Private September 2, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Klees, Abner G. Private August 17, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Klessner, Peter Private August 22, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Levy, Meyer S. Private , January 25, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Lucid, Wtilliam Private March 27, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Levy, Samuel Private February 24, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Long. Francis S. Private February 27, 1864 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Lindermuth, W. H. Private September 2, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Lonard, Charles Private August 23, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Luckenbill, Henry Private August 24, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Lukens, John Private September 8, 1862 3 Captured June 29, 1864; died while prisoner, date unknown
Levy, Theodore Private August 16, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Mull, Jonas Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Manees, Matthew Private October 6, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Mooney, William Private July 26, 1861 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, November 15, 1862
Mock, Jonathan Private July 26, 1861 3 Mustered out, expiration of term
Mack, Philip Private July 26, 1861 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, February 18, 1865; Vet
Moyer, Peter Private August 25, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Mulgrew, James Private August 26, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Moon, Jacob H. Private March 28, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, May 30, 1865
Mertz. Samuel A. Private August 16, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Miller, Joseph Private April 3, 1865 1 Deserted July 21, 1865
Miller, Andrew Private September 8, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Morley, Francis Private February 26, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Merkert, John W. Private August 25, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Mallon. James Private August 18, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
M'Mullin, John Private July 26, 1861 3 Absent, sick, at muster out; Vet
M'Sourley, John Private August 13, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
M'Gue, Peter Private March 21, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
M'Cutcheon, Geo. Private July 26, 1861 3 Mustered out, expiration of term
M'Crork, Adam Private September 15, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
M'Naniman, Daniel Private September 12, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
M'Grew, James Private August 26, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
M'Elwain, Haylet Private September 3, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Nonnamaker, F. Private March 25, 1865 1 Deserted June 18, 1865
Owens, Thomas Private August 17, 1864 1 Transferred to Company B, date unknown
Oat, Charles Private July 26, 1861 3 Died at Yorktown, Va., September 1, 1863
Powell, Henry Private February 18, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Phillips, Lewis Private August 13, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Pinkerton, Sam'l O. Private March 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Paul, Yearnons Private July 26, 1861 3 Mustered out, expiration of term
Price, John Private August 20, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Roberts, Thomas Private January 18, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Rowe, Jason L. Private October 8, 1864 1 Prisoner from February 6, to April 5, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Reibson, John B. Private February 24, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Ryan, Patrick Private March 27, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Rludderow, Josiah A. Private October 19, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Rissinger, Jacob Private September 8, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Rohrback, John Private September 2, 1862 3 Prisoner from October 27, 1864, to March 9, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 21, 1865
Robinson, John Private August 19, 1861 3 Died December 23, 1864, of wounds received at Darbytown Road, Va., December 10, 1864; Vet
Stinson, James I. Private January 27, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Stearns, George C. Private April 5, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Stevenson, Wm. Private March 29, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Seip, Charles Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Stork, Henry Private October 6, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Smith, Owen Private November 3, 1862 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Shaffer, Isaac. Private February 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company. August 7, 1865
Savage, John Private July 26, 1861 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, date unknown
Sloane, Robert Private July 26, 1861 3 Mustered out, expiration of term
Seitzinger, Chas. A. Private August 22, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Stahl, John Private September 12, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Smith, David Private August 24, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Smith, Frederick Private August 30, 1861 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Shinery, Daniel Private September 4, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Snow, Peter Private August 19, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Shane, Jacob Private September 19, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Showers, Francis Private September 22, 1862 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, June 14, 1865
Stein, Edward Private July 26, 1861 3 Killed at Williamsburg, Va., March 29, 1863
Stinson, James Private July 26, 1861 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Sharkey, Patrick Private August 16, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Smith, Charles H. Private September 9, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Tolond, Robert Private July 26, 1861 3 Mustered out, expiration of term
Troibly; Benj. F. Private August 22, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Teple, Robert Private August 17, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Tompkins, Samuel Private July 26, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Twiss, Hiram V. Private July 26, 1861 3 Wounded March 29, 1863; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, September 2, 1863
Thaney, John Private September 29, 1862 3 Deserted November 17, 1862
Taggart, Alexander Private August 16, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Warner, John M. Private March 24, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
White. John Private January 22, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Wilson, Robert Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Weaver, John Private January 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Wallace, Charles Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Wheaton, Theo. D. Private January 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Williams, Charles Private September 3, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Wilson, Joseph. Private September 3, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Warnirk, Henry Private September 9, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Walters, Jesse Private August 29, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Woodward, D. M. Private August 17, 1864 1 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, July 15, 1865
Wavel, Jacob Private July 26, 1861 3 Killed at Williamsburg, Va., March 29, 1863
Worrell, Charles Private July 26, 1861 3 Died December 1, 1862
Warner, Jonat'n L. Private February 24, 1864 3 Captured June 29, 1864; died while prisoner, December 20, 1864
Wilson, Richard Private July 26, 1861 3 Deserted, date unknown
Williams, John E. Private March 24, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Wilson, Peter S. Private August 22, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Zinckand, Jacob Private July 26, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 31, 1864, expiration of term

Company D

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.

5th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company D (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, PA ?
William Lewis Captain July 30, 1861 3 Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, November 25, 1862
Henry W. Paul Captain August 5, 1861 3 Promoted from 1st Lieutenant to Captain, November 1, 1862; to Major, June 6, 1865
George Smith Captain August 5, 1861 3 Promoted from 1st Lieutenant Company G, June 7, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Abisha Stetson 1st Lt. July 30, 1861 3 Promoted to Captain, Company C, January 26, 1862
J. F. Cummings 1st Lt. August 5, 1861 3 Promoted from 2d Lieut, Company F, to 1st Lieut., November 21, 1862; mustered out, December 5, 1864, expiration of term; appointed Captain and Commissary Sergeant, January 28, 1865
Gustav's Reinecker 1st Lt. July 30, 1861 3 Commissioned Captain, Company E, April 26, 1865, not mustered; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Wmn. H. Cameron 2d Lt. July 30, 1861 3 Promoted to Captain, Company I, August 27, 1862
Jacob L. Hallowell 2d Lt. July 30, 1861 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant, January 14, 1862; resigned December 6, 1862
Jonat'n J. Phillips 2d Lt. July 30, 1861 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant, November 1, 1862; to 2d Lieutenant, May 21, 1863; captured; died at Fortress Monroe, Va., June 11, 1864
John Harding 2d Lt. July 30, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, February 25, 1862; to Sergeant, August 1, 1864; to 2d Lieutenant, June 14, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Charles Cain 1st Sergeant July 30, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, August 1, 1864; to Sergeant, September 1, 1864; to 1st Sergeant, June 10, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Thomas Roberts 1st Sergeant July 30, 1861 3 Promoted from Sergeant, January 19, 1862; commissioned 2d Lt., June 15, 1864, and 1st Lt., December 3, 1864, not mustered; captured at Stony Creek Station, Va., June 29, 1864; discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, May 29, 1865
Michael Hanley Quarter Master Sergeant October 7, 1862 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 22, 1864; to Quarter Master Sergeant, May 4, 1865; captured at Stony Creek Station, Va., June 29. 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Thomas S. Davis Quarter Master Sergeant July 30, 1861 3 Promoted from Sergeant, November 1, 1862; mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
William C. Bryan Quarter Master Sergeant July 30, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal; to Sergeant, February 1, 1863; to Quartermaster Sergeant, September 11, 1864; captured at Stony Creek Station, Va., June 29, 1864; died at Florence, S. C., date unknown; Vet
Smith M. Michener Commissary Sergeant July 30, 1861 3 Promoted to Commissary Sergeant, August 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
E. Hudson Saint Commissary Sergeant July 30, 1861 3 Promoted to Commissary Sergeant, November 1, 1862; mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
John A. Thorn Sergeant July 30, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1862; to Sergeant, August 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
David H. Garrett Sergeant July 30, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 19, 1864; to Sergeant, May 4, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Frederick Siner Sergeant July 30, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, August 1, 1864; to Sergeant, September 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Fred'k A. Waldo Sergeant October 20, 1864 1 Promoted to Corporal, May 4, 1865; to Sergeant, June 10, 1865; absent, in confinement, at muster out
George W. Bond Sergeant October 13, 1864 1 Promoted to Corporal, May 3, 1865; to Sergeant, June 10, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.

5th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company D (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private [[]] ?, PA ?
Bain, John Private December 2, 1861 3 Deserted May 8, 1863
Bean, Milton Private January 26, 1864 3 Deserted March 1, 1864
Clouher, Thomas Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Coffman, Jacob Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Costello, Cornelius Private November 3, 1862 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Conway, Michael Private October 10, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Campbell, Joseph S. Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Connor, Henry Private September 13, 1862 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, February 21, 1865
Cole, George Private August 15, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Clark, James Private October 1, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Coffman, John M. Private September 1, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Craven, James Private August 18, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 24, 1865
Clinton, Franklin Private May 13, 1863 2 Prisoner from June 29, 1864 to January 11, 1865; discharged by General Order, July 12, 1865
Conley, Thomas Private July 30, 1861 3 Transferred to Company F, 1864; Vet
Cameron, John F. Private August 14, 1862 3 promoted to Sergeant Major, November 1, 1862
Cameron, Robert E. Private August 14, 1862 3 Transferred to Company F, December 1, 1862
Cox, Albert Private July 30, 1861 3 Deserted, date unknown; Vet
Collins, Walter Private October 1, 1864 1 Deserted May 7, 1865
Daniels, Harvey J. Private October 13, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Davis, Nicholas. Private January 22, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Devine, John W. Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Deary, Francis Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Dunn, William L. Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Dyer, Charles C. Private August 27, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Deitrich, Isaac Private September 25, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Dickerson, John Private September 5, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Davis, William J. Private July 30, 1861 3 Captured at Stony Creek Station. Va., June 29, 1864; died December 4, 1864; buried in U. S. General Hospital Cemetery, Annapolis, Md.; Vet
Dailey, William Private July 30, 1861 3 Deserted April 22. 1862
Epley, John Private February 19, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Epley, Joseph M. Private February 15, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Etlin, Jacob Private February 8, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Esbin, Isaac H. Private July 30, 1861 3 Deserted May 6, 1862; returned May 26, 1863; discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, date unknown
Eughster, Christian Private July 30, 1861 3 Died March 1, 1862
Fogle, Isaac S. Private July 30, 1861 3 Captured at Stony Greek Station, Va., June 29, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Fry, Peter E. Private February 25, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Finn, John Private March 28, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Fletcher, Robert M. Private July 30, 1861 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, date unknown
Fry, Reinhard G. Private February 1, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, June 21, 1865
Fairfax, Edwin C. Private August 31, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Fentstermacher, H. Private February 4, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, June 19, 1865
Freeman, Henry C. Private January 24, 1864 3 Prisoner from June 29, to December, 1864; died at Annapolis, Md., December 28, 1864
Fetters, George W. Private July 30, 1861 3 Wounded and prisoner near Staunton Bridge, Va., June 29, 1864; died June 30, 1864; Vet
Good, Thomas Private October 17, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Greener, Adolph Private July 12, 1864 3 Substitute; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Gaffner, George Private October 14, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Grant, William Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Guin, John L. Private July 30, 1861 3 Discharged December 18, 1861
Grubbs, John C. Private September 30, 1864 1 Wounded in action near Chickahominy River, Va., March, 1865; discharged by General Order, date unknown
Gillingham, H. C. Private July 30, 1861 3 Transferred to Company F, August 3. 1861
Griffith, John H. Private September 19, 1862 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, May 29, 1864
Garrett, John K. Private August 15, 1861 3 Capt'd at Stony Creek Station, Va., June 29, 1864; died at Florence, S. C., date unknown; Vet
Hart, Edmund J. Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Haines, Benjamin F. Private January 28, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Hite, Jacob Private February 9, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Hineman, Philip Private February.24, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Hummell, William Private Absent, sick, at muster out
Hearsley, William Private October 20, 1864 1 Died September 6, 1865; buried in National Cemetery, Richmond, Va., sec. A, division 2, grave, 131
Haws, Wesley Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864; expiration of term
Hannum, William Private July 30, 1861 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate; date unknown
Harris, Walter M Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Hasson, John Private July 30, 1861 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, 1864; mustered out, August 1, 1864, expiration of term
Hall,.William J. Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 19, 1864, expiration of term
Hibbard, Thomas Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Hoskins, Benjamin Private August 14, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, March 19, 1865
Hasson. John Private September 12, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Haveland, Henry . Private August 31, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order. May 19, 1865
Hamilton, John Private August 15, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, June 17, 1865
Helms, Peter D. Private July 30, 1861 3 Promoted to Bugler Company., June 18, 1862
Harris, Abraham B. Private July 30, 1861 3 Transferred to Company K, August 28, 1861
Hoskins, Granville Private July 30, 1861 3 Captured at Stony Creek Station, Va., June 29, 1864; died at Andersonville,Ga., date unknown
Harlin, Matthew Private August 31, 1864 1 Captured at Darbytown Road, October 7, 1864; died, date unknown
Ivory, George W. Private July 30, 1861 3 Discharged, date unknown
Jeffers, John Private February 9, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Johns, Robert H. Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Jones, Harrison Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Jarrett, Thomas E. Private January 4, 1864 3 Captured at Stony Creek Station, Va., June 29, 1864; died, date unknown
Knauber, Henry Private February 1, 1864 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Keindy, Joseph D. Private October 10, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Kelley, James Private July 30, 1861 3 Prisoner from June 29 to December, 1864; died December 16, 1864; Vet
Kruger, Joseph W Private July 30, 1861 3 Died November 12, 1861
Kohler, Christian Private September 12, 1862 3 Died August 24, 1864; buried at Beverly, N. J.
Lowe, Orson Private March 28;, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Little, Edw'd P., Jr. Private September 23, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Lenney, John J. Private September 13, 1862 3 Captured at Stony Creek Station, Va., June 29, 1864; died at Florence, S. C., date unknown
Murphy, John F. Private July 30, 1861 3 Absent, on furlough, at muster out; Vet
Mullins, Thomas Private July 30, 1861 3 Captured at Stony Creek Station, Va., June 29, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Mahony, William Private July 30, 1861 3 Deserted; returned December 17, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Maloy, Patrick Private March 21, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Maugharner, Jno. W. Private March 14, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Miller, Alexan'r M. Private October 5, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Murdter, Gottleib Private October 14, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Mayer, William Private August 9, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Morgan, David Private March 28, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Massey, Edward A. Private July 30, 1861 3 Discharged May 21, 1862
Morris, James Private October 1, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Maicks, Edward C. Private August 15, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Mocks, Charles G. Private August 16, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Micheltree, John B. Private August 9, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Morton, David Private August 30, 1864 3 Substitute; discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Murphy, James Private January 27, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, June 21, 1865
Meighen, Bernard Private July 30, 1861 3 Transferred to Company G, 1864; Vet
Magee. Joseph D. Private June 5, 1863 1 Promoted to Hospital Steward, November 1, 1864
Michener, Alfred Private September 8, 1864 1 Transferred to Company H, February 1, 1865
Murphy, James Private July 30, 1861 3 Died August 21, 1863; buried in Union Cemetery, Yorktown, Va.
Mills, Robert. Private October 9, 1862 3 Killed at Petersburg, Va, June 2, 1864
Moran Lott S. Private January 4, 1864 3 Captured at Stony Creek Station, Va., June 29, 1865; died at Florence, S. C., date unknown
M'Gauley, John Private March 21, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
M'Manus, William Private April 5, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
M'Gloughlin, Ber'd. Private February 8, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
M' Neil, Hugh Private October 11, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
M'Donnell, Michael Private October 3, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
M'Adams, Thos. S. Private January 18, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, June 27, 1865
M'Coy, William H. Private September 16, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
M'Cready, And'w. J. Private July 30, 1861 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, 1864
Nyce, Samuel E. Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Newman, William Private August 15, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Newitt, Daniel L. Private September 12, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Nightlinger, Geo. V. Private July 30, 1861 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, 1864
O'Reiley, Michael Private January 4, 1864 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, April 12, 1865; discharged by General Order, August 25, 1865; Vet
Price, Joseph W. Private June 10, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Poppenheimer, B. Private August 14, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Pettigrew, Matthew Private October 6, 1862 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Palmer, John Private July 30, 1861 3 Discharged, date unknown
Potter, Joseph A. Private September 12, 1862 3 Died July 3, 1864; buried at Hampton, Va.
Pomeroy, Geo. W. Y. Private January 26, 1864 3 Killed at Staunton Bridge. Va., June 25, 1864
Robinson, Mark L. Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Reeser, Peter F. Private February 25, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Riehl, John C. Private January 22, 1864 3 Captured June 25, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Reed, Andrew J. Private March 29, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Rhaub, Michael R. Private April 5, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Rogers, James M. Private October 1 64 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Rogers, Melvin H. Private February 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Ray, Marion Private October 10, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Roberts, Albert Private July 30, 1861 3 Discharged, date unknown
Rogers, Joseph B. Private August 29, 1862 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, October 2, 1863
Rogers, Samuel W. Private August 30, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Smith, George Private October 19, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Siner, John Private January 22, 1864 3 Captured at Stony Creek Station, Va., June 29, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Smith, Peter Private March 4, 1864 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, April 12, 1865; discharged by General Order. August 24, 1865
Smith, James E. Private October 6, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Shortz, George W. Private August 20, 1864 1 Absent, sick, at muster out
Strong, Charles Private January 25, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Seabold, Daniel Private February 16, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Steltz, Henry Private October 6, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Steel, Charles J. Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Steel, Edwin W. Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Smith, John Private September 26, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Steel, Theo. F. Private July 30, 1864 3 Died, date unknown; buried in Union Cemetery, Yorktown, Virginia
Skerrett, William J. Private September 12, 1862 3 Prisoner from June 29, 1864, to May 3, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 30, 1865
Tomlinson, Theo. Private March 9, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Trouth, John L. Private March 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Thomas, Chas. H. Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Thomas, Oscar Private July 30, 1861 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, April 10, 1862
Thorn, John Private February 3, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, May 25, 1865
Tool, Simpson B. Private February 24, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, June 23, 1865
Uber, George W. Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Wise, William T. Private July 30, 1861 3 Transferred from Company E, date unknown; prisoner from June 29, 1864, to April 28, 1865; mustered out, June 5, 1865, expiration of term
Wisner, Jacob Private January 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Welsh, Christopher Private February 24, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Weldon, John Private Captured at Johnson's Farm, near Deep Bottom, Va., October 7, 1864; absent at muster out
Webb, Martin V. B. Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Wilkinson, John W. Private July 30, 1861 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, date unknown
Webster, J. Fred'k. Private September 3, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865
Woods, John L. Private January 20, 1864 3 Prisoner from June 26, to December 7, 1864; discharged by General Order, June 8, 1865
Winder, David Private September 14, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Webb, Charles Private August 29, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Wilson, Lewis E. Private March 26, 1864 3 Prisoner from October 7, 1864, to March 3, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 13, 1865
Williams, George J. Private July 30, 1861 3 Deserted January 25, 1862
Wickin, Thomas Private October 8, 1864 1 Deserted June 1, 1865
Williams, John A. B. Private July 30, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Wise, Martin Private July 30, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Young, Christ'r F. Private February 22, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Zynn, George W. Private October 14, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865

Company E

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.

5th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company E (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, PA ?
Christopher Kleinz Captain July 30, 1861 3 Promoted to Major, October 30, 1862
Justinian Alman Captain September 17, 1861 3 Promoted from 1st Lt. Company G to Captain, November 21, 1862; to Major, April 25, 1865
John C. Brown Captain August 14, 1862 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Charles Lompe 1st Lt. July 30, 1861 3 Promoted to Captain, Company B, February 16, 1862
Julius D. Flurer 1st Lt. July 30, 1861 3 Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, February 16, 1862; mustered out, December 10, 1864
August Shroder 1st Lt. July 30, 1861 3 Promoted from private to 1st Sergeant, November 5, 1864 to 2d Lt., November 26, 1864; to 1st Lt., December 14, 1864; discharged by General Order, June 6, 1865; Vet
Samuel H. Bayley 2d Lt. August 10, 1861 3 Promoted from Sergeant, Company G to 2d Lt., January 26, 1862; to Captain Company H, October 14, 1862
Frederick Pyll 2d Lt. August 15, 1861 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant Company A, November 1, 1862; mustered out, October 25, 1864
William Vogel 2d Lt. February 29, 1864 3 Promoted from priv. to 1st Sergeant, July 30, 1864; to 2d Lt., December 14, 1864; discharged by General Order, June 6, 1865
Martin V. Smith 2d Lt. August 9, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
William Kiess 1st Sergeant July 30, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 12, 1864; to Sergeant, July 30, 1864; to lst Sergeant, December 22, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
William Roskinsky 1st Sergeant July 30, 1861 3 Promoted from private, March 1, 1863; mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Leopold Goldstrom Quarter Master Sergeant July 30, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 24, 1862; to Quarter Master Sergeant, July 7, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Joseph Wiedaemer Quarter Master Sergeant July 30, 1861 3 Transferred to Company H, date unknown
Herman Kracht Commissary Sergeant August 9, 1861 3 Promoted from private to Commissary Sergeant, June 14, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
August Kaiser Sergeant August 8, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, March, 1862; to Sergeant, March 4, 1863; wounded at Richmond, Va., October 13, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Charles Bekurs Sergeant August 9, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Chas. Schneevoight Sergeant September 19, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 7, 1864; to Sergeant, December 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Morris Wiget Sergeant December 22, 1862 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 30, 1864; to Sergeant, March 1, 1865; prisoner from December 10, 1864, to February, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Jacob Trautman Sergeant August 9, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Thomas Ward Sergeant July 30, 1861 3 Promoted from private, April 9, 1863; mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
George Eberhardt Sergeant July 30, 1861 3 Promoted from private, March 1, 1863; mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Henry Casel Sergeant July 30, 1861 3 Promoted from private, April 9, 1862; mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Adolph Lompe Sergeant August 10, 1861 3 Promoted from private, September 30, 1861; mustered out July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Albert Flurer Sergeant September 3, 1862 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 30, 1864; to Sergeant, November 27, 1864; discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
George Rossman Sergeant September 26, 1862 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 7, 1864; to Sergeant, December 5, 1864; discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Wm. Gratznowsky Sergeant September 25, 1862 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 17, 1864; to Sergeant, July 30, 1864; captured before Richmond, Va., October 7, 1864; died March 15, 1865; buried in U. S. General Hospital Cemetery, Annapolis, Md.
Henry Biss Sergeant July 30, 1861 3 Promoted from Corporal; prisoner from June 29, to August 22, 1864; mustered out, February 24, 1865
Frederick Galbitz Corporal August 9, 1861 3 Absent, on furlough, at muster out; Vet
Henry Schloss Corporal August 9, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, November 27, 1864; wounded near Richmond, Virginia, December 10, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Frederick Knoll Corporal January 25, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, November 27, 1864; prisoner from December 10, 1864, to February, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Gottlieb Gaertler Corporal February 4, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 12, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Christian Wenzel Corporal July 22, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 12, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Jacob Bilger Corporal August 9, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 1, 1865; Vet
Charles Rhine Corporal November 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
William Geng Corporal February 23, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 8, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Thomas Kelly Corporal February 3, 1862 3 Promoted to Corporal, October 15, 1862; discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, March 3, 1864
Charles Grebe Corporal July 30, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 13, 1863; mustered out, July 29. 1864, expiration of term
Ernst Rank Corporal August 5, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, October 15, 1862; mustered out, August 4, 1864, expiration of term
Stanisl's Tockarskie Corporal January 28, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 30, 1864; prisoner from August, 19, 1864, to February 28, 1865discharged by General Order, June 19, 1865
Frank M. Kobi Corporal August 9, 1861 3 Discharged July 8, 1865, for wounds received at Appomattox Court House, Va., April 9, 1865; Vet
Frank Kleinz Corporal September 20, 1864 1 Promoted to Corporal, November 27, 1864; to 1st Sergeant, February 23, 1865
Philip Frochlich Corporal July 30, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
John BetchTD> Corporal July 30, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Willilaml Floerke Corporal July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 30, 1864, expiration of term
Charles Weipert Bugler February 24, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Rudolph Burgman Bugler March 9, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
John Farrar Bugler July 30, 1861 3 Discharged at expiration of term
George Yunt Blacksmith February 9, 1864 3 Promoted to Blacksmith, June 10, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Francis Fray Farrier July 30, 1861 3 Promoted to Farrier, August 9, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
George Hofius Saddler August 8, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Jacob Walter Saddler July 30, 1861 3 Promoted to Reg'l Saddler, November 1, 1864; Vet

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5th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company E (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private [[]] ?, PA ?
Arnholz, Christian Private August 25, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Arnhold, Frederick Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Auer, Christian Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Arick, George Private September 19, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Baker, Charles W. Private March 23, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Beck, John Private March 29, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Bowers, John J. Private December 23, 1864 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Brachler, George Private April 6, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Buckingham, Oliver Private April 3, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Backurs, Charles Private September 21, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Barlow, Edw'd M. Private September 20, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Berriman, Richard Private September 13, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order. May 19, 1865
Bacht, John Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Botch, William Private August 5, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 4, 1864, expiration of term
Brown, Samuel Private August 17, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Ball, Samuel Private August 23, 1864 1 Died January 3, 1865, of wounds received near Richmond, Va., December 10, 1864; buried in National Cemetery, City Point, Va., sec. A, div. 2, grave, 172
Brichter, Julius Private January 26, 1864 3 Killed at Staunton Bridge, Va., June 25, 1864
Bourgoise, Louis Private August 9, 1861 3 Transferred to Company H, November 1, 1863
Bauer, John Private August 30, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Burgey, Jacob Private September 29, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Compton, Miles E. Private March 25, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Christopher, Wm. Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Crause, William Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Claffey, John Private November 21, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Davis, Reese Private March 30, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Dougherty, Wm. Private March 23, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Dubois, Theodore Private January 29, 1864 3 Prisoner from June 29, 1864, to February, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Ducket, Coakley Private March 25, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Daeber, John Private August 10, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
Dorner, Francis Private February 24, 1864 3 Discharged June 17, 1865, for wounds received near Richmond, Va., October 7, 1864
Doran, Francis Private August 18, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Doerge, Henry . Private August 10, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
Dietler, Christian Private August 10, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 4, 1864, expiration of term
Dellmer, John Private August 5, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 4, 1664, expiration of term
Dickson, Arthur Private April 4, 1865 1 Discharged by General Order, August 5, 1865
Eichhorn, George Private August 9, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Edel, Sebald Private August 9, 1861 3 Discharged by General Order, July 17, 1865; Vet
Eckert, Jacob Private September 1, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Ellis, Joseph. Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Easele, Nicholas Private September 2, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Enk, John Private February 19, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, April 23, 1864
Fisch, Matthew Private August 9, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Fuchs, Henry Private February 4, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Flaherty, John Private May 14, 1862 3 Mustered out, May 14, 1865, expiration of term
Fass, Frederick Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Fetterman, George Private August 22, 1864 1 Wounded before Richmond, Va., October 13, 1864; discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, April 22, 1865
Fleming, Otto Private August 16, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Fox, Joseph Private September 6, 1864 1 Wounded at Appomattox C. H.,Va., April 9, 1865; discharged by General Order, May 30, 1865
Fitcher, Paul Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Ford, Oswald Private September 2, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
Garland, John Private April 6, 65 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Garver, Abram B. Private April 4, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Gothie, Jacob Private April 30, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Garritson, Samuel Private May 8, 1862 3 Mustered out, May 30, 1865; expiration of term
Garritson, Benj. Private September 8, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Garritt, Perry Private September 10, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Gestner, Peter Private September 9, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Gerstenberg, Elias Private September 5, 1862 3 Prisoner from March 19, to April, 1865; discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Gibson, Samuel R. Private September 20, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Goganzer George Private August 5, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 4, 1864, expiration of term
Greiner, John Private September 6, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Globig, Henry Private August 14, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 30, 1864, expiration of term
Genzler, George Private January 28, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, April 23, 1864
Hess, William Private November 10, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Hoefler, Adam Private October 12, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Hoffman, Christ'r. Private April 1, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Houser, Theodore Private August 16, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Hoecht, Henry Private February 3, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, May 18, 1865
Henzlor, Daniel Private September 1, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, July 8, 1865
Heimer, Jacob Private September 9, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Horn, Joseph. Private August 22, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Holly, August Private September 2, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Huber, Peter Private September 2, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Hartman, John Private March 25, 1865 1 Died July 15, 1865; buried in National Cemetery, Richmond, Va., sec. C, division 2, grave, 164
Hess, Ehrhard Private July 30, 1861 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Henry, William Private September 28, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Hill, Joseph Private November 16, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Ingrain, Charles I. Private March 29, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Inmmendorf, Jacob Private August 10, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
Jamison, Thomas Private August 10, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Keilhacher, Thos. Private August 9, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company August 7, 1865; Vet
Klein, Michael Private August 9, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Koch, Christian Private October 29, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Kunz, Samuel Private June 15, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Kane, Joseph Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Kaut, George Private August 10, 1861 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, January 1, 1864
Kaupp, John Private September 3, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Kiefer, Nicholas Private September 2, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, June 8, 1865
Krarler, Jacob Private August 5, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 4, 1864, expiration of term
Kause, Julius Private January 25, 1864 3 Discharged May 20, 1865, for wounds received at Jarrett's Station, Va., May 8, 1864
Kohler, Frederick Private September 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, September 22, 1864, expiration of term
Klipple, Nicholas Private August 27, 1864 3 Killed at Bottom's Bridge, Va., March 26, 1865
Kraus, William Private July 30, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Kusterer, William Private July 30, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Korosin, Francis Private August 30, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Lang, Ernst Private July 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Lieferst, Samuel Private April 22, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Lerch, Moritz Private August 18, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Linderborn, Henry Private September 1, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 22, 1864, expiration of term
Lyons, James Private September 20, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Lapstirck, George Private Transferred to Company B, April 23, 1864
Mahon, Christopher Private March 28, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Meell, Jacob Private September 11, 1862 3 prisoner from June 29, 1864, to February, 1865; absent, sick, at muster out
Meier, Willian Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Miller, Joseph Private March 3, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Miller, Samuel B. Private August 9, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Mincke, Henry Private August 9, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Minnige, John H. Private April 3, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Morrison, John Private April 5, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Max, Charles Private September 22, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Mason, William Private September 13, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
May, George Private September 2, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Mead, Louis Private August 23, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Murray, William Private August 24, 1864 1 Discharged toy General Order, May 19, 1865
Miller, Frederick Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Miller, Henry. Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Miller, Lois Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Muchenfuss, Eber't Private August 25, 1864 1 Prisoner from December 10, 1864, to February, 1865; discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Murphy John Private September 2, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Marsteller, Wm. Private Died December 28, 1864, of wounds received near Richmond, Va., December 10, 1864; bu. in National Cemetery. City Point, Va., sec. A, div, 3, grave, 92
Merkert, Maonufs. Private August 24, 1861 3 Killed at Jarrett's Station, Va., May 8, 1864
Metzler, Gottfried Private September 1, 1864 1 Wounded and prisoner near Richmond, Va., December 10, 1864; died at Richmond, Va., date unknown
Muller, William Private October 21, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
M'Claine, Robert Private April 1, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
M'Laughlin, Dennis Private April 4, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
M'Knight, Lawr'e. Private March 21, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
M'Gee, Thomas Private September 15, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
M'Manee, Patrick Private March 11, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
M'Creary, Peter Private March 21, 1865 1 Died at Wilmington, Delaware, March 25, 1865
Nelson, Joseph R. Private March 30, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Noller, Frederick Private July 30, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
O'Bryan, John Private August 23, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
O'Donnell, James Private March 21, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Opp, John Private January 22, 1863 3 Wounded at Jarrett's Station, Virginia, May 8, 1864; absent, in hospital, at muster out
Obergfell, George Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Onkel, Frederick Private August 15, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 14, 1864, expiration of term
Oppenheimer, Louis Private August 5, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 4, 1864, expiration of term
Ochlschelager, J. C. Private July 30, 1861 3 Died at Balfour Hospital, Va., June 19, 1864
Ochs, Joseph Private October 21, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Palmer, Harry C. Private March 21, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Pfahl, Otto Private January 2, 1863 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Poly, Michial P. Private April 1, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Prevost, Charles Private April 4, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Patterson, William Private August 7, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Plochg, Joseph Private August 22, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Pistorius, William Private July 30, 1861 3 Died June 18, 1864, of wounds received at Petersburg, Va., June 9, 1864; buried at Hampton, Va.
Pyltz, Edward Private August 23, 1862 3 Captured near Richmond, Va., October 7, 1864; died at Salisbury, N. C., January 28, 1865
Raab, Adam Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Rodel, Peter Private March 29, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Randman, John G. Private October 3, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Reeser, Jacob Private September 14,, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Reinman, William Private September 2, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Reese, William Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864; expiration of term
Rost, Charles Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, September 1, 1864, expiration of term
Roll, Francis Private August 5, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 4, 1864, expiration of term
Roth, Michael Private September 22, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Rommel, William Private August 26, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Reichman, Wm. Private September 2, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Smales, David Private March 23, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Schloss, Abraham Private Wounded before Richmond, Va., December 10, 1864; absent, in hospital, at muster out
Schaefer, Frederick Private July 2, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Seger, Frederick Private January 25, 1864 3 Prisoner from October 7, 1864, to February, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Sell, George H. Private April 3, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Shea, Philip Private April 5, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Schumacker, Fred Private July 27, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Shoenfelder, Henry Private August 9, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Shettleworth, Rich. Private March 21, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Sinclair, John L. Private April 28, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Schwartz, Christ'n. Private January 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Straehle, Jacob Private August 9, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Schneider, Charles Private September 30, 1861 3 Wounded before Richmond, Va., October 13, 1864; discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, April 2, 1865
Schrode, Christian Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Seitzinger, John L. Private August 23, 1864 1 Wounded before Richmond, Va., September 29, 1864; discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, July 18, 1865
Sherk, Wilson Private September 7, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Shields, Henry Private August 12, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 14, 1864, expiration of term
Soper, John Private September 21, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Sohn, Conrad Private July 30, 1861 3 Wounded and prisoner at Staunton Bridge, Va., June 25, 1864; died at Petersburg, Va., date unknown
Smith, Rudolph W. Private September 19, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Sullivan, Owen Private September 11, 1862 3 Mustered out, September 22, 1864, expiration of term
Stutz, Frederick Private August 31, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19. 1864
Sellman, Charles Private February 5, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, April 23, 1864
Simon, Matthias Private April 4, 1865 1 Deserted June 10, 1865; returned June 28, 1865; deserted again July 10, 1865
Seibert, Michael Private July 30, 1861 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Shottmaier, Joseph Private September 16, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Schade, Charles H Private August 18, 1864 1 Transferred to Department of the North-West, January 13, 1865
Tool, James Private April 5, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Torode, George Private March 29, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Tramer, Charles Private June 2, 1861 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Trebold, William Private August 5, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 14, 1864, expiration of term
Vogler, Henry Private January 7, 1863 3 Deserted November 23, 1863
Voss, Frederick Private July 30, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Voegle, Leopold Private September 3, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Walker, Thomas R. Private August 5, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Weiss, Theodore Private March 7, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Weissinger, John Private February 15, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Wilcox, Horatio H. Private March 23, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Waldooget, Conrad Private September 20, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Wall, Jacob Private July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Weber, Ferdinand Private August 15, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 14, 1864, expiration of term
Weiler, Peter Private August 26, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Wirth, Christopher Private August 5, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
Woodbridge, Henry Private September 3, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Wehren, Charles Private January 26, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, April 23, 1864
Winter, Frederick Private February 26, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, April 23, 1864
Wieland, William Private Died December 11, 1864, of wounds received near Richmond, Va., December 10, 1864; buried in National Cemetery, City Point, Va., sec. F, div. 1, grave, 76
Walter, Edward Private September 20, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Zlotzarsky, Jacob Private March 30, 1865 1 Deserted July 18, 1865

Company F

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.

5th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company F (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, PA ?
Jacob P. Wilson Captain August 5, 1864 3 Promoted to Major, May 1, 1862
John W. Pierce Captain July 26, 1864 3 Promoted from 2d Lt. Company C, May 1, 1862; discharged August 14, 1862
Robert Morris Captain August 14, 1862 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant to 2d Lt., October 13, 1861; to 1st Lt., January 2, 1862; to Captain, August 14, 1862; resigned April 17, 1863
Bardele Galliseth Captain August 9, 1864 3 Promoted from 2d Lt. CompanyL to 1st Lieut., March 1, 1863; to Captain, December 26, 1863; discharged May 6, 1865, for wounds received in action, December 10, 1864
William H. Shaffer Captain September 12, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
William E. Frick 1st Lt. August 5, 1864 3 Died October 11, 1861
Daniel B. Hinman 1st Lt. July 30, 1864 3 Promoted from Sergeant, Company D to 2d Lt., January 26, 1862; to 1st Lieut., March 17, 1862; discharged May 29, 1862
Henry W. Paul 1st Lt. August 5, 1864 3 Promoted from 2d. Lt., October 31, 1861; transferred to Company D, June 2, 1862
Thos B. Tornett 1st Lt. May 9, 1862 3 Resigned October 2, 1862
David Bower 1st Lt. April 5, 1862 3 Promoted to Quartermaster, November 1, 1862
William J. Simpson 1st Lt. April 7, 1862 3 Transferred from Company G, October, 1862; resigned November 29, 1862
Matthew Berry 1st Lt. February, 1862 3 Promoted from 2d Lt. Company I, December 26, 1863; discharged February 5, 1864
Henry A. Cook 1st Lt. August 5, 1864 3 Promoted from priv. to Sergeant; to 1st Sergeant; to 1st Lt., April 6, 1865; prisoner at Stony Creek Station, Va., June 29, 1864; transferred to Company A, June 7, 1865; Vet
Josiah Anderson 1st Lt. August 19, 1864 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant, Company K, June 8, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
J. F. Cummings 2d Lt. August 5, 1864 3 Promoted from Sergeant Major to 2d Lt., May 16, 1862; to 1st Lieut. Company D, November 21, 1862
George B. Clayton 2d Lt. December 15, 1862 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., December 15, 1862; dismissed March 8, 1863
Deitrick Bruno 2d Lt. July 23, 1864 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant, Company B, February 13, 1863; to 1st Lt. Company L, July 1, 1864
Abraham B. Harris 2d Lt. July 30, 1864 3 Promoted from Regimental Quarter Master Sergeant to 2d Lieut., November 26, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
George Smith 1st Sergeant August 5, 1864 3 Promoted from Sergeant to 1st Sergeant, October 12, 1861; to 2d Lt. Company G, November 1, 1862
James Daley 1st Sergeant August 5, 1864 3 Promoted to 1st Sergeant, July 21, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Frederick Wilhelm Quarter Master Sergeant August 9, 1864 3 Promoted from Commissary Sergeant Company L, August 26, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Peter Long Quarter Master Sergeant July 30, 1864 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
John Fidell Commissary Sergeant August 5, 1864 3 Promoted from private, April 6, 1865; captured at Darbytown Road, Va., October 7, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
William Fulmer Commissary Sergeant August 5, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 4, 1864, expiration of term
Cloud Baldwin Sergeant August 5, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, October 12, 1861; to Sergeant, July 21, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
William C. Weaks Sergeant August 5, 1864 3 Promoted from private, October 10, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Benj. F. Schwartz Sergeant August 5, 1864 3 Promoted from private, Septeimber 28, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Thos. Muldoon Sergeant August 10, 1864 3 Absent, on detached service, at mustered out; Vet
John Campbell Sergeant August 5, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal; to Sergeant, July 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
William Quig Sergeant August 5, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, July 16, 1865; Vet
William P. M'Bride Sergeant July 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Edward Farrell Sergeant August 25, 1862 3 Promoted to Sergeant; discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Nathaniel C. Smith Sergeant August 25, 1862 3 Promoted from Corporal; killed at Petersburg, Va., September 23, 1864; Vet
John H. Minster Sergeant August 5, 1864 3 Accidentally killed at Jones' Landing, Virginia, September 28, 1864; Vet
Howard Jackson Corporal August 19, 1861 3 Captured; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Henry F. Jackson Corporal September 23, 1864 3 Captured; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Michael Nary Corporal August 5, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Wm. W. Smith Corporal July 30, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal. February 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
William Tracy Corporal August 5, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Adam Dittes Corporal August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Chas. E. Wilson Corporal February 23, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 12, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
George Gower Corporal February 12, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 12, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Charles E. Hill Corporal August 5, 1864 3 Prisoner from October 7, 1864, to March 4, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 5, 1865; Vet
James A. Cornett Corporal August 20, 1864 3 Prisoner from June 29, to December 6, 1864; mustered out, March 6, 1865, expiration of term
Wm. M'Kinney Corporal August 5, 1864 3 Captured June 29, 1864; mustered out, March 30, 1865, expiration of term
Edward Porter Bugler August 5, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Edward P. Flagg Bugler August 5, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Neal Nugent Blacksmith August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Daniel Solomon Saddler August 5, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.

5th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company F (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private [[]] ?, PA ?
Albus, James Private January 1, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Allison, Charles Private April 4, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Achuff, William Private August 5, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 4, 1864, expiration of term
Achuff, James Private August 5, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 4, 1864, expiration of term
Achuff, Joseph Private August 5, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 4, 1864, expiration of term
Anderson, John Private April 8, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Bishop, Joseph Private August 22, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Bubb, Peter B Private February 15, 1864 3 Transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Blaker, Chas. M. Private February 24, 1864 3 Transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Bowers, Frederick Private July 30, 1864 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Blake, John Private August 14, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Baker, Richard Private August 13, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
Bennett, Samuel Private September 20, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
Bushman, Charles Private September 9, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
Browning, Jno. C. Private September 12, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
Brown, George Private September 17, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
Boehm, Milton Private January 26, 1864 3 Prisoner from June 29, to December 16, 1864; discharged by General Order, June 21, 1865
Brenner, Martin Private February 6, 1864 3 Never joined Company
Bovee, Halsey J. Private February 23, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Burns, James Private September 9, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Corson, Henry M. Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Connell, Barney Private February 19, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Conley, Thomas Private July 30, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Cately, James W. Private February 15, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Coup, Jacob B Private August 19, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Courtney, Patrick Private March 2, 1864 3 Transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Conway, John Private September 28, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
Craig, Robert Private September 9, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
Cameron, Robert E. Private August 16, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
Connelly, Martin Private January 22, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, July 8, 1865
Drake, Abner B. Private January 20, 1864 3 Absent, on detached service, at muster out; Vet
Durivage, John E. Private February 13, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Duckworth, Sam'l. Private January 26, 1864 3 Captured; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
De Mott, Peter Private August 25, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7. 1865
Deckey, Samuel Private September 6, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
Demming, James Private September 27, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
Durand, Philip Private August 22, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Dermott, Peter Private August 20, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
Deblesey, Isadore Private January 25, 1864 3 Deserted May 8, 1864
Eckert, Henry Private August 5, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 4, 1864, expiration of term
Engard, John Private August 29, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
Erkins, Henry B. Private September 13, 1864 1 Died at Point of Rocks, Va., December 20, 1864
Eting Jacob Private February 8, 1864 3 Transferred to Company D, date unknown
Fry, Thomas H. Private August 5, 1864 3 Absent, in confinement, at muster out; Vet
Ferren, William Private January 15, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Flick, Stephen Private February 12, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Fritz, John Private February 14, 1864 3 Transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Feister, John U. Private September 6, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
Faucht, Frederick Private July 30, 1864 3 Drowned at Jones' Landing, Va., July 25, 1865
Forrest, John M. Private February 9, 1864 3 Never joined Company
Feldon, John P Private September 15, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Gower, Jacob Private February 12, 1864 3 Transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Glenning, Martin Private March 2, 1864 3 Transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; absent, without leave, at muster out
Gray, Franklin Private March 24, 1864 3 Deserted; returned; transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Glacken, John Private July 31, 1864 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Garber, Samuel Private August 5, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 30, 1864, expiration of term
Griswold, Jesse Private August 24, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, June 24, 1865
Glenning, Joseph Private February 13, 1864 3 Prisoner, October 7, 1864; transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; discharged by General Order, July 13, 1865
Grandlack, Wm. Private January 28, 1864 3 Transferred to Company H, August 31, 1864
Gartland, Daniel Private August 17, 1864 1 Killed in action, April 7, 1865
Gallagher, Wm. Private February 3, 1864 3 Captured; died at Andersonville, Ga., September 9, 1864; grave, 8,448
Gartland, Patrick Private September 8, 1862 3 Died April 9, 1865; buried at Philadelphia
Glenning, Joseph Private February 27, 1864 3 Never joined Company
Gillingham, H. C. Private July 30, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Harvey, Charles Private March 12, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Humma, James Private January 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Holland, Timothy Private October 25, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Haggerty, Anthony Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Haggerty, George Private February 27, 1864 3 Transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
High, William Private August 19, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865 Vet
Howard, Robert C. Private August 18, 1864 1 Discharged July 8, 1865, for wounds received in action, with loss of leg, October 7, 1864
Hopkins, John Private August 19, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
Hannan. James P. Private August 22, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
Heidrick, Philip Private September 20, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
Hoffman, Wm. P. Private September 12, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
Hulfich, George Private February 11, 1864 3 Never joined Company
Harrison, Frank Private October 1, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Halbert, Charles Private August 5, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, November, 1862
Hoffnman, Burg's M. Private August 5, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, February, 1862
Irvin, Charles Private February 24, 1864 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Jackson, Albert Private February 23, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Jones, William A. Private January 25, 1864 3 Transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
James, Alfred Private July 30, 1864 3 Mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Johnson, John Private August 5, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 4, 1864, expiration of term
Jeffers, Preston C. Private September 18, 1862 3 Died at Philadelphia, October'20, 1864
Johnson, Martin Private January 28, 1864 3 Never joined Company
Krauskopt, Max Private February 12, 1864 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Kent, Abraham Private February 24, 1864 3 Transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Kappahn, William Private September 17, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
Keepner, Isaac Private February 12, 1864 3 Captured; transferred to Company K, June, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 25, 1865
Kramer, Zeno Private August 5, 1864 3 Died near Jones' Landing, Va., July 24, 1864
Kruse, William Private October 17, 1862 3 Captured; died at Florence, S. C., November, 1864
Kepp. William Private July 30, 1864 3 Died at Williamsburg, Va., November, 1862
Leibrick, Frederick Private October 15, 1862 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Lockhart, George Private February 5, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Love. James H. Private March 20, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Lowry, William Private September 1, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
Long, James Private August 20, 1864, 3 Died November 10, 1864, of wounds received in action, October 7, 1864
Laughlin William Private February 6, 1864 3 Never joined Company
Lee, John Private February 25, 1864 3 Never joined Company
Miller, Henry . Private August 19, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 18, 1864, expiration of term
Maguire, Franklin Private September 25, 1862 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, May 16, 1865
Miller, Hillery Private August 27, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
Merry, John C Private July 30, 1864 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, February 25, 1865; Vet
Meek, William Private January 21, 1864 3 Never joined Company
Myre, John Private February 4, 1864 3 Never joined Company
Maxfield, John Private February 5, 1864 3 Never joined Company
Martin, Daniel. Private August 5, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, February, 1863
Martin, Philip Private November 22, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Myre, Levi Private September 20, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
M'Carty, Silas Private February 12, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
M'Nelly, William Private February 18, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
M'Ginness, Edward Private January 18, 1864 3 Transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
M'Ginness, Tim'y Private January 27, 1864 3 Transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
M'Ilhenny, Adam Private August 5, 1864 3 Mustered out, November 10, 1864, expiration of term
M'Namara, Joseph Private August 5, 1864 3 Discharged June, 1865, for wounds received near Appomattox C. H., Va., April 9, 1865; Vet
M'Kinney, John Private January 23, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, February 25, 1865
M'Devitt, Charles Private September 21, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
M'Kenna, John Private September 5, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
M'Kenna, Alex'r. Private September 5, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
Naugle, Morris T. Private August 5, 1864 3 Died September 11, 1864, of wounds received accidentally; buried in Cavalry Corps Cemetery, Va.; Vet
Ortlip, George W. Private August 16, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
O'Neal, Daniel Private February 15, 1864 3 Transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Ort, Casper Private August 5, 1864 3 Died at Portsmouth, Va., November 16, 1863
O'Shaughuessy, M. Private August 22, 1864 1 Died at Salisbury, N. C., November 26, 1864
Padden, Michael Private August 5, 1864 3 Captured; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Prutzman, B. G. Private February 3, 1864 3 Transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Pfefferan, Charles Private August 12, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 11, 1864, expiration of term
Planer, George Private August 5, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 4, 1864, expiration of term
Palmer, Lausan Private January 30, 1864 3 Prisoner 8 months; discharged by General Order, June 9, 1865
Rekaskey, Louis Private August 12, 1864 3 Captured; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Richards, Theodore Private August 12, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Ripp, George Private August 5, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Redman James Private March 2, 1864 3 Captured; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Runyan, William Private August 19, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Ramsey, Benj. F. Private July 30, 1864 3 Mustered out, July 30, 1864, expiration of term
Richards, Samn'l. B. Private February 5, 1864 3 Captured; discharged by General Order., June 9, 1865
Roth, Francis Private February 12, 1864 3 Never joined Company
Ramb, John G. Private August 12, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Redlinger, Frank Private March 1, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Smith, Charles Private February 12, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Stiffler, George Private January 21, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 165; Vet
Saunders, John C Private February 12, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Stoye, James P. Private August 19, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Steam, William Private February 8, 1864 3 Captured; exchanged; absent, sick, at mustered out
Stryker, John Private February 24, 1864 3 Transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Schuegert, Benj. Private August 12, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 11, 1864, expiration of term
Shields, William Private September 1, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23,1865; burial record, died January 30, 1865; buried at Salisbury, N. C.
Spiker, John Private September 9, 1864 1 Discharged by-General Order, May 23, 1865
Smith, Louis Private August 5, 1861 3 Wounded at Nottoway Bridge, Va., January 25, 1864; captured; died at Richmond, Va., date unknown
Stinson, Thomas F. Private February 18, 1864 3 Captured; exchanged; died on United States transport, November, 1864
Sullivan, Joseph Private August 5, 1864 3 Died at Salisbury, N. C., January 7, 1865; Vet
Shoffer, William Private January 15, 1864 3 Deserted April 18, 1864
Stove, Morris C. Private February 23, 1864 3 Deserted April, 1864
Sheats, William Private February 9, 1864 3 Never joined Company
Schuyler, Robert Private February 9, 1864 3 Never joined Company
Schweigert, Fred'k. Private August 19, 1864 3 Discharged August 15, 1864, expiration of term
St. Armand, Wm. Private February 23, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Taylor, James H. Private February 12, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Tinsley, William Private August 5, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Talbert, Henry B. Private February 9, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, February 5, 1865
Thompson, J. M. Private September 5, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
Taggart, John L. Private August 20, 1861 3 Killed near Camden C. H., N. C., October 17, 1863
Taggart, Alexander Private August 16, 1864 1 Died at Point of Rocks, Va., January 14, 1865
Vickerstaff, Joseph Private August 5, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, November, 1862
Vogel, John Private January 26, 1864 3 Never joined Company
Walker, Geo. M. D. Private February 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Walker, Jas. K. Private February 20, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Winter, Christian Private January 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Wills, Martin B. Private August 5, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 4, 1865, expiration of term
Weaker, Henry J. Private August 15, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
Wallace, Joseph Private September 29, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
Walker, Thos. R. Private August 5, 1864 3 Transferred to Company L, September 1, 1864; Vet
Williams, Henry Private January 23, 1864 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, date unknown, discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, April 20, 1865
Wilkins, Lloyd H. Private February 27, 1864 3 Never joined Company
Wunch, Louis Private August 5, 1864 3 Died at Williamsburg, Va., November, 1862
Yetter, John W. Private September 5, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
Young, George W. Private August 20, 1864 1 Captured; died at Salisbury, N. C., November 11, 1864; burial record, December 16, 1864
Zeigler, Andrew Private April 3, 1865 1 Transferred from Company K, June 7, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865

Company G

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.

5th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company G (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, PA ?
Tim'y Hennessey Captain August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Major, February 11, 1863
George J. Ker Captain June 1, 1864 3 Promoted from 1st Lt. Company M, March 1, 1863; wounded at Darbytown Road, Va., October 7, 1864; transferred to Company A, June 2, 1865
Henry A. Vezin Captain March 27, 1862 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
George Graves 1st Lt. August 10, 1864 3 Transferred to Company I, September, 1861
Justinian Alman 1st Lt. September 17, 1864 3 Promoted from 2d Lieut., Company I to 1st Lieut. November 10, 1861; to Captain Company E, November 21, 1862
Wm. J. Simpson 1st Lt. April 7, 1862 3 Promoted from 2d Lt., September, 1862; transferred to Company G, October, 1862
Seth H. Yocum 1st Lt. July 26, 1864 3 Transferred from Company A, November 21, 1862; discharged September 8, 1864
George Smith 1st Lt. August 5, 1864 3 Wounded at Staunton Bridge, Va., June 25, 1864; promoted from 1st Sergeant Company F to 2d Lt., November 1, 1862; to 1st Lt., September 20, 1864; to Captain Company D, June 7, 1865
Harry P. Robinson 1st Lt. July 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
James Cromlien 2d Lt. August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to 1st Lt. and Quarter Master, September 1, 1861
Frederick Meyer 2d Lt. October, 1864 3 Promoted from Sergeant, October 20, 1861; transferred to Company A, March, 1862
Leopold Rosenthal 2d Lt. August 14, 1864 3 Promoted to Captain Company A, January 16, 1862
John C. Cassel 2d Lt. August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, September, 1861; to Sergeant, January, 1862; to Quarter Master Sergeant, May, 1862; to 1st Sergeant, July 2, 1863; to 2d Lt., November 26, 1864; transferred to Company A, June 1, 1865; Vet
Frank Kleinz 2d Lt. September 20, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
William J. Young 1st Sergeant August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1862; to Sergeant, November, 1862; to 1st Sergeant, December 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
James W. Bailey Sergeant August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1864; to Sergeant, November 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
William Duncan Sergeant August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1864; to Sergeant, November 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, Aug 7, 1865; Vet
James Notman Sergeant August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1864; to Sergeant, December 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Jacob Aronson Sergeant August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, February 1, 1864; to Sergeant, October 7, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Francis M'Cann Sergeant August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 7, 1862; to Sergeant, March 14, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Wm. Mendenhall Sergeant February 4, 1864 3 Absent, on furlough, at muster out
Melchior Roth Sergeant August 9, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
John H. Armstrong Sergeant August 10, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, date unknown
Wm. A. Charles Sergeant August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1862; to Sergeant, September 15, 1862 mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
Charles Chipman Sergeant August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1862; to Sergeant, September 15, 1862; mustered out, August 9, 1864, expirarion of term
John S. Ludwick Sergeant August 10, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, April 26, 1862
Samuel H. Bayley Sergeant August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant Company E, January 26, 1862
I. M. Flannagin Sergeant August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 26, 1862; to Sergeant, July 7, 1863; mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
Richard Ker Sergeant June 24, 1862 3 Promoted to Corporal, December 1, 1863; to Sergeant, July 1, 1864; to Regimental Commissary Sergeant, March 10, 1865
Edward Hoffman Corporal October 6, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Adam Snyder Corporal August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal. October 17, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
David G. Lewis Corporal February 11, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal. November 1, 1864; absent, on furlough, at muster out; Vet.
Charles Hart Corporal January 5, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Patrick Sullivan Corporal August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, December 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Charles W. Chew Corporal August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 14, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Thos. J. Campbell Corporal August 10, 1864 3 Deserted; returned; promoted to Corporal, MIay 14, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Joseph Fladung Corporal August 9, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1864; Vet
Peter M. Krider Corporal August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 1, 1862; mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
Bentley Gaul Corporal September 12, 1862 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1864; captured at Ream's Station, Virginia, June 29, 1864; discharged by General Order, June 22. 1865
John Jarvis Corporal September 1, 1862 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 14, 1865; discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Alfred D. Krier Corporal August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1862; mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
John L. Nolen Bugler August 9, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
John M'Feeters Bugler August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Bugler, December, 1863; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
William Morgie, Jr. Bugler August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
David S. Foreman Blacksmith October 6, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Arch'd M'Millen Blacksmith August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
Andrew M'Millen Blacksmith August 10, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Alex. Lockhart Blacksmith August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Farrier, June 16, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Jacob Ambruster Blacksmith September 8, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Louis T. Bush Blacksmith August 10, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, December 10, 1861
William Stuart Blacksmith August 28, 1862 3 Promoted to Farrier, August 27, 1864; discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
John Titlow Blacksmith August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Farrier, December 1, 1861; mustered out, August 9. 1864, expiration of term
John Hartman Saddler August 9, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Fred'k Koberger Saddler August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.

5th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company G (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private [[]] ?, PA ?
Adams, Thomas Private February 2, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Albert, Jeremiah Private February 23, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Antenrith, August Private July 25, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Arker, Joseph Private February 24, 1864 3 Deserted July 16, 1865; returned; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Armstrong, Alex. Private August 10, 1864 3 Died at Camnp Griffin, Virginia, January, 1862
Beile, Seraphim Private July 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Brame, Milton Private March 22, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Bratton, Edward E. Private February 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Breeding, Joseph Private November 14, 1863 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Brinker, Adam Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Beachley, Henry Private February 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Baumensbaugh, P Private September 2, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Barrnes, William Private September 14, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Blanchard, Geo. W Private September 10, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Blundin, Richard Private August 10, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, February 1, 1862
Bruce, George W. Private September 12, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Bower, William Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
Buchanan, Edward Private September 19, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Bailey, John Private August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to 1st Sergeant, 1st Regiment United States Cavalry, date unknown
Berriman, Richard Private September 13, 1862 3 Transferred to Company E, December 2, 1864
Burrows, John Private August 10, 1864 3 Captured October 7, 1864; died at Andersonville, Ga., January 9, 1865; grave, 12,418; Vet
Campbell, James Private February 23, 1864 3 Mustered outwith Company, August 7, 1865
Carl, William Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Carl, William Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Clayton, Thomas M. Private February 6, 1864 3 Absent, on furlough, at muster out
Collins, Morris Private April 9, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Conner, James Private April 3, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Carlin, William Private August 10, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, February, 1862
Childs, Peter Private September 12, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Cochran, Matthew Private August 31, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Clayton, Franklin Private September 24, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Currie, Frederick Private August 10, 1861 3 Discharged for wounds received at Williamsburg, Virginia, June 17, 1863
Cummings, Thos. Private August 10, 1864 3 Died at Alexandria, Va., April, 1862
Collins, Aaron Private August 10, 1864 3 Died at Williamsburg, Va., December 13, 1862; burial record, December 17, 1862; buried in National Cem'y, Yorktown, Va., section C, grave, 25
Cooper, William T. Private September 14, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Davenport, Benj. Private February 11, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Dolan, James Private March 22, 1865 1 Deserted; returned; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Donovan, Joseph Private February 9, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Driver, William H. Private January 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Dryden, George L. Private February 4, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Dubois, Wm., 2d Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Duffin, Henry B. Private August 10, 1864 3 Captured September 9, 1862; discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, January, 1863
Digney, John A. Private August 10, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
Dennis, Samuel J Private September 29, 1862 3 Captured March 10, 1863; discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Drummond, Hugh Private August 10, 1864 3 Wounded at Nottoway Bridge, Va., May 8, 1864; mustered out, expiration of term
Dubois, W'm., 1st Private August 10, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, January 9; 1862
Drumheller, John Private February 25, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, February 18, 1865
Dunlap, Thomas Private August 18, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Devins, John Private September 2, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Duverdin, Emile. Private August 14, 1862 3 Deserted June 16, 1863
Dunkerlv, Wm Private September 9, 1864 1 Killed near Richmond, Va., December 10, 1864
Durkin, John Private August 10, 1864 3 Captured at Ream's Station, Va., June 29, 1864; discharged by General Order, June 17, 1865; Vet
Edwards, Thomas Private January 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Elliott, John Private April 3, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Evans, John Private February 6, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Edwards, Jos. L. Private August 10, 1864 3 Captured September 9, 1862; mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
Emory, GeorgeW Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
Fox, James Private April 5, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Forbes, Charles H. Private September 12, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Fiss, Augustus L. Private August 10, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
Faulkner, Thomas Private August 10, 1864 3 Transferred to Company I, September 1, 1861
Foley, Edmond. Private August 10, 1861 3 Deserted February 10, 1865 ; Vet
Greenan. John Private August 17, 1864 1 Captured October 7, 1864; discharged, date unknown
Garvin, Joseph Private August 10, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, April, 1862
Glassop, John 1I1. Private February 27, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
Garron, William Private August 31, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Gormley, William Private August 31, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Gilbert, Adam Private August 10, 1864 3 Deserted June, 1862
Harris, William Private February 2, 1864 3 Captured at Ream's Station, Va., June 29, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Heckard, Henry Private February 12, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Holmes, Morris Private February 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Hill, Philip Private January 5, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Humes, Thomas Private August 10, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Hunt, Michael Private April 9, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Hilburn, James E. Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
Hoffman, David B Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 9, 1.864, expiration of term
Haughey, Francis Private February 28, 1865 1 Deserted July 1, 1865
Humes, James Private September 1, 1862 3 Killed at Staunton Bridge, Va., June 25, 1864
Hoffman, Henry Private September 12, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Johnston, Edwin Private February, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, August 7, 1865
Jones, David Private August 23, 1864 1 Captured October 7, 1864; discharged, date unknown
Jennings, Lenmus C. Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
Jamison, Thomas Private August 10, 1864 3 Transferred to Company E, January 20, 1865; Vet
Kissell, John G. Private February 5, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Kuntzman, Christ'n. Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
Kline, Christian Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
Kogie, Jacob Private August 10, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, April 26, 1862
Kershaw, James Private September 30, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Kreigher, Wm. H. Private August 10, 1864 3 Captured at Ream's Station, Va., June 29, 1864; died at Andersonville, Ga., November 9, 1864; burial record, November 4, 1864; grave, 11,800; Vet
Lloyd, Edmond Private January 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Lloyd, George Private January 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Lon'staff, Rob't M. Private February 22, 1864 3 Captured at Jarrett's Station, Weldon R. R., Va., May 19, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Lutz, Alexander Private February 27, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Meek, Henry Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Magrady, William Private March 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Miller, Adam Private February 9, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Meighen, Bernard Private July 30, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Mooney, John Private March 23, 1865 1 Discharged by General Order, July 19, 1865
Mullen, William Private February 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Morrison, Charles Private February 23, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Murphy, Charles Private February 23, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Mullen, Michael Private August 10, 1864 3 Discharged January 25, 1863, for wounds received at Williamsburg, Va., September 9, 1862
Morley, Thomas P. Private August 10, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865; Vet
Messick, James M. Private September 17, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Morgie, Wm., Sr. Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
Mason, Edward Private September 23, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Meniss, Henry K. Private August 10, 1864 3 Died at Williamsburg, Va., December 12, 1862
Morgan, Thomas Private August 10, 1864 3 Died at Williarsburg, Va., December, 1862
Mills, Arthur Private February 11, 1864 3 Captured October 7, 1864; died at St. Clair, Pa., April, 1865
M'Closkey, Robert Private August 10, 1864 3 Captured October 7, 1864; discharged, date unknown; Vet
M'Cormick, John B Private February 9, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
M'Davitt, John Private October 14, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
M'Ghee, Alexander Private March 7, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
M'Hull, Alexander Private January 26, 1864 3 Wounded and prisoner October 7, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
M'Shier, John Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
M'Cauley, Michael Private August 10, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, April 26, 62
M'Annay, Patrick Private August 31, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, June 21, 1865
M'Hugh, Arthur Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
Newkirk, Charles Private February 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Nettle, Oliver Private August 10, 1864 3 Killed near Richmond, Va., September 29, 1864; Vet
Oswald, John Private August 10, 1864 3 Died at Williamsburg, Va., November, 1862
Porter, John Private September 22, 1862 3 Discharged, date unknown, for wounds received in action
Patterson, Alfred J. Private August 10, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, April 1, 1864
Pritchard, Henry D. Private September 10, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Press, John Private September 14, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Powell, John A. Private September 2, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Price, William Private August 27, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Pickering, Joshua T. Private August 10, 1864 3 Killed in action at Darbytown Road, Virginia, October 7, 1864; Vet
Renard, Daniel Private August 10, 1864 3 Absent, on furlough, at muster out; Vet
Reichard, John S. Private March 24, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Rick, Benjamin F. Private February 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Rogers, Andrew Private February 25, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Roudenbush, J. S. Private August 10, 1864 3 Absent, on furlough, at muster out; Vet
Rogers, Charles Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
Roman, Anthony D. Private August 10, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, January 1, 1862
Roach, Nicholas Private September 13, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 9, 1865
Rhine, Michael Private August 23, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 9, 1865
Riley, Edward Private August 11, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 9, 1865
Riley, William J. Private August 10, 1864 3 Deserted, date unknown
Rolph, William Private September 11, 1862 3 Killed near Twelve Mile Ordinary, Va., May, 1863
Scott, John Private August 10, 1864 3 Captured at Williamsburg, Va., March 5, 1863; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Seip, Henry Private February 27, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Shaner, Charles W. Private February 27, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Showers, James W. Private February 5, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Shinkle, Thomas Private March 2, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Sullinger, Alex. H. Private . February 9, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Smith, Benjamin Private August 12, 1864 1 Captured October 7, 1864; discharged, date unknown
Speelman, Patrick Private August 17, 1864 3 Captured October 7, 1864; discharged, date unknown
Stewart, William J. Private February F 7, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, June 21, 1865
Samon, James Private August 10, 1861 3 Captured at Ream's Station, Va., June 29, 1864; discharged by General Order, June 17, 1865; Vet
Shiveley, John Private August 10, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, May 26, 1862
Spangler, John Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
Shaw, Charles Private August 10, 1864 3 Captured at Williamsburg, Va., September 9, 1862; discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, November 4, 1862
Samuels, John Private August 10, 1864 3 Captured at Williamsburg, Va., September 9, 1862; discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, November 4, 1862
Small, Samuel Private August 10, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, December 24, 1861
Sykes, George Private September 23, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Sharkey, Joahn Private August 10, 1864 3 Transferred to Company K, September 1, 1861
Sullivan, Edward Private August 10, 1864 3 Transferred to Company A, January 23, 1863
Shields, Henry Private August 10, 1864 3 Transferred to Company E, December 9, 1863
Spangenburg, John Private August 10, 1864 3 Discharged August 9, 1864, expiration of term
Stack, Thomas Private August 10, 1864 3 Discharged, date unknown; re-enlisted September 12, 1864; discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Thomas, John Private August 25, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Theobold, George Private August 22, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Tingle, Ananias H. Private September 27, 1864 1 Killed near Richmond, Va., December 10, 1864
Thomas, Samuel B. Private Deserted October, 1864
Van Winkle, Sam'l. Private August 10, 1864 3 Deserted May 28, 1865; returned July 30, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Weise, Theodore F. Private January 20, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Williams, Daniel Private February 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Wilson, Robert Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Waters, Chas. H. Private September 12, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Wentzell, Jones Private August 29, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Wallwork, Jos. M. Private February 29, 1864 3 Promoted to Quarter Master Sergeant, Company A, July 1, 1865
Wallace, Arch. K. Private February 18, 1864 3 Missing at Jarrett's Station, Va., May 8, 1864
Whittaker, Jno. W. Private August 10, 1864 3 Died September 10, 1862, of wounds received at Williamsburg, Virginia, September 9, 1862
Wilson, Solin Private September 12, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Yower, Charles Private September 2, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865

Company H

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.

5th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company H (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, PA ?
E. A. Rowland Captain August 10, 1864 3 Transferred to Company C, September 26, 1861
J. Wesley Ireland Captain August 10, 1864 3 Promoted from 2d Lt., September, 1861; resigned January 8, 1862
Joseph C. Hess Captain August 10, 1864 3 Promoted from 1st Lt. to Captain, January 8, 1862; to Major, November 5, 1862
Samuel H. Bayley Captain August 10, 1864 3 Promoted from 2d Lt. Company E, October 14, 1862; mustered out, November 14, 1864, expiration of term
Henry A. Vezin Captain March 27, 1862 3 Promoted from 1st Lt. Company K to Captain, December 27, 1864 to brevet Major, March 13, 1865; to brevet Lt. Colonel, April 9, 1865; transferred to Company G, June 8, 1865
Harry W. Thorp 1st Lt. July 26, 1864 3 Discharged, date unknown
Peter Lane 1st Lt. 1864 3 Promoted to Adjutant, date unknown
George M'Clellan 1st Lt. 3 Discharged September, 1862
Samuel Williamson 1st Lt. July 30, 1864 3 Promoted from Sergeant Company D to 2d Lt., January 26, 1862; to 1st Lt., January, 1863; killed near Williamsburg, Virginia, January 15, 1863
Martin G. Cushing 1st Lt. September 1, 1862 3 Promoted from 2d Lt. Company K, March 7, 1863; discharged by General Order, June 8, 1865
Thomas Little, Jr 1st Lt. October 6, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Samuel Lehman 2d Lt. July 30, 1864 3 Resigned February 22, 1862
Henry M. Clayton 2d Lt. July 26, 1864 3 Promoted from Sergeant Company C, November 10, 1862; wounded at Darbytown Road, Va., October 7, 1864; mustered out, December 20, 1864, expiration of term
Jacob E. Bayley 2d Lt. July 24, 1863 3 Drafted; promoted from private to 1st Sergeant, October I, 1864; to 2d Lt., December 19, 1864; to Adjutant, March 7, 65
John C. Gauler 2d Lt. August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, 1861; to Sergeant, October, 1862; to Commissary Sergeant; to Regimental Commissary Sergeant, November 18, 1863; to 2d Lieutenant, March 7, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 8, 1865; Vet
Franklin Smith 1st Sergeant August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal; to Sergeant, November 1, 1862; to 1st Sergeant, February 22, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Walter H. Fitten 1st Sergeant August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Sergeant, August 18; to 1st Sergeant, September 1864; to 2d Lieutenant Company M, October 1, 1864
James M. Johnson 1st Sergeant August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Captain Company H, 163d Regiment P. V., April 16, 1864
Geo. L. Witthuhn 1st Sergeant August 14, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, 1861; to Sergeant; to 1st Sergeant April 16, 1864; mustered out, September 13, 1864, expiration of term
John R. Finley Quarter Master Sergeant September 30, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Bennev'le Barnhart Commissary Sergeant August 10, 1864 3 Promoted from private, September 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Johnston Sterrett Commissary Sergeant August 10, 1864 3 Promoted from Corporal, April 26, 1864; mustered out, August 24, 1864, expiration of term
Frederick Neiman Sergeant August 14, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Henry C. Baker Sergeant August 14, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
John B: Smith Sergeant January 26, 1864 3 Promoted to Sergeant, July 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Francis Stortz Sergeant August 16, 1864 3 Promoted to Sergeant, July 1. 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Seth B. Walworth Sergeant October 4, 1862 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant; to 2d Lt. 15th regiment New York Cavalry, date unknown
Thomas Keon Sergeant August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal; to Sergeant, December 10, 1862; mustered out, April 9, 1864, expiration of term
Silas E. Hough Sergeant August 10, 1864 3 Promoted from Corporal; mustered out, August 10, 1864, expiration of term
James Barrett Sergeant August 10, 1861 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, January, 1862
John P. Wenzel Sergeant October 15, 1864 3 Promoted to 2d Lt. Company C, May 7, 1862
Iddings Barclay Sergeant September 15, 1862 3 Promoted to Corporal, August 10, 1864; to Sergeant, December 14, 1864; discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Thomas C. Fell Sergeant September 15, 1862 3 Promoted to Corporal, October 19, 1864; to Sergeant, January 1, 1865; discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Charles Medera Sergeant August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, 1864; to Sergeant, January 1, 1865; discharged on Surg. Certificate, July 15, 1865; Vet
Charles Miller Sergeant November 1, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, 1862; to Sergeant, March 1, 1864; mustered out, November 14, 1864, expiration of term
Thomas J. Mason Sergeant August 10, 1864 3 Died at Camp Griffin, Va., December 24, 1861
James King Sergeant October 10, 1862 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 26, 1864; to Sergeant August 10, 1864; died June 17, 1865; buried in National Cem'y, Richmond, Va., sec. C, div. 2, grave. 154
Thos. J. Redfern Sergeant August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Sergeant, September, 1861; deserted September, 1861
Conrad Goettling Corporal August 9, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Benj. Chambers Corporal August 12, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, August 10, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Adam Masholder Corporal August 15, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, August 10, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Wim. R. Roberts Corporal August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
John A. Davis Corporal February 12, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, December 14, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Patrick M'Crystal Corporal October 24, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
George Youkers Corporal February 22, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Jas. M. Anderson Corporal October 10, 1862 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Samuel Campbell Corporal August 14, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1864; mustered out, August 13, 1864, expiration of term
Joseph H. Lutz Corporal August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
William Barnhart Corporal November 1, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, November 18, 1863; mustered out, October 31, 1864, expiration of term
Jacob Shoemaker Corporal October 18, 1864 3 Mustered out, October 18, 1864, expiration of term
Silas I. Snyder Corporal September 7, 1864 1 Promoted to Corporal, February, 1865; discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Andrew C. S. Walker Corporal September 15, 1862 3 Promoted to Corporal, February, 1865; discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Extel Abner Corporal October 30, 1864 3 Died April 24, 1862; buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, Washington, D. C.
Aug's Rittenhouse Corporal September 3, 1862 3 Transferred from Company G, May 5, 1862; promoted to Corporal, April 16, 1864; killed at Darbytown Road, Va., October 7, 1864
John F. Fisher Corporal September 10, 1862 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 5, 1863; deserted November 4, 1863
Christian H. Brown Bugler August 12, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Charles Clark Bugler November 1, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, March 4, 1862
Peter D. Helmes Bugler July 30, 1864 3 Promoted from private Company D, January 18, 1862; mustered out, July 29, 1864, expiration of term
Charles Helmuth Bugler August 10, 1864 3 Deserted January 25, 1862
James Barrett Blacksmith August 14, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Augustus Klein Blacksmith August 10, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
Aaron Hieight Farrier October 23, 1861 3 Promoted to Farrier, July 22, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Rob't M. Roseberry Farrier September 20, 1862 3 Promoted to Veterinary Surgeon, February 1, 1864
Frederick Wagner Saddler August 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Saddler, January 13, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.

5th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company H (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private [[]] ?, PA ?
Ackerman, Jacob Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
Arcott, George Private Oct, 23, 1864 3 Mustered out, October 22, 1864, expiration of term
Aikle, John G. Private February 9, 1864 3 Died October 14, 1864, of wounds received at Darbytown Road, Va., October 7, 1864; buried in National Cemetery, City Point, Va., sec. F, div. 1. grave, 66.
Bissikummer, Jas. Private January 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Bissikummer, J. M Private January 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Barbier, Francis W. Private January 20, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Bentz, Charles Private January 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Bringheiser, W Private August 16, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 15, 1864, expiration of term
Bell, William Private October 23, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, January 30, 1863
Bourgoise, Louis Private August 9, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
Bisler, John Private January 22, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Bear, Sebastian Private August 15, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Burke, John B. Private August 18, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Brice, Andrew M. Private September 7, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Bowman, David G. Private September 8, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Brislin, Charles Private September 20, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Basler, Philip Private August 10, 1864 3 Transferred to Company A, November 18, 1864; Vet
Birnbaunm, Henry F. Private September 23, 1864 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, April 18, 1863
Barlow. Edward M. Private September 20, 1864 1 Transferred to Company E, December 3, 1864
Ball, George Private March 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Clews, Joseph Private April 3, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Cameron, John Private 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, January, 1862
Carroll, Thomas M. Private September 24, 1864 3 Mustered out, September 24, 1864, expiration of term
Chidman, Edgar M. Private September 15, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, June 2, 1865
Carline, Adam M. Private August 9, 1864 3 Transferred from Company L, March 18, 1863; discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, May 28, 1863
Crowshaw, William Private August 25, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Dehart, Adam Private January 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Dudley, Joseph Private April 3, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Davis, Albert L. Private April 4, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Dowling, John Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out, September 7, 1864, expiration of term
Downs, David Private August 10, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, 1861
Delaforge. Leo. Private September 14, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Daniels, Esaias Private September 14, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Dittes, Adarn Private August 10, 1864 3 Transferred to Company G, April 23, 1864; Vet
Drake, A. B. Private January 20, 1864 3 Transferred to Company G, April 23, 1864; Vet
Drayer, Abner W. Private February 2, 1864 3 Killed at Darbvtown Road, Va., October 7, 1861
Dunlap, John Private August 18, 1864 1 Captured at Darbytown Road, Va., October 7, 1861; died at Salisbury, N. C., November 28, 1864
Dumm, Thomas Private March 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Eck, William Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Earley, William Private March 21, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Eisenstein, Joseph Private August 20, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, December 13, 1864; Vet
Elder, William G. Private August 26, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Fields, William H. Private August 10, 1864 3 Deserted December 27, 1864; returned January 14, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Fleshute, John Private August 17, 1864 3 Wounded at Darbytown Road, Va., December 10, 1864; absent, in hospital, at mustered out; Vet
Faust, Samuel S. Private January 5, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Faust, Lewis Private January 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Finley, John Private April 1, 1865 1 Absent, sick, at muster out
Findt, Clement Private August 10, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, March 4, 1862
Fitch, Arthur M. Private September 7, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Fowler, Joseph N. Private November 1, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Gilmartin, Matthew Private April 4, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Garber, Godfrey Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out,August 9, 1864, expiration of term
Guyer, William Private September 3, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Garrett, John K. Private August 15, 1864 3 Transferred to Company D, January 19, 1862
Gibson, Samuel R. Private September 20, 1864 1 Transferred to Company E, December 3, 1864
Good, John S. V. Private January 26, 1864 3 Killed near Deep Bottom, Va., December 10, 1864
Grandlack, Wm. Private January 28, 1864 3 Prisoner from October 7, to October 14, 1864; died October 30, 1864, of wounds received at Darbytown Road, Va., October 7, 1864; buried in U. S. General,Hospital Cemetery, Annapolis, Md.
Goodman, Lewis Private Jan 27, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Hettinger, Albert Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Haas, Albert M. Private February 15, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Hinkle, Charles Private February 6, 1864 3 Deserted February 12, 1864; returned December 7, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Howard, John Private April 3, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Hadesty, Henry F. Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
Haffner, Daniel Private August 10, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, April 8, 1862
Hill, John Private August 20, 1864 3 Mustered out, September 14, 1864, expiration of term
Hellinger, John Private September 2, 1864 1 Discharged July 18, 1865, for wounds, with loss of leg, received at Gravelly Run, Va., April 2, 1865
Hartner, Charles Private 3 Transferred to Company E, December, 1861
Humma, Henry Private January 25, 1864 3 Transferred to Company G, April 23, 1864
Hause, John Private August 20, 1864 3 Killed at Darbytown Road, Va., October 7, 1864; Vet
Hoyer, Jacob Private August 20, 1864 3 Died at Portsmouth, Va., April 30, 184; Vet
Hagerman, Thomas Private August 11, 1864 3 Killed at Darbytown Road, Va., October 7, 1864
Hemphill, Samuel Private ? Captured at Darbytown Road, Va., October 7, 1865; died at Salisbury, N. C., November 28, 1864
Harris, George Private March 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Jackson, Robert Private September 12, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Jones, Jenkins Private September 21, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Kepple, William Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Kachele, Robert Private October 5, 1864 1 Substitute; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Kurtz, John Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Kaiser, Martin Private April 4, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Kunsman, Charles Private August 10, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
Krunamaker, Nich Private September 7, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Kemble, Samuel Private October 14, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Kachele, Robert Private August 16, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Lear, Owen F. Private August 15, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Long, Lewis Private January 22, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Ludwig, Oliver P. Private October 4, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Lairdieson, John L. Private October 10, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, June 14, 1865
Longshaw, Llphr'm Private August 29, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Longacre, Abel Private August 3, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Morrell, Randolph Private January 12, 1864 3 Deserted October 5; returned December 6, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Malphurs, John Private August 16, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Morgan, David Private April 3, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Mahone, Samuel Private October 4, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Miller, Jacob C. Private September 6, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Murnane, Thomas Private September 15, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Mitton, Job G. Private August 24, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Mitchell, Wm. T. Private September 12, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Magee, Harry E. Private September 12, 1864 1 Captured at Darbytown Road, Va., December 10, 1864; discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Michener, Alfred Private September 8, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Mitchell, James A. Private March 23, 1865 1 Discharged by General Order, May 30, 1865
Meek, Henry Private August 10, 1864 3 Transferred to Company G, August 31, 1861
Moss, Jacob Private August 10, 1864 3 Transferred to Company C, December, 1861
Morgie, Win., Sr. Private August 10, 1864 3 Transferred to Company G, November 5, 1862
Moorehouse, Walter Private February 28, 1865 1 Transferred to 70th regiment P. V., April 26, 1865
Mott, Samuel Private Captured at Darbytown Road, Va., October 7, 1864; died at Salisbury, N. C., November 28, 1864
Macklein, William Private August 20, 1864 1 Died at Point of Rocks, Va., January 4, 1865; buried in National Cemetery, City Point, Va., section A, division 4, grave, 53
Morrison, John Private July 22, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
M'Gowan, John Private October 10, 1862 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
M'Dougall, H. Private October 10, 1862 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
M'Call, Matthew S. Private March 28, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
M'Govern, Thos. Private March 23, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
M'Hinley, James Private October 28, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, May 30, 1863
M'Mahon, Edward Private October 10, 1862 3 Promoted to Regimental Quarter Master Sergeant, November 27, 1864
M'Geary, Jas. M. Private September 8, 1864 1 Killed at Darbytown Road, Va., October 13, 1864
M'Kane, John Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
Nestor, John Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Nagle, William Private August 12, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Nugent, Neal Private August 10, 1864 3 Transferred to Company G, September 1, 1864; Vet
Nagle, Patrick R. Private October 10, 1862 3 Promoted to Sergeant Company A, February 1, 1865
Newcome, Joseph Private 3 Deserted April 23, 1862
Nuttall, Thomas Private September 16, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Patterson, James Private August. 24, 1864 3 Wounded at Gravelly Run, Va., April 2, 1865; discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Quicksall, William Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 9, 1864, expiration of term
Quig, Edwin Private September 30, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Queen, Francis Private August 10, 1864 3 Deserted May 3, 1862
Ruth, Ephraim Private August 10, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Rosswork, John I. Private February 24, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Rinka, Frederick Private August 10, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, April, 1862
Riley, Thos. W. Private September 15, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865
Roberts, Benj. R. Private August 27, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Roswagg, Godfrey Private August 26, 1864 1 Discharged by General. Order, May 19, 1865
Root, Charles H. Private August 19, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Robbins, George L. Private November 1, 1864 3 Died at Portsmouth, Va., December 13, 1864
Strack, Anthony Private February 22, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Street, William A. Private April 5, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Scott, John Private April 4, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Shaw, Thomas Private March 20, 65 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Savitz, Charles Private March 28, 1865 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Stone, Frederick W. Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 10, 1864, expiration of term
Sturm, John Private August 10, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 10, 1864, expiration of term
Smith, John J. Private November 1, 1864 3 Discharged May 30, 1863, for wounds, with loss of leg, received at Williamsburg, Va., April 11, 1863
Schroder, Frank Private October 20, 1864 3 Mustered out, October 22, 1864, expiration of term
Schroder, Thos. F. Private August 4, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Shaw, Hiram F. Private October 15, 1862 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, December 13, 1864
Smith, James H. Private August 26, 1864 1 Discharged June 17, 1865, for wounds, with loss of arm, received at Darbytown Road. Va., October 7, 1864
Snyder, John M. Private September 7, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Sweeny, James Private August 26, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Smith, James Private August 10, 1864 3 Transferred to Company I, January, 1862
Stiffler, George Private January 21, 1864 3 Transferred to Company G, April 23, 1864
Sherline, Frederick Private August 31, 1864 1 Transferred to Company B, November 29, 1864
Shehan, Cornelius Private August 10, 1864 3 Died at Williamsburg, Va.. November 7, 1862
Shriner, Frank Private August 10, 1864 3 Died at Fortress Monroe, Va., October 28, 1863
Smith, Victor Private August 10, 1861 3 Committed suicide at Camp Stoneman, D. C., October, 1861
Saunders, Jackson Private September 22, 1864 1 Deserted April 1, 1865
Seeley, Isaac Private September 29, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Trostel, Christian Private November 18, 1862 3 Promoted to Chief Bugler, May 1, 1863
Thomas, Thomas Private January 30, 1864 3 Died at Philadelphia, Pa., November 12, 1864
Trexler, Jacob Private January 17, 1864 3 Deserted July, 1865
Ulrick, Christian Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Uhlinger, Jacob C Private August 10, 1864 3 Wounded and prisoner at Darbytown Road, Va., October 7, 1864; died October 7, 1864; Vet
Whetwein, John Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Wright, John B. Private August 10, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Wilson, James Private January 28, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Weidaemer, Joseph Private July 30, 1864 3 Mustered out, July 30, 1864, expiration of term
Waram, Henry W. Private February 16, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, July 10, 1865
Williamson, James Private August 16, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Wynn, Chambers S. Private September 7, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Wilson, John T. Private September 20, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Whitman, Jacob Private August 10, 1861 3 Transferred to Company A, June 12, 1862
Walters, John Private August 10, 1864 3 Transferred to Company L, March 18, 1863
Winter, Christian Private January 26, 1864 3 Transferred to Company G, April 23, 1864
Westerman, George Private January 12, 1864 3 Killed at Darbytown Road, Va., October 7, 1864
Woltinger, Amos Private ? Captured at Darbytown Road, Va., October 7, 1864; died at Salisbury, N. C., November 28, 1864
Yoh, Peter Private August 10, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Young, John S. Private August 10, 1861 3 Deserted May 5, 1862

Company I

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.

5th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company I (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, PA ?
John O. Farrell Captain August 14, 1864 3 Resigned July 13, 1862
Wm. H. Cameron Captain July 30, 1864 3 Promoted from 2d Lieutenant Company D, August 27, 1862; died June 26, 1864
Walter H. Fitten Captain August 10, 1861 3 Promoted from 2d Lt. Company M to 1st Lt., November, 1862; to Captain, September 21, 1864; transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865
Louis R. Stille Captain September 9, 1862 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Lewis M. Graves 1st Lt. August 11, 1864 3 Resigned November 28, 1861
George Graves 1st Lt. August 10, 1864 3 Missing June 30, 1862
Patrick B. Stokes 1st Lt. August 14, 1864 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant; to 1st Lieutenant, December 14, 1864; to brevet Captain, April 1, 1865; transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865; Vet
Sam'l J. M'Farren 1st Lt. February 28, 1865 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Leopold Rosenthal 2d Lt. August 14, 1864 3 Transferred to Company G, September 1, 1861
Justinian Alman 2d Lt. September 17, 1864 3 Promoted from priv., 5th Regiment U. S. Cavalry to 2d Lt., September 17, 1861; to 1st Lt. Company G, November 10, 1861
August Bownotzie 2d Lt. April 4, 1862 3 Promoted to 1st Lieutenant Company A, April 4, 1862
Matthew Berry 2d Lt. February, 1862 3 Promoted from priv. Company H, 5th Regiment U. S. Cavalry, to 2d Lt., February, 1862; to 1st Lieut. Company F, December 26, 1863
George Adams 2d Lt. August 19, 1864 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant, July 8, 1864; discharged November 23, 1864
Terr'ce Fitzpatrick 2d Lt. August 19, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, February 5, 1862; to Sergeant, May 4, 1864; to 2d Lt., December 14, 1864; to Bv. 1st Lt. and Bv. Captain, April 9. 1865; transferred to Company B, June 5. 1865; Vet
James T. Ebbert 2d Lt. August 13, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Michael Donahue 1st Sergeant November 15, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Hugh O. Farrell 1st Sergeant August 14, 1864 3 Promoted from Sergeant; transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865; Vet
Alexander Harvey Sergeant October 26, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Horace W. Clark Sergeant October 6, 1864 1 Absent at muster out
Henry Kern Sergeant August 13, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Henry Kenney Sergeant October 28, 1864 3 Absent at muster out
Sol'n. K. Warnock Sergeant August 17, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
John O. Bradley Sergeant August 15, 1863 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Beniah Luckett Sergeant August 13, 1864 3 Promoted from private, July 17, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Fred'k Neiman Sergeant August 14, 1864 3 Transferred to Company H, June 5, 1865; Vet
Henry C. Baker Sergeant August 14, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal; to Sergeant; transferred to Company H, June 5, 1865; Vet
Ber'd Cunningham Sergeant October 26, 1861 3 Deserted July 11, 1865
Nelson B. M'Gowan Sergeant August 14, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 25, 1864, expiration of term
Thos. Haviland Sergeant August 14, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Henry Eddishaw Sergeant August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll; Vet
William Lawson Sergeant August 21, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, June 6, 1865; Vet
B. C. Willoughby Sergeant August 14, 1864 3 Promoted from Corporal; discharged by General Order, June 6, 1865; Vet
George Elt Sergeant August 14, 1864 3 Promoted from Corporal; discharged by General Order, June 6, 1865; Vet
Joseph Hoffart Corporal August 14, 1863 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
John Kline Corporal January 30, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Wm. Siegfried Corporal May 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Thomas O. Leary Corporal October 15, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
John F. Lainhart Corporal October 26, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Wm. Thompson Corporal February 26, 1864 3 Dishonorably discharged; to date April 30, 1865
Bernard Boyle Corporal August 14, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865; Vet
George W. Clouden Corporal August 21, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865; Vet
William Steubing Corporal August 27, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865.; Vet
William Dupree Corporal February 1, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865
Joseph Durell Corporal February 1, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1865; transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865
David Porter Corporal August 14, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
James Farrell Corporal September 4, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Augustus Long Corporal August 14, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
George Lallernent Bugler August 14, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865; Vet
Daniel Eisenberg Bugler February 1, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, June 5. 1865
James Svlvester. Bugler October 26, 1864 1 Deserted July 11, 1865
Richard Wilson Bugler August 14, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Jesse Fry Blacksmith October 15, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
James Barrett Blacksmith August 14, 1864 3 Transferred to Company H, June 5, 1865; Vet
Patrick Granley Farrier August 19, 1864 3 Transferred to Company C, June 5, 1865; Vet
William J. Carey Saddler August 14, 1864 3 Transferred to Company C, June 5, 1865; Vet
John Eisenhart Saddler August 21, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.

5th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company I (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private [[]] ?, PA ?
Askey, Miles H. Private February 1, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865
Anderson, Eli Private July 10, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Adams, William Private August 19, 1864 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Anderson, James Private August 17, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Bruner, Charles E. Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Ball, John Private October 19, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Bernard, John Private October 23, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Burcker, George Private October 26, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Brown, George A. Private October 24,1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Brown, William Private November 22, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Brown, William Private August 5, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order. May 28, 1865
Burns, Thomas Private May 25, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, July 2, 1865
Blaker, Charles W. Private February 24, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865
Bussinger, John Private August 14, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865; Vet
Beardsley, John Private January 6, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, Tune 5, 1865
Blakeslee, Edw'd M. Private March 23, 1865 1 Transferred to Company C', June 5, 1865
Beatty, Samuel Private October 26, 1864 1 Died July, 1865
Brierly, Robert Private June 24, 1863 3 Deserted, date unknown
Beardsley, Wm. Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Bittle, Franklin Private August 14, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Betzner, David Private August 21, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Boyle, Zephyr Private August 28, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Betscoe, John Private February 4, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Bartle, William Private September 22, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Bell, James Private September 22, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Cooker, William Private December 25, 1863 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Cole, William Private June 5, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Clary, William Private April 12, 1863 3 Captured at Parker's Store, Va., November 27, 1863; absent at muster out
Chrissman, I. C. P. Private May 26, 1864 3 Absent, on detached service, at muster out
Clampher, John Private October 24, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Clark, Francis Private October 12, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Clark, Thomas Private May 13, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, October 29, 1861
Curry, John E. Private February 16, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865
Costello, Cornelius Private November 3, 1862 3 Transferred to Company D, June 5, 1865
Conoway, Michael Private October 10, 1864 1 Transferred to Company D, June 5, 1865
Callahan, Peter Private August 19, 1864 3 Deserted June 26, 1865
Cover, Hugh Private .August 17, 1864 3 Deserted June 26, 1865; Vet
Carrol, John Private November 3, 1864 1 Deserted July 13, 1865
Daily, John Private May 19, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Daily, James Private May 23, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Duff, Patrick Private July 18, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Dwyer, Patrick Private May 25, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Downes, Thomas Private August 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Donahue, James Private October 30, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Donelly, Bernard Private October 28, 1864 1 Absent, sick, at muster out
Doherty, Michael Private August 29, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Digman, Matthew Private August 19, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865; Vet
Dilks, Charles Private February 29, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865
Drake, Charles Private February 25, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865
Davis, Nicholas Private January 22, 1864 3 Transferred to Company D, June 5, 1865
Donati, Pasquati Private October 28, 1864 1 Died June 7, 1865, of wounds received accidentally; buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Va.
Dillon, John Private July 21, 1864 3 Deserted June 26, 1865
Devling, John Private September 16, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Duffie, Stephen Private September 19, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Dusel, Charles Private August 11, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Eames, Robert Private September 8, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Ellis, Thomas Private January 26, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865
Epley, John Private February 19, 1864 3 Transferred to Company D, June 5, 1865
Epley, Joseph M. Private February 15, 1864 3 Transferred to Company D, June 5, 1865
Etlin, Jacob Private February 8, 1864 3 Transferred to Company D, June 5, 1865
Finnegan John Private October 8, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Ferry, John L Private October 7, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Frank, Jacob Private October 12, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Fessenden, Wm. Private February 1, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865
Fenstermacher, H. Private February 4, 1864 3 Transferred to Company D, June 5, 1865
Fry, Peter E. Private February 25, 1864 3 Transferred to Company D, June 5, 1865
Fisher, Jacob Private October. 29, 1864 1 Deserted June 26, 1865
Fox, Thomas Private August 23, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Fleming, Patrick Private January 5, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Guthrie, William Private February 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Griffith. George W. Private September 8, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Gunn, William Private August 19, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865; Vet
Gaffner, George Private October 14, 1864 1 Transferred to Company D, June 5, 1865
Gooen, William Private September 29, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Greer, John Private March 24, 1865 1 Discharged by General Order, May 30, 1865
Hall, Charles Private October 25, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Hamilton Wm. I Private October 25, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Heisler, William Private October 14, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Hayes, John Private June 10, 1864 3 Transferred March 27, 1865
Hughes, E. A. Private February 29, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865
Hadley, William Private January 8, 1864 3 Deserted June 26, 1865
Hilton, James Private January 27, 1864 3 Deserted July 6, 1865
Harvey, Robert D. Private October 26, 1864 1 Deserted July 31, 1865
Hammer, Fred'k. Private August 14, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Holmes, Edwin Private August 14, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Hill, William Private September 19, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Haas, Gideon Private September 22, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Henry, James Private March 22, 1864 3 Died at Hampton, Va, October 7, 1864
Jackson, Samuel Private October 26, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Jones, Peter Private April 27, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Jones, Charles Private August 14, 1864 3 Captured December 10, 1864; transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865; Vet
Jeffers, John Private February 9, 1864 3 Transferred to Company D, June 5, 1865
Jacobs, William Private August 28, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Kelly, Jeremiah Private May 28, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Kline, Joseph L. Private February 20, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Kiernan, Owen Private October 22, 1864 1 Deserted June 26, 1865
Kenable, Benedict Private August 21, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Kramer, Tobias S. Private August 30, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Kern, William Private January 25, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
Lewis, Willia M. Private October 11, 1864 1 Absent, sick, at muster out
Lyons, Michael Private November 3, 1862 3 Transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865
Lotz, Philip Private August 14, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Levi, Sion Private August 14, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Lanson, David H. Private September 19, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Martin, James Private February.1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Morris, Henry Private May 21, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Miler, John Private February 1, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Moore, Robertson Private July 18, 1864 3 Absent, in confinement, at muster out
Miner, James Private October 31, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Michael, William Private October 4, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Mitchell, Charles Private November 2, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Millichop, James H. Private October 21, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Mortchland, Jos. Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Murphy, James Private January 27, 1864 3 Transferred to Company D, June 5, 1865
Mateer, Alexander Private August 17, 1864 3 Deserted June 26, 1865; Vet
Martin, Thomas Private November 12, 1864 1 Deserted June 26, 1865
Miller, Henry Private August 13, 1864 3 Deserted July 6, 1865; Vet
Morgan, Patrick Private June 9, 1864 3 Deserted July 8, 1865
Mace, Michael Private August 26, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Myers, James Private October 6, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Mitchell, John Private September 19, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Malone, Lawrence Private September 19, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Morgan, Thomas Private October 8, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
M'Glone, Thomas Private September 19, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
M'Minn, James Private August 16, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
M'Nulty, Lawrence Private September 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
M'Clusky, Rody Private June 11, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
M'Dowell, Thomas Private September 17, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, July 14, 1865
M'Gloughlin, Ber'd. Private February 8, 1864 3 Transferred to Company D, June 5, 1865
M'Neil, Hugh Private October 11, 1864 3 Transferred to Company D, June 5, 1865
M'Intyre, Patrick Private August 14, 1864 3 Died near Jones' Landing, Va., October 8, 1864, of wounds received at Darbytown Road, October 7, 1864; Vet
M'Coy, Henry E Private September 25, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Owens, George W. Private March 30, 1864 3 Dishonorably discharged, date unknown
O'Donnell, John Private August 19, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865; Vet
O'Brien, Thomas Private September 18,64 1 Killed at Hatcher's Run, Va., February 5, 1865
Parke, Hiram A. Private December 31, 1863 3 Dishonorably discharged, date unknown
Poole, Edward Private March 30, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Pickering. Thomas Private August 21, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, June 5. 1865; Vet
Post, William Private February 14, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, June 5; 1865
Poppenheimer, B. Private August 14, 1864 3 Transferred to Company D, June 5, 1865; Vet
Petticrew, Matthew Private October 6, 1862 3 Transferred to Company D, June 5, 1865
Pratt, Abraham Private October 20, 1864 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Pickering, Edward Private September 3, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Pengelly, John Private August. 14, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Pfeffer, Casper Private August 25, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Rose, Gustavus Private March 7, 1864 3 Dishonorably discharged, date unknown
Regester, William Private February 26, 1864 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Rossiter, Llewellyn Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Roltman, Stephen Private May 11, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Rowland, Manliff D. Private January 18, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Runey, John Private October 9, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Reath, James M. Private February 18, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865
Ryan, John Private October 5, 1864 1 Transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865
Rogers, Melvin H. Private February 26, 1864 3 Transferred to Company D, June 5, 1865
Rogers, James M. Private October 15, 1864 1 Transferred to Company D, June 5, 1865
Ray, Marion Private October 10, 1864 1 Transferred to Company D, June 5, 1865
Ratcliff, William Private August 14, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Rvan, John Private August 21, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Riley, James Private September 17, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Ryan, Thomas Private October 28, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
St. Clair, Harry Private May 24, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Stewart, Thomas Private October 6, 1864 1 Deserted; returned; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Snyder, Henry H. Private August 3, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Slater, Charles Private August 21, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865; Vet
Shoemaker, Geo. Private February 16, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865
Shoemaker, David Private February 16, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865
Smith, George B. Private December 3, 1864 1 Died May 30, 1865; buried in National Cemetery, Richmond. Va., section C, division 2, grave 2
Sweeney, Dennis Private August 14, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865; Vet
Stewart, John P. Private February 1, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865
Strong, Charles Private January 25, 1864 3 Transferred to Company D, June 5, 1865
Seabold, Daniel Private February 16, 1864 3 Transferred to Company D, June 5, 1865
Serad, Henry Private January 5, 1864 3 Died at City Point, Va., September 23, 1864
Shekels, Samuel Private August 13, 1864 3 Deserted June 26, 1865
Suck, Charles L. Private August 15, 1864 3 Deserted July 13, 1865
Smith, Charles Private October 31, 1864 1 Deserted August 2, 1865
Scanlin, Thomas Private September 25, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Spates, Charles F. Private October 8, 1864 1 Dishonorably discharged, date unknown
Thomas, John Private May 24, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Taylor, Charles Private January 18, 1864 3 Dishonorably discharged, date unknown
Trouth, John L. Private March 1, 1864 3 Transferred to Company D, June 5, 1865
Traup, Gottleib Private August 14, 1864 3 Not on muster out roll
Thurman, James Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Thomas, Joseph Private October 12, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Van Home, Wm. Private September 18, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Wambold, M. A. Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Work, Alexander Private August 12, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Wilson, William S. Private October 7, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Whitman, Jesse K. Private September 1, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Williamson, Fred. F Private August 14, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865; Vet
Wickline, Christo'r. Private August 14, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, June 5, 1865; Vet
Wheaton, Theo. D. Private January 26, 1864 3 Transferred to Company C, June 5, 1865
Woodward, D. M. Private August 17, 1864 1 Transferred to Company C, June 5, 1865
Wagner, Henry Private May 17, 1862 3 Deserted June 26, 1865
Wolf, Jonn. Private August 14, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Wharton, Oliver Private August 28, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Walk, Levi Private September 16, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Whitehead, Eli Private September 26, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Yohn, Evan Private August 23, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Young, Job Private August 14, 1864 3 Transferred to Company B, June 5 1865; Vet

Company K

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.

5th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company K (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, PA ?
James D. Brown Captain August 19, 1864 3 Died August 9, 1862
George D. Hart Captain August 19, 1864 3 Promoted from 2d Lt., August 27, 1862 -discharged February 7, 1865
Wm. H. Shaffer Captain September 12, 1864 3 Promoted from private to Sergeant, November, 1861; to 2d Lt., February 22, 1863; to Captain, May 15, 1865; transferred to Company F, June 7, 1865
Miles G. Carter Captain May 23, 1863 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
W. F. Schwemmer 1st Lt. August 19, 1864 3 Resigned September 28, 1861
Henry A. Vezin 1st Lt. March 27, 1862 3 Promoted to Captain Company H, December 27, 1864
Horace W. Heyden 1st Lt. November 29, 1862 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Wm. H. Wonderly 2d Lt. October 14, 1864 3 Promoted from Sergeant Major, 186th Regiment P. V., March 29, 1862; resigned August 7, 1862
Martin G. Cushing 2d Lt. September 1, 1862 3 Promoted to 1st Lt. Company H, March 7, 1863
James H. Tilburg 2d Lt. August 19, 1864 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., May 15, 1865; discharged June 7, 1865
Samuel Smith 2d Lt. 1864 3 Promoted from Regimental Quarter Master Sergeant; resigned March 27, 1862
Rob't Dinsmore 1st Sergeant December 31, 1863 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Josiah Anderson 1st Sergeant August 19, 1864 3 Prisoner from June 29, 1864, to May 2, 1865; promoted from Quarter Master Sergeant, to 1st Sergeant; to 1st Lieut., Company F, June 8, 1865; Vet
Adam Stine 1st Sergeant August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Otto Swartz 1st Sergeant August 19, 1864 3 Promoted from Corporal; mustered out; August 18, 1864, expiration of term
John A. Hart Commissary Sergeant August 19, 1864 3 Promoted from Corporal; mustered out, August 18, 1864, expiration of term
John Kilcoyne Sergeant April 22, 1864 3 Promoted from private, September 20, 1864; discharged, date unknown
Thomas Brown Sergeant August 29, 1864 3 Promoted from private, January 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
George Taylor Sergeant June 4, 1863 3 Discharged, date unknown
John Bedar Sergeant October 1, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Wm. Kennedy Sergeant October 31, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
George Campbell Sergeant March 1, 1864 3 Promoted from Corporal, July 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Jos. M'Devitt Sergeant September 3, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Geo. S. Gatchell Sergeant July 18, 1864 3 Promoted to Sergeant, July 1, 1865; to Sergeant Maj., July 26, 1865
Henry Bedford Sergeant August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Thomas Wm. Sergeant August 19, 1864 3 Mustered out, August 18, 1864, expiration of term
Isaac Kershner Sergeant August 19, 1864 3 Promoted from private, December 4, 1864; discharged by General Order, June 6, 1865; Vet
Wm. H. Neide Sergeant August 19, 1864 3 Promoted to Sergeant, January, 1862; transferred to Company A, June 7, 1865; Vet
Henry Karey Sergeant August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Thos. Muldoon Sergeant August 10, 1864 3 Transferred to Company F, June 7, 1865; Vet
David Baker Sergeant August 19, 1864 3 Promoted from Corporal; wounded at Darbytown Road,Va., October 7, 1864; not on muster-out roll; Vet
Wallace D. Gray Sergeant August 19, 1864 3 Prisoner from June 29, to December 16, 1864; transferred to Company A, June 7, 1865; Vet
George Locke Corporal July 11, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 1, 1864; dishonorably discharged, date unknown
Charles M'Cauley Corporal August 20, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
F. Fitzsimmons Corporal October 15, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
James Nevelling Corporal November 16, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1865; dishonorably discharged, date unknown
James M'Carty Corporal October 18, 1864 1 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1865; dishonorably discharged, date unknown
Michael V. Donlan Corporal May 10, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
William P. Leeson Corporal October 24, 1864 1 Deserted June 8, 1865
Wallace Greaves Corporal January 30, 1865 3 Deserted June 27, 1865
Lafayette Gross Corporal September 12, 1864 3 Captured at Stony Creek, Va., June 29, 1864; transferred to Company D, June 5, 1865; Vet
Flemon M. Smith Corporal August 19, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, Mar, 10, 1864; wounded on picket, October 31, 1864; transferred to Company A, June 7, 1865; Vet
John Yorgey Corporal August 19, 1864 3 Promoted from Blacksmith; prisoner from June 29, to December 16, 1864; mustered out, March 6, 1865, expiration of term
James E. Bird Corporal August 19, 1864 3 Captured at Stony Creek, Va., June 29, 1864; died at Andersonville, Ga., date unknown; Vet
Marcus Hutchison Corporal August 19, 1864 3 Captured at Stony Creek, Va., June 29, 1864; died at Andersonville, Ga., November 11, 1864; Vet
John Gregory Corporal August 21, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Rankin Fowler Corporal September 12, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Edward Savage Corporal August 19, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, December 1, 1864; transferred to Company A, June 7, 1865; Vet
Samuel M'Neal Corporal August 19, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, February 23, 1864; captured; transferred to Company A, June 7, 1865; Vet
Samuel Shinn Bugler June 8, 1864 3 Promoted to Bugler, September 20, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
James Crossen Bugler August 22, 1864 3 Transferred to Company D, June 5, 1865; Vet
John J. Rice Bugler August 19, 1864 3 Captured at Ream's Station, Va., June 29, 1864; transferred to Company A, June 7, 1865; Vet
Charles Fecker Blacksmith May 29, 1864 3 Promoted to Blacksmith, September 20, 1864; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
William M. Scott Farrier June 7, 1864 3 Promoted to Farrier, June 9,1865; mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Alex'r Stephenson Farrier August 10, 1864 3 Transferred to Company D, June 5, 1865; Vet
Alex'r Wenrick Farrier August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll; Vet
Christian Young Saddler August 10, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Henry Spangler Saddler August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.

5th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company K (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private [[]] ?, PA ?
Andrews, Lewis A. Private June 10, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Adams, Charles A. Private June 20, 1864 3 Discharged, date unknown
Atkinson, James Private June 10, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Austin, John Private October 17, 1864 1 Deserted July 27, 1865
Adams, George Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Baird, George F. Private July 16, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Brown, Bernard Private July 18, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Bunker, Frederick Private November 11, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Baugman, Rey'ds. Private July 5, 1864 3 Dishonorably discharged, date unknown
Barctenwerper, R. Private July 2, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Barry, Joseph Private July 25, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Brown, Charles Private August 20, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Bose, James Private August 29, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Bowers, Edward Private September 1, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Beane, Theodore F. Private June 18, 1864 3 Deserted June 29, 1865
Bryant, George M. Private August 6, 1864 3 Deserted June 16, 1865
Beardsley, William Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Betzner, David Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Bogart, John Private August 19, 1864 3 Transferred to Company A, June 7, 1865; Vet
Brown, Henry Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Burns, Joseph Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Bard, George Private September 12, 1864 3 Captured near New Market Heights, Va., October 7, 1864; discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865; Vet
Bishop, Joseph Private August 22, 1864 3 Transferred to Company F, June 7, 1865; Vet
Baldwin, Alfred H. Private February 24, 1864 3 Captured; died at Andersonville, Georgia, September 24, 1864; grave, 9,632
Collins, Matthew Private July 28, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Calloway, James Private February 27, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Collins, Charles Private June 24, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Clark, Charles Private August 9, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Coilins, Aaron Private August 19, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Corle, Isaac Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Coughlin, Charles Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Coughlin, Patrick Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Coup, Jacob B Private August 19, 1864 3 Transferred to Company F, June 7, 1865; Vet
Collins, Robert Private October 1, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Clarke, Alfred R. Private August 22, 1864 3 Transferred to Company A, June 7, 1865; Vet
Duell, Charles A. Private June 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Donegan, John Private July 28, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Dougherty, John Private July 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Dougherty, Patrick Private September 29, 1864 1 Absent, in confinement, at muster out
Dougherty, John Private August 29, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Davis, David Private August 23, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Dolan, Patrick Private August 22, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Digman, Matthew Private August 19, 1864 3 Transferred to Company I, date unknown
Doran, John Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Dorn, John Private August 30, 1864 3 Captured June 29, 1864; transferred to Company A, June 7, 1865; Vet
Evans, Jenkin E. Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Evans, William Private July 19, 1864 3 Drafted; captured; died at Salisbury, N. C., November 24, 1864
Fry, Jacob Private July 12, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
French, James Private November 10, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Fox. Freeman Private 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Fenton, Charles Private August 17, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Finn, John Private March 28, 1865 1 Transferred to Company D, June 5, 1865
Fiss, Augustus L. Private August 10, 1864 3 Transferred to Company G, August, 1861
Fitzpatrick, Terre'e. Private August 19, 1864 3 Transferred to Company I, date unknown
Fultz, Daniel Private August 19, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, May 10, 1865; Vet
Fricket, Jacob Private August 10, 1864 3 Transferred to Company A, June 7, 1865; Vet
Gannon, William Private July 14, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Greaves, John Private June 13, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Given, George Private September 23, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Given, William Private September 23, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Griffin, Edward Private August 18, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Gillespie, Patrick Private August 22, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Greaves, James Private August 29, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Granley, Patrick Private August 19, 1864 3 Transferred to Company I, date unknown
Gilmore, Frederick Private August 19, 1861 3 Transferred to Company A, June 7, 1865; Vet
Globig, Henry Private August 14, 1864 3 Transferred to Company E, date unknown
Gann, William Private August 19, 1864 3 Transferred to Company I, date unknown
Gregory, James Private November 10, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Holcomb, T. J. Private October 6, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Hunt, Samuel Private October 7, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Harris, George Private November 14, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Hinkle, Edward Private August 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Harr, David Private June 14, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Hale, Charles R. Private June 4, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Hoozier, Stacy G. Private August 1, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Hancock, James Private August 12, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Huxley, William Private ? Deserted March, 1865
Hall, John Private August 19, 1864 3 Captured at Ream's Station, Va., June 29, 1864; transferred to Company A, June 7, 1865; Vet
Harman, Abraham Private August 19, 1864 3 Captured at Ream's Station, Va., June 29, 1864; transferred to Company A, June 7, 1865; Vet
High, William Private August 19, 1864 3 Transferred to Company F, June 7, 1865; Vet
Hillman, John Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Hudson, Marcus Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Hawkins, Geo. W. Private August 14, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll; Vet
Haggerty, Anthony Private August 10, 1864 3 Transferred to Company F, June 7, 1865; Vet
Harrison, John Private August 19, 1864 3 Transferred to Company A, June 7, 1865; Vet
Hunter, Samuel Private February 22, 1865 1 Transferred to 70th Regiment P. V., March 27, 1865; discharged by General Order, September 6, 1865
Heiveley, Thos. J. Private February 24, 1864 3 Died August 17, 1864; buried at Hampton, Va.
Jennings, Linn's C. Private August 19, 1864 3 Transferred to Company G, date unknown
Kerbaugh, Park Private June 18, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Kenny, John Private June 64 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Knight, Robert Private August 17, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Kendall, George Private August 20, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Kissinger, Adam Private August 19, 1861 1 Transferred to Company A, June 7, 1865; Vet
Kitchen, Pearson Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Linchan, Timothy Private June 13, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Lutz, Martin Private May 10, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Levy, Patrick Private My 2, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Lawrence, William Private July 27, 1864 3 Deserted July 27, 1865
Lawson, William Private August 19, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Lucas, George Private August 19, 1864 3 Transferred to Company A, June 7, 1865; Vet
Milnor, Robert M. Private July 22, 1864 3 Dishonorably discharged, date unknown
Madden, Henry Private July 11, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Moylan, Martin Private October 26, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Miller, Oliver B. Private July 19, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, June 23, 1865
Morrison, Robert Private July 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Malone, Thomas Private July 18, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, July 18, 1865
Matthias, William Private July 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Musick, Aaron W. Private June 19, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Magher, John Private October 18, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Marls, John Private September 2, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Miller, Daniel Private August 16, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Moore, Leslie Private October 24, 1864 1 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, date unknown
Moore, William Private July 15, 1864 3 Deserted June 29, 1865
Morgan, David W. Private March 28, 1865 1 Transferred to Company D, June 5, 1865
Martin, Patrick Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll; Vet
Miller, William Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Myers, Emanuel Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
M'Cullen, Thomas Private August 5, 1864 3 Absent, without leave, at muster out
M'Grath, James Private April 28, 1864 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
M'Brerity, James Private October 13, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
M'Clelland, Wm. Private June 21, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, August 25, 1865
M'Mullen, John O. Private October 10, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
M'Henry, George Private October 7, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
M'Mullen, John Private October 10, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
M'Elwee, John Private June 12, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
M'Connell, John Private August 20, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
M'Clelland, John Private ? Deserted March, 1865
M'Cauley, Henry Private October 10, 1864 1 Deserted June 29, 1865
M'Cullen, John Private November 1, 1864 1 Deserted July 27, 1865
M'Laughlin, Wm. Private August 19, 1864 3 Captured at Ream's Station, Va., June 29, 1864; transferred to Company A, June 7, 1865; Vet
M'Cabe, James Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
M'Cabe, Thomas Private August 22, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
M'Keever, Edward Private September 9, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
M'Keever, Michael Private September 9, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
M'Farland, John Private August 21, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
M'Michael, John H. Private February 26, 1864 3 Died at Alexandria,Va., March 24, 1864; grave, 1, 18610
Noble, Robert Private September 13, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
O'Neil, Charles Private October 12, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
O'Connell, Charles Private June 8, 1864 3 Deserted June 29, 1865
O'Donnel, John Private August 19, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
O'Hara, Peter Private August 21, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Pearson, Fletcher Private October 7, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Parker, John Private October 21, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Pace, Patrick Private October 26, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Prior, Felix Private June 19, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Patterson, John Private Returned to 8th Maryland infantry
Porter, Bernard Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Paulin, Isaac Private August 10, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Patton, David Private August 21, 1864 3 Transferred to Company A, June 7, 1865; Vet
Palm, Isaac Private August 10, 1864 3 Prisoner from June 29, 1864, to February 27, 1865; mustered out, April 15, 1864, expiration of term
Ross, Rudolph Private May 5, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Renfrew, James Private October 12, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Richards, Henry Private October 20, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Riley, John Private June 13, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Roan, James E. Private June 8, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Rhodes, Frank Private October 26, 1864 1 Deserted July 8, 1865
Reed, John Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Reichman, Charles Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Runyan, William Private August 19, 1864 3 Transferred to Company F, June 7, 1865; Vet
Robinson, John Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Rubig, Christian Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Riddle, David. Private August 19, 1864 3 Killed near Stony Creek, Va., June 29, 1864; Vet
Stevens, George W. Private June 13, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Stevens, James Private June 10, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Shillinger, Henry Private January 3, 1865 1 Discharged by General Order, July 10, 1865
Simpson, William Private October 15, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Shipler, August Private October 27, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Samus, Levi D. Private August 19, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Savage, Henry Private Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, date unknown
Smith, George W. Private July 30, 1864 3 Deserted June 29, 1865
Shortz, George W. Private August 20, 1864 1 Captured; transferred to Company D, June 5, 1865
Shaar, Charles Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Slater, Charles Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Snyder, Samuel Private August 19, 1864 3 Transferred to Company A, June 7, 1865; Vet
Stenger, Francis Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Sullivan, Patrick Private August 19, 1864 3 Transferred to Company G, date unknown
Shaffer, Cornelius Private September 13, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
Thompson, William Private November 2, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Thompson, William Private June 23, 1864 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Tyson, John Private November 15, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Turner, Henry C. Private June 16, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Tolan, John W. Private October 18, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Tool, Simpson B. Private February 24, 1864 3 Prisoner from June 29, to December 10, 1864; transferred to Company D, June 5, 1865
Taylor, John Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Trostel, Christian Private August 19, 1864 3 Promoted to Chief Bugler, September, 1861
Trainard, Gustavus Private August 19, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Wilthew, William Private October 19, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865
Wilson, George Private August 3, 1864 3 Discharged, date unknown
Weatherby, Collins Private June 3, 1864 3 Absent, in arrest. at muster out
Welzer, Edwin H. Private August 5, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Wilson, John R. Private Deserted June 6, 1865
Wisner, Jacob Private January 26, 1864 3 Transferred to Company D, June 5, 1865
Welsh, Christopher Private February 24, 1864 3 Transferred to Company D, June 5, 1865
Warner, Nicholas Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
White, Charles Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Wilson, John Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Winterstein, Chas. Private August 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Woomer, Jacob Private August 19, 1864 3 Absent, in hospital, since August 11, 1862
Wigmore, Charles Private September 15, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Weissman, Conrad Private August 20, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Young, George E. Private August 18, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, June 10, 1865
Zahn, Hugo Private October 7, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, August 7, 1865

Company L

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.

5th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company L (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, PA ?
D. P. Hagameister Captain July 17, 1861 3 Captured February 7, 1863; promoted to Major, July 1, 1864
John E. Reinmiller Captain July 23, 1861 3 Promoted from 2d Lt. Company B to 1st Lt., May 9, 1862; capt'd February 7, 1863; discharged on Surgeon Certificate, August 19, 1863; re-commissioned 1st Lt., October 27, 1863; promoted to Captain, July 1, 1864; resigned February 22, 1865
John C. Brown Captain August 14, 1862 3 Promoted from Adjutant, March 7, 1865; transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Wm. Rawle Brooke Captain May 16, 1863 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Deitrick Bruno 1st Lt. July 23, 1861 3 Promoted from 2d Lt. company F, July 1, 1864; died at Fortress Monroe, Va., August 29, 1864
And. J. Pemberton 1st Lt. February 24, 1865 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Bardele Galliseth 2d Lt. August 9, 1861 3 Promoted to 1st Lt. company F, March 1, 1863
William Wilhelm 2d Lt. August 9, 1861 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant, July 2, 1864; discharged December 7, 1864
Martin V. Smith 2d Lt. August 9, 1861 3 Captured at Williamsburg, Va., September 9, 1862; promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1863; to Sergeant, September 1, 1863; to 2d Lieutenant, March 7, 1865; transferred to company E, June 5, 1865; Vet
Samuel M'K. King 2d Lt. August 13, 1861 3 Promoted to Quarter Master, July 22, 1865; Vet.
Michael Roney 1st Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Promoted from Sergeant, June, 1865; mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Henry Forth 1st Sergeant August 9, 1861 3 Prisoner from October 7, 1864, to February, 1865; promoted from Sergeant; commissioned 1st Lt., February 23, 1865; not mustered; discharged by General Order, June 6, 1865; Vet
Stephen Stevenson Quarter Master Sergeant May 19, 1864 3 Promoted from private, June 17,1865; mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Sigmund Huber Quarter Master Sergeant August 9, 1864 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant; to Quarter Master Sergeant; discharged by General Order, June 6, 1865; Vet.
Henry Shoenfelder Commissary Sergeant August 9, 1864 3 Promoted from private, September 1, 1864; transferred to company E, June 5, 1865; Vet.
Frederick Wilhelm Commissary Sergeant August 9, 1864 3 Promoted to Quarter Master Sergeant Company F, August 26, 1864; Vet
Thomas Aspen Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Absent, sick, at muster out; Vet
George Thorn Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Dishonorably discharged, to date April 30, 1865; Vet
Amos Williams Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
John Doyle Sergeant October 8, 1864 1 Dishonorably discharged, to date April 30, 1865
Charles Simpson Sergeant May 18, 1864 3 Promoted from Corporal, July 31, 1865; dishonorably discharged, to date April 30, 1865
Neal Devinney Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Promoted from Corporal, July 3, 1865; mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Thomas Davis Sergeant ? Deserted July 28, 1864
George M'Keag Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Died at Richmond, Va., June 15, 1865; Vet
Charles Bekurs Sergeant August 9, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1863; to Sergeant, September 1, 1864; transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Jacob Trautman Sergeant August 9, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 28, 1864; to Sergeant, March 1, 1865; transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Melchoir Roth Sergeant August 9, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal; transferred to Company G, June 5, 1865; Vet
John Capel Sergeant August 9, 1861 3 Absent, in hospital, since July 4, 1862
Hillry Miller Sergeant August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Charles Ulbigkait Sergeant August 9, 1861 3 Captured February 7, 1863; not on muster-out roll
Nicholas Schwalm Sergeant August 9, 1861 3 Promoted to Sergeant; discharged by General Order, June 6, 1865; Vet
Peter Legrane Sergeant August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
D. Doughert Corporal January 1, 1864 3 Dishonorably discharged, date unknown; Vet
Hiram H. Tally Corporal August 15, 1861 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
John M. Querry Corporal January 1, 1864 3 Dishonorably discharged-date unknown; Vet
Albert List. Corporal May 29, 1864 3 Dishonorably discharged-date unknown
John M'Loughlin Corporal October 14, 1864 1 Promoted to Corporal, July 3, 1865; mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Francis M'Lean Corporal January 1, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 3, 1865; mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Jeremiah Murphy Corporal January 1, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 3, 1865; mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
George Platt Corporal May 17, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 3, 1865; mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Frank M. Kobi Corporal August 9, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 1, 1864; wounded at Appomattox C. H., Va., April 9, 1865; transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Frederick Galbitz Corporal August 9, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 1, 1864; transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Joseph Fladung Corporal August 9, 1861 3 Captured February 7, 1863; transferred to company G, June 5, 1865
Conrad Goettling Corporal August 9, 1861 3 Transferred to company H, June 5, 1865; Vet
George Youkers Corporal February 22, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1865; transferred to company H, June 5, 1865; Vet
Fred'k Guideman Corporal August 9, 1861 3 Captured February 7, 1863; not on muster-out roll
John W. Mantag Corporal August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Christian Haag Corporal August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
John Schultz Corporal August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Fred'k Hermann Corporal July 11, 1864 3 Substitute; discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865
George W. Rocus Bugler January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
John Winrow Bugler January 15, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
John L. Nolen Bugler August 9, 1861 3 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865; Vet
Henry W. Schwartz Bugler August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
George Meyer Bugler August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
David Gracey Blacksmith June 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
William Miller Blacksmith August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
David Mitchell Farrier August 16, 1864 3 Promoted to Farrier, March 1, 1865; discharged, date unknown
Casper Ruettger Farrier August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
John Hartman Saddler August 9, 1861 3 Transferred to company G, June 5, 1865; Vet

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.

5th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company L (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private [[]] ?, PA ?
Antenrith, August Private July 25, 1864 3 Transferred to company G, June 5, 1865
Abbott, August Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Abbott, Henry Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Ackers, Samuel Private August 26, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Batchelor, Charles Private October 14, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Baird, Charles Private March 6, 1863 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Baskerville, John F. Private October 14, 1864 1 Dishonorably discharged, date unknown
Black, John Private February 5, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Bowen, John Private October 12, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Bracelin, Henry Private October 14, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Burke, John Private March 3, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Burns, James Private October 17, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Burns, John Private October 23, 1863 3 Discharged by General Order, June 20, 1865
Buck, William H. Private September 17, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, June 27, 1865
Birmingham, J. T. Private May 12, 1864 3 Deserted June 28, 1865.
Bowers, John J. Private February 23, 1864 3 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Bilger, Jacob Private August 9, 1861 3 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Baker, Charles W. Private March 23, 1865 3 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Bergman, Rudolph Private March 9, 1864 3 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Buckingham, O. Private April 3, 1865 3 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Beile, Seraphim Private July 26, 1864 3 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Bergman, Herman Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Bingler, Herman Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Bauer Adam Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Bender, George Private August 9, 1861 3 Prisoner from May 17, to December 6, 1864; mustered out, March 8, 1865, to date December 12, 1864, expiration of term
Brachler, George Private August 9, 1861 3 Discharged, date unknown; re-enlisted April 6, 1865; transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Bergman, Fred'k. Private August 9, 1861 1 Not on muster-out roll
Bergman, Fred'k. Private September 3, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Beck, Martin Private September 21, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Cawley, Peter Private October 20, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Christy, John N. Private February 4, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Clarke, Joseph Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Collins, Nicholas Private September 20, 1864 1 Absent, sick, at muster out
Curtis, James C. Private August 8, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28. 1865
Davis, John Private October 4, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Donahue, Daniel Private October 27, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Donahue, James Private March 3, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Donahue, Patrick Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Duffy, John Private March 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Dorner, Francis Private February 24, 1864 3 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Davis, Reese Private March 30, 1865 1 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Dougherty, Wm. Private March 23, 1865 1 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Dickson, Arthur Private April 4, 1865 1 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Dolan, James Private March 22, 1865 1 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Dennig, Christian Private August 22, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Desrs, John Private February 1, 1863 3 Not on muster-out roll
Eichhorn, George Private August 9, 1861 3 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Edel, Sebald Private August 9, 1861 3 Wounded in front of Richmond, Va., October 7, 1864; transferred to company E, June 5, 1865; Vet
Fay, John Private May 27, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Fister, Ranslow Private October 14, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Foley, Daniel Private May 11, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Fisch, Matthew Private August 9, 1861 3 Wounded at Bellfield Bridge, Va., May 8, 1864; prisoner from October 7, 1864, to February, 1865; transferred to company E, June 5, 1865; Vet
Fath, John Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Fette, Frederick Private August 6, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Gill, Hugh Private May 25, 1862 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Grant, Charles F. Private October 4, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Greenwood, Thos M. Private October 19, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Goff, Joseph D. Private May 29, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, July 3, 1865
Greener, Adolph Private July 12, 1864 3 Substitute; transferred to company D, June 5, 1865
Geng, William Private February 23, 1864 3 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Garland, John Private April 6, 1865 1 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Ganster, John A. Private January 1, 1864 3 Deserted June 28, 1865
Geltz, George Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Galliseth, Peter Private August 9, 1861 3 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Hahn, Adam Private March 5, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Hall, William Private October 4, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Hamilton, George Private October 13, 1864 1 Dishonorably discharged-date unknown
Harper, John H. Private August 1, 1861 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Harris, Thomas Private October 19, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Horan, Michael Private March 17, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Houck, Francis W. Private August 1, 1861 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Hamilton, John Private August 15, 1864 1 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Haughey, Francis Private February 28, 1865 1 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Hesler, Benj. A. Private May 13, 1864 3 Deserted July 1. 1865
Hartmeyer, Henry Private August 9, 1861 3 Captured February 7, 1863; not on muster-out roll
Hepp, August Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll; Vet
Helbig, Gotthold Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Hess, Theodore Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Herbert, Marcus Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Hibeur, Philip Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Hollerman, Leon'd. Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Henrichs, Chas. R. Private August 27, 1862 3 Captured February 7, 1863; not on muster-out roll
Hesiser, William C. Private September 20, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Jackson, John Private March 22, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Jenkins, William Private October 21, 1864 1 Absent, without leave, at muster out
Jordan, George Private May 9, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, November 19, 1864
Kelly, David R. Private May 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Knowles, George Private October 19, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Knowles, John D. Private October 19, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Knowles, Thomas Private October 19, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Kelly, Thomas Private August 22, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Kiefer, Nicholas Private September 2, 1864 1 Prisoner from December 10, 1864, to February, 1865; transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Knauber, Henry Private February 1, 1864 3 Transferred to company D, June 5, 1865
Klein, Michael Private August 9, 1861 3 Prisoner from June 29, 1864, to February, 1865; transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Keilhacher, Thos. Private August 9, 1861 3 Captured February 7, 1863; transferred to company E, June 5, 1865; Vet
Kracht, Herman Private August 9, 1861 3 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865; Vet
Kauffman, Adam Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Koll, Laurentz Private September 15, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Knapler, John Private October 6, 1861 3 Wounded at Jarrett's Station, Va., May 8, 1864; mustered out, December 23, 1864, to date August 9, 1864; expiration of term
Lambert, John Private October 13, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Lanahan, Patrick Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Leech, Joseph Private March 7, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Learn, Thomas Private March 20, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Leonard, Andrew Private October 14, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Lockett, Michael Private October 4, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Lowe, Orson Private March 28, 1865 3 Transferred to company D, June 5, 1865
Lieferst, Samuel Private April 22, 1864 3 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Lugenbill, Christ'n. Private September 9, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Lipp, Philip Private September 26, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Laughlin, Adam Private September 26, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Madden, Wm. H. Private March 5, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Meeker, Benj. F. Private October 15, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Montgomery, Jas. Private August 1, 1861 3 Dishonorably discharged, date unknown
Mullaney, Michael Private October 17, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Murphy, Timothy Private October 18, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Murray. Edward Private May 24, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Murray, John Private August 1, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Meighan, William Private September 6, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Morgan, John Private September 17, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Mayer, William Private August 9, 1861 3 Transferred to company D, June 5, 1865
Miller, Samuel B. Private August 9, 1861 3 Wounded at Baltimore Cross Roads, Va., July 3, 1863; transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Mincke, Henry Private August 9, 1861 3 Captured at Five Forks, Va., April 4, 1865; transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Minnige, John H. Private April 3, 1865 1 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Morrison, John Private April 5, 1865 1 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Mooney, John Private March 23, 1865 1 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Moyer, Joseph Private October 20, 1864 1 Deserted June 30, 1865
Martin, Robert R. Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Miller, Jacob Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Moricke, Charles Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Myers, John Private August 31, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Maulick, Gottlieb Private August 24, 1864 Not on muster-out roll
Mansall, Henry Private November 16, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
M'Chesney, Wm. Private June 11, 1863 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
M'Devitt, George Private December 21, 1863 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
M'Glone, Patrick Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
M'Gettigan, Chas. Private May 4, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, December 4, 1864
M'Cullough, R. M. Private March 1, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, June 23, 1865
M'Gauley, John Private March 21, 1865 3 Transferred to company D, June 5, 1865
M'Manus, Wm. Private April 5, 1865 3 Transferred to company D, June 5, 1865
Neall, Hugh Private December 21, 1863 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Newell, Herbert C. Private March 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Norman, Frederick Private October 7, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Nelson, Joseph R. Private March 30, 1865 1 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Newman, Charles Private May 12, 1864 3 Deserted July 1, 1865
O'Neill, John Private September 27, 1864 2 Absent, sick, at muster out
Payne, Franklin Private May 2, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Prentiss, Oscar W. Private May 13, 1864 3 Deserted April 27; returned July 12, 1865; mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Prevost, Charles Private April 4, 1865 1 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Pettinger, Jacob Private June 13, 1864 3 Deserted June 18, 1864; returned; deserted again May 21,1865
Prentiss, Oscar W. Private May 13, 1864 3 Deserted April 27; returned July 12, 1865; mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Pflum, Joseph Private August 9, 1861 3 Captured February 7, 1863; returned; not on muster-out roll
Peppendorf, John Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Quaid, William R. Private December 21, 1863 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Ringland, John Private October 12, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Reed, Andrew J. Private March 29, 1865 1 Transferred to company D, June 5, 1865
Rhaub, Michael R. Private April 5, 1865 1 Transferred to company D, June 5, 1865
Ronlmel, Louis Private September 5, 1862 3 Captured February 7, 1863; discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865
Roberts, Wm. F. Private March 12, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Rainbo, Hery Private January 1, 1864 3 Deserted June 21, 1865; Vet
Rauenschwinder, J. Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Reinlaender, Peter Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Rufer, Nicholas Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Reinmueller, W. T> Private August 9, 1861 3 Captured February 7, 1863; not on muster-out roll
Reinhold, Charles Private March 2, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Sarge, John Private August 22, 1861 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Seaman, Edwin M. Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Sheppard, Samuel Private October 7, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Smith, Irvin Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Stewart, Alexander Private April 27, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Smith, Charles A. Private May 18, 1864 3 Captured; discharged by General Order, August 9, 1865
Straehle, Jacob Private August 9, 1861 3 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Shettleworth, Rich Private March 21, 1865 1 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Simon, Matthias Private April 4, 1865 1 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Schitz, Louis Private September 2, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Schleiden, Herman Private September 24, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Siebel, Charles Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Schneider, August Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Sieger, Gottleib Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Schumacher, Geo. Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Seibert, Andrew Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Snyder, Reimon Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Stang, Henry Private August 15, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Stang, Paul Private August 15, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Sheary, John Private September 3, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Stahler, Sigmund Private August 31, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Thompson, Alex. Private Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, date unknown
Torode, George Private March 29, 1865 1 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Truby, Henry Private August 9, 1861 3 Died July 6, 1864; buried in Cypress Hill Cemetery, Long Island; Vet
Vullreth, Michael Private September 13, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Williams, Christian Private May 9, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Williams. William Private April 1, 1864 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
1865; Vet
Wilcox, Horatio H. Private March 23, 1865 1 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Warren, Samuel Private April 27, 1864 3 Deserted June 28, 1865
Watson, John W. Private August 25, 1862 3 Promoted to Regiment Quarter Master Sergeant, March 6, 1865
Walter, John Private August 9, 1861 3 Captured; died at Andersonville, Georgia, November 18, 1864, grave, 12,095
Wilhelm, Charles Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Weaver, Charles Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Wunderlein, M. Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Wickline, Samuel Private August 9, 1861 3 Captured February 7, 1863; not on muster-out roll
Wickline, Jacob Private August 9, 1861 3 Captured February 7, 1863; not on muster-out roll
Will, Philip Private August 9, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Young,Christop'r F. Private February 22, 1864 3 Transferred to company E, June 5, 1865
Zuck, William Private August 15, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll

Company M
  • This company was recruited primarily from greater Alleghany and Venango counties

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.

5th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company M (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, PA ?
Anderson Faith Captain October 6, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 10, 1864; expiration of term
John P. Wenzel Captain October 15, 1861 3 Promoted from 2d Lt. Company C to 1st Lt., March 1, 1863; to Captain, November 26, 1864; transferred to Company C, June 8, 1865
G. S. L. Ward. Captain May 16, 1863 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
George J. Ker 1st Lt. June 1, 1861 3 Promoted from Sergeant Company F, 27th Regiment P. V., to 1st Lt., March 20, 1862; to Captain company G, March 1, 1863
Thomas Little, Jr. 1st Lt. October 6, 1861 3 Promoted from Battalion Sergeant Major, to 2d Lt., November 1, 1862; to 1st Lt., November 26, 1864; captured February 7, 1863; wounded at Staunton River Bridge,Va., June 5, 1864; trausferred to company H, June 8, 1865
Frank C. Grugan 2d Lt August 10, 1861 3 Promoted from Sergeant Company H to 2d Lt., October 1, 1861; to 1st Lt. company I, November 1, 1862
Walter H. Fitten 2d Lt August 10, 1861 3 Promoted from Sergeant Company H to 2d Lt., October 1, 1861; to 1st Lt. company I, Nov. 1, 1862
Wilson E. Davis 2d Lt. October 6, 1861 1 Wounded at Petersburg, Va., June 9, 1864; promoted from 1st Sergeant, January 17, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 5, 1865; Vet
Calvin D. Ludwig Private September 15, 1862 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
William M'Ginnis 1st Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
William Bothwell 1st Sergeant October 6, 1861 3 Promoted from Corporal-captured February 7, 1863; discharged by General Order, June 26, 1865; Vet
Edward Bailey Quarter Master Sergeant May 10, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
James Bennett Commissary Sergeant October 23, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
James B. Jennings Commissary Sergeant October 6, 1861 1 Promoted from Sergeant; captured February 7, discharged by General Order, June 6, 1865; Vet
Hugh M'Clory Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Discharged, date unknown; Vet
Patrick Ford Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Robert Russell Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Promoted from Corporal, June 25, 1865; mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Patrick Carlin Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Promoted from Corporal, June 25, 1865; mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
John L. Burrows Sergeant June 17, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1865; to Sergeant, June 25, 1865; discharged, date unknown
Wm. Mendenhall Sergeant February 4, 1864 3 Transferred to company G, June 5, 1865
Martin Maher Sergeant October 6, 1861 3 Captured February 7, 1863; returned; not on muster-out roll; Vet
Joseph M'Clellan Sergeant October 6, 1861 3 Captured February 7, 1863; not on muster-out roll
Uriah Patterson Sergeant October 6, 1861 3 Discharged by General Order, June 6, 1865; Vet
William J. Andre Sergeant October 6, 1861 3 Promoted from Corporal; discharged by General Order, June 6, 1865; Vet
Silas C. Hough Sergeant August 10, 1861 3 Killed at Gravelly Run, Va., April, 1865; Vet
George Latch Corporal March 23, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Francis M'Caffrey Corporal June 8, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 25, 1865; mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Joseph Devlin Corporal January 1, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 25, 1865; mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
David Phillips Corporal October 7, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Charles Denight Corporal January 1, 1864 3 Discharged, date unknown; Vet
Joseph Martin Corporal March 19, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1865; mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
John O'Neill Corporal October 6, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, May, 1864; transferred to company C, June 5, 1865; Vet
David W. Parker Corporal October 6, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 28, 1865; transferred to company C, June 5, 1865; Vet
John Fisher Corporal October 6, 1861 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 28, 1865; transferred to company C, June 5, 1865; Vet
Herm'n Hagemiller Corporal February 23, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 28, 1865; transferred to company C, June 5, 1865
Henry Bohder Corporal February 11, 1864 3 Wounded near Petersburg, Va., June, 1864; transferred to company C, June 5, 1865
Henry Steltz Corporal October 6, 1861 3 Transferred to company D June 5, 1865; Vet
Edward Hoffman Corporal October 6, 1861 3 Wounded at Staunton River Bridge, Va., June 25, 1864; transferred to company C, June 5, 1865; Vet
George Levis Corporal November 28, 1863 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 6, 1865; deserted June, 1865
John Winkleman Corporal October 6, 1861 3 Captured February 7, 1863; died at Beverly, N. J., August 10, 1864
F. Holdenwrenter Corporal October 6, 1861 3 Captured, died at Salisbury, North Carolina, December 4, 1864; Vet
George M. Koons Corporal October 6, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll; Vet
R. H. Anderson Corporal October 6, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Harvey M. Reno Bugler February 22, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Cyrus E. Reagle Artifi'r October 6, 1861 3 Captured February 7, 1863; not on muster-out roll
Dennis Dorris Blacksmith March 31, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
James Hickey Farrier October 6, 1861 3 Prisoner February 7, 1863; discharged on Surgeon's certificate, February, 1865; Vet

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.

5th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company M (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private [[]] ?, PA ?
Adams, Leonard C. Private October 6, 1861 3 Captured February 7, 1863; transferred to company C, June 5, 1865; Vet
Abbott, Josiah Private February 29, 1864 3 Transferred to company C, June 5, 1865
Albright, Stephen C. Private October 6, 1861 3 Transferred to company C, June 5, 1865
Albert, Jererniah Private February 23, 1864 3 Transferred to company G, June 5, 1865
Arker, Joseph Private February 24, 1864 3 Transferred to company G, June 5, 1865
Abbott, Hiram Private November 21, 1861 3 Deserted June 8, 1865
Albert, Samuel Private September 22, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Bailey, Thomas Private August 5, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Barnes, John Private January 13, 1863 3 Captured January 7, 1864; absent at muster out
Baker, John W. Private March 22, 1864 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Bohanan, Daniel W. Private October 25, 1864 1 Absent, sick, at muster out
Bush, Frederick Private March 7, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Broomall, Thomas Private March 23, 1864 3 Absent, sick, at muster out; Vet
Boyd, John A. Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Bronson, David H. Private September 2, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Bartle, George H. Private January 1, 1864 3 Dishonorably discharged, 1865; Vet
Bickle, Jacob Private February 9, 1864 3 Transferred to company C, June 5, 1865
Benz, Zeph Private February 27, 1865 3 Transferred to company C, June 5, 1865
Benz, Ferdinand Private February 27, 1865 1 Transferred to company C, June 5, 1865
Brame, Milton Private March 22, 1864 3 Transferred to company G, June 5, 1865
Brinker, Adam Private February 29, 1864 3 Captured; transferred to company G, June 5, 1865
Bowers, Joseph Private February 1, 1864 3 Prisoner from April 29, 1864, to April 29, 1865; discharged by General Order, May 26, 1865
Brady, Edward Private June 9, 1864 3 Died at Washington, D. C., May 31, 1865
Boyce, Dennis Private November 17, 1864 3 Deserted June 9, 1865
Brady, James M. Private October 6, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll; Vet
Beeser, Charles Private October 6, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Berlin, William Private November 1, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Beck, Christian L. Private August 24, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Cameron, Alex. Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Coates, William H. Private March 23, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Croffutt, George C. Private March 21, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Campbell, Peter F. Private May 17, 1864 3 Dishonorably discharged, date unknown
Caughlin, Joseph Private June 10, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Culver, Daniel Private October 12, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Conner, John Private November 22, 1864 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Curry, James Private July 30, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 26, 1865
Clift, George Private November 3, 1862 3 Captured February 7, 1863; transferred to company C, June 5, 1865
Caldwell, Samuel Private October 6, 1861 3 Captured February 7, 1863; transferred to company C, June 5, 1865; Vet
Collins. Morris Private April 9, 1864 3 Transferred to company G, June 5, 1865
Covle, Edward Private September 3, 1864 1 Died of wounds received at Hatcher's Run, Virginia, December 10, 1864
Cassiday, Patrick Private February 3, 1864 3 Deserted, date unknown
Crist, Henry Private November 16, 1864 3 Deserted June 9, 1865
Cooper, James J. Private October 6, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Day, John Private May 5, 1864 3 Dishonorably discharged, date unknown
Doody, James Private March 31, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Dailey, Alexander Private November l, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Davis, William Private September 15, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Donahue, John Private August 23, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Davis, Joshua Private February 5, 1864 3 Transferred to company C, June 5, 1865
Donovan, Joseph Private February 9, 1864 3 Transferred to company G, June 5, 1865
Denver, Albert Private May 30, 1864 3 Deserted; returned; deserted again June 8, 1865
Dever, George M. Private October 6, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Davidson, Andrew Private October 6, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Dull, Daniel Private September 22, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Dreibelbis, Chas. Private February 23, 1864 3 Died December 15, 1864; buried in U. S. General Hospital Cemetery, Annapolis, Maryland
Dolan, Matthew Private March 2, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Ellis, Henry M. Private October 26, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, June 27, 1865
Eckenrod, Henry J. Private December 20, 1861 3 Dishonorably discharged, 1865; Vet
Evans, John Private February 6, 1864 1 Transferred to company G, June 5, 1865
Egenchyller, Chas. Private May 16, 1864 3 Discharged October 10, 1865, to date August 7, 1865
Fessler, William Private January 25, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Fenton, Samuel H. Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Funk, John Private March 31, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Flynn, Alexander Private October 1, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865
Foreman, David S. Private October 6, 1861 3 Capt'd February 7, 1863; transferred to company C, June 5, 1865; Vet
Fiedler, Harrison Private October 6, 1861 3 Captured February 7, 1863; not on muster-out roll
Fraca, August Private September 24, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Gorman, Patrick Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Gainer, Michael Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Gross, Miles Private ? Absent, sick, at muster out
Gallagher, John Private February 19, 1864 3 Captured; transferred to company C, June 5, 1865
Green, William Private February 3, 1864 3 Captured; transferred to company C, June 5, 1865
Harrison, George Private October 12, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Hendervine, Louis Private October 15, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Hook, William Private July 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Henk, David C. Private January 1, 1864 3 Dishonorably discharged. 1865; Vet
Hetsler, John D. Private February 5, 1864 3 Transferred to company C, June 5, 1865
Helmes, Morris Private February 1, 1864 3 Transferred to company G, June 5, 1865
Hunt, Michael Private April 9, 1864 3 Captured October 7, 1864; transferred to Company G, June 5, 1865
Howard, Lewis Private January 22, 1863 3 Deserted August 1, 1863
Hoffman, William Private October 6, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Hemphill, Geo. W. Private October 6, 1861 3 Captured February 7, 1863; not on muster-out roll
Hunter, George Private March 29, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Humelbaugh, H. Private August 30, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Johnson, John Private September 12, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Johnston, Edwin Private February 11, 1864 3 Transferred to company G, June 5, 1865
Kennedy, Samuel Private January 25, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Kearney, Stephen Private May 25, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Keating, James F. Private June 14, 1864 3 Dishonorably discharged, date unknown
Kirkwood, Wm. Private July 31, 1864 3 Deserted; returned; absent, sick, at muster out
Kafer, Gottlieb Private October 6, 1861 3 Capt'd February 7, 1863; transferred to company C, June 5, 1865; Vet
Knapler, John Private October 6, 1861 3 Transferred to company L, date unknown
Keblinger, John Private October 6, 1861 3 Captured February 7, 1863; not on muster-out roll
Kelker, Rudolph Private October 6, 1861 3 Absent, in hospital, since March 13, 1862
Lehry, John Private November 14, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Leyrer, William Private October 19, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Levy, Saruel Private February 24, 1864 3 Transferred to company C, June 5, 1865
Long, Francis S. Private February 27, 1864 3 Transferred to company C, June 5, 1865
Lutz, Alexander Private February 27, 1864 3 Transferred to company G, June 5, 1865
Leip, Charles Private February 29, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Lever, Samuel Private February 25, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Lenegan, Frederick Private March 2, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Moore, James S. Private October 14, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Money, Henry M. Private May 3, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Monaghan, John October 12, 1864 Private 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Magee, William Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Mason, Thomas C. Private March 23, 1864 3 Absent, sick, at muster out; Vet
Murphy, Archibald Private March 23, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Martin, John Private May 23, 1864 3 Dishonorably discharged, September 14, 1864
Morehead, John Private December 20, 1861 1 Discharged by General Order, July 15, 1865; Vet
Mull, Jonas Private February 29, 1864 3 Transferred to company C, June 5, 1865
Manees, Matthew Private October 6, 1861 3 Transferred to company C, June 5, 1865; Vet
Miller, Adam Private February 9, 1864 3 Transferred to company G, June 5, 1865
Marks, John Private October 29, 1864 1 Deserted June 9, 1865
Moore, William Private March, 1864 3 Deserted June 9, 1865; Vet
Marker, William Private October 6, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Magee, Henry Private September 22, 1864 3 Captured February 7, 1863; not on muster-out roll
Mott, Andrew C. Private March 16, 1863 3 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
Maier, Bartholom'w. Private February 1, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
M'Ginnis, Andrew Private March 8, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
M'Hugh, Patrick Private March 7, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
M'Avoy, James Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865;Vet
M'Neill, John Private July 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
M'Cue, Philip Private .November 8, 1864 3 Deserted; returned; absent at muster out
M'Kenna, Michael. Private March 12, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
M'Gue, Peter Private March 21, 1864 3 Transferred to company C, June 5, 1865
M'Ghee, Alexander Private March 7, 1864 3 Transferred to company G, June 5, 1865
M'Cormick, John B. Private February 9, 1864 3 Transferred to company G, June 5, 1865
M'Bride, Bernard Private October 6, 1861 3 Absent, in confinement, at muster out
Norbeck, Philip M. Private January 1, 1863 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Nonnamaker, F. Private March 25, 1865 1 Transferred to company C, June 5, 1865
Newkirk, Charles Private February 1, 1864 3 Transferred to company G, June 5, 1865
Openshaw, William Private ? Dropped from the rolls
Orr, John Private March 23, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Donnel Dennis Private September 22, 1862 3 Captured February 7, 1863; not on muster-out roll
Price, James A. Private August 16, 1861 3 Absent, in confinement, at muster out
Peel, Richard Private October 17, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Pinkerton, Samuel Private March 29, 1864 3 Transferred to company C, June 5, 1865
Porter, John Private September 22, 1862 3 Captured February 7, 1863; transferred to company G, June 5, 1865
Porterfield, Jas. R. Private February 29, 1864 3 Captured, died at Andersonville, Georgia, October 23, 1864, Grave, 11,328
Quinn, Michael Private June 6, 1864 3 Deserted June 8, 1865
Romeo, Larissa Private March 7, 1864 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Reed, George Private December 30, 1862 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Reno, Samuel J. Private February 10, 1864 3 Dishonorably discharged, date unknown
Rudderow, Josiah Private October 19, 1864 1 Transferred to company C, June 5, 1865
Reichard, John S. Private March 24, 1864 3 Transferred to company G, June 5, 1865
Reid, Andrew Private March 10, 1863 3 Deserted June 23, 1865
Rankin, Robert Private October 6, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Ross, James Private September 22, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Reicht, George Private October 6, 1861 3 Absent, in hospital, since April 7, 1862
Shoop, James Private January 1, 1864 3 Dishonorably discharged, date unknown
Suffern, William H. Private March 17, 1864 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Sipe, Albert R. Private March 31, 1864 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Salm, Joseph Private August 16, 1861 3 Absent, in confinement, at muster out
Sterling, Charles Private May 20, 1864 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Smith, John Private May 2, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Skiffington, James Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865; Vet
Showalter, William Private February 29, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, July 5, 1866
Seip, Charles. Private February 29, 1864 3 Transferred to company C, June 5, 1865
Stork, Henry Private October 6, 1861 3 Deserted May 21, 1862; returned November 1, 1864; transferred to company C, June 5, 1865
Smith, Owen Private November 30, 1862 3 Captured February 7, 1863; transferred to company C, June 5, 1865
Shaffer, Isaac. Private February 1, 1864 3 Transferred to company C, June 5, 1865
Showers, Francis M. Private September 22, 1862 3 Transferred to company C, June 5, 1865
Seip, Henry Private February 27, 1864 3 Transferred to company G, June 5, 1865
Sullinger, Alex'r H. Private February 9, 1864 3 Transferred to company G, June 5, 1865
Showers, James W. Private February 5, 1864 3 Transferred to company G, June 5, 1865
Shinkle, Thomas Private March 2, 1865 1 Transferred to company G, June 5, 1865
Stewart, Win. J. Private February 7, 1864 3 Captured; transferred to company G, June 5, 1865
Shaner, Chas. W. Private February 27, 1864 3 Transferred to company G, June 5, 1865
Showalter, John S. Private February 29, 1864 3 Deserted, date unknown
Stafford, Lawrence Private January 23, 1863 3 Deserted August 1, 1863
Sample, James B. Private October 6, 1861 3 Captured February 7, 1863; not on muster-out roll
Shaffer, William Private September 22, 1862 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Shaffer, Charles. Private September 22, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Shaffer, Washing'n Private September 22, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Schultz, Richard Private October 6, 1861 3 Captured February 7, 1863; not on muster-out roll
Shirk, William Private November 1, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Thompson, George. Private November 22, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Tobin, Thomas Private November 1, 1864 1 Deserted; returned; mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Tomlinson, Wm. Private November 1, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Taylor, Robert Private November 11, 1864 3 Deserted June 8, 1865
Voight, Amandus Private October 28, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Weidle, Andrew Private May 20, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Williams, David H. Private September 1, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, July 12, 1865
Weiss, Charles Private October 26, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Williams, James Private October 25, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Wood, George Private November 15, 1862 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Wunder, Joseph Private January, 1864 3 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
Woodruff, Chas. G. Private October 31, 1864 1 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865
White, Frank Private September 2, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 26, 1865
Whitmover, David Private September 5, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, June 24, 1865
White, John Private January 22, 1864 3 Transferred to company C, June 5, 1865
Wilson, Robert Private February 29, 1864 3 Transferred to company C, June 5, 1865
Weaver, John Private January 26, 1864 3 Captured; transferred to company C, June 5, 1865
Wallace, Charles Private February 29, 1864 3 Transferred to company C, June 5, 1865
Wolston, Charles Private October 7, 1864 3 Died at Richmond, Va., June 11, 1865
Walker, James Private May 6, 1864 3 Deserted June 19, 1865
Walker, Amos Private September 22, 1862 3 Absent, on furlough, at muster out
Wetteran, Fred'k. Private September 9, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Zeigler, Joseph Private August 30, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll


Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Unassigned Recruits of this company.

5th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Unassigned Recruits (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private [[]] ?, PA ?
Adams, Joseph Private February 3, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1835
Abby, Frank Private August 12, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Andrews, Christo'r. Private March 22, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Auth, Robert Private September 2, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Ainsworth James Private June 19, 1863 3 Not on muster-out roll
Brown, John Private July 15, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Blasum, John Private February 10, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Blair, Charles Private August 25, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Beggs, John Private September 12, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Burk, Henry Private September 9, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Braun, Henry Private February 22, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Brown, Charles N. Private February 16, 1864 3 Deserted February 15-20, 1864
Bertram, Leopold Private April 7, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Baker, John Private September 24, 1864 1 Substitute; not on muster-out roll
Bastion, John P. A. Private September 3, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Bruer, James Private 1 Not on muster-out roll
Chambers, Sam'l A. Private August 11, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, June 2, 1865
Collins, James Private February 20, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Colburn, Wm. L. Private September 8, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Collins, Patrick Private September 8, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Clayton, Henry Private October 25, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Crosby, Thomas Private April 4, 1865 1 Discharged by General Order, June 10, 1865
Clinton, Henry C. Private October 22, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Crane, Irvin J. Private September 3, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, June 5, 1865
Durner, Lawrence Private January 20, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Deckir, Newton Private August 24, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Deshong, M. W. Private March 28, 1865 1 Discharged by General Order, July 20, 1865
Dietz, Peter Private August 5, 1864 3 Substitute; not on muster-out roll
Durkin, Michael Private September 15, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Davis, Edward Private September 12, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Duncan, James Private September 1, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Daily, Daniel Private April 4, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Erman, Francis Private September 17, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Eichholn, Ferdi'nd Private September 5, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Fritz, John And'w. Private February 24, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Fitzpatrick, Arch'd. Private September 8, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Fry, Michael Private September 7, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
French, Charles W. Private .January 5, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Fery, John Private January 13, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Ford, William Private September 12, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Fenenger, Charles Private October 13, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Fry, Thomas Private February 29, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Greer, Edward Private September 13, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Gilespie, Thomas Private September 10, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Graf, John Private September 13, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Griggs, William Private September 13, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Gorman, Huey Private September 16, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Garver, George Private October 14, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Hood, John Private .September 7, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, June 28, 1865
Heihen, John Private July 18, 1864 3 Substitute; not on muster-out roll
Harlin, Henry Private August 31, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Hinkle, Philip Private August 23, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Hoffman, John Private February 8, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Hauser, Henry Private September 19, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Harris, John R. Private February 15, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Herbert, Marcus Private September 14, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Hoffman, Stephen Private September 2, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Hilger, Charles Private September 2, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Hughes, Nicholas Private January 28, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Harris, George Private September 9, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Hart, David Private September 14, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Hammer, John F. Private April 5, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Harned, William D. Private April 3, 1865 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
Halsizer, William Private September 14, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Hasson, Michael Private September 16, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Hill, Joseph Private September 2, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Hamlin, Lyman W. Private August 26, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, June 2, 1865
Hamlbright, W. W. Private September 17, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, June 2, 1865
Jackson, Peter Private September 7, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Jokum, Peter Private September 12, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Johnson, William Private March 21, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Jacoby, Winfield T. Private March 20, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Jarrett, Isaac Private September 14, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Jarrett, Perry. Private September 13, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Krumofter, Nich's. Private September 8, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Kinder, Charles Private September 7, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Killett, James Private November 21, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Kline, Elisha Private September 13, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Kindt, Abraham Private March 25, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Knee, Henry Private June 19, 1863 3 Not on muster-out roll
Klotz, John S. Private June 13, 1864 1 Discharged by special order, August 8, 1865, to date January 30, 1865
Lassamann, Fred'k. Private January 26, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Linden, John Private July 19, 1864 3 Substitute; not on muster-out roll
Louis, Henry Private August 27, 1861 1 Not on muster-out roll
Lundy, Harvey Private March 8, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Limpert, Conrad Private September 2, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Leitz, William Private September 2, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Lindenfelcer, John Private September 5, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Meister, George Private March 28, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Murray, Thomas Private September 9, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Mitch, Gustave W. Private September 12, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Morehart, John Private September 14, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Morehart, Adam Private September 14, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Mulloy, Michael Private October 7, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Morgan, George S. Private August 27, 1864 3 Mustered out, September 25, 1865
Morris, James G. Private September 6, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Mileum, William Private October 17, 1864 1 Transferred to 2d regiment United States Volunteers' December 18, 1864
Mehan, Christopher Private April 3, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
M'Nicol, Alex'r. Private March 28, 1864 4 Not on muster-out roll
M'Bride, John Private September 12, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
M'Gowan, Robert Private September 13, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
M'Donald, James Private March 20, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
M'Gady, James Private September 16, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
M'Keon, Robert Private September 2, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
M'Afee, William H. Private September 13, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Ontton, James Private January 7, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Peiffer, William H. Private August 22, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865
Post, Henry Private September 7, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Pritcher, George Private September 12, 1864, 1 Not on muster-out roll
Piat, Frederick Private September 2, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Probst, Anton Private September 9, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Patterson, Wm. J. Private September 10, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Quinlan, Michael Private April 4, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Rollins, Thomas Private September 5, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Richardson, John Private January 28, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Roan, Matthew Private September 9, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Rice, Charles F. Private September 1, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Schwank, John B. Private March 30, 1863 3 Not on muster-out roll
Shaw, Thomas Private September 7, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Shaffer, Samuel P. Private September 20, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Seids, Adam Private March 9, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Shupe, Charles Private March 31, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Schreiber, Frank M. Private September 8, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Simmer, John P. Private September 8, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Shuster, Paul Private September 10, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Shaddock, Edwin Private March 28, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Scroy, August Private April 7, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Smith, Wm. James. Private September 9, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Soffel, Jacob Private September 24, 1864 1 Substitute; not on muster-out roll
Sanders, William Private . August 6, 1864 1 Substitute; not on muster-out roll
Snyder, George Private August 30, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Shelly, Joseph Private September 2, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Stolpp, Jacob Private September 3, 1864 ? Not on muster-out roll
Schmidt, John Private March 27, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Smith, Thomas M. Private September 14, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Sweeney, Thomas Private October 17, 1864, 1 Transferred to 2d Regiment U. S. V., December 18, 1864
Skipper, Samuel Private September 6, 1864 1 Transferred to company E, 4th regiment Vet. Reserve Corps -discharged by General Order, June 15, 1865
Thomas, Henry Private October 25, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Tolan, Enos Private September 15, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Tatom, George Private September 6, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, June 14, 1865
Ulrick, Peter Private April 4, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Weber, George L. Private September 7, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Wehle, Henry Private September 7, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Welsh, Christopher Private February 24, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Widel, William Private February 24, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Woolover, B. Private February 26, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Wisman, Henry Private September 10, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Weyer, William Private September 2, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Waltman, Valent'e Private September 14, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Winters, Peter Private September 16, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Wilson, George Private April 4, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Which, Peter Private April 4, 1865 1 Discharged by General Order, May 21, 1865
Yost, Charles A. Private March 5, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Yost, William H. Private April 1, l864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Yaina, August Private April 7, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll

Regiment Statistical Information

  • Regiment lost during service 1 Officer and 76 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 6 Officers and 210 Enlisted men by disease. Total 293.


  • The following pertinent personal papers are in the Institute's Manuscript Archive:
    • Fitton, Walter H. - CWMiscColl (Officer's papers and muster roll, l86l-l865)
    • Hamer, John & Samuel - HCWRTColl (Enlisted men's letters, diaries, official papers, Sep l7, l86l-Sep l6, l864)
    • Hinman, Daniel B. - HessColl (Officer's letter, Apr 3, 1862)
  • Medal of Honor recipients:
      • Private, Company K, 5th Pennsylvania Cavalry. Entered service at: Philadelphia, Pa. Birth: Ireland.
      • Citation: At Burnt Ordinary, Va., 19 January 1863. Was one of a small scouting party that charged and routed a mounted force of the enemy six times their number. He led the charge in a most gallant and distinguished manner, going far beyond the call of duty.
      • Date of Issue: 2 August 1897.



  • Bates, Samuel P. History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-1865. Wilmington, NC: Broadfoot, 1993. (Volume 3) (Pages 568-631)
  • Dyer, Frederick H. A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion. The Dyer Publishing Company (Des Moine, 1908). (Pages 902, 903, 904, 1559-1560)
  • Longacre, Edward J. "The Most Inept Regiment of the Civil War." CW Times Illus (Nov l969): pp. 4-7 (4 photocopied pages). Per.
  • Sauers, Richard A. Advance the Colors!: Pennsylvania Civil War Battle Flags. Vol. 2. Hbg, PA: Capitol Preservation Comm, 1991. pp. 182-83 (2 photocopied pages).E527.4S38.1987v1. (Brief unit history with emphasis on the regimental flags).
  • Taylor, Frank H. Philadelphia in the Civil War. Phila: By the City, 1913. . pp. 160-62 (2 photocopied pages). E527.97P54T39. (Brief history of the unit).
  • The Institute's Archive includes images of individuals of this unit.