4th Pennsylvania Cavalry

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Regimental History and Service Record

  • Also referred to as the 64th Pennsylvania Volunteers
In Brief

Organized at Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh August to October, 1861. Ordered to Washington, D.C. Attached to Defense's of Washington, D.C., until May, 1862. McCall's Division, Dept. of the Rappahannock, to June, 1862. McCall's Division, 5th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to July, 1862. 1st Brigade, Cavalry Division, Army Potomac, to September, 1862. 3rd Brigade, Pleasanton's Cavalry Division, Army Potomac, to November, 1862. Averill's Cavalry Brigade, Center Grand Division, Army Potomac, to February, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, Cavalry Corps, Army Potomac, to June, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, Cavalry Corps, Army Potomac, to August, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, Cavalry Corps, Army Potomac, to July, 1865.

SERVICE.--Provost duty at Washington, D.C., until May 10, 1862. (Cos. "A," "B" escort to Gen. Keys December 28, 1861, to February 25, 1862.) Joined McDowell at Fredericksburg May, 1862, and scouting on the Rappahannock until June 14.

Reconnaissance to Charles City C. H. July 2-3. At Harrison's Landing until August 16. Reconnaissance from Harrison's Landing July 11 and July 29 (Co. "F"). Rear Guard to Yorktown August 16-18. Duty at Yorktown until August 25. Reached Washington, D.C., September 4.

Kearneysville and Shepherdstown, W. Va., October 15-16 (Detachment). Scout to Smithfield October 16-17 (Detachment). Hedgesville October 20 and 22. Hillsboro and Lovettsville Road October 21. Bloomfield, Union and Upperville November 2-3. Ashby's Gap November 3. Markham Station November 4. Manassas Gap November 5-6. Jefferson November 7. Little Washington November 8. Duty near Hartwood Church until December. Gaines' Cross Roads November 10. Waterloo November 14. Battle of Fredericksburg December 12-15. Scout to Catlett's Station and Brentsville December 21-23 (Detachment). Expedition to Richard's and Ellis' Fords, Rappahannock River, December 29-30. "Mud March" January 20-24, 1863. Operations at Rappahannock Bridge and Grove Church February 5-7. Hartwood Church February 25. Kelly's Ford March 17 and 29.

Stoneman's Raid, April 29-May 8. Passage of Kelly's Ford April 29. Raccoon Ford April 30. Ely's Ford May 2. Stevensburg, Brandy Station and Beverly Ford June 9.

Advance from the Rappahannock to the Rapidan September 13-17. Culpeper C. H. September 13. Near Culpeper C. H. October 1. Bristoe Campaign October 9-22. James City October 10-11. Near Warrenton October 11. Warrenton or White Sulphur Springs October 12-13. Jeffersontown October 12. Auburn and Bristoe Station October 14. St. Stephen's Church October 14. Advance to line of the Rappahannock November 7-8. Mine Run Campaign November 26-December 2. Brentsville November 26. New Hope Church and Catlett's Station November 27. Brentsville November 29. (Cos. "A," "F" at Bull Run Bridge November, 1863, to January 20, 1864.) Scout to Middleburg January 22-24, 1864 (Detachment). Kilpatrick's Raid on Richmond February 28-May 4. Beaver Dam Station February 29. Brook's Turnpike March 1 (Veterans on furlough March 25-April 25. At Camp Stoneman until May 12, and Joined Army Potomac May 19.) Sumner's Bridge May 3.

White House or St. Peter's Church June 21. Black Creek or Tunstall Station June 21. St. Mary's Church June 24. Siege of Petersburg June, 1864, to April, 1865. Charles' Cross Roads June 29. Warwick Swamp July 12. Demonstration on north side of the James July 27-29. Malvern Hill July 28. Warwick Swamp July 30. Demonstration north of the James at Deep Bottom August 13-20. Gravel Hill August 14. Strawberry Plains August 16-18. White Oak Swamp August 18. Weldon Railroad August 18-21 (Detachment). Dinwiddie Road near Ream's Station August 23. Ream's Station August 25. Reconnaissance to Poplar Springs Church September 13. Reconnaissance toward Dinwiddie C. H. September 15. Belcher's Mills September 17. Ream's Station September 29. Poplar Springs Church September 29-October 2. Arthur's Swamp September 30-October 1. Boydton Plank Road, Hatcher's Run, October 27-28. Reconnaissance to Stony Creek November 7. Stony Creek Station December 1. Hicksford Expedition December 7-12. Bellefield December 8. High Hill December 10. Rowanty Creek February 5, 1865. Dabney's Mills, Hatcher's Run, February 5-7. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Lewis Farm near Gravelly Run March 29 (Co. "C"). Dinwiddie C. H. March 30-31. White Oak Road March 31 (Co. "C"). Five Forks April 1. Paine's Cross Roads and Amelia Springs April 5. Sailor's Creek April 6. Farmville April 7. Appomattox Court House April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. Expedition to Danville April 23-29. Expedition after Extra Billy Smith May 20-22. At Lynchburg until June 10. Mustered out July 1, 1865.


The Fourth Cavalry was recruited under the direction of David Campbell, of Pittsburg, in compliance with authority granted by Governor Curtin, dated September 4th, 1861. Recruiting took place in the following counties:

  • Company A - Northampton county
  • Company B - Allegheny County
  • Company C - Westmoreland County
  • Company D - Westmoreland County
  • Company E - Allegheny County
  • Company F - Lebanon County
  • Company G - Allegheny County
  • Company H - Indiana County
  • Company I - Indiana County
  • Company K - Indiana County
  • Company L - Venango County
  • Company M - Luzerne County

The companies rendezvoused at Camp Curtin, but were soon after transferred to camp near the Soldiers' Home at Washington, where the men were mustered into the United States service, and were organized in three battalions of four companies each, commanded by the following field officers:

  • David Campbell, Colonel
  • James H. Childs, of Pittsburg, Lieutenant Colonel
  • James K. Kerr, of Venango county, First Major
  • William E. Doster, of Northampton county, Second Major
  • James H. Trimble, of Westmoreland county, Third Major

Colonel Campbell had commanded the Twelfth Regiment in the three months' service, and previously a militia company of considerable repute in the city of Pittsburg. The State colors were presented by Governor Curtin in person at Camp Campbell, on the 20th of September, 1861, and were received on behalf of the regiment by the commanding officer.

During the winter the discipline of the command was regularly and rigidly enforced, Colonel Campbell personally superintending drills, parades, and guard mounts, being particularly strict in his attention to guards and sentinels. The thorough instruction given to officers and men, made guard and out-post duty familiar, and was the basis of the signal success to which the regiment attained in these in all its service in the field. The men were partially armed and equipped before leaving Harrisburg, and received a complete outfit soon after reaching Washington. The greatest drawback was the difficulty experienced in getting suitable horses. So late as the 1st of March, 1862, only six companies were fully mounted, and one other partially so. Four of these companies were acting as provost guard in the city of Washington. An ingenious piece of strategy was practiced to mount the balance. The captains of companies not mounted, procured an order authorizing them to select a certain number of disabled horses from the corral daily, until all were supplied. These were immediately traded for those ridden by the companies on guard in the city. On inspection day, these worthless animals were condemned and the men directed to draw sound ones from the corral for artillery horses. In point of morality this action is indefensible; but it saved the regiment from disbandment, and is hence not without some redeeming qualities.


On the 12th of March, Colonel Campbell resigned, to take command of the Fifth Cavalry, and Lieutenant Colonel Childs was promoted to succeed him. Major Kerr was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain George H. Covode, to Major.

The Pennisula Campaign

The cavalry arm of the service was not at this time in favor, and many organizations were transformed to infantry. Through the influence of prominent members of Congress from Pennsylvania, this one was preserved intact, and early in May was ordered to join M'Dowell's column upon the Rappahannock, where, upon its arrival, it was assigned to M'Calls Division, the Pennsylvania Reserves. Here it soon settled into a routine of picket aid scouting duty, varied by an occasional regimental drill. One of its scouting parties, following the line of the Richmond and Fredericksburg Railroad, went as far as Hanover Court House, where it communicated with M'Clellan's pickets; M'Dowell's whole corps was at this time upon the point of moving overland to join the army upon the peninsula, but was prevented by the appearance of a heavy column of the enemy in the Shenandoah valley. The troops which were already across, accordingly returned to the north bank of the Rappahannock.

M'Call's Division was soon after ordered to proceed by water to re-inforce M'Clellan, and the Fourth accompanied it, arriving at White House on the 24th of June. Here a battalion under Lieutenant Colonel Kerr, consisting of companies H, A, K and G, was ordered to Yorktown, where it remained on duty until the close of the Peninsula campaign.

On the day following its arrival, the balance of the regiment proceeded to the front. As the bugler sounded a halt, upon its approach to General M'Call's headquarters, the column was saluted by a number of shells from the enemy's batteries. They passed harmlessly by, tearing up the ground beyond, but as an evidence of being at the front, were conclusive.

On the 26th, a squadron under command of Captain Herron, of company E, was sent on picket in the neighborhood of Mechanicsville, in advance of the Bucktail regiment. In the afternoon, a party which he led, scouting beyond the line, met the advance of the rebel army, and fired the first shot on the Union side, in the bloody Seven Days' battles which immediately ensued.

At Beaver Dam Creek, detachments from the Fourth were employed in escorting batteries in their movements on the field. On the following day it was stationed in the rear of Gaines' House, where it was drawn out in line to stop stragglers. At the top of the hill in front, the whole field was in full view, and the only relief to the tedium of guard, was in riding up and watching the progress of the fight. Towards evening, the number of stragglers began to increase, platoons and companies, and finally regiments, broken and disordered, hurried over the hill and were stopped at the line of the Fourth.

When at length the Union infantry, broken and overpowered, was leaving the field, the day irretrievably lost, the regular cavalry under General Philip St. George Cooke, posted far up the hill, charged over the crest. The lancers followed, but the regulars, sadly thinned by the intensity of the enemy's fire, were driven in upon the lancers, and the whole came back in disorder.

Two squadrons of the Eighth Illinois on the right of the Fourth, leaving the field by order of General Cooke, opened a gap, and through this the vast crowd of stragglers which had accumulated in its front, rushed in wild confusion, and made for the crossings of the Chickahominy. The regiment was thus left upon the front line. Soon the enemy swarmed over the hill, where the corps headquarters had been. Colonel Childs in desperation, resolved to charge in line. The word of preparation was passing along the front, when the Union batteries posted on a hill in the rear, opened with schrapnell and canister. Never was artillery more effectively served. Rapid as were the discharges, the effect of each was plainly visible. The dense masses of the enemy on the heights in front wavered, were checked, and finally turned back over the hill.

At this juncture the regiment was ordered from the field by the General-in-Chief. As it filed away, the head of Meagher's Brigade was met, just advancing upon the field. After leaving the field, Colonel Childs was ordered to re-organize the stragglers, and while this was going on, a captain in a staff officer's uniform announced, "that while our fighting had held the enemy on that side of the Chickahominy, M'Clellan's advance had marched into Richmond and was in full possession of the city." The report was believed; the disheartened troops revived, and cheer after cheer rent the air, inducing the belief in the rebel army that large reinforcements were arriving, and that the battle would be renewed on the same ground.

At night the regiment crossed the river and had a day of rest. On Sunday, after many delays, it marched past Savage Station, across White Oak Swamp, and on the following day, June 30th, was posted on the extreme left of Seymour's Brigade of M'Call's Division. The position of the former seemed admirable, and he expressed himself in advance, in extravagant terms of satisfaction.

There was a long delay in which perfect quiet reigned. At length was heard rapid firing on the skirmish line, and soon the rebels made their appearance and charged in columns, firing as they came. They were warmly greeted, but answered with equal violence. A battery immediately in front of the Fourth, began to move hurriedly from the field, and its infantry support carried back along with it, broke the line of the cavalry, but was quickly re-formed. One of the guns fell into the hands of the enemy, and as it was being turned upon our own men, Captain Parke, of company B, with his platoon charged upon, and recovered it. For the rest of the day the regiment was under a hot fire, but not otherwise engaged.

The use of cavalry as dismounted skirmishers was not then thought of, and the nature of the ground prevented any effectual mounted charge. Adjutant Biddle and two men were wounded, and fell into the hands of the enemy. Surgeon Marsh remained upon the field, to care for the wounded, and was also held a prisoner.

At Malvern Hill on the following day, a squadron of the Fourth acted as a body guard to General Porter, and the rest of the regiment was on the field and under fire, supporting weak parts of the line as needed. The camp at Harrison's Landing gave rest to the whole army. In the night attack on the 31st of July, by the rebels from the opposite side of the James, the Fourth lost four men and six horses. On the following day, a detachment was sent across the river to act in conjunction with the other troops in making the ground secure from future surprises.

From, Harrison's Landing the regiment marched via Williamsburg to Yorktown, where it was joined by the battalion under Lieutenant Colonel Kerr, whence it proceeded to Washington, arriving too late to have a part in the second battle of Bull Run.

The Battle of Antietam

In the movement into Maryland, the army being again under General M'Clellan, the Fourth had the advance until it reached Frederick City, when it was assigned to General Averill's Brigade. The illness of the latter preventing him from taking the field, the command of the brigade devolved upon Colonel Childs, that of the regiment upon Lieutenant Colonel Kerr.

Death of Colonel Childs

The brigade crossed the Antietam with the troops upon the left, and was posted in front of the Stone Bridge, where the Fourth supported Clark's Battery and held the line upon its right. A single solid shot, which fell in the midst of the squadron supporting these guns, killed two men and four horses. Colonel Childs was among the killed in this battle. He had completed an inspection of the skirmish line, and was with the staff, under cover of a hill, in a place of comparative safety. While there chatting pleasantly, he was struck by a solid shot on the right hip. The ball passed across him, throwing him from his horse and disemboweling him. He was at once carried to better shelter, when conscious of his certain death, he first arranged his military duties, sending Captain Hughes to report to General Pleasanton, and another of his aids to Lieutentant Colonel Kerr, that he might take command of the brigade. He then dispatched an orderly to Dr. Marsh, to tell him " if not attending to any one whose life could be saved, to come to him, as he was in great pain." Lastly, he called Captain Henry King, Assistant Adjutant General, to whom he delivered his last messages to his family, and wishes as to his property. He lived forty minutes after he was struck, but was unconscious during the last twenty.

Upon the fall of Colonel Childs, Lieutenant Colonel James K. Kerr was promoted to Colonel; Major Doster, to Lieutenant Colonel, and Adjutant William M. Biddle and Captain S. B. M. Young, were promoted to Majors.

During the early part of the fall of 1862, the regiment was encamped upon the North bank of the Potomac, near Hancock, Maryland. A battalion under command of Captain Duncan, was detailed for duty with General Newton, at Clear Springs. The latter having ascertained by his scouts, that the enemy in front was not in great force, he ordered Captain Duncan to cross the river and make a descent upon the headquarters of the picket reserve at Hedgesville. Heading his battalion, Captain Duncan proceeded cautiously, until within a short distance of the town, when he ordered a charge, and before the astonished rebels were aware of the presence of an enemy, they were made captives. Without firing a shot, the whole party, consisting of three officers and twenty men, with horses and equipments complete, were brought off in triumph. For this dashing exploit the command was honored with a complimentary order from General M'Clellan.

The regiment was with Pleasanton in his pursuit of Stuart, and shared in the mortification of seeing the latter escape across the Potomac without being brought to battle. In the march of the army from Harper's Ferry to Warrenton, it took part in the numerous cavalry skirmishes which signalized that movement. In the neighborhood of Upperville it had a brisk skirmish with a large opposing force, routing and driving it several miles into the vastnesses of the Blue Ridge. In the movement under Burnside from Warrenton to Falmouth, it formed part of the rear guard. During the battle of Fredericksburg, it was stationed on the north bank of the Rappahannock, and was engaged in guarding the fords above the town. After Burnside's mud march in January, active operations closed, and the Fourth went into winter quarters at Potomac Creek Station, where it was engaged in picketing the roads and fords near Hartwood Church.


Hooker takes Command

Upon General Hooker's accession to the chief command, the cavalry was given that position in the organization of the army, which had previously been denied it. It had to this time been but an appendage to infantry. But the establishment of a cavalry corps by Hooker, placed it at once upon its proper footing, giving it the strength and vitality to achieve victory without the aid of infantry. In the battle of Kelly's Ford, in which General Averell led his division across the river, and gained over Fitz Hugh Lee the first real cavalry victory of the war, only two squadrons of the Fourth, under Major Covode, were engaged. The main body of the regiment was at Hartwood Church on the 15th, on the following day at Kelly's Ford, and on the 17th, the day of the battle, together with the First Massachusetts cavalry, held the railroad from Bealton to Catlett's Station, listening with impatience to the sound of battle in which their comrades were engaged. In the movement upon Chancellorsville, the cavalry was assigned an important part. Crossing at Kelly's Ford, the Second Division skirmished over the ground of its previous triumph, in which it easily drove the enemy. On the following day it passed Culpepper, pushed on over the battle-field of Cedar Mountain and bivouacked that night at Rapidan Station. A day was here passed in fruitless attempts to force a passage. The difficulties of the ford gave to the party holding it, too great an advantage to be readily overcome, numerous charges made on either side being successfully repulsed. Abandoning the attempt, the division proceeded to Ely's Ford. During the night after its arrival, a sudden and vigorous attack was made upon its camp, throwing it into confusion. Soon rallying, the troops were led to the bank of the river and quickly silenced the attacking party. On the following morning, May 2d, the division passed in rear of the lines of infantry, and was placed in position in support of the Eleventh Corps.

Upon the transfer of Averell to the command in West Virginia, the division was placed under General Duffie. Under him it skirmished lightly with the outlying guards of the enemy, while the remaining divisions of the corps were heavily engaged at Brandy Station. It took but an unimportant part in that engagement, arriving when the heavy fighting was over. Soon afterwards General D. M'M. Gregg was placed in command of the Second Division, and Colonel J. Irvin Gregg, of the Second Brigade.

The Gettysburg Campaign

In the movement of the army on the Gettysburg campaign, when opposite Aldie, the First Brigade of the division was attacked, Gregg's Brigade supporting. On the following day Gregg had the front, and after severe skirmishing and hard fighting, drove the enemy back to Middleburg. During the third day, the Second Brigade was held in support, while the First again took the advance. On the fourth day, the Second initiated the fighting, though a, part of the First was called to its aid. The ground was hotly contested, the fighting continuing until the ammunition was exhausted, but not until the enemy had been driven past the town. Sunday was a day of rest, neither party renewing the fight.

On Monday, the whole corps pushed vigorously forward, the Fourth supporting a battery which was served with remarkable precision, hastily driving the rebel guns from successive positions assumed. By three in the afternoon, the contending forces were at Upperville. Here the Fourth was ordered to report to Kilpatrick, who, with a squadron of the First Maine, had scouted beyond the town. By his order Covode's Battalion took the right, Biddle's the left, and Young's the road, which had a substantial stone wall on either side.

While forming, the squadron of the first Maine, which had been in advance, was driven back, closely followed by the rebel cavalry. The signal for the charge was given and the regiment dashed forward, scattering and turning back the enemy. He was driven for half a mile, when coming upon two of his fresh regiments in reserve, the Fourth was in turn driven, till a sharp fire from the dismounted men under cover of the walls checked further pursuit. Quickly re-forming, a second charge was made, which again sent the enemy back, and the rest of the division coming up, ended this the last of the series of engagements.

The Battle of Gettysburg

Crossing the Potomac, the division marched through Maryland, and arrived upon the banks of the Susquehanna, opposite Columbia, in time to behold the smouldering ruins of the bridge which spanned the river, but too late to save it from destruction. Returning by a forced night march, it passed Hanover, the scene of the cavalry fight the day before, and arrived at Gettysburg on the morning of the 2d of July.

In the afternoon the Fourth was detached and taken to the front, moving past the artillery reserve, where it was assigned as guard to General Pleasanton. It was still at its post on the ever memorable 3d of July, when the fire opened which was the prelude to the final struggle, the whole line being plainly visible.

In the afternoon it was taken to the extreme right, where the division had been warmly engaged. Here for two hours it was held under fire of artillery, which was too distant to be attacked, yet near enough to send its missiles with uncomfortable accuracy.

The 4th was a day of inaction. On the morning of the 5th, the cavalry commenced the pursuit of the rebel army. The scene of the first day's fight presented a sickening spectacle, even to those who were accustomed to look on gory fields. Skirmishing with the enemy's rear guard soon commenced, which was kept up until the column reached Chambersburg. Quiet and inaction followed, until the rebels re-crossed the river and a new campaign opened.

The march into Virginia brought sharp work for the cavalry, initiated at Shepherdstown by the Second Division in a brisk engagement, in which the Fourth bore a prominent part, and was followed by numerous skirmishes of little note, but involving much rough marching. Upon the resignation of Lieutenant Colonel Doster, which occurred on the 18th of October, Major Covode was promoted to Colonel, Major Young to Lieutenant Colonel, and Captains Alexander P. Duncan and James T. Peale to Majors.

Warrenton or White Sulphur Springs

After advancing to the Rapidan, General Meade found it necessary to retire towards Centreville. On the 12th of October, while the army was upon the retrograde, the Thirteenth Pennsylvania cavalry was on picket beyond Jeffersonville. Early in the morning, it was attacked by a superior force and driven back. The Fourth was sent to its support. By hard fighting the ground lost was re-gained, and at noon there was a lull of two hours. In the meantime the horses had been sent back towards Warrenton, five miles distant, except those of one squadron of the Fourth. At two o'clock P. M., the enemy attacked in overwhelming force, and notwithstanding the most strenuous exertions of the mounted men, and heroic daring of the officers to check his advance, he succeeded in cutting off and capturing the greater part of both regiments. The Fourth as it went into position in the morning, had three hundred and seventy-five men, and the Thirteenth three hundred and fifty.

On the following morning, owing to the loss of horses, the two regiments could muster but sixty mounted men. The actual loss in the Fourth in killed, wounded, and taken prisoners, was nearly two hundred. Lieutenant Colonel Young was severely wounded in the arm, losing the use of the elbow joint. The prisoners shared a hard fate. They were at first taken to Richmond, and subsequently to Andersonville, where many languished and died, but few surviving to return.

On the morning of the 14th, the command was early saluted by the enemy's shells, and in the march to Catlett's, the Second Brigade was deployed as skirmishers. The First and part of the Second Brigades, which were in advance, in route column, had crossed the ford at Bristoe, when the enemy dashed in, cutting off the Eighth, Sixteenth, and what remained of the Fourth. But the infantry was now at hand, who gave him abundant occupation; and with little hindrance they crossed the river in the neighborhood of Brentsville, and leisurely re-joined the column. A skirmish near Beverly Ford in which the Fourth participated, closed its active operations in this campaign. Upon its arrival at Centreville, the regiment was detached from the Brigade, and posted to guard the line of the Orange and Alexandria railroad for the winter, thus escaping the Mine Run campaign. In this duty, though making frequent scouts, and vigilantly guarding the country against the incursions of guerrillas, but two men were lost during a period of four months.


At the appointed time for veteran re-enlistments, more than two-thirds of the men enrolled themselves for a second term, entitling them to a veteran furlough, and the regiment to a continuance of its organization. The furlough was long delayed. After joining the division, detachment after detachment of raw recruits were sent to swell its ranks, until they had become so numerous that had the entire rank and file, who had the right to do so, re-enlisted, they would have been insufficient to entitle the regiment, under the regulations established, to their promised and fairly earned furlough. The veterans were finally allowed to depart, leaving about two hundred men under command of Major Biddle.

The Wilderness Campaign

Some progress had been made in drill and discipline; but the order to cross the Rapidan and enter the spring campaign, found the Fourth a veteran regiment in name only, not twenty of the enlisted men of the old regiment being present for duty. Several officers re-joined the command while the battle of the Wilderness was in progress, and the happy ignorance of the effects of bullets which distinguishes troops on their first appearance under fire, enabled it to go through without forfeiting its prestige. During the first three days, and throughout the campaign, the cavalry, while with the main body of the army, was moved from point to point as needed, to hold and strengthen the line of battle, the men dismounting and forming upon the skirmish line, as the varying fortunes of the day demanded.

Sheridan's Raid to the James River

The raid of Sheridan upon Richmond, entered upon early in the campaign, was a continual skirmish, at times assuming the proportions of a battle, from the time he left Beaver Dam Station, until he reached the James. At Yellow Tavern, the Fourth, while acting as rear guard to the column, handsomely repelled the charge of a rebel regiment, and later in the day held its position against large opposing force with skill and determination. In the battle which was fought inside the outer line of intrenchments of Richmond, the regiment supported King's Battery, and for four hours was under a heavy fire from the enemy's guns, which were served with great precision. Unfortunately the main purpose of the expedition, the surprise and capture of the rebel capital, failed from the error of attempting to move so large a body of men upon the thoroughfare, the enemy being in time apprised of his danger and prepared to meet it.

The command re-joined the army at the North Anna, when the Fourth received considerable reinforcements, the returning veterans and new recruits swelling its ranks to proportions exceeding those of any regiment in the corps. The engagement at Hawes' Shop, which occurred on the 28th of May, was unlooked for, the division being stretched out, covering a line of many miles in extent. The enemy attacked with cavalry and mounted infantry; but with a tenacity of purpose for which he became famous, Gregg held his ground and successfully repelled every advance. Lieutenant Francis P. Bowen was here mortally wounded. In the engagement of the infantry at Cold Harbor on the first of June, the force of the enemy's blow was greatly lightened by the nerve and steadiness of the cavalry in preventing him from turning the left flank of the army.

Trevilian Station

Sheridan's second raid, the objective point of which was Lynchburg, on account of the delay, as in the first, culminated at Trevilian Station. In the early part of the engagement, the Fourth and Second regiments coming upon the rear of a body of the enemy's troops which had cut off Custar's command, by a vigorous charge of dismounted men scattered the foe, stampeding their horses, and giving them an easy prey to Custar.

Immediately after, the Fourth was separated in the thick woods; one squadron under Colonel Covode taking the right of the First Division, the remainder under Major Biddle, moving to the centre of the brigade and holding the line near the railroad, where it successfully held the enemy at bay.

At four P. M., the regiment being again united, a charge was ordered. With a yell the squadrons advanced at a run, losing forty-five men in passing a distance of one hundred yards, but bearing down all before them. Driven from his first position, the enemy took shelter behind the railroad embankment. For a few minutes the contest raged with great fury, and it seemed doubtful whether the position could be held, when Captain Martin, with the reserve squadron, arrived most timely upon the left rear of the enemy's line, attacking it in flank. His line wavered and the Fourth with renewed energy pushed forward to the railroad, driving his forces in rout and confusion. The following day was given to the destruction of the railroad. The enemy appearing in too great force to warrant further advance, Sheridan retired.

At White House the army trains were met, and with them in charge, the corps started for the James. When arrived near Charles City, the Second Division, leaving the trains, took the road leading to Haxall's Landing. Near St. Mary's Church, the enemy appeared in force, where he had taken position, and was busily engaged in fortifying it. Supposing this to be the advance of the corps he anticipated a heavy engagement. The Second was rapidly thrown into position, the First being held in supporting distance. Beyond slight skirmishing, little was done, Gregg knowing well his inability to cope with the overwhelming force opposed to him. Message after message was sent to Sheridan for reinforcements, but these were all captured by the enemy, who was thus apprized of the weakness of the force in his front. Leaving his earthworks, he immediately assumed the offensive and opened a vigorous attack.

The ground on which Gregg stood proved unfavorable, and the position was, soon forced. As the enemy pushed forward in pursuit, a charge was made by a squadron of the Eighth, and Captain Smith's squadron of the Fourth, which: checked his advance, and by drawing his attention from Randall's Battery which was in peril, enabled him to withdraw his guns. Each new position taken by Gregg was quickly flanked; but the men contested the ground with great gallantry, falling back sullenly, and always keeping a determined front to the foe.

Nearly two miles of the retreat had been successfully made, when Colonel Covode, while issuing his orders and directing the fight, was shot down by a party of the enemy, whom in their partial concealment he had mistaken for his own. He was carried from the field, and, much against his own will, nearly three miles to the rear; but in a desperate final rally of the enemy he fell into their hands. His wounds were mortal, and he expired on the following day. Darkness put an end to the contest, and enabled the division to retire in safety. The Fourth lost eighty-seven in killed, wounded and missing.

A few days later the division crossed the James near Fort Powhattan, and during the remainder of the summer was almost constantly engaged in skirmishing, marching and picket duty. After the departure of the First and Third Divisions of the corps for the Shenandoah Valley, the service was much increased in severity, and in this several affairs of considerable importance occurred. (After crossing the James, a scouting party headed by Lieutenant John C. Paul, penetrated the enemy's lines to ascertain the place of burial of the remains of Colonel Covode. This having been discovered and reported to General Gregg, he ordered a party of thirty with ambulances to proceed under cover of darkness and bring in his body and any of our wounded who could still be found. Captain Frank H. Parke volunteered to accompany the party, which successfully accomplished the task assigned it without molestation.)

On the 30th of July, the division crossed to the north side of the James, where it encountered the enemy's cavalry under Fitz Hugh Lee, at Second Swamp. The Second Pennsylvania was in the advance, lost heavily, and was driven back over the swamp to a point where the Fourth had advanced dismounted, and taken up a strong position. Lee was checked and soon driven.

Early in August, the regiment was again engaged upon the Jerusalem Plank Road, where it sustained some loss. In this engagement, Captain Frank H. Parke was mortally wounded. Colonel Covode was succeeded in command by Lieutenant Colonel Young. Major Duncan was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, and Captains R. A. Robison and William B. Mays, to Majors.

During the progress of the siege, the cavalry was frequently engaged along with the infantry in advancing the lines, and extending them to the left. On the 28th of October, in the advance upon the Boydton Plank Road, the Fourth under command of Lieutenant Colonel Duncan, marched with the division. The enemy was met in heavy force. The battle opened at nine in the morning and continued until night-fall. The cavalry moved upon the left of the infantry, and rendered important service. The regiment lost one killed and several wounded.

At Hatcher's Run, on the 1st of December, Gregg's Cavalry and a battery were engaged, in which the Fourth performed signal service. It was led by Major Mays. A fort near the point where the railroad crosses the run, stood in the way of further advance, and it was necessary to capture it. This duty was assigned to the Fourth. Plunging into the stream. it crossed above, and making a detour, came in upon and attacked the rear of the work, while the front facing the river was held by the Sixteenth Cavalry dismounted. Assailed thus in front and rear, the garrison was soon compelled to surrender.

Two hundred prisoners, three cannon, with arms, equipments, and stores were captured. The loss was considerable. Captain Francis M. Ervay was among the wounded.

The Bellefield raid, or second advance upon the Weldon Railroad, was made on the 7th of December, by the Fifth Corps and Gregg's Cavalry. Near Gray's Church, the enemy's cavalry was met and a spirited engagement ensued. The ground was held and at night the cavalry picketed the rear, while infantry destroyed the road. Twelve miles of the track from the crossing of the Notaway River were completely broken up. The loss was twelve wounded. Upon its return, the regiment went into winter quarters, and with the exception of the engagement at Hatcher's Run on the 6th of February, 1865, wherein Captain John Harper was killed, little of note occurred until the final move in the spring campaign.


The Appomattox Campaign

In that short but brilliant campaign for the cavalry, the Fourth, Lieutenant Colonel Duncan in command, performed a conspicuous part and lost several officers of much prominence. In the engagement at Dinwiddie Court House, the cavalry moved against a heavy force of infantry, and was repulsed. Lieutenant Charles E. Nugent was among the killed, and Clement Engelman mortally wounded. From this time forward until the surrender, the regiment marched and fought almost constantly, it being necessary for the cavalry to act with the greatest promptness and energy.

In the action at Farmville on the 7th, Major Mays was killed, and Lieutenant John A. Welton mortally wounded. On the very morning of the surrender, Gregg's Division had cut off a large body of rebel cavalry, and would have soon compelled its surrender, had not the movement been arrested by the appearance of the white flag which proclaimed a suspension of all further operations and put a period to fighting.

As soon as the terms of surrender had been agreed on, the division returned to Petersburg, where, after a few days' delay, it proceeded to North Carolina, but soon returned again to Petersburg, when the regiment was assigned to permanent duty at Lynchburg. It was charged with restoring order.

Lieutenant Colonel Duncan was made Provost Marshal of the district, which embraced nine counties. A vast amount of property belonging to the rebel government was taken in charge and restored to the National authorities. On the 1st of July it was mustered out of service at Lynchburg, and returning to Pittsburg, whence it had started four years before, it was finally disbanded.

Regimental Roster

Field and Staff Officers

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4th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Regimental Field and Staff Officers
Rank Name City/Town Commission From Muster Date
Colonel [[]] ?, PA ? ?
David Campbell Colonel October 18, 1861 3 Transferred to 5th Cavalry, 65th regiment P. V., March 12, 1862
James H. Childs Colonel October 18, 1861 3 Promoted from Lieutenant Colonel, March 12, 1862; killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862
James K. Kerr Colonel October 18, 1861 3 Promoted from Major to Lt. Colonel, March 12, 1862; to Colonel, September 18, 1862; resigned May 17, 1863
George H. Covode Colonel September 30, 1861 3 Promoted from Captain Company D to Major, March 12, 1862; to Lt. Colonel, December 8, 1863; to Colonel, May 28, 1864; killed at St. Mary's Church, Va., June 24, 1864
Sam'l B. M. Young Colonel September 6, 1861 3 Promoted from Captain Company B to Major, September 20, 1862; to Lt. Colonel, October 1, 1864; to Colonel, December 29, 1864; to Brevet Brigadier General, April 9, 1865; mustered out with regiment, July 1, 1865
William E. Doster Lt. Colonel October 18, 1861 3 Promoted from Major, October 30, 1862; to Brevet Brigadier General, March 13, 1865; resigned October 18, 1863
Alender P. Duncan Lt. Colonel November 1, 1861 3 Promoted from Captain Company L to Major, May 1, 1864; to Lt. Colonel, December 29, 1864; to Brevet Colonel, March 13, 1865; mustered out with regiment, July 1, 1865
James T. Trembell Major November 1, 1861 3 Resigned August 12, 1862
William M. Biddle Major October 30, 1861 3 Promoted from Adjutant, August 14, 1862; mustered out, October 29, 1864, expiration of term
William B. Mays Major September 6, 1861 3 Promoted from Captain Company L, December 13, 1864; killed at Farmville, Va., April 7, 1865
Robert J. Phipps Major February 8, 1863 3 Promoted from Captain Company H, March 7, 1865; to Brevet Lt. Colonel, March 13, 1865; resigned May 17, 1865
James T. Peale Major March 1, 1862 3 Promoted from Captain Company D to Major, September 9, 1864; to brevet Lieut. Colonel, March 13, 1865; mustered out with regiment, July 1, 1865
Napoleon J. Horrell Major November 4, 1861 3 Promoted from Captain Company C, June 8, 1865; mustered out with regiment, July 1, 1865
Arn'd A. Plummer Adjutant November 18, 1861 3 Discharged by special order, date unknown
Robert L. Coltart Adjutant December 18, 1861 3 Promoted from 1st Lieutenant Company I to Adjutant, December 28, 1861; to Captain Company I, December 20, 1862
Charles E. Robison Adjutant December 31, 1861 3 Discharged by special order, date unknown
John B. Maitland Adjutant October 9, 1861 3 Promoted from 2d Lieutenant Company L to Adjutant, October 17, 1862; to Assistant Adjutant General, August 6, 1864
James E. B. Dalzell Adjutant September 1, 1864 3 Promoted from Sergeant Major, September 1, 1864; discharged October 29, 1864, for wounds received at St. Mary's Church, Va., June 24, 1864; applied for a pension December 19, 1868: Application No. 137,878, Certificate No. 98,412; his widow applied: Application No. 348,076, Certificate No. 232,389
Clement Engelman Adjutant March 1, 1862 3 Promoted to Brevet Captain, March 13, 1865; died May 12, 1865, of wounds received at Dinwiddie C. H., March 31, 1865; buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.; Vet
Jerome M'Bride Adjutant August 24, 1862 3 Promoted from private Company B, date unknown; wounded at Kelly's Ford, Va., March 17, 1863; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, date unknown
William B. M'Elroy Adjutant February 25, 1864 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, June 14, 1865; mustered out with regiment, July 1, 1865; Vet
Abraham Edwards Quarter Master October 1861 3 Resigned August 3, 1862, to accept promotion of Captain and Assistant Quartermaster U. S. A.
Henry S. King Quarter Master October 18, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 29, 1864, expiration of term
Lewis Young Quarter Master February 19, 1865 3 Mustered out with regiment, July 1, 1865
George C. Morton Commissary Supply September 4, 1861 3 Promoted from Commissary Sergeant, August 28, 1863; mustered out with regiment, July 1, 1865
Nathaniel F. Marsh Surgeon October 7, 1861 3 Resigned December 6, 1862
John C. Lyons Surgeon December 20, 1862 3 Transferred to 56th regiment P. V., January 18, 1863; discharged on Surgeon's certificate, December 21, 1864
John M. Junkin Surgeon November 15, 1862 3 Resigned February 3, 1865
William B. Price Surgeon March 20, 1863 3 Promoted from Assistant Surgeon, February 15, 1865; mustered out with regiment, July 1, 1865
Peter Wager Assistant Surgeon October 16, 1861 3 Transferred to 5th Cavalry, 65th regiment P. V., March 20, 1862
James M. Morrison Assistant Surgeon August 1, 1862 3 Transferred to 48th regiment P. V., November 29, 1862
Charles King Assistant Surgeon December 31, 1861 3 Resigned November 25, 1862
Frank A. Bushley Assistant Surgeon December 15, 1862 3 Resigned November 6, 1863
James S. Skeels Assistant Surgeon March 25, 1865 3 Mustered out with regiment, July 1, 1865
John A. M'Coy Assistant Surgeon September 1, 1864 3 Promoted from private company K to Hospital Steward, November 1, 1864; to Assistant Surgeon, April 14, 1865; mustered out with regiment, July 1, 1865
James B. Turner Chaplain October 10, 1861 3 Resigned March 13, 1863
Henry Q. Graham Chaplain November 22, 1863 3 Resigned September 22, 1864
James A. Vanhorn Veterinary Surgeon August 24, 1862 3 Promoted from private Company B, November 10, 1864; mustered out with regiment, July 1, 1865; Vet
Melvin A. Johnston Sergeant Major August 21, 1864 1 Promoted from private Company I, June 15, 1865; mustered out with regiment, July 1, 1865; Vet
Wm. H. Wonderly Sergeant Major October 14, 1861 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant Company K, 5th Cavalry, 65th regiment P. V., March 29, 1862
A. Benson White Sergeant Major August 16, 1861 3 Promoted to 1st Lieutenant Company F, December 31, 1862
Richard Whitaker Quarter Master Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Promoted to 2d Lieut. Company G, December 13, 1864; Vet
W. H. Collingwood Commissary Sergeant September 7, 1862 3 Wounded in action; discharged by General Order, July 7, 1865
Gordon M. Bacon Commissary Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Promoted from private Company G,January 1, 1865; mustered out with regiment, July 1, 1865; Vet
W. H. Collingwood Commissary Sergeant September 7, 1862 3 Wounded in action; discharged by General Order, July 7, 1865
John Fulton Hospital Steward October 1, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 1, 1864, expiration of term
Joseph M'Mullen Hospital Steward March 1, 1863 3 Promoted from private Company L, January 1, 1865; mustered out with regiment, July 1, 1865
Eli Carner Hospital Steward January 1, 1864 3 Promoted from private Company L, May 1, 1865; mustered out with regiment, July 1, 1865; Vet
Jesse M. Jones Armorer March 31, 1864 3 Promoted to Armorer, February 16, 1865; mustered out with regiment, July 1, 1865; Vet
Francis Kopft Chief Bugler August 15, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 20, 1864, expiration of term
Theodore Duering Chief Bugler January 1, 1864 3 Promoted from Bugler Company B, August 16,1864; mustered out with regiment, July 1, 1865; Vet.
Thos. J. Robinson Saddler January 1, 1864 3 Promoted to 2d Lieut. Company H, May 1, 1864; Vet
Charles Kirkner Saddler September 12, 1861 3 Mustered out, September 12, 1864, expiration of term
Thomas A. Parker Saddler May 13, 1863 3 Promoted from private company L,January 1, 1865; mustered out with regiment, July 1, 1865

Company A

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4th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company A (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, PA ?
Edward Tombler Captain October 18, 1861 Discharged October 1, 1863
Joseph Andrews Captain October 18, 1861 Promoted from Sergeant to 2d Lt., September 1, 1862, to 1st Lt., September 20, 1862, to Captain, December 15, 1863; mustered out, September 29, 1864, expiration of term
Wm. Hyndman Captain May 1, 1862 Promoted from 1st Sergeant to 1st Lt., December 13, 1864; to Captain, March 8, 1865; wounded at Upperville, Va., January 21, 1863; wounded and captured at Sulphur Springs, Va., October 12, 1863; wounded March 27, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Fitzgerald Noble 1st Lt. December 18, 1861 Missing since July, 1862
Robert J. Atwell 1st Lt. January 1, 1864 Promoted from 2d Lt., Company K, to 1st Lieut., March 8, 1865; to brevet Captain, March 13, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Christian Freeby 2d Lt. September 1, 1862 Mustered out November 19, 1864
George W. Moss 2d Lt. January 1, 1864 Wounded at Trevilian Station, Va., January 11, 1864; promoted from 1st Sergeant to 2d Lt., December 21, 1864; to Captain Company F, March 8, 1865; Vet
George W. Mickel 2d Lt. January 1, 1864 Promoted from 1st Sergeant, March 24, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
John Balentine 1st Sergeant January 1, 1864 Promoted from Sergeant to 1st Sergeant, March 24, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Alfred Walton 1st Sergeant August 15, 1861 Captured; died at Andersonville, Ga., August 31, 1864, grave, 7,386
William M'Clure Quarter Master Sergeant January 1, 1864 Promoted from Corporal, September 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Philip Keefaber Commissary Sergeant January 1, 1864 Promoted from Corporal, November 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
James M'Lochlin Commissary Sergeant August 15, 1861 Captured; died at Andersonville, Ga., August 20, 1864; grave, 6,294
William Kain, Jr Sergeant February 1, 1864 Wounded at Culpepper, September 13, 1863, and at Grant Hill Farm, Va., August 16, 1864; promoted from Corporal, September 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
James Smith Sergeant January 1, 1864 Promoted from Corporal, September 1, 1864; absent, sick, at muster out; Vet
Robert B. Frazer Sergeant May 16, 1863 Promoted from private to Sergeant, March 2, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 22, 1865
Albert G. H. Row Sergeant January 1, 1864 Promoted from private, April 22 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
John Heenan Sergeant January 1, 1864 Promoted from Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
James A. Gamner Sergeant August 15,61 Mustered out, August 15, 1864, expiration of term
John B. Yost Sergeant January 1, 1864 Discharged May 4, 1865, for wounds received in action; Vet
Benj. S. Younger Sergeant January 1, 1864 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, December 1, 1864; Vet
George Schlager Corporal January 1, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, September 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
George B. Kent Corporal January 1, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, September 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Stephen Zieenfuss Corporal September 29. 1862 Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Neil Cunning Corporal January 1, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, December 20, 1864; wounded at Dinwiddie Court House, Va., March 31, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
John Bower Corporal January 1, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, December 21, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
George E. Smith Corporal January 1, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, December 21, 1864; absent, sick, at muster out; Vet
John Rinker Corporal January 1, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
John Steel Corporal January 1, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Tilghman Ash Corporal August 15, 1861 Mustered out, August 15, 1864, expiration of term
Markes Moyer Corporal August 15, 1861 Mustered out, August 15, 1864, expiration of term
Tilghman Blakeley Corporal February 8, 1864 Transferred to Army of North-west, December 29, 1864
Andrew Everhard Corporal January 1, 1864 Died December 29, 1864; buried in Cypress Hill Cemetery, L. I.; Vet
William Oswald Bugler August 1, 1861 Mustered out, August 15, 1864, expiration of term
Frederick Wagner Bugler January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Alexander Campsie Bugler January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
John Guth Blacksmith January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Jacob M. Low Farrier February 19, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Robert Walter Farrier January 1, 1864 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, December 15, 1864; Vet
Harman Tiller Saddler January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.

4th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company A (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private [[]] ?, PA ?
Arner, Reuben Private February 29, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Atkinson, Hugh Private September 13, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Atkinson, Robert Private August 11, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Atkinson, John Private August 13, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Ash, Tighlman Private February 21, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Ambruster, Martin Private August 15, 1861 Captured; died at Andersonville, Georgia, March 30, 1864; grave, 250
Brelsford, Nathan Private January 1, 1864 Absent, on detached service, at muster out; Vet
Benton, Henry Private August 19, 1864 Never joined Company
Barkfelt, Charles Private June 1, 1863 Absent, sick, at muster out
Bopst, Charles Private January 3, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Bartholomew, G. W. Private February 16, 1864 Wounded in action, August 16, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Brown, Charles Private February 20, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Banks, Jacob Private February 20, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Barr, Abraham Private August 15, 1861 Mustered out, August 15, 1864, expiration of term
Boyd, William J. Private August 15, 1861 Mustered out, August 15, 1864, expiration of term
Brannon, John Private March 2, 1864 Not on muster-out roll
Cornelius, Ambrose Private August 19, 1864 Never joined Company
Michael Conklin (Submitted by John Sullivan) Private Killed at Culpepper, Va., September 1863
Conner, Joseph C. H. Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Conner, Wilfred Private February 29, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Coudon, Stephen Private August 26, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Crawford, Robert Private April 26, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Drumbore, Joseph Private February 16, 1864 Discharged by General Order, June 26, 1865; Vet
Davis, James Private February 16, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Dugan, Hugh Private April 26, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Drake, Isaac N. Private February 9, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Deener, Josiah J. Private August 15, 1861 Mustered out, August 15, 1864, expiration of term
Devall, Chauncey Private March 2, 1864 Not on muster-out roll
Edwards, Edward Private August 16, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Erwin, John Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Edwards, Thomas Private August 15, 1861 Mustered out, August 15, 1864, expiration of term
Edwards, Richard Private August 15, 1861 Mustered out, August 15, 1864, expiration of term
Edwards, David Private March 2, 1864 Not on muster-out roll
Fibler, John Private January 1, 1864 Absent, on detached service, at muster out; Vet
Ford, Joseph Private March 29, 1864 Never joined Company
Furtwangler, C. Private February 16, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Fitzpatrick, Dennis Private February 20, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Fitzpatrick, Mich'l Private February 20, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Fahs, Allen O. Private August 15, 1861 Mustered out, August 15, 1864, expiration of term
Fritz, Nathan Private August 15, 1861 Prisoner from October 12, 1863 to September 14, 1864; mustered out, December 21, 1864
File, Jacob Private January 1, 1864 Killed at St. Mary's Church, Va., June 24, 1864; Vet
Fisher, John Private November 2, 1864 Not on muster-out roll
Gwlym, Edwin . Private August 16, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Graver, Andrew Private February 15, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Graver, William A. Private February 15, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Garvy, Nicholas Private August 15, 1861 Wounded at Sulphur Springs, Va., October 12, 1863; mustered out, August 15, 1864, expiration of term
Galacher, Coudy Private August 15, 1861 Captured at Sulphur Springs, Va., October 12, 1863; mustered out, October 22, 1864, expiration of term
Harren, George Private September 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Hoffman, Alfred Private February 15, 1865 Absent, on detached service, at muster out
Hess, William T. Private January 1, 1864 Killed in action, August 16, 1864; Vet
Hand, Joseph Private January 1, 1864 Died at Parryville, Pa,, April 3, 1864; Vet
Isley, John Private January 1, 1864 Absent. on detached service, at muster out; Vet
Irwin, George W. S. Private April 21, 1863 Deserted July 8, 1863; returned July 12, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Jeffries, John Private September 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Keller, John Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Kettra, Abraham Private September 8, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Katzmoyer, Jacob Private September 8, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Klotz, William F. Private February 15, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Knerr, Daniel Private February 20, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Lewis, John J. Private June 8, 1863 Prisoner from October 12, 1863, to April 12, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 24, 1865
Lewis, John Private September 16, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Leslie, John Private February 17, 65 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Larrash, Alfred Private February 20, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Moore, James Private August 28, 1864 Never joined Company
Moore, James Private September 8, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Moore, Patrick Private August 16, 1864 Wounded in action, March 27, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Miller, Henry J. Private March 31, 1863 Wounded in action, May 13, 1863; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Moyer, Gottlieb Private August 15, 1861 Captured October 12, 1863; died at Andersonville, Georgia, July 30, 1864
Mickle, Samuel Private January 18, 1864 Died January 22, 1865; buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia; Vet
Morris, Charles Private March 24, 1864 Not on muster-out roll
M'Michael, Arch'd. Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
M'Claine, Alex Private April 26, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Hugh, John Private August 16, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Keever, Thomas Private September 8, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Laughlin, Joseph Private September 8, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Vay, Daniel Private February 17, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Carren, John Private August 15, 1861 Captured October 12, 1863; died at Andersonville, Georgia, July 28, 1864; grave, 3,691; burial record, July 21, 1864
M'Hose, Josiah Private August 15, 1861 Captured; died at Andersonville, Ga., June 1, 1864; grave, 1,858; burial record, June 28, 1864
Nafts, Martzell Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
O'Brien, Condy Private February 17, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Powell, Samuel Private February 16, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Richards, Thomas Private February 16, 1864 Wounded in action, March 20, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Richards, Jonathan Private August 16, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Ranger, Charles Private March 24, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Raub, Charles Private Jan, 17, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Reim, William, Jr. Private April 9. 1862 Not on muster-out roll
Reeves, Augustus Private March 2, 1864 Not on muster-out roll
Scully, John Private February 9, 1864 Absent, on detached service, at muster out
Schomber, L. H. Private January 1, 1864 Absent, on detached service, at muster out; Vet
Schoenberger, Geo. Private September 29. 1862 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Stahlman, Solomon Private April 14, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Schingler, Lewis Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Slaven, John Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Sacks, Francis Private August 20, 1864 Substitute; discharged by General Order, September 29, 1865
Stermer, William Private August 15, 1861 Mustered out, August 15, 1864, expiration of term
Stallman, John H. Private April 14, 1864 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, May 19, 1865
Shivelhood, Joseph Private August 15, 1861 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, July 12, 1864
Stathler, David Private August 15, 1861 Captured October 12. 1863; died at Andersonville, Ga., August 25, 1864; grave, 6,880
Shultz, John Private August 15, 1861 Captured October 12, 1863; died at Andersonville, Georgia, July 30, 1864
Stallman, Geo. W. Private April 14, 1864 Died at City Point, Va., January 5, 1865; buried in Cavalry Corps Cemetery
Smith, William. Private August 15, 61 Captured October 12, 1863; died at Andersonville, Georgia, July 30, 1864; grave, 881; burial record, May 4, 1864
Schmidt, John G. Private November 12, 1864 Not on muster-out roll
Stopleton, William Private March 29, 1864 Not on muster-out roll
Thomas, William W. Private August 20, 1864 Wounded in action, March 27, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Thomas, David C. Private September 1, 1864 Wounded in action, date unknown; discharged by General Order, May 27, 1865
Ward, James Private March 29, 1864 Never joined Company
Williamson, J. G. Private March 19, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Wertz, Peter Private January 17, 1864 Absent, on detached service, at muster out; Vet
Welsh, John W. Private January 1, 1864 Discharged February 8, 1865, for wounds, with loss of leg, received in action; Vet
Weaver, John Private September 8, 1864 Killed at Hatcher's Run, Va., February 6, 1865
Ward, Benjamin F. Private August 15, 1861 Captured; killed while prisoner at Charlotte, North Carolina, March 9, 1864
Williams, William Private July 27, 1864 Substitute; not on muster-out roll

Company B

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4th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company B (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, PA ?
Sam'l B. M. Young Captain September 6, 1861 3 Promoted to Major, September 20, 1862
Frank H. Parke Captain September 6, 1861 3 Promoted from 1st Lieutenant to Captain, September 20, 1862; to brevet Major, August 16, 1864; died September 7, 1864, of wounds received in action
James I. Grenet Captain September 6, 1861 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant to 2d Lieut., November 4, 1861; to 1st Lieut., December 13, 1864; to Captain, March 8, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
William H. Young 1st Lt. September 6, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 31, 1864; expiration of term
John Harper 1st Lt. September 6, 1861 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant to 2d Lieut., May 4, 1864; to 1st Lieut., November 1, 1864; to Captain, Company M, December 13, 1864; Vet
Wm. K. Sinclair 1st Lt. September 6, 1861 3 Promoted to 2d Lieut., December 13, 1864; to 1st Lieut., March 8, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Samuel Grove 2d Lt. September 6, 1861 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant, March 9, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
John Speer 1st Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Promoted from Sergeant, March 10, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet.
James Walker Quarter Master Sergeant February 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet.
Benj. F. Stackhouse Commissary Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Wounded in action, May 2, 1864; absent at mustered out; Vet
James M'Cully Sergeant September 6, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
David Callen Sergeant February 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Hiram J. Hamilton Sergeant February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Joseph Phillips Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Promoted from Corporal, March 10, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
William Linton Sergeant September 6, 1862 3 Promoted from Corporal, March 10, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
James Rankin Sergeant September 6, 1861 3 Mustered out, September 6, 1861; expiration of term
Alexander M'Kee Sergeant September 6, 1861 3 Mustered out, September 6, 1861; expiration of term
Joseph Moreland Sergeant October 24, 1861 3 Prisoner from October 12, 1863, to November 26, 1864; mustered out, January 21, 1865, to date December 3, 1864
Walter Bavard Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Died December 2, 1864, of wounds received in action;Vet
James H. Duff Sergeant September 6, 1861 3 Captured; died at Andersonville, Georgia, September 12, 1864; grave, 8,569
John Smith Corporal November 1, 1862 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
James M'Kage Corporal January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
William P. Weber Corporal February 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Fred. W. Freeland Corporal January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
George W. Speer Corporal March 31, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 10, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet.
Lebanna W. Shirley Corporal March 31, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 10, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Geo. W. Crawford Corporal October 24, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 23, 1864; expiration of term
Lee Wilson Corporal September 6, 1861 3 Prisoner from October 12, 1863, to November 20, 1864; mustered out, January 21, 1865, to date November 27, 1864
Samuel Forman Corporal October 23, 1861 3 Captured; died, date unknown
Thomas Carrthers Corporal October 23, 1861 3 Captured; died, date unknown
William Hanna Corporal January 1, 1864 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864; Vet
Joseph M'Carroll Corporal September 6, 1861 3 Captured; died, date unknown
Christian P. Seip Bugler January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Thomas Mekans Bugler January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
George W. Brown Bugler October 24, 1861 3 Prisoner from October 12, 1863. to November 20, 1864; discharged February 14, 1865, to date November 27, 1864
John Sathy Blacksmith September 4, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, June 22, 1865
Wm. Crookshanks Blacksmith September 6, 1861 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, date unknown; discharged by General Order, July 29, 1865; Vet

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.

4th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company B (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private [[]] ?, PA ?
Alexander, And'w. Private February 14, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Adams, John H. Private September 6, 1861 3 Mustered out, September 6, 1864; expiration of term
Beebe, Joseph W. Private February 14, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Boyce, James Private August 25, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Balker, James Private February 14, 1865 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Baker, Robert Private February 14, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Bruce, William Private October 24, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 23, 1861; expiration of term
Brannon, Michael Private October 24, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 24, 1861; expiration of term
Bcll, Isaac Private February 23, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, December 20, 1864
Blake, George W. Private September 6, 1861 3 Mustered out, September 6, 1864; expiration of term
Brose, Daniel Private September 6, 1861 3 Mustered out, September 6, 1864; expiration of term
Boyce, John Private October 23, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 23, 1864; expiration of term
Bailey, A. J. M. Private January 1, 1864 3 Died December 10, 1864; buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.; Vet
Bailey, Walker Private August 24, 1862 3 Died December 12, 1864; buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.; block 2, section E, row 9, grave, 51
Brown, William F. Private March 2, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Briarly, Robert Private March 14, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Campbell, John H. Private August 16, 1862 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Campbell, Thos. F. Private February 29, 1864 3 Captured September 29, 1864; absent at muster out
Campbell, Steph'n S. Private September 5, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Crookshanks, Thos. Private .September 6, 1862 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Chidister, Wm. C. Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Caughey, And'w J. Private August 6, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Castor, William M. Private August 22, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Cornelius, Wm. M. Private March 30, 1864 1 Captured June 24, 1864; died at Andersonville, Ga., October 5, 1864; grave, 10,386 (Cause of Death: Diarrhea, Source: List of Union Soldiers Buried at Andersonville, Dorence Atwater, 1865, p. 52 and p. 537
Cassaboon, Charles Private February 17, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Coyly, Bernard Private February 14, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Cooper, James C. Private February 14, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Carson, Joseph Private February 14, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Caldwell, James T. Private February 14, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Cassiday, John W. Private February 14, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Crumby, William Private February 14, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Craig, Harrison Private September 6, 1861 3 Mustered out, September 6, 1864; expiration of term
Crawford, Hugh Private October 23, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 23, 1861; expiration of term
Cain, Alfred N. Private February 27, 1864 3 Died August 11, 1864
Conner, Abner P. Private February 13, 1864 3 Capt'd; died at Salisbury, N. C., January 12, 1865; Vet
Calhoun, Adam Private September 6, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Cellers, Philip Private September 6, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Doyle, Lawrence Private February 11, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Davis, Thomas Private February 14, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Dyer, William Private January 1, 1864 3 Transferred to U. S. Navy, April 18, 1864; Vet
Duffin, George Private May 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Delany, Joseph Private March 30, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Flood, James Private April 26, 1863 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Ferney, Dennis Private April 3, 1864 3 Captured, September 29, 1864; absent at muster out
Fence, Leo Private February 14, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Fletcher, James Private February 14, 1865 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Finkman, Wm. F. Private February 12, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Griffin, William. Private July 5, 1863 3 Absent, without leave, at muster out
Graham, James A. Private September 6, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Gwess, Peter Private March 8, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, July 5, 1865
Gerhart, Elias M. Private February 29, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, June 30, 1865
Green, William Private February 14, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Gray, Thomas Private September 6, 1861 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, April 18, 1864
Gray, A. J. Private September 6, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Grover, Daniel E. Private January 26, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Hinner, Lawrence Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Harpending, A. Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Holliday, David Private August 25, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Hersperger, Fred'k. Private August 8, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Holliday, William Private February 22, 1865 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Harper, John C. Private February 4, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Harkins, James Private September 6, 1861 3 Mustered out, September 6, 1861; expiration of term
Handlon, Hugh Private February 29, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, June 7, 1865
Hammond, David Private September 6, 1861 3 Mustered out, September 6, 1864; expiration of term
Hahn, Gerhart Private October 23, 1861 3 Captured; died, date unknown
Huston, Samuel Private September 6, 1861 3 Captured; died September 22, 1864
Halley, Andrew Private May 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Holland, Michael Private February 29, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Hines, John Private March 30, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Irwin, John Private October 23, 1861 3 Prisoner from July 16, 1863, to April 29, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 10, 1865
Ingram, Hamilton Private February 29, 1864 3 Captured; died August 5, 1864
Jackson, John W. Private September 6, 1861 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, February 12, 1864
Jeffries, Caleb Private September 6, 1861 3 Captured; died at Andersonville, Ga., September 29, 1864; grave, 9,982
Kile, Conrad Private September 3, 1862 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Kincaid, Mosiah S. Private September 12, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Keen, James Private February 4, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Kirkpatrick, Jno D. Private September 6, 1861 3 Prisoner from October 12, 1863, to November 19, 1864; discharged January 30, 1865, to date November 26, 1864
Lipker, Frederick Private February 24, 1864 3 Prisoner from September 29, 1864, to March 17, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 22, 1865
Lytle, James W. Private February 16, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Ledden, Samuel Private February 17, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Louther, Benjamin Private February 14, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Logan, Charles A. Private April 21, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Moreland, Wm. A. Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Merideth, Thomas Private February 29, 1864 3 Wounded March 28, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 27, 1865
Moon, Andrew J. Private March 12, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Myers, Cyrus Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Masorhimer, Alf'd. Private August 5, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Metler, Joseph Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Mattison, Calvin Private January 30, 1865 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Myers, Leonard Private February 13, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Morrison, James Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Miller, Conrad Private October 23, 1861 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, May 6, 1865; Vet
Miller, Robert F. Private February 25, 1864 3 Transferred to Army of North-West, December 14, 1864
Madden, Frank Private March 3, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
M'Oune, William H. Private February 14, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Carroll, William Private November 29, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Munn, Robert H. Private September 8, 1861 3 Discharged by General Order, May 13, 1865
M'Munn, Joseph Y. Private September 6, 1861 3 Mustered out, September 6, 1861; expiration of term
M'Cullough, Simon Private September 6, 1861 3 Captured; died August 16, 1864
M'Cullough, David Private September 6, 1861 3 Deserted July 10, 1863
M'Carrier, Jonathan Private September 6, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
M'Bride, Jerome Private August 24, 1861 3 Promoted to Adjutant, date unknown
M'Collister, Wm. Private September 6, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
M'Laughlin, Bern'd. Private September 6, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
M'Daniel, James Private April 9, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Newman, Robert Private August 26, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, June 24, 1865
Phillips, James S. Private September 22, 1862 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Patterson, John Private February 20, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Patterson, Rody Private February 16, 1864 3 Wounded August 16, 1864; discharged by General Order, July 5, 1865
Pace, George J. Private February 14, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Price, John Private September 6, 1861 3 Mustered out, September 6, 1861; expiration of term
Plotts, James A. Private September 6, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Plotts, James I. Private September 6, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Phillips, Thomas Private September 6, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Purdy, Jonathan Private September 6, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Richey, William J. Private February 23, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Reynolds, San'l E. Private February 14, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Rosensteel, Rufus Private February 14, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Richey, David Private October 23, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 23, 1864; expiration of term
Rosencraz, Albey Private January 12, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, January 13, 1865
Reed, Cicero A. Private August 9, 1864 3 Died February 15, 1865, of wounds received in action; buried in Cavalry Corps Cemetery, Va.
Smyers, William C. Private September 6, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, June 30, 1865
Solar, Michael Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Shaffer, Henry Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Shaffer, Charles Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Satler, Peter Private August 6, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, July 19, 1865
Sutton, Henry Private August 6, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Sherman, Matthew Private September 13, 1864 1 Absent, sick, at muster out
Skinner, George Private February 29, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Stedeford, George Private February 14, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Shook, John L. Private February 14, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Shodk, George A. Private February 14, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Scott, John H. Private February 14, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Stewart, Charles D. Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Sarber, William Private September 6, 1861 3 Deserted December 31, 1862; returned April 27, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Sollinger, John Private February 29, 1864 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, October 10, 1864; discharged by General Order, July 31, 1865
Saxton, James H. Private September 6, 1861 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, December 16, 1863
Snyder, William H. Private February 29, 1864 3 Died November 4, 1864
Scott, William Private September 6, 1861 3 Captured; died at Andersonville, Georgia, May 17, 1864; grave, 1,175
Sleeth, H. Private September 6, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Stitt, William H. Private August 23, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Summerton, Geo. H. Private February 16, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Small, George H. Private May 21, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Timblin, Alonzo Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Tuck, John Private May 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Unverzahart, Wm. Private September 4, 1862 3 Captured; died, date unknown
Vantine, George W. Private February 4, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Vanhorn, James A. Private February 12, 1864 3 Promoted to Veterinary Surgeon, November 10, 1864; Vet
Welsh, Thomas Private March 31, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Wilson, Thomas Private May 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Wilson, Henry K. Private February 27, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Zollinger, James Private March 7, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Zollinger Geo. W. Private April 20, 1864 3 Prisoner from June 4, to November 10, 1864; discharged by General Order, June 8, 1865
Zack, William H. Private April 19, 1864 3 Absent, without leave, at muster out
Zack, Daniel Private April 21, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Zollars, Philip Private September 6, 1861 3 Mustered out, September 6, 1864; expiration of term

Company C

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4th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company C (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, PA ?
John J. M'Cullough Captain November 2, 1861 3 Died August, 1862
Robert D. Martin Captain September 12, 1861 3 Promoted from 1st Lt., September 1, 1862; died August 23, 1864
Napoleon J. Horrell Captain November 4, 1861 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lieut., September 1, 1862; to Captain, August 25, 1864; to Major, June 8, 1865
John C. Paul 1st Lt. September 12, 1861 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant to 2d Lt., September 1, 1862; to 1st Lt., August 25, 1864; to Captain, Company D, November 1, 1864
Wilson Waigle 1st Lt. September 12, 1861 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, October 6, 1864; to 1st Lieut., December 13, 1864; commissioned Captain, July 1, 1865; not mustered; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Tobias Rosonsteel 2d Lt. September 12, 1861 3 2d Lieutenant, December 14, 1864; commissioned as Lieutenant, July 1, 1865; not mustered; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
George Rodocker 1st Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Promoted to 1st Sergeant, May 14, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Henry J. Blaisdell 1st Sergeant May 14, 1862 3 Mustered out; expiration of term
Aaron Wyatt 1st Sergeant September 12, 1861 3 Died, date unknown
Henry Beer Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
John M'Guire Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Henry Tillburg Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Alexander T. Malin Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Samuel West Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Wm. H. Van Tassel Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Samuel Stouffer Sergeant January 1, 1861 3 Promoted from Corporal to Serg't, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
William Duncan Sergeant September 12, 1861 3 Mustered out, September 12, 1864; expiration of term
George Faunsey Sergeant September 12, 1861 3 Prisoner from September 1, 1863, to March 1, 1865; discharged May 12, to date March 6, 1865
Jeremiah Brinker Sergeant September 12, 1861 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, date unknown
Chas. A. Herwick Sergeant September 12, 1861 3 Died, date unknown
John Fauzevy Corporal January 1, 1864 3 Promoted from Corporal to Serg't, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
George H. Netz Corporal January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
James Little Corporal January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
M. A. Thompson Corporal March 13, 1864 3 Commissioned 2d Lieutenant, July 1, 1865; not mustered; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
John H. Leasure Corporal January 9, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
James M'Kelvey Corporal February 28, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Matt'w G. Shorthill Corporal June 8, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Michael Bash Corporal April 9, 1864 3 Prisoner from July 30, 1864, to February 22, 1865; promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
J. K. M'Connaughy Corporal September 12, 1861 3 Discharged by order Sec'y of War, January 20, 1864; Vet
Leon's M'Cullough Corporal September 12, 1861 3 Discharged on Surgeon'e Certificate, date unknown
Thomas Daywalt Corporal September 12, 1861 3 Discharged on Surgeon'e Certificate, date unknown
Thomas Armstrong Corporal September 12, 1861 3 Died, date unknown
Jacob Horton Corporal September 12, 1861 3 Captured; died at Richmond, Va., December 2, 1863
Andrew J. Hise Bugler February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
A. A. Thompson Bugler September 12, 1861 3 Captured; died at Andersonville, Georgia, June 19, 1864; grave, 2,182.
Ephraim Hine Blacksmith January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Lebb's B. Cashey Blacksmith September 12, 1861 3 Mustered out, September 12, 1864; expiration of term
John C. Walters Farrier January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Philip Scneder Farrier September 12, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, date unknown
George Jeremiah Saddler August 3, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
Charles C. Kirkner Saddler September 12, 1861 3 Promoted to Regimental Saddler, June 1, 1864

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.

4th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company C (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private [[]] ?, PA ?
Arbe, Simon P. Private September 12, 1861 3 Captured; died at Andersonville, Georgia, April 27, 1864; grave, 758
Blackson, Isaac Private February 8, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Boyle, George M. Private April 14, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Barber, Thomas J. Private February 15, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Barber, Isaac Private February 12, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Barnett, James W. Private September 12, 1861 3 Mustered out, September 12, 1864; expiration of term
Buckley, Thomas Private August 31, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
Barber, John Private September 12, 1861 3 Wounded May, 1864; mustered out, December 12, 1864; expiration of term
Baird, Thomas Private September 12, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Backhouse, Geo. W. Private September 12, 1861 3 Died at Alexandria, Va., September 4, 1862; grave, 210
Badloff, Charles Private September 12, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Bailey, Obediah Private September 12, 1861 3 Killed in action, date unknown
Brindenthall, N. Private October 10, 1861 3 Discharged, date unknown
Binane, Richard Private June 5, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Cribbs, Gillis B. Private February 27, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Cook, Samuel Private February 27, 1864 3 Absent. sick, at muster out; Vet
Canida, Benjamin Private September 12, 1861 3 Mustered out, September 12, 1864; expiration of term
Clark, William R. Private August 15, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
Case, William Private February 15, 1864 3 Died August 29, 1864
Carterwiler, John Private January 1, 1864 3 Died June 12, 1865; Vet
Cannon, James Private September 12, 1861 3 Captured; died at Andersonville, Ga., July 4, 1864; grave, 2,849
Corwell, Jacob A. Private September 12, 1861 3 Discharged for wounds received; date unknown
? Private September 12, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Crawford, David L. Private September 12, 1861 3 Discharged; date unknown
Carter, Christian Private September 12, 1861 3 Discharged; date unknown
Cunningham, J. A. Private February 26, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Campbell, David Private February 1, 1865 3 Not on muster-out roll
Carson, Arthur Private February 23, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Durham, Richard Private March 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Duncan, James Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Dougherty, Sam'l C. Private February 21, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Dunn, Thomas Private February 12, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Daywalt, John Private September 12, 1861 3 Deserted; returned; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Deitch, John Private February 27, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Doty, John G. Private February 10, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Donnel, John A. Private September 12, 1861 3 Mustered out, September 12, 1864; expiration of term
Duncan, James S. Private September 12, 1861 3 Mustered out, September 12, 1864; expiration of term
Duncan, William C. Private September 12, 1861 3 Mustered out, September 12, 1864; expiration of term
Dunn, William 0. Private February 19, 1864 1 Died August 24, 1864
Elder, Robert Y. Private August 31, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
Elder, John Private August 15, 1864 1 Transferred to Company D, October 1, 1864
Freeby, Henry L. Private January 19, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Frederick, John G. Private February 3, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Fuller, Sirwell Private August 1, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
Fry, Simon C. Private February 3, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, November 5, 1864
Foster, James M. Private August 31, 1864 1 Died January 17, 1865
Foley, George Private February 8, 1864 3 Died at Philadelphia, Pa., April 17, 1865; burial record, April 26, 1865
Featherston, Wm. Private September 12, 1861 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, date unknown
George, James Private February 15, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Glidden, W. D. Private August 29, 1861 3 Captured March 31, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 27, 1865
Green, John J. Private August 17, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
Getty, James Private September 3, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
George, Andrew J. Private February 16, 1864 3 Died April 28, 1864, of wounds received in action; buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
George, William Private September 12, 1861 3 Died November 21, 1862; buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C.
Gordon. John Private September 12, 1861 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, date unknown
Geer, Washington Private February 26, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll; Vet
Horrell, Andrew J. Private February 23, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Huey, Samuel Private February 19, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Huey, William J. Private February 8, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Harding, Max C. Private February 15, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Haymaker, O. M. Private August 15, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
Haymaker, Jos. S. Private August 15, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
Haymaker, Frs. L. Private August 15, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
Hanna, John M. Private September 12, 1861 1 Not on muster-out roll
Henian, H. D. Private February 13, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Johns, Samuel V. Private February 12, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Jenkins, John T. Private March 18, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Keener, Francis Private February 22, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Kelly, Daniel M. Private February 14, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Kilrore, James Private February 17, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Kelly, Hugh Private September 17, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
Kenady, George A. Private February 23, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Loughner, Eli Private February 14, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Loughner, Samuel Private February 11, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Moore, Elias Private September 17, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
Murphy, Martin Private August 1, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
Murphy, William Private August 12, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
Millaind, Michael Private August 6, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
Mills, John Private September 17, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
Mills, Andrew Private September 17, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
Miles, Samuel Private May 2, 1863 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, February 26, 1864
Means, Reuben W. Private September 12, 1861 3 Prisoner from October 12, 1863, to November 26, 1864; discharged February 23, 1865, to date December 3, 1864
Mathews, Wm. H. Private February 29, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, December 29, 1864
Morrison, John A. Private February 10, 1864 3 Transferred to Company D, October 1, 1864
Mears, George K. Private February 27, 1864 3 Died at Andersonville, Ga., August 29, 1864, grave, 2,777; burial record, October 19, 1864
Mialon, Robert J. Private September 12, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Mialon, James Private September 12, 1861 3 Died November 4, 1862; buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, District Columbia
Miller, James A. Private January 22, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Miller, Isaac Private February 24, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Miller, Nelson H. Private March 14, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Miller, William G. Private February 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Moore, Jacob Private February 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Marshall, Theodore Private February 25, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
M'Cormick, Nelson Private January 15,, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
M'Neil, John A. Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Williams, L. L. Private August 15, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
M'Clellan, Jas. H. Private February 29, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, July 18, 1865
M'Curdy, W. S. Private September 12, 1861 3 Mustered out, September 12, 1864; expiration of term
M'Carty, Daniel Private September 12, 1861 3 Mustered out, September 12, 1864; expiration of term
M'Cune, Alexander Private September 12, 1861 3 Mustered out, September 12, 1864; expiration of term
M'Williams, W. L. Private August 15, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
M'Combs, David W. Private August 3, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
M'Quintian, L. H. Private March 19, 1864 3 Died September 17, 1864; buried in Cavalry Corps Cemetery, Va.; burial record, December 12, 1864
M'Fadden, Daniel Private September 12, 1861 3 Discharged; date unknown
M'Cutcheon, John Private September 12, 1861 3 Died at Andersonville, Ga., date unknown
M'Cracken, James Private September 12, 1861 3 Discharged; date unknown
Nevling, Ferdin'd S. Private February 19, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Neptial, Uriah Private August 1, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
Nolen, Thomas Private September 12, 1861 3 Died, date unknown
Patterson, Thos. C. Private December 9, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Powell, Daniel R. Private September 12, 1861 3 Discharged; date unknown
Passel, Sylvester Private September 12, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Powell, John W. Private May 13, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Quinlan, John Private September 12, 1861 3 Mustered out, expiration of term
Rosborough, John Private February 16, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Rahl, Andrew Private February 23, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Rosensteel, Dan'l L. Private February 11, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Ruphard, Ralston Private August 3, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
Reno, Frank Private February 22, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Rolde, John Private August 31, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Ritchie, Joseph Private February 9, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Sindorft, William Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Shriner, George W. Private March 14, 1864 3 Prisoner from December 10, 1864, to February 5, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 21, 1865; Vet
Simons, Henry B. Private March 31, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Simons, George Private February 27, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Smith, John Private February 18, 1864 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Sloan, Archibald D. Private December 29, 1863 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Serena, David Private February 5, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Sandles, William A. Private February 25, 1864 3 Absent, on detached service, at muster out
Shelley, John B. Private February 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Story, John Private February 14, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Stewart, Samuel W. Private February 16, 1865 1 Absent, sick, at muster out
Snyder, Christian Private August 15, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
Seese, George R. Private August 1, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
Stouffer, Daniel Private September 12, 1861 3 Prisoner from July 16, 1863, to November 20, 1864; discharged January 12, 1865, to date November 23, 1864
Stouffer, John L. Private September 12, 1861 3 Mustered out, September 12, 1864; expiration of term
Sloan, William Private August 15, 1864 1 Transferred to Company D, October 1, 1864
Stouffer, Daniel R. Private April 15, 1864 3 Transferred to Company D, October 1, 1864
Satora, Albert Private July 21, 1864 3 Transferred to Company D, October 1, 1864
Sams, James C. Private January 1, 1864 3 Died December 20, 1864; Vet
Syndorf, Abram H. Private March 23, 1864 3 Killed in action, October 27, 1864
Stevenson, Sam'l M. Private September 12, 1861 3 Transferred to Regular Army, date unknown
Smith, William Private September 12, 1861 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, date unknown
Sheffer, Levi Private September 12, 1861 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, date unknown
Scott, Jacob A. Private September 12, 1861 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, date unknown
Smeed, Charles R. Private September 12, 1861 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, date unknown
Tinsmans, William Private March 15, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Thompson, M. T. Private September 12, 1861 3 Mustered out, September 12, 1864; expiration of term
Thomas, Samuel Private August 15, 1864 3 Transferred to Company D, October 1, 1864
Trout, William D. Private February 10, 1864 3 Transferred to Company D, October 1, 1864
Templeton, Alex'r. Private January 1, 1864 3 Killed in action, May 11, 1864; Vet
Taylor, John L. Private September 12, 1861 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate; date unknown
Toten, James F. Private September 12, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Updegraph, A. L. Private December 29, 1863 3 Killed in action, May 8, 1864
Vansyper, Silas P. Private May 26, 1862 3 Mustered out, expiration of term
Willard, Samuel Private February 10, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Williard, Joseph Private November 16, 1863 3 Deserted; returned; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Wise, William Private February 16, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Wright, William Private September 12, 1861 3 Mustered out, September 12, 1864; expiration of term
Walker, Thos. H. Private February 10, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, January 7, 1865
Whory, John A. Private August 9, 1864 3 Transferred to Company D, October 1, 1864
Wright, Silas E. Private February 27, 1864 3 Died October 17, 1864
Weaver, John R. Private September 12, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Yoder, Charles T. Private September 12, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll

Company D

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.

4th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company D (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, PA ?
George H. Covode Captain September 30, 1861 Promoted to Major, March 12, 1862
James T. Peale Captain March 1, 1862 Promoted from 2d Lieutenant to Captain, June 4, 1862; to Major, September 9, 1864
David P. Smith Captain September 16, 1861 Promoted to 1st Lieut., November 21, 1863; to Captain, September 9, 1864; killed in action, September 29, 1864
John C. Paul Captain September 12, 1861 Promoted from 1st Lt., Company C to Captain, November 1, 1864; to Brevet Major, March 13, 1865; commissioned Major, May 18, 1865, not mustered; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
John B. Ogden 1st Lt. September 30, 1861 Discharged March 6, 1863
John M. Coulter 1st Lt. January 1, 1864 Promoted from 1st Sergeant to 1st Lieutenant, December 13. 1864; commissioned Captain, May 18, 1865, not mustered; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
George M. Blair 2d Lt. January 1, 1864 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, May 1, 1864; discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, September 7, 1864; Vet
Albert W. Martin 2d Lt. January 1, 1864 Promoted from Sergeant to 2d Lieutenant, March 28, 1865; commissioned 1st Lieutenant, May 18, 1865, not mustered; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
William H. Slick 1st Sergeant January 1, 1864 Promoted to First Sergeant, May 5, 1865; commissioned 2d Lieutenant, May 18, 1865, not mustered; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Wm. B. M'Elroy 1st Sergeant February 25, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, December 1, 1864; to 1st Sergeant, March 18, 1865; to Sergeant Major, May 5, 1865; Vet
Jacob Robertson Sergeant January 1, 1864 Promoted to Sergeant, November 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
David Sculley Sergeant January 1, 1864 Promoted to Sergeant, November 1, 1864; prisoner from March 13 to 26, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 21, 1865; Vet
Robert W. Jow Sergeant January 1, 1864 Promoted to Sergeant, November 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Samuel Sides Sergeant January 1, 1864 Promoted to Sergeant, November 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Robert F. Clark Sergeant January 1, 1864 Promoted to Sergeant, January 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Joseph Brantlinger Sergeant January 1, 1864 Promoted to Sergeant, March 28, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
John Harbaugh Sergeant January 1, 1864 Promoted to Sergeant, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
George Carns Sergeant September 16, 1861 Prisoner from October 12, 1863, to August 20, 1864; mustered out, September 15, 1864, expiration of term
Philip Lichenfelt Sergeant September 16, 1861 Prisoner from October 12, 1863, to August 20, 1864; mustered out, September 15, 1864, expiration of term
Isaac J. Robb Sergeant March 12. 1862 Prisoner from October 12, 1863, to August 20, 1864; mustered out, March 12, 1865, expiration of term
Philip B. M'Cune Sergeant September 12, 1861 Prisoner from October 12, 1863, to February 28, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 13, 1865
Silas B. Shomo Sergeant September 16, 1861 Captured October 12, 1863; died at Andersonville, Ga., July 30, 1864; grave, 4,285
Wm. Brantlinger Sergeant September 16, 1861 Captured October 12, 1863; died at Andersonville, Ga., June 15, 1864; grave, 3,716; burial record, July 21, 1864
Thomas Hanna Sergeant September 16, 1861 Captured October 12, 1863; died at Andersonville, Ga., July 20., 1864; grave, 2,011; burial record, June 15, 1864
Alexander M. Hill Corporal January 1, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
James Ogden Corporal January 4, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1864l mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Thos. M'Cullough Corporal January 4, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Wilson P. France Corporal April 12, 1863 Prisoner from October 12, 1863, to February 28,. 1865; promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
John A. Morrison Corporal February 10, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Matthew W. Brown Corporal February 25, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Hiram R. Smith Corporal February 25, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Peter Winebriner Corporal February 19, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Samuel Hull Corporal September 16, 1861 Prisoner from October 12, 1863, to February 27, 1865; discharged by General Order, April 13, 1865
William Blake Corporal September 16, 1861 Prisoner from October 12, 1863, to.November 20, 1864; mustered out, February 14, 1865, to date November 27, 1864
William E. Cook Corporal September 16, 1861 Mustered out, September 15, 1864, expiration of term
Joseph Fry Corporal September 16, 1861 Captured October 12, 1863; died at Andersonville, Ga., June 15, 1864
Daniel Tewell Corporal September 16, 1861 Captured October 12, 1863; died at Andersonville. Ga., August 13, 1864; grave, 1, 145; burial record: May 16, 1864
John R. Wallace Corporal February 25, 1864 Died April 29, 1865, of wounds received in action; buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
Joseph Wiley Bugler March 31, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
John G. Robinson Bugler September 16, 1861 Mustered out, September 15, 1864, expiration of term
Gabriel Hostler Blacksmith January 1, 1864 Wounded in action, March 27, 1865; absent at muster out; Vet
Lancelot Henderson Farrier Jamuary 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Emmett Louther Saddler February 14, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.

4th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company D (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private [[]] ?, PA ?
Ambrose, William Private September 16, 1861 Captured October 12, 1863; died at Richmond, Va., March 9, 1864
Arbaugh, Josiah Private February 25, 1864 Died at Washington, D. C., October 16, 1864; buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
Albright, Thos. D. Private February 1, 1864 Not on muster-out roll
Adams, Lucius Private March 1, 1864 Not on muster-out roll
Black, William H. Private February 29, 1864 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
Bradley, Francis Private January 20, 1864 Absent, in arrest, at muster out
Blackburn, Wm. D. Private February 20, 1864 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps; discharged by General Order, July 12, 1865
Bowman, Cornelius Private February 19, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Bowman, Joseph Private September 9, 1864 Substitute; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Bernett, Alexander Private April 21, 1864 Deserted; returned; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Black, John M. Private February 26, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Biggerstaff, Thos Private February 24., 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Beckman, Wm. Private September 16, 1861 Mustered out, September 15, 1864, expiration of term
Beckman, John H. Private September 16, 1861 Mustered out, September 15, 1864, expiration of term
Bills, Thompson Private February 25, 1864 Died at Washington, D. C., March 23, 1865; buried in National Cemetery, Arlington. Va.
Bolerby, William Private January 1, 1864 Died at Fairfield, Pa., April 27, 1864; Vet
Buckingham, Geo. Private February 16, 1863 Died at Point Lookout, Md., September 16, 1864
Cook, Joseph Private February 15, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Cabel, Benjamin Private February 6, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Covode, Jacob Private April 30. 1862 Prisoner from October 12, 1863, to April 28, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 16, 1865
Caldwell, James Private September 16, 1861 Prisoner from October 12, 1863 to December 13, 1864; discharged February 15, 1865, to date December 19, 1864
Dunmire, Joseph Private February 10, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Decker, Samuel F. Private February 20, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Dick, Daniel F. Private February 26, 1864 Died at Washington, D. C. May 16, 1865; buried in National Cemetery. Arlington, Va.
Decker, John Private February 20, 1865 Killed at Lee's Mills, Va., March 27, 1865
Elder, John Private August 15, 1864 Discharged by General Order, June 15, 1865
E]rkman, Silas Private February 14, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Emrick, John Private February 15, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Enis, Henry Private February 25, 1864 Died May 31, 1864; buried in National Cemetery, Cold Harbor, Va., section A.
Forgasun, Wm. P. Private February 24, 1864 Discharged by General Order, June 27, 1865
Frace, Robert Private September 6, 1861 Captured October 12, 1863; died at Andersonville, Ga., September 13, 1864; grave, 8,840
Fry, Lewis Private September 6, 1861 Captured October 12, 1863; died at Andersonville, Georgia, April 28, 1864
Fry, Henry Private September 6, 1861 Captured October 13, 1863; died at Andersonville, Georgia, August 16, 1864; grave, 5,869
Gilson, William Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Gibson, Robert Private February 25, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Graham, Paul F. Private April 8, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Geary, Garvin S. Private March 25, 1864 Captured July 8, 1864; died at Danville, Virginia, February 18, 1865
Gunn, Alexander Private April 24, 1863 Captured October 12, 1863; died at Andersonville, Georgia, June 21, 1864; grave, 2,297
Galvin, William Private February 4, 1864 Not on muster out roll
Hoon, George Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Hackney, Hiram D. Private February 29, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Hartman, Henry C. Private February 25, 1864 Discharged by General Order, July 5, 1865
Hammill, Robert F. Private March 31, 1864 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps; discharged by General Order, July 12, 1865 Hill, Thomas Private June 21, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Hoover, George W. Private February 27, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Hunter, Joseph G Private February 15, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
B1askinson, John M. Private September 16, 1861 Mustered out, September 15, 1864, expiration of term
Hendricks, Nath'l. Private September 16, 1861 Captured October 12, 1863; died at Andersonville, Georgia, June 5, 1864; grave, 1,650
Hill, Frederick. Private April23, 1864 Died at Washington, D. C., April 28, 1865, of wounds received in action
Irwine, Alexander Private February 24, 1864 Absent, sick, at muster out
Irvin, Henry Private February 25, 1864 Killed in action, May 23, 1864
Jones, John H. Private March 28, 1864 Wounded and prisoner from June 24, 1864, to February 28, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Joyce, Thomas Private February 17, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Jones, Oliver Private September 16, 1861 Captured October 12, 1863; died at Andersonville, Georgia, June 7, 1864; grave, 2, 108
Johns, Isaac Private March 31, 1864 Discharged by General Order, August 8, 1865
Johnston, Samuel Private March 13. 1862 Not on muster-out roll
Kirkpatrick, J. C. Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Knox, James Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Kirkner, William Private February 10, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Long, Robert Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Long, James R. Private February 24, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Lape, Henry Private February 25, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Lester, Harlin`W. Private September 16, 1861 Mustered out, September 15, 1864, expiration of term
Lester, Oren E. Private September 16, 1861 Mustered out, September 15, 1864, expiration of term
Logan, William Private March 16, 1864 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps; discharged by General Order, July 26, 1865
Lutz, John T. Private February 26, 1864 Killed in action, June 11, 1864
Mitchell, Simon Private February 9, 1865 Discharged by General Order, July 10, 1865
Miller, William Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Moss, William H. Private February 29, 1864 Absent, sick, at muster out
Murphy, Samuel D. Private February 20, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Mitchell, Thomas C. Private March 28, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Martin. John Y. Private February 25, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Murray, Samuel H. Private February 13, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Mangis, Adam Private February 20, 65 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Murphy, William Private February 10, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Moore, James T. Private December 30. 1862 Captured October 12, 1863; died at Andersonville, Georgia, July 25, 1864
M'Cord, Samuel B. Private February 15, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Curdy, James M. Private September 16, 1861 Mustered out, September 15, 1864, expiration of term
M'Dowell, William Private September 16, 1861 Prisoner from October 12, 1863, to February 28, 1865; discharged February 28, 1865
M'Coullough, Mich. Private March 25, 1864 Captured October 27, 1864; died, date unknown
M'Clarren, Wm. Private February 27, 1864 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
Numer, William Private February 15, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Neff, Joseph Private September 16, 1861 Captured October 12, 1863; died at Andersonville, Georgia, September 21, 1864; grave, 9,468
Orr, Andrew Private February 25, 1864 Killed in action, March 13, 1865
Parks, James M Private March 14, 1864 Captured September 29, 1864; died at Salisbury, North Carolina, October 29, 1864
Paden, William J. Private March 16, 1864 Discharged by General Order, May 30, 1865
Reed, Benjamin Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Ray, William J. Private February 15, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Reynolds, John D. Private January 3, 1864 Captured July 11, 1864; died at Andersonville, Georgia, August 24. 1864
Reed, Samuel Private September 16, 1861 Captured October 12, 1863; died at Andersonville, Georgia, March 15, 1864; grave, 47
Russell, Frederick Private September 16, 1861 Captured October 12, 1863; died at Andersonville, Georgia, April 27, 1864; grave, 895; burial record, May 5, 1864
Reiley, Elijah Private May 7, 1864 Discharged by General Order, August 26, 1865
Shunn, James C. Private February 26, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Shields, William Private February 10, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Seese, Joseph M. Private February 29, 1864 Discharged by General Order, August 28, 1865
Sensabaugh, Jacob S. Private March 28, 1864 Discharged by- General Order, July 6, 1865
Strausbaugh, Peter Private February 24, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Sloan, William Private August 15, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Satora, Albert Private July 21, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Serese, William H. Private February 9, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Scott, Albert. Private February 15, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Shipman, Elias Private February 14, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Sides, Jacob A. Private September 16, 1861 Prisoner from October 12, 1863, to December 16, 1864; discharged February 15, 1865, to date December 22, 1864
Smith, Robert J. Private February 25, 1864 Discharged by General Order, May 29, 1865
Sullivan, Cornelius Private August 28, 1863 Discharged March 25, 1865, for wounds received at Trevilian Station, Va., June 11, 1864
Serena, Henry Private September 16, 1861 Captured October 12, 1863; died at Andersonville, Georgia, May 10, 1864; grave, 1,004
Stokes, William A. Private February 16, 1864 Died at Washington, D. C., July 5, 1864, of wounds received June 11, 1864; buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia; Vet
Scott, William B. Private September 16, 1861 Cantured October 12, 1863; died at Andersonville, Georgia, August 24, 1864; grave, 7,329; burial record. August 31, 1864
Stevens, David A. Private February 26, 1864 Not on muster-out roll
Sullenburg, Rich'd. Private April 15, 1864 Not on muster-out roll
Shirley, Israel Private August 6, 1864 Substitute, not on muster-out roll
Shupe, John Private August 11, 1864 Substitute, not on muster-out roll
Trimble, Samuel Private February 26, 1864 Missing in action, June 24, 1864
Taylor, Elijah Private March 21, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Thomas, Samuel Private August 15, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Tantlinger, Jos. N. Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1., 1865; Vet
Tewell, Moses J. Private September 16, 1861 Mustered out, September 18, 1864, expiration of term
Tracy, Jacob Private February 29, 1864 Died at Washington, D. C. October 27, 1864; buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
Teopies, Robert W. Private February 25, 1864 Died at Alexandria, Va., April 10, 1864; grave, 1,719; burial record., April 4, 1864
Trout, William D. Private February 10, 1864 Died at Washington, D. C., April 1, 1865, of wounds received in action; buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia
Taylor, Thomas Private February 24, 1864 Died October 23, 1864; buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia
Utsler, John G. Private March 25, 1864 Discharged by General Order, June 21, 1865
Venatta, Johnston Private August 20, 1863 Captured October 12, 1863; discharged by General Order, July 1, 1865
Venatta, Wilson Private September 16, 1861 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, June 7, 1864
Wright, William Private February 27, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Walker, Stephen Private February 29, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Willerd, Joseph Private November 15, 1864 Absent, sick, at muster out
Wakefield, David J. Private February 24, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Wakefield, Henry C. Private February 24, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Wherry, John A. Private August 9, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Wallace, John Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
White, George A. Private February 20, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Walker, Robert A. Private February 20, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Wesham, George Private September 16, 1861 Captured October 12,863; died at Andersonville, Georgia, August 17, 1864
Wainer, James Private August 8, 1864 Not on muster out roll
Yealey, Benjamin Private August 13, 1863 Absent, sick, at muster out

Company E

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.

4th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company E (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, PA ?
James A. Herron Captain August 16, 1861 3 Resigned September 8, 1862
Robert A. Robinson Captain August 16, 1861 3 Promoted from 1st Lt. to Captain, September 8, 1862; commissioned Major, June 25, 1864; not mustered; discharged January 7, 1865
Wm. K. Gillespie Captain August 27, 1862 3 Promoted from private to Captain, May 3, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Archibald F. Coon 1st Lt. August 16, 1861 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lieut., September 9, 1862; commissioned Captain, June 25, 1864; not mustered; discharged November 1, 1864
James A. Morrison 1st Lt. January 1, 1864 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant to 2d Lt., August 2, 1864; to 1st Lt., November 13, 1864; discharged March 25, 1865; Vet
Thomas L. Stewart 1st Lt. January 1, 1864 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant to 2d Lieutenant, November 11, 1864; to 1st Lieutenant, May 24, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
S. C. Brotherton 2d Lt. September 8, 1862 3 Discharged March 13, 1863
Johnson Boyles 1st Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Promoted from Sergeant to 1st Sergeant, February 6, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
James Patton Quarter Master Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Joseph Matson Quarter Master Sergeant August 16, 1861 3 Died April 17, 1864; Vet
Robert Arthurs Commissary Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Promoted from Corporal, June 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Josephus Dick Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Thos. S. Speakman Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Charles A. Painter Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant, June 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Allen Foster Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant, June 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
John A. Fulton Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant, June 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Emanuel S. Girt Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Died December 12, 1864, of wounds received, December 1, 1864; buried in Cavalry Corps Cemetery, Va.; Vet
Henry M. Kerr Sergeant August 16, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 16, 1864; expiration of term
David Cupps Sergeant August 16, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 16, 1864; expiration of term
Robert Gillespie Sergeant August 16, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 16, 1864; expiration of term
Abram S. Martin Sergeant August 16, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 16, 1864; expiration of term
John Lamb Corporal September 7, 1862 3 Promoted to Corporal, August 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Luther J. Stimple Corporal January 1, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, August 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Labana S. Kline Corporal January 1, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, August 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
James A. Collinse Corporal January 1, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, August 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
George H. Teale Corporal January 1, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Clark Hothan Corporal May 31, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
William D. Smith Corporal January 1, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Alex'r Furguson Corporal March 2, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Samuel C. Bole Corporal August 16, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 16, 1864; expiration of term
Silas M'Graw Corporal August 16, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 16, 1864; expiration of term
Theodore Dueing Bugler January 1, 1864 3 Promoted to Chief Bugler, August 16, 1864; Vet
George W. Marples Backsmith January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.

4th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company E (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private [[]] ?, PA ?
Allen, John G. Private February 11, 1865 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Achinson, Benj. Private August 16, 1861 3 Mustered out August 16, 1864; expiration of term
Bechtel, Lewis G. Private January 1, 1864 3 Missing in action, date unknown; Vet
Boyer, Daniel Private February 6, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Boisel, William Private August 16, 1861 3 Killed at St. Mary's Church, Va., June 24, 1864
Buckley, Daniel Private August 16, 1861 3 Mustered out August 16, 1864; expiration of term
Byers, James C. Private June 22, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Coho, William Private March 28, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Coleman, Robert Private August 6, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Campbell, Wm. J. Private February 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Clark, James Private August 16, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Dugan, John Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Dias, Thomas M. Private September 7, 1862 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Duncan, William Private September 7, 1862 3 Discharged by General Order, June 12, 1865
Donelson, Hugh Private February 22, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Dull, George H. Private August 16, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 16, 1864; expiration of term
Dickinson, Rob't A. Private August 16, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 16, 1864; expiration of term
Demster, John Private August 16, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 16, 1864; expiration of term
Fletcher, Walter Private January 2, 1864 3 Missing in action, date unknown; Vet
Felton, David Private February 11, 1864 3 Wounded in action,December 8, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Foran, Martin A. Private April 12, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Fouks, Daniel Private February 14, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Foster, Wm. H. Private December 10, 1863 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, May 12, 1865
Galbraith, Wm. H. Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Gregg, Alexander Private January 1, 1864 3 Wounded at Deep Run, Va., August 16, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Hewston, James Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Harkinson, Robert Private August 27, 1862 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Hays, George B. Private August 27, 1862 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Heath, Samuel P. Private March 27, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Hancock, Alexan'r. Private February 11, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Hohn, Isaac Private February 20, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Hohn, Lewis Private February 20, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Hanna, William R. Private February 20, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Hastings, Lewis Private August 16, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 16, 1864; expiration of term
Jamison, John Private September 27, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Jamison, Robert Private September 27, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Johns, Henry Private August 11, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Johns, William R. Private August 11, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Johns, Isaac Private March 31, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Johns, Israel Private February 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Johnson, William Private March 9, 1864 3 Deserted August 16, 1864
Johnson, Thomas Private December 24, 1862 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, June 25, 1864
Jones, David Private August 6, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 16, 1864; expiration of term
Kuhn, Abramn Private February 11, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Keller, John Private January 1, 1864 3 Transferred to Company A, January 17, 1864; Vet
Lockwood, Thomas Private August 27, 1862 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Ludwick, Wm. B. Private January 16, 1864 3 Wounded in action, March 31, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Leek, William Private May 6, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Lacomb, Alfred Private February 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Mardis, Samuel Private February 27, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Mentzer, John Private February 27, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Mack, Robert Private March 3, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Mabin, John A. Private August 16, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Moss, John Private August 16, 1861 3 Deserted June 23, 1862; returned May 2, 1864; discharged by General Order, June 13, 1865
Mann, David R. P. Private September 1, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Marhoff, William Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Morgan, John Private February 11, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Morton, Robert S. Private February 20, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Morrison, Wm. B. Private February 15, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Morrison. Augustus Private June 3, 1864 3 Died December 4, 1864, of wounds received in action, December 1, 1864
Morgan, Henry Private August 16, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 16, 1864; expiration of term
M'Laughlin, James Private August 27, 1862 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Feeters, Wm. D. Private February 17, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Cartney, John Private August 16, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 16, 1864; expiration of term
M'Grainer, James Private August 16, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 16, 1864; expiration of term
M'Kee, Samuel Private August 16, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, June 14, 1865
Norris, William H. Private August 11, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Nicely, Adam Private March 27, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Orr, James Private January 1, 1864 3 Wounded in action, April 7, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
O'Brien, John Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Painter, James Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Paxton, George H. Private January 1, 1864 3 Wounded at Trevilian Station, Va., June 11, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Peer, David J. C. Private February 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Pratt, William H. Private February 16, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Painter, Robert M. Private January 1, 1864 3 Discharged October 6, 1864, for wounds received at Trevilian Station, Va., June 1, 1864; Vet
Ray, Mark Private February 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Reddick, Lean'r W. Private August 17, 1864 2 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Rush, Jonathan Private February 14, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Rudenbaugh, Chas. Private February 11, 1865 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Robbins, Isaac Private August 16, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 16, 1864; expiration of term
Schrock, Samuel C. Private March 20, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Smith, Stewart Private April 23, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Smith, Henry Private April 28, 1864 3 Missing in action, date unknown
Spielman, Geo. W. Private April 14, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Spielman, David Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Steele, Joseph Private March 25, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Smith, Albert Private February 14, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Smith, Samuel D. Private April 27, 1864 3 Died April 11, 1865, of wounds received at Dinwiddie Court House, Virginia
Smith, John G. Private August 16, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 16, 1864; expiration of term
Sutton, John Private August 16, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 16, 1864; expiration of term
Sullivan, John Private April 12, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Teale, Lewis Private February 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Thompson, Nel'n M. Private February 26, 1864 3 Wounded in action, August 16, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Thompson,Sylves'r. Private February 22, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Trainer, James Private August 8, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Tillman, George Private ? Deserted-date unknown
Thomas, Benjamin Private August 16, 1861 3 Mustered out, August 16, 1864; expiration of term
Williams, John Private February 11, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Weise, William Private February 16, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll; Vet
Work, James Private February 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll

Company F

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.

4th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company F (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, PA ?
John Weidman Captain October 29, 1861 Resigned June 30, 1862
W. K. Lineweaver Captain October 29, 1861 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lt., July 20, 1862; to Captain, September 22, 1862; discharged November 20, 1863
Duncan C. Phillips Captain September 9, 1862 Promoted from 1st Lt., Company M to Captain, November 21, 1863; commissioned Major, January 1, 1865, not mustered; resigned February 16, 1865
George W. Moss Captain January 1, 1864 Promoted from 2d Lt., Company A to Captain, March 8, 1865; to brevet Major, March 13, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Reuben Reinhold 1st Lt. September 19, 1861 Resigned July 17, 1862
A. Benson White 1st Lt. August 16, 1861 Promoted from Sergeant Major, December 31, 1862; prisoner from October 12, 1863, to March, 1865; discharged March 14, 1865
Hiram N. Dubbs 1st Lt. September 19, 1861 Promoted from 1st Sergeant to 2d Lt., February 22, 1865; to 1st Lieutenant, May 24, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Alvin Youngs 2d Lt. September 19, 1861 Promoted from 1st Sergeant, July 21, 1862; captured June 24, 1864; accidentally killed at Columbia, South Carolina, October 21, 1864
Adam M'Knight 2d Lt. September 19, 1861 Promoted from Sergeant to 1st Sergeant; to 2d Lt., May 25, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
George K. Hess 1st Sergeant September 19, 1861 Promoted from Sergeant, May 25, 1865; mustered out with Company, July, 1865; Vet
James T. Moore Quarter Master Sergeant October 29, 1861 Promoted to Quarter Master Sergeant, April, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
John Darkes Commissary Sergeant January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Henry Raiger Sergeant January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Christian Shaffer Sergeant January 1, 1864 Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant, April 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Robert S. M'Lane Sergeant August 22, 1862 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1863; to Sergeant, April 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Allen Roth Sergeant January 1, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Wm. M'Corkle Sergeant January 1, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865; to Sergeant, May 25, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Patrick Halpin Sergeant January 1, 1864 Died December 10, of wounds received December 8, 1864; Vet
William Thompson Sergeant September 19, 1861 Deserted October 24, 1861
Reuben H. Keiffer Corporal January 1, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Absalom Darkes Corporal January 1, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Amos S. Bolton Corporal January 1, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
John H. Mathews Corporal September 19, 1861 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1863; captured October 12, 1863; absent, sick, at muster out
Lorenzo Sowder Corporal January 1, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Frederick Bankert Corporal January 1, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
George Johnston Corporal January 1, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
David Heitz Corporal January 1, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, May 25, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1864; Vet
Cyrus S. Hoffa Corporal September 19, 1861 Not on muster-out roll
Matthias Gernert Corporal September 19, 1861 Not on muster-out roll
Charles Filey Bugler January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Philip Raiger Bugler January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Henry M'Creary Blacksmith February 1, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Cyrus Weidle Blacksmith September 19, 1861 Prisoner from. October 12, 1863, to February 26, 1865; discharged April 11, 1865
Michael Stroh Farrier September 19, 1861 Not on muster-out roll
Bassilus Short Saddler February 20, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865

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4th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company F (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private [[]] ?, PA ?
Allison, Lewis Private April 26, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Augenstein, Jacob Private October 29, 1861 Mustered out, November 2, 1864, expiration of term
Boonhower. Geo. Private January 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Brownawell, Jacob Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Bishop, Daniel Private July 30, 1862 Prisoner from October 12, 1863, to December 27, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Brown, George Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Bicker, William, Jr. Private March 31, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Benter, Henry H. Private February 3, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Brooks, William H. Private February 20, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Brooks, George S. Private February 17, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Brooks, Francis L. Private February 17, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Brenizer, Henry Private September 19, 1861 Mustered out, October 10, 1864, expiration of term
Bechtel, Franklin Private January 1, 1864 Deserted April 25, 1864; Vet
Butler, Joshua Private February 1, 1864 Deserted April 25, 1864; Vet
Bechtel, John Private October 29, 1861 Not on muster-out roll
Bertram, George Private October 29, 1861 Died March 27, 1862; buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, Washington, D. C.
Bennet, Michael Private October 29, 1861 Not on muster-out roll
Cowan, George Private February 6, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Care, Henry Private February 17, 65 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Clary, Edward Private February 14, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Carroll, Anthony Private September 19, 1861 Mustered out, October 10, 1864, expiration of term
Cains, Artman. Private April 14, 1864 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, April 22, 1865; discharged by General Order, August 23, 1865
Callahan, Daniel Private October 29, 1861 Not on muster-out roll
Dewlin, John S. Private February 26, 1865 Never joined Company
Darrah, Daniel Private January 30, 1865 Absent, sick, at muster out
Ebright, John A. Private October 29, 1861 Mustered out, November 2, 1864, expiration of term
Engelman, Clement Private March 1, 1862 Promoted to Adjutant, October 30, 1864
Farquhar, Jackson. Private May 10, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Fox, Michael Private October 29, 1861 Mustered out, November 2, 1864, expiration of term
Filbert, Anthony Private September 19, 1861 Not on muster-out roll
Fowler, John Private October 29, 1861 Not on muster-out roll
Gamble, William Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Grasey, Jacob Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Gates, James Private August 16, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Gardner, Samuel R. Private February 7, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Grover, James R. Private January 31, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Grassmyer, R. W. Private September 19, 1861 Not on muster-out roll
Gobat, Henry Private September 19, 1861 Not on muster-out roll
Gruey, Samuel Private October 29, 1861 Not on muster-out roll
Hugentubler, D. Private August 12, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Herbst, Christopher Private January 31, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Hains, Aaron Private February 20, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Haupt, John Private February 17, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Hummel, Geo. W. Private September 19, 1861 Mustered out, October 10, 1864, expiration of term
Hambleton, H. J. Private September 19, 1861 Mustered out, February 27, 1865, expiration of term
Honich, Adam Private April 14, 1864 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, April, 1865
Henry, George Private October 29, 1861 Not on muster-out roll
Hough, Samuel S. Private October 29, 1861 Not on muster-out roll
Imhoff, Ferdin'd M. Private February 20, 1865 Absent, sick, at muster out
Johnston, Julius Private September 19, 1861 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Knapp, Christian Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Keefer, Jacob J. Private March 13, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Knight, Sanford Private February 1, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Koth, Jeremiah Private October 29, 1861 Mustered out, November 2, 1864, expiration of term
Lowry, Samuel Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Leiser, George W. Private February 1, 1864 Deserted; returned; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Leas, Samuel Private February 7, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Lewis, John Private January 31, 1865 Never joined Company
Leob, John H. Private February 17, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Lefler, Michael Private October 29, 1861 Captured October 12, 1863; died at Millen, Ga., September, 1864
Lightner. Jonathan Private September 19, 1861 Not on muster-out roll
Lefler, William Private October 29, 1861 Not on muster-out roll
Michael, John H. Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Mease, Isaac Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Michael, Jacob Private February 20, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Miley, Milton M. Private February 18, 65 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Millbach, John Private February 7, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Morgan, Thomas Private February 17, 1865 Absent, in arrest, at muster out
Mark, Milton T. Private February 20, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Moyer, John C, Private September 19, 1861 Mustered out, October 10, 1864, expiration of term
Mayer, Maxs Private July 10, 1863 Deserted June 2, 1864
Moyer, John P. Private October 29, 1861 Died at Point Lookout, Md., August 5, 1862
Meily, Isaac Private October 29, 1861 Not on muster-out roll
Murphy, Peter Private October 29., 1861 Not on muster-out roll
M'Night, John Private April 13, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Mahon, Owen Private February 6, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Ginley, Edw'd H. Private February 20, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Tague, Patrick Private February 20, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Laughlin, John Private February 20, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Connell, Israel Private February 17, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Clellan, James Private October 29, 1861 Not on muster-out roll
M'Grath, Robert Private October 29, 1861 Not on muster-out roll
Noel. Joseph A. Private January 26, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Oberly, Peter Private February 17, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Patterson, Aus'n W. Private October 20, 1861 Transferred to Company G, date unknown
Peckham, Brad'k R. Private October 29, 1861 Not on muster-out roll
Rapp, Alexander Private January 31, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Reese, Richard Private February 17, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Ricker, Frederick Private January 1, 1864 Died at Point Lookout, Md., April 14, 1865; Vet
Rizer, Charles Private October 29, 1861 Not on muster-out roll
Snyder, Andrew Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Seabold, Josiah H. Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Swope, Michael J. Private January 26, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Schott, Jacob Private February 18, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Sowers, Alfred Private February 7, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Snyder, Wm. H. Private February 20, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Shank, Samuel Private February 17, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Simmers. Thomas Private February 17, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Schultz, John B. Private September 19, 1861 Not on muster-out roll
Shaferly, Philip Private October 29, 1861 Not on muster-out roll
Tammy, William Private February 2, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Tammy, Henry Private February 2, 1865 Discharged by General Order, June 27, 1865
Ulrich, John H. Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Whitman, Jacob Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Williams, William Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Wikel, Jacob S Private January 1, 64 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Werner, Flrederick Private February 3, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Wilbert, Jacob Private February 7, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Weiskerger, Nich's. Private February 4, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Whitmover, Moses Private February 14, 1865 Discharged by General Order, June 16, 1865
Walter, George H. Private August 22, 1862 Captured October 12, 1863; died at Millen, Ga., September, 1864
Wolfe, Christian Private September 19, 1861 Mustered out, October 10, 1864, expiration of term
Weberling, Adolph Private September 19, 1861 Not on muster-out roll
Whitman, John Private September 19, 1861 Not on muster-out roll
Whipple, James S. Private September 19, 1861 Not on muster-out roll
Zundlock, Ferdin'd. Private September 19, 1861 Died at Alexandria, Va., September 3, 1862; grave, 202

Company G

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4th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company G (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, PA ?
Benjamin B. Blood Captain October 29, 1861 3 Resigned May 30, 1863
Elias L. Gillespie Captain October 29, 1861 3 Promoted from 1st Lt., May 30, 1863; mustered out, October 20, 1864; expiration of term
Daniel C. Boggs Captain May 17, 1863 3 Promoted from Quarter Master Sergeant to 2d Lt., May 6, 1864; to 1st Lt., July 23, 1864; to Captain, December 13, 1864; to brevet Major, March 12, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Benj. C. Adams 1st Lt. October 21, 1861 3 Promoted from 2d Lt., March 7, 1864; discharged for wounds received in action, March 17, 1864
Andrew Nellis 1st Lt. January 1, 1864 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant to 2d Lt., July 23, 1864; to 1st Lt., December 13, 1864; to Captain Company I, March 8, 1865; Vet
Alex. Matchett 1st Lt. May 1, 1863 3 Promoted from Sergeant, May 24, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Richard Whittaker 2d Lt. January 1, 1864 3 Promoted from Quartermaster Sergeant, December 13, 1864; discharged April 22, 1865; Vet
William Hazlett 1st Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Enos G. Duncant Quarter Master Sergeant February 27, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
James M'Clelland Commissary Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Promoted from Corporal, May 5, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
James C. Hunt Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Absent, wounded, at muster out; Vet
Francis Haveland Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Absent, wounded, at muster out; Vet
William S. Boyd Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Harmmond Gardner Sergeant February 22, 1864 3 Promoted to Sergeant, March 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
John Caldwell Sergeant February 1, 1864 3 Wounded February, 1863; captured June 24, 1864; promoted to Sergeant, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Anthony Chambers Sergeant October 21, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 20, 1864; expiration of term
John Moore Sergeant October 21, 1861 3 Prisoner from October 12, 1863, to November 26, 1864; discharged January 30, 1865, to date December 3, 1864
John Fulton Sergeant October 21, 1861 3 Captured October 12, 1863; mustered out, October 20, 1864; expiration of term
Henry C. Singizer Sergeant October 21, 1861 3 Wounded in action, June 20, 1863; promoted to 1st Lt. Company A, 181st Regiment P. V., February 8, 1864; Vet
Wash. Mullum Corporal October 21, 1861 3 Captured; died at Andersonville, Ga.; date unk'n.
Robert D. Stotler Corporal January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Joseph Seed Corporal January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Beriah M. Duncan Corporal February 27, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Andrew Morrison Corporal March 17, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 5, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Alexander Thomas Corporal February 20, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
John Campbell Corporal February 1, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Isaiah N. Duncan Corporal February 27, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Robert H. Blair Corporal October 21, 1861 3 Prisoner from October 12, 1863, to December 16, 1864; discharged March 23, 1865, to date December 22, 1864
William J. Steward Corporal October 21, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 20, 1864; expiration of term
Pat'k F. M'Closkey Corporal October 21, 1861 3 Prisoner from October 12, 1863, to November 30, 1864; discharged January 30, 1865, to date December 6, 1864
Anthony Allen Corporal October 21, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 20, 1864; expiration of term
Thos. M'Namara Corporal October 21, 1861 3 Killed at St. Mary's Church, Va., June 24, 1864; Vet
George Wolf Corporal January 1, 1864 3 Died April 16, 1865, of wounds received at Dinwiddie C.H.; buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va; Vet
John Duncan Corporal February 27, 1864 3 Died April 7, 1865, of wounds received at Dinwiddie C. H.; buried in Cavalry Corps Cemetery, Va.; Vet
Wesley S. Bacon Bugler January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Phillipias Walters Blacksmith October 21, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 20, 1864, expiration of term
John Jones Farrier October 30, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 20, 1864, expiration of term
James Brew Saddler October 21, 1861 3 Capt'd; died at Andersonville, Ga., date unk'n

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4th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company G (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private [[]] ?, PA ?
Aiken, Thomas Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Bogue, Thomas Private March 4, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Brown, Henry Private August 23, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Brown, John C. Private February 14, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Barr, William Private February 27, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, July 6, 1865
Boreland, Alex. M. Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Byers, George Private August 23, 1864 1 Discharged, date unknown
Boreland, Alex. M. Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Bacon, Gordon M. Private January 1, 1864 3 Promoted to Quarter Master Sergeant, January 1, 1865; Vet
Campton, Thomas Private February 27, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Cradle, John Private August 2, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Cunningham,'R. N. Private September 30, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Cox, Andrew P. Private February 11, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Crawford, Rob't T. Private March 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Critchlow, Nel'n P. Private February 27, 1865 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Cramner, Am. B. Private October 21, 1861 1 Captured October 12, 1863; mustered out, October 20, 1864; expiration of term
Custer, John Private October 21, 1861 1 Captured July, 1863; mustered out, October 20, 1864; expiration of term
Clary, James Private July 25, 1863 3 Died at Washington, D. C., January 11, 1864
Carr, John W. Private February 27, 1864 3 Missing while on march, April, 1865
Christy, John Private April 27, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Dunbar William W. Private February 25, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Dunbar, Alpheus Private February 25, 1865 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Dunbar, Alfred Private February 25, 1865 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Donaldson, Joel Private August 23, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Donaldson, Josiah Private August 23, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Davis, George H. Private August 9, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Davis, Thomas W. Private August 9, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Dayton, Daniel Private February 10, 1865 ? Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Dorigan, John Private ? ? Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, date unknown; discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, March 18, 1865
Davis, John Private August 9, 1864 1 Killed in action, April 7, 1865
Eshenbaugh, Wm. Private August 1, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Foote, William D. Private February 22, 1864 3 Absent, wounded, at muster out; Vet
Fleeger, Eli S. Private August 9, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Fleeger, Jacob Private August 9, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Fleeger, Giles Private August 9, 1864 1 Wounded March 31, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 30, 1865
Fox, John B. Private February 14, 1865 1 Died June 7, 1865; buried in Cavalry Corps Cemetery, Va.
Freeman, Francis Private February 27, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll. Note: Died of typhoid fever at Camp Copeland, near Pittsburgh, on April 7, 1864, shortly after enlisting. He is buried in the Plains Presbyterian Church Cemetery in Cranberry Township, Butler County. Thanks to Deane Lavender for providing this information.
Graham, George Private February 27, 1864 3 Missing in action, May 16, 1864
Hayes, Arthur Private June 6, 1863 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Hoon, Joseph S. Private August 2, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Hopkins, Wm. M. Private April 10, 1864 3 Wounded in action, March 31, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 29, 1865
Hamilton, Hugh A. Private February 27, 1864 3 Absent, wounded, at muster out; Vet
Helsimer, John Private October 21, 1861 3 Captured July, 1863; mustered out, October 20, 1864; expiration of term
Hazlett, John Private September 12, 1863 3 Captured; died at Andersonville, Georgia, July 18, 1864; grave, 3,554
Hiltabidel, George Private August 13, 1864 3 Substitute; not on muster-out roll
Irwin, Samuel E. Private September , 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
Jones, David W. Private February 27, 1864 3 Absent, wounded, at muster out; Vet
Johns, William 0. Private September 6, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Johnson, Martin Private March 25, 1864 3 Died at Washington, D. C., June 25, 1865; buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
Kennedy, William Private August 5, 1863 3 Prisoner from October 12, to December, 1863; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Lynch, Thomas Private August 29, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Ledebaugh, Christ. Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Lakrer, Peter Private October 21, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 20, 1864; expiration of term
Leonardy, Peter Private June 11, 1864 3 Substitute; not on muster-out roll
Miller, Henry Private February 5, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Miller, Samuel Private August 18, 1864 1 Substitute; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Miller, John Private August 2, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Moore, Harvey Private April 2, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Miller, Hugh Private February 25, 1864 3 Wounded in action, September 28, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Marshall, James M. Private February 25, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Murdock, John Private October 21, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 20, 1864; expiration of term
Montgomery, S. Private October 21, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 20, 1864; expiration of term
Miller, Henry M. Private August 23, 1864 1 Killed in action, December 1, 1864
Myers, Thomas Private February 27, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Miller, William C. Private August 23, 1864 1 Substitute; not on muster-out roll
M'Farland, Geo. D. Private February 27, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Fetridge, Wm. J. Private January 30, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Kissick, Josiah Private September 16, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Junkin, Preston Private February 27, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Cormick, Hugh Private March 31, 1864 3 Missing at St. Mary's Church, Va., June 24, 1864
M'Guay, William Private October 21, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 20, 1864; expiration of term
M'Clelland, Thos. Private October 21, 1861 3 Captured; died at Salisbury, N. C., December 24, 1864
M'Collister, John Private February 15, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
O'Conner, Mich'l A. Private February 13, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Oliphant, John Private February 26, 1864 3 Absent, on detached service, at muster out
Oursler, Benj. J. Private September 30, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
O'Conner, Michael Private October 21, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 20, 1864; expiration of term
Osborne, Robert C. Private October 21, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 20, 1864; expiration of term
Phelps, William Private October 6, 1862 3 Captured June 24, 1864; died at Andersonville, Ga., November 8, 1864; grave, 11,918.
Patterson, A. W. Private October 21, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 20, 1864; expiration of term
Pierce, Wilson Private August 31, 1864 1 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, date unknown
Putnam, John Private August 12, 1864 1 Substitute; not on muster-out roll
Randolph, Edw. V. Private August 2, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Rooney, Charles Private October 30, 1861 3 Captured; died at Andersonville, Georgia, May 19, 1864; grave, 1,218
Rusick, C. J. Private December 2, 1861 3 Deserted; returned January 2, 1865; discharged June 20, 1865
Rose, Jacob Private August 13, 1864 1 Substitute; not on muster-out roll
Solonburg, R. C. Private April 15, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Stewart, Hugh Private February 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Stockton, Robert W. Private February 22, 1865 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Stevenson, Nath'l C. Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Shannon, James H. Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Scholl, Jacob Private August 9, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Sheridan. Henry Private August 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Sandy, William Private February 17, 1865 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Seaton, Hiram M. Private August 8, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Seaton, Samuel M. Private August 8, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Smith, Sylvester H. Private February 22, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, date unknown
Stout, Jacob Private February 27, 1864 3 Died June 3, 1864; buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia.
Sample, Polk Private February 27, 1864 3 Killed in action, July 28, 1864
Steaurbaugh, Con'd. Private January 5, 1863 3 Captured; died at Andersonville, Georgia, May 29, 1864; grave, 1,453
Turner, Samuel Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Wilson, Henry C. Private August 19, 1862 3 Absent, on detached service, at muster out
Waters, John Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Williamson, Geo. W. Private September 28, 1864 1 Substitute; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Walker, Jacob Private February 11, 1865 1 Discharged by General Order, August 15, 1865
Walters, Simon P. Private February 12, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; died at Lynchburg. Va., July 5, 1865
Withner, Jacob W. Private February 6, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Wood, John K. Private October 21, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 20, 1864; expiration of term
Welsh, John Private October 21, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 20, 1864; expiration of term
Walters, John Private March 25, 1864 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, January 10, 1865; discharged by General Order, July 3l, 1865
Wolford, Jacob Private March 30, 1864 3 Killed at Trevilian Station, Va., June 11, 1864
Walters, Benj. F. Private February 27, 1864 3 Killed in action, March 31, 1865
Whitmire, Daniel Private August 23, 1864 1 Substitute; not on muster-out roll

Company H
  • This company was recruited primarily from greater Indiana and Venango counties

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.

4th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company H (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, PA ?
James H. Pennell Captain November 18, 1861 Resigned April 2, 1863
Robert J. Phipps Captain February 8, 1863 Promoted from 1st Sergeant to 2d Lt., March 1, 1863; to 1st Lt., March 25, 1863; to Captain, August 1, 1864; to Major, March 7, 1865
George W. Wilson Captain January 1, 1864 Promoted from 2d Lt. company L, May 29, 1865; mustered out with company, July 1, 1865; Vet
John R. Dodge 1st Lt. November 18, 1861 Discharged March 20, 1863
Thomas J. Robinson 1st Lt. January 1, 1864 Promoted to 2d Lt., May 1, 1864; to 1st Lt., August 1, 1864; resigned December 4, 1864; Vet
Josiah J. Watkins 1st Lt. January 1, 1864 Promoted from 1st Sergeant to 2d Lt., August 2, 1864; to 1st Lt., February 1, 1865; discharged April 19, 1865; Vet
Adelbert Beaty 1st Lt. January, 1864 Promoted from 1st Sergeant, May 24, 1865; mustered out with company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Abraham Edwards 2d Lt. October 18, 1861 Promoted to Quartermaster; date unknown
James M. Gayetty 1st Lt. July 5, 1862 Discharged February 7, 1863
David P. Lamb 1st Lt. January 1, 1864 Promoted from Sergeant, May 24, 1865; mustered out with company, July 1, 1865; Vet.
Albert Benedict lst Sergeant January 1, 1864 Promoted from Sergeant, May 25, 1865; mustered out with company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Jacob Lyons Quarter Master Sergeant January 1, 1864 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Andrew Brown Commissary Sergeant January 1, 1864 Promoted from Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with company, July 1, 1865; Vet
James R. Downing Sergeant January 1, 1864 Promoted from Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with company, July 1, 1865; Vet
James Wilkins Sergeant September 29, 1862 Promoted from Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with company, July 1, 1865; Vet
James M'Fadden Sergeant January 1, 1864 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Reese Clark Sergeant January 1, 1864 Promoted from Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with company, July 1, 1865; Vet
James Galbraith Sergeant January 1, 1864 Promoted from private, May 1, 1865; mustered out with company, July 1, 1865; Vet
John Crain Sergeant November 18, 1861 Captured; died at Andersonville, Ga., March 28, 1864; grave, 7,209, burial record, August 29, 1864
Alex. G. Wilkins Sergeant November 18, 1861 Mustered out, November 18, 1864; expiration of term
Charles Albaugh Sergeant January 1, 1864 Deserted February 18, 1865; Vet
David Ray Corporal January 1, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with company July 1, 1865; Vet
Wm. H. Gayetty Corporal March 30, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with company July 1, 1865; Vet
John P. Stover Corporal February 16, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with company July 1, 1865; Vet
Alfred L. Comb Corporal February 18, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with company July 1, 1865; Vet
Ham'n F. Bowman Corporal September 29, 1862 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with company July 1, 1865; Vet
Joseph G. Hall Corporal September 29, 1862 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with company July 1, 1865; Vet
Chas. W. M'Elray Corporal March 31, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with company July 1, 1865
John Jackson Corporal March 29, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with company July 1, 1865; Vet
Samuel Hatch Corporal November 18, 1861 Mustered out, November 18, 1864; expiration of term
Russell Lincoln Corporal November 18, 1861 Died at Annapolis, Md., December 5, 1864
Wilson Cathcart Corporal November 18, 1861 Captured; died May 28, 1864; burial record, Millen, Ga., section A, grave, 26
Ethan Stone Corporal January 1, 1864 Deserted April, 1864
Edgar Nyie Bugler April 16, 18641 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865./TD>
Daniel Hurstine Bugler January 1864 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Lewis Mitchell Black'h March 17, 1864 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
A. Bumgardner Farrier January 1, 1864 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865; Vet

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4th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company H (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private [[]] ?, PA ?
A. Bumgardner Private September 28, 1864 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Adams, Samuel S. Private February 24, 1865 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Anderson, John Private February 14, 1865 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Bates, Joseph Private March 7, 1864 Discharged by General Order, June 27, 1865
Brown, William F. Private March 29, 1864 Discharged by General Order, May 13, 1865
Black, John J. Private January 25, 1865 Discharged by General Order, August 16, 1865
Byers, Smith Private January 22, 1865 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Bush, Andrew H. Private January 15, 1865 Discharged by General Order, August 2, 1865
Brown, John Private November 18, 1861 Mustered out, November 18, 1864; expiration of term
Breing, Joseph Private March 31, 1864 Captured; died at Andersonville, Georgia, August 20, 1864; grave, 6,319
Bull, Francis Private November 18, 1861 Captured; died at Andersonviile, Georgia, March 29, 1864; grave, 228
Crodle, George N. Private January 1, 1864 Absent, sick, at muster out; Absent, sick, at muster out; Absent, sick, at muster out; Vet
Conner, Hiram Private September 6, 1864 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Conner, Matthew B. Private February 16, 1865 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Conner, John Q. A. Private February 16, 1865 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Conner, Hiram A. Private February 15, 1865 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Colman, David Private February 28, 1865 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Calaghan, William Private February 15, 1865 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Carner, Henry Private January 9, 1864 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Crider, Adam Private November 18, 1861 Mustered out, November 18, 1864; expiration of term
Collar, James Private January 1, 1864 Died at City Point, Va., October 28, 1864; Vet
Clark, Asa M. Private November 18, 1861 Mustered out, November 18, 1864; expiration of term
Clark, Robert P. Private March 29, 1864 Discharged by General Order, June 16, 1865
Copeland, Parcus Private November 18, 1861 Mustered out, November 18, 1864; expiration of term
Castle, Charles Private March 7, 1864 Not on muster; out roll
Dunmire, Daniel Private September 29, 1862 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Davis, William Private April 5, 1864 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Davis, George Private February 16, 1864 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Davis, John E. Private January 25, 1865 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Dunn, John M. Private February 15, 1865 Discharged by General Order, June 16, 1865
Durrin, Zenis N. Private February 15, 1865 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Dick, John S. Private February 15, 1865 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Duffield, Josiah Private February 22, 1865 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Duffriel, William Private October 25, 1864 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865
Dewoody, George Private November 18, 1861 Mustered out, November 18, 1864; expiration of term
Eastman, Asa Private ?? Mustered out, November 18, 1864; expiration of term
Fahnestock, C. H. Private February 15, 1865 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Graham, Wm. M. Private March 27, 1864 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Gates, George W. Private March 23, 1864 Absent, sick, at muster out
Gormly, James Private March 31, 1864 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Gardner, Samuel M. Private March 29, 1864 Absent, on detached service, at muster out
Gibson, Thomas S. Private March 30, 1864 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Grace, John F. Private January 4, 1864 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Gray, Calib Private February 15, 1865 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Grace, Freeman D. Private March 31, 1864 Died at Point Lookout, Md., September 11, 1864
Huey, Jackson P. Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Hall, William G. Private September 29, 1862 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Hughes, Patrick Private March 22, 1864 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Harris, John Private April 6, 1864 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Hibbs, Joseph Private February 14, 1865 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Hyser, Christopher Private February 16, 1865 Discharged by General Order, June 12, 1865
Hunsinger, A. E. Private February 22, 1865 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Hewett, Samuel Private February 22, 1865 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Henry, Rob't W. N. Private March 31, 1864 Captured June 11, 1864; died at Andersonville, Ga., August 29, ]864; grave, 6,302
Harris, Reese E. Private March 13, 1864 Killed at Farmville, Va., April 7, 1865
Hamilton, Hiram J. Private February 26, 1864 Not on muster; out roll
Johnson, William A. Private September 28, 1864 Discharged by General Order, June 16, 1865
Lindly. George W. Private December 30, 1863 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Miller, David L. Private September 29, 1862 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Michael, Cyrus Private March 9, 1864 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Miller.Charles Private October 25, 1864 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Megogany, Thos. H. Private February 21, 1865 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Milford, Hiram Private November 31, 1863 Missing in action, March 19, 1865
Monroe, Amos H. Private February 15, 1865 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Maloney, Isaac Private November 18, 1861 Mustered out, November 18, 1804; expiration of term
Meader, John F. Private March 29, 1864 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865
M'Ginley, John Private January 1, 1864 Missing in action, March 2, 1864; Vet
M'Cully, Milton M. Private January 1, 1864 Absent, sick, at muster out; Vet
M'Callister, John Private February 15, 1865 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
M'Millen, John Private March 22, 1864 Died at Alexandria, Va., July 24, 1864; burial record, July 10, 1864; grave, 2,368
M'Ardle, Philip H. Private May 29, 1864 Died at City Point, Va., September 28, 1864; buried in Cavalry Corps Cemetery; burial record, October 8, 1864
Piser, Jacob Private March 9, 1864 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Parker, Walter C. Private March 26, 1864 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Powell, James A. Private February 26, 1865 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Parker, Sylvester Private March 25, 1864 Not on muster; out roll
Quinlin, Richard Private February 21, 1865 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Riddle, John W. Private February 15, 1865 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Randol, Horatio Private November 18, 1861 Captured; died at Andersonville, Georgia, May 16, 1864; grave, 1,152
Robertson, Anth'y. Private November 18, 1861 Mustered out, November 18, 1864; expiration of term
Ruff, Charles H. Private February 14, 1865 Discharged by General Order, July 18, 1865
Ridgely, George H. Private February 16, 1865 Not on muster; out roll
Stephens, Frank Private April 16, 1864 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Scott, Alexander Private September 28, 1864 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Snodgrass, John J. Private February 14, 1865 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Stevenson, Nath'l N. Private February 15, 1865 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Stoops, Harvey V. Private March 23, 1864 Died August 6, 1864
Smith, George H. Private February 28, 1864 Accidentally killed, May 19, 1865
Sanford, Andrew Private November 18, 1861 Mustered out, November 18, 1804; expiration of term
Sanford, Charles S. Private November 18, 1861 Prisoner from October 12, 1863, to November 20, 1864; discharged January 31, 1865, to date November 24, 1864
Stevenson, Thomas Private November 18, 1861 Mustered out, November 18, 1804; expiration of term
Thropp, George Private Absent, sick, at muster out
Tripp, Charles Private November 18, 1861 Mustered out, November 18, 1864; expiration of term
Upton, John Private Absent, sick, at muster out
Varner, Wesley H. Private April 17, 1864 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Williams, John Private March 9, 1864 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Williams, Alexan'r. Private March 29, 1864 Absent, sick, at muster out
Winters, John Private March 31, 1864 Prisoner from December 10, 1864, to March 28, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 12, 1865
Whisner, Andrew Private April 6, 1864 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Whiteel, John Private February 14, 1865 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Woodley, Peter Private February 14, 1865 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865
Wood, James Private November 18, 1861 Mustered out, November 18, 1864; expiration of term
Walshaw, James Private April 6, 1864 Not on muster; out roll

Company I
  • This company was recruited primarily from greater Indiana and Venango counties

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4th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company I (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, PA ?
Charles E. Taylor Captain October 18, 1861 3 Resigned August 7, 1862
Robert L. Coltart Captain December 18, 1861 3 Promoted from Adjutant. December 20, 1862; resigned May 28, 1863
Francis M. Ervay Captain . October 7, 1861 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant to 2d Lt., January 1, 1863; to 1st Lt., February 21, 1864; to Captain, September, 1864; discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, February 7, 1865
Andrew, Nellis Captain January 1, 1864 3 Promoted from 1st Lt to Captain, March 8, 1865; to brevet Major, March 13, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Alexander Frazier 2d Lt. October 7, 1861 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant to 2d Lieutenant, February 21, 1863; commissioned 1st. Lieut., May 29, 1863, not mustered; mustered out, October 17, 1864; expiration of term
Joshua C. Preall 2d Lt. December 24, 1861 3 Resigned December 25, 1862
Albert J. Servey 2d Lt. January 1, 1864 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant, December 13, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
John B. Hogue 1st Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Commissioned 2d Lieut., May 29, 1863; 1st Lieut., October 18, 1864; not mustered; prisoner from July 30, 1864, to March 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Wm. H. Thompson Quarter Master Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Daniel W. Servey Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Henry Bender Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Robert King Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Isaac Burris Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
William S. Keller Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Absent, sick, at muster out; Vet
John T. Ewens Sergeant October 17, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 18, 1864; expiration of term
Cyrus S. Mark Sergeant October 17, 1861 3 Captured October 12, 1863; mustered out, February 1, 1865, to date November 25, 1864
Daniel E. Wise Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Killed in action, April 6, 1865; Vet
Parker Supher Corporal January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Harvey W. Jones Corporal January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
James Callen Corporal January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
James M. Bethune Corporal January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Homer C. Brown Corporal October 17, 1861 3 Discharged January 12, 1865
William Strite Corporal October 17, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 16, 1864; expiration of term
J. Keas, (or Rease,) Corporal January 4, 1864 3 Killed in action, April 6, 1865; Vet
Lewis M'Fadden Corporal October 17, 1861 3 Captured; died at Richmond, Va., March 22, 1864
Robert P. Shaw Bugler March 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Artemus Krimear Blacksmith January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
William B. Keener Farrier January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet

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4th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company H (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private [[]] ?, PA ?
Amon, William Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered ot with Company, July 1, 1865
Adams, Loyal Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Alter, Joseph A. Private October 17, 1861 3 Died at Giesboro'.?? D. C., August 23, 1864; buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
Aly, Jacob Private January 1, 1864 3 Killed at Saint Mary's Church, Virginia, June 29, 1864; Vet
Brown, Cortlant Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Belig, Crawford Private February 29, 1864 3 Absent, on detached service, at muster out
Bethune, Jacob H Private August 22, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Barkly, Richard Private August 26, 64 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Brown, Daniel J Private January 15, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, June 30, 1865
Bryant, William C. Private February 16, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Bronette, Joseph Private February 16, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1. 1865
Byers, Terrence C. Private October 17,1861 3 Mustered out, October 17, 1864; expiration of term
Byers, Lewis Private October 17,, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 17, 1864; expiration of term
Bernure, John. Private October 29, 1864 3 Killed at Trevilion Station, Va., June 11, 1864
Baney, George. Private October 17, 1861 3 Captured; died at Andersonville, Georgia, October 26, 1864, grave, 10,980
Baney, Isaac Private October 17, 1861 3 Captured; died at Andersonville, Georgia, October 26, 1864; grave, 11,528
Bromley, George Private October 17, 1861 3 Captured; died at Andersonville, Georgia, June 5, 1864; grave, 1.654
Culber, George Private March 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Criswell, William Private April 7, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Colburn, Thomas Private March 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Crain, Benjamin F. Private September 1, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Clark, John Private October 29, 1864 1 Absent, on detached service, at muster out
Cisco, Ephraim F. Private April 8, 1864 3 Died at City Point, Va., August 2, 1864; buried in Cavalry Corps Cemetery, Va.
Carnahan, James Private February 25, 1864 3 Killed in action, December 8, 1864
Davis, Silas Private January 1, 1864 1 Absent, sick, at muster out
Dill, William H Private February 26, 1864 3 Absent, on detached duty, at muster out
Davidson, James R. Private September 14, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Davis, Joseph E Private February 18, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Dougherty, Benj. Private February 17, 1865 1 Substitute; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Durning, Wm. H. Private 1861 3 Mustered out October 17, 1864; expiration of term
Eagan, Daniel Private February 14, 1865 1 Absent, sick, at muster out
Elder, Thomas M. Private March 9, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Freeby, Henry Private January 19, 1864 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Freeman, John E. Private February 16, 1865 1 Substitute; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Fleming, Wm. S. Private October 17, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 17, 1864, expiration of term
Flager, John Private January 1, 1864 3 Died at Washington, D. C., April 12, 1864; buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, Virginia, burial record: April 28, 1864; Vet
Foulk, Samuel R. Private February 26, 1864 3 Killed at Boydton Road, Va., October 27, 1864
Ghearing, George Private January 1, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, May 11, 1865; Vet
Gross, Lewis Private January 18, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, June 14, 1865
Gilmore, Ira B. Private March 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Gneedig, Willabed. Private February 20, 1865 1 Substitute; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Gormly, Isaac Private February 17, 1865 1 Substitute; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Gates, George W. Private March 22, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Grinneils, Jacob Private March 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Hoover, James Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Haller, Horace Private March 4, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Hoffman, Thos. B. Private February 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Hays, Thomas L. Private August 30, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Hasson, Marvin S. Private August 29, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, June 22, 1865
Hilands, Robert Private August 27, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Haines, George B. Private September 27, 1864 1 Absent on detached service at muster out
Harrison, William Private October 27, 1864 1 Absent. sick, at muster out
Hunter, Wiley H. Private March 17, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, September 27, 1864
Hart, Levi E. Private August 30, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, May 26, 1865
Johnston, Melvin A. Private August 21, 1864 1 Promoted to Serg't Major, June 15, 1865
James, Milton Private August 29, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Johnston, Wm. T. Private February 15, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Jennings, Jere'h C. Private February 16, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
James, Samuel Private August 22, 1864 1 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, May 20, 1865
James, Alexander Private October 17, 1861 3 Captured; died at Andersonville, Ga.-date unknown
Jones, Andrew P. Private January 1, 1864 3 Deserted March 24, 1865; Vet
Kelly, Peter D. Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Kinnear, George Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Kelly, Charles Private February 6, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
King, Truman J. Private March 15, 1864 3 Absent on detached duty at muster out
Kirtley, Robert Private April 12, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Lamberton, Jas F. Private February 16, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, July 5, 1865
Lupher, Gilbert Private August 30, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Legg, James Private April 12, 1864 3 Deserted-date unknown
Messner, Paul Private January 4, 1864 3 Prisoner from March 4, 1864, to April 21, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 19, 1865; Vet
Miller, William Private March 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Miller, Daniel Private March 28, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Murray, Daniel Private February 17, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Marshall, James Private February 17, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Mooney, William Private February 16, 1865 1 Substitute; mpstered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Miles, Lewis Private October 17, 1861 3 Captured; died at Andersonville, Ga.. June 3, 1864; grave, 1,586
M'Calmont, John L. Private February 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Clelland, Rob't G. Private February 26, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, June 24, 1865
M'Curdy, Marcus Private March 15, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Millen, James Private March 22, 1864 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
M'Cutcheon, Wm. Private October 17, 1861 3 Prisoner from October 12, 1863, to November 20, 1864; discharged February 24, 1865, to date November 25, 1864
Nellis, Jacob Private August 25, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Posey, James Private January 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Place, Richard Private April 12, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Porterfield, John W. Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Patterson, John W. Private February 18, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Regrgle, William Private March 4, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Reagle, John Private March 4, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Roberts, John Private September 13, 1863 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Randal, Josiah Private August 31, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Robertson, Thos J. Private February 17, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Reagle, Wilson Private March 17, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Reynolds, Wm. J Private October 17, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 17, 1864; expiration of term
Seely, Rufus P. Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Shaw, Alfred M. Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Scott, Josiah Private February 18, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Scott, Thomas O. Private February 18, 1865 1 Substitute; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Smith, Charles J. Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Smith, Michael Private February 18, 1865 1 Substitute; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865 -died at Lynchburg, Va., July 5, 1865
Smith, Jerry B. Private February 24, 1861 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Showalter, Frank Private April 12, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Stroup, Israel Private February 16, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
Stroup, Edward Private February 28, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Smith, Jacob Private March 17, 1864 3 Died August 20, 1864, at City Point, Va.; buried in Cavalry Corps Cemetery, Va.
Smale, Mark Private October 17, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 26, 1864; expiration of term
Thompson, Porter Private September 20, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, June 16, 1865
Thomas, Miller M. Private October 17, 1861 3 Prisoner from October 12, 1863, to April 21, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 2, 1865
Thomas, William Private February 17, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company. July 1, 1865
Tavlor, Isaac Private February 16, 1865 1 Substitute; mustered out with Company. July 1, 1865
Taylor, Wash. D. Private February 29, 1864 3 Died at City Point, Va., August 29, 1864
Thompson, Wm. Private March 25, 1864 3 Deserted February 21, 1865
Vorans, John. Private January 4, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Wallace, Samuel Private February 19, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
WVerrell, John. Private February 18, 1865 1 Substitute; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Watt, Andrew P. Private October 17, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 17, 1864, expiration of term
Watt, Thomas T. Private October 17, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 17, 1864, expiration of term
Wilson, Francis M Private October 17, 1861 3 Captured; released November 28, 1864; discharged January 9, 1865, to date November 28, 1864.
Yeates, George Private March 25, 1864 3 Absent, on detached service, at muster out

Company K
  • This company was recruited primarily from greater Indiana and Venango counties

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4th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company K (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, PA ?
William W. Shorts Captain October 18, 1861 Discharged October 31, 1862
Henry M. Hughes Captain October 18, 1861 Promoted from 1st Lt., November 1, 1862; mustered out, October 18, 1864, expiration of term
James R. Grant Captain November 1, 1862 Promoted from 1st Sergeant to 1st Lt.. March 1, 1863; to Captain, December 13, 1864; to Brevet Major, March 13, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
George W. Wise 1st Lt. January 1, 1864 Promoted from 2d Lieutenant, December 13, 1864; mustered out with Company. July 1, 1865; Vet
Robert J. Atwell 2d Lt. January 1, 1864 Promoted from 1st Sergeant to 2d Lt., December 13, 1864; to 1st Lt., Company A, March 8, 1865; Vet
John A. Velton 2d Lt. January 1, 1864 Promoted to 2d Lt., March 8, 1865; to Brevet Captain, March 13, 1865; died April 21, 1865, of wounds received April 6, 1865; buried in Cavalry Corps Cemetery, Va.; Vet
Joseph W. Russell 1st Sergeant January 1, 1864 Commissioned 2d Lt., April 13. 1865; not mustered; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
William C. Bigler Sergeant January 1, 1864 Promoted from Corporal, May 1, 1864; absent, wounded, at muster out; Vet
Solomon Funk Sergeant January 1, 1864 Promoted from Corporal, November 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
James M'Garvey Sergeant January 1, 1865 Promoted from Corporal, January 1, 1865; mustered out with Company July 1, 1865; Vet
Rich. M. Hoffman Sergeant January 1, 1864 Promoted from Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
John W. Baker Sergeant January 1, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Samuel B. Foster Sergeant January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
James F. Billingsley Sergeant January 1, 1864 Promoted from Corporal, March 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Levi Porter Sergeant October 18, 1861 Mustered out, October 18, 1864, expiration of term
Jas. E. M'Claske Sergeant October 18, 1861 Captured; died at Andersonville, Georgia, July 10, 1864; grave, 3.133
S. M. Lockard Sergeant January 1, 1864 Discharged May 29, 1865, for wounds received in action; Vet
Freeland Henderson Sergeant October 18, 1861 Died at Bristoe Station, Va., January 14, 1865; buried in National Cemetery, Arlington; block 2, section E, row 12, grave, 65
David R. P. Gates Corporal January 1, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
John H. M'Keelvey (Note:M'Kelvy. Submitted by Thomas Ronayne, Great-grandson) Corporal January 1, 1864 Prornoted to Corporal, November 1, 1865; wounded in action, February 7, 1865; absent, in hospital, at muster out; Vet
Wim. D. Downing Corporal January 1, 1864 Promoted to Corporal. November 1, 1865; wounded in action, December 8, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1864; Vet
Jacob Harlan Corporal September 29, 1862 Promoted to Corporal, January 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
William C. Eakin Corporal February 17, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1865; wounded in action, March 31, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 29, 1865
John T. Cous Corporal April 22, 1863 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Wesley B. Foster Corporal February 17, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Daniel Krister Corporal Jan 1, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
William C. Yard Corporal October 18, 1861 Mustered out, October 18, 1864, expiration of term
Donaldson. Graham Corporal October 18, 1861 Mustered out, October 18, 1864, expiration of term
John F. Brown Corporal October 18, 1861 Mustered out, October 18, 1864, expiration of term
Chas. A. Tibbins Corporal October 18, 1861 Prisoner from August 31, 1863, to March 15, 1864; died at Annapolis, Md., April 26, 1864
Ezekiah Baker Corporal January 1, 1864 Captured; died at Andersonville, Georgia, August 3, 1864; grave, 4,610; Vet
Nathaniel S. Boales Corporal September 29, 1862 Captured; died at Andersonville, Georgia, August 20, 1864; grave, 6.244
Warren M. Lockard Bugler January 1, 1864 Died at Philadelphia, Pa., November, 1864; Vet
Robert Shaw Blacksmith February 17, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Thomas Davis Farrier September 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
John A. Goucher Saddler September 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1. 1865
Daniel Shuler Saddler October 18, 1861 Captured August 31, 1863; died at Richmond, Virginia, March 4, 1864

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Michael, Thomas Private September 3, 1864 Killed at Hatcher's Run, Va., February 7, 1865
4th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company K (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private [[]] ?, PA ?
Atwell, Perry S. Private October 18, 1861 Mustered out, October 18, 1864, expiration of term
Bleakley, Joseph Private February 26, 1864 Deserted August 31, 1864; returned January 24, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Bleakley, William Private February 26, 1864 Absent, on detached service, at muster out
Bleakley, James Private February 18, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Boales, Fred k S. Private March 21, 1865 Musterec out with Company, July 1, 1865
Bigler, Martin Private October 18, 1861 Mustered out, October 18, 1864, expiration of term
Barnes, Oliver P. Private October 18, 1861 Mustered out, October 18, 1864, expiration of term
Burr, James T. Private October 18, 1861 Mustered out, October 18, 1864, expiration of term
Bigley, Alva W. Private February 26, 1864 Discharged by General Order, June 9, 1865
Baker, Alonzo S. Private October 18, 1861 Captured; died at Andersonville, Ga., April 6, 1864; burial record, Richmond, Virginia
Burns, James I. Private September 29, 1862 Captured; died at Andersonville, Georgia, February 2. 1864
Cramer, William Private January 1, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Crawford, Wallace W. Private February 26, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Cornelius, John M. Private February 17, 1864 Wounded in action, March 31, 1865; absent at muster out
Coonradt Gotleib Private October 18, 1861 Captured October 12, 1863; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Curry, Thomas L. Private September 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company. July 1, 1865
Cassiday, Walter Private October 18, 1861 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, January 31, 1864
Coast, Craft I. Private February 26, 1864 Discharged by General Order, May 26, 1865
Cary, Eri Private August 27, 1864 Died at City Point, Va., October 6, 1864
Donaldson, And'w J. Private March 31, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Duffey, Thomas Private March 4, 1864 Absent, sick. at muster out
Dodds, John R. Private September 3, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Dewoody, Thomas Private August 27, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Evans, Reese Private March 22, 1864 Not on muster-out roll
Foster, Martin B. Private February 17, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Foster, Ross C. Private October 18, 1861 Mustered out, October 18, 1864, expiration of term
Fether, Irwin C. Private October 18, 1861 Mustered out, October 18, 1864, expiration of term
Graham, William J. Private October 18., 1861 Mustered out, October 18, 1864, expiration of term
Gilmore, Brice Private September 3, 1864 Not on muster-out roll
Highfield, Henry Private February 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Highfield, Wesley Private February 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Hickman, Wm. J. Private February 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Hovis, Caleb G. Private March 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Hovis, George W Private March 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Hovis, Richard M. Private February 23, 1864 Absent, on detached service, at muster out
Henderson, Jacob Private September 3, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Hackett, William Private September 3, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Huberman, Charles Private February 4, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Highfield, John Private October 18, 1861 Mustered out, October 1, 1864; expiration of term
Harman, Emanuel Private October 18, 1861 Prisoner from October 12, 1863, to April 21, 1865; discharged by General Order, Juue 2, 1865
Harlem Henry Private August 27, 1864 Died at City Point, Virginia, October 8, 1864; buried in Cavalry Corps Cemetery
Harman, Henry Private September 29, 1862 Captured; died at Richmond, Va., March 19, 1864
Irwin, James Private February 16, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Irwin, David E. Private February 13, 1864 Not on muster-out roll
Jones, Albert M. Private February 17, 1864 Wounded in aIction, March 31, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 20, 1865
Jeffries, William H. Private February 16, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Johnson, Jos. B. W. Private February 20, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
James, Benjamin W. Private October 18, 1861 Prisoner from October 12, 1863, to November 26, 1864; discharged January 26, 1865 to date November 30. 1861
Jackson, John L. Private February 2, 1864 Not on muster-out roll
Koonce, George W. Private February 17, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Kim, George W. Private October 18, 1861 Mustered out, October 18, 1864, expiration of term
Latchaw, Isaac Private February 28, 1864 Absent, on detached service, at muster out
Latchaw, David Private October 18, 1861 Captured; died at Andersonville, Georgia, August 28, 1864; grave, 7,084
Lambert, Sidney Private October 18, 1861 Mustered out, October 18, 1864, expiration of term
Little, James Private September 24, 1862 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, September 16, 1864
Lytle, Robert. Private September 22, 1861 Not on muster-out roll
Montgomery, T. I. Private February 17, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Monyar, John H. Private February 26, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Montgomery, D. Private August 27, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Moyer, Harrison Private September 3, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Martin, Alexander Private September 24, 1862 Discharged by General Order, June 9. 1865
Moyer, Frederick Private March 1, 1864 Not on muster-out roll
M'Kain, Jonathan Private February 17, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Camant, John C. Private February 7, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Fadden, Perry Private October 18, 1861 Mustered out, October 18, 1864, expiration of term
M'Fadden, Charles Private October 18, 1861 Mustered out, October 18, 1864, expiration of term
M'Coy, John A. Private September 1, 1864 Promoted to Hospital Steward, November 1, 1864
M'Kelvey, William (Note:M'Kelvy. Submitted by Thomas Ronayne, Great-great-nephew) Private October 18, 1861 Captured August 31, 1863; died at Richmond, Virginia, February 19, 1864
M'Kain, Sullivan K. Private February 17, 1864 Died in Mercer county, Pa., March 16, 1865
M'Williaums, D. A. Private September 3, 1864 Died at Washington, D. C., March 17, 1865, of wounds received February 6, 1865
Nogler, John P. Private March 23, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Nogler, Peter Private March 25, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Ogelsby, John Private October 18, 1861 Mustered out, October 18, 1864, expiration of term
Osburne, Samruel R. Private September 24, 1862 Captured; died at Andersonville, Georgia, April 7, 1864; grave, 414
Perry, John L. Private January 1, 1864 Wounded in action, March 31, 1865; discharged by General Order, July 14, 1865; Vet
Phipps, Andrew J. Private February 17, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Pope, Harrison Private February 13, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Pope, Welling'n W. Private February 29, 1864 Died at City Point, Va., October 10, 1864; buried in Cavalry Corps Cemetery, Va.
Richards, George C. Private February 17, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Rock. Thomas Private September 1, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Russell, Samuel R. Private August 16, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Rysor, David H. Private October 18, 1861 Prisoner from October 12, 1863, to November 20, 1864; discharged January 16, 1865, to date November 24, 1864
Richards, Wash'n. Private February 17, 1864 Died at Washington, D. C., June 27, 1864; buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
Sankey, Patterson Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Shuler, Absalom Private January 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Stover, Benjamin Private February 19, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Shorts, Robert Private February 26, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Sutton, John G. Private February 26, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Sutton, William C. Private February 29, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Shorts, Abram W. Private September 3, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Strawhacker, M. Private September 1, 1863 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Sarver, Jesse Private September 3, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Sarver, Robert S.. Private September 3, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Say, John P. Private October 18, 1861 Captured; died at Andersonville, Georgia, June 17, 1864; grave, 2,126
Swetzer, Wilson Private October 18, 1861 Mustered out, October 18, 1864, expiration of term
Shipps, Jackson Private February 17, 1864 Not on muster-out roll
Thompson, Alex'r Private February 16, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Thompson, James Private March 25, 1864 Not on muster-out roll
Varner, Lafayette B. Private February 26, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Varner, David H. Private February 13, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Varner, John Private February 13, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Walter, Richard M. Private February 26, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Wilson, John S. Private February 26, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
White, Clark Private February 17, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Weston, Samuel R. Private February 17, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Williams, Eli Private February 26, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Witherup, Alex'r. Private September 3, 1864 Wounded in action, March 31, 1865; discharged by General Order, September 7, 1865
Witherup, John Private September 3, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Witherup, David A. Private September 3, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Witherup, Thomas Private September 3, 1864 Absent, sick, at muster out
Wilson, Henry H. Private February 16, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Wise, Sharpless C. Private October 18, 1861 Prisoner from August 31, 1863, to March 15, 1864; discharged, date unknown
Woodling, John B. Private October 20, 1861 Mustered out, October 26, 1864, expiration of term
Weed, Albert V. Private September 29, 1862 Captured; died at Andersonville, Georgia, April 17, 1864 grave, 587
Walters, Peter Private February 26, 1864 Died June 22, 1864, of wounds received at Trevilian Station. Va., June 11, 1864; buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
Yard, Israel S. Private February 17, 1864 Discharged by General Order, May 24, 1865

Company L

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4th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company L (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, PA ?
Alender S. Duncan Captain November 1, 1861 3 Promoted to Major, May 1, 1864
Wm. B. Mays Captain September 6, 1861 3 Promoted from 1st Lt. to Captain, May 1, 1864; to Major, December 13, 1864
John P. Barre Captain August 17, 1862 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lieut., May 1, 1864; to Captain, December 13, 1864; to brevet Major, March 13, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Henry S. Bickel 1st Lt. January 1, 1864 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant, December 13, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
John B. Maitland 2d Lt. October 9, 1861 3 Promoted to Adjutant, October 17, 1862
George W. Wilson 2d Lt. January 1, 1864 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant to 2d Lt., December 13, 1864; to Captain, Company H, May 29, 1865; Vet
Abner J. Pryer 2d Lt. May 29, 1865 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant, May 29, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Henry H. Lusher 1st Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Promoted from Quarter Master Sergeant, May 29, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Chas. E. Nugent Corporal January 1, 1864 3 Promoted to 1st Lt., Company M, March 9, 1865; Vet
Francis W. Bowen Corporal January 1, 1864 3 Commissioned 2d Lt., May 18, 1863; not mustered; died at Washington, D. C., June 15, 1864, of wounds received in action, at Hawes' Shop, Va.
Andw'r J. Sollinger Quarter Master Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Jas. D. Troutner Quarter Master Sergeant November 1, 1861 3 Prisoner from July 16, 1863, to November 19, 1864; discharged November 24, 1864; expiration of term
John Donaldson Commissary Sergeant March 27, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Jona'n S. Roberts Sergeant February 12, 1864 3 Captured February 6, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Sylvester Brandon Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Samuel F. Karns Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Wm. G. Sheppard Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
John B. Snyder Sergeant January 1, 1864 3 Promoted from Corporal, May 29. 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Sylvester Porter Sergeant November 1, 1861 3 Captured; died at Andersonville, Ga., August 20, 1864; grave, 6,291
John Hughes Sergeant November 1, 1861 3 Prisoner from October 12, 1863, to November 27, 1864; discharged February 2, 1865, to date November 27, 1864
Augus's F. Loles Sergeant November 1, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 31, 1864; expiration of term
Peter J. Ritchey Corporal September 18, 1862 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Richard Conway Corporal January 1, 1864 3 Absent, sick, at muster out; Vet
George H. Porter Corporal September 18, 1862 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Rob't B. Crawford Corporal September 18, 1862 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Harvey Christy Corporal March 25, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Andrew J. Davis Corporal January 1, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 31, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Jonathan Gloss Corporal July 20, 1863 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 9, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
John Huston Corporal March 29, 1864 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 29, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Wm. A. Seaton Corporal November 1, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 31, 1864; expiration of term
Earl B. French Corporal November 1, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 31, 1864; expiration of term
Samuel N. King Corporal November 1, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 31, 1864; expiration of term
Jas. G. Hamilton Corporal November 1, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 31, 1864; expiration of term
John M. Hilbert Corporal November 1, 1861 3 Captured; released December 10, 1864; discharged January 13, 1865, to date December 10, 1864
Sol'n C. Hechathorn Corporal January 1, 1864 3 Killed at Dinwiddie C. H., Va., March 31, 1865
Alpheus Mays Corporal February 15, 1864 3 Died at Washington, D. C., January 20, 1865, of wounds received in action
Theo. J. Henderson Bugler January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Wm. J. Gibbons Bugler January 29, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, June 2, 1865
Daniel Sollinger Blacksmith January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Dominick Scott Blacksmith November 1, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 31, 1864; expiration of term
Andrew J. Turk Farrier September 18, 1862 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Jackson Hanly Farrier November 1, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 31, 1864; expiration of term

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4th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company L (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private [[]] ?, PA ?
Alters, Joseph A. Private February 7, 1864 3 Transferred to Company I, July 1, 1864
Anderson, John W. Private August 20, 1863 3 Captured; died at Salisbury, N. C., November 15, 1864; burial record, Andersonville, Georgia, August 7, 1864; grave, 4,973
Burgwin, Stephen Private March 2, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Burgwin, Edward Private September 3, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, June 24, 1865
Brandon, Thomas Private October 31, 1861 3 Missing in action, June 8, 1864
Bryer, James Private February 10, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Burns, Bernard Private February 20, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Bears, Isaac Private February 14, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Bickel, Samuel Private November 1, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 31, 1864; expiration of term
Bishop, William G. Private November 1, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 31, 1864; expiration of term
Brown, Daniel J. Private January 5, 1864 3 Transferred to Company I, July 1, 1864
Beatie, Frank W. Private August 18, 1862 3 Died at Washington, D. C., November 2, 1864; buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
Bates, Charles H. Private August 8, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Burns, Thomas Private August 5, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Cain, Robert Private March 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Coons, Albertus Private January 18, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Calighan. Wm. J. Private February 16, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Carney, George W. Private February 22, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Christy, Thomas M. Private March 23, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Colingwood, Clinton Private September 3, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Coop, Charles Private August 28, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Conver, Peter O. Private November 1, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 31, 1864; expiration of term
Carner, Andrew J. Private November 1, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 31, 1864; expiration of term
Carner, Eli Private January 1, 1864 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, May 1, 1865; Vet
Curry, Thomas L. Private September 1, 1864 3 Transferred to Company K, December 1, 1864
Curtis, Alexander Private August 27, 1864 1 Deserted March 24, 1865
Campbell, William Private February 29, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Davisson, David W. Private September 18, 1862 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Downing, And'w H. Private September 3, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Davis, Thomas Private February 17, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Drach. John Private February 14, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Dill, William H. Private February 26, 1864 3 Transferred to Company I, July 1, 1864
Eckelbarger, Jacob Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Estes, James Private January 5, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Estes, Liberty Private January 18, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Eckelbarger, John Private January 1, 1864 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 27, 1865
Fulton, James H. Private February 17, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Flowers, Franklin Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Ferdan, Daniel F. Private March 14, 1864 3 Absent, sick, at muster out
Frankhauser, Anth. Private February 16, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Fawler. Robert Private February 17, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Fogle, Barney Private February 14, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Freeborn M. Private November 1, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 31, 1864; expiration of term
Galley, John B. Private January 21, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Gardner, Cyrus Private March 3, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, June 1, 1865
Gilger, John W. Private February 13, 1864 1 Prisoner from February 6, to February 15, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Griffin, Garrett Private August 27, 1864 3 Deserted March 24, 1865
Gates, James Private August 10, 1864 3 Deserted March 24, 1865
Howell, David Private January 21, 1864 3 Deserted July 6, 1863; returned January 19, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Hughs, Simon P. Private February 4, 1865 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Hagan, John Private February 16, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Hoover, Frederick Private February 14, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Hyndinan, James Private February 17, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Holdridge, Sam'l E. Private November 1, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 31, 1864; expiration of term
Hutchinson, R. A. Private November 1, 1861 3 Captured October 12, 1863; discharged February 4, 1865
Jolly, Allen S. Private August 15, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Jones, James Private February 17, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Johnson, John Private May 7, 1862 3 Mustered out, May 7, 1865; expiration of term
Kellerman, John Private February 13, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Kerr, John Private September 3, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
King, Charles S. Private January 5, 1864 3 Died at City Point, Va., November 20, 1864; buried in Cavalry Corps Cemetery, Va.
Kelley, Michael Private May 20, 1864 3 Prisoner from July 3, 1864, to February 22, 1865; discharged by General Order, July 1, 1865
Louderbough, J. H. Private February 3, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Lusher, Jacob G. Private November 1, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 31, 1864; expiration of term
Maitland, John P. Private September 16, 1863 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Moore, George W. Private February 13, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865
Mays, Philander Private September 3, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Montgomery, John Private September 3, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Mossman, John S. Private February 16, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Miller, John Private February 18, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Morgan, Thomas Private February 17, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Manson, William Private November 1, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 31, 1864; expiration of term
Mays, Larimer Private September 1, 1864 1 Killed in action, December 1, 1864
Moore, William H. Private February 23, 1864 3 Died August 24, 1864; buried in National Cemetery, Antietam, section 26, lot E, grave, 538
Myers, James Private August 5, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
M'Cormick, John Private February 24, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Milen Private February 29, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Tiernan, John Private February 279, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Kain, Thomas Private April 6, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Kelvey, John Private September 18, 1862 3 Prisoner from October 12, 1863, to November 19, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Mullen, Joseph Private March 1, 1863 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, January 1, 1865
M'Curdy, Marcus Private March 15, 1864 3 Transferred to Company I, July 1, 1864
M'Millen, Andrew Private February 29, 1865 3 Killed in action, February 6, 1865
M'Coy, George W. Private January 1, 1864 3 Killed at Deep Bottom. Va., August 16, 1864; Vet
Neely, Henry Private September 3, 1864 1 Discharged by General Order, June 16, 1865
Nowider, William Private February 1, 1865 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1. 1865
Ochs, Henry Private October 31, 1861 3 Prisoner from October 12, 1863, to November 19, 1864; discharged, date unknown
Oldham, John Private March 7, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Payne, Samuel Private January 1, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Pryer, Samuel W. Private February 16, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Pryer, John F. Private March 31, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Pryer, William C. Private March 2, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Parker, Thomas A. Private May 13, 1863 3 Promoted to Regimental Saddler, January 1, 1865
Pryer, John W. Private September 7, 1863 3 Captured; died at Salisbury, N. C., November 1, 1864
Pike, Robert R. Private September 16, 1864 1 Killed at Dinwiddie C. H., Va., March 31, 1865
Russell, Octavius A. Private September 18, 1862 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Rollins, John P. Private January 21, 1864 3 Deserted February 24; returned April 29, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Roberts, John W. Private February 18, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Roberts, Joseph Private September 16, 1862 1 Absent, sick, at muster out
Rice, Edward Private March 31, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Reno, John W. Private February 22, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Ritter, John T. Private February 16, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Ruhe, William Private February 3, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Ryan, Patrick Private May 7, 1862 1 Mustered out, May 7, 1865, expiration of term
Reynolds, Sam C. Private February 22, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, May 13, 1865
Roberts, John Private September 13, 1863 3 Transferred to Company I, July 1, 1864
Soilinger, Wm. C. Private February 16, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Soilinger, James C. Private March 2, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Stroup, Adam Private September 16, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Sowers, Michael Private March 4, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Spencer, Eliel C. Private September 5, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Snyder, John M. Private February 16, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Steinbright, Jacob Private February 17, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Snyder, John Private September 29, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Smith, John S. Private February 17, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Stump, John Private November 1, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 31, 1864; expiration of term
Sipe, Jacob Private November 1, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 31, 1864; expiration of term
Stroup, Edward Private February 28, 1864 3 Transferred to Company I, July 1, 1864
Sheffer, George Private February 17, 1864 3 Discharged by General Order, June 13, 1865
Straub, Israel A. Private February 16, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Seibert, John Private August 8, 1864 3 Substitute; not on muster-out roll
Tenant, George Private February 17, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Taylor, Abraham S. Private November 1, 1861 3 Mustered out, October 31, 1864; expiration of term
Thorp, James Private March 14, 1864 3 Captured; died at Millen, Ga., date unknown; section B, grave, 153
Vosler, Joseph Private April 26, 1864 3 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Wentworth, Jer. D. Private September 29, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Walker, Samuel R. Private September 13, 1864 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Zimmerman, P. Private February 15, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Zimmerman, F. Private February 11, 1865 1 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865

Company M

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.

4th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company M (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, PA ?
Alfred Dart Captain October 30, 1861 Resigned December 4, 1862
Alfred Dart, Jr. Captain October 30., 1861 Promoted from 2d Lt., March 1, 1863; discharged September 19, 1864
John C. Harper Captain September 6, 1861 Promoted from 1st Lieutenant Company B to Captain, December 13, 1864; to brevet Major, March 13, 1865; killed at Hatcher's Run, Va., February 6, 1865
Samuel N. King Captain November 15, 1864 Promoted to 1st Lieut., January 8, 1865; to Captain, March 7, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Henry S. King 1st Lt. October 18, 1861 Promoted to Quartermaster, August 18, 1862
Duncan C. Phillips 1st Lt. September 9, 1862 Promoted to Captain Company F, November 21, 1863
Wm. R. Herring 1st Lt. October 30, 1861 Promoted from 1st Sergeant to 2d Lt., March 1, 1863; to 1st Lieut., May 20, 1864; discharged September 3, 1864
Charles E. Nugent 1st Lt. January 1, 1864 Promoted from 1st Sergeant Company L to 1st Lieutenant, March 9, 1865; to Brevet Captain, March 13, 1865; killed in action, March 31, 1865; Vet
Peter M. Burke 1st Lt. January 1, 1864 Promoted from Sergeant to 2d Lt., March 9, 1865; to 1st Lieut., June 3, 1865; mustered out with Company July 1, 1865
James Flanegan 1st Sergeant January 4, 1864 Absent, wounded, at muster out; Vet
John Poorman Quarter Master Sergeant January 4, 1864 Promoted from private, March 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Manger Dart Commissary Sergeant January 4, 1864 Promoted from private, March 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Geo. A. Thompson Sergeant January 4, 1864 Absent, wounded, at muster out; Vet
James R. Wright Sergeant February 26, 1864 Promoted to Sergeant, March 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Martin Gering Sergeant January 4, 1864 Promoted to Sergeant, March 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Fred'k L. Goches Sergeant January 4, 1864 Promoted to Sergeant, March 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Josiah Vandermark Sergeant March 26, 1864 Promoted to Sergeant, March 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Michael Heeky Sergeant October 13, 1861 Captured; died at Andersonville, Georgia, May 25, 1864; grave, 1,311
Chas. H. Sherwood Sergeant October 30, 1861 Captured; died at Andersonville, Georgia, June 7, 1864; grave, 2,121
John H. Mary Sergeant October 30, 1861 Mustered out, November 11, 1864, expiration of term
George W. Conrad Sergeant October 31, 1861 Prisoner from October 12, 1863, to November 21, 1864 discharged February ll, 1865, to date November 25, 1864
John W. Lake Corporal January 1, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Lawris J. Adams Corporal January 1, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
James C. Jenkins Corporal February 6, 1865 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Thos. Householder Corporal February 6, 1865 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
David Ulmer Corporal March 28, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1865; absent, wounded, at mustered out
David H. Lynch Corporal August 25, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Michael B. Conrad Corporal January 4, 1864 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
John Black, Jr. Corporal January 23, 1865 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
James Barton Corporal October 30, 1861 Captured; died at Andersonville, Georgia, August 1, 1864; grave, 4,494
Elisha Guard Corporal October 12, 1861 Captured; died at Andersonville, Georgia, August 17, 1864; grave, 6,006
Frederick Burge Bugler January 4, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Thomas Kelly Blacksmith January 4, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July, 1 865; Vet
Charles O. Ellis Farrier January 4, 1864 Absent, wounded, at muster out; Vet
George R. Taylor Saddler May 1, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865

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4th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Company M (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private [[]] ?, PA ?
Anderson, Joseph Private January 2, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Bobbs, Charles Private January 3, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Bronitte, Joseph Private February 3, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Burner, John Private February 7, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Behers, George Private February 21, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Braddock, John Private February 7, 1865 Discharged by General Order, July 8, 1865
Brown, Curtis Private February 7, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Beebe, Frederick Private September 17, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Beck, Gotlieb Private Private January 24, 1865 Discharged by General Order, May 26, 1865
Conrad, Loderick H Private January 4, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Conroe, Marshal C Private January 4, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Connoly, John Private February 3, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Clever, Martin G Private February 10, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Crosby, Charles Private February 17, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Cramar Edgar F Private October 13, 1861 Captured; died at Andersonville, Georgia, August 9, 1864; grave, 5,177
Davis, Harrison Private February 2, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Davis, Craddock Private February 3, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Dowden, Samuel M Private February 1, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Dresel Jacob Private May 28, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Deing, Lewis Private March 28, 1865 Discharged by General Order, May 25, 1865
Dickerson, Ezra Private April 5, 1864 Wounded in action-discharged by General Order, May 24, 1865
Donaldson, John Private February 8, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Dart, Clark R Private October 13, 1861 Captured; died at Andersonville, Ga., September 28, 1864
Einmert, Ferdinand Private February 17, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Eichelberger, W. A Private February 7, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Ertzman, Fred'k Private September 18, 1864 Died January 20, 1865, of wounds received in action; burial record, December 20, 1864, Nat. Cem. Arlington, Va.
Foster, John Private January 31, 1864 Absent, without leave, at muster out
Felton, Alexander Private August 19, 1862 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Fox, Patrick Private January 4, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Fisher, Conrad Private May 28, 1864 Missing in action, June 24, 1864
Fitzpatrick, Robert Private February 7, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Funiaock, Antone Private February 4, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Farror, Henry Private February 7, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Guard, Daniel Private January 4, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1,1865; Vet
Gable. Frederick Private March 31, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Graham, John Private February 3, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July, 1865
Gillen, Peter Private February 3, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Green, James Private February 7, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Green, Jacob Private February 7, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Hutchinson, Jno. M. Private February 3, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Hughes, Peter Private February 3, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Hagan, Barney Private January 2, 1862 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Haughtaling, S. Private October 18, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Hays, Robert D. Private February 7, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Halfhill, Calvin Private February 9, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Harrison, Casper Private February 3, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Harding, Elias J. Private October 30, 1861 Mustered out, November 3, 1864, expiration of term
Haan, James Private March 9, 1864 Discharged by General Order, May 30, 1865
Jones, William Private January 4, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865; Vet
Jones, John Private February 17, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Johnston, L. Private February 7, 1865 Not on muster-out roll
Kain, William Private February 17, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Little, Charles M. Private February 8, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Maxon, David Private March 30, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Martin, John Private October 30, 1861 Deserted May 8, 1862; returned May 10, 1864; mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Murrayv, Terrence Private February 7, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Meirs, James Private April 11, 1864 Died, date unknown
Maxon, Charles Private January 4, 1864 Missing in action at Saint Mary's Church, Virginia, June 24, 1864; Vet
Morse, Edward J. Private March 30, 1864 Discharged by General Order, May 9, 1865
Miles, Albert F. Private October 30, 1861 Mustered out, October 30, 1864, expiration of term
M'Murray, George Private February 3, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
M'Garvey, Thomas Private October 30, 1861 Died at Hilton Head, S. C., November 18, 1864
O'Conner, Domin'k. Private May 3, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Oxley, James Private February 3, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Potter, George Private January 4, 1865 Arrested by civil authority, March, 1864; Vet
Pattent, George Private May 31,64 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Patterson, James Private January 25, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Patterson, Francis Private February 3, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Philips, Geoge Private January 4, 1864 Died at Harrisburg, Pa., May 4, 1864; Vet
Saupple John G. Private January 24, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Sheppard Joseph P. Private February 6, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Smith, Thomas Private February 5, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Smith, John S. Private February 6, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Sherwin, William Private February 8, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Stouffer, David R. Private April 15, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Taylor Elisha M Private March 3, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Umliner, John C. Private March 3, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Uden, William A. Private February, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Vanerark, Silos Private March 30, 1864 Captured; died at Salisbury, N. C., November 2, 1864
White, John L. Private January 4, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Warner, Wm. W. Private November 28, 1864 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Walters, Jacob Private January 24, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Withner, Jacob Private February 4, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Winnans, Benj. Private February 7, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Wilson, George Private February 17, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Wilson, Benjamin Private February 2, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Wisemantle, Jos. Private February 2, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865
Winn, William Private February 15, 1865 Mustered out with Company, July 1, 1865


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4th Pennsylvania Cavalry / Unassigned Recruits (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Private [[]] ?, PA ?
Allen, John W. Private May 5, 1863 3 Not on muster-out roll
Ashley, Thomas Private March 10, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Allen, Thomas Private March 29, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Belding, Thayer Private June 15, 1863 3 Not on muster-out roll
Brown, Jerome April 3, 1862 Private 3 Not on muster-out roll
Butler, William H. Private May 26, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Barry, Michael. Private September 21, 1864 3 Substitute; not on muster-out roll
Bryan, James Private May 14, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Bartlette, Estus. Private June 6, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Bennet, David Private August 18, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Boston, William D. Private March 16, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Christ, William Private February 6, 1863 3 Not on muster-out roll
Clark, James Private March 24, 1864 3 Deserted March 27, 1864.
Canady, David Private March 24, 1864 3 Deserted March 27, 1864.
Currin, James Private March 2, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Clark, William Private August 15, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Dome, Frederick Private June 1, 1863 3 Not on muster-out roll
Dublin, John F. Private January 25, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Day, Robert C. Private February 8, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Daly, James Private June 8, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Dayton, Daniel Private February 11, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Donaldson, Thomas Private April 19, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Fraser, Robert B. Private May 13, 1863 3 Not on muster-out roll
Fairly, Thomas Private December 9, 1864 1 Died at Pittsburg, Pa., December 14, 1864; buried in Allegheny Cemetery, Pa.
Flareby, Thomas Private March 24, 1864 3 Deserted March 27, 1364.
Flick, George W. Private February 12, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Flynn, Patrick Private March 30, 1863 3 Not on muster-out roll
Fahnestock, Jerome Private July 10, 1863 3 Not on muster-out roll
Garcy, Jacob Private September 24, 1864 1 Substitute; not on muster-out roll
Gregory, Sanford Private April 23, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Gordon, Charles Private April 27, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Goble, Valentine Private February 14, 1865 1 Discharged by General Order, June 30, 1865.
Gill, George Private February 6, 1863 3 Not on muster-out roll
Harris, Henry Private April 10, 1863 3 Not on muster-out roll
Hatch, Harry A. Private December 5, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll.
Hicks, Francis Private September 24, 1864 3 Substitute; not on muster-out roll
Haney, William Private March 24, 1864 3 Deserted March 27, 1864.
Hendrick, James R. Private September 28, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Howe, John Private June 7, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Howard, George Private June 7, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Hall, James Private March 10, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Hickson, John Private May 26, 1864 3 Not on luster-out roll
Hoon, William Private August 24, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Hackney, Jacob Private February 29,'6 1 Not on muster-out roll
Irvin, Edward V. Private April 24, 1863 3 Not on muster-out roll
Kruspe, Charles Private February 16, 1865 Not on muster-out roll
Kelly, John Private Aug 9, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Kunkle, Daniel A. Private August 24, 1864 1 Substitute; not on muster-out roll
Lawler, John Private December 3, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Legore, William Private April 94, 1863 3 Not on muster-out roll
Lacroix, Alexander Private December 5, 61 3 Not on muster-out roll
Ladd, David B. Private September 2, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Leroy, William Private September 28, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Logan, William Private March 16, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Mullen, Henry J. Private March 30, 1863 3 Not on muster-out roll
Manning, John Private August 20, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Maxmiilian, H. C. Private Feb. 15, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Mullen, Patrick Private February 23, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Moloy, John Private June 7,64 3 Not on muster-out roll
Meyer, Peter Private April 12, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Mish, Simon C. Private May 26, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Mullen, Charles Private March 1, 1863 3 Not on muster-out roll
M'Laul. Alexander Private April 26, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
M'Clintock, Daniel Private September 14, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
M'Cune, Dennis Private June 6, 64 3 Not on muster-out roll
M'Call, William Private June 6, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
M'Millen, Daniel A. Private September 4, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
M'Crory, Peter Private June 12, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
M'Donald, And'w. Private August 5, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
M'Ginnis, Wm. J. Private December 3, 1861 3 Not on muster-out roll
Oburn, Jacob S. Private July 29, 1864 3 Substitute; not on muster-out roll
Payne, William Private April 12, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Rugh, Oliver P. Private August 2, 1864 2 Substitute; not on muster-out roll
Ross, Charles Private March 15, 1862 3 Deserted April 1, 1864
Sumney, John F. Private February 4, 1863 3 Not on muster-out roll
Shields, John April 24, 1863 Private 3 Not on muster-out roll
Schultz, William Private May 29, 1863 3 Not on muster-out roll
Sheted, John Private February 14, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Stewart, William Private February 2, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Smith, George N. Private 24, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Smith, James Private March 24, 1864 3 Deserted March 27, 1864.
Smith, Charles Private April 28, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Sanderson, B. C. W. Private June 30, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Schmidt, John K. Private March 26, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Thompson, John Private August 11, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Toole, Isaac Private August 16, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Toney, George E. Private August 4, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Venapes, Charles Private February 6, 1863 3 Not on muster-out roll
Vogle, Barney Private February 13, 1865 1 Not on muster-out roll
Walther, William Private February 22, 1865 1 Substitute; discharged by General Order, August 14, 1865.
Wager, Henry Private May 26, 1862 3 Not on muster-out roll
Wegernan, Joseph Private March 30, 1863 3 Not on muster-out roll
Ward, Edward C. Private March 12, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Wolf, James S. Private August 20, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Wilkins, Henry Private June 7, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Ward, Charles Private June 20, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Wilson, John A. Private March 29, 1864 3 Not on muster-out roll
Watson, William Private August 4, 1864 1 Not on muster-out roll
Zeialer, Charles Private March 30, 1863 3 Not on muster-out roll

Regiment Statistical Information

  • Regiment lost during service 9 Officers and 89 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 3 Officers and 257 Enlisted men by disease. Total 358.


  • The following pertinent personal papers are in the Institute's Manuscript Archive:
    • Fanzey, George - CWMiscColl (Apr 7, 1862)
    • Hamilton, Isabelle - CWMiscColl (Enlisted men's letters, Dec 3l, l86l-Jan 2l, l865)
    • Keller, William - CWTIColl (Sergeant's transcribedletters, Aug l0, l863-Jan 4, l865)
    • Lebanon Advertiser - HCWRTColl (Newspaper clippings, Apr 24, l86l; Aug 6, l862;Oct 8, l862; Jun l, l864; Aug 24, l864)
    • Logan, William P. - CWMiscColl (Enlisted man'sletters and papers, Nov l3, l862-Jul 26, l865)
    • Official Papers - C.O.W.NelsonColl (Companyrequisition, Aug l7, l86l)
    • Robinson, J.G. - CWTIColl (Bugler's transcribed diary, Jun 7, l863-Sep l5, l864)
    • Young, Samuel M.B. - Papers (Officer & general officer's papers and summary of service, 1861-1865)
  • Medal of Honor Recipients
      • Major and Assistant Adjutant General, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Mississippi. Entered service at: WilkesBarre, Pa. Birth: Luzerne County, Pa.
      • Citation: At Harpeth River, Tenn.,17 December 1864; at Selma, Ala., 2 April 1865. Obtained permission from the corps commander to advance upon the enemy's position with the 4th U.S. Cavalry, of which he was a lieutenant; led an attack upon a battery, dispersed the enemy, and captured the guns. At Selma, Ala.,charged, at the head of his regiment, into the second and last line of the enemy's works.
      • Date of Issue: 30 March 1898.
      • Sergeant, Company L, 4th Pennsylvania Cavalry.Entered service at: ------. Birth: ButlerCounty, Pa.
      • Citation: Capture of flag of 4th Virginia Cavalry (C.S.A.). At Appomattox Courthouse, Va., 9 April 1865.
      • Date of issue: 3 May 1865.
      • Private, Company L, 4th Pennsylvania Cavalry.Entered service at: Allegheny County Pa. Born: 14 September 1844, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County Pa.
      • Citation: At Stony Creek Station, Va., 1 December 1864.His horse having been shot from under him he voluntarily and on foot participated in the cavalry charge made upon one of the forts, conducting himself throughout with great personal bravery.
      • Date of issue: 16 February 1897.


  1. Not originally referenced on unit homepage
  2. Not originally listed on unit homepage


  • Bates, Samuel P. History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-1865. Wilmington, NC: Broadfoot, 1993. (Volume 3) (Pages 522-567)
  • A Brief History of the Fourth Pennsylvania Veteran Cavalry, Embracing Organization, Reunions....Pittsburgh, PA: Ewens & Eberle, 1891. 113 p. E527.6.4th.P4.
  • Doster, William E. A Brief History of the Fourth Pennsylvania Veteran Cavalry.... Hightstown, NJ: Longstreet House, 1997. 132 p. E527.6.4th.B75.
  • Doster, William E. A Brief History of the Fourth Pennsylvania Veteran Cavalry. Longstreet House, 1997. Reprint of 1891 edition.
  • ____. Lincoln and Episodes of War. NY: Putnam's, l9l5. 282 p. E60lD72.
  • Dyer, Frederick H. A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion. The Dyer Publishing Company (Des Moine, 1908). (Pages 758, 760, 761, 827, 828, 902, 903, 904, 905, 919, 921, 932, 933, 935, 936, 937, 939, 940, 941, 942, 1559)
  • Hyndman, William. History of a Cavalry Company: A Complete Record of Company "A," 4th Penn'a Cavalry.Hightstown, NJ: Longstreet House, 1997 reprint of 1872 ed. 236 p. E527.6.4th.H98.
  • Hyndman, William . History of a Cavalry Company: A Complete Record of Company A, 4th Pennsylvania . Longstreet House, 1997, Reprint of 1870 edition.
  • Pennsylvania. Gettysburg Battlefield Comm. Pennsylvania at Gettysburg: Ceremonies at the Dedication of the Monuments Erected by the Commonwealth.... Vol. 2. Hbg, PA: Wm S Ray, 1914. . pp. 836-42 (5 photocopied pages). E475.53P422v2. (Addresses delivered at the dedicationof the regimental monument and a photo of that monument at the GettysburgNational Military Park).
  • Rummel, George A. III. Gettysburg Cavalrymen: 4th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, Army of the Potomac, Cavalry Corps, 2nd Division, 3rd Brigade. Bridgeport, WV: By the Author, 2000. 28 p. E527.6.4th.R86.
  • Sauers, Richard A. Advance the Colors!: Pennsylvania Civil War Battle Flags. Vol. 2. Hbg, PA:Capitol Preservation Comm, 1991. pp. 180-81 (2 photocopied pages).E527.4S38.1987v1.(Brief unit history with emphasis on the regimental flags).
  • The PA Roots Archive includes images of individuals of this unit