William R. Calhoun

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William R. Calhoun was a Colonel in the Confederate States Army.


Service Record

December 26, 1860 - April 14, 1861: Operations in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina Dispatches
At the outbreak of the war, W.R. Calhoun was a Captain in the Provisional South Carolina Army

These dispatches were compiled with primary source materials from The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies (Chapter 1)


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(SC LtC) Roswell Ripley
To Calhoun: From Calhoun:
April 17, 1861 - Captain W.R. Calhoun to Lieutenant Colonel Roswell Ripley

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Report of Captain W.R. Calhoun, commanding Sumter battery, Fort Moultrie

April 17, 1861.

SIR: I have the honor to report concerning the bombardment of Fort Sumter on the 12th and 13th instants by the Sumter battery at Fort Moultrie.

The fire was opened at 4.30 by Lieutenants Rhett and Mitchell, from the second detachment of Company B, Battalion of Artillery. Lieutenants Wagner, Preston, and Sitgreaves, with the whole of Company A, manned the channel battery, to be ready to open fire in the event of the United States fleet attempting to relieve Fort Sumter, and Lieutenant C. W. Parker, with three detachments of Company D, manned the oblique battery.

The fire on Fort Sumter was kept up until 6 p.m., with satisfactory results, by detachments from Companies A, B, and D, arranged in reliefs, as was considered necessary or advisable. At 6 p.m. the fire from the Sumter battery ceased, and was resumed at 7 a m. on the 13th. The fire continued until the surrender of Fort Sumter, under the direction of Lieutenants Wagner, Rhett, Preston, Sitgreaves, Parker, and Mitchell, and Mr. F.D. Blake, aiding and volunteering as lieutenant. All officers and men discharged their duties gallantly and efficiently, and in manner never surpassed under similar circumstances.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Captain, &c.

Lieutenant Colonel R.S. RIPLEY,
Chief of Artillery.

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(SC Capt) Thomas Wagner

At the outbreak of the war, Thomas Wagner was a Captain in the Provisional South Carolina Army.

To Calhoun: From Calhoun:
April 18, 1861 - Captain Thomas Wagner to Captain W.R. Calhoun

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Report of Lieutenant Thomas M. Wagner, commanding channel battery

April 18, 1861.

SIR: I have the honor to report that on the signal for the attack on Fort Sumter on the morning of the 12th instant, at 4 1/2 o'clock, the company went to battery, every man present. Thirteen guns ont eh channel battery were manned; a detachment of six men were placed int he magazine, under Mr. Scanlon, and the hot-shot furnace put under Corporal Marshall, with four men. Eight detachments relieved Company B from Sumter battery from 9 o'clock to 11 and from 1 to 3 on Friday, and from 12 to the end of the firing on Saturday. Detachments from Company A were engaged during both days in supplying the hot shot for the guns. The officers were at Sumter battery during the whole engagement.

The conduct of both men and officers under me deserves the highest commendation. All behaved so well that it would be invidious to mention names. I beg to ask that the thanks of the officers of this command may be tendered to Mr. F. Blake, who volunteered to assist the officers in the arduous duties devolving upon them on account of the smallness of their numbers. The zeal, ability, and gallantry displayed by him deserve the highest commendation.

The men who were at the battery during the night of the 12th were exposed to a violent storm, but submitted with cheerfulness to all their hardships. During the whole engagement the channel battery was manned, ready for the fleet.

I have the honor to be, your obedient servant,

First Lieutenant Company A, Bat. Art., S.C.A.

Captain Company A, Bat. Art., S.C.A.

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(SC 2Lt) C. Parker
  • At the outbreak of the war, C. Parker was a 2nd Lieutenant in the Provisional South Carolina Army
To Calhoun: From Calhoun:
(?) - 2nd Lieutenant C.W. Parker to Captain W.R. Calhoun

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Reports of Lieutenant C.W. Parker, Company D, First Artillery, South Carolina Army

SIR: In accordance with orders received from Headquarters South Carolina Army, I have the honor to submit the annexed report of duty performed by the detachment of Company D under my command during the action of the 12th and 13th instants.

Hoping that the efficient, arduous, and willing services rendered by the men may merit your approbation, I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Second Lieutenant, Company D.

Captain W.R. CALHOUN,
Commanding Batteries at Fort Moultrie.

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Post-War Career

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