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January 23, 1861 - Major Robert Anderson to Adjutant-General Samuel Cooper

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Union Correspondence, etc.

No. 21.]
FORT SUMTER, S.C., January 23, 1861.
(Received A.G.O., January 27.)

Colonel S. COOPER,

COLONEL: I have the honor to send herewith a copy of the reply of the Hon. D. F. Jamison to my letter to him about supplies for this garrison and the removal of our women and children, and also a copy of my acknowledgment of the same. I am highly gratified at the courtesy and proper tone of this reply.

The storm which was raging yesterday has continued with unabated severity up to the present moment, and has put a stop to all outdoor work, both with the South Carolinians and ourselves. It is now raining and blowing so heavily and the bay is so rough that I shall not venture to send our boat to Fort Johnson for the mail. Should the storm abate so that I can send our letters off in time for the evening mail I shall send them over. I see by the Coast Survey map that Maffitt's and the Swash Channel are not the same. I was led into that Mistake by an old pilot, who told me that Maffitt's Channel was formerly called the Swash. I will thank you to be pleased, therefore, to erase the words "Swash or" in my letter to the honorable Secretary of War dated the 21 instant, and also to change the word "enfilade" into "defilade," where in the same letter I am describing the work which has been recently executed at Fort Moultrie.[1]

I am, colonel, very respectfully, &c.,

Major, First Artillery, Commanding.

[Inclosure No. 1.]

January 21, 1861 - President David Jamison to Major Robert Anderson

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Union Correspondence, etc.

Charleston, January 21, 1861.


SIR: In offering to permit you to purchase in this city, through the instrumentality of an officer of the State, such fresh supplies of provisions as you might need, his excellency the governor was influenced solely by considerations of courtesy; and if he had no other motive for refusing to any of your garrison free access to the city to procure such supplies, he would have been moved by prudential reasons for the safety of your people, in preventing a collision between them and our own citizens. As to the manner of procuring your supplies, his excellency is indifferent whether it is done by the officer referred to, or whether your market supplies are delivered to you at Fort Johnson by the butcher whom you say you have before employed. It is only insisted on that the supplies, if sent, shall be carried over in a boat under an officer of the State who takes to Fort Johnson your daily mails. His excellency desires me to say that he willingly accedes to your request as to the women and children in Fort Sumter, and that he will afford every facility in his power to enable you to remove them from the fort at any time and in any manner that will be most agreeable to them.

I am, sir, respectfully, yours,


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[Inclosure No. 2.]

January 22, 1861 - Major Robert Anderson to President David Jamison

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Union Correspondence, etc.

FORT SUMTER, S.C., January 22, 1861.

Executive Office, Department of War, Charleston:

SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of the 21st instant, and to express my gratification at its tenor. I shall direct my staff officer to write to the contractor in reference to his supplying us with beef, and will communicate with you as soon as the necessary preliminaries are arranged, in order that you may then, if you please, give the requisite instructions for carrying them into effect. Be pleased to express to his excellency the governor my thanks for the kind and prompt manner in which he gave his consent to the proposed transfer of the women and children of this garrison. As there are on Sullivan's Island the families of two of our non-commissioned officers, with their furniture, &c., and also a quantity of private property [including some musical instruments-not public property] belonging to this command, which the first commander of Fort Moultrie, Colonel De Saussure, sent me word he had collected and placed under lock and key, it will be necessary to permit the two non-commissioned officers to go to the island to assist in moving their families, &c. The lighter, it occurs to me, which will be needed to take the families to the steamer, had better go to the island for the property there before coming for the women and children here. As we are all very desirous of guarding against causing any unnecessary excitement, it will afford me great pleasure to have everything done in the most quiet way possible. I shall, consequently, cheerfully govern myself, as far as possible, by the views and wishes of his excellency in reference to this matter, and will be pleased to hear from you what they are. It is my wish, if the weather prove favorable, to ship the families in the Saturday steamer, or the first one after that day.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Major, First Artillery, Commanding.

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  1. These corrections made in the text.

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