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April 14, 1861 - Major D.R. Jones et al to Brigadier General G.T. Beauregard

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Joint reports of Major D.R. Jones, Assistant Adjutant-General, C. S. Army; and Colonel Charles Allston, jr., Commander H.T. Hartstene (C.S. Navy), and Messrs. William Porcher Miles and Roger A. Pryor, aides-de-camp

April 14, 1861.

GENERAL: In accordance with your order we have the honor to make the following report:

On Saturday, April 13, at about 7 o'clock p. m., we proceeded to Fort Sumter by your order to arrange finally the conditions of the evacuation. We presented your communication to Major Anderson, who, after perusing it, read it aloud to his officers, all of who, we believe, were present. The major expressed himself much gratified with the tenor of the communication and the generous terms agreed to by you. We inquired of Major Anderson when he desired to leave. He said as soon as possible, and suggested 9 o'clock the next morning. It was arranged that the Catawba or some other steamer should convey the major and his command either directly to New York or put them on board the United States fleet then lying outside the bar, according as one or the other plan might be agreed upon after a conference with the commander of the fleet. Major Anderson requested us to take Lieutenant Snyder down to the fleet for the purpose of arranging the matter. This Captain Hartstene undertook to do.

We have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servants,

Assistant Adjutant-General.


Brigadier-General BEAUREGARD,
Commanding Provisional Army, C.S.A.

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