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This template shows the roster for the 3rd Potomac Home Brigade Infantry (U) / Field and Staff Officers.

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3rd Potomac Home Brigade Infantry (U) / Regimental Field and Staff Officers
Rank Name City/Town Commission From Muster Date
Colonel [[]] ?, MD ? ?
Name Rank Date of Enlistment/Muster In Date of muster out or discharge Remarks
Stephen W. Downey Colonel. Sept. 12, 1861 Nov. 8, 1862 Entered the service as private; promoted First Lieutenant, January 1, 1862; First Lieutenant and Adjutant, January 26, 1862; Lieutenant-Colonel, March 1, 1862; Colonel, September 8, 1862; resigned, November 8, 1862.
Charles Gilpin Colonel. Jan. 30, 1862 Jan. 2, 1865 Entered the service as Captain Company D; promoted Lieutenant-Colonel, September 8, 1862; Colonel, April 14, 1864.
Henry C. Rizer Colonel. Sept. 16, 1861 May 29, 1865 Entered the service as First Lieutenant, Company C; promoted Captain Company C, March 1, 1862; Major, April 14, 1864; Lieutenant-Colonel, January 18, 1865; Colonel, May 6, 1865.
Crawford W. Shearer Lieut.-Col. Dec. 14, 1861 Sept. 4, 1864 Entered the service as Captain Company A, December 14, 1861; promoted Major, February 2, 1863; Lieutenant-Colonel, April 14, 1864; discharged for disability.
Michael Fallen Major. April 1, 1862 May 29, 1865 Entered the service as Captain Company D; promoted Major, January 1, 1865.
Chas. L. Grafflin Major. Sept. 2, 1862 Jan. 19, 1863 Major, September 2, 1862; resigned, January 19, 1863.
Frank A. Penney 1st Lieut. and Adjutant. Jan. 31, 1862 May 29, 1865 Entered the service as private; promoted First Sergeant; Sergeant-Major; First Lieutenant and Adjutant, April 22, 1865; veteran.
Nathaniel M. Ambrose 1st Lieut. and Adjutant. Oct. 21, 1861 May 29, 1865 See Roster, Company I.
James Shearer 1st Lieut. and Adjutant. Sept. 23, 1861 Jan. 2, 1865 Entered the service as First Sergeant Company A; promoted First Lieutenant and Adjutant, April 27, 1864; veteran.
Benjamin F. Cook 1st Lieut. and R. Q. M. Aug. 25, 1862 May 29, 1865 Entered the service as Quartermaster Sergeant; promoted First Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster, April 22, 1865.
John Matthews 1st Lieut. and R. Q. M. Mar. 13, 1862 Jan. 2, 1865
Chas. E. S. McKee Surgeon. Feb. 15, 1862 May 29, 1865 Brevet Lieutenant- Colonel, March 13, 1865, for faithful and efficient services.
Henry A. Inloes, Jr. Ass't Surg. Sept. 19, 1864 May 29, 1865
Henry C. Stewart Ass't Surg. April 17, 1862 Dec. 2, 1862
Jesse Bierbower Ass't Surg. Sept. 21, 1861 May 16, 1864 Entered the service as private Company H; promoted Assistant Surgeon, August 15, 1862.
Nathaniel M. Ambrose Sergt. Maj. Oct. 21, 1861 May 29, 1865 See Roster, Company I.
George W. Anders Sergt. Maj. Dec. 11, 1861 May 29, 1865 Veteran.
Bradford D. White Sergt. Maj. April 5, 1862 May 29, 1865 Enlisted as private Company I; promoted Sergeant- Major, April 22, 1862.
Frank A. Penny Sergt. Maj. Jan. 31, 1862 May 29, 1865 Veteran; see Roster, Field and Staff.
George W. Legge Com. Sergt. April 3, 1862 May 29, 1865
Julius T. C. Willman Com. Sergt. Dec. 6, 1861 Sept. 5, 1863 See Roster, Company H.
Allan V. Shepard Q. M. Sergt. Mar. 31, 1864 May 29, 1865 Enlisted as private Company E; promoted Corporal; Quartermaster Sergeant.
Benjamin F. Cook Q. M. Sergt. Aug. 25, 1862 May 29, 1865 See Roster, Field and Staff.
Gustavus Valois Q. M. Sergt. April 12, 1862 May 29, 1865 See Roster, Company A.
Franklin Jeffers Hos. Stew. Dec. 12, 1861 May 29, 1865 Enlisted as private Company F; promoted Hospital Steward; Second Lieutenant (not mustered), May 3, 1865; veteran.