1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry (U)

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Regimental History and Service Record

  • Also referred to (originally) as Cole's Cavalry Company
In Brief
  • Cole's Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry

Originally organized at Cole's (Co. "A"), Furey's (Co. "B"), Horner's (Co. "C") and Currie's (Co. "D"). Independent Cavalry Companies organized at Frederick, Md., August 10 to November 27, 1861. Served unattached, Dept. of West Virginia, to January, 1862. Lander's Division, Army of the Potomac, to March, 1862 (Cos. "A," "C" and "D"). Unattached, West Virginia, to August, 1862 (Co. "B"). Hatch's Cavalry Brigade, Banks' 5th Army Corps, and Dept. of the Shenandoah to June, 1862. Cavalry Brigade, 2nd Corps, Pope's Army of Virginia, to August, 1862, and participated in the following service: South Branch Bridge, W. Va., October 26, 1861 (Co. "B"); Hancock, Md., January 5-6, 1862 (Cos. "A," "C" and "D"); Bloomery Gap February 14. Advance on Winchester March 2-12. Martinsburg March 3. Bunker Hill March 5 (Co. "A").

Edenburg April I. Grass Lick, W. Va., April 23 (Co. "B"). Wardensville, W. Va., May 7 (Co. "B"). Charlestown May 28. Companies consolidated to a Battalion August 1, 1862, and designated Cole's Battalion, Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry. Attached to Railroad Brigade, 8th Army Corps, Middle Department, to September, 1862. Cavalry, 12th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to November, 1862. Defenses of Upper Potomac, 8th Army Corps, Middle Department, to March, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 8th Army Corps, to July, 1863. 2nd Brigade, Maryland Heights Division West Virginia, to December, 1863. Cavalry Brigade, 1st Division West Virginia, to April, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, West Virginia, to August, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Shenandoah, to October, 1864. Reserve Division, Harper's Ferry, W. Va., to January, 1865. 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division West Virginia, to February, 1865. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division West Virginia, to June, 1865.

SERVICE.--Leesburg, Va., September 2, 1862. Edwards' Ferry, Md., September 4. Monocacy Creek September 4. Reconnaissance to Lovettsville September 4. Maryland Heights and siege of Harper's Ferry September 12-14. Cut through enemy's lines September 14. Capture of Longstreet's train at Sharpsburg September 15. Hyattstown, Md., October 12. Charleston November 14,

Near Annandale October 22. Expedition from Charleston to New Market November 15-18. Mr. Jackson November 16. Ashby's Gap November--. Upperville December 10. Edenburg December 17. New Market December 18. Harrisonburg and Staunton December 21. Five points, Rectortown, January 1, 1864. Loudoun Heights January 10. Romney, Moorfield and Mechanicsville Gap February 4. Regiment reenlisted February 13, 1864. Upperville February 20. Veterans on furlough until April. Authority given to increase Battalion to a Regiment, and Companies "E," "F," "G," "H," "I," "K," "L" and "M" organized at Baltimore and Frederick February 9 to April 23, 1864. Sigel's Expedition from Martinsburg, W. Va., to New Market April 30-May 16. New Market May 13-15. Hunter's Expedition to Lynchburg May 26-July 1. Harrisonburg June 3. Piedmont June 5. Occupation of Staunton June 6. Tye River June 12. Lexington June 13. Buckhannon June 14. Lynchburg June 17-18. Catawba Mountains and near Salem June 21. Leetown and Shepardstown July 3 (Detachment).

Near Charlestown August 21-22. Antietam August 22. Williamsport August 26. Summit Point August 30. White Post September 3. Winchester September 19. Fisher's Hill September 22. Battle of Cedar Creek October 19. Duty In West Virginia operating against Moseby and guarding Baltimore & Ohio Railroad until June, 1865. Mustered out June 28, 1865.


COMPANIES A, C and D of this regiment were organized at Frederick City, Frederick County, and Company B at Cumberland, Md., from August 10, 1861, to November 27, 1861.

The original Company A was named "Cole's Cavalry," after its commanding officer, Captain Henry A. Cole, who was subsequently promoted Major, Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel, respectively.

The other original companies, viz., B, C and D, assumed the name of "Cole's Cavalry," and were so designated, officially, by the commanders of the armies with which they served, as well as their comrades in arms in other branches of the military service with whom they came in contact.

The four original companies, A, B, C and D, were consolidated into a battalion, and Captain Henry A. Cole was promoted Major and assigned to the command thereof.

The original companies, A, B, C and D, re-enlisted for the war in February, 1864, and authority was then given by the War Department to augment the battalion of four companies to a full regiment of twelve companies.

The remaining companies, viz., E, F, G, H, I, K, L and M, were recruited from all parts of Maryland, and organized at Frederick and Baltimore, Md., from February 9th to April 23, 1864, to serve three years.

On the expiration of the term of service of Companies A, B, G and D, the original members (except veterans) were mustered out.

Company D having been reduced below the minimum number in January, 1865, an independent company of cavalry that had been raised at Cumberland, Maryland, in the summer of 1864 by Captain Tappan W. Kelly was assigned to the regiment, and the remnants of Company D consolidated with them, this company being thereafter known as Company D.

The regiment, composed of veterans and recruits, was retained in service until June 28, 1865, when it was mustered out of the military service of the United States, in accordance with the orders of the War Department, by reason of the close of the Civil War.

The personnel of the Old Battalion included loyal Virginians and Pennsylvanians from the border land; nevertheless, they were almost exclusively from Western Maryland. They were farmers' and planters' sons, mainly, in good circumstances, who owned good horses, which they brought with them into the military service.

They were, in the main, young, unmarried men, intelligent, enthusiastic, accustomed to the use of firearms, of fine physique—in fact, the very best material for cavalrymen.

Their thorough knowledge of the topography of the country, which became, to a great extent, the seat of the war in Western Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia, rendered their services to the Union cause invaluable. During the four long years of war from 1861 to 1865, they were almost constantly in the saddle, and from Gettysburg, in Pennsylvania, to Lynchburg, on the James, in Virginia, they scouted and fought with untiring zeal.

Companies A, C and D occupied the left bank of the Potomac with the Union Armies in the winter of 1861-2, the Confederate forces occupying the right bank of the same river. Company B entered on active duty in West Virginia during the same period.


In the early part of January, 1862, General (Stonewall) Jackson, with a Confederate Army, made a rapid mid-winter march from Winchester, Va., to Hancock, Maryland, and endeavored to cross the Potomac river at that point. A portion of the old battalion received a flag of truce and summons to surrender, and they, with a small Union force under General Lander, gallantly and successfully defended the town and river crossings. The balance of the battalion arrived during the night of January 7, 1862, having marched long distances all night, on one of the coldest nights of mid-winter, over the mountains and through a pitiless snowstorm. The timely arrival also of other Union forces, including the First Maryland Infantry Regiment, checked Jackson's farther advance.

The Confederate Army soon retired to their winter quarters near Winchester, when a detachment of "Cole's Cavalry," under Lieutenant Vernon, crossed the Potomac and followed them up, to ascertain definitely their whereabouts, numbers, etc., and, although an effort was made by the Confederate Cavalry to capture this detachment on its return from Winchester, the skillful pilotage of comrades, who knew every road and bypath, enabled them to return safely, and inspired that confidence so useful to themselves and the army in subsequent movements.

On the second day of March, 1862, Cole's Battalion crossed the Potomac river at Williamsport with Williams' Brigade, of Banks' Division, and, as the advance guard, marched to Martinsburg, Va.

On the 5th day of March, 1862, the battalion had quite a lively skirmish at Bunker Hill, Va., with the enemy's cavalry, capturing a number of prisoners.

On the 7th day of March, the battalion had a cavalry fight between Bunker Hill and Winchester, Va., in which the enemy were finally driven from the field; Captain Cole's horse was killed under him, private Stull was killed, and privates Keedy and Staley wounded. This was the first bloodshed in the opening of the campaign of 1862 in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. This engagement demonstrated to the command their ability to successfully cope with equal and even superior forces of Confederate Cavalry, which, at the commencement of the Civil War, was considered superior to the Federal Cavalry, by reason of the fact that the people in the Southern States were more accustomed to horseback riding and the use of firearms.

General Williams, their Brigade Commander, who had already tested the scouting qualities of "Cole's Cavalry," deemed the engagement of sufficient importance to issue to them the following congratulatory epistle:

March 8, 1862 - A.S. Williams (Brigadier General) to H.A. Cole (Captain)


March 8, 1862. CAPT. H.A. COLE, Commanding Cavalry.

Captain: I take great pleasure in offering you and your command my thanks and congratulations on the good conduct and gallantry displayed in the affair of yesterday in advance of this town.

My staff officers who were with you speak in high terms of the cool and steady conduct of yourself and Lieutenant Vernon, and of all your non-commissioned officers and men. Be pleased to make known to your command my appreciation of their good services, and my regret that three of your brave fellows suffered wounds.

I am, Captain, with much respect,

Your obedient servant, (Signed) A.S. WILLIAMS,

Brigadier-General Commanding.

On the 11th day of March, 1862, the battalion, with the Brigade, had an engagement with the enemy at Stephenson's Depot. On the 12th day of March, 1862, the battalion, being the advance guard of Banks' Division, made a cavalry charge through Winchester, Va., capturing a number of prisoners.

On the 22d day of March, 1862, Companies A and C, with General Williams' Brigade, marched from Winchester to Berryville on their way to join McDowell's Army Corps in Eastern Virginia, leaving Companies B and D, with General Shields' Division, at Winchester.

General (Stonewall) Jackson, learning of the withdrawal of a portion of General Banks' command from Winchester, made a forced march and impetuous attack upon Shield's Division, but was defeated in the battle that ensued on the 22d day of March, 1862, in advance of Winchester at Kernstown. Companies B and D took part in the battle, and Companies A and C speedily returned to Winchester on hearing the guns from the battlefield and joined in the pursuit of the enemy.

The battalion remained in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia with General Banks' Division until September, 1862. After the unfortunate Peninsular Campaign under McClellan, and the ensuing campaign under General Pope, in Northern Virginia, the battalion, under Major Cole, in its efforts to impede the march of Lee's Confederate Army into Maryland, had a severe engagement, at Leesburg, Va., Septembers, 1862, in which the battalion, after driving a superior force of the enemy's cavalry, was overwhelmed by a Brigade of Confederate cavalry, and suffered heavily in killed, wounded and prisoners, inflicting, however, equal loss upon the enemy.

The battalion fell back to Harper's Ferry, Va., which stronghold was soon surrounded by an overwhelming force of the Confederate Army under Genera] (Stonewall) Jackson. When it was rumored that Harper's Ferry would be surrendered, "Cole's Cavalry," through their officers, respectfully but firmly advised Colonel Miles, U. S. Army, Acting Division Commander of the beleaguered garrison, "that under no circumstances would 'Cole's Cavalry' surrender," and offered to head and pilot the entire cavalry force of besieged in their efforts to cut their way through the enemy's lines.

The following order was accordingly issued:

September 14, 1862 - H.C. Reynolds (Lieutenant, Assistant Adjutant General) to H.A. Cole (Captain)


14th September, 1862. SPECIAL ORDER No. 120.

1. The cavalry force at this post, except detached orderlies, will make immediate preparations to leave here at 8 o'clock to-night without baggage, wagons, ambulances or lead horses, crossing the pontoon and taking the Sharpsburg road.

2. The senior officer, Colonel Voss, will assume command of the whole, which will form in the following order: the right at the Quartermaster's Office; the left up Shenandoah Street, without noise or loud command, viz., "Cole's Cavalry,"12th Illinois Cavalry, 8th New York Cavalry, Rhode Island Cavalry, 1st Maryland Cavalry. No other instructions can be given to the commander for his guidance than to force his way through the enemy's lines to our army.

(Signed) H.C. REYNOLDS,

Lieut. and A.A. Gen'l. By order of Colonel Miles.

"Cole's Cavalry" did head the cavalry force, which, at the appointed hour, promptly penetrated the enemy's lines, and, before the enemy could comprehend the nature of the movement, had passed beyond the lines of the besieging armies, but only to enter that part of General Lee's Army then at Sharpsburg. The Cavalry, however, pushed on through this force, and upon reaching the turnpike leading from Hagerstown to Williamsport, the column discovered the ammunition train of General Longstreet's Corps of Lee's Confederate Army moving southward, immediately captured a large part thereof and successfully defended it against all efforts at recapture.

Subsequent to the battle of Antietam, the Confederate Cavalry, under the command of General Jeb Stuart, made a raid around the Army of the Potomac, and boasted "that they did not lose a man" in their gallant exploit. "Cole's Cavalry," who, however, took up the pursuit, harassed them whenever practicable, and not only captured seven of their number, but promptly advised General Stoneman, commanding the Federal Cavalry Division, of the movements of the raiding party and the topography of the country and where they could be intercepted, whose cautious and deliberate movements alone prevented the capture or dispersal of the entire raiding party.

In November, 1862, "Cole's Cavalry" was assigned to the 12th Army Corps, under the immediate command of General Slocum, its corps commander, and as they were the only Cavalry with this corps, they were kept constantly in the saddle scouting and skirmishing.

On the 2d day of December, 1862, with General Geary's Division of the 12th Army Corps, "Cole's Cavalry" started out as the advance guard on a reconnaissance up the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. The battalion being the only cavalry with the Division, were constantly engaged during the movement in skirmishing with the enemy, more especially at Charlestown, Va., December 2, 1862; at Berryville, Va., December 3, 1862; at Winchester, Va., December 5, 1862.

When the 12th Army Corps marched into eastern Virginia, "Cole's Cavalry" was left in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. On the 20th day of December, 1862, a portion of the 12th Virginia Confederate Cavalry, under a certain Captain Baylor (who had achieved an unenviable notoriety by firing upon a flag of truce amongst his other exploits), concluded to wipe out of existence "Cole's Cavalry," and moved rapidly down the valley to surprise them; "Cole's Cavalry had, however, been promptly advised by their scouts of the movement, and Companies A and C, under Captain Vernon, leaving their pickets in position, moved around the left flank to the rear of the attacking column, and although outnumbered, charged them, capturing Captain Baylor and a large part of his command, driving them four miles. Captain Baylor was subsequently tried at Harper's Ferry, Va., for his life for violating the laws of civilized warfare.


On the 13th day of June, 1863, "Cole's Cavalry," in pursuit of a Confederate Cavalry detachment, ran into the advancing column of Rhodes' Division of the Confederate Army, who, after driving out a Brigade of Federal troops at Berryville, were on the march for the Martinsburg road, in the rear of General Milroy's Division. Scouts from the command were immediately sent through the enemy's lines to Winchester to apprise General Milroy of his peril.

After the Division of General Milroy had been overwhelmed by Lee's Army and a portion of it captured, the detachment, who had forced their way through the enemy's army, were protected in their retreat by "Cole's Cavalry" with great tenacity, who aided in the escape of large numbers of Milroy'S Division.

"Cole's Cavalry" then assumed the offensive, confronted and hung upon the flanks and rear of Lee's Confederate Army, then engaged in its campaign of invasion that culminated at the Battle of Gettysburg.

Whilst suffering severe losses themselves, nevertheless, by reason of their thorough knowledge of the country, traveling rapidly from point to point, they inflicted tenfold greater losses on the enemy, whilst drafts were made upon the command for couriers and guides for the advancing columns of the Army of the Potomac; the remainder of the command was constantly in the saddle.

The engagement at Berryville, Va., June 13, 1863; at Martinsburg, Va., June 11, 1863; at Williamsport, June 15, 1863; at Catoctin Creek, June 17, 1863; at Frederick, June 22, 1863; at Fountain Dale, Pa., and Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863; Emmittsburg, Md., July 5, 1863; at Harper's Ferry and Falling Waters, July 6, 1863, attested the good work of the command. They captured large numbers of the enemy; they captured the dispatch-bearer from General Lee to General E well "ordering a concentration of the Confederate Armies at Gettysburg," which was delivered into the hands of General Reynolds, who was killed in the first day's fight at the battle of Gettysburg.

They captured the enemy's supplies; they burnt Lee's pontoon bridge in the rear of his army; they interrupted his lines of communication—in fact, rendered splendid service during the memorable campaign.

After the Gettysburg campaign the battalion made strenuous and successful efforts to recruit their depleted ranks.

On the 14th day of September, 1863, the battalion succeeded in surprising and capturing, on Catoctin Mountain, near Leesburg, Va., nearly the entire command of a Confederate cavalry company who had been a source of annoyance to the Union Armies.

On the 18th day of October, 1863, the Confederate brigade of General Imboden surprised and captured at Charlestown, Va., the 9th Maryland Infantry. "Cole's Cavalry," who had previously apprised this command of the proximity of the enemy and of their liability to attack, promptly rushed to the rescue with Minor's Indiana Battery, followed by the 34th Massachusetts Infantry and 10th Maryland Infantry. The battalion repeatedly charged the retreating columns of the enemy, who were compelled to stop, form line of battle, brigade front, and drive back the battalion, only to be again vigorously attacked in turn. Only at one time during the entire day did the infantry support reach the battlefield, when the enemy again retreated in haste with their prisoners.

"Cole's Cavalry" suffered severely this day in killed and wounded.

In December, 1863, Cole's Cavalry formed a part of the raiding column who were ordered to demonstrate down the Shenandoah Valley towards Staunton, whilst another co-operating column of cavalry passed on beyond their right flank to the James river and cut the railroad between Lynchburg, Va., and Bristol, Tennessee, to prevent reinforcements being sent from Lee's Army to reinforce Longstreet's Army, then besieging Knoxville, Tenn. During the fifteen days' midwinter raid, ' 'Cole's Cavalry" suffered severe loss, but rendered invaluable service during these successful movements.


On the 10th day of January, 1864, Cole's Battalion, whilst occupying an isolated camp on a spur of the Blue Ridge Mountains at Loudon Heights, Va., were attacked at midnight, on a bitter cold winter night, by Mosby's Guerrilla Battalion, augmented by volunteers from Lee's Army. With the firm conviction that they would make a rich capture, a most sanguinary battle ensued, principally a hand to hand fight, in which the battalion suffered severely in killed and wounded, but inflicted greater loss upon the enemy, whom they drove with confusion from the camp, then mounted and vigorously pursued the enemy.

This battle evoked the following order of congratulation from the General-in-Chief of the Armies of the United States, viz.:

January 20, 1864 - H.W. Halleck (General-in-Chief) to B.F. Kelly (Brigadier General)


WASHINGTON, D.C., January 20, 1864. Brig-General B. F. KELLY,


General: I have just received, through your headquarters, Major Henry A. Cole's report of the repulse of Mosby's attack upon his camp, on Loudon Heights, on the 10th inst.

Major Cole and his command, the Battalion of P. H. B. Cavalry, Maryland Volunteers, deserve high praise for their gallantry in repelling the rebel assault.

Very respectfully,

Your obedient servant, (Signed) H. W. HALLECK, General in-Chief.

In the latter part of January, 1864, the battalion pushed through Winchester to Romney and Moorfield, in Western Virginia, to assist in repelling a large raiding party of the enemy's cavalry.

On the 13th day of February, 1864, the battalion re-enlisted for the war, and was granted a thirty days' furlough. The battalion marched to Frederick, Md., where they received an ovation from the loyal people of Western Maryland. They were met at the outskirts of the city by the corporate authorities and a military escort, and, amidst the ringing of the church and fire bells, waving of flags and cheers of the people, conducted to the City Hall, where they were formally welcomed home by Justice Nelson, of the Supreme Court, and accorded a banquet.

After the expiration of the furlough of the veteran battalion, the command was recruited up to a full regiment of twelve companies. Whilst waiting for the proper mounting and equipment of the entire regiment, all of the mounted men both in the old battalion and new battalions were sent to the front. In the disastrous battles fought by General Sigel, at New Market, Va.,May 13th and 15th, 1862, "Cole's Cavalry" suffered heavily, when General Hunter assumed command of this army in the Shenandoah, and again advanced. All of "Cole's Cavalry" then mounted, joined him and participated in the splendid victory at the battle of Piedmont, Va., June 5, 1864, as well as the skirmishes at Tye River Gap, June 12, 1864, Lexington, June 13, Buchannon, June 14, and Lynchburg, Va., June 18, 1864.

The arrival of another army under General Early, at Lynchburg, compelled General Hunter's command to retreat from Lynchburg by .the Kanawha Valley. General Early's Confederate Army promptly moved up the Shenandoah Valley; in the mean time the balance of the regiment, still dismounted, moved out from Martinsburg with the column of troops who, at Leetown, Va., July 3, 1864, repulsed the advance guard of Early's army.

A detachment of the dismounted command was mounted and rendered good service to the Union armies during the raid into Maryland by Early's Army and his attempt to capture Washington, capturing men, provisions, etc.

After the battle of Monocacy, July 9, 1864, the repulse of Early's Army in front of Washington, July 12, 1864, and its pursuit by the 6th and 19th Army Corps, with the Army of West Virginia, "Cole's Cavalry" participated in the engagements that ensued, more especially at Ashby's Gap, Va., July 19, 1864.

"Cole's Cavalry" (mounted men) remained with the Army of West Virginia at Winchester, Va., after the 6th and 19th Army Corps returned towards Washington, where they were attacked by Early's army again, July 25, 1864, and compelled to retreat beyond the Potomac with this army.

"Cole's Cavalry" was attacked July 26, 1864, by a column of Confederates, who attempted to cross the Potomac River at that point, but promptly repulsed the enemy. After the burning of Chambersburg, Pa., in July, 1864, by a raiding party of Confederate Cavalry, "Cole's Cavalry" assisted in driving the enemy out of Maryland.

On the 5th day of August, 1864, a large part of General Early's Army, consisting of infantry, cavalry and artillery, again recrossed the Potomac river, near Sharpsburg, Md., and advanced through Sharpsburg toward the National turnpike, at Boonsboro.

The advance brigade of the column was met at Keedyville by the regiment, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Vernon, promptly and vigorously attacked and driven back beyond the Antietam, where they were checked by the artillery and infantry of the Confederate Army, who, in turn, compelled "Cole's Cavalry" to retreat slowly into the mountain gaps of the Blue Ridge Mountains; the enemy being satisfied with shelling the command, made no further attempt to dislodge the regiment. In this spirited engagement, lasting several hours, the command suffered severely in killed and wounded, but inflicted greater loss upon the enemy, and only retired before an overwhelming force.

The advance of General Sheridan's Army up the Shenandoah Valley, by the way of Harper's Ferry, caused Early's Army to retire to Winchester, Va.

The regiment was now assigned to Merritt's Cavalry Division of Torbert's Cavalry Corps, Army of the Shenandoah.

In the autumn of 1864, the armies of Sheridan and Early alternately advanced up and down the Shenandoah Valley, the cavalry corps, including "Cole's Cavalry," being almost constantly engaged, until Sheridan, by his brilliant battles at Opequan (Winchester), Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek, effectually destroyed Early's Confederate Army and compelled its remnants to retreat towards the James river.

A raiding party of the enemy's cavalry, under General Rosser, into Western Virginia, in the winter of 1864-5, necessitated the sending of "Cole's Cavalry" into West Virginia to protect that section, and the subsequent capture and burning of trains on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, in Western Virginia, by Mosby's Guerrillas, compelled the command to be assigned to duty in West Virginia during the remainder of the Civil War.


On the 28th day of June, 1865, "Cole's Cavalry" was mustered out of the military service of the United States, at Harper's Ferry, Va., by orders of the War Department, and, by reason of the close of war, proceeded thence to Baltimore, where the regiment was finally discharged.

"Cole's Cavalry," during its nearly four years of active, arduous service in scouting and raiding in Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and Pennsylvania, from Gettysburg, Pa., to Lynchburg, Va., from the Potomac river south to the James river, and west to the Kanawha and the Ohio river, marched over seven thousand (7000) miles.

The death list of "Cole's Cavalry" was as follows : Killed in battle, two (2) commissioned officers and forty-five (45) enlisted men; total forty-seven (47); died of wounds, in prison, etc., two (2) commissioned officers and one hundred and twenty (120) enlisted men; total, one hundred and twenty-two (122); or an aggregate death list of one hundred and sixty-nine (169).


"Cole's Cavalry" participated in the following skirmishes, engagements and battles during the Civil War, either by company, detachments, battalions or as a regiment, viz.:

  • South Branch Bridge, Va., October 26, 1861;
  • Hancock, Md., January 5 and 6, 1862;
  • Bloomery Gap, Va., February 14, 1862;
  • Martinsburg, Va., March 3, 1862 ;
  • Bunker Hill, Va'., March 5, 1862;
  • Stephenson's Depot, Va., March 7 and 8, 1862;
  • Winchester, Va., March 12, 1862;
  • Kernstown, Va., March 22 and 23, 1862 ;
  • Edinburg, Va., April 1, 1862;
  • Grass Lick, Va., April 23, 1862;
  • Wordensfield, Va., May 7, 1862;
  • Charlestown, Va., May 28, 1862 ;
  • Leesburg, Va., September 2, 1862 ;
  • Harper's Ferry, Va., September 13 and 14, 1862;
  • Sharpsburg, Md., September 15, 1862;
  • Hyattstown, Md., October 12, 1862;
  • Charlestown, Va., November 14, 1862;
  • Charlestown, Va., December 2, 1862;
  • Berryville, Va., December 3, 1862;
  • Winchester, Va., December 5, 1862;
  • Hall Town, Va., December 20, 1862;
  • Berryville, Va., June 13, 1863 ;
  • Martinsburg, Va,, June 14, 1863 ;
  • Williamsport, Md., June 15, 1863;
  • Catoctin Creek, June 17, 1863;
  • Sharpsburg, Md., July, 1863;
  • Fountain Dale, Pa., July 1, 1863;
  • Frederick, Md., June 22, 1863;
  • Gettysburg, Pa., July 1 to 3, 1863;
  • Emmitsburg, Md., July 5, 1863;
  • Falling Waters, July 6, 1863;
  • Harper's Ferry, July 6, 1863 ;
  • Catoctin Mountain, Va., September 14, 1863;
  • Snickersville, Leesburg, Rector's X Roads and Bloomfield, Va., September, 1863 ;
  • Upperville, Va., September 25, 1863 ;
  • Charlestown, Va., October 18, 1863;
  • Mt. Jackson, Va., November 17, 1863;
  • Woodstock and Ashby's Gap, November, 1863 ;
  • Upperville, Va., December 10, 1863 ;
  • Edinburg, Va., December 17, 1863 ;
  • New Market, Va., December 18, 1863;
  • Harrisonburg and Staunton, December 21, 1863;
  • Rectortown, January 1, 1864 ;
  • London Heights, Va., January 10, 1864 ;
  • Romney, Moorfield and Mechanicsville Gap, January, 1864;
  • New Market, Va., May 13 to 15, 1864;
  • Harrisonburg, Va., June 3, 1864;
  • Piedmont, Va., June 5, 1864;
  • Tye River Gap, June 12, 1864;
  • Lexington, Va., June 13, 1864;
  • Buchannon, Va., June 14, 1864;
  • Lynchburg, Va., June 15, 1864;
  • Salem, Va., June 21, 1864;
  • Leetown and Shepardstown, Va., July 3, 1864;
  • Frederick, Md., July 11, and 12, 1864;
  • Maryland Heights, Brownesville, Crampton's Gap and Herndon, July, 1864;
  • Purcelville, Va., July 16, 1864;
  • Snicker's Ferry, Va., July 18, 1864;
  • Ashby's Gap, Va., July 19, 1864;
  • Winchester, Va., July 19, 1864 ;
  • Kernstown (Winchester), July 23 and 24, 1864 ;
  • Snicker's Gap, July 25, 1864;
  • Falling Waters, July 26, 1864;
  • Hagerstown, July 29 and 30, 1864;
  • Keedysville and Antietam, Md., August 22, 1864;
  • Summit Point, Va., August 30, 1864;
  • White Post, Va., September 3, 1864;
  • Winchester, Va., September 19, 1864.

Regimental Roster

Field and Staff Officers

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Field and Staff Officers.

1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry (U) / Regimental Field and Staff Officers
Rank Name City/Town Commission From Muster Date
Colonel [[]] ?, MD ? ?
Name Rank Date of Enlistment/Muster In Date of muster out or discharge Remarks
Henry A Cole Colonel. Aug. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 Entered the service as Captain Company A, August 10, 1861; promoted Major, August 1, 1862; Lieutenant-Colonel; March 5, 1864; Colonel, April 20, 1864. During the siege of Harper's Ferry, Va., September, 1862, the commanding officer of the beleaguered garrison desiring to communicate with General McClellan and the Army of the Potomac, sent for Major Cole, and advised him of his wishes in the premises. Major Cole volunteered his services, passed through the enemy's lines, delivered the dispatch in person, and received the thanks of General McClellan.
George W. F. Vernon Lieut.-Col. Aug. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 Entered the service as Second Lieutenant Company A, August 10, 1861; promoted First Lieutenant, May 10, 1862; Captain, October 25, 1862; Major, March 7, 1864; Lieutenant-Colonel, April 20, 1864; severely wounded, January 10, 1864, at Loudon Heights, Va. ; left eye shot out in midnight attack by Mosby's guerrillas; from May to October, 1864, assigned temporarily to command Dismounted Cavalry Brigade, consisting of Cole's Cavalry, Maryland Volunteers, Twenty- Second Pennsylvania Cavalry, Twenty-First New York Cavalry; commanded the same in engagement at Leetown, Va. ; detached from his command and placed in charge of Provisional Brigade, consisting of battalions from Eighteenth Connecticut Infantry, Fourteenth West Virginia, Thirteenth Maryland Infantry, and One Hundred and Ninety-Fifth Pennsylvania Infantry, Department of West Virginia, from December, 1864, to March, 1865; mustered out with his regiment, June 28, 1865.
Alexander M. Flory Major. Aug. 24, 1861 Oct. 12, 1864 Entered the service as First Lieutenant Company B, August 24, 1861; promoted Major, April 20, 1864; discharged October 12, 1864.
J. Townsend Daniel Major. Mar. 19, 1864 June 28, 1865
Robert S. Mooney Major. Mar. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865 Entered the service as First Lieutenant Company I; promoted Major, April 20, 1864; mustered out, June 28, 1865.
Oliver A. Horner Major. Aug. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 Entered the service as private Company C, August 27, 1861; promoted Corporal, August 31, 1861; First Sergeant, June 10, 1862; Second Lieutenant, January 14, 1864; First Lieutenant and Adjutant, April 20, 1864; Major, February 1, 1865; detached from May 21 to June 18, 1864, at Camp Stonemen, D. C., as A. A. A. General to Colonel Cole, commanding a division of dismounted cavalry; detached from June 24 to July 7, 1864, as Ordnance Officer at Martinsburg, W. Va. ; detached from July 8 to July 14, 1864, as A. A. A. General to Colonel Harris, commanding Brigade of Infantry, Department of West Virginia; detached as Post Adjutant to Colonel Vernon at Hagerstown, Md., from July 22, to July 29, 1864; captured at Middletown, Md., July 6, 1864, whilst charging, with a small detachment, a brigade of Rebel cavalry, in order to gain time and give the army an opportunity to meet the advancing enemy; escaped same day; mustered out with regiment, June 28, 1865.
Oliver A. Horner 1st Lieut. and Adjutant. Aug. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 See Record as Major.
Charles Ostrelli 1st Lieut. and Adjutant. Mar. 19, 1864 June 28, 1865 Entered the service as private Company I; promoted Sergeant-Major, May 1, 1864; First Lieutenant,' Company E, December 30, 1864; Adjutant, February 1, 1865.
Hiram F. Winchester lst Lieut. and R. Q. M. Mar. 8, 1864June 28, 1865
Henry H. Vernon 1st Lieut. and R. C. S. April 24, 1864 Entered the service as First Lieutenant and Regimental Commissary of Subsistence, April 24, 1864; died, June 23, 1864, of disease contracted in service.
Samuel J. Maxwell lst Lieut. and R. C. S. Aug. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 Promoted from Sergeant, Company C, to Company Commissary Sergeant, January 1, 1863; veteran volunteer, February 13, 1864; promoted First Lieutenant and Regimental Commissary of Subsistence, July 7, 1864; taken prisoner, September 2, 1862; mustered out. June 28, 1865.
Walter R. Way Surgeon. Mar. 27, 1863 Aug. 18, 1865 Entered the service as Assistant Surgeon; promoted Surgeon, April 20, 1864; Assistant Surgeon, United States Volunteers, December 3, 1864; mustered out, August 18, 1865.
D. Wellington Onderdonk Surgeon. May 6, 1864 June 28, 1865 Entered the service as Assistant Surgeon; promoted Surgeon, January 23, 1863; mustered out, June 28, 1865.
John Mcllvain Assistant Surgeon. Feb. 20, 1864 June 28, 1865 Promoted from Hospital Stewart, May 17, 1865.
Charles Cole Chaplain. May 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
James McDonald Vet. Surg. Mar. 28, 1864 June 28, 1865
Charles L. R. Sumwalt Sergt. Maj. Mar. 28, 1864 June 28, 1865 Enlisted as private Company K; promoted Sergeant, September 1, 1864; Sergeant-Major, January 6, 1865.
Charles Ostrelli Sergt. Maj. Mar. 19, 1864 June 28, 1865 See Roster, Field and Staff.
Harvey G. Winter R. Q. M. Sergeant Nov. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 Enlisted as private Company D; promoted from Quartermaster Sergeant Company D, to Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant, May 1, 1864; veteran volunteer.
Job Rice R. Q. M. Aug. 10, 1861 Enlisted as First Sergeant, Company A; promoted Sergeant. Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant; accidentally killed, April 22, 1864.
William Nick Currens R. Com. Sergeant. Aug. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 Enlisted as private Company C; promoted Corporal, June 10, 1862; Sergeant, May 7, 1864; Regimental Commissary Sergeant, September 1, 1864; veteran volunteer.
Joseph D. Main Hos. Stew. Aug. 10, 1861 Aug. 19, 1864 Enlisted as private Company A; promoted Hospital Steward.
John Mcllvain Hos. Stew. Feb. 20, 1864 June 28, 1865 See Roster, Field and Staff.
James A. Scott Hos. Stew. Aug. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 Enlisted as private Company C; promoted Corporal, January 1, 1863; Hospital Steward, December 1, 1864; wounded, September 2, 1862, Leesburg, Va. ; taken prisoner, September 14, 1862; veteran volunteer.
A. M. Hunter Hos. Stew. Feb. 10, 1865 June 28, 1865
Chas. H. Barto Chief Trump'tr. Feb. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865 See Roster, Company K.
Charles S. Long Chief Trump'tr. Feb. 15, 1864 June 28, 1865 Enlisted as private Company F; promoted Chief Trumpeter, May 1, 1865.
Samuel T. Wolf Reg. Sad. Sergeant. Aug. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 Enlisted as Saddler, Company C; promoted Regimental Saddler Sergeant, November 1, 1864; taken prisoner, September 2, 1862; veteran.

Company A

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.

1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry (U) / Company A (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, MD ?
Henry A. Cole Captain. Aug. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 See Roster, Field and Staff.
George W. F. Vernon Captain. Aug. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 See Roster, Field and Staff.
Daniel Link Captain. Aug. 10, 1861 Jan. 23, 1865 Entered the service as private; promoted Sergeant; First Lieutenant, January 1, 1863; Captain, March 11, 1864; mustered out, January 23, 1865.
Franklin Hitchcock Captain. Nov. 2, 1862 June 28, 1865 Entered the service as private Company C; promoted Second Lieutenant, Company A, January 1, 1863; First Lieutenant, March 11, 1864; Captain, February 1, 1865; mustered out, June 28, 1865.
Richard W. Coomes 1st Lieut. Aug. 10, 1861 May 14, 1862
Charles W. Beatty 1st Lieut. Aug. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 Promoted from Farrier to Fifth Sergeant; Second Lieutenant, May 7, 1864; First Lieutenant, February 1, 1865; veteran volunteer; mustered out, June 28, 1865.
Lewis M. Zimmerman 2nd Lieut. Aug. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 See Roster, Company K.
Hanson T. C. Green 2nd Lieut. Aug. 10, 1861 Dec. 15, 1862 Entered the service as Sergeant Company A, August 10, 1861; promoted Second Lieutenant, May 10, 1862, for gallantry on the battlefield; wounded in action at Leesburg, Va., September 2, 1862; led the advance guard of the cavalry, who cut their way through the enemy's lines, September 14, 1862, at Harper's Ferry, Va.; resigned, December 15, 1862.
David E. Orrison 2nd Lieut. Aug. 12, 1863 June 28, 1865 Entered the service as private; promoted Commissary Sergeant; Second Lieutenant, February 1, 1865.

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.

1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry (U) / Company A (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Albaugh, Basil H. 1st Sergt. Aug. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran; wounded and taken prisoner, September 2, 1862, at Leesburg, Va.
Amos, Charles B. Private. Feb. 19, 1864 June 28, 1865
Apple, Julius C. Corporal. Aug. 10, 1861 Killed in action, September 2, 1862, at Leesburg, Va.
Ashermyer, Wm. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Aug. 19, 1864 Taken prisoner, September 2, 1862.
Atkinson, Wm. Private. Mar. 4, 1864 June 28, 1865
Angleberger, Thomas F. Bugler. July 30, 1863 June 28, 1865
Avey, Samuel Private. Sept. 17, 1864 May 25, 1865
Bedhamer, John Private. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Brown, George W. Private. May 14, 1864 June 28, 1865
Bechtol, John W. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 July 3, 1863
Beatty, Chas. W. Farrier. Aug. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Bishop, Chas. A. Sergeant. Aug. 10, 1861 Aug. 19, 1864 Taken prisoner, September 2, 1862.
Beeler, John C. Corporal. Aug. 10, 1861 Died September 13, 1863, of wounds received in action.
Barthelow, John H Private. Aug. 20, 1861 May 29, 1865 Transferred to Company F, First P. H. B. Infantry, August 1, 1862.
Betson, Joseph Private. Dec. 1, 1861 Taken prisoner, September 12, 1862, and January 1, 1864; died while a prisoner of war.
Brogunier, James Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Transferred to Company I, First P. H. B. Infantry, November 1, 1861.
Badeau, Edgar P. Private. July 24, 1863 Wounded, January 10, 1864, Loudon Heights, Va.; deserted, July 7, 1864.
Barrack, Brestley I Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Transferred to Company I, First P. H. B. Infantry, November 1, 1861.
Belding, Sam'l P. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Veteran; deserted, August 5, 1864.
Bable, Christian Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Transferred to Company I, First P. H. B. Infantry, August 1, 1862.
Burk, John Bugler. Aug. 10, 1861 Deserted.
Crim, John W. Farrier. Aug. 10, 1861 Aug. 19, 1864 Taken prisoner, June 18, 1863.
Cubitts, John M. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Taken prisoner, September 12, 1862, and May 15, 1864; died while a prisoner of war.
Carnes, David W. Teamster. Aug. 10, 1861 Aug. 19, 1864 Taken prisoner, September 2, 1862; wounded in action. January 10, 1864, Loudon Heights, Va.
Carmack, Valentine S. Private. Aug. 29, 1864 May 25, 1865
Caughlin, Peter J. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Aug. 19, 1864 Taken prisoner, September 12, 1862.
Cyrus, Wm. D. Corporal. Aug. 10, 1861 June , 1862 Dishonorably.
Cline, Frederick Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Aug. 10, 1864 Taken prisoner, September 12, 1862, and January ^, 1864.
Cyrus, Richard H. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Died, February, 1862.
Crawford, Joshua M. Private. July 13, 1862 May 25, 1865
Cline, Warren Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Transferred to Company I, First P. H. B. Infantry, August 1, 1862.
Crawford, Benjamin F. Private. Aug. 13, 1862 May 25, 1865
Crutzley, Milton C. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Transferred to Company I, First P. H. B. Infantry,
Clark, November 1, 1861. Jonathan T. Private. May 10, 1864 June 28, 1865
Crist, Henry Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Deserted.
Cook, Benjamin F. Private. May 10, 1864 June 28, 1865
Corbey, William Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Deserted, April 24, 1862.
Crouse, John A. Private. Aug. 12, 1863 Taken prisoner, January 1, 1864; died while a prisoner of war.
Crum, Wm. D. Teamster. Aug. 10, 1861 Deserted.
Cromwell, Arthur H Corporal. Aug. 10, 1863 June 28, 1865
Davis, Samuel G. Private. May 12, 1864 June 28, 1865
Dellett, John J. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran; taken prisoner, September 12, 1862, and June 18, 1863.
Disney, Aaron Private. June 23, 1864 June 28, 1865
Devilbiss, Isaac T. Sergeant. Aug. 10, 1861 Aug, 19, 1864 Taken prisoner, September 2, 1862.
Devilbiss, Charles V. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Died February, 1862.
Dern, Abraham Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Aug. 19, 1864 Taken prisoner, September 12, 1862, and June 18, 1863.
Dixon, Franklin A. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 July 17, 1865 Veteran; wounded, September 2, 1862, Leesburg, Va., and taken prisoner; wounded, July 24 1864. Winchester, Va.
Dillen, William Private. Aug. 1, 1862 Deserted.
Dickens, William Private. Sept. 9, 1864 May 25, 1865
Everly, Jeremiah Sergeant. Aug. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran; taken prisoner, September 2, 1862.
Edwards, John Sergeant. Feb. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Ealey, James Private. Aug. 10, 1861 — — — — Transferred to Company I, First P. H. B. Infantry, November 1, 1861.
Early, John W. Private. Nov. 18, 1862 June 28, 1865
Ely, James Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Sept. 8, 1864 Transferred to Company I, First P. H. B. Infantry.
Edwards, James Private. Aug. 5, 1863 Taken prisoner, January 1, 1864; died while a prisoner of war.
Echison John F. P. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Transferred to Company I, First P. H. B. Infantry, November 1, 1861.
Esworthy, Nathaniel Corporal. Aug. 10, 1861 Transferred to Company I, First P. H. B. Infantry, August 1, 1862.
Fogle, Henry Private. Aug. 11, 1863 June 28, 1865
Fosler, Charles Private. July 23, 1863 June 28, 1865 Wounded in action, December, 1863, Harrisonburg, Va.
Fogle, Solomon Private. Aug. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Fouch, Temple Private. Aug. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran; taken prisoner, September 2, 1862.
Fraily, John F. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran; taken prisoner, September 2, 1862, and June 18, 1863.
Fray, James L. Private. May 17, 1864 June 28, 1865
Font, Jacob Private. Mar. 17, 1864 June 28, 1865
Fry, Martin Private. July 4, 1863 June 28, 1865
Forsyth, Jas. M. Saddler. July 18, 1863 Deserted, September 12, 1864.
Farrow, Sam'l W. Private. Sept. 5, 1864 May 25, 1865
Fisher, Leonard Private. May 5, 1864 June 28, 1865
Freet, Jacob Private. Mar. 17, 1864 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, May 15, 1864.
Firestone, Martin L Corporal. Aug. 10, 1861 July 24, 1862 Promoted First Sergeant.
Grams, Franklin D Private. Aug. 12, 1863 June 28, 1865 Wounded in action near Winchester, Va., May 7, 1862, and Charlestown, Va., October 18, 1863.
Grant, John F. Private. May 2, 1864 June 28, 1865
Guy, Moses Private. May 10, 1864 June 28, 1865
Grams, Jonathan C. Corporal. Aug. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, September 2, 1862; wounded in action, October 18, 1863, Charlestown, Va.; veteran.
Gant, John F. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Died February, 1862.
Gannon, Edw. V. Sergeant. Aug. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 See Roster, Company E.
Green, Henson T. C. Sergeant. Aug. 10, 1861 Dec. 15, 1862 See Roster, Commissioned Officers.
Hall, Jos. J. 1st Sergt. Aug. 1, 1861 Killed in action, September 2, 1862, Leesburg, Va.
Hall, David D. Private. Aug. 1, 1861 Mar. 25, 1863 Taken prisoner, September, 1862; discharged for disability.
Holden, William Private. Sept. 9, 1864 May 25, 1865
Hall, Levi M. Corporal. Aug. 21, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Hall, John B. Sergeant. Aug. 10, 1861 Aug. 19, 1864 Wounded in action, September 2, 1862, Leesburg, Va.
Hargett, David Z. Private. Aug. 21, 1861 May 25, 1865 Veteran.
Hargett, Geo. B. Private. Aug. 21, 1862 May 25, 1865
Harris, Edw. V. Private. Nov. 5, 1861 Taken prisoner, September 2, 1862, and January 1, 1864; died while a prisoner of war.
Houck, David E. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Aug. 19, 1864 Veteran; taken prisoner, September 2, 1862.
Horine, Christopher Private. Aug. 1, 1862 June 16, 1865 Taken prisoner, June 18, 1863, and January 1, 1864, Rectortown, Va.
Hudson, John A. Sergeant. Aug. 10, 1861 Aug. 19, 1864 Taken prisoner, September 2, 1862; wounded in action, June, 1863.
Horner, Wm. H. Private. Aug. 10, 1863 June 28, 1865
Hanson. Walter Corporal. May 12, 1864 June 28, 1865
Harns, John Farrier. July 3, 1863 June 28, 1865
Hurst, John Private. June 18, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hunt, John Private. June 18, 1864 June 28, 1865
Harnes, William Private. Nov. 18, 1862 Deserted, June 2, 1865.
Hildebrand, John T. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 — — — — Transferred to Company F, First P. H. B. Infantry, August 1, 1862.
Hartsock, Jno. T. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Deserted.
Jacobs, Philip A. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Aug. 10, 1864 Taken prisoner, September 12, 1862.
Jones, David Private. July 17, 1863 Taken prisoner, January 1, 1864; died while a prisoner of war.
Kauffman, Martin L. Q. M. Sergt. Aug. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Kintz, Daniel Bugler. Aug. 10, 1861 Died November 20, 1863, while a prisoner of war.
Keedy, Walter H. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Aug. 19, 1864 Wounded in action, March 7, 1862, near Winchester, Va.; taken prisoner, September 2, 1862; wounded, October 18, 1863, Charlestown, Va.
Kelly, John A. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Aug. 19, 1864 Taken prisoner, September 12, 1862, and June 18, 1863.
Kellogg, Wm. Private. Aug. 12, 1862 No further record.
Kerns, John Farrier. July 3, 1863 Taken prisoner, July 29, 1864, and died September 12, 1864, Andersonville, Ga.
Kirby, William Private. Deserted.
Kellian, John Private. July 26, 1863 June 28, 1865 Wounded January 10, 1864, Loudon Heights, Va.
Koontz, Jas. H. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 — — — — Transferred to Company I, First P. H. B. Infantry, November 1, 1861.
Kregle, Jere. A. Private. Aug. 6, 1863 June 28, 1865 Wounded in action, January 10, 1864, Loudon Heights, Va.
Kreagle, Isaiah A. Private. Aug. 6, 1863 June 28, 1865
Kelly, John Private. Aug. 23, 1864 Deserted, May 18, 1865.
Keyser, Philip W. Private. Feb. 29, 1864 Died March 18, 1864.
Lease, George W. Q. M. Sergt. Aug. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran; see Roster, Company M.
Link, George Private. Aug. 10, 1861 June , 1862
Link, Daniel Sergeant. Aug. 10, 1861 Jan. 23, 1865 See Roster, Commissioned Officers.
Lewis, Wm. H. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Died March, 1862.
Link, David Corporal. Nov. 4, 1862 June 28, 1865
Leonhart, Jno. C. Bugler. Sept. 11, 1864 May 25, 1865
Lacoy, Alfred Private. Aug. 11, 1861 Taken prisoner, December 2, 1862; died while a prisoner of war.
Leonard, Geo. L. Private. May 3, 1864 June 28, 1865
Lancaster, John W. Private. May 13, 1864 June 28, 1865
McKnight, James T. Com. Sergt. Aug. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran; taken prisoner, September 2, 1862.
McDevitt, Jas. H. Corporal. Aug. 10, 1861 Aug. 19, 1864 Wounded in action, September 2, 1862, Leesburg, Va., and taken prisoner.
McMan, Thomas Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Deserted.
Miller, Henry Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Aug. 19, 1864 Taken prisoner, September 2, 1862, and July 5, 1863.
Murphy, Harvey A. Private. Dec. 18, 1861 Aug. 18, 1864 Taken prisoner, September 12, 1862.
Miller, John Private. July,27, 1863 June 28, 1865
Moore, Edw. W. Private. Aug. 21, 1863 Taken prisoner, January 1, 1864; died while a prisoner of war.
Main, Jos. D. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Aug. 19, 1864 See Roster, Non-Com. Staff.
Main, Geo. W. Private. Nov. 9, 1862 Returned to Battery A, November 25, 1863, as a deserter.
Main, Cornelius Private. Aug. 10, 1861 — — — — Transferred to Company F, First P. H. B. Infantry, August 1, 1862.
Myers, John Private. July 24, 1863 Deserted, June 27, 1864.
Manderfield, Henry A. Private. Nov. 1, 1862 Deserted.
Mathews. Cormenius A. Corporal. Aug. 10, 1861 Aug. 19, 1864 Taken prisoner, September 2, 1862, and June 18, 1863.
McCrone, Andrew Corporal. May 13, 1864 June 28, 1865
McLaughlin, Samuel C. Corporal. Feb. 22, 1864 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, July 19, 1864, Hillsboro, Va.
Morgan, John Private. Deserted, February 12, 1865.
Mitchell, i Lewis Private. Deserted,
New Brant, Geo. Private. Mar. 16, 1864 Died October 6, 1864, of disease contracted in service.
Null, Harvey T. Private. Aug. 10, 1863 Killed in action, January 10, 1864, Loudon Heights, Va.
Orrison, Logan 1st Sergt. Aug. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Orrison, David E. Com. Sergt. Aug. 12, 1863 June 28, 1865 See Roster, Commissioned Officers.
Pattengill, Henry Private. Nov. 10, 1862 Deserted.
Pearson, David O. Corporal. July 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Poole, Wm. H. Corporal. Aug. 10, 1861 — — — — Transferred to Company G, Eighth Maryland Volunteers, November, 1862.
Rice, Job 1st Sergt. Aug. 10, 1861 See Roster, Non-Com. Staff.
Roland, Henry H. Corporal. Feb. 20, 1862 Killed in action, October 18, 1863, near Charlestown, Va.
Routzahn, Alfred Private. Nov. 9, 1862 Returned to Battery A, First Maryland Light Artillery, November 25, 1863, as a deserter.
Robson, John Private. May 7, 1864 June 28, 1865
Reynolds, Charles J. Private. Mar. 22, 1864 June 9, 1865
Ridgeway, Richard Private. May 14, 1864 June 28, 1865
Regan, John Private. Aug. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company F.
Stansbury, Joseph H. Corporal. Aug. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Stottlemyer, Andrew J. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 Wounded and taken prisoner, September 2, 1862, Leesburg, Va. ; taken prisoner, June 18, 1863; veteran.
Schaffer, Joseph H. Private. Aug. 18, 1862 Taken prisoner, September 2, 1862, June, 1863, and January 1, 1864; died in Rebel prison at Richmond, Va.
Smith, George W. Private. Feb. 1, 1862 Feb. 10, 1865
Soper, Franklin S. Corporal. Aug. 10, 1861 June , 1863
Stone, Samuel Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Killed in action, January 10, 1864, Loudon Heights, Va.
Stott, James H. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Aug. 19, 1864 Taken prisoner, September 2, 1862, and June 18, 1863.
Speck, David Corporal. Nov. 4, 1862 June 28, 1865
Stull, Dennis Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Killed in action, March 7, 1862, near Winchester, Va.
Shilt, Samuel D. Private. Aug. 10, 1863 June 28, 1865
Silver, Geo. W. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 May 29, 1865 Transferred to Co. F, First P. H. B. Infantry, August 1, 1862.
Smith, Geo. S. Private. Feb. 1, 1862 Feb. 1. 1865
Smith, Martin Private. Nov. 9, 1862 June 28, 1865
Shaeffer, Charles Private. Sept. 11, 1862 May 12, 1865 Taken prisoner, July 30, 1864.
Snyder, George Private. May 11, 1864 June 28, 1865
Sweeney, Charles Private. Nov. 5, 1862 May 31, 1865 Taken prisoner, January 1, 1864, Rectortown, Va.
Smith, Frederick Private. Aug. 13, 1864 June 28, 1865
Smeltzer, Solomon S. Private. Aug. 15, 1864 June 28, 1865
Smelser, Upton W. Private. Oct. 6, 1862 June 28, 1865
Staley, Simon M. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Killed in action, January 10, 1864, Loudon Heights, Va.
Stone, Edward V. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Killed in action, January 10, 1864, Loudon Heights, Va.
Tinterman, Win. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran; wounded and taken prisoner, September 2, 1862.
Tall, Erasmus Corporal. Aug. 10, 1861 Aug. 19, 1864
Tolinger, George Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Aug. 19, 1864 Taken prisoner, September 12, 1862, and June 18, 1864.
Ullrich, Wm. F. Sergeant. Aug. 10, 1861 Veteran; deserted, July 5, 1864.
Virts, Jas. M. W. Sergeant. Aug. 10, 1861 Aug. 19, 1864 Taken prisoner, September 12, 1862.
Wachter, Thos. M. Corporal. Aug. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran; wounded in action, September 2, 1862, Leesburg, Va. ,
Washburn, David L. Corporal. Aug. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran; taken prisoner, September 12, 1862, and June 18, 1863.
Wheeler, Thomas Sergeant. Aug. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran; wounded and taken prisoner, September 2, 1862, Leesburg, Va.
Wilders, James Private. July 20, 1863 June 28, 1865
Wolf, William Private. Aug. 12, 1863 June 28, 1865
Webster, Wm. T. Sergeant. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Wachter, Calvin S. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Wounded in action, December 23, 1863; taken prisoner, January 1, 1864; died whilst a prisoner of war.
Wachter, Gideon R. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 Aug. 19, 1864
Watson, John W. Private. Oct. 18, 1861 Wounded and taken prisoner, September 2, 1862, and January 1, 1864; died whilst a prisoner of war
West, Jno. W. B. Corporal. Aug. 10, 1861 Died, July, 1863.
Whip, George C. Private. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Weaver, Peter Private. Aug. 23, 1864 May 25, 1865
Yeakle, Henry W. Private. Aug. 10, 1861 — — — — Transferred to Company D; Sixth Maryland Volunteers, November, 1862.
Yaste, Chas. M. Sergeant. Aug. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Young, George Private. July 18, 1863 Died January 1, 1864, of wounds received in action.
Zeigler, Jas. R. Private. Sept. 17, 1864 May 31, 1865
Zeigler, Geo. F. Private. Sept. 17, 1864 May 25, 1865
Zimmerman, Lewis M. Sergeant. Aug. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran; see roster, Co. K.

Company B

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.

1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry (U) / Company B (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, MD ?
William Firey Captain. Aug. 24, 1861 May 30, 1864 Dismissed the service.
Jonathan L. Rivers Captain. Aug. 30, 1861 June 28, 1865 Entered the service as private; promoted Q. M. Sergeant; Second Lieutenant, September 12, 1863; Captain, November 23, 1864; wounded in action, January 10, 1864.
Alex. M. Flory 1st Lieut. Aug. 24, 1861 Oct. 12, 1864 See Roster, Field and Staff.
Frank Burr 1st Lieut. Nov. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865 Entered the service as private, Co. M, Seventh Michigan Cavalry; promoted, First Lieutenant, Nov. 23, 1864.
Jacob A. Metz 2nd Lieut. Aug. 24, 1861 Killed in action, June 15, 1863, near Williamsport, Md.
Charles W. Mann 2nd Lieut. Sept. 4, 1861 June 28, 1865 Entered the service as private, promoted Q. M. Sergeant, First Sergeant, Second Lieutenant, November 24, 1864; veteran volunteer; wounded in action; mustered out, June 28, 1865.

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.

1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry (U) / Company B (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Austin, Norburt H. Private. Sept. 12, 1863 June 28, 1865
Anderson, Robert Private. Oct. 8, 1864 May 31, 1865
Ault, William Corporal. July 14, 1862 May 25, 1865
Ardinger, Hamilton Private. Feb. 25, 1865 June 28, 1865
Anderson, Jacob Private. Aug. 24, 1861 Nov. 2, 1862 Disability.
Anderson, Wm. Private. Aug. 24, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864 Wounded in action.
Baltz, John Private. Aug. 24, 1861 Dec. 16, 1861 Disability.
Burger, Levi Private. April 22, 1863 June 28, 1865
Boggs, Harrison Corporal. Sept. 4, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Brennon, Joseph Private. Oct. 18, 1864 June 28, 1865
Berndt, Charles F. O. Private. Aug. 27, 1861 Transferred to Co. I, 12th Pa., Cavalry; deserted September 10, 1864.
Baker, Wm. H. Private. Oct. 2.2, 1864 June 28, 1865
Barnes, James Private. Oct. 15, 1864 May 24, 1865 Borne on War Department rolls as Banes.
Baine, James Private. Oct. 5, 1864 May 22, 1865
Benstine, Philip Saddler. April 28, 1862 April 28, 1865
Butts, Wm. H. H. Private. Aug. 24, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864 Wounded in action.
Bell, Philip M. Sergeant. Aug. 24, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864
Breish, Jacob F. Private. Aug. 24, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864 Wounded in action.
Boner, John H. Corporal. Aug. 24, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864 Taken prisoner.
Carpenter, Jeremiah Corporal. June 13, 1863 June 28, 1865
Cline, John Private. Oct. 15, 1864 June 28, 1865
Conden, Michael Private. Oct. 18, 1864 June 28, 1865
Carrigan, Roger Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Creager, Cornelius Private. Feb. 22, 1865 June 28, 1865
Cox, Frank Private. Oct. 5, 1864 June 28, 1865
Clark, Wm. H. H. Private. Aug. 24, 1864 Deserted.
Chase, John H. Bugler. Dec. 31, 1864 May 22, 1865
Corle, Henry Private. May 13, 1863 Deserted, June 3, 1865.
Cakerice, Michael Private. Aug. 24, 1861 Nov. 2, 1862 Disability.
Carpenter, Jonathan Private. Aug. 27, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864
Davis, Thomas H. Sergeant. Jan. 7, 1862 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Delaney, John H. Private. Oct. 10, 1864 June 28, 1865
Dennis, Jeremiah Private. Sept. 4, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran; wounded in action.
Dick, David Sergeant. Sept. 4, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Donaldson, Thos. Private. April 22, 1863 June 28, 1865
Dorsey, Thos. R. Private. Oct. 14, 1864 June 28, 1865
Delaney, Daniel Private. Sept. 19, 1864 Died June 5, 1865, of disease contracted in service.
Drake, Vinton Private. Aug. 30, 1861 Deserted, March 17, 1863.
Dicken, Thos. M. Bugler. May 7, 1864 June 28, 1865
Dougherty, Benjamin L Private. Aug. 24, 1861 Sept. 1, 1862 Disability.
Diehl, Reuben P. Private. Aug. 24, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864 Taken prisoner, January 1, 1864.
Ennis, John Private. Sept. 26, 1864 May 25, 1865
Eyre, Isaac P. Private. Sept. 2, 1861 Sept. 15., 1864 Wounded in action.
Every, Abraham Private. Aug. 30, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864
Elms, Robert Private. Aug. 24, 1861 Killed in action.
Folk, Jacob Private. Feb. 21, 1865 Deserted, April 5, 1865.
Filler, Benjamin F Corporal. Nov. 12, 1861 Dec. 1, 1864
Fuss, Gotleib Private. Aug. 24, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864 Wounded in action.
Fink, Michael Private. Sept. 3, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864
Gletner, Jas. D. Bugler. Sept. 4, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Goodman, John Farrier. Aug. 30, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864
Graybill, Henry Private. Aug. 28, 186 Sept. 15, 1864 Wounded in action.
Hall, James M. Corporal. April 22, 186 June 28, 1865
Heck, Jacob H. Private. Feb. 6, 186 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Hyson, Joseph Private. Oct. 4, 186 June 28, 1865
Hoeflich, Jno. F Saddler. Sept. 4, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Hammersla, Jos. Private. Feb. 23, 1865 June 28, 1865
Hughes, Jno. W. Private. Mar. 13, 1865 June 28, 1865
Hedges, Antony Private. Mar. 13, 1865 June 28, 1865
Hanney, James Corporal. Oct. 5, 1864 May 31, 1865
Holland, Daniel R Private. Aug. 24, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864 Taken prisoner.
Hoffman, Nicholas Private. Oct. 8, 1864 Deserted, March IB, 1865.
Hermansdorffer, Christian Private. Oct. 19, 1864 June 28, 1866
High, David B. Farrier. Aug. 24, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864
Hunter, Albert M. Private. Feb. 10, 1865 June 28, 1865 See Roster, N. C. Staff.
Heisner, Geo. W. Private. Sept. 1, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864 Wounded in action.
Holland, Jos. L. Corporal. Aug. 24, 1861 Taken prisoner, October, 1863; died of disease contracted in service.
Hager, John T. Private. Sept. 26, 1864 May 31, 1865
Johnson, William Sergeant. Sept. 4, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Jones, Jonas Private. Dec. 10, 1864 June 28, 1865
Jones, James J. Private. Sept. 24, 1862 May 25, 1865
Jackson, John Private. Aug. 24, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864
Jacques, William Private. Mar. 15, 1865 May 30, 1865 Disability.
Jack, John C. Private. Sept. 3, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864
Jack, Mathias W. Sergeant. Aug. 24, 1861 Sept. 15., 1864
Kahler, John J. Corporal. Oct. 9, 1864 June 28, 1865
Kane, Daniel Private. Oct. 5, 1864 June 28, 1865
Klotz, Joseph Private. Oct. 8, 1864 June 28, 1865
King, John Corporal. Oct. 10, 1864 June 28, 1865
Kershner, Jos. H. Private. Aug. 24, 1861 Mar. 30, 1863 Disability.
Kershner, Andrew J. 1st Sergt. Aug. 24, 1861 Mar. 30, 1863 Disability.
Kifer, David Com. Sergt. Sept. 15, 1862 May 25, 1865
Kretzer, George Private. Sept. 4, 1861 Jan. 3, 1862 Disability.
Kifer, Silas Sergeant. Sept. 5, 1862 May 25, 1865
Kime, Ephraim H. Private. Sept. 3, 1861 Deserted, December 13, 1862.
Kingston, Charles L. Private. Oct. 10, 1864 June 28, 1865
Kerns, John J. Sergeant. Aug. 24, 1861 Killed in action.
Koppisch, Charles E. H. Corporal. Aug. 4, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864 Taken prisoner, May 13, 1864.
Krafft, Andrew Private. Aug. 30, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864 Wounded in action.
Kerlin, Daniel Private. Sept. 1, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864 Taken prisoner. May 15, 1864.
Lincks, Henry Sergeant. Sept. 4, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Litton, Anthony Corporal. Sept. 4, 1861 June 28, 1863 Veteran.
Lowman, Geo. W. Corporal. Sept. 4, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Long, John Corporal. Oct. 17, 1864 June 28, 1865
Loy, Isaiah F. Corporal. Sept. 2, 1861 Sept. 17, 1862
Leonard, James Private. Oct. 15, 1864 June 28, 1865
Lust, August Private. Oct. 11, 1864 Deserted, October 20, 1864.
Linton, David R. Private. Sept. 1, 1863 Deserted, June 20, 1865.
Litton, Upton Private. Dec. 1, 1862 Sept. 15, 1864 Taken prisoner, June 18, 1863.
Mills, Samuel L. Q. M. Sergt. Sept. 4, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Miller, Wm. T. Private. Jan. 12, 1864 June 28, 1865
Miller, Daniel Private. Sept. 2, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864
Martin, Chas. A. Sad. Sergt. Sept. 4, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Murdy, Thomas Private. Aug. 27, 1864 June 17, 1865
McKinney, Jos. L. Private. Sept. 2, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864
McDicken, Thos. Bugler. May 7, 1864 June 28, 1866
Mayhew, Harvey Private. Sept. 2, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864 Taken prisoner.
Miller, John L. Private. Aug. 10, 1863 June 28, 1865
Munson, Jno. J. Wagoner. Aug. 24, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864
Murphy, Edward Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Myers, John W. Corporal. Aug. 24, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864
Meades, Jeremiah Private. Feb. 24, 1865 June 28, 1865
McAtee, Benjamin F. Private. Aug. 24, 1861 Nov. 23, 1861 Disability.
Medcalf, Thos. O. Q. M. Sergt. Aug. 24, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864
McDonnell, Isaac Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1866
Miller, John A. Private. Sept. 4, 1861 Died of disease contracted in service.
Myers, Walter S. Private. Aug. 24, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864 Taken prisoner, January 10, 1864.
Miller, Joseph Private. Sept. 4, 1861 Veteran; deserted, April 23, 1864.
McAtee, Thomas Private. Aug. 24, 1861 Mar. 18, 1862 Disability.
Moore, James D. Private. Sept. 3, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864 Taken prisoner, January 10, 1864.
McLucas, William Corporal. Sept. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran; wounded in action.
Newcomber, John Private. Oct. 7, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864 Taken prisoner, January 10, 1864.
Nicewander, Isaiah Private. Aug. 29, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864 Taken prisoner, January 10, 1864.
Prince, George E. Private. Oct. 6, 1864 June 11, 1865
Penner, Samuel Private. Dec. 30, 1864 June 28, 1865
Perrell, Reason Sergeant. Aug. 24, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864
Rine, E. H. Private. Aug. 24, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864
Rockwell, Jno. H. Private. Aug. 24, 1861 Killed in action.
Riser, William Private. Aug. 24, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864
Robinett, Mathias Corporal. Nov. 12, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Rivers, Samuel Farrier. Aug. 30, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864 Wounded in action.
Rotroff, David P. Private. Sept. 4, 1861 June 28, 1866 Veteran.
Ragor, James W. Private. Sept. 2, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864 Taken prisoner, June 15, 1864.
Silvester, Seward P. 1st Sergt. Oct. 14, 1864 June 28, 1865
Strode, S. R. T. Private. Sept. 1, 1861 Died of disease contracted in service.
Strode, Daniel Private. Sept. 1, 1861 No further record.
Schleigh, Chas. A. Bugler. Sept. 4, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Shadrach, Lancelot M. Private. Aug. 24, 1861 Died of disease contracted in service.
Smith, Adolphus W. Corporal. Sept. 4, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Socey, Abraham L. Bugler. Sept. 2, 1861 Killed in action.
Smith, Anthony Private. Oct. 8, 1864 June 28, 1865
Spitznas, Christian Private. Aug. 24, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864
Smith, John W. Private. Sept. 3, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864
Smith, Cyrus C. Private. Feb. 13, 1865 June 28, 1865
Smith, Harrison Private. Aug. 24, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864
Shank, Henry M. Private. Feb. 13, 1865 June 28, 1865
Smith, Lewis C. Private. Aug. 30, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864 Taken prisoner.
Shank, David L. Private. Feb. 13, 1865 June 28, 1865
Stine, William F. Corporal. Oct. 17, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864
Scully, William Corporal. Oct. 13, 1864 June 28, 1865
Stouffer, Jacob C. 1st Sergt. Aug. 24, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864 Wounded in action.
Smith, William Private. Oct. 19, 1864 Deserted, March 15, 1865.
Sofficool, Wm. S. Private. Aug. 21, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864
Sisler, Abraham Private. Oct. 22, 1864 June 22, 1865
Sofficool, Jos. W. Private. Aug. 24, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864 Taken prisoner, January 1, 1864.
Stephny, Wm. H. Corporal. Aug. 4, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864 Taken prisoner, June 18, 1863.
Stottlemeyer, Andrew J Private. Sept. 1, 1861 Deserted, August 24, 1862.
Turner, Adam Private. Aug. 24, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864 Taken prisoner, January 1, 1864.
Tingstrom, Wm. Private. Aug. 24, 1861 Absent in arrest, November 20, 1861.
Wiley, Harrison Private. Jan. 15, 1863 June 28, 1865
Weaver, George Private. Aug. 24, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864 Taken prisoner, January 10, 1864.
Wright, James Private. Oct. 15, 1864 June 28, 1865
Wolf, Hamilton Private. Aug. 24, 1861 Sept. 15, 1864 Taken prisoner, January 10, 1864.
Wright, William Private. Sept. 4, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Wolf, David H. Private. Sept. 3, 1861 Died November 24, 1864.
Wampler, Jno. W Private. Mar. 9, 1865 June 28, 1865
Wentz, William Private. Sept. 4, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran; taken prisoner, July 10, 1864.
Wiley, Jeremiah Private. Jan. 15, 1863 Killed in action.
Weaver, Wm. H. Private. Oct. 30, 1861 July 2, 1865 Veteran; wounded in action, January 10, 1864, Loudon Heights, Va., and June 18, 1864, Lynchburg, Va.
Zimmerman, Jno. Private. Oct. 6, 1864 Deserted, October 20, 1864.

Company C

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.

1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry (U) / Company C (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, MD ?
John Horner Captain. Aug. 27, 1861 June 10, 1862 Resigned.
Albert M. Hunter Captain. Sept. 1, 1861 Sept. 9, 1864 Entered the service as Bugler Company C; promoted Second Lieutenant, November 26, 1861; Captain, June 10, 1862; taken prisoner, September 2, 1862; mustered out, September 9, 1864.
Henry Buckingham Captain. Aug. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 Entered the service as private; promoted Corporal; Sergeant; Second Lieutenant, May 7, 1864; Captain, November 14, 1864; veteran.
John M. Annan 1st Lieut. Aug. 27, 1861 Killed, November 13, 1861, accidentally.
William A. Horner 1st Lieut. Aug. 27, 1861 Sept. 28, 1864 Entered the service as private; promoted First Sergeant; First Lieutenant, June 10, 1862; taken prisoner, September 14, 1862.
Oscar D. McMillan 1st Lieut. Aug. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 Entered the service as private; promoted Sergeant; First Sergeant; taken prisoner, September 2, 1862; promoted First Lieutenant, November 14, 1864; veteran.
Washington Morrison 1st Lieut. Aug. 27, 1861 June 10, 1862 Entered the service as Second Lieutenant; promoted First Lieutenant, November 26, 1861; resigned, June 10, 1862.
Oliver A. Horner 2nd Lieut. Aug. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 See Roster, Field and Staff.
William A. McIlhenny 2nd Lieut. Aug. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 Entered the service as private; promoted Corporal; Quartermaster Sergeant; wounded, October 18, 1863; promoted Second Lieutenant, November 14, 1864; mustered out, June 28, 1865; veteran.
Hiram S. McNair 2nd Lieut. Aug. 27, 1861 Jan. 2, 1864 Entered the service as private; promoted Sergeant; Second Lieutenant; resigned to accept promotion in Third Maryland Cavalry.

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.

1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry (U) / Company C (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Allen, Thomas W Private. Feb. 23, 1865 Deserted, 1865.
Arthur, Michael Private. May 12, 1864 June 28, 1865
Annan, Andrew A. Sergeant. Aug. 27, 1861 Aug. 27, 1864
Bowers, Samuel L. Private. Oct. 30, 1862 June 28, 1865
Boiler, John A. Private. Aug. 27, 1861 Nov. 1. 1862 Wounded in action.
Bennet, Jos. A. Wagoner. Sept. 4, 1861 July 22, 1862
Bush, James Private. Sept. 28, 1864 May 25. 1865
Beard, Geo. W. Private. Oct. 11, 1862 June 28, 1865
Bowers, Alexius Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Brett, John Private. Aug. 27, 1864 May 25, 1865
Brown, John Private. Oct. 7, 1862 June 28, 1865
Brady, John Farrier. Dec. 21, 1862 June 28, 1865
Bond, John F. Private. Feb. 11, 1863 Deserted, 1864.
Beard, F. Jesse Corporal. Nov. 4, 1862 June 28, 1865
Bond, Aquilla Private. June 22, 1864 Deserted, 1864.
Bostick, Samuel R. Com. Sergt. Oct. 19. 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Boynton, Joseph Private. June 29, 1864 Deserted, October 9, 1864.
Currens, Chas. C. Private. Aug. 14, 1862 May 25, 1865 Taken prisoner.
Cease, George Private. Sept. 4, 1861 Killed in action, September 2, 1862, Leesburg, Va.
Coble, Maxwell J 1st Bugler. Sept. 1, 1861 Taken prisoner, January 1, 1864; died December 1, 1864, Savannah, Ga.
Crooks, Robt. E. Private. Nov. 21, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Culbertson, Wm. Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Currens, Wm. N. Sergeant. Aug. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 see Roster, N. C. Staff.
Culbertson, John Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Culbertson, Samuel Private. Feb. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865
Crouse, Wm. A. Private. Aug. 27, 1861 Taken prisoner, May 1, 1864; died August 27, 1864, Andersonville, Ga.
Clifford, Albert Private. May 11, 1864 June 28, 1865
Crocker, James A. Private. May 12, 1864 June 28, 1865
Cassidy, James E. Private. Mar. 16, 1864 June 28, 1865
Coyle, John B. Private. Sept. 4, 1861 Deserted, January 1, 1862.
Dickerman, Rufus Q. Private. Sept. 28, 1864 May 25, 1865
Diehl, Martin Q. M. Sergt. Aug. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Dorsey, Chas. F. Teamster. Aug. 31, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Duphon, Thos. W. Private. Aug. 27, 1861 Died April 12, 1862.
Dunn, James Private. Feb. 23, 1865 June 28, 1865
Dunn, Peter Private. June 14, 1864 June 28, 1865
Davis, James F. Private. Feb. 23, 1865 June 28, 1865
Earnshaw, Alfred J. Bugler. May 2, 1864 June 28, 1865
Eyester, Geo. T. Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Flood, William Private. Oct. 11, 1862 May 27, 1864 Disability.
Fritchey, Alfred N. Private. Sept. 3, 1861 Sept. 3, 1864 Taken prisoner.
Fites, Theodore Private. Sept. 3, 1861 Taken prisoner, January 1, 1864; died December 10, 1864, Andersonville, Ga.
Flagle, Martin J. Private. Oct. 20, 1862 June 28, 1865 Wounded in action, August, 1864.
Flohr, Reuben A. Private. Sept. 4, 1861 Sept. 4, 1864
Fell, Joseph L. Private. Oct. 5, 1862 June 28, 18&5
Flagle, George Private. Mar. 8, 1863 June 28, 1865
Fraley, Thos. E. Private. Mar. 5, 1865 June 28, 1865
Fraley, Wm. A. Private. Oct. 30, 1862 June 28, 1865
Gilson, John E. Sergeant. Aug. 27, 1861 Taken prisoner, January 1, 1864; died August 17, 1864, Andersonville, Ga.
Grimes, James Private. Aug. 27, 1861 Aug. 27, 1864
Gelwicks, Jno. H. Private. Feb. 27, 1864 Taken prisoner, May 8, 1864; died December 2, 1864, Charleston, S. C.
Gillelan, Geo. L. Private. Aug. 27, 1861 Aug. 27, 1864 Wounded in action, September 2, 1862, and taken prisoner, Leesburg, Va.
Gettier, Henry Private. Sept. 6, 1861 Sept. 6, 1864
Gill, Wm. J. Private. May 19, 1864 June 28, 1865
Glosser, Peter Private. Nov. 1, 1862 June 28, 1865
Gilson, Charles A. Corporal. Aug. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Gelwicks, Jos. T. Private. Feb. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865
Gettier, John F1. Private. Aug. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Gelwicks, Geo. T. Corporal. Aug. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Gibbs, Francis S. Private. Feb. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865
Gibbs, George W. Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Gilson, Richard N. Private. Aug. 27, 1862 Died August 3, 1864, of wounds received in action.
Gibbs, James H. Bugler. Nov. 2, 1862 June 28, 1865
Gwinn, George W. Sergeant. Aug. 27, 1861 Deserted, September 1, 1863.
Huber, John M. Private. Sept. 4, 1863 June 27, 1862
Hollebaugh, John Z. Private. Aug. 27, 1861 Aug. 8, 1862
Hunter, Jno. J. J. Private. Aug. 27, 1862 May 25, 186
Howard, John Private. Sept. 7, 1864 Deserted, October 9, 1864.
Hizer, Louis Private. Sept. 12, 1861 Sept. 12, 1864
Hughes, Henry Private. Aug. 27, 1861 Deserted, November 1, 1862.
Horner, Silas McAllen Private. Nov. 6, 1862 June 28, 1865
Hartzel, Jacob Private. Aug. 27, 1861 Aug. 27, 1864
Hilleary, Henry C. Corporal. Sept. 10, 1861 Sept. 10, 1864
Hoke, Michael Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 186
Jacobs, George W. Private. Aug. 27, 1861 Aug. 29, 1864
Johnson, Jas. F. Private. Sept. 16, 1864 Dec. 13, 1864
Johnson, Oliver Corporal. Aug. 27, 1861 Deserted, June 1, 1863.
Jones, Wm. H. Private. Feb. 23, 1865 June 28, 1865
Knott, John E. Private. Aug. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Knox, William Private. May 7, 1864 June 28, 1865
Koontz, Noah Private. Oct. 24, 1862 June 28, 1865
King, Hiram Private. Sept. 5, 1861 Sept. 5, 1864
Kehn, Calvin D. Private. Sept. 3, 1861 Oct. 28, 1862
Longwell, David W. 1st Sergt. Aug. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Lott, Wm. H. Private. Aug. 27, 1861 Aug. 27, 1864
Maxell, Samuel J. Com. Sergt. Aug. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 See Roster, Field and Staff.
McKenzie, Wm. H. Private. Sept. 20, 1864 May 25, 1865
McNair, Samuel N. Corporal. Aug. 27, 1861 Jan. 7, 1865 Veteran; wounded in action, September 2, 1862; discharged for disability.
Merring, Edward W. Private. Sept. 3, 1861 June 28, 1865
Martin, John Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Maxell, Thadeus A. Private. Aug. 27, 1862 Killed in action, June 8, 1864.
Mentzer, John H. Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Maker, William O. Private. Oct. 24, 1862 June 28, 1865
McCullough, Jas. Private. Aug. 27, 1861 Taken prisoner, January 1, 1864; died August 4, 1864, Andersonville, Ga.
Munshowef, Jno. Private. Oct. 29, 1862 June 28, 1865
McKinney, Jos. F. Corporal. Aug. 28, 1862 May 25, 1865
Marrion, James Private. Oct. 30, 1864 June 28, 1865
McAllister, Theodore Sergeant. Aug. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran; taken prisoner, May, 1864.
McCullough, Edw. Private. Feb. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865
McFarland, William J. Private. Sept. 19, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
McCullough, Jno. Private. Nov. 1, 1862 June 28, 1865
McFarland, Augustus Private. Nov. 11, 1862 June 28, 1865
Myers, Jacob E. Private. Jan. 27, 1862 Jan. 27, 1865
Morrison, Lake B. Private. Aug. 27, 1861 Deserted, September 29, 1862.
Morritz, John M. Private. Aug. 31, 1861 Borne on War Department rolls as Moritz, John N.; died November 15, 1863.
Newman, Henry B. Private. Nov. 25, 1862 May 3, 1865
Nigh, John W. Private. Sept. 17, 1862 May 25, 1865
Plowman, Mosheim S. Corporal. Aug. 27, 1861 Aug. 27, 1864
Post, John W. Private. Sept. 14, 1864 May 25, 1865
Quinn, John Private. May 9, 1864 Deserted, October 9, 1864.
Reaver, Henry A. Corporal. Sept. 17, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran
Robinson, Samuel Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Robinson, Thomas Private. Aug. 19, 1864 June 28, 1865
Reifsnider, John Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Reck, Elias O. Private. Sept. 3, 1861 Deserted, December 18, 1862.
Richards, Isaac Private. Aug. 27, 1861 July 11, 1863
Shields, Craig B. Private. Aug. 27, 1862 May 25, 1865
Sponcler, John Private. Aug. 29, 1862 May 25, 1865 Wounded in action, January 1, 1864.
Shriver, Geo. W. Sergeant. Aug. 27, 1861 Taken prisoner, January 1, 1864; died, August 27, 1864, Andersonville, Ga.
Spangler, George Private. Aug. 27, 1861 Veteran; taken prisoner, May 13, 1864; died October 2, 1864, Andersonville, Ga.
Scott, James A. Corporal. Aug. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 See Roster, N. C. Staff.
Shaugheny, John Private. Aug. 28, 1861 Aug. 28, 1864
Sponcler, Geo. D Corporal. Aug. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Sites, John C. Corporal. Aug. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Swann, John W. Corporal. Aug. 27, 1861 Deserted, March 5, 1862.
Slagle, John Private. Aug. 1, 1862 June 28, 1865
Stahl, Jesse Private. Aug. 27, 1861 Sept. 3, 1864
Scheirer, Alexander C Private. Dec. 22, 1862 June 28, 1865
Shilt, David Private. Aug. 28, 1861 Aug. 28, 1864
Starner, David H. Private. Oct. 21, 1862 June 28, 1865
Sherfey, Thos. R. Bugler. Sept. 2, 1861 Sept. 2, 1864
Sullivan, James Private. May 9, 1864 June 28, 1865
Smith, Adolph. W. Private. Feb. 15, 1864 June 28, 1865
Smith, William Private. May 14, 1864 June 28, 1865
Spielman, Hiram Private. Feb. 23, 1865 June 28, 1865
Spielman, David Private. Mar. 9, 1865 June 28, 1865
Shawsbaugh, Jeremiah Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Test, Joseph U. Sergeant. Sept. 4, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Turle, Henry Private. Sept. 4, 1861 Sept. 4, 1864
Thomas, Lewis E. Private. Sept. 4, 1861 Deserted, May 27, 1862.
Van Pelt, Charles Private. Mar. 21, 1864 Deserted, 1864.
Walker, Wm. H. Private. Sept. 23, 1864 May 25, 1865
Wolf, Samuel J. Sergeant. Aug. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 See Roster, N. C. Staff.
Weddle, Jacob S. Private. Oct. 20, 1862 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, January 1, 1864, at Rectortown, Va.
Wenk, William B. Farrier. Aug. 27, 1861 Taken prisoner, January 1, 1864; died April 1, 1864, Richmond, Va.
Wolf, Peter Private. Sept. 6, 1861 July 29, 1862
Welsh, John Private. May 3, 1864 Deserted, 1865.
Wills, Jos. H. C. Corporal. Aug. 27, 1861 Died February 28, 1863.
Wilson, Samuel D. Private. Aug. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Weikert, Geo. W. Private. Aug. 27, 1861 May 28, 1862
Wolford, Thomas Private. Aug. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Weigle, Daniel E. Private. Aug. 27, 1861 May 26, 1863
White, William Corporal. Aug. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Wolf, John F. Private. Sept. 6, 1861 Sept. 6, 1864
Weaver, Wm. H. Corporal. Oct. 30, 1862 June 28, 1865 Wounded in action, January 10, 1864.
Welch, Oliver Private. Aug. 27, 1861 Aug. 27, 1864
Williar, Geo. B. Farrier. Nov. 21, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Wible, Joseph E. Private. Aug. 27, 1861 Aug. 27, 1864 Wounded in action, September 2, 1862, and taken prisoner.
Walker, A.M. Q.M. Sergt. Aug. 27, 1861 Aug. 27, 1864
Wagner, Charles Private. Feb. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865
Weikert, Wm. F. Farrier. Aug. 27, 1861 Aug. 27, 1864
Wallace, James Private. Oct. 1, 1864 June 28, 1865
Wenchoff, Edward C. Private. Oct. 29, 1862 June 6, 1865 Taken prisoner, January 1, 1864.
Wilson, James Private. July 6, 1864 June 28, 1865
Williams, John Private. Sept. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865
Wooders, Joshua Private. June 6, 1864 June 28, 1865
Wetzel, Jno. F. Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Weikert, And'w V. Private. Oct. 7, 1862 June 28, 1865
Weddle, Wm. J. Private. Oct. 29, 1862 June. 28, 1865
Zimilick, Philip Private. Aug. 18, 1864 May 25, 1865

Company D

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.

1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry (U) / Company D (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, MD ?
Pearce K. Curll Captain. Aug. 28, 1861 May 30, 1863
Francis Gallagher Captain. Aug. 31, Entered the service as Second Lieutenant; promoted First Lieutenant, October 31, 1862; Captain, June 13, 1863; taken prisoner, September 2, 1862; wounded in action.
Tappan W. Kelly Captain. Sept. 9, 1864 June 28, 1865
Robt. H. Milling 1st Lieut. Aug. 24, 1861 Sept. 12, 1862
Samuel T. Mills 1st Lieut. Sept. 4, 1861 Dec. 2, 1864 Entered the service as private; promoted Quartermaster Sergeant; Second Lieutenant, October 30, 1862; First Lieutenant, August 25, 1863; taken prisoner, September 2, 1862, Leesburg, Va., and Win chester, Va., August 20, 1864; mustered out, December 2, 1864.
Henry A. Bier 1st Lieut. Sept. 9, 1864 June 28, 1865
Samuel B. Sigler 2nd Lieut. Nov. 8, 1861 Dec. 2, 1864 Entered the service as private; promoted Commissary Sergeant; First Sergeant; Second Lieutenant, August 25, 1863; taken prisoner, August 18, 1863; mustered out, December 2, 1864.
Columbus F. Benchoff 2nd Lieut. Feb. 25, 1865 June 28, 1865 Entered the service as private; promoted Second Lieutenant, April 10, 1865.

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.

1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry (U) / Company D (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Allen, William Private. Aug. 8, 1863 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, January 1, 1864; veteran.
Ault, Conrad Private. Nov. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Anderson, Wm. Private. Oct. 30, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company M.
Allen, William Private. Aug. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Atkins, James Private. Sept. 21, 1864 Deserted, June 11, 1865.
Atkins, John W. Private. Sept. 21, 1864 June 28, 1865
Armstrong, Benj. Private. Aug. 28, 1861 Sept. 8, 1864
Benner, Alonzo Corporal. Aug. 10, 1863 June 28, 1865
Bowman, Wm. H. Corporal. Nov. 12, 1861 Nov. 8, 1864
Breedlove, Wm. Private. Sept. 22, 1864 June 28, 1865
Ball, Joseph N. Private. Sept. 8, 1861 Nov. 8, 1864
Bennett, Enos Private. Sept. 7, 1864 June 28, 1865
Brown, Samuel A. Private. Sept. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865
Barrett, Maurice Private. Dec. 6, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company M.
Broderick, Patrick Private. Aug. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Brown, Geo. D. Private. Aug. 28, 1861 Accidentally killed, 1861.
Blinco, James Private. Nov. 7, 1862 June 28, 1865
Boyd, Andrew J. Private. Aug. 28, 1861 Dee. 2, 1864
Bartholow, Geo. Private. July 10, 1863 Killed in action, October 18, 1863, Charlestown, Va.
Burford, George Private. Sept. 4, 1861 Killed in action, June 10, 1864, Loudon Heights, Va.
Berkley, George Private. Mar. 9, 1865 June 28, 1865
Ball, Charles E. Private. Sept. 8, 1861 Sept. 8, 1864
Barthlow, Samuel Private. Aug. 13, 1864 June 28, 1865
Bennett, Andrew Corporal. Sept. 4, 1861 Died December 5, 1862.
Brown, John C. Private. Sept. 21, 1864 June 26, 1865
Bryan, Stephen Sergeant. Sept. 4, 1861 Deserted, September 20, 1863.
Bradley, Daniel Private. Mar. 9, 1864 June 26, 1865
Brown, William Private. Aug. 10, 1863 Deserted, May 26, 1864.
Bealle, Robert B. Private. July 31, 1863 Taken prisoner, January 1, 1864; died October 19, 1864.
Buzzard, Alfred Private. Feb. 23, 1863 Deserted, June 11, 1865.
Bennett, Chas. B. Private. Aug. 28, 1862 Wounded in action, September 2, 1862, Leesburg, Va. ; taken prisoner, January 3, 1864; died June 24, 1864.
Bennett, Henry M. Private. Aug. 21, 1862 Died December 23, 1862.
Black, William Private. July 28, 1863 Killed in action, October 18, 1863, Charlestown, W. Va.
Brown, Theophilus Private. Aug. 28, 1861 Wounded in action, October 18, 1863; Charlestown, W. Va.
Brown, Thomas Private. Aug. 28, 1861 Deserted, August 2, 1862.
Craig, Donald Private. Sept. 8, 1861 1862 Disability.
Crothiers, John Corporal. Sept. 5, 1864 June 28, 1865
Cox, George H. Private. Nov. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Conway, Luke Private. Aug. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865
Carr, William Private. July 23, 1863 Killed in action, October 18, 1863, Charlestown, W. Va.
Chaplin, Wm. J. Private. Sept. 6, 1864 Deserted, June 11, 1865.
Casey, James Farrier. Nov. 27, 1861 June 20, 1865 Veteran.
Cook, James Private. Nov. 22, 1864 June 5, 1865 Transferred to Company M.
Christopher, James F. Private. Nov. 22, 1864 — — — — Transferred to Company M.
Chambers, Jno.W. Private. Nov. 16, 1861 June 28, 1865
Crutchley, Jno. T. Private. Nov. 23, 1861 June 28, 1865
Cross, Reason Bugler. Nov. 2«, 1861 Died of wounds received in action, Loudon Heights, Va., January 10, 1864.
Daddysman, Edward Private. Aug. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Dennis, Chas. A. Private. Aug. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Dougherty, John Private. July 23, 1863 May 22, 1865
Dawson, Lewis Private. Nov. 10, 1861 Died December 9, 1863, of wounds received in action.
Delevan, Francis Private. Jan. 2, 1863 June 2, 1865
Davis, Lafayette Private. Nov. 23, 1861 June 28, 1865
Dohme, William Private. Nov. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company M.
Davis, Charles F. Saddler. Aug. 28, 1861 Killed in action, September 2, 1862, Leesburg, Va.
Earle, George H. Bugler. July 23, 1863 June 28, 1865 Wounded in action.October 18, 1863, Charlestown, W. Va.
Edmonds, Esom Private. Oct. 14, 1861 Sept. 8, 1864 Wounded in action, September 2, 1862, Leesburg, Va.
Estle, Henry C. Private. Aug. 30, 1864 June 28, 1865
Evans, James D. Private. Sept. 28, 1861 — — — — Transferred to Company M.
Eddy, John H. Private. Sept. 14, 1861 Sept. 8, 1864 Taken prisoner.
Eltenhead, Thomas D. Private. Nov. 9, 1861 Dec. 2, 1864 Taken prisoner, August 23, 1862.
Ernshaw, Jas. N. Private. Nov. 10, 1861 Nov. 8, 1864
Finnegan, Frank Private. Aug. 19, 1864 June 28, 1865
Fisher, John Private. Mar. 9, 1865 June 26, 1865
Forwood, Samuel D. Private. Sept. 4, 1861 Sept. 8, 1864
Frost, John Private. Sept. 4, 1861 Sept. 8, 1864
Fowler, Randolph Private. Nov. 9, 1861 Nov. 8, 1864
Godfrey, Thomas Private. Aug. 28, 1861 Sept. 8, 1864
Gross, Martin C. Q. M. Sergt. Aug. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
George, Stephen Sergeant. Aug. 28, 1861 Sept. 8, 1864
Getz, George Corporal. Mar. 9, 1865 June 28, 1865
Goff, John J. Corporal. Aug. 31, 1861 Killed in action, 1864.
Goodrich, Joseph Private. Aug. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Grubb, Jas. W. Bugler. Sept. 4, 1861 — — — — Taken prisoner; promoted Captain West Virginia Independent Cavalry.
Good, Joseph Private. Aug. 10, 1863 June 28, 186-5
Giles, Edward Private. July 22, 1863 Deserted, May 26, 1864.
Grogg, Wm. H. Private. Nov. 15, 1861 Nov. 8, 1864
Gaines, William Private. Oct. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company M.
Grubert, Charles Private. Nov. 27, 1861 Veteran; deserted, July 1, 1864.
Gibbons, Oliver Private. Sept. 4, 1861 Sept. 8, 1864
Hays, Edward A. Private. Sept. 8, 1861 No further record.
Holtzman, Jno. H. Sergeant. Aug. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hager, Wm. H. Private. Aug. 28, 1864 June 28, 1865
Holmes, Henry C. Private. Feb. 23, 1863 June 28, 1865
Hugg, Benjamin F. Private. Nov. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Hawk, Thomas Private. May 9, 1863 Taken prisoner, January 1, 1864; died while a prisoner of war.
Hillary, Edward Private. Nov. 27, 1861 Veteran; taken prisoner, January 1, 1864; died while a prisoner of war.
Harris, Richard Private. Dec. 15, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company M.
Harshberger, William Private. Aug. 15, 1862 Deserted, August 2, 1863.
Hopkins, George Private. Dec. 5, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company M.
Hitzelberger, William J. Private. Aug. 28, 1861 Died September 4, 1862.
Hofnagle, Charles Private. Nov. 9, 1861 Died August 28, 1863.
Howard, Henry Saddler. Nov. 7, 1861 Nov. 8, 1864 Wounded in action, January 10, 1864, Loudon Heights, Va.
Iseminger, A. Private. Nov. 7, 1861 Deserted, August 2, 1864.
Jones, Irvin D. Private. Sept. 28, 1864 Transferred to Company M.
Kraft, John Private. Aug. 31, 1861 Deserted, July 16, 1862.
Kirby, Michael Private. Aug. 23, 1864 May 22, 1865
Kite, William Private. Sept. 3, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company F.
Kennedy, Wm. Private. July 2, 1863 June 28, 1865
King, Charles Private. Aug. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company F.
Keech, Henry Bugler. Sept. 2, 1864 June 28, 1865
Kernan, John Private. Aug. 7, 1862 Killed, September 2, 1862, Leesburg, Va.
Kline, Jacob Private. Aug. 22, 1862 Deserted, September 15, 1862.
Longstreath, Isaac Private. Aug. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865
Lanning, James Private. July 8, 1863 June 28, 1865
Lailey, Johnston Private. Nov. 11, 1863 Deserted, June 11, 1865.
Lyons, Russell Private. Aug. 21, 1864 June 28, 1865
Lewis, Arthur Private. Sept. 4, 1861 Sept. 8, 1864
Morris, Hickman M. Q.M. Sergt. Nov. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Mallon, George Sergeant. Aug. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
McDonald, Owen Corporal. Aug. 20, 1864 June 28, 1865
Mouse, John Teamster. Aug. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865
Murang, George Farrier. Aug. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Miller, William Private. Aug. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865
McConnell, Duncan Private. Aug. 28, 1861 Sept. 8, 1864 Taken prisoner; discharged for disability.
Mayhew, John Private. Oct. 1, 1864 June 28, 1865
McCregor, Wm. Private. Nov. 9, 1861 Nov. 8, 1864
McCabe, Jas. E. Private. July 29, 1863 June 28, 1865
Marks, Henry Private. Nov. 15, 1861 Nov. 8, 1864
McCauley, Adolphus Private. Nov. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran; wounded in action.
McClung, Robert Private. Aug. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Millholland, Wm. Private. Aug. 28, 1861 Sept. 8, 1864 Severely wounded in action, January 1, 1864, Rectortown, Va.
McGregan, Samuel K. Private. Aug. 10, 1863 Taken prisoner, January 1, 1864; died, May 18, 1864.
Moore, John Private. July 29, 1863 Taken prisoner, January 1, 1864; died August 25, 1864.
Mills, Amos A. Private. Nov. 27, 1861 Veteran; killed in action.
McKenzie, Morris Private. Sept. 7, 1864 June 28, 1865
Nicewarner, Henry C. Private. Nov. 7, 1862 June 25, 1865
Naill, Wm. S. Private. July 28, 1863 May 22, 1865
Nicewarner, Daniel W. Private. Nov. 7, 1862 Dec. 19, 1864
Naplin, Wm. J. Private. Sept. 6, 1864 Deserted, June 11, 1865.
Newcomer, David W. Private. Nov. 9, 1861 No further record.
Newcomer, Christopher Private. Aug. 28, 1861 Sept. 8, 1864 Taken prisoner, August 23, 1862; while in Libby prison, Va., placed in solitary confinement, sentenced to be executed as a retaliatory measure; finally exchanged; severely wounded in the head, October 18, 1863, at Charlestown, Va.
Ordner, John H. Private. Aug. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865
Ornduff, Jeremiah Sergeant. Aug. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Orr, James C. Private. Aug. 31, 1861 Sept. 8, 1864 Taken prisoner.
O'Brian, John Private. Aug. 31, 1861 Deserted, February 1, 1862.
Pilcher, Joseph Private. July 3, 1863 June 28, 1865
Purden, Chas. B. Private. Aug. 28, 1861 Sept. 8, 1864
Post, William Private. Sept. 8, 1864 June 28, 1865
Pearce, John Q. Private. Sept. 7, 1861 Sept. 8, 1864
Painter, Thomas Private. Nov. 7, 1862 Deserted, July 28, 1864.
Padgett, Jno. W. Private. Nov. 9, 1861 Sept. 8, 1864 Wounded in action.
Paxton, William Private. Aug. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865
Rabold, John C. Corporal. Sept. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Readinger, August Corporal. Sept. 5, 1864 June 28, 1865
Rule, David Corporal. Feb. 23, 1865 June 28, 1865
Rhodes, Augustus C. Sergeant. Oct. 7, 1861 May 30, 1864 Promoted Second Lieutenant, Company B, West Virginia Cavalry.
Reed, William Private. Aug. 20, 1864 June 28, 1865
Rapp, Valentine Private. Aug. 30, 1864 June 28, 1865
Reed, James Private. Mar. 9, 1865 June 28, 1865
Rice, Oliver Private. Aug. 30, 1864 June 28, 1865
Reed, Robert Private. Mar. 9, 1865 June 28, 1865
Raindoller, Wm. Private. Aug. 10, 1863 Taken prisoner, January 1, 1864; died June 23, 1864.
Shank, Otho H. Sergeant. Nov. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran; wounded in action, December, 1863.
Smith, Wm. H. Corporal. Sept. 4, 1861 Sept. 8, 1864
Smith, George Private. July 27, 1863 June 28, 1865
Seifert, John Private. Aug. 28, 1861 Sept. 8, 1864 Wounded in action and taken prisoner.
Scarlott, Wm. Private. Nov. 7, 1862 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, January 10, 1864.
Stayton, Wm. F. Private. Aug. 31, 1861 Sept. 8, 1864 Wounded in action, January, l'864, Mechanics' Gap, Va.
Smith, Thomas Private. Aug. 10, 1863 June 28, 1865
Simons, John Private. Nov. 15, 1861 Died August 10, 1862.
Stagmiller, Henry Private. Aug. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Slaughter, Jno. B. Private. Mar. 14, 1865 June 28, 1865
Steadman, Geo. Private. Jan. 3, 1863 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, May 1, 1864.
Sprague, Samuel Private. Aug. 19, 1864 June 28, 1865
Street, John Private. Aug. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Stuart, Wm. H. Private. Nov. 27, 1.861 Veteran; absent in arrest, June 28, 1865.
Switzer, Jeremiah Private. Sept. 17, 1861 Taken prisoner, January 1, 1864; died September 9, 1864.
Stull, George E. Private. Nov. 15, 1861 Taken prisoner, January 1, 1864; died while a prisoner of war.
Scarlett, Joseph Private. June 11, 1863 Taken prisoner, January 1, 1864; died May 24, 1864.
Sullivan, Jno. W. Private. Nov. 15, 1861 Killed in action, September 2. 1862, Leesburg, Va.
Sanford, William Private. Nov. 15, 1864 — — — — Transferred to Company M.
Sakers, John S. Corporal. Sept. 4, 1861 Sept. 8, 1864 Taken prisoner, January 1, 1864.
Sheridan, John Private. Dec. 15, 1864 — — — — Transferred to Company M.
Stansbury, John W. Corporal. Nov. 15, 1861 Nov. 8, 1864
Stansbury, Alpheus Sergeant. Sept. 16, 1861 Sept. 8, 1864
Treman, Burbage Private. Sept. 28, 1864 June 28, 1865
Tolbot, Jos. H. Private. Aug. 31, 1861 Sept. 8, 1864
Trich, Henry C. Private. Nov. 13, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Turner, William Private. July 31, 1863 Taken prisoner, January 1, 1864; died April 22, 1864.
Valentine, Vincit V. Private. Aug. 10, 1863 June 26, 1865
Webber, John 1st Sergt. Aug. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Watson, David A. Sergeant. Aug. 22, 1864 June 28, 1865
Wilson, John Corporal. Sept. 13, 1864 June 28, 1865
Welch, Wm. H. Corporal. Sept. 4, 1861 May 8, 1863 Disability.
Whirl, Wm. J. Private. Sept. 22, 1864 June 28, 1865
Wheeling, George W. Private. Nov. 11, 1861 Died of disease contracted in service.
Wilson, Argal Private. Feb. 18, 1865 June 28, 1865
Williams, Jno. L. Farrier. Nov. 9, 1861 Nov. 8, 1864 Wounded in action September 2, 1862, Leesburg, Va.
Whirl, Samuel Private. Sept. 6, 1864 June 28, 1865
Winters, Wm. S. Private. Nov. 15, 1861 Nov. 8, 1864
Welch, Richard E. Private. Nov. 11, 1861 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner; veteran.
Wagner, Christopher Private. Aug. 31, 1864 June 26, 1865
Walker, James Private. Oct. 28, 1864 June 12, 1865 Transferred to Company M.
Winters, Warren Private. Nov. 27, 1861 Nov. 8, 1864
Winter, Harvey G. Private. Nov. 27, 1861 June 28, 1865 Veteran.

Company E

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Officers of this company.

1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry (U) / Company E (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, MD ?
Geo. J. P. Wood Captain. Feb. 29, 1864 Sept. 26, 1864
John S. Forrest Captain. Jan. 30, 1864 June 28, 1865 Entered the service as private; promoted Commissary Sergeant; First Sergeant; Captain, January 30, 1865; mustered out, June 28, 1865.
Chas. V. Duncan 1st Lieut. Feb. 29, 1864 June 18, 1864
Edward V. Gannon 1st Lieut. Aug. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 Entered the service as private Company A; taken prisoner, September 2, 1862; promoted Sergeant, Company A; promoted Second Lieutenant, January 31, 1865; First Lieutenant, February 22, 1865; veteran; mustered out, June 28, 1865.
Charles Ostrelli 1st Lieut. Mar. 19, 1864 June 28, 1865 See Roster, Field and Staff.
John T. Hickman 2nd Lieut. Feb. 29, 1864 Nov. 2, 1864 Discharged on account of wounds received in action. August 22, 1864, Winchester, Va.
Patrick Walsh 2nd Lieut. Feb. 9, 1864 June 28, 1865 Entered the service as private; promoted Quartermaster Sergeant; Second Lieutenant, February 12, 1865; veteran; mustered out. June 28, 1865.

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.

1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry (U) / Company E (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Allen, Chas. H. Sergeant. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Apple, Henry Saddler. Feb. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Anderson, Thomas A Private. Feb. 17, 1864 June 28, 1865
Anderson, David Private. Feb. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Arnold, George Private. Sept. 22, 1864 June 28, 1865
Anderson, James Private. Aug. 30, 1864 June 28, 1865
Apple, Ludwig Private. Feb. 20, 1864 Deserted, May 3, 1864.
Bingham, David Sergeant. Feb. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865
Bryan, Jno. H. Corporal. Feb. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865
Baley, Frank Sergeant. Feb. 16, 1864 June 28, 1865
Beaver, Wm. J. Private. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Burtinete, Henry D. Private. Feb. 29, 1864 June 23, 1864
Beaver, James Private. Aug. 27, 1864 Accidentally drowned, April 26, 1865.
Burches, Charles Bugler. Feb. 13, 1864 Deserted, August 20, 1864.
Biddinger, Samuel Private. Feb. 17, 1864 Deserted, June 17, 1865.
Correll, John Private. Mar. 3, 1864 June 28, 1865
Collis, Alfred Private. Feb. 16, 1864 June 28, 1865
Carr, John A. Private. Sept. 15, 1864 June 28, 1865
Cunningham, Andrew Private. Feb. 16, 1864 Oct. 22, 1864
Culbertson, Samuel Private. Feb. 23, 1864 June 28, 1864 Transferred to Company C.
Conley, William Private. Feb. 29, 1864 Deserted, March 9, 1864.
Coates, William Private. Feb. 28, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company M.
Dixon, Frederick Private. April 14, 1864 June 28, 1865
Durban, John Private. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Daley, John Teamster. Feb. 18, 1864 June 28, 1865
Dean, Francis T. Private. Feb. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865
Dronenberg, Vernon Farrier. Feb. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Doyle, Daniel Private. Feb. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company M.
Dronenberg, John T. Farrier. Feb. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Dutrow, Philamon M. Corporal. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Everwein, Henry Bugler. Feb. 24, 1863 June 28, 1865
Esslinger, Geo. Private. Feb. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865
Edwards, John Corporal. Feb. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company A.
Finnegan, Frank Bugler. Aug. 19, 1864 June 28, 1865
Fuller, John Private. Feb. 24, 1863 June 28, 1865
Grey, Elijah H. McKnight Private. Mar. 2, 1864 June 28, 1865
Goodfellow, Charles Private. Mar. 1, 1864 Transferred to Company M.
Ganoe, Edward Private. Dec. 12, 1864 Deserted, December 13, 1864.
Groh, George Private. Feb. 23, 1864 Deserted, March 25, 1864.
Green, John W. Private. Jan. 29, 1865 Absent in confinement, June 28, 1865.
Hubbard, Jas. W. Private. Feb. 13, 1864 June 28, 1865
Haley, James Private. Feb. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hutson, Wm. T. Private. Feb. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hutson, Jacob D. Sergeant. Feb. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Harlow, Reuben M. Private. Feb. 16, 1864 June 28, 1865
Huss, George W. Sergeant. Feb. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, July 30, 1864.
Hudson, Geo. W. Corporal. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, July 19, 1864, Winchester, Va.
Hartman, John Private. Feb. 16, 1864 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, May 13, 1864, New Market, Va.
Hyatt, John Private. Feb. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, May 13, 1864, New Market, Va. ; no further record, A. G. O., War Department.
Heinick, Fred. Private. Feb. 29, 1864 Taken prisoner, May 13, 1864, New Market, Va.; died September 8, 1864.
Hamilton, John Private. Jan. 7, 1865 May 30, 1865
Harrison, Wm. Private. Feb. 16, 1864 Deserted, February 16, 1865.
Hans. Francis H. Sergeant. Feb. 29, 1864 Deserted, April 10, 1864.
Herbst, Wm. H. Private. Feb. 25, 1864 Deserted, March 28, 1864.
Judge, Henry Private. Feb. 15, 1864 Deserted, March 25, 1864.
Kelly, Joseph Private. Feb. 29, 1864 Deserted, March 9, 1864.
Kidd, John C. Private. Feb. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Lee, John Private. Aug. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Loose, Chas. A. Private. Feb. 18, 1864 May 26, 1865
Methley, Willoughby Q. M. Sergt. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Mulliken, James Corporal. Feb. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Maas, John Private. Feb. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Marvin, George Private. Aug. 20, 1864 June 28, 1865
Meaner, William Private. Sept. 15, 1864 June 28, 1865 Borne on War Department rolls as Miner,
McDonald, John Private. Aug. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
McClernan, Jas. Private. Feb. 29, 1864 Deserted, April 10, 1864.
Miller, Henry Private. Absent in confinement, June 28, 1865; no further record, A. G. O., War Department.
Montreil, Alex. Private. Aug. 18, 1864 Deserted, February 16, 1865.
Munier, William Private. Absent in confinement, June 28, 1865; no further record, A. G. O., War Department.
Meisel, John Private. Feb. 23, 1864 Deserted, August 18, 1864.
Murty, Thomas Private. Aug. 26, 1864 June 17, 1865
Maloney, Anthony Private. Feb. 23, 1864 Killed in action, August 30, 1864, Summit Point, Va.
McIlvain, John Corporal. Feb. 20, 1864 June 28, 1865 See Roster, N. C. Staff.
Nock, Nicholas N. 1st Sergt. Feb. 3, 1864 June 28, 1865
Procter, Wm. H. Private. Sept. 14, 1861 Oct. 1, 1864
Pattock, John Private. Jan. 23, 1865 Deserted, January 29, 1865.
Phelps, James Sergeant. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Peircy, Jno. H. Com. Sergt. Feb. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865
Raiell, Isaac Private. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Ryall, George Private. Aug. 30, 1864 June 28, 1865
Ritter, Henry Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Rice, Oliver Private. Aug. 30, 1864 Deserted, January 29, 1865.
Rose, William Private. Feb. 25, 1864 Deserted, March 21, 1864.
Schlenbaker, Jos. Corporal. Feb. 17, 1864 June 28, 1865
Schmidt, Leonard Private. Feb. 15, 1864 June 28, 1865
Steicker, John Corporal. Feb. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865
Smith, Levi Private. Feb. 24, 1863 Deserted, May 27, 1864.
Simmons, Theo. Private. Jan. 29, 1865 Deserted, January 29, 1865.
Smith, William Private. Jan. 29, 1863 Died April 24, 1864.
Stubbs, John Private. Feb. 23, 1864 — — — — Transferred to V. R. C., January 17, 1865.
Stewart, William Private. Jan. 29, 1865 Absent sick; borne on War Department rolls as Steward.
Toomy, Henry A. Corporal. Feb. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865
Thornton, Hubert Private. Feb. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865
Turner, Charles Private. Feb. 18, 1864 June 28, 1865
Tripp, Charles Private. Feb. 18, 1864 May 26, 1865
Vannattar, Lewis Sergeant. Feb. 20, 1864 June 28, 1865
Van Buskirk, Henry Corporal. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Wright, Charles Corporal. Feb. 15, 1864 June 28, 1865
Weddingfield, William Private. Feb. 20, 1863 June 28, 1865
Wise, Henry A. Private. Feb. 20, 1864 June 28, 1865
Wallace, Gerard Private. Sept. 15, 1864 June 28, 1865
Walsh, John Private. Mar. 1, 1864 Deserted, April 27, 1864.
Wolfer, Albert Private. Feb. 19, 1864 Deserted, August 20, 1864.
Whitmore, George H. Corporal. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Wengert, Fred. Private. Feb. 9, 1864 Killed in action, July 26, 1864, Falling Waters, Va.

Company F

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1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry (U) / Company F (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, MD ?
William F. Bragg Captain. Feb. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865 Promoted Captain from First Lieutenant, February 29, 1864; mustered out, June 28, 1865.
Hiram B. Younger 1st Lieut. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, August 5, 1864, Keedysville, Md.
Uriah Garber 2nd Lieut. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865

Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.

1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry (U) / Company F (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Arnold, James Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Boyd, Jos. R. 1st Sergt. Feb. 25, 1864. June 28, 1865
Blanvelt, William S. Corporal. Mar. 2, 1864 June 28, 1865
Brown, Robt. A. Corporal. Feb. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865
Bransby, Chas. E. Corporal. Mar. 8, 1864 June 28, 1865
Boston, Wm. J. Bugler. Feb. 15, 1864 June 28, 1865
Brower, Nicholas Private. Feb. 15, 1864 June 28, 1865
Brooks, Joseph Private. Feb. 15, 1864 June 28, 1865
Bartholomew, Henry W. Private. Feb. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865
Boyle, John Private. Nov. 4, 1864 June 28, 1865
Bell, John E. Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, August 4, 1864; veteran.
Banks, Thos. E. Private Feb. 18, 1861 June 28, 1865
Barnes, Upton T. Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Briscoe, Alexander Q. M. Sergt. Feb. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865 See Roster, Company I.
Bell. John Sergeant. Feb. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company H; veteran.
Baker, Jno. A. Private. Feb. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company H.
Barry, Henry Private. Feb. 14, 1864 Accidentally drowned, May 16, 1864.
Barr, Robt. L. Private. Feb. 15, 1864 Died August 9, 1864, of disease contracted in service.
Burke, James Private. Feb. 18, 1864 Deserted, March 15, 1864.
Burke, Thomas Private. Feb. 27, 1864 Deserted, May 10, 1864.
Brown, George Private. Feb. 25, 1864 Deserted, July 1, 1864.
Bradley, James Private. Feb. 15, 1864 Deserted, July 4, 1864.
Ben, William D. Private. Sept. 27, 1864 Deserted, June 21, 1865.
Cole, Thomas Private. Feb. 22, 1864 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, August 4, 1864.
Cloman, George Teamster. Feb. 17, 1864 June 28, 1865
Cates, Wm. F. Private. Feb. 22, 1864 June 28, 1865
Cosgrove, Jno. J. Private. Feb. 15, 1864 June 28, 1865
Cloman, Edward Private. Feb. 18, 1864 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, August 4, 1864.
Crubbs, Fredrick C. Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Cook, Theodore Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Corbin, Alfred Private. Sept. 13, 1864 May 24, 1865
Coons, George Private. Sept. 22, 1864 May 24, 1865
Dison, George Private. Feb. 20, 1861 June 28, 1865
Dison, William Private. Feb. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865
Diffendall, Chas. Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Dewees, William Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Duterow, Albert Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Danner, Andrew Private. Feb. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company H.
Davis, John Private. Feb. 24, 1864 — — — — Transferred to Company H
Durham, Jno. M. Private. Feb. 15. 1864 Deserted, June 24, 1864.
Elliott, George Private. Feb. 8, 1864 June 28, 1865
Ellis, Christopher C. Private. Feb. 19, 1864 May 4. 1865 Disability.
English, Francis Private. Mar. 10, 1864 Transferred to 'Company M.
Figles, David H. Corporal. Feb. 17, 1864 June 28, 1865
Flemming. John Private. Feb. 15, 186* April 27, 1865 Disability.
Fagan, James Private. Sept. 29, 1864 Deserted, January 29, 1865.
Fredericks, Wm. Private. Feb. 28, 1864 Deserted, January 12, 1865.
Glass, John Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Greenwald, Leonard H. Private. Feb. 22, 1864 June 28, 1865 See Roster, Company M.
Gigeous, Harrison Private. Feb. 24, 1864 June 4, 1865 Transferred to Company H.
Gibbs, Francis J. Private. Feb. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company C.
Grass, Jno. Y. Private. Feb. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company H.
Gannon, Thomas Corporal. Feb. 18, 1864 Died January 23, 1865.
Hahn, Henry Sergeant. Feb. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hood, Joseph Corporal. Mar. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hasselberger, Ferdinand Private. Feb. 8, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hofman, Chas. H. Private. Feb. 16, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hardman, Lewis Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Hosplehorn, Jas. Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Harman, Jacob Private. Feb. 15, 1864 Taken prisoner, August 4, 1864; died February 27, 1865.
Hayden, Charles Private. Mar. 2, 1864 April 27, 1865
Hogan, Daniel Private. Feb. 17, 1864 — — — — Transferred to Company M.
Hemmelwright, John Private. Sept. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company M.
Hollmun, Henry Private. Feb. 18, 1864 Deserted, March 5, 1864.
Howard, Wm. T. Corporal. Feb. 27, 1864 July 17, 1865 Transferred to V. R. C.
Jockel, George Private. Feb. 22, 1864 June 28, 1865
Kaatz, Otto Private. Feb. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865
King, Charles Private. Aug. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Kite, William Private. Sept. 13, 1864 June 28, 1865
Krantz, George Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company H.
Lee, James E. Private. Feb. 15, 1864 June 28, 1865
Leonard, Thomas Private. Feb. 15, 1864 June 28, 1865
Lightner, Amos Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Lynch, William Sergeant. Feb. 17, 1864 Mar. 23, 1865 Disability.
Long, Charles S. Private. Feb. 15, 1864 June 28, 1865 See Roster, N. C. Staff.
Lapole, Philip Private. Feb. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company H.
Lapole, Peter Private. Feb. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company H.
Lydig, George Private. Sept. 30, 1864 Deserted, January 29, 1865.
Lightner, Wm. H. Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Ma^ette, Alfons Sergeant. Feb. 22, 1864 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, April 16, 1864.
Marr, Ferguson D. Corporal. Feb. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865
Martin, Eugene Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Martin, James Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Maine, Martin Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
McNair, Martian Private. Feb. 8, 1864 June 28, 1865
Myers, Philip Private. Feb. 27, 1864 Taken prisoner, August 4, 1864; died February 13, 1865.
McKey, Andrew C. Private. Feb. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, July 29, 1864.
McCrea, Thomas Private. Sept. 20, 1864 June 19, 1865
McNulty, Thomas Private. Sept. 20, 1864 May 24, 1865
Miller, Geo. A. Private. Feb. 24, 1864 — — — — Transferred to Company H.
Minter, John Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company H.
Moore, Joseph W. Private. Feb. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company H.
Myers, John G. Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company H.
Myers, John H. Private. Feb. 23, 1864 — — — — Transferred to Company M.
McCullough, Edward Private. Feb. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company C.
Murrange, George Private. Sept. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company D.
Murray, James Private. Feb. 15, 1864 Deserted, March 4, 1864.
Morgan, John Q. M. Sergt. Mar. 26, 1864 Veteran; deserted, February 28, 1865.
Munshour, James Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Nicholson, Vincent A. Private. Mar. 2, 1864 June 28, 1865
Norris, George R. Farrier. Feb. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865
Otto, George W. Private. Feb. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company H.
Porter, Chas. A. Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Purper, Jacob Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Peterman, John W. Private. Aug. 28, 1864 June 28, 1865
Parker, Robt. A. Private. Feb. 20, 1864 June 19, 1865
Parncutt, Robert Private. Feb. 16, 1864 June 27, 1865
Remney, Edward Private. Feb. 16, 1864 June 28, 1865
Robinson, Wm. H. Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Rogers, Walter B. Private. Feb. 20, 1864 Transferred to Company M.
Ragen, James Private. Aug. 20, 1864 June 28, 1865
Ragan, John Private. Aug. 20, 1864 June 28, 1865
Spedden, Thomas H. Sergeant. Feb. 15, 1864 June 28, 1865
Sands, Luther S. Private. Feb. 15, 1864 June 28, 1865
Stephens, Christopher C. Private. Feb. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865
Swigart, Daniel A. Private. Mar. 5, 1864 June 28, 1865
Strouce, Wm. H. Private. Sept. 5, 1864 June 28, 1865
Sibley, Morris Private. Sept. 5, 1864 June 28, 1865
Six, George Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Shipley, Wm: K. Private. Feb. 20, 1864 Taken prisoner, May 14, 1864; no further record, A. G. O., War Department.
Seymour, George Private. Feb. 15, 1864 Mar. 22, 1865 Taken prisoner, July 29, 1864.
Smallwood, Lemuel B. Private. Feb. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company M.
Schunck, Robert Private. Feb. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company M.
Shaw, John Private. Feb. 15, 1864 Transferred to Company M.
Schuller, Henry Private. Feb. 22, 1864 Deserted, July 4, 1864.
Schible, Albert J. Private. Feb. 27, 1864 Deserted, July 4, 1864.
Sellers, Wm. T. Bugler. Feb. 15, 1864 June 28, 1865
Thomas, David L. Com. Sergt. Feb. 17, 1864 June 28, 1865
Trogler, Andrew J. Sergeant. Feb. 15, 1864 June 28, 1865
Thomas, Charles Private. Aug. 22, 1864 June 28, 1865
Turner, James Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Topper, Avetus B. Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Tallafaro, Roderick Private. Feb. 20, 1864 April 30, 1864
Trobsey, William Private. Feb. 23, 1861 April 10, 1865 Transferred to Company M.
Trumbell, Wm. D. Private. Sept. 23, 1864 Deserted, January 29, 1865.
Trenant, Charles Private. Feb. 19, 1864 Deserted, February 26, 1864. ^
Turner, William Private. Mar. 8, 1865 Deserted, June 12, 1865.
Turner, David Private. Mar. 8, 1865 Deserted, June 12, 1865.
Wrightson, John Q. M. Sergt. Sept. 10, 1864 June 28, 1865
Walton, John H. Sergeant. Feb. 15, 1864 June 28, 1865
Welfel, Henry L. Corporal. Feb. 22, 1864 June 28, 1865
Walker, John W. Private. Feb. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865
Wessel, Wm. H. Private. Feb. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, August 4, 1864.
Weunt, David Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Webb, Thomas Private. Mar. 8. 1865 June 28, 1865
Wempe, John Private. Aug. 31, 1864 Mar. 30, 1865
Woolett, Thomas Private. Sept. 17, 1864 May 24, 1865
Wilcox, George Private. Feb. 15, 1864 Deserted, February 20, 1864.
White, Charles E. Private. Feb. 23, 1864 Died July 3, 1864, of disease contracted in service.
Yingling, Paul Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company H.
Zehle, John C. Private. Feb. 22, 1864 Deserted, April 10, 1864.
Zeck, Charles Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865

Company G

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1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry (U) / Company G (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, MD ?
Geo. M. Kershner Captain. Mar. 7, 1864 June 28, 1865
Frank D. Kerr 1st Lieut. April 14, 1864 June 28, 1865
Thos. J. McAtee 2nd Lieut. Mar. 7, 1864 June 18, 1864
John T. Noile 2nd Lieut. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865 Entered the service as private Company G; promoted First Sergeant; Second Lieutenant, August 20, 1864; mustered out, June 28, 1865.

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1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry (U) / Company G (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Adams, James W. Private. Feb. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Armstrong, Leonard W. Private. Feb. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Brewer, Luther Com. Sergt. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Baker, Ephraim H. Corporal. Feb. 17, 1864 June 28, 1865
Blair, Andrew J. 1st Bugler. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Bowman, Daniel Private. Feb. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Broadrup, Cornelius A. Private. Feb. 17, 1864 June 28, 1865
Buckey, John E. Private. Feb. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Bowlus, Edw. L. Private. Feb. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865
Baker, Emanuel Private. Feb. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Boswell, Geo. M. Private. Aug. 4, 1864 May 25, 1865
Betson, Stephen M. Private. Feb. 16, 1864 Nov. 20, 1865 Transferred to V. R. C.
Cochran, Benjamin F. Corporal. Feb. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865
Creek, Jacob B. Corporal. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Conner, Benjamin A. Private. Feb. 27, 1864 June 25, 1865
Cline, William Private. Feb. 20, 1864 June 28, 1865
Cline, Samuel Private. Mar. 15, 1865 June 28, 1865
Coughman, Clayton Private. Feb. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865
Cunningham, Alexander Private. Feb. 29, 1864 May 23, 1864
Colbert, Arch Private. Feb. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company M.
Cassady, Jacob B. Private. Feb. 26, 1864 Died June 25, 1864, of disease contracted in service.
Dennis, Cyrus Corporal. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Dibert, Hamilton V. Private. Feb. 20, 1864 June 28, 1865
Dillon, Ezekiel Private. Feb. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865
Dunn, Wm. H. Private. Feb. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Davis, James P. Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, July 28, 1864.
Eyler, John D. Private. Feb. 22, 1864 June 28, 1865
Eyler, John W. Private. Feb. 22, 1864 June 28, 1865
Eckman, Wm. C Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Flake, Wm. H. Sergeant. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Fletcher, Henry C Sergeant. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Foster, Jacob Private. Feb. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865
Forsythe, David Private. Dec. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865
Fogel, James Private. Feb. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Fogel, William Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Feidt, Alburtus J Private. Feb. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Frock, Josiah W. Private. Feb. 22, 1864 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, August 22, 1864.
Holbert, James Teamster. Feb. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Horner, Jeremiah Private. Feb. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hose, Jacob Private. Feb. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hose, John Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hape, Jacob Private. Feb. 10, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hill, Tolbert A. Private. Feb. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hughs, Thomas Private. Feb. 20, 1864 May 30, 1865 Disability.
House, Joseph E. Private. Feb. 27, 1864 Died September 1, 1864, of disease contracted in service.
Hose, John, Jr. Private. Feb. 25, 1864 Killed in action, August 22, 1864, Charlestown, Va.
Johnson, John Bugler. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Jones, Thomas Private. Feb. 28, 3864 June 28, 1865
Kerr, Andrew B. 1st Sergt. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
King, Daniel Private. Mar. 9, 1865 June 28, 1865
Lowman, Jacob F Corporal. Feb. 20, 1864 June 28, 1865
Leasure, Riley Private. Feb. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Leasure, Amos Private. Feb. 27, 1864 Killed in action, August 30, 1864, near Summit Point, Va.
Myers, Emanuel Sergeant. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Murry, Martin V. B. Private. Feb. 14, 1865 June 28, 1865
Miller, Solomon Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Myers, Solomon Private. Feb. 20, 1864 June 28, 1865
McJenkins, Denton Private. Feb. 22, 1864 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, July 28, 1864.
McCarty, Barnabas Private. Feb. 22, 1864 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, September 4, 1864.
Myers, Jno. W. Private. Aug. 4, 1864 May 25, 1865
McBride, Jno. H. Private. Aug. 4, 1864 May 25, 1865
Mills, Robt. L. Private. Feb. 25, 1864 June 10, 1865
Miller, Jackson Private. Feb. 21, 1864 June 28, 1865
Norris, Otho Saddler. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Riley, Benj. F. Corporal. Feb. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Routzahn, Grandison Private. Feb. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865
Robinett, Daniel Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Riley, John W. Private. Feb. 27, 1864 Deserted, July 18, 1864.
Riley, John Private. Feb. 27, 1864 Deserted, July 13, 1864.
Shank, Henry Sergeant. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Shank, Jonathan Sergeant. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Shank, Lancelot Corporal. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Sterling, Henry A. Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1866
Snyder, Thos. H. Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Shoop, George Private. Feb. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Shoop, Samuel Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Slick, Robert Private. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Slick, James F. Private. Mar. 20, 1865 June 28, 1865
Sheiley, Chas., S. Private. Feb. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865
Stottlemyer, Jno. Private. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865 Wounded in action.
Swertzer, Elio V.C. Private. Feb. 26, 1864 Accidentally killed, June 24, 1864.
Stoner, John Private. Feb. 27, 1864 Deserted, July 15, 1864.
Snyder, John Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 21, 1865
Turner, Thos. N. Sergeant. Feb. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Teach, Wm. W. Private. Mar. 9, 1865 June 28, 1865
Twigg, John W. Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Tytus, Joseph Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Trail, Nathan T. Private. Sept. 21, 1864 May 25, 1865
Trail, Nathan B. Private. Feb. 27, 1864 Died April 9, 1864, of disease contracted in service.
Trail, Nathan Private. Sept. 21, 1864 Deserted, October 23, 1864.
Wachter, Cornelius A. Farrier. Feb. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865
Weaver, John H. Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Weaver, Jesse W. Private. Dec. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865
Wiley, George W. Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Wachter, Benj. F. Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Whitmore, Geo. H. Private. Feb. 8, 1864 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, May 13, 1864

Company H

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1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry (U) / Company H (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, MD ?
Benj. F. Houck Captain. Feb. 29, 1864 Killed in action, August 22, 1864, at Charlestown, Va.
John W. Kraft Captain. Oct. 8, 1864 June 28, 1865 Promoted from Second Lieutenant, First Regiment, Maryland Heavy Artillery, to Captain First Regiment, Cole's Maryland Cavalry, October 8, 1864; mustered out with the regiment, June 28, 1865.
Elijah H, Johnson 1st Lieut. Feb. 29, 1864 Jan. 25, 1865
Joseph A. Swaney 1st Lieut. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865 Promoted Second Lieutenant, March 12, 1864; First Lieutenant, February 13, 1865; mustered out of service, June 28, 1865.
Robert Butler 2nd Lieut. Mar. 21, 1864 June 28, 1865 Entered the service as private Company I; promoted First Sergeant; Second Lieutenant, March 1, 1865; mustered out, June 28, 1865.

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1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry (U) / Company H (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Albert, Joseph Sergeant. Aug. 22, 1864 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Alexander, James W. Bugler. Feb. 28, 1864 June 28, 1865
Albright, Hiram Farrier. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Artz, Thomas Private. Mar. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Albert, Lewis Private. Feb. 25, 1864 Transferred to Company M.
Andrea, Julius Private. Feb. 26, 1864 Transferred to Company M.
Burk, Richard G. 1st Sergt. Feb. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865
Bell, John Sergeant. Feb. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Biggs, Nicholas Saddler Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Baker, John A. Private. Feb. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865
Boyer, Josiah Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Barks, Samuel Private. Aug. 22, 1864 June 28, 1865
Burke, Geo. O. Private. Feb. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, July 29, 1864.
Beauchamp, Levin Private. Sept. 17, 1864 May 25, 1865
Barto, Chas. H. Q. M. Sergt. Feb. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865 See Roster, Company K.
Butts, John W. Private. Feb. 29, 1864 Died while a prisoner of war, November 7, 1864, Andersonville, Ga.
Cross, Richard Farrier. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Cretzer, David Private. Mar. 17, 1864 June 28, 1865
Carson, Geo. W. Private. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Crosby, Chas. W. Private. Feb. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, July 29, 1864.
Canan, Martin V. B. Private. Sept. 1, 1864 May 25, 1865
Cover, Benjamin Corporal. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company M.
Chester, George Private. Feb. 15, 1864 — — — — Transferred to Company M.
Cleland, Thomas Corporal. Feb. 29, 1864 Died, November 12, 1864, of wounds accidentally received.
Davidson, Jos. W. Q. M. Sergt. Feb. 22, 1864 June 28, 1865
Danner, Andrew Corporal. Feb. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865
Durst, Alphus H. Corporal. Feb. 28, 1864 June 28, 1865
Durbin, Charles Private. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Davis, William Private. Feb. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Dixon, George Private. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Debular, Jas. E. Private. Feb. 26, 1864 Deserted, June 26, 1864.
Elliott, John B. Corporal. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Everhart, George Private. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Flannery, Patrick Private. Feb. 16, 1864 Deserted, June 1, 1864.
Grass, John F. Corporal. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Gigous, Joseph Private. Mar. 17, 1864 June 28, 1865
Gorsuch, Richard M. Private. Feb. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Gost, Martin Private. Mar. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Garver, Benjamin F. Private. Sept. 17, 1864 May 25, 1865
Gigous, Harrison Private. Feb. 24, 1864 June 4, 1865
Garland, Franklin Private. Feb. 25, 1864 — — — — Transferred to Company M.
Hollenberger, James Corporal. Mar. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Howard, Wm. H. Corporal. May 12, 1864 June 28, 1865
Haugh, Wesley P. Private. Feb. 22, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hetrick, Martin Private. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Harman, Jacob Private. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Helman, Hiram J. Private. Sept. 17, 1864 May 25, 1865
Hipps, John Private. Feb. 25, 1864 — — — — Transferred to Company M.
Haggerty, Andrew J. Private. Feb. 24, 1864 — — — — Transferred to Company M.
Harmon, John Corporal. Mar. 25, 1864 Killed in action, July 25, 1864, Kernstown, Va.
Her, Wm. H. Private. Feb. 8, 1864 June 28, 1865
Keadle, Wm. H. Private. Mar. 21, 1864 June 28, 1865
Krantz, Geo. L. Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Lapole, Peter Private. Feb. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865
Lapole, Philip Private. Feb. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865
Lapole, Jacob Private. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, July 29, 1864.
Layman, Norman B. Private. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Layman, Anthony Private. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Lantz, Samuel F. Private. Mar. 17, 1864 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, July 6, 1864.
Minter, John Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Main, Sampson Private. Feb. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865
Myers, John T. Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Moore, Joshua W. Private. Feb. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865
Middleton, Thomas W. Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Morgan, William Private, Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Minter, Samuel Private, Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865 Accidentally wounded.
McKenzie, John W. Private. Feb. 29, 1864 June 10, 1865
Myers, Conrad Private. Feb. 29, 1864 May 30, 1865 Wounded in action, July 29, 1864, Hagerstown, Md.
Michael, Geo. D. Private. Feb. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company M.
Muller, Francis Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company M.
Morningstar, Charles Private. Feb. 25, 1864 — — — — Transferred to V. R. C., July 26, 1864.
Middleton, Lawrence Private. Feb. 26, 1864 Accidentally drowned, May 14, 1865.
McCormack, James W. Private. Feb. 29, 1864 Deserted, May 14, 1864.
Miller, Geo. W. Private. Feb. 24, 1864 Deserted.
Ohr, David F. H. Sergeant. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, May 13, 1864, Woodstock, Va.
Otto, George H. Private. Feb. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865
Oursler, Augustus Private. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Over, David J. Private. Mar. 10, 1864 Deserted, September 24, 1864.
Obrian, Thos. W. Private. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Pettenger, Henry A. Private. Feb. 8, 1864 June 28, 1865
Pollman, Wm. Private. Feb. 29, 1864 Died March 25, 1864, of disease contracted in service.
Quinn, William Private. May 9, 1864 June 28, 1865
Riley, John T. Private. May 2, 1864 June 28, 1865
Rapherty, Thos. Private. Feb. 27, 1864 May 25, 1865 Transferred to Company M.
Swanger, Isaac Private. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Swanger, Wm. H. Private. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Shultz, Conrad Private. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Sheets, William Private. Feb. 27, 1864 — — — — Transferred to Company M.
Sullivan, Francis Corporal. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Tracy, Benjamin F. Private. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Taylor, James R. Private. Mar. 17, 1864 June 28, 1865
Thomas, Benjamin Private. Mar. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Thompson, Jno. T Private. June 7, 1864 June 28, 1865
Trout, Andrew J. Private. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner.
Thomas, Silas Private. Feb. 23, 1864 Taken prisoner, July 29, 1864; died December 25, 1864.
Taylor, Charles Private. Feb. 26, 1864 Deserted, March 7, 1865.
Uphouse, Harmon Private. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Valentine, Eli D. Sergeant. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Valentine, Jno. J. Sergeant. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Wysham, Joseph Com. Sergt Feb. 21, 1864 June 28, 1865
Woods, John A. Private. Feb. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Wallace, Wm. T. Private. June 24, 1864 June 28, 1865
Wrightson, John Private. Sept. 10, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company F.
Wilburn, Robert Private. Feb. 29, 1864 Deserted, May 15, 1864.
Yingling, Paul Corporal. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Yingling, Francis Private. Aug. 22, 1864 June 28, 1865
Zeigler, Jas. R. Private. Sept. 19, 1864 May 31, 1865 Transferred to Company A.

Company I

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1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry (U) / Company I (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, MD ?
Wm. L. Atkinson Captain. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Robert S. Mooney 1st Lieut. Mar. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865 See Roster, Field and Staff.
Aaron Woodhull 1st Lieut. Mar. 24. 1864 April 6, 1865 Entered the service as private; promoted First Lieutenant, May 14, 1864.
Alexander M. Briscoe 2nd Lieut. Feb. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865 Entered the service as private; promoted Quartermaster Sergeant Company F; Second Lieutenant Company I, March 13, 1864; First Lieutenant, May 9, 1865 (not mustered); wounded and taken prisoner, July 29, 1864, Hagerstown, Md.; escaped from Columbia, S. C., Rebel prison, February 18, 1865; mustered out, June 28, 1865.

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1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry (U) / Company I (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Arnold, Wm. Private. Mar. 22, 1864 June 28, 1865
Baxter, Samuel V. 1st Sergt. Mar. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, September 3, 1864.
Baldwin, Elmore Com. Sergt. Mar. 16, 1864 June 28, 1865
Baker, John Private. Aug. 18, 1864 June 28, 1865
Boyd, David H. Private. Mar. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Briscoe, Samuel N. Private. Aug. 9, 1864 June 28, 1865
Brown, Robert Private. Mar. 21, 1864 June 28, 1865
Borrowich, Joseph M. Private. Mar. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865
Bowden, William Private. Mar. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865
Butler, Robert 1st Sergt. Mar. 21, 1864 June 28, 1865 See Roster, Company H.
Barren, Michael Private. Aug. 6, 1864 May 25, 1865
Brown, George Private. Mar. 12, 1864 Killed in action, August 5, 1864.
Behler, John Private. Mar. 15, 1864 Deserted, June 19, 1864.
Bailey, Jno. H. Private. Aug. 27, 1864 Deserted, January 29, 1865.
Craggs, Chas. H. Private. Mar. 18, 1864 Transferred to Second Maryland.
Creamer, Thomas R. Corporal. Mar. 15, 1864 June 28, 1865
Costelle, Geo. B. Private. Mar. 22, 1864 June 28, 1865
Currie, Murdock Private. Mar. 22, 1864 June 28, 1865
Closterman, John B. Private. Aug. 30, 1864 June 28, 1865
Cannarian, Conrad Private. Aug. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865
Crisby, Peter Private. Aug. 22, 1864 June 28, 1865
Conley, Harrison Private. Mar. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Chalfant, George E. Private. Mar. 16, 1864 June 9, 1865 Taken prisoner, September 3, 1864.
Campbell, Samuel Private. Aug. 27, 1864 Deserted, May 19, 1865.
Duncan, William Corporal. Mar. 21, 1864 June 28, 1865
Dickie, Jno. W. Bugler. Mar. 9, 1864 June 28, 1865
Douglass, Robert A. Private. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Dougherty, Geo. Private. Mar. 16, 1864 June 15, 1864 Disability.
Deckert, Joseph Private. Mar. 5, 1864 Deserted, May 19, 1865.
Doddy, James Private. Mar. 10, 1864 Deserted, April 12, 1865.
Digman, Michael Private. Mar. 24, 1864 Deserted, April 12, 1865.
Doyle, Edward Private. Mar. 19, 1864 Deserted, July 9, 1864.
Ebbert, Jno. V. Private. Aug. 26, 1864 Mar. 31, 1865
Francis, Thos. E. Private. Mar. 29, 1864 Veteran; taken prisoner, September 3, 1864; deserted, May 23, 1865.
Fink, Wm. J. Corporal. Mar. 14, 1864 June 28, 1865
Grove, John Private. Mar. 10, 1864 June 28, 1865
Gerns, Isaac Private. Aug. 18, 1864 May 25, 1865
Gorman, Henry Private. Aug. 22, 1864 May 30, 1865
Garland, Edward Private. Mar. 9, 1864 May 26, 1865
Graham, Wm. Private. Aug. 29, 1864 Deserted, January 29, 1865.
Hambleton, Wm. Private. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hanly, John Private. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Haymaker, John H. Private. Mar. 16, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hoops, Moses T. Private. Mar. 15, 1864 June 28, 1865
Heck, John Private. Aug. 19, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hays, Edward Private. Sept. 8, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hager, John Private. Aug. 26, 1864 May 31, 1865
Hubbal, Wm. H. Private. Mar. 22, 1864 Deserted, April 29, 1864.
Hennigan, August Private. Mar. 14, 1864 Deserted, April 12, 1864.
Hogan, John Private. Mar. 24, 1864 Deserted, April 12, 1865.
Harris, Charles Private. Aug. 26, 1864 Deserted, January 29, 1865.
Hahn, Frederick Private. Aug. 18, 1864 Prisoner of war; deserted, May 23, 1865.
Hodges, John Private. Aug. 22, 1864 Deserted, June 25, 1865.
Hoover, David Wagoner. Mar. 22, 1864 June 28, 1865
Jackson, Aquilla Bugler. Mar. 17, 1864 June 28, 1865
Jones, Thos. H. Private. Aug. 31, 1864 Deserted, January 29, 1865.
Koontz, Josiah Saddler. Mar. 9, 1864 June 28, 1865
Kelly, James Private. Mar. 7, 1864 June 28, 1865
Keady, James Private. Aug. 18, 1864 June 28, 1865
Keiffe, Alfred W. Private. Mar. 16, 1864 Taken prisoner; deserted, May 22, 1865.
Koontz, John Private. Mar. 9, 1864 Deserted, May 30, 1864.
Lambert, Adam Sergeant. Mar. 22, 1864 June 28, 1865
Lindsey, Henry F. Private. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Lambert, Geo. W. Private. Mar. 21, 1864 June 28, 1865
Lang, Wm. H. Private. Mar. 10, 1864 Deserted, May 30, 1865.
Murphy, John Q. M. Sergt. Mar. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
McCoy, John Private. Mar. 14, 1864 June 28, 1865
McCutchin, Augustus Private. Mar. 18, 1864 June 28, 1865
Minster, Henry Private. Mar. 5, 1864 June 28, 1S85
Mitzel, William Private. Mar. 9, 1864 June 28, 1865
Murphy, John Private. Mar. 22, 1864 June 28, 1865 Wounded August 22, 1864.
McKelvey, Marion Private. Mar. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Madore, Charles Private. Aug. 20, 1864 July 14, 1865
Murry, John H. Private. Mar. 17, 1864 April 28, 1865
Major, William Private. Mar. 18, 1864 June 1, 1865 Veteran.
McDonald, James Private. Mar. 22, 1864 Died November 7, 1864.
Mitzel, Mathias Private. Mar. 9, 1864 Died May 26, 1864.
Mullan, Patrick Private. Mar. 19, 1864 Deserted, April 12, 1864.
McCarty, Timothy Private. Jan. 29, 1865 Deserted, January 29, 1865.
Norris, James Private. Mar. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Ostrelli, Charles Private. Mar. 19, 1864 June 28, 1865 See Roster, Field and Staff.
O'Shea, William Private. Aug. 21, 1864 Deserted, January 29, 1865.
Pitts, Joseph V. Private. Mar. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865
Philips, August Private. Mar. 12, 1864 Deserted, May 19, 1864.
Purcell, Edward Private. Mar. 22, 1864 Deserted, April 12, 1864.
Park, Samuel Private. Mar. 22, 1864 May 22, 1865
Quinn, Thomas Sergeant. Mar. 21, 1864 June 28, 1865
Reeder, William Sergeant. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, September 3, 1864.
Roberts, William Farrier. Mar. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865
Rose, Joseph Private. Mar. 18, 1864 June 28, 1865
Ryan, James Private. May 10, 1864 June 28, 1865
Roseleab, Wm. Private. Mar. 16, 1864 Deserted, April 12, 1864.
Rudinger, Alfred Private. Mar. 8, 1864 Deserted, April 12, 1864.
Sellers, Andrew J Private. Mar. 17, 1864 June 28, 1865
Sherwood, Jas. H Private. Mar. 9, 1864 June 28, 1865
Smith, Samuel Private. Mar. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner.
Smelser,Nathanie Private. Aug. 15, 1864 June 28, 1865
Sequin, Jno. W. Private. Mar. 24, 1864 Transferred to Company M.
Smith, Benjamin Private. Aug. 15, 1864 Deserted, October 21, 1864.
Thomas, Geo. H. Private. Aug. 18, 1864 June 28, 1865
Tuttle, John P. Com. Sergt. Mar. 17, 1864 May 23, 1865
Taylor, Wm. E. Private. Mar. 19, 1864 June 25, 1864
Webb, John W. Private. Mar. 8, 1864 June 28, 1865
Winslow, Jno. F. Private. Mar. 8, 1864 June 28, 1865
Watkins, Andrew J. Private. Mar. 9, 1864 June 28, 1865 Wounded August 21, 1864.
Woods, John Private. Mar. 24, 1864 Deserted, June 21, 1864.
Walker, Joseph Private. Mar. 14, 1864 Deserted, April 12, 1864.
Tangling, Uriah Private. Mar. 7, 1864 Deserted, January 15, 1865.
Yager, August Private. Mar. 23, 1864 Deserted, May 14, 1865.

Company K

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1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry (U) / Company K (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, MD ?
Lewis M. Zimmerman Captain. Aug. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 Entered the service as private Company A, August 10, 1861; promoted Corporal; Sergeant; First Sergeant, January 1, 1863; Second Lieutenant, March 8, 1864; Captain, Company K, April 20, 1864; taken prisoner, September 2, 1862; exchanged, December 22, 1862; wounded in action, January 10, 1864; veteran volunteer; participated in nearly all the engagements in which the command took part; mustered out with regiment, June 28, 1865.
George E. Owens 1st Lieut. April 4, 1864 June 28, 1865
Benjamin F. McAtee 2nd Lieut. April 4, 1864 Nov. 23, 1864
Charles H. Barto 2nd Lieut. Feb. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865 Entered the service as private Company H; promoted Quartermaster Sergeant; Chief Trumpeter, May 1, 1864; Second Lieutenant, January 6, 1865.

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1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry (U) / Company K (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Apple, John M. Private. Feb. 13, 1865 June 28, 1865
Ashkittle, John Private. Feb. 13, 1865 June 28, 1865
Alley, Thomas Private. Mar. 28, 1864 Deserted, February 28, 1865.
Bunce, Richard F. Farrier. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Brant, John H. Private. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Brant, Grafton Private. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Brant, Wm. B. Private. Feb. 13, 1865 June 28, 1865
Bruchey, Basil Private. Mar. 8, 1864 June 28, 1865
Bevers, John Private. Mar. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865
Burk, John Private. Oct. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Brehall, John Private. Mar. 20, 1865 June 28, 1865
Bevans, Jno. H. Private. Feb. 25, 1865 June 28, 1865
Bowlinger, Lewis A. Private. Mar. 9, 1865 June 28, 1865
Barnes, David Private. Mar. 30, 1864 Died, August 5, 1864, of disease contracted in service.
Bailey, Jno. T. Private. Mar. 30, 1864 Absent in confinement since November 1, 1864.
Bish, William Private. Mar. 29, 1864 Deserted, July 21, 1864.
Blackburn, William C. Private. Mar. 29, 1864 .............. Deserted, November 18, 1864.
Boden, John H. Private. Feb. 21, 1864 June 28, 1865
Bailey, John H Private. Mar. 9, 1865 .............. Deserted.
Croggon, Richard A Private. April 7, 1864 June 28, 1865
Ceery, Matthew Private. April 4, 1864 June 28, 1865
Conner, Jos. A. Private. Mar. 13, 1865 June 28, 1865
Claybaugh, James W. Private. Mar. 8, 1865 July 2, 1865
Creek, James Private. Mar. £1, 1864 Died, December 7, 1864, of disease contracted in service.
Clansy, James Private. April 13, 1864 Deserted, September 21, 1864.
Coleman, Thomas Private. Mar. 28, 1864 Deserted, October 21, 1864.
Creek, George Private. Mar. 21, 1864 Taken prisoner, August 5, 1864; died December 7, 1864, Rebel prison, Va.
Deal, George W. Bugler. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Dinsmore, Alvin K. Private. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Desmond, Patrick Private. Mar. 30, 1864 June 28, 1865
Deshields, James Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Daily, James Private. Mar. 28, 1864 June 28, 1865
Doll, William Private. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Dinsmore, David Private. Mar. 28, 1864 May 17, 1865
Deshields, Wm. Private. Feb. 26, 1864 Killed in action, August 5, 1864, Antietam, Md.
Fitzpatrick, Christopher Private. Oct. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Greer, Allan Bugler. April 7, 1864 June 28, 1865
Guam, Alois Private. Oct. 20, 1864 June 28, 1865
George, Thos. R. Private. Mar. 28, 1864 June 28, 1865
Graham, Wm. Private. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Genoe, John Private. Mar. 31, 1864 Killed in action, August 22, 1864, Charlestown, Va.
Gemmel, David W. Private. Mar. 29, 1864 Deserted, September 21, 1864.
Gordon, Wm. A. Q. M. Sergt. Mar. 30, 1864 June 28, 1865
Gibbs, Samuel S. Private. Oct. 28, 1864 June 28, 1865
Gaffney, John Private. May 23, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hoffman, Thomas R. Sergeant. Mar. 30, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hunter, Chas. V. Corporal. Mar. 28, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hall, Henry H. Private. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hill, John Private. Nov. 17, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hudgins, Jno. W. Private. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hoffman, Charles H. Private. Mar. 31, 1864 Deserted, July 21, 1864.
Jackson, Chas. Private. Aug. 29, 1864 Deserted, June 25, 1865.
King, John B. 1st Sergt. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Kraus, Gustave A. Corporal. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Kuhn, Emil Private. Oct. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Kennedy, Thos. Private. Oct. 21, 1864 June 28, 1865
Keefer, Frank Private. Feb. 13, 1865 June 28, 1865
Klunk, Martin J. Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Lester, Michael Private. Mar. 28, 1864 June 28, 1865
Leasure, Jacob Private. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Law, John Private. Mar. 28, 1864 Deserted, July 21, 1864.
Lash, John Private. Mar. 31, 1864 Deserted, July 21, 1864.
Lee, John Private. Mar. 31, 1864 Deserted, July 21, 1864.
Loftus, James Corporal. Mar. 28, 1864 June 28, 1865
Lee, George Private. Mar. 18, 1864 Deserted, June 21, 1864.
Maynard, Jno. G. Sergeant. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
McBee, Thomas Sergeant. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
McCune, Calmer Corporal. Mar. 28, 1864 June 28, 1865
Miller, Michael Private. Mar. 30, 1864 June 28, 1865
Mann, Henry Private. Mar. 30, 1864 June 28, 1865
Mullholland, Jas. Private. May 2, 1864 June 28, 1865
Myers, William Private. Mar. 20, 1865 June 28, 1865
McKenzie, Moses Private. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865 Wounded in action, August 5, 1864, Antietam, Md.
McLaughlin, Jno. Private. Oct. 20, 1864 June 28, 1865
McQuade, Barney Private. May 2, 1864 June 28, 1865
McCullough, Jno. Private. Mar. 20, 1864 June 28, 1865
Mering, Edwin W. Private. Feb. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865
Moores, Henry C. Private. Mar. 31, 1864 Deserted, July 9, 1864.
Mohr, John Private. Mar. 31, 1864 May 21, 1865 Transferred to Company M.
McKenzie, Jas. Private. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Meeks, David Private. Feb. 13, 1865 June 28, 1865
Miller, Andrew J. Private. May 23, 1864 June 28, 1865
Miller, Wm. T Private. May 23, 1864 June 28, 1865
McCullough, Geo. Private. Mar. 20, 1865 June 28, 1865
Norris, Jos. W. Private. Feb. 13, 1865 June 28, 1865
Norris, Josephus Private. Feb. 25, 1865 June 28, 1865
O'Donovan, David Private. Oct. 20, 1864 June 28, 1866
O'Neal, Hugh Private. Mar. 30, 1864 Taken prisoner, July 15, 1864, Snicker's Gap, Va.; paroled at James River, Va., February 22, 1865; no further record, A. G. O., War Department.
Parker, Thomas Private. Mar. 20, 1865 June 28, 1865
Rice, Hiram B. Private. Mar. 21, 1864 June 28, 1865
Ryan, Daniel S. Private. Feb. 25, 1865 June 28, 1865
Reynolds, Thomas R. Private. Mar. 30, 1864 June 28, 1865
Stillson, Edw. D. Com. Sergt. Mar. 28, 1864 June 28, 1865
Sheridan, Jas. R. Sergeant. Mar. 30, 1864 June 28, 1865
Shriver, Lewis N. Corporal. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Sutton, Thomas Corporal. Mar. 28, 1864 June 28, 1865
Shilling, Nicholas Private. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Stottlemyer, Ransom M. Private. Mar. 21, 1864 Deserted, June 30, 1864.
St. Clare, James Sergeant. Mar. 31, 1864 June 19, 1864 Disability.
Santemyer, Charles A. Private. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865 Transferred to Company M.
Sumwalt, Charles L. K. Sergeant. Mar. 28, 1864 June 28, 1865 See Roster, N. C. Staff.
Sowers, Henry Private. Mar. 31, 1864 Deserted, June 21, 1865.
Spencer, Adam Private. Mar. 11, 1864 June 28, 1865
Trail, George Private. Feb. 25, 1865 June 28, 1865
Thomas, Wm. Private. May 10, 1864 June 28, 1865
Thornton, Michael Private. Oct. 20, 1864 June 28, 1865
Trail, Hugh Private. Feb. 13, 1865 June 28, 1865
Thompson, Andrew J. Private. Mar. 29, 1864 May 17, 1865
Thomas, John Private. Mar. 29, 1864 Killed in action, August 5, 1864, Keedysville, Md.
Taylor, Thos. F. Private. Mar. 29, 1864 Deserted, July 21, 1864.
Warwick, Samuel Sergeant. Mar. 30, 1864 June 28, 1865
Wells, Henry G. Corporal. Oct. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Willson, William Corporal. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Walker, Edward Private. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Warwick, Tibertus Private. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Wyland, John Private. Mar. 19, 1864 June 28, 1865
Watson, Isaac Private. Mar. 20, 1864 June 28, 1865
Watson, David C. Private. Mar. 20, 1864 June 28, 1865
Wise, Marshall Private. Mar. 30, 1864 June 28, 1865
Wishour, Jos. Private. Mar. 30, 1864 June 28, 1865
Watson, Thomas Private. Mar. 31, 1864 No further record.
Wiles, Jacob F. Private. Mar. 31, 1864 Accidentally killed, June 19, 1864.
Watson, James Sergeant. Mar. 31, 1864 Killed in action, August 5, 1864, Keedysville, Md.
Webber, Thomas A. Private. Mar. 29, 1864 Deserted, July 21, 1864.
Waters, John Private. Mar. 28, 1864 No further record.
Walters, Thos. Private. Mar. 31, 1864 At Camp Distribution, June 18, 1864; no further record, A. G. O., War Department.

Company L

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1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry (U) / Company L (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, MD ?
Jno. H. McCoy Captain. April 23, 1864 June 28, 1865
Alfred A. Troxell 1st Lieut. April 20, 1861 June 28, 1865
Chas. J. Gehring 2nd Lieut. April 21, 1861 June 28, 1865

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1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry (U) / Company L (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Ash, John Private. Mar. 28, 1864 June 28, 1865
Bear, Edw. P. Corporal, Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Brandenburg, David M. Corporal. April 9, 1864 June 28, 1865
Bridgman, Jackson Private. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Burk, John Private. Feb. 27, 1865 June 28, 1865
Burk, Thomas Private. Aug. 13, 1864 — — — — Transferred to Company M.
Bentz, Geo. W. Private. April 6, 1864 Deserted, August 24, 1864.
Breckleman, Augustus Bugler. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Crone, Jacob Corporal. Mar. 21, 1864 June 28, 1865
Craigg, William B. B. Private. Mar. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Crosby, Milton C. Private. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Carter, Joseph Private. Sept. 3, 1864 June 28, 1865
Clark, George Private. Aug. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Chamblin, John Private. April 11, 1864 Deserted, June 24, 1864.
Cornell, John Private. Mar. 31, 1864 Deserted, May 14, 1864.
Curtis, Henry Private. Mar. 8, 1865 June 28, 1865
Dorn, Martin L. Sergeant. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Dunkin, Geo. W. Private. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Delaughter, Daniel Private. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Ditch, Wm. H. Private. Mar. 31, 1864 Absent in confinement since June 25, 1864.
Eckerd, Conrad Saddler. Mar. 28, 1864 June 28, 1865
Elbin, John Private. Mar. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Eaton, Joseph Private. Mar. 8, 1864 June 28, 1865
Elkins, Jesse Farrier. Mar. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Flory, Berlin H. Sergeant. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Fox, John W. Sergeant. Mar. 21, 1864 June 28, 1865
Fishack, George R. Private. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Forsyth, Joseph Private. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Flanagan, John Private. April 6, 1864 Deserted, June 16, 1864.
Grendel, Wm. Private. April 7, 1864 June 28, 1865
Gesford, Otho Private. April 9, 1864 June 28, 1865
Gordon, John F. Private. Mar. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Green, Benjamin L. Private. Mar. 28, 1864 June 28, 1865
Guy, James Private. Aug. 26, 1864 — _ _ _ Transferred to Company M.
Harley, Francis- M. 1st Sergt. Mar. 28, 1864 June 28, 1865
Harmon, Jesse Com. Sergt. Mar. 28, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hardsock, Edw'd. Corporal. Mar. 28, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hose, Solomon Corporal. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Harbaugh, John C. Private. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hartman, Jacob Private. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Haley, Thomas Private. Aug. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hall, Alpheus Private. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Harris, Jos. C. Private. Sept. 1, 1864 — — — — Transferred to Company M.
Harrison, Wm. Sergeant. Mar. 31, 1864 Deserted, November 2, 1864.
Hartman, Wolford Private. Mar. 28, 1864 Wounded in action; deserted, December 24, 1864.
Hagan, Stephen C. Private. Mar. 21, 1864 June 28, 1865
Kline, Wm. Z. Private. April 7, 1864 June 28, 1865
Kiblin, Mark Private. April 7, 1864 May 23, 1865
Kibbler, Chas. P. Sergeant. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, August 22, 1864, Charlestown, Va.
Kingston, John Private. Aug. 23, 1864 — _ — — Transferred to Company M.
Kretzer, Henry Private. Mar. 14, 1864 Deserted, May 14, 1864.
Lakens, John W. Private. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Lashley, John Private. April 1, 1864 June 28, 1865
Lease, Edmond Private. Mar. 16, 1865 June 28, 1865
Leggett, Joseph Private. Mar. 31, 1864 May 31, 1865
Masters, Wm. Q. M. Sergt. Mar. 19, 1864 June 28, 1865
Marsh, Joel W. K. Corporal. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Martin, Albert Private. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
McCoy, Daniel Private. Oct. 4, 1864 June 28, 1865
Mace, Geo. W. Private. Feb. 23, 1865 June 28, 1865
Michael, Richard E. Private. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Mentzer, Thomas Private. April 9, 1864 Died July 3, 1864.
Mathews, Frank B. Private. April 6, 1864 Deserted, July 4, 1864.
Mong, Wm. H. Com. Sergt. Mar. 28, 1864 Veteran; deserted, August 12, 1864.
McMee, Patrick Private. Aug. 19, 1864 Transferred to Company M.
Orris, John Teamster. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Ordner, John Private. Aug. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865
Poffenberger, Henry Farrier. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Portner, Isaac Private. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Portner, John M. Private. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Pryer, Geo. W. Private. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Pool, Cyrus W. Private. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Paxton, Wm. Private. Aug. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865
Rodenhizer, Jno. Farrier. Mar. 8, 1864 June 28, 1865
Rice, Wesley Private. Mar. 8, 1864 June 28, 1865
Ridenour, Dan'l C. Private. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Robinett, Henry Private. April 1, 1864 June 28, 1865
Robinett, Jesse Private. April 1, 1864 June 28, 1865
Rudisill, John Private. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Reynolds, Wm. B. Corporal. Mar. 31, 1864 June 16, 1865
Smith, Lawson A. Sergeant. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Stouffer, Abraham B. Corporal. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865 Veteran.
Stouffer, John C. Private. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Stouffer, Henry M. Private. Nov. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Swope, Simon Private. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Springer, Thomas Private, Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Shultz, John W. Private. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Shatzer, Benj. Private. Feb. 10, 1865 June 28, 1865
Stagmiller, Martin Private. Aug. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Shriver, Fred'kW. Private. Feb. 23, 1865 June 28, 1865
Stottlemeyer, Wilson Private. Mar. 29, 1864 Deserted, July 24, 1864.
Toms, Michael Private. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Troxell, Levi Private. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Toms, John H. Private. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Thomas, Henry 1st Sergt. Mar. 29, 1864 Veteran; killed in action, August 22, 1864, Charlestown, Va.
Toms, George Private. Mar. 31, 1864 Died, June 2, 1864, of disease contracted in service.
Utt, John W. Private. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865
Woods, Wm. R. Private. Sept. 9, 1864 June 28, 1865
Wilson, Clayton J Private. Mar. 26, 1864 Deserted, May 18, 1864.
Wilson, James B. Private. Mar. 31, 1864 Deserted, May 14, 1864.
Weddle, Samuel Sergeant. Mar. 29, 1864 Died July 7, 1864, of wounds accidentally received.
Weddle, Geo. H. Private. Mar. 29, 1864 Died June 27, 1864, of disease contracted in service.

Company M

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1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry (U) / Company M (Officers)
Rank Name City/Town Commission From
Captain [[]] ?, MD ?
Leonard, H. Grenewald Captain. Feb. 22, 1864 June 28, 1865 Entered the service as private Company F; promoted Sergeant; Second Lieutenant, April 21, 1864; Captain, February 13, 1865; mustered out, June 28, 1865.
George W. Lease 1st Lieut. Aug. 10, 1861 June 28, 1865 Entered the service as private; promoted Quartermaster Sergeant, Company A; First Lieutenant Company M, April 21, 1864; wounded in action, August 24, 1864; mustered out, June 28, 1865; veteran volunteer.
Charles A. Santmyer 2nd Lieut. Mar. 31, 1864 June 28, 1865 Promoted First Sergeant; Second Lieutenant, February 13, 1865.

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1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry (U) / Company M (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Anderson, Wm. Farrier. Oct. 30, 1864 June 28, 1865
Albert, Lewis Private. Feb. 25, 1864 Deserted, February 18, 1865.
Andrews, Julius Private. Feb. 26, 1864 Deserted, October 15, 1864.
Berrett, Maurice Private. Dec. 6, 1864 June 28, 1865
Bell, Walter Private. Aug. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865
Boiler, John Private. Mar. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Barnett, Henry C. Private. May 16, 1864 June 28, 1865
Bradyhouse, Thomas Private. April 21, 1864 Deserted, April 28, 1865.
Coursant, Hiram Q. M. Sergt. April 15, 1864 June 28, 1865
Cover, Benj. F. Private. Feb. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865
Coates, William Private. Feb. 28, 1864 June 28, 1865
Colbert, Arch Private. Feb. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Cook, James Private. Nov. 16, 1864 June 5, 1865
Collins, John Private. May 4, 1864 Died April 25, 1865.
Creager, Chas. W. Private. April 18, 1864 Deserted, June 10, 1865.
Chester, George Private. Feb. 18, 1864 Deserted, September 1, 1864.
Calloway, Matthew Private. Mar. 30, 1864 Deserted, June 22, 1864.
Christopher, James F. Private. Nov. 22, 1864 Deserted, May 14, 1865.
Dickinson, Edwd. Corporal. Nov. 14, 1864 June 28, 1865
Dibert, John Private. Mar. 21, 1864 June 28, 1865
Dohme, William Private. Nov. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Dunn, Michael Private. April 9, 1864 June 28, 1865
Doyle, Daniel Private. Feb. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865 Taken prisoner, August 28, 1864.
Dauer, Ephriam W. Private. April 14, 1864 Deserted, May 15, 1864.
Donovan, Richd. Private. April 15, 1864 Deserted, December 20, 1864.
Evans, Geo. W. Corporal. April 20, 1864 June 28, 1865
Ederbo, John Private. Mar. 25, 1864 Deserted, April 14, 1864.
Edenbough, John Private. Mar. 19, 1864 Deserted, June 24, 1864.
Evans, Henry C. Private. April 22, 1864 Deserted, April 24, 1864.
English, Francis Private. Mar. 19, 1864 Deserted, May 8, 1864.
Fowler, Francis Private. April 5, 1864 June 28, 1865
Franks, Wm. H. Private. April 14, 1864 Accidentally killed, February 19, 1865.
Gainus, Wm. Private. Oct. 24, 1864 June 28, 1865
Gilfellen, Robert W. Private. Mar. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Goodfellow, Chas Private. Mar. 18, 1864 Deserted, July 3, 1864.
Garland, Franklin Private. Feb. 25, 1864 Deserted, April 15, 1864.
Harris, Richard Private. Dec. 15, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hopkins, George Private. Dec. 5, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hipps, John Private, Feb. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hemmelwright, John Private. Aug. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Hogan, Daniel Private. Feb. 17, 1864 Deserted, March 23, 1864.
Haggerty, Andrew J Private. Feb. 24, 1864 Deserted, May 1, 1864.
Ingram, Geo. W. Corporal. April 15, 1864 June 28, 1865
Jones, Irwin D. Private. Sept. 28, 1864 Deserted, December 22, 1864.
Kaltrider, George W Corporal. April 21, 1864 June 28, 1865
Koosey, Wilkins Private. Feb. 26, 1865 June 28, 1865 Borne on War Department rolls as Kasey, William.
Kelly, James Private. Aug. 18, 1864 May 22, 1865
Keyser, Andrew J. Sergeant. Mar. 16, 1864 June 28, 1865
Lancaster, John Corporal. Mar. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865
Leonard, Charles Private. May 20, 1864 June 28, 1865
Lyding, George Private, Aug. 29, 1864 Absent sick in hospital, Cumberland, Md.
Lizer, John H. Private. Mar. 17, 1864 Deserted, July 13, 1864.
Metz, Wm. H. Private. Aug. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Michael, Geo. D. Private. Feb. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Mullen, Francis Private. Feb. 26, 1864 June 28, 1865
Miller, Frederick Q. F. Private. Mar. 21, 1864 June 28, 1865
Muldorn, James Private. Nov. 1, 1864 June 28, 1865
McCauley, Samuel Private. May 18, 1864 June 28, 1865
McKenzie, Oliver Private. Aug. 21, 1864 June 28, 1865
McKenzie, Moses Private. Sept. 9, 1864 June 28, 1865
McClennahan, Jasper Private. Feb. 20, 1865 June 28, 1865
Mohr, John Corporal. Mar. 31, 1864 May 21, 1865 Wounded in action.
McKenna, James Private, April 11, 1864 Deserted, October 15, 1864.
Morissey, Thomas Private. April 17, 1864 Deserted, May 9, 1864.
Myers, John H. Private. Feb. 24, 1864 Deserted, April 12, 1864.
McGuire, John Private. April 16, 1864 Deserted, April 23, 1864.
Nicewander, Jno. Bugler. April 15, 1864 June 28, 1865
Nunberger, Wm. Private. April 18, 1864 Deserted, June 21, 1864.
Oakes, Daniel Private. Feb. 26, 1864 Deserted, June 1, 1865.
Ordner, John H. Private. Aug. 27, 1864 Deserted, February 1, 1865.
Purdy, Robert Private. Aug. 18, 1864 Absent sick in hospital, Cumberland, Md.
Richon, Joseph Sergeant. Mar. 14, 1864 June 28, 1865
Rippen, Geo. W. Private. April 14, 1864 June 28, 1865
Rippen, Winfield S. Private. April 14, 1864 June 28, 1865
Rafferty, Thos. Private. April 22, 1864 May 25, 1865 Wounded in action.
Rhone, Henry Private. Mar. 9, 1864 Deserted, June 2, 1864.
Rogers, Walter B. Private. Feb. 20, 1864 Deserted, March 1, 1864.
Rose, Ewell Private. April 15, 1864 Deserted, June 22, 1864.
Rohm, Wm. J. Private. Mar. 19, 1864 Deserted, May 27, 1864.
Schunck, Robert 1st Sergt. Feb. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Smallwood, Lemuel B. Com. Sergt. Feb. 27, 1864 June 28, 1865
Stouch, Jerome Bugler. Mar. 28, 1864 June 28, 1865
Stewart, Wm. H. Private. Aug. 20, 1864 June 28, 1865
Shoff, John I. Private. Mar. i9, 1864 June 28, 1865
Shoemaker, Thos. Private. April 22, 1864 June 28, 1865
Street, John Private. April 30, 1864 June 28, 1865
Stauch, Jacob H. Private. Feb. 25, 1864 June 28, 1865
Speck, John P. Private. April 15, 1864 June 28, 1865
Sprecher, Clagget D. Private. April 15, 1864 April 25, 1865 Wounded in action; transferred to V. R. C.
Stoner, David Private. Feb. 19, 1864 May 22, 1865
Sheridan, John Private. Dec. 24, 1864 Absent in confinement, Harper's Ferry, June, 8, 1865.
Seigel, Gabriel Private. Mar. 29, 1864 Died June 28, 1864, of disease contracted in service.
Shaw, John Private. Feb. 15, 1864 Deserted, June 25, 1864.
Stack, Edward Private. April 4, 1864 Deserted, May 28, 1864.
Segal, Edward Private. Mar. 28, 1864 Deserted, April 10, 1864.
Sheets, William Private. Feb. 29, 1864 Deserted, June 2, 1864.
Sield, William Private. Mar. 2, 1864 Deserted, May 14, 1864.
Sequin, John Private. Feb. 24, 1864 Deserted, May 22, 1865.
Sanford, Wm. Private. Nov. 15, 1864 Deserted, May 27, 1865.
Thompson, Jno. F. Corporal. Mar. 29, 1864 June 28, 1865
Tobery, William Private. Feb. 23, 1864 April 10, 1865 Disability.
Vanluvance, Henry Corporal. April 15, 1864 June 28, 1865
Wire, Wm. H. Private. April 18, 1864 June 28, 1865
Williams, Edward Private. April 15, 1864 June 28, 1865
Wilson, Wm. H. Private. Feb. 26, 1864 Absent sick, March 10, 1865, Baltimore, Md.
Walker, James Private. Oct. 28, 1864 June 12, 1865
Waltemyer, William H. Private. Oct. 28, 1864 June 28, 1865
Woodcock, Theodore W. Sergeant. Mar. 30, 1864 June 15, 1865 Disability.
Yantz, Peter D. Private. Mar. 23, 1864 June 28, 1865


Click the "Expand" button to the right to view the roster for the Enlisted Men of this company.

1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry (U) / Unassigned Recruits (Enlisted Men)
Rank Name City/Town Enlistment Date
Adams, John A. Private. Aug. 24, 1864 From First Maryland H. Artillery.
Anderson, Chas. Private. June 29, 1864 From First Maryland H. Artillery.
Bohall, Seth Private. May 15, 1864 From First Maryland H. Artillery.
Brown, Joseph Private. May 12, 1864 From First Maryland H. Artillery.
Britton, Richard N. Private. April 28, 1864 From First Maryland H. Artillery.
Brown, Charles Private. April 13, 1865
Bruns, Augustus Private. Feb. 17, 1864 Deserted, February 17, 1864.
Coleman, Geo. Private. Feb. 22, 1863
Curley Thomas Private. Feb. 25, 1864 May 12, 1864
Davis, Edw. E. Private. Feb. 29, 1864
Dupes, John Private. April 22, 1864
Dunn, John Private. July 6, 1864 From First Maryland H. Artillery.
Fisher, Samuel Private. May 12, 1864 From First Maryland H. Artillery.
Fisher, Geo. E. Private. Mar. 29, 1864
Fantom, Robt. M. Private. Aug. 16, 1864
Halfin, George Private. April 26, 1864 Dec. 21, 1864
Henderson, Chas. Private. May 3, 1864 From First Maryland H. Artillery.
Hickey, Lawrence Private. May 3, 1864 From First Maryland H. Artillery.
Harris, Jos. W. Private. Feb. 14, 1865
Haskell, Herman Private. May 3, 1864
Johnson, Amos A. Private. April 30, 1864 From First Maryland H. Artillery.
Johnson, Wm. H. Private. June 29, 1864 From First Maryland H. Artillery, deserted.
Jones, Charles Private. May 10, 1864 From First Maryland H. Artillery.
Lawson, John Private. Aug. 12, 1864 From First Maryland H. Artillery.
Livingston, Archibald Private. May 10, 1864 Dec. 21, 1864
Lewis. Levy Private. May 5, 1864 From First Maryland H. Artillery.
Martin, James H. Private. May 6, 1864 From First Maryland H. Artillery.
Myers, Charles Private. Aug. 12, 1864 Dec. 21, 1864
Myer, Frederick Private. May 11, 1864 From First Maryland H. Artillery.
McVay, Chas. H. Private. April 13, 1864
Middleton, Henry Private. Feb. 26, 1864
McCarty, John Private. Oct. 17, 1864
Mills, Charles Private. May 18, 1864 Dec. 21, 1864
Mathison, Geo. Private. May 12, 1864 From First Maryland H. Artillery.
Nugent, John Private. May U, 1864 From First Maryland H. Artillery.
Petticord, Amos Private. May 9. 1864 From First Maryland H. Artillery.
Russell, Samuel Private. May 2, 1864 From First Maryland H. Artillery.
Ryan, John P. Private. May 9, 1864 From First Maryland H. Artillery.
Smith, Thos. B. Private. May 9, 1864 May 12, 1865
Smith, Henry Private. May 9, 1864 From First Maryland H. Artillery;
Stromgerger, Charles Private. May 9, 1864 From First Maryland H. Artillery.
Spencer, Daniel Private. Mar. 14, 1864
Taylor, Barnes W. Private. Mar. 28, 1865
Turner, Jacob Private. Mar. 28, 1865
Veringford, Wm. Private. Feb. 16, 1864

Regiment Statistical Information

  • Regiment lost during service 2 Officers and 45 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 120 Enlisted men by disease. Total 169.


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